THE CHARTER PROPOSED FOR CITY Oh SALEM IT HAS BEEN PREPARED WITH GKE.iT CARE BV COMMITTEE AND SHOULD BE STUDIED CAKEFULLY BY EVERY CITI. ZEX. To incorporate the City of Salem, Oregon, and to change tbe present form or method of government of said City of jjulrin to commonly known a tbe Cu'iiinisi'lon rorui ui rnv Governine'it. and to prescribe and define tbe rights, powers and llubllltie of aald City of Salem and prescribe the rights, powers and duties of aald Board of Commission ers, the manner and time of their elec tion, tenure of office; and to repeal An Act entitled "An Act to Incorporate tbe City of galem," approved February lutb, 1&93; also An Act to Incorporate the City of Salem, approved . 1862. also an Act entitled an Act to Incorpor ate tbe City of Sulem. approved February loth, lsl3; alao An Act entitled An Act to Incorporate the City of Salem, approved February 17tu loOO; also An Act entitled "An Act to Amend Section No. 5, Subdivision 9 and 14 of Section No. 6, and Sections 15, .... ii. 31, 47, 01, and 74 of tbe Charter of Salem, Oregon," approved February 15th, 1UU1. Also An Act Auieuclatory to tbe above mentioned Acts approved February 7th, 1U03, and all amendments thereto, and to repeal all Acts and parts of Acts to Incorporate the said City of Salem under Its orig inal Jorm of government by Aldermen or City Councilmen, and substitute In lieu thereof tbe Commission Form of Govern ment, as defined and set out herein. AUTICLE I. NAME, BOUNDARIES, POWERS, HIGUTS AND LIABILITIES. Section 1. Name The corporate name ef this city shall be Salem. Sec. -. Boundaries Tbe boundaries of the Cliy of Salem shall be as follows, tu wit : licgluuiDg where the south line of Locust street, in Highland Avenue addition to the City if Salem, Oregon, If extended west erly would strike tbe middle of tbe Wil lamette river ; tueuce easterly along the wstt riy extension of the south Hue oi said Locust street und uiong the south Hue of said Locust street, uud along the easterly eit'iii"ii thereof, to the east line of the right -of-wiiy of the Southeru l'uclt'lc rail rtmd ; thence somberly ulong the east line of the right-of-way of the Southern 1'acit'lc railroad to the southwest corner of tbe westerly extension . of the State Fair grounds ; thence east along the south line of the westerly extenstou of tbe State Fair grounds to the inner angle thereof ; thence tuuihcrly ulong the west line of the State lair grounds to the southwest corner tliei-eof: thence easterly nlonir the smith line of the State Fair grounds to a point one north of the most northerly nortueust corner of the donation laud claim of A. !'. Waller and wife, in township 7 south, raut'e 3 west of the Willamette meridian ; thence smith to the most northerly north east corner of the said donation land claim ; thence southerly along the eust line of said donation land claim uud along the cist line of Simpsons uddltlou to the City of Salem to the center of Salem and Turner County road; theuce southeasterly along the cenier of said road to the northeast corner or lot 4 In Miller's .Mill Creek Uurul Home tracts; thence southerly along the east line of lots 4 and ti. in said Miller's Mill ( reek Rural Home tracts, to the line running east uud west through the center of section 31), in township 7 south, range 3 west of Willamette Merldan ; thence DAILY CAPITAIi JOURNAL. 8AU3t. OREGON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 101 1 VJUOM TmMMM petition for th nnmln.n.. - .... -l I .. I named person, believing that be ' ha. not ,l?.or 1dlrecr by himself or through Set 49. Rule of th Board Th Board oecome a candidate as the nomine. n ZW. ' S . . "ua " " ot nis election, snail determine li resentatlve of. , h,.?.-??" I buih "element shall give tbe name of the I mav nunl.h lta Ised support from anv DolltlAi niS I:;V.U? Preon o received each money, I conduct and may Ised support from any Domical n-rtv Z'I.a P? "ho received each money, I conduct and m any wmmlttee or "nveMion rein'rl,?! fhf th pciflc t,ur of 'ch ":' meet! or acting for any T7atlU I contrtt' .It.'Sf "?SSS ?! F'f? ! Pf. signed, . Salem g0a' Coaaty ' Marlon, City I see 66. IoTentoi-T The Board ahall ora. tha Cit of Axlem. the ritt nt Rilm uinf ..k ..aM.m.n .k.h ...... "."emVra'Vr1 SEEK f-f, "L.iiJLt '"'! SH' .! -! . !-L l f? ' TmSj Mmui v. - . ' . . , ' .-- vui in uuum vi i lib v i l , oi ueuomiua- in me city or sa em at least five dava. compel their attendance property of the City, showing to date all tlona of from one hundred to on. thmiMnd whl... nntii. -hfil ....V .i!"'. i"1 "P- v. V : "" imvennutuu am. lucrem i value or saia i uonars. as tne ourcuaser mar desire, under total iMt nf ti,. tie wnicu snau do Inflicted real and personal property In each service. - . - - . .vumi e'w " vmiu roiv .V.,.. . , i. . ""V" tr i ""J ii. lutmwi. m ru 01 mis- ine operating expenses of tbe year ?ust of ! 2.2 ILfir-" .l V".0' ,uch. c,ndl- or wilful neglect In the perform- be balanced by a Special account Of date setting forth In substance that the ance of tbe duties of his office without ART1CLB VIII the seal of the City of Salem, with the! tbe amount of the assessment proposed to Interest coupons attached thereto with the be made on each lot or parcel of land, signature of the Mayor Commissioner and describing tbe same, and the time when the at least one af th nthr l'nmmlulnn.ra s.tnd will k. Ar..l.1.l k k- i. h-,u- .LiniOTi luus maae i in ail respect. true, pre ud Ice to the rlbt of reca 11 h th DEPARTMENT K ipi-nr ir appiidq -...i .V. u-.r." -. , .V." "' that the .tatements J' f' Pr,ctlctAnT wnon J'JT'A WM." ' JSftt' A. ! '1?'' i J ! ? ' -V WiS? and 'm oigneo. . who shall at anv munlcln.1 .Hwri iini.t. th..r iid, nr..i.ii .Ti rf." I V: .,, T"'" T"" f'. "uou ui ureseui at aucn nearlng and present to before me this anv of tha .t.t. inr 7... . .TA; . n .."l.r,,' '""" penaimug to lis . 10 pay io tne Dearer ot eacn of aald aucn objectlona Tbe Board mav. whenever 1 1 d : - , ; "-i - o ' v ."'I w ium Miuol " 1 "v vuj nail. k UV . .1..LC J. IB, Iprarilree or who hIih.I fail i oie a 1 1 City Clerk shall be the clerk of the Board i aMVtvrm !L" , ' ul rlP nerein required, i and shall with tbe Mayor, sign and attest Sec AS Wiii v-klr.. i..i .... Subscribed and sworn - day of , a. D. oij commission expires insufficient,' be ret"urnPed" t ""J0? I S .SL""'? i!f!!f 1 LU.?L t.0..d." i"ioe . ? of 7Decemoe? "li each rear. - The at No. . street Sslom. MKrf.jT.T. .E? .".'".K, i" auce of tbe Cltv (ball b keot on denoalt be Voub lc record P WWU' 1,1 ",Kn b',", doinK business u, ,e C.Tv . f nancei aid Re.'nHn Sal"n " th Boar1 ,rom ita" "m "h"1 nance ana Resolutions : 1.. nu. .k.. .k :,a .k.h Clerlf-,1?- ,ha"firr. S Suppl ed by the iWriiT Cllfklo'fu hbt,'hn9.d" L?,Lthe- City ( -n, auch T olatlon .ball Ipao facto create ?H?)?.,numbr ot iatam " ,ucn IndlT'duali Action for the enforcement of thla pr ceriiticatea. I vision mav 1m hpnn.hi h. ,h. ni. FaeVHfl,?aIreme;!t, of Certificate ney, or by any cltlten on Behalf of the City. , - ww. umtuiyi viae; kuace vwnuu VJ Mil J LUUIUJILS 1 ai a determined by the City Clerk. Each qualify him from folding the office for cert inite shall conialn tne name of ,.ue 1 which he 1 a candidate. Every elective officer of the City shall, shall, upon conviction thereof, be forthwith all ordinances and resolutions. menitiers rn ilnnn . , all luolalarl.. I it yoviuieu 10 uj municipal omce, ' ana snail seep a ings wnicn snail c ore. 01. vruiu the first the last day cash bal candidate and no more. In esse an elector has signed two or more conflicting certifi cates, all such conflicting certificate shall be rejected. Each signer must make oath to bis certificate before a notary public Sllbstantalllv in the form .nlw..,lll i secthra ! of tills Chirter. Sec. 12. Date of Presenting Petition A Detltlon Of nnmln.tlnn lnn.laHn0 nt nn. less than twenty-five (25) Individual eer- ance provide, relating to the qualncatlon tlflcate for any one candidate may be 'and regstratlon of electors, the manner ef presented to the City Clerk not earlier than voting, the duties of election officers, the thirty nor later than twenty days before 1 canvassing of returns, and all other par the election. The City Clerk shall endorse I tlculars In respect to the management and thereon the date upon which the petition holding of elections, except aa otherwise Whsi ni-aa An toil kln r 1 .a J .1 . . 1 . . r . At i.dIii.iIi. uuiu, th Rnani .h.n . ' "'rv1'- provmeu mil sucn tuna snau not r ' .""r" At legislative sessions tne Board shall act be deposited In anv bank established lesa ln newspaper published In tbe City 01 only by ordinance, resolution or motion. than ih7ee (3) yeir prior to niakin auch sl"n ml le48t one Pl" ' New Vorl . The ayee and noes shall be taken upon 1 i'" lJ' ,e,r pNttr 10 hiking autn , ,,,,, - aIwtalt. ot auch matter the passage of ail ordinance and; No demgna for mon., tnlagt tn, city I"." advertisement inviting, sealed bids for retml ut Ions. and entered ui Journal of Its proceedings : udou reauest of anv member, the avea and aball be taken and recorded upon any mo- tlnn r.r mmlw wh.n nrMint n. ... . t the Jime he take the oath of office, be vote, and every ordinance or resolution shall ,ct.oiicu i use anu suoacrioe an oatn tnat ; require, on rinai passage, a majority vote. he has not violated any of the provision I Any ordinance or resolution may be ln o ,ect troduced and passed at any one meeting of sec. 30. General Election Regulations the Board, saving and excepting ordln- .uv piuTi.iuuH vi muj iw ui ,tue Diate ox ance granting irancnises, ana except as Oregon new or hereafter ln force, except a otherwise provided in this Charter. All .ut, v.vuiuiiHiuucn may oiuerwise ny orain- ordinance shall be read three times; pro vided, however, the Board may dispense with the second or third reading upon a majority vote of the members present. No ordinance shall be passed finally on the date it Is introduced, except in the case 01 purine emergency, ana then only from the date thereof, the sum named tnerein, in gold colu of the United States, together with Interest thereon In like coin, at a rate not greater than five (S) per cent per annum (the rate of Interest to be fixed by the Board), payable half yearly as provided In suid coupon.. Before sucn refunding bond, can be sold, the Board shall cause to be Inserted for two weeks, ot nrk city making a specialty of auch matter, bond, guch onlv to tke It ltemlied to IdentlfT the einen- "'guest oiuuer tor caau, ana snau not D dlture and aball first be audited by the j J""1. ta' ,e" than their par value. All Commissioner at the head of the depart-1 toonsto lasaaacvjl amad disposed of under this nh1Htfnn.L Th. tt.k. n. . . i. . bonds, at the expiration of twenty years It deems It expedient, provide 'for other e ihai be approved, allowed, audited or paid the Purchase of said refuudlne I ! unlesa It shall be ln writing, dated, ard ?fu.nd'nf ,l'?nd, ,Q"" b 'a md noe f f idently ltemlied to Identify th expen-1 n'f fest bidder for cash, and I waa presented to him. Provided, that should 1 provided In this Charter, .0 far aa they there be no petition filed for one office 20! may be applicable, shall govern all muulc days before election the date of presenting Mpal elections. Petitions for SUld Office .hull h .iran.U RMV 81. nilttllAplHAn. Af Plairfiwa Tha. to fifteen days beforeald election, and the i aave and except a In this Charter other-! aencv measure. acceptance Of the candidate ahull h fllaul wise at forth, an narwn ahull Kat iinall. Tha ana..tln. nf .11 A.Hlr..nnA. w'Ln tn5.c"yclerk on ,ame day. fled to vote at any election held under tbls ' passed by the Board shall be as follows: i k Arc examination 01 petition by corner wno nas Deen a resident of the "Be It ordained by the city of galem." cift nueu a petition ot nomination ior six montns next preceding sucn presented for filing to the City Clerk, Be ! election, and who possesses the quallflca shall forthwith examine the same, and.tlons of a legal voter in thla state; pro ascertain whether It conforms to the pro- vlded, however, that all persons who have visions of this Article. If found not to resided within tbe corporate limits of the Conform thereto, he ahnll thn mil th.ra Cltv of Salem for th. iwrlnri nf air month. In writing designate on anld net It Ion tha next Drecedlnir the first election tn ha held Record ,V and anthentlcateil hv tha ln.. defect or omission or reason why such petl- under the provisions of this Charter and i tures of the Mayor and City clerk, ajjd tbe tlon cannot be filed, and shall forthwith possess the qualifications ot a legal voter ln I ordinances Initiated by the people shall be when requested by the Mayor In writing and by unanimous vote. No ordinance mak ing a grant of any franchise or special privilege shall ever be passed aa an emer- The Board of Commissioners mav. ln Ha discretion cause any ordinance to be pub lished ln a dally newspaper ot the city. Sea 62. Record ot Ordinances A true copy of every ordinance shall be numbered and kept In a book marked "Ordinance return the petition to the person named as the person to whom the same shall be returned ln accordance with this Article. The petition may then be nmendod, but not Inter than three days after said petition shall have been returned, presented to the Clerk as In the first Instance. The Cltv as herein provided, the candidates therein named shall bo deemed duly nominated. Sec. 15. Withdrawal or Acceptance Any person whose name has been presented under this Article as a candidate may, not later than fifteen days before the election, cause his nanie to tie with drawn from ""miatl"" "i'"- vi'i the City Clerk a request therefor In writing, under his own signature, duly attested by a notary public, and no name so withdrawn shall he printed upon the ballot. Any person nominated under this Article shall file his acceptance with the City Clerk not later than fifteen days be fore the dny of election, and in the ab sence of such acceptance, the name of the candidate shall not appear on the ballots except as otherwise herein provided. Sec. 111. Preservation of Petitions The City Clerk shall preserve In his office for a period of two years all petitions of nom ination and all certificates belonging tuereto nieu unuer tins Article. Sec. 17. Election Notices The City Clerk 8hnll, on the tenth day before the election, certify a list of the candidates so nominated whose names lire entitled to 11 eiicu ... .... 1., westerly along said llne.tbrough the center ! I, "'33 V. ,fr SVM. 1 har'er. WllO tile ot'lees To ! o:?..(i- mot this state shall be Qualified to vote at anld election. ARTICLE III. RECALL, INITIATIVE AND REFEREN DUM. Sec. 32. State Laws The powers of the people as to recall. Initiative and referen- Clerk shalla,forthwlth proceed to examine I ,lluu shall be exercised as defined by the the amended petition us hereinafter pro-1 '"ws of tbe State of Oregon, vlded. I Sec. 33. Candidacy Any officer sought Sec. 14. Filing of Petitions If either to be removed may be a candidate to uc the original or the nmended neilf Ion nf . ceed himself. nomination -be found sufficiently signed, as ! Sec. 34. Time of Incumbency The In- flte the snm forthwith. TTnnn annl ftiino-1 ties of his office until the removal election. 1 and to be nuhtlshed In book form, together of such nominating petitions In due form I" then elected, be shall continue In office, with or separate from tbe Charter und such recorded tn a separate book Sec. 63. Approving of Ordinances Upon the passage of any ordinance It Bhall be attested by tbe City Clerk, and signed by nt least two members of the Board approv ing the same. Sec. 64. Publication of Chnrter and Ordlnaaces The Board Bhall, as speedily as may be, and In any event within one year from the time of Its organization under this Charter, and from time to time there after and not less than once In four years, cause all ordinances at such times in force to be classified under appropriate heads. for the balance of his term. If not then : provisions of the Constitution and Laws of elected ne Bnau ne deemed to be removed tbe state as the Hoard may deem expedient. upon the qualification of his successor, who Sec. 65. Power to Create Offices and to shall hold office during tbe unexpired term. I Remove The Board Bhall have power from sec. no. incapacity 01 Recalled utneer tune to time to create, fill and discontinue No person who has been removed from any office by recall, or who has resigned from such office while recall proceedings were pending against him shall be appointed to any ollice within two years after such re moval by recall or resignation. Sec. .30. Further Regulations The Board may by ordinance make ln regard to recall, initiative and referendum, such further reg ulatons as may be necessary to carry out the exercise of the rights of the people. ARTICLE IV. Sec. 37. Commissioners The elective office, and employments other than herein prescribed, according to their Judgment of tne needs of tne city, ana may by majority vote of all the members remove anv such officer or employe except as otherwise pro vided ior in tuis act ; ana may ny reso lutlon or otherwise prescribe, limit or change the compensation of such officers or employes. Sec. 6(1. Appointment The Mnyor ap points the heads ot each department, and all other employes In the service of the City, but only upon the recommendation of officers of the City shall consist of three ' the Commissioner of the appropriate depart lonimissioners, nnu snail ne Known as tne ment. of sections 35 and 34 to the east line of South Commercial atreet : thence aoutherlv along the eust line of South Commercial street to 1 he easterly extension ct the suuni line of City View cemetery ; thence w est erly to the southwest corner of City View cemetery ; thence due north to tbe middle of the Willamette slough ; thence down tbe middle of the Willamette slough to the middle of tbe Willamette river ; thence down the middle of the Willamette river, to the pluce of beginning. TERRITORY ADDED BY POPULAR VOTE, MARCH 28, 1010. Beginning at a point where the east boundary line of the City of Sulem inter sects the north boundary Hue of Glen Oak addition to the City of Salem; thence east erly on an easterly extension of said north boundnry line of Bald Uleu Ouk addition to u pulnt where if said north boundary line of Glen Oak addition were extended east erly it would iutersect with a line running north and south through the center of sec tions 4 anil 25 of township 7 south, range 3 west ; thence southerly along Bald center line to a point where the same Intersects with the north line of a road commonly known as the Penitentiary road ; thence westerly alone: said north line of said Pen itentiary road to the east boundary Hue of tiie Cltv of Sniem : thence northerly alone said eust boundary Hue to the point of oeinning. Sec. 3. Towers, Rights and Liabilities By and ln the corporate name, the City shall have perpetual succession ; shall have aud exercise nil powers, functions, rights and privileges now or hereafter given or granted tn. and shall be subject to all the duties, obligations, liabilities and limita tions now or hereafter Imposed upon mu nicipal corporations of m class, by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Ore gon, and shall have and exercise all other powers, functions, right and privileges usually exercised by, or which are inci dental to or inhere in nninh-inal corpora tions of like character and degree. Sec. 4. Powers, How Exercised All powers of the City, unless otherwise pro vided In this charter,- shall be exercised by through and under the direction of three Commissioners, who Bhall constitute tbe Board of Commissioners and one of whom shall be the Mayor. The Commissioners snail be subject to the control aud direction of the people at all times, by the initiative, referendum aud recall, provided for ln this 'Charter. ARTICLE II. ELECTION'S. cc. o. General and Special Municipal Emotions There Bhall be a general uiuulc iim election In the City of Salem on the first Monday In December, 1911, and on the first Monday In December of every second year thereafter, and Bhsll be kuown as the general municipal election. All oilier municipal elections that may be held shall lie known us special municipal elec tions, and may be ordered by tbe Board of Commissioners. The terms of office of those elected under this Charter uud thereafter, shall begin at IK o'clock a. m. on the first Tues day of Jnnuarv following their election, and all offieers elected shall hold office until tln'ir successors uie elected and qualified, unless previously removed, as elsewhere provided n this charter. "C it. Registration No person shall, es.-ept as In the charter otherwise pro, vid.d. he permitted to vote nt any munic ipal election without havlug beeu regis ter. Ti,e registration shall be the same " Is now or mav hereafter be provided by till! General fan if 111 State, except SS tiie Board mav otherwise by ordinance provide. Sac. 7. Vnmlnattnn and F.lpction Of Of ficers The mode of nomination anil elec tion of all elective offcers of the City to he voted for nt any municipal election shall be as follows: S'-c. s.' Conditions of Candidacy The name nf a candidate shall lie printed upon the ballot when the petition of nomination Blmll have ben filed In his behalf. In the taap.ner and form aadynader tbe conditions hereinafter set forth. . . Sec. 9. Form of Nomination Petition The petition of nomination shall consist of not less than twenty-five (25) Individual c-r-. iri,-:iTf. which shall read substantially s follows: PETITION OF NOMINATION. Individual Certificate. State of Oregon, County of Marlon, City of Salem, ss. I do hereby loin In a petition for the nomination of . whose residence Is at No. street, 8alem. Oregon, for the nfflea . to be voted for t the municipal election to be held In the city of Kalem on the day of , ; and I certify that I am a qualified elector and am not at thla time a algner 0' any other certificate nominating any other candidate for the above named office, I in case there are several place to be filled ln tbe above named office), that I have not signed more certificate than there are place to be filled In th above turned office; that my residence 1 at No- .' street. Salem. s. . I also certify that I believe th above Mned person especially qualified to fill th said offce. and la of a good moral char acter. I further certify that I Join In. this the Board shall cause snld certified list of names nod 1 In- I'uVce" to he Hiled. desig nating whether for a full or unexpired term to be published In a notice calling the elec tion, five successive days before the elec tion, certify a list of the candidates so nominated whose circulation published ln the City. Such publication must be made for any questions or measures to be voted upon. Sec. 18. Form of Ballots The City Clerk shnll cause the bnllots to be printed as provided by the codeR and statutes of the State of Oregon, except- as otherwise ln this Charter provided. The ballots shall contain the list nf names and the respective offices, as published In the election notice, and so far as applicable to such election shall be suhstantally of the form provided by Lord's Oregon Laws, except; aa herein otherwise provided. Sec. 19. Arrangement of Offices on Bal lot The offices to be filled shnll be ar ranged tn separate columns in the follow ing order: "For Mayor (If any) Vote for one." "For Commissioner, Department No. 2, (if any) Vote for one.'' "For Commissioner, Department No. 3. (If any) Vote for one.'' Sec. !n.- Reniiirements of Bnllots AH hnllnta nrlntad shnll he nreclseslv of the same size, quality, tint of paper, kind of tvpe and color of inn. space snau ne provided on the ballots for Charter amend ments or other questions when to be voted on at the municipal elections, as provided hv this Phnrter or the Laws of the State. The names of candidates for each office shall he arranged ln alphabetical order. Nothing on the ballot shnll be Indicative of the source of the candidacy or of the support of anv candidate. No ballot shall have printed thereon nny party or polltlcnl designation or mark, and there shall not be appended to the name of any candidate any such party or political designation or mark, or anything Indicating his views or opinions. . . . Sec. 21. Sample Ballot The City Clerk .hail lanat Hvp rinv. before the election cause to be printed five hundred sample ballots, upon paper of different eolor. but otherwise ldentlcnl with the ballot to be nsed at the election, ana enan uisinuuie Board of Commissioners, one of whom shall be the commissioner of iepartnient No. 1 and 'Mayor ; one shall be Commissioner of Department No. 2, and one Commissioner of Department No. 3. Each Commissioner shall be elected di rectly to bis department by the people. Sec. 38. Division Department No. 1 Bhall have charge ot : ruuiic Anairs. Finance. Police. Munlclpnl Court. Public Buildings. Pnrks and Library. General Supervision. Department No. 2 shall have charge of: Streets and Bridges. Sewers. Department No. 3 thall have charge of: Public Utilities. Fire. Sanitation. Sec. 39. Officers, Terms The term ot all elective officers shall commence as pro vided In section B of thla Charter, and shall be for four (4) years esch; provided, that the two (2) Commissioners first elected under this Charter shall be elected for two (2) years only, at the expiration of which time and every lour ltj years mereaner, there shall be elected two (2) Commission ers to serve for four (4) years. The Mayor Commissioner first elected under the pro visions of this Charter shall be elected for four (4) years and every four (4) years thereafter shall ne an election ueiu ior me purpose of electing tbe Mayor Commis sioner. . ,, Sec. 40. Qualification No person shall be eligible to the office of Commissioner unless he Is a qualified elector, and shall have been for three years Immediately preceding such election, a citizen of Salem and for two years Immediately preceding such un election, shall have paid city taxes. Sec. -11. OHI'-ei-M. Salaries The Mayor Commissioner shall receive a salary of $2400.00 per annum, and each of the other two Commissioners shall receive $1800.00 per annum. Sec. 42. No Further Compensation None of any such Commissioners Bhall re ceive any further compensntlon for any service he may render the City, other than his sularv as Commissioner. Sec. 4.1. Vacancy If a vacancy occur In the office of Mayor or Commissioner, the Board shall appoint an eligible person to fill such vacancy until the next geaeral municipal election. Any vacancy shall be then filled by election fur the unexpired term. VaMinyv ana II exist when an elective officer falls to qualify for thirty days after notice of his election, dies, resigns. Is re in case of appointment to offices In his own department, the Mayor shall sub mit his appointments to the vote of the iionru. Sec. 67. Quarterly Statement The Board shall cause to be printed quarterly in newspapera or pampniet iorm. a state ment of all receipts and expenditures of tbe City, nnd a Bhort summary of Its pro ceedings during tbe preceding months, and furnish printed copies thereof to the pub He library and to persons who Bhall apply therefor nt the office of the Clerk. Sec. 58. Leases and Snles The Board shall have no power to make any lease of City property, the operation of which will extend over two years, nor shall It hnve nny power to Bell, abandon, grunt or other wise dispose of any right or title of the City the consideration of wheih shaU ex ceed the sum of $2000.00, without referring same to a vote of the people at a spelcal or general official election. ARTICLE VI. TUB MAYOR. Sec. 69. Duties, Authority, Powers The .vlavnr Coinini-islotiei- si, ah th, tief executive officer of the City and president of the Board. He shall take care that this Charter and the ordinances of the City are duly en forced wlhtln the City and It Jurisdiction. ment creating th same, and approved by lu. All payment! thall be made by warrant which shall 15 signed by th Mayor and one Commissioner. Sec. 69. Supplies Each Commissioner shall procure all supplies needed by It urpanmeui. oucn requisition snau o in writing and duplicate kept of aame by carbon copy. In case of emergency w5re the estimated cost exceed two hundred U'JU dollars, auch requisition aball have the Indorsement of one other i'oihoiihsIu -er If no emergency exists, a reoulsltlon for supplies, the estimated cost of which 1 shove one humlr'd ii- m -hdlae.. shul first be approved by the Board. Whenever he considers It practical and advantageous tbe Commissioner shall advertise by cir cular letter or otherwise for competitive proposals. Sec. 70. Annual Estimate of Probable Expense On or before the first Monday In December ln eacn year, tbe Commissioners and the appointed boards and appointed commissioners of the City, shall .furnish to the Mayor estimate ln writing of the probable expense to be Incurred In their several departments for the ensuing fiscal year, specifying In detail such probuble expenditures. Including a statement of the salaries of their subordinates. These state ments shall Include the amount required to meet the Interest, sinking fund aud matur ing bouds of the outstanding Indebtedness of the City, and also nn estimated state ment of the amount ot revenue from all sources. Including tax levy. Sec. 71. Annual Budget From such es timates the Mayor ahnll, on or before the third Monday ln December of each year, and prior to the time for fixing the county tax levy, make a budget of the estimated amounts required to pay the expenses of conducting the business of the City govern ment for the next ensuing year. The budget shnll be prepared tn such detail as to the aKitreeute sum and the ltema thereof al lowed to each department, office, board, or commlssoln, aa the Board may deem ad- visauie. The Board thall on recelDt of the hudcet consider aud adopt the same with such auiemluii'iits aa the Board may direct. The Board shall also In adopting the said budget, estimate and declare the amount of money necessary to be ralaed oy tax levy, tuning into account the amounts, available from other sources to meet tbe expenses of the City for the ensu ing fiscal year, based on the budget to adopted. Suid budget and estimate as fin ally adopted shall be signed by tbe Mayor aud Clerk and kept on file. Sec. 72. Appropriations I'pon tbe basis of the budget as adopted aud filed the several sums shall forthwith be appropri ated by ordinance to the several purposes provision shall be exempt from taxation. Sec. 78. Sinking Fund The Board of Commissioner sball provide ln each de partment of the City tor a sinking fund to redeem all existing Indebtedness. Said sinking fund not to exceed five per cent per annum of the orleiual bond issues, and auch fund shall be Invested whenever prac ticanie in nonus 01 toe Cltv 01 Ha em. Htate or United State Bonds. POLICE AND POUND. Sec. 70. Board Established Police and P011111I I he llimnl snail, hv ordlniMo-e. in-,k ride for th establishment and maintenance of a Police Department and Pound, con sisting ot tucb employe as It may deem necessary. inis uepnrt ment snau ne under the u pervlslon of the Mayor. MUNICIPAL COURT. Sec. 80. Establishment There I hereby established within the City of Salem a Municipal Court, and the City Clerk sball be by virtue ot his office. Municipal Judge, aud shall act as auch. assisted bv the Cltv Attoruey whenever necessary. Aud In case ot the absence of the City Clerk the Board shall appoint some suitable person to act aud aervu aa Muulclpal Judge. Sec. 81. Jurisdiction Said Municipal Court shall have Jurisdiction over all vio lations of City. Ordnaucea and may hold to ball, fine or commit persons fouud ffulltv thereof, and the law goverulug the prac tice ot justice's courts lu the State of Oregon shnll apply as tar as applicable to all proceedings ill such court. All persona accused or violating city ordinances shall be tried without a Jury, unless the defend ant 011 demanding a Jury shall deposit lu court a Bum sufficient to pay the per diem of Biicb Jury tor oue day. Witnesses In snld court shall be entitled to uo compen sation for their attendance, unless the com missotners by ordlnauce shall otherwise provide. The Municipal Judge shall hnve power to punish witnesses and others for con tempt by a flue not to exceed $25.00, or in uetnuit 01 tne payment ot sucn line, uy Imprisonment in the city Jnll oue (1) duy for each $2.00 of such fine. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Sel. 82. The Mayor shall have the u- fervlslou and control ot all th public ulldlugs. There shall be appointed In the manner provided In this Charter all such assist ants and employes aa may be or become necessary to the efficient administration of this department of tbe City's government Sec. 83. inspection ot Places ot Amuse ment Whenever the Board grant any li cense or authorization to the owner or lessee .of any theater, show, circus, or therein named for the ensuing flscul yea Mini ordinance shnll he adopted not inter than the thirl, v flint duy of December In each year, and shnll be entitled "Tbe An nual Appropriation Ordinance." Sec. 73. Levy The Board shnll forth with proceed to make by ordinance the proper levy not to exceed 10 mills upon each dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the City, such lew representluir t lie amount of taxes for City purposes necessary to provide for all properly nulhorUed demands upon the City. The Board shall thereupon cause the total levy to be certified, by the City Clerk to the county clerk, who shall extend the Bald tnx in a proper column upon the county tax roll, nnd the same shall be collected by the officer collecting the county lax nnd shall be by lilm turned over to the City Treasurer within ten (10) days after he has collected the same; provided, that the tax lew as certified ud to the Countv Clerk shall be In one turn and ahall be entered lu a column headed "Sulem Tax. Neither the Sherirf, nor the Tax Collector of Marlon County, nor snld county Bhall receive fee or compensation for collecting aucn tuxes. buildings erected or occupied for amuse ments or gathering of the public, snld li cense or authorization shall be given sub ject to an inspection aa to the safety ot such buildings or places of gathering made uy tne comuiissoiuer ot nuiiuiugs or nis deputy. The Mayor shall enforce this aeo tiou. PARKS AND LIBRARY. Sec. 84. The Mayor shnll have the su pervision nnd coutrol ot the parking aud shade trees of the City, and all matters referring to park and library and subject to the provisions of tbe lawt of the State of Oregon. OENERAL SUPERVISION. Sec. 85. The Mayor shall have general supervision of all other officers aud affairs not now defined. ARTICLE IX. DEPARTMENT No. 2 HIGHWAYS AND SEWERS. Sec. 80. The Commlssolner of Depart ment No. 2 shall have tire supervision and controi of all streets, highways, lanes, al ley., muulclunl works, sewers, dralus. riv er dams and pilings and bridges, aud all notice tO be ffiven. Drovldetl. hna.v.. that notice by publication a aforesaid ahall b deemed due and legal notice. After the time specified by said notlc haa elapsed, tbe Board shall consider said proposed assessment and acceptance, and all objectloua made thereto, and shail have power at it discretion and without fur ther netlce to consider, ascertain and de termine the aame and the amount of th speciul and peculiar benefit accruing to each lot o.1 parcel of land to assessed by iraauu vi aiicia improvement anu snail de clare the same by ordinance. Each lot or part thereof, or parcel of land shall be deemed to be benefited by such Improvement to the full amount of tbe assessment levied thereon. (g) No assessment shall be held Invalid by reason of failure to enter the name of th owner of any lot, part thereof or par cel ot land so assessed, or by any mistake In the name of the owner or the entry of a name other than tbe name of th owner In auch assessment, or In any act or pro ceeding counected therewith, and no delay, mistake, error or Irregularity ln any act or proceeding In the Improvement shall Impair or Invalidate any final assessment, but th same may be remedied by subsequent or amended acta or proceeding. (h) Whenever any assessment for any Improvement baa been or may be set aside, annulled, or rendered void, or lta enforce ment refused by any court of competent Jurisdiction, or wheuever th Board may be lu doubt as to tbe validity of any tuch assessment, tbe Board shall have and are hereby granted the power to re-apportlon th coals aud eipenses ot any such Im provement aud to re-asBess the property benefited by such improvement ti) From the date of eutry of any a sessment In aald docket of city Hen, th sum as therein entered Is hereby declared to be a tax levied and a Hen upon th lot ot parts thereof or tract of land therein aet forth, and aald Hen sball have priority over all other Ileus and Incumbrance whatsoever thereou, and the aum or sums assessed fur nny local Improvement entered upon such lieu docket shall be due and payable from the date of such entry, aud If not paid or bonded as provided by law, within ten days from the date f auch entry tbe same shall thereafter be deemed delinquent, aud aball bear Interest at tbe rate of six per cent per anuum. tj) Tbe Board of Commissioners are hereby empowered and authorised to en force payment or collection ot auy and all assessments or taxes levied under the pro visions of this Charter, and, except a herein otherwise provided, suid Board shall provide the .procedure, means and manner of enforcing payment or collection ot such assessments or taxes. (k) When any assessment upon any lot or part thereof or parcel of land become delinquent, auy person havlug any valid lien thei.en may at any time before sale cf auch lot or part thereof, or tract of laud pay the same, and such payment shnll discharge the property from the effect ot audi asaesBtueut aud all accruing cost and charges, 11 any v, lieu mi paid, ere then aiier to be deemed a part or tuch Hen, creditor' Hen, whether the tame be by Judgment, decree, mortgage or otherwise; and shall bear Interest uud be eiuoreeil nnd collected as a part thereof. (I) The Board of Commissioners ahnll have power to order or provide tor th aale of any property for nuy unpaid assess meiit or tax. lu case of sale, each lot or parcel of land shall be sold separately, and for a sum nut less than the uupald assess ment thereou, aud the Interest and coat ot advertising aud sale, and where thera ahnll be more than one bid, the land shall be aold to the bidder offering to take th same for the least amount of penalty aud Interest. A sale of real property uuder th provision of this Charter conveys to th purchaser, subject to redemption, all es tates, Interests, Ileus or claims therein or thereto, of nuy person or persons whom soever, together with nil rights aud appur tenances thereunto belonging. No levy upon auch lot or parcel of laud thall be required except that a notice shall be poated four weeks before such sule upon every lot or parcel of land when tbe assessment i to an unknown owner. (ui) All unpaid assessments for any one Improvement muy be Included In oue ad vertisement nnd notice of aale. (11) The Board shall provide for th maimer of keeping due and correct record of ull such sule and the name of pur i-unai-ia mm me manner 01 issuing certlfl- the Bame upon application to registered moved from office, removes from the city, wntar. at hta offlcp. 8w. 22. Election Officers, Judges, Ap pointment It shall be the duty of the Board of Commissioners at Its regular ses sion, and at least twelve days previous to the dny of holding any municipal election, to appoint for each ward from the quali fied electors of said ward, one Inspector and two Judges, who shall constitute a Board of Judges of Election. In case those appointed ln accordance with this section shnll not be present at, the place desig nated by thi Bonrd of- Commissioners, at the hour to open the polls, the electors present may appoint a Board of Judges for such ward. See. 21. cierKS ine - inspector absent himself contlnuoutly therefrom for more than three months. Is convicted of a felonv or Judicially declared a lunatic as defined by statute. When a Commissioner, or an officer, or an employe of tbe City, is absent from his post of duty more than fifteen days for any other cause but sickness, the Board of Commissioners shall appoint temporarily a Commissioner, officer, or employe to take bis place, and the salary of aald absent Commlssolner, officer or employe shall ci'sse from tbe date of appointment of bis tem porary successor, until he again assumes tbe duties of bis office. Sec. 44. Bonds of Commissioners No Judges of Election foe each wsrd shall, Commissioner shall lie deemed qualified for before the time Tor opening the po11". ap-1 j,b office until he hns filed his bond con nolnt two suitable persons to act as Clerks, dltloned that he will faithfully and impar who thall he qualified voters. Each Clerk tl8. perform the duties of bis office or Bhall write down each office to be filled and employment and the same bss been ap the name of each person voted for for such I proved by three disinterested taxpayers of nA ahnll kaon the number of voters ,i,a t'ltv nf Kalani. tha said taxoavera to by tallies, as they are read aloud by the he appointed by the Judge.of the Circuit ' luo-.ect-' or '-ii-' . ..'Court ln which said City Is situate, and Sec. 24. Polls Open All election held in his absence by tbe County Judge of Mar- T.1 buildings aud this Charter or bv ordinance. There Bhall be appointed In the manner ,,.ul.l..,l l Oil, I'l.nptue all aio.h auulat. He shall sign all contracts, bonds or ,tne Board fall ln any year to make;un employes as may be or become other Instruments requiring the assent of ! f .hSP, T. ha Vi! nece"ury t0 tm 'clt administration the City and take care that the same are ! f?t0 la,t, ,llei! ",a" be the rate "xeu for of this department of tha City s govern- dulv nerformed All legal nroeess against i the ensuing fiscal year, ment. the City Bhall be served upon the Mayor I 'ih? uluou.ut required to mak payment f Bec. 87. Improvement! and AsteBtmenta or Acting Mayor, as per section 4t). ,ur I any Interest, sinking fund or Principal of The term "street" us used In this Char- . . . ... . . Iu.iiHoiI ImlahlMlnaaa mav l.a Innl lliliu In . ... ....... . . . . ler, suail ue cousirueu 10 uieau uuy airvei, avenue, boulevard, alley, laue or thorough fare wblcb I now or may hereafter be opened, established or dedicated to public use. , (a) The term "Improve" or "Improve ment' as used In this article shall be con strued to mean ami Include any and nil liunroveuienia concerning the same, exceut 1 cute ot purchase and the form thereof otherwise proviueu in i"i am suies ior or to satisfy any delln- p. iV ii 1 1 bonded Indebtedness may be Included In oversight of all departments, board and : aml ,Tf ,by ,".vyV.eIcfpt M otuerwl, commissions of the City. i l"v,lded 1"t.h'" .n.",rti!r.- , . 1 UU LUAIllla vvnvk aiiuii U. UBCU 1U lull. nlclpal purposes only, and no donutlona, He shall be ex offlcio a member of each board, commission or body created or au thorized by this Charter, or by any ordin ucuee ot the City. II" shail lniv- tl'n right tn v' te on nil questions coming before the Board of Com missioners. He shall have power to appoint experts to examine the affairs of any officer or department of the City, whenever be thall deem It .necessary. no may require any orricer or employe subsidies, or bonuses sball be granted from tbe people' money. Sec. 74. No Liability Without Appro priation Neither the Board nor anv of fleer or employe ot the City shall have railing, paving and all manner ot public uiprovemeiits of similar kind or nature. authority to make any contract Involving ' and Including sewers, storm sewers, the the expenditure of public money, or Impose changing, esluhllslilug. vacating or open- upon the city any uuniiuy to pay money ing, laying out, wiueuiug, altering, eiieuu- unless money mil shall until a definite amount of lug, or closing of any street, laue, alley or tiave heet appropriated ior uoutevuru of the City to exhibit Ills books ana papers. 1 1 he Ihiuldurlnii of all Skinliiry liability ot (b) The Board of Commlsltonera, when- 1-niiure or refusal to exniblt books or Da pers so required shall be ground fur re moval. He shall have and exercise such powers, prerogatives and authority as are conferred by tbe provisions of this Charter, or as may be not Inconsistent with the general Eurposes and provisions of this Charter, ut shall not have the power to veto any ordinance or measure passed by the Commissioner!. At the end nf the fiscal year, and six qtieut assessment must be suid for lawful money 01 tne uuiteu mates, ln case auy property remain untold upon auy tale, the saiiie may iignlu al the discretion of uie Board, be offered for sale. (pi The owuer, or his legal representa tives or successors In luterest, or any per son having a lien by Judgment, decree, mortgage or owner of auy tax lien upou any property so sold, mny redeem tbe tame upon conditions provided as follows: Re demption of any real property sold for de linquent assessment nmy be made at any time within three years from the date of the certificate of sale by paying to the offcler appointed for that purpose by the Hoard the purchase price, aud ten per Cent thereof as penalty, aud interest on the pur chase price nt the rate of ten per cent per annum from the date of such certifi cate. Where redemption aball be mail by the bolder of a tax Hen be shall have tbe right to have such redemption noted upon the record of his lien. Provided, however, that If redemption I made within three uiouiua iruui tne unte 01 sale, the penalty to hn paid shall he five per cent. Such the Cltv under such contract or In couse-1 ever It muy deem It expedient or necessary tiiiiinra thereof tn miitnra .Inriiti tha tiui-l.ul thnt nnv fin lirnVPIlieil t ha IllSlla. Is lierahv covered by tbe appropriation. Such con-1 uutlioilzed and empowered to order and , redemption ahull discharge the property ao tract shnll be "all Initio" null and void aa ! cause tuch liuproveeinnt or Improvmeeuts I sold from I he effect of such sale, and if to the City for any other or further llu-1 to be tuude; to determine the kind, chur mude by a lien creditor, tho amount paid unity ; provided, iirst, that notuing nerein i ucter uuu extent tnereoi, 10 levy uuu coi coutalned shall prevent the Board from j lect assessments upon all lots and parcels contriictlng llulilllty for payment of any of land specially benefited by such liuprove expeuse, the necessity of which Is caused . ment. to defray the whole or any portion by uny casualty, accident or uutprseen of the cost and expense thereof, and to contingency arising after the passage of I determine what land or lots or parts there- 1 the annual appropriation ordinance; pro- of are specially benefited by inch Improve months thereafter, he shall employ an vlded, that tne total amount of such ex- uieut, aud the nmouut to which each lot accountant at a stipulated compensation, pens shall not exceed the aum of $10,000 or parcel of laud Is so benefited, and t ne the books, records and ' during any one fiscal yeun luia section 1 III anu determine tne district Uton wuicn who shall exam! reports ot nil officers aud employes who receive or disburse City moneys, and the books, records aud reports ot such other officers and departments ss the Mayor muy direct, and make triplicate reports thereof, and present one each to the Mnyor and vice president, snd file one with the Clerk. Such accountant shall have unlimited priv ilege of Investigation to examine under oath or otherwise all officers, cierks and employe 01 tne city, ana every such of ficer, clerk and employe ahall give all re- quired assistance an and sunmit to him for exam kIihII tint iiii'nlv tu contracts or liabilities I such aHSeaslueut ahsll ba levied. for the making of auy improvements the (cl The procedure lu ordering and car cost of which shall be assessed upon the , rynlg- to coinple-Uou any and all Improve properly especially benefited by said tin- j ments the eoor ot which shall be assessed provement. Provided, further, tbe Board , against the property benefited thereby, and may make such special appropriation as 1 the manner of collecting assessments shall may be necessary to pay the salaries and 1 be determined by the Hoard of Comiuls- defruy the expenses ot all departments, sioners, except aa nerein otherwise pro- for the redemption shall thereafter be deemed a part ot his Hen, aud aball bear like interest and may be enforced aud col lected as a part tnereor. (q) After the expiration of three year from the date of such certificate ot pur chase. If uo redemption shall have been made, tbe Board of Commissioners shall execute to the purchaser, bis heirs or ss slgua. a deed of conveyance, containing a description of the property sold, the diite of the tale, a statement of the amount bid, of the Improvement for which tbe assess ment wss mude, ot the year In which the assessment was levied, that the assessment or tax was unpaid at the time of the sule and no redmptlou has beeu mtde, uud sucn ueeu sviau not need tu contain auy officers and eaiuloves of the City during ! vlded : provided, however, that not less further recital of the proceedings prior to the year 11111:, anu may cause. to ne issueii : man ten uay prior to tne comineiicemeni . '"'-u .n-u ueeu smiu oe v.,ur-j ,u . Hiaiiierj uit-rill uumeu tile legal and eqiilluhle title In fee simple tu the property lu auch deed described, and ancb deed aball be prima facie evidence of uuu iu aucn grantee, and that all proceed- warrants for the payment thereof, and : of construction of an may make auch appropriations of tbe geu- j meat for the coat my proKsed Improve- of which any special Information to such eral funds of the City for said year aa 1 assMsnient shall be levied snld Board shall they mny tieem expedient ami nny actual cause notice 01 sucn proposed improvement afrmintnnt,.n ....I. I ......... n .i ... . nopuMrv .(tiuiiiM altliAi fur tit tn l,a ,i,il,liaha,1 toe a lierlnl af nnt I eat. flee aa may be requested, and failure to do 1 officers salaries, employes or agents, of ! than five days In a dally newspaper lu j"g and set necessury to make such deed so shall lie ground for removal. Tha the City, during said year sball not be suid City of Sulem, which notcle shall sub- " ."" respects gi,d and valid, have been shall provide for the payment of the ser vices of such accountant. A l' HI VII. EXECUTIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE n.a.. tha nrnvlatnna of this Charter shall commence at 8 o'clock a. m. and continue until 7 o'clock p. m. of the tame day, with out closing the polls. Sec. 25. Canvass and Election As soon as the polls are closed the election Judges shall immediately open the ballot boxes, take therefrom and count the ballots, and enter the total number thereof on the tally shet provided therefor. No vote shall be counted for anv candidate more than once on any ballot, all subsequent votes on that ballot for that candidate being void. The person receiving the largest number of votes cast at such election for any omce shall be elefled to that office. The Board of fomralssloners thall meet as canvassing board nnd publicly canvass th election returns within two dsys after any municipal election, and in case of the election ot fflcer. Bhall Issue certificates of election to each person elected. A tie between two candidate shall ne determined by lot under the direction of the canvassing board. Sec. 20. Informalities In Election No tlons shall Invalidate the samel If thay j of Its hsve been conoucio isiriy ana in tlnl conformity with the requirements of this Charter. Sec 27. Ballot, rrpservaiion iuc " vetope containing the ballot when sealed up shall be endorsed. "Ballot ot ward, Salem, of election held this - dsy of , 19 ." and shall be dellverad hv the Inspector to the City Clerk, who shall kp said sealed envelop unopened nntll the time appointed for the canvass of the returns, snd until directed by the Board of Commissioners to open the same In tbe presence of tbe CommlssoBer. Sec 28. Ststemant of Expense to be FiledEvery candidate who I voted for at any election held within thl City shs 1 within thirty dsys after rich election, flle aa Itemlied statement showing In detsll all th moneys contributed or expended by him Ion County, Oregon. The Mayor Commissioner shall furnish a security bond In the sum ot 2o,uuu.uo. Sec. 110. admlnlstrai es ot the Ided for. thall be distributed among three departments, as per section 87 and sec tion A. Hec. HI. Bosra Assjgn Duties The Board ,l,.,.,n.l und e,,rfl,lMi-eil within tha llmlrii. ' alant hill v t,.a,rtl.M tha nrnlxaieil IniliritW had Ullll (lolle, Blld Sllcll tlUlnil facie tlons of Indebtedness herein provided. I ment, the extent thereof, the proliafJle total I deuce shall not he disputed or overcount cost as theretoiore estimated, and a de-1 " ;"i uvumeu 1 o - I 1. . a1, la f n.4,.l..,a net:, iti. jiiiuianuu u. ..i.j tu.nfiru- ness Except as herein otherwise provided, acrlptl.m of tne lots or purceis ot lanu, or - "J "''' DEI AKTMENT8. no Indebtedness shall be Incurred, nor e'"ent district to tie uiiscied inercoy. 1 - - . " ' Distribution The executive and . hn,i ). f, the nnrnna. of making Any Irregularity, misprint, or like mistake 1 '' ' or t ie tax. live Dowers, authority and du-! ... im,.r,.emnt .mill' Ma. niwitiim ,7 happening through liiu.lvertonce uud not of i ? ')'"" "' "l assessment or tax he- cltv not otherwise herein oro- i T.T.'nrri L- . 7, T Tn.l.oT,.; inaii .nai ni .Meh Itself operating to any material or sub- u'e, or redemption alter tue sale ; Th.'. m rnms determine and assign the duties of no such Indebtedness shs The two other Commissioners .shi ! each Commissioner In his department : y uco bonds l Issm $20,000.00, A reasonable charge by a surety com pany for qualifying upon sucb bond thall, when approved by the Boaro, be paid by the City. The County Clerk or County Improvement and the issuance Ot OOIIUS -. w. ... ....... That ne r..v.,.t1..r, h therefor shall be submitted at a general , WHf anl,!K,T,Ur,'. . .. tie. n, h. vented y Pf rfiud of the ,,r aneelni leethm called fr auch iiuriuase I d Itlilu 20 days after the first pub i , ,,,, ? iriiuu ot the purchsser , or or speuuj t ei t on laneu lor sue u purpose, i ..,,' .... ,.,. ... ,... i 4. T int the nruoertv was sold f,,r an ,.. ... ....a, Ml... I . ui- i,la ,.r aitl.l lit. a in " lluu anvia iihiih: tiio i" ,a . .". .- -. ... . ... - ... ..... -- . ,,. ,. ,., ,,, i, -,.h i. ,i, ,.,.v..,,i..i,t assessment or isii ne incurred, nor ' .7 v . . ...... ued uules, at siichiniay He m tue omce or tne (..era wriiisn t " eiei-iors v. iimk at sucn election sn.iii vote - t ,llirm.r, i" M , r levl pon the property sold. i""1- i Board, and If tuch remonstrance Is not so " pery act Ion, suit or proceeding which The Commissioners mny, whenever : f,.,j within said time by the owners of may oe commenced for the recovery of laud deemed necessary, call a special election for i ..., . thau two-thirds (211) in area of the w''''-h shall have been sold for uu the purpose ot submitting to tne quuniieu w,,i ....a, assessment district I ment or lax, or to quiet title of the former or ot we mij uie quemiou 01 incur- B1 I)r0eeedlng therein hud shall be deeme tax for which neither aald the owner thereof, at tha furnish a security bond In tbe sum of , Hkll prrl or against .aid ..'."!? .7. .tl'.u. uU! wu". "al'.le' that D. , . I .,...1 ..i - - - - ' . . I I , ............. ui,,l..t, i.Iia i I'm a ,,1 III, IIHBI-SHllieil L Of I II WIIH HMSeMMetl ring nn Indebtedness, or making any employes : may assign particular officers and employe to one or more of tbe depart ment ; may require an officer or employe to perform dutlea In two or more depart ments, and mav make such other rules and ... . - -. II I . n I .. ripmann a , .. 1 1 . . . I ., . I n... k. ,1 .. ,. treasurer ui Jianuu wiiiii, vfar an; orsuinuwu. na urn. ."7 u-titii unnwaij ill ,,1,,,,,.. l,l luirwlu and Ba M . r. ........ .ha a-'fU-lun. anI aMa...n.ln.l .. eiCf.lOr OB II1C tll.iuuiuu "J. ". wwi.-.ra, ..- V- i ...n:a mc tiuvnii, ..II' bonds shall be filed with either ot said -duct of the business of the City. ........a I Mar Pnwprl nf ( 'nmmlaalnnap Th. viaatvvia. . i . -. - -- - - .ha mir-noaa nr ralalnir rmtna tn meat alien . i. , ARTICLE V. Commissioner for earn or the departmauts ,",.,,1. ' " . ,,. maka ,! improvement J""ictlu. wiin power to comp eio sui.-i THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONED. shall have the supervision and control of i"'! Vh. '.T,n,m.,i ers h. Sn wS Improvement snd to levy and collect th. The term "Board" whenever used in this all the affairs and property belonging to f the nurnH of aSaM iM ,U,e C""t V"1 "P? :''" Charter .hail be construed as the Board such depsrtroent, except as otherwise pro-, " h?. re uTred l,r the genersl V.V '"'b '"nst ranee sin. I m so of Commissioners. J vlded In-thls Charter, or by ordinance, aub-: J'7.," (W1,. 'a,. ,, h DUue caH uy. tiie wners of two thirds 12 S) or Sec. 45. Legislative Powers Tbe Board Iject to such regulations as may be pr- ! "f "11-1 el lon t submit tht ai?estioq T"! ut "'.,th """"". uth lroveinei.t nf Commissolners shall be vested with all scribed by the Bosrd. He may employ, and VE-ln ?'""' n"t '"""''', ,""" of. h the legl.l.tlve power, of the City, except discharge Or delegate to any subordinate ?'nrovemeu?s or for thTls'ncs of bond! ur l",r7'U ' i""1 '" b" aMM,'rl '' as otherwise provided by tbls Charter. the power to employ and discharge day l'"!!!". "'.". "' f''' the Issuance ol bonds cml , said linprovenient. If sue i gee. 4tt. President and Vice President laborer, and nnskllled workmen. i ,0 Du)r Ior lne t .. t , I remonstrance shall be filed as aforesaid, of the Board The Mayor ahall be president Sec. 63. Office Hours It shall be the i Sec. 71. Tbe City shall not become In- the .nine .hall be a bar to anv further .!, V.,r,l Tha Hoard ahall elect one ii -i ii-h t . . - . debted for any purpose or In any manner to .proceeding lu the making of sold Improve. of Its number to be Tlce president, w bo i regular hours at the City Hall, and person-1 an amount which, including existing Indent- itu ut for a period of four months, unless during the absence or disability of thelallv superintend tbe affairs of bis depart-!' -" "hall exceed four (4) per cent of the owners ot two thirds (2-3) or more of Msvor shall posses all tbe powera and i ment. ! the assessed valuation of the taxable prop- tin. property affected as storeaald shall nerform all tbe dutlea or toe Mayor com- nee. 54. rnhlietty Itecords and Reports "y wunin iu .ny, aa anowu uj un i.i aunaequeniij pennon umremr ; provmed, mlsaloner Each of said Commissioners shnll keep preceding ssaeasmeut for City purpose ; ! however, that where the proposed Improve- Sec 47. Judge of Their Election. The! record book in which .hall be recorded a provided, however, that In determining tbe, ment Is the construction or repair of any Board shall be the Judge of the election t brief but comprehensive record of all da- -limitation of the City's power to Incur , sewer or drain, the Bosrd mny by unanl and qualifications of Its own members, sub- j psrtment sffairs under bis charge, and 1 Indebtedness there sball not be Included iimus vote order the construction or repair to review uy uie cuiaui m vi oini. qunrienj rryKim mm prnvioen. la sec- : i.n-i" mm-i ,vi a.. -.- , ., ' ..uo tion o. tacn i.ommiasioner snsn siso mske " ur-reuutr . ,iKi.. w. uiun mw.u i,-iiii,ii.i,aii,. ... and keep a complete Inventory and perma- Be utllltes, works or ways from wblcb tbe I (el There shall be alio created a docket nnt record of ail the personal property ' City does or will derive a revenue, nor any ; of city Hens. of his department and what disposition. If special assessment for Improvement, of I Ifi Whenever the coat of an Improve any, has been made of the ssme. ! streets, sewers, etc for which tbe property ment which Is to be ssesed upoa th. Pee. S. Newspaper and Publication Fee aneclally benefited thereby aball be respon i property specially beaeflied thereby Is defl- All printing of any kind relating to nub- slble a. provided In section 87, nor to nltely known and determined, the Board of llclty affairs or publications required or bonds Issued under what I known as the i Commissioner ahsll apportion the cost end authorized bv this Charter, or bv reneral Ilaorruft Bonding Act Dor to refunding ! expenses of such Improvement In accordance until sfter the expiration ot one year from 1 law or by any ordinance or resolution, shs II bonds. with the special benefit, derived by each the Mate when be ceased to be a member I h paid for only at th lowest business Sec- 77. Refunding Bond For th pur- lot or psrrei of land, and shall set a time of the Board. rate. po of funding any bonded Indebtedness uf for besrlng and determining th levying ,iuun,a,i I owner, or his successors In Interest, flgalnst nd suid I "'"'ii "uie, or to remove tne cloud tnereoi lect Sec 41. Restriction Tpon Member of the Board No member of tbe Board shail hold any other remunerative public office or engage In any other employment No person shall oe eiectea or api-uiu.rrj m muj office, position or employment the compen sation of which was increased or fixed by the Board while he wis a member thereof. Board shall be deemed to have acquired ! (except In cases where the assessment or t e am iwiiiiii me liiuu iiu iirtrii mum puld before tITe mile, ur the iumJ rttj,'..ul as provltlc'l by law) ahull lm cmtntncel within three yeurs from (lit time ot re cording of the ileed, a m) not llioreufter ; uikI In nny hik Ii iirtloii. unit or -rocefihii the party claiming to he th owner, a MKiiiiiMt the imriv tlnliolntc iiinU-r hu.-Ii ii le. uitiHt teii'h'r with hi first plentllug th ii oi the iiii'('lntitf iirli e for wh It'll tli land was sold by Hiiid City, together with pen u lilt a preiuTihed hy Itiw In mirli iiiHtM. innl nil tn ttiid iiHH.-HnimMits hvlel and mnU itKulnut or upon the land or nny pnrt thertoi. which mIiuII hav ben paid after mo ll utile hy the purchaser at tuvh aale, or hta helra or tuNignfl, together with Uiterent tloTfin at the rule of Wa per cent per annum from the reanet'tlve times of tbe payment of auch purcnaae price, taxes and UMitttt4iiit'nta hy euch pun-hniier 01 n helra or afotlgiii. up to the time of filing uch pleading to be paid inch purchaser, I'l hfllH 1. 1' MUMItf , i . let title of stieti purt-naapr at sucb tale ahall full In siirh onion, suit or proceeding. I. Neither the City of Salem nor any offcler thereof, shall be liable for any pr tlou of the coats or espeuses of any street work or linproTeratnit or the rouitriirtlon or repair of any sewer or drain wblcb Is (Continued oa Page 6.)