DAILY CAPITAL JOCRXAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATTRDAY. OCTOBER 14, 1911. 1 Absolutely Pttr Makes Home Baking Easy No other aid to the housewife is so great, no other agent so useful and certain in making delicious, wholesome foods The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No Alum No Lima Phosphates EV YORK WINS FIRST GAME. (Continued from Page 1.) A I .Wn kit Gone East Mr. A. G. Magers left yesterday for an extended trip through the cant and south. He will go over the Can adian, take in Quebec and Montreal, ornament Washington, visit New York and Baltimore. Drift down Into the orange groves of Florida .sample the finest products of Kentucky at Louisville, and come home through the two baby states, Arizona and New Mexico. When he gets home, he will know how Taft felt about the time he hit Salem, and he will be more pleased to see the capital city, even, than Taft was. gled to center; Lord forced Bender, Merkle to Fletcher; Oldrlng doubled to right; Lord taking third; Collins out, Merkle unassisted. No runs. New York Meyers out, Collins to Davis; Mathewson singled; Devere fanned. Doyle out Collins to Davis. No runs. Sixth, Philadelphia Baker sin gled to center; Murphy flied to Snod. grass; Baker out stealing, Meyers to Doyle;; Davis out, Herzog to Merkle. No runs. New York Snodgrass hit by pitched ball; Murray sacrificed, Bak er to Davis; Snodgrass stole third; Merkle fanned; Herzog walked. Snod grass out attempting double steal, Thomas to Collins. No runs. Seventh inning, Philadelphia Baker fanned; Thomas filed to Snod grass; Bender out, Fletcher to Mer kle. No runs. New York Fletcher out, Dsvls unassisted; Meyers doubled to left; Mathewson fanned; Devere doubled, scoring Meyers; Doyle walked; Snodgrass fanned. One run. Eighth inning, Philadelphia Lord fanne l; Oldrlng fiied to Devere; Qolllna, out, Matthewsrn to Merkle. No runs. NW York Murray flied to Lord; Merkle bunted safely; Herzog fan ned. Fletcher filed to Murphy. No runs. Ninth Inning, Philadelphia Bak er out, Merkle unassisted; Murphy popped to Meyers; Davis out at first. No runs. 'Terrible Suffering Eczema All Over Baby's Body. "Whm my baby was four months old his face broke out with eczema, and at sixteen months of age, his face, I hands ar.d arms were In a dreadful etate. . The eczema spread ail over his ' body. TVe had to put a mask or cloth j over his face and tie up his hands. i Finally we gave him Hood's Sarsapa- rilla and in a fw months he was en tirely cured. Today h is a healthy boy." Mrs. Inez Lewis. Barine, Maine. Hood's Sarsaparllla cures blood dis eases and builds up the system. Get it tod.TV In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called SarsatabS. THE OPEN FORUM The Capital Journal Invites Public Discussion In This Department Let Both Sides of AU Matters Be Fully Brought Out It Is Not the Purpose of This Newspaper to do the Thinking for Its Readers. Uli . -tSTi-PT" HI, Honored by Women When a woman tprvka ol her mmmm. silent secret suffering the f l.' trusts you. Millions have be- 4t stowea this mnrk ol confi dence on Dr. K. V. Pierce, ol Buffalo, N. Y; Every where there are women who bear witness to the wonder working, curing-power ol Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription which saves the suffering sex from fiain, and successfully grapples with woman's weak nesses and ttubborn Ills. IT MAKES WEAK WOHEN STRONd IT flAKES SICK WOMEN WELL. 1 ) In Appreciation. The wife, mother, sisters and fam ily of the late Joseph A. Walsh de sire to express their sincere thanks for and heartfelt appreciation of the innumerable kindly nd thoughtful acts and tender sympathy during the sickness of, and following the pass ing away of one so dear to us. On such occasion words are Inadequate to express what one feels, and we can only say, that the friendship and sympathy so generously and tenderly expressed, will never be forgotten. MRS. LUELLA WALSH, MRS. MARGARET WALSH, AND THE FAMILY. o No woman's appeal was ever misdirected or her con fidence misplaced when she wrote (or advice, to the World's Dispensary Mhoical Association, Dr. It. V. Pierce, President. Hiiffulo, N. Y. fir. Pterct't Ptemnt PelletM Induct mild natural bowel movement one a day. Garb on Heaters -glrs"'r CITY NEWS. Free Lecture Everybody Invited to hear Dr. C. H. Chapman at Commercial hall, Sun day, at 2:30 p. m. Don't miss hear ing this gifted speaker on "Education of Children and Present Day N.eeds." ILintlsoiue Hun Ron Dish Free 1 am giving away for a limited time only, a lmndsome Bon Bon dish with a 7fc box of Fenway's Choco lates. On display .1. C. Perry. In my window. Funeral Reform. Ed. Journal: It seems to me that there is reform needed in the man agement of funerals. It has come to be more terrible to pie to attend a funeral than even to contemplate death Itself. The idea seems to be to make a business of casting all the gloom possible around the death of a dear one. The hymns selected are for their power to wring tears from our eyes, and the remarks are all In the same line. I wish to compli ment the1 present Baptist minister on his fine address at the funeral of the late Joseph Walsh. It was very hopeful, and devoid of gloom usu.nl ly Injected into such occasions, it sounded as if It were a Christian Scientist talking. A FRIEND. A Genuine Shower A miscellaneous shower was given at the home of Mrs. Welch In honor of Miss Grace Eoff, on Tuesday even ing and about 30 girls were present The evening was delightfully spent, music and games being heartily en Joyed. After luncheon the presents were showered under an umbrella. The color scheme was red and white. Mrs. M. K. Eoff helped serve. Miss Grace received many beautiful and useful presents. The rooms were decorated In hearts and flowers, and a dainty luncheon was enjoyed by all late In tl' evening. OOO WORTH Of new sample suits and. coats just received from our New York buyer, They're the best values we ever offered, The styles and materials are all up-to-date, handsome garments, all underpriced for quick selling. Now is your time to buy while the stock is fresh and new. Investigate it will pay you, I ' ' I, ; "V- at cm Good For You You can't have a clear brain, active muscles and firm nerves, if your bowels are sluggish ; but see what a help to you will be a few doses of BEECHASVfS ILLS Sail! FVervwl . 1- .., if., Mi Millinery Bargains Stylish Hats at a Great Saving We do the greatest millinery business in Salem. It is the vol ume of business we do that helps us to sell stylis-h hats at such low prices. Come and look through and see the beautiful trimmed hats we have on sale, all priced away down $5, $7.50 and $10 hats now on sale For $2.50, $2.95, $3.50, and $4.50. Stylish Coats and Suits on Sale $5000 worth of the latest ami newest coats and suitg now on sale at prices that will make selling live ly. Little profits U our motto. We have the stock to show you and no matter where you go you cannot beat our prices for stylish, up-to-date gar ments. Ladies $15 suits $8.50, Ladies' $'18 suits $10.50, $22.50, suits for $12.50, $18 Caracul coats $10.50, girls' coats $2.50, $3.50 and up. 1 lit Hi in ft We are Headquarters for fine Dress Goods and Silks Come and take a look through this great stock of fashionable silks and dress goods See the beautiful weaves and materials; compare our goods and prices, you will very soon find out the best place to spend .your money. Silks and Dress Goods, Yard 25c, 35c, 49c, 65c and up IThe Greater Domestic Bargains 5000 yards Outing Flannels, yard 3 1 -2c Muslins and Sheetings at Mill Prices, Blankets and Comforts at Bargain prices, Kimona Flannels, pretty styles now yard 10 and 12 1 -2c CHICAGO STORE "The Store That Saves You Money" Salem Oregon icaanutsKsswui i At the Y. M. ('. A. Mr. L. I). Niilan, one of Portland's prominent live wires, will address the men at the Young Men's Chris tian Association nu n's meeting to-j morrow afternoon, tils subject will l be "Social Service, It's Practical Ap plication and Meaning." o Carbon heaters are different from the average heating stove, the bodies are extra thick polished steel, the linings and bottoms best grade heavy gray iron and all nickel work plain and smooth. We show coal as well as wood burning Carbons in all sizes. They're genuine fuel savers. Don't covet an open fire buy one of our FIREPLACE STOVES and enjoy one. Get a Perfection oil heater, you'll find it one of the msst convenient things you ever owned. Guaranteed smokeless. Special This Week No. 1 6 lone Heaters S1.25 IIIKI). SCI I KLLREItG At Willamette Sana torium, Saturday morning, October 14, 1911, Mrs. Margaret Schellberg, aged 73 years. The funeral will take place at Stayton tomorrow. Salem's Finest Street Capitol street Is rapidly becoming known and acknowledged to be the finest residence street In the city. It passes directly through the Oaks, the beautiful addition where nearly $100,000 li.is been expended In every modern improvement. Directly across Capitol street we have a block of lots, averaging in size 55x156 feet. We are offering these fine lots from $300 to $750 and on the very easiest terms. Just think of getting a lot in this neighborhood for such a price. Last week we sold seven of these lots. IM us show them to you. Bechtel & Bynon 347 State St. Tel. Main 452 X Reliable Remedy CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm is Quickly sbioHwt. Gites Renal it One It denudes, soothes, heal aud protect th dist'nsed. mem brane rvaultiug from Catarrh anil drive i awny aCokl iu thelfahl qmVkly. Restore the Seuaes of Taste aud SuielC Full size 50 eta. at Dmijgti or by mail. Liquid Cream Balm for nse in atoiuiz'TS 75 ota. Elj Urothora, t6 Yi'arraa Street. Kuw loik, I Salem's New and Popular Residence Section Building Sites $325 to $650 Terms: 10 per cent down, balance 2 per cent a month. Price of lots includes all improvements which embrace graded streets, cement curbs, wide cement walks, Parkways, street trees, shrubbery, water and electric lights. Location is Ideal, scenery is grand. Just the place for a home. Profitable place for an investment. CAPITOL TRUST CO. Owners 205 U. S. National Bank Building. echtel & Bynoii, 347 State Street. Telephone 251 ales Agents Tel. Main 452 1 :