PAGE TEX. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEH. OREGON. SATl'RDAV. OCTOBER U. 1911- Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn t We Want You to See Our Lingerieandl pNj ." Wfc&gT Saturday Night Specials 'V 4587 H f 7 to 9 o'clock Here are splendid offerings for economical buyers. The quality of our goods is so well known that you take no risk when you purchase here. 8 Hand Crocheteo Jabots A very dainty lot lo choose from. The qualities are a great d-al larger than the prices fi9o finality at 3!c 29c (juallty at 22c Mi isses Sh oes Special $150 to 12.50 vaiuts Less -0 mt colli Sizes 1 1 V4 to 2. Patent tan, gun metal and kid leathers, button and lace, $1.50 to $2.25 values. Tonight, less 20 per cent Men's Natural Wool Hose 25c quality, tonight llc Here'a a splendid article for fall and winter wear you can't make a mistake in buy. Ing these. 25c quality, tonight, ert . .1le Jergen's Toilet Water 25Q nl-s special IDe This la a standard (iiaity. It has a reputation of being the best. Rose and violet odoM Regular 25c size, tonight A HI'KCIAL OX Tonight '.. .19c All Linen ' Hand emb'd Handkerchiefs Kxtra Special, each 10c All Initials. Very dainty Hem stitched border. You will do well to get some of these. Tonight, each Hie Writing Paper .SPECIAL (in boxes) 'onlght, box . 11.' "tere are two brands Engl'sh fabric and Elmore lat. en velopes to match. Extra sk--clal. Tonight, only, box lie I Doctor of Optics Located in I'nited States National Bank building, rooms 210-211. Eye Exhaustion i To have your eyes restored from a weak and Impoverished condition i of eye strain to perfect and preserved eyesight, must be experienced to be believed. But the methods employed in doing this must be perfect in every detail, i and in the hands of an experienced , expert. Let me give you the value of my 30 years' experience In fitting of I glasses for eyestrain In all it3 forms. ou are Invited to come where ab solute lu'ciinicy In correcting eye de tects Is placed above every other consideration. No extra clmrsres for examination. My prices are lower than else where for the service and material you get of me, and I can refer you to over three hundred prominent cit izens, of Salem, that I have fitted ilnce coming here. The entire problem lies In these words Rightly Fitted Lentil's, Fitted by the Itlglit .Hun. All broken lenses replaced while il vuilt. Office hours. 9:00 a. m. to 12 m.; 1 to 5:30 p. m. Evenings by appointment. A Special on Foulard Silks Tonight at, yd. 39c Blues and brown In dainty smnll patterns and dot effects, 19 Inches wide, extra special. Tonight only, yard .p Crib Quilts Special at . . 73c A fine article at this price. Good weight; crotcheted. Size 4 5 by 36 Inches. Extra special. Tonight, only . 7:tc White Crocheted Bed Spreads Extra special at ,k;jc These are sizes 57x84 Inches1. Especially good for hotels and rooming houses. Special, tonight . ., 83c ' 1 i Q- 1 L- -J Ll.Jm) Sanson . I ! Evening Dresses for Women and Misses 1 ,: - Our Assortment is Unrivalled for Vanj Exclusiveness of Design, and ModeratePrfo t No essential of satisfaction is lacking in these! dresses, and you'll be consulting your own best interest by inspecting our assortments before purchasing. Our varieties are broad, and comprise scores of exceptionally lovely and charming styles in! chiffons, organdies, beaded robes, embroidered laces, etc. Each style is new, correct and the artistic t production of some great creative designer. ! There's such a variety to choose from that j you are assured a becoming model. : i As for prices, you'll find them to be quite reasonable, ranging from $15 up to $75. i 11 lt jt jfc Jl i 1 ( jf( Jt jft ft CITY NEWS. it How About Yonr Fence? Salem Fence Works. 10-14-eos Delivers Lecture Professor TliomnHon, correspondent for the Portland Journal, delivered an Illustrated lecture last evening on farming at the Walker school house. The lecture was attended by a num ber of prominent citizens of the city. TO MAKE GIFTS IS TO CONSIDER TIIK I.1KKS A XI) 1MSI.IKKS OK YOl'H FHIK.N1. AMI TO IUY TO PI.F.ASK HI'.lt RATHER THAN TO Pl.F.ASK YOIRSKLK. IH'T TIIK WAY YOU WILL DO WHKX YOU VY IIKKK IS TO Rl'Y TO IM.KASK IIOTH YOUH Fill KMI AM) YOl'llKKLP RECUSE YOU UANXOT KAIL TO UK Pl.KASi:!) WITH KYKIIYTIIIXO VK CARRY IK YOU UKK UP TO DATK KXCIA'SIYK DKSKiXS. I BARR'S JEWELRY STORE J WKKJII IX VOIR MIND the difference between our coal and others before Investing your cash. Of course It Is burning up money, but you might as well have ns much heat as you can for It. The cleanness of our conl Is one good point- It's free burning quality Is another. Give us your order and be convinced. FALLS CITY I l'MIlKU CO. 279 N. Commercial Phone 813 A Ha wilii In two fine lots, corner Seventeenth and State. Derby & Wlllson. Hot-l Marlon " " Serves Merchants lunch from 12 to 2:00, 50c. Regular dinner Sunday, 5:30 to 8:30. eod-tt Your Sunday Groceries Are Important and should be se lected both In quality and price con sidered. J. M. Lawrence, Ferry and Commercial. SO Acres Hirer llottom Farm Thirty-five In cultivation, seven acres peaches; three acres loganber ries; house, barn and family orchard. $)' per acre; easy terms. Derby & Wlllson. Verdict for I'liilnliiY After deliberating over the evi dence introduced In the case of L. R. Ilazeltlne, the architect, against the Capital Improvnient company, the Jury returned a verdict In favor of the plaintiff amounting to $200. The plaintiff asked for $1,200 and alleged It to be due him for services as an architect on the Marlon Hotel. XIr'H School Night sessions at the Capital Busi ness College, in such branches as bookkeeping, shorthand, typewrit ing, penmanship, arithmetic and spelling will he commenced Monday, October 16, if a sufficient number reg isler. Phone Main 388," or call at college olllce. 10-12-3t n a rl t 1 14 D UKau f .-v -f 1 vjuuu y ttii IVUUUU VJUUU Thc best line of Rubber Boots and Shoes i in thc city can be found at JACOB t VOGT'S, the shoe man, 220 North Com- I rrercial street, and at reasonable prices. ; We alsQ have a bargain counter of odds I and ends that are of the very best makes and material. Gun Metal, Kid and Com- I fort shoes, regular prices $3.50 and $4; to close them out, will go at $1.50 and $1.95 You will find the best bargains to be found in Salem. that Tuft h us gone. It will he c I o ii tl j a it il cooler. This cloudy and cooler weather 1 s sending In a lot o f Sa lem's best dressed men In search of heavier clothes. K v e rythlng is ready for t h e gentle men of any age, whose ills criminat I n g t a 8 1 e likes a large (re sh stock to select from. And do you know our " a r in e n t s h a ve been designed and cut by the very highest grade of Intelligence obtainable in these days of spec ialization. $15 OO to T35 00 THE TOGGERY 167 Commercial Street DTe Yanlli Al. Hurst Phono S56 Main (To b continued) (rctchpii S. Knorr In character at Ye Liberty tonight- Burr's Saturday Candy Sold on Saturday only at Perry's drug store; 29c per box. 10 Acres $100 Per acre. $100 cash; $10 per month. Three miles out. Derby & Willson. Such Clilnumuu Alleging that there Is a balance of $1,459.18 due him, Mark S. Skiff has commenced a suit in the circuit court against Foon Kin. The Knox Comedy company played to a packed house at the Palm Theater last night and every one went away with a smile and a good word for the company. They will remain over Sunday. Go and see them. ToiiMit lit Hie Pa 1 m An entire change of program and pictures. The Knox Comedy com pany In "A Case of Eviction," and tomorrow they will give us "Four a ni." Both very laughable. New I'liyslcliin Dr. G. L. Schwegler, of Indianapo lis, has located in Salem and opened offices In the I'nited States National Bank building. He Is a young man of good college and hospital training and speaks both English find German fl-ntly. Curtain S:l.- io accommouate those who are busy Saturday evenings, rather later than other days, Uie curtain will be lifted, disclosing the Flirting Prin cess in all her royal beautly and robes tonight at 8-45. In this con nection, it might be, added that there will be no plays at The Grand next week, but there will be moving pic tures every evening for the entire week. Ellis Brothers' quartet will be there each night Sues on Hop Contract Suit was instituted today by Hop Lee against Kin Dow and Chung Lee. The purpose of the action is to en force a hop contract, the considera tion of which Is $1,834.20. Saturday Specials for the Economical Children's fast Black Seamless Cotton hose double knees, toes and Qr heels; regular 1 5c, special . . Women's Fleeced Cotton Union Suits high neck, long sleeves, ankle A)r regular 59c, special . . . H-L. Women's Fleeced Outing Flannel Gowns, extra heavy winter weight QQri regular $1.25, special . . . OCl Women's Suede Leather Hand Bags, Black, Brown and grey reg- QCr t u!ar $1.39, special .... 3C Quality Merchandise U. G. Shipley Co. 145-147 North Liberty Street Between State and Court Streets Popular " i Prices .Mo t ;; NEW TODAY. FOR SALE Seven lots and a large eight room plastered house with electric lights and hot and cold water, only three blocks from the First M. E. church. Price $0000; $3000 cash will handle this. Phone Main 1391. 10-13-3t SAN P Large lot close to carline, school and store for only $25C cash. Bechtel &Bynon, 347 State street. 'OR SALE Twenty acres of first class land, two acres cleared, bal ance stump land, and is very easi ly cleared, close to school, and is just four miles from Salem, on good road. Price $2500, $700 cash, balance on easy'terms. Ore gon Realty Co., 275 Satte street. 10-14-St FOR RENT My eight room modern house all furnished. Joseph Gra ham, 1010 Oak street. Phone 130B. 10-13-tf FIVE ACRES We have a splendid five acre tract, all cleared, close in on good road with good improve ments for only $1250. Easy terms if desired. Bechtel & Bynon, 34 State street. YOUNG ATTORNEY desires to buy Interest In law partnership; would leave city. 10-14-6t FOR SALE Cheat seed at Buckner's feed store, South Commercial street. $1.00 per sack. 8-23-tf MODERN HOME $150 down and $13 month will buy a modern, new and comfortable bungalow. Bechtel & Bynon, 347 State street. FOR SALE Ten acres of first-class fruit land, six acres set to prunes, new B-roora bungalow, chicken house, good well, just four miles south of Salem. Price $2300. Terms. Oregon Realty Co., 275 State street. 10-14-3t HOUSES We have houses of all sizes and prices, either for cash or on the installment plant, in all parts of the city. Let us show you some of these fine places. Bechtel & Bynon, 347 State street. FOR SALE We have some fine 5 acre tracts on very easy payments. Twenty-five dollars down and $1 per acre per month, without Inter est for three years. Come In and see Us about these tracts, and we will show them to you. Oregon Realty Co., 275 State street. 10-14-3t FOR SALE Six ' room bungalow, new, $1500. $100 down, balance $15 per month. See Carl D. Ga brlelson, McCornack building. 9-20-tf Grand Opera House, Saturday, Oct. 14 MORT H. SINGER PRESENTS WEI nmmnmm in The Diadem of Musical Comedies By ADAMS, HOUGH and HOWARD Three Absolutely Original Dances: & $8 ! wr nt-3 Prices, 50c to $1.50. Seats on Sale Friday 9 a. m. FURNISHED HOUSE for sale Nine room house with modern Improve ments, on carline. This house Is on a corner lot and quite, close in. Price $3700 with furnitur e com plete. E. Hofer & Sons, 213 S. Commercial street. 10-14-tf FOR SALE Lot 75x143 on S. Liber ty street, close in. Price $850. Lot next to it held for $1000. E. Hofer & Sons, 213 S. Commercial street. 10-14-3t FOR SALE Team of horses and harness, transfer wagon as good as new, fitted out as camp wagon, at a bargain, for cash, or would consider vacant city property. In quire at coiner North Front and rine street, back of Jacobs' Imple ment store. LAND WANTED We have a cus tomer for a small tract on or near the Salem Heights carline. If you have five or 10 acres In this local ity at a reasonable price, see us at once. E. Hofer & Sons, 213 South Commercial street. 10-14-3t CHANGES IS PRICE Give us your magazine subscription oncf. Prices advance November 5th. We can make you club prices ana sit jot money. Take advan- $2,100 9-room bouse and three lots, 51 xl20; house la good condition. Barn 18x28. All sewer and street assessments are paid. This price will hold for only a short time. E. HOFER & SONS 213 S. Comm. St Phone 82. .Nu Oakland, California The only Woman's College on the Pacific Coirt. quartered lssa. iear two great Liuversiun. Ideal climate throughout the year. Eptrance and graduation requirements equivalent to those of Stanford and L'nifersity of California, Laboratories for science with modern equip mtnt. Excellent opportunities for homa economics, library study, music and Modern mrmnaiinm. Snciftl rare for heaitfl of students, out-door life. President, Lut!U Clay Carson, A. If., Litt. D., LL. D. For catalogue address Secretary, Mills College I'. 9)., California. MONEY TO MOAN On good Keal Estate security. BECHTEL & BY0 847 State Street MONEY TO LOAN THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd and Bush Bank. Salem, 01 Norwich Union Fire Insurnace Society. Bnrghardt V Meredith, Resldeat AgW 883 STATE STREET. MONEY TO LOAN On Farm Property. John H. Scot! & Co., over th Chicago Store, Sa lem, Oregon. Phone 1552. GEORGE M. POST ARCHITECT Corner State t Libert; Sts, Salem, Oregon. Boom I, Gray Blk. Psone IM. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES Bought Sold Rented Repaired Ribbons Rollers Supplies See Me Before Too Do Anything C M. LOCKW00D rhone 999 Ma 214-ld N. Coos. 8c S"" 01 tage now. THE COMEEHAL BOOK STORE 163 Commercial Street