Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 12, 1911, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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T. HOFER. dl:oranl ?rorr!tor.
Xniiii liiit li'u ispcr Dm td to Aatriaa Prtidtk txtf
the ProiKM and Der.-kH-amf of All Oram
Publkim' Every Fvcnlng Except 8'wdcr.
(Innrfaiblr la Ad rue)
(Mr, jy Carrier, per year (6.00 Per moo
ttfy.bylU.T.ptryeM' 4.U Per monti
ifcaUr. by Matt. pr yew LOO P.x rati
Fill Text Published bj Conrteiy of
(Continued from yesterday's Dally.)
Supreme I'nlon shall turn oier and
deliver to said Company or its au
thorized! representatives, nil applica
tions, medical examination war
ranties of good health, files, letters,
books, registers cards. Indexes, rec
ords, mulling lists and any and
everything pertaining to the said Life
Benefit Certificates In force in said
Order upon the date this -agreement
goes Into effect.
The said Company agrees. In con
sideration of said transfer, to make
payments to Trustees, to be desig
nated by the Order, in the menner
following, viz: Upon the payment of
monthly premiums or asescments
hereunder, to said Company by such
transferred members, said Company
will pay to said TrmUees the sum of
Fifty (50) Cents on each monthly
premium or assessment, not exceed
ing Eight (8) premiums in number
from any one member, paid after the
date hereof, to said Company by each
and every such continuing trans
ferred member; such heveral
amounts to be paid lo said Tiusteea
on or before the l."th day of each
month, to cover premium payments
made by members for the preceding
month, which said several amounts
are to be used by said Trustees, to
gether with the assets of said Or
der, to apply upon the payment of
existing mortuary and other liabili
ties of said Order and .the said Cotn
j finj' ! rot to l,e in any manner held
lluble for the payment of any such
pre-existing liability.
All unearned promluniB or assess
ments paid by said transferred mem
bers to said Order, prior to twelve
o'clock, noon, of the day this agree
ment takes effect, shall bo accounted
tor and credited upon the payments
rrnvldert aliova, to he made by said
Company to said Trustees.
It is further agreed that thin con
tra M'l r.nt ro Into effect until it
has been duly ratified and executed
by the Supreme Union of salJ Order
of Washington.
In Witness Whereof, Sulci Wente.rn
Life Indemnity Company, by author
ity and affirmative vote of Its Ryeeu
tlve Committee, has caused this
agreement to be signed by Its resi
dent, nnd Its corporate seal nlflxed
thereto, and the Order of Washing
ton, by virtue of the author'!' of lis
Supreme I'nlon, has cnuf-d this
agreement to bo executed by J. ,.
Mitchell, Its attorney In fact, this
15th day of February, l!KIS.
Ity (Jeo. M. Motilton ('resident.
A. N. Bishop, Secretary
lly .1. U Mitchell,
It's Attorney in Fact."
Another defense of ultra vires Is
not nocesBary to be noticed for this
The new matter In the answer Is
denied by the reply. A Jury trial was
had In which, at the close of the
plaintlff'B testimony, the defendant
moved for a judgment of non-suit on
the grounds, among others, that the
complaint does not state fuels aufll
cient to constitute a cuiisq of action
"for reason that there Is a total fail
ure of proof on the part of plaintiff
to establish any liability on the part
of the defendant for any endowment
or insurance whatever and there Is
a totul failure of evidence) in pi oof
to esiainisn any contract on the part
of the defendant to pay the plaintiff
Ills certificate of Insurance In the Or
der of Washington, and there, is no
evidence to show 'what the contract
was or the terms of the contract be
tween the defendant and the Order
of Washington, and said pluintlff has
failed to introduce evldenco of or
prove any contract between the de
fendant nnd the Order of Washing
ton, whereby the defendant reinsured
the members of the Order of Wash
ington or assumed to pay their poli
cies, but has only Introduced letters
tending to Hhow that their, was a
contract of some kind or description,
but has not shown or proved the real
contract;" and further; "That there
Is Insulllelent evidence to Justify a
verdict against the defendant in said
action, and also Insulllelent evidence
to Justify the court In submitting the
said cause to a Jury or In submitting
to said Jury the nature or scope of
any contract between the plaintiff
and the defendant objects to said
causo being submitted to a Jury on
account of insulllelent evidence and
ou account of failure of the plaintiff
to prove the contract entered Into
between the defendant and the Order
of Washington and referred to in the
letters introduced In evidence bv the
The motion for a Judgment of non
suit was overruled. The defendant
offered evidence on lis part and as
signs sundry errors of the court In
admitting and rejecting testimony
which for the purposes of this opin
Full line of Automobile Supplies,
"'I0' "t"r"K?and Pairing. All
i.wu.Buuii.ia, umu, ntiuiww, .OAKLAND, .ELMORE
1911 cars now In. Call and tee them. Phose Main 78S
South Liberty street.
R. M HOrEH, Manage,
Eftc Cr
tit .
F. A. Tomer, Reporter of the
Co art
ion are deemed unimportant. The
trial resulted In a verdict and Judg
ment for the plaintiff In the sum of
$2,000 and the defendant appeals.
Burnett, J. The substance of the
complaint is that the defendant, by
an agreement made directly with the
plaintiff, undertook to assume and
discharge the obligation of the Order
of Washington to him. By his own
statement he says that he accepted
the certificate of membership Issued
by the order In lieu of the one pre
viously Issued to him by the Wash
ington Co-operative Life Insurance
Association. Although, as pleaded,
the first certificate may have provid
ed for the payment direct to plain
tiff of the sum of $2,000 at the end of
the 20 year period or to his benefi
ciary In case he died sooner. In the
one substituted for It by the Order of
Washington the benefit does not In
ure to the plaintiff. By this latter
certificate 'the order does not stipu
late for payment of any sum of
mony In any event to the plaintiff,
but only to his wife. In any view of
the case, she, or her successor In In
terest, Is the only one who could re
cover on the substituted certificate.
Here the plaintiff asks to recover in
his own right on an obligation In fa
vor of tnother without pleading an
assignment to himself of that other's
cause of action. The stipulation of
the instrument is that "The Order of
Washington agrees that after the
maturity of this certificate of mem
bership occasioned by the death of
the member or otherwise, one as
sessment not exceeding
in amount the sum of $2,000 will
be paid as a benefit to Emily Weoko
llne Larsen Spande, bearing relation
ship of wife." This does not furnish
ground for recovery by plaintiff, for
the action must ,be brought in tho
name of the real party in interest,
who, In this case, appears to be
plaintiff's wife. L. O. L. Sec. 27.
Again, the legal effect of the con
tract pleaded by the plaintiff is that
the defendant agreed with him to an
swer for the debt. default or mis
carriage of the Order of Washington;
that Is to say. In substance, at the
end of the 20 year period, providing
the plaintiff had complied with the
terms of the contract on his part,
there would then be a debt of $2,000
owing from the Order of Washington
to him, or his beneficiary, tmd ac
cording to the complaint, the sub
stance of the contract on the part of
the defendant was to nnswer lor this
posslblo debt of the Order of Wash
ington. Tills matter being traversed
by tho answer It wns Incumbent upon
the plaintiff to prove his allegation
In that respect by such evidence as
the statute of frauds requires, viz:
an agreement in writing or some
note or memorandum thereof ex
pressing the consideration and
signed by the defendant or its law
fully authorized agent L. O. I
Sec. SOS. As evidence of the con
tract alleged, the plaintiff introduced
three letters purporting to be signed
by J. L. Mitchell as "Manager of the
Order of Washington Department,
Western Life Indemnity Company."
Tho signature of Mitchell as well as
his authority to sign so as' to charge
the defendant were both challenged
by proper objections on the part of
the defendant. The only evidence on
that subject offered by plaintiff was
that of P. J. McMannama, as fol
lows: Q. Did you ever have any dealings
with .1. L. Mitchell?
A. When?
Q. During the time you were em
ployed by the.. Western Life Indem
nity Company?
A. Yes sir.
Q. What position did Mr. J. L.
Mitchell occupy with the Western
Life Indemnity Company between
February 15, 1SI0S, and the last of the
A. I could not tell you that of my
own knowledge I don't know any
thing about that, only what I would
Infer from his correspondence and
Q. What did the Company hold him
out to you to be?
Mr. Smith: We object to that. He
assumes that the Company did hold
him out In a certain way and we ob
ject to that as incompetent nnd ir
relevant. Court: Objection overruled.
Q. Answer the question.
A. I understood that he had the
management of the Western Depart
ment of their business.
Mr. Smith: It is understood that
an exception is allowed?
Court; Exception is allowed.
Q. As the manager of the Western
Life Indemnity Company?
A. That Is what 1 understood.
Q. Did you have much correspon
dence in that regard?
A. Yes, considerable. ,
Q. You say be was so held out to
A. In a certain order of business,
but If there was anything special. I
(Continued on Page 4.)
Oils and Gasolene. Autos for
work guaranteed. Agents for
The Knox Company today will ap
pear at the Palm theatre for four
nights and daily matinee In "If
Mornlnglory Wins." This Is a play
telling the story of a young man,
whose uncle died, leaving him a for
tune of over a million dollars, on con
dltion that he marry the lady he has
picked out for him within six months
of his death. The entire fortune is j
to go to the estaDiisnment ot a nome
for friendless newsboys, if bis wlsh
es are not carried out. This play
abounds In fun, there Is nothing else
to It, but laughter; it i-s one scream
from beginning to end
There will be given, In addition to
the above, two, specialties. We can
assure everyone attending the per
formance of the Knox Comdy Com
pany a very pleasant and enjoyable
time. The Palm.
Convinced that the transfer of Ed
win L. Chaicraft, as superintendent
of the Chemawa Indian school, w ll
operate as an Injury to the school,
the Board of Trade last evening, at
Its meeting passed resolutions asking
that the order of the inferior depart
ment transferring him be revoked. A
copy of the resolution will be sent to
Secretary of the Interior Fisher.
The Resolution.
"We learn with regret that Edwin
L. Chaicraft has been transferred
from his position as superintendent
of the Salem Indian school to a post
far distant.
"We wish to testify to ihe ability
and honesty of Mr. Chaicraft, and we
feel that the service at the Salem in
stitution Is being injured by h!s
'We urge that the. order for Mr.
Chalcraft's transfer be revoked, and )
that he be allowed to rema n here,
where he has rendered such excellent,
and honorable service.1'
To Appoint Delegate.
A communication was read asking
the board to appoint a delegate to
the River and Harbor convention, to
be held in Washington in the fore
part of December, and the president
was empowered to appo'nt one.
A communication, was also re-ad
from the Progressive Business Men's
League, of Portland, thanking the
members jf the board for the k'nd
ness shown its members during the'r
recent visit to the city, and also ex
tending an Invitation to the ir n
bers of the local board 'to pny a visit
to Portland.
The flnnnc'n statement showed
that there was n balance on hand the
first of th'a month amounting to
Discuss Road S'tuntlon.
Following the transaction of fh's
business camo a -good roads discus
sion with the result hat the eoin
mlteo on good roads was instructed
to ascertn'n what qmrrles c.iuld be
nblalned, and nlso what tr?riortn
tlon rates could be secured for the
conveyance of road materials.
For the purpose of arousing Inter
est In the 5 O'clock Business Men's
Class in gymnnstlc work, a d'nner
was given last evening at the Y. M.
C. A. building.
A. M. Grlliey. physical director of
the Portland association, was Intro
duced after the dinner by Carl Ab
nms. and he made an Interesting
talk on the value of athletics. A
there are a number of business men
wlit. are unnble lo leave tho'r labor
b'forrt 0 o'clock It was declde.l lv
the tii.srciittloii have two claw s
for their benefit tho one at 5
o'c'nek and the other at 6 o'clock.
Many prominent men hfive en
rolled. Thp clnsses will begin thee
work tomorrow. The c'ass last year
had 20 members, but this year It will
be able to boast of st least 40.
The otlcers ep cet f-r 'he c'n--s
are: President, Will Evans, vice
president, Curtis Cross, and secre
tary, W. II. Burghardt.
After consuming an entire day In
court the case of the Bachelors' Club
of Woodhurn vs. Ed. HutterflcM. c ty
marshal, finally came to an end late
yesterday afternoon, and the jury,
after deliberating a few minutes over
me evidence introduced, walked In
to court and" returned a verdict in
favor of the defendant.
The action against the marshal was
brought by the club originally to
secure possession of some cigars nmt
liquor taken by him. when' he made
a raid on the institution last spring.
The nroperty some time ago was re
turned, hut the. rhlh In (ta nr.H.,n
: asked damages for i's unlawful re
itentlon. and it was to obtain a judg
; mont for damages that the suit was
CHIIdrext Cry
Makes a Bad Cough Vanish
Quickly or Money Back
The Qulokatt, Surest Cough Remedy
You Ever Used. Family Supply for
60c- Savai You $2.
Ton hare never used anything which
takes hold of a bad cough and conquers it
eo quickly as Pinex Cough Syrup. Givee
almost instant relief and usually (tops the
most obstinate, deep-tested cough In 81
hours. Guaranteed to give prompt and
positive result even In croup and whoop
ing cougb.
Plnex is a special and highly concen
trated compound of Norway White Pine
extract, rich in guaincol and other healing
pine elements. A 60 cent bottle makes a
pint a family supply of the best cough
remedy that money can buy. at a saving of
$2. fcimply mix with home-made sugar
syrup or strained honey, in a pintbottie,
aud It is ready for use. Easily prepared In
6 minute directions in rwekage.
Children like Pinex Cough Syrup it
tastes good, aL.d is a prompt, safe remedy
for old or young. Stimulates the appetite
and Is flightly laxative both good fea
tures. A nady bot:-ho1d medicine for
hoarseness, asthma, bronchitis, etc., and
unusually effective for incipient long
troubles. Uavd. in .Tiore homes in theU.
S. and Canada- tbaa tny other cough
Pinex hm often been Imitated, but never
successfully, for not blug else will produce
the same results. The genuine is guaran
teed to give absolute satisfaction or money
refunded. Certificate of guarantee is
wrapped in each package. Your druggist
has Pinex or vr 1 II gladly get it for you. If
not. send to The Pities Co., I t. Wayne,
Anyway, the president need net
waste any time talking about the re
call when he v'gits California. That
measure passed 4 to 1 at the election
Commander Booth Just a woman
after all. When she spoke Tuesday
night, after gesticulations, she
reached around and pulled down her
skirt, just like any other woman.
Some people think the convicts
are having an easy time tinder Gov
ernor West's system. Still they are
not trying to get any of the posi
tions. Miss Kruttschnitt Is to marry, and
endure all the hardships of pioneer
life at Klamath. As she will have a
palatial residence, electric lights, ser
vants, autos, telephone and railroad
service at her doors, her pioneer
hardships will be somewhat minim
Judge Bordwell is determined to
try the McNamara cases, and ins'sts
he is not prejudiced. Perhaps not,
but If he is it will certainly crop out
in the next year or two during the
trial of the case.
Now If the news associations w!l
only send news of the McNamara
trial, and not a lot of pink tea stuff
driveled out by its special kinder
garten students, who think they have
to fill so much space, the newspapers
and the readers will all escape an
infliction, and the telegraph wires
will not be insulted.
The president certainly received a
warm reception in Salem, for the
crowd was large and enthusiastic,
and seemingly had but one desire, to
properly honor, not only the man, but
the greatest office Jji the world, the !
president of the United States. !
Notice to Tnxpnyers.
The board of equalization for Mar
ion county, Oregon, will meet at the
court house in said county, on Mon
day. October lGth, 1911, at 10 o'clock
a. m. and correct all errors in valua
tion, description or qualities of land,
lots or other property, and continue
in session until such work is com
pleted, not exceeding one month.
All parties interested are notified
to appear and examine their assess
ment for the year 1911 and If not
satisfied with the same, file applica
tion In writing, properly verified, for
a reduction or alteration of the samo
during thp first week of such meet
ing, as no complaints can be received
Assessor of Marion County, Ore.
September 27. 1911. 9-27-lTtdly
Skin ot Beauty is a Joy Forever
RemoTei Tn. Ptmptaa, j
a irmw, in im i aiciiti,
Rti, and hkln Dint-awn,
an every Dienimn
on beauty, and de- :
fles ilfliectloD. It ;
ban stood th trat 1
of 60 yfara, aod '.
tastelltobesurelt '
it properly made. ;
Accptooeounter i
foil of tloiilir
name. Dr. L. a. '
Snvra taid to ft
laxly of the haul- '
t"n a patient): j
" As you tad lea
wilt ue them
V X. I rfcuramenrj
'iouritiir Creum' aa the least harmfu, of all tba
ikio itreiuraii.ins." For salt by all druitjrifta and Fancy
IB.'. T.H3PMS, ft. 37 Ct.it Z:,i. Imkl
We publish legal notices aa
required by law, furnishing
affidavit and proof ot pub
lication. Fine Brief Work
It our specialty. Let ui
figure with you on your next
Capital Journal
-1 wS iM
With resolufons protesting against
Secretary of Agriculture Wilson act-1
; Ing as honorary president of the In-j
ternational Brewers Association. ne
Presbytery, which has been in session
for the last couple of day sat th
Presbyterian church came to a close
last evening.
The evening was devoted to a de
votional service, which was led by
Rev. W. S. McCullough, and Rev.
Henry Babcock, pastor of the local
were also passed thank
lag the city board of trus'eea and thc
ladles of the church for the kindpess
shown the members of the Presby
tery. Rev. W. M. Williams, pastor of the
church at McMinnvllle. was nominat
ed superintendent of the Sunday
school work on the Pacific coast. Rev.
L. T. Davis will take his place as
pastor of the McMnnvitle church.
Joining with 12 other states in the
Union the "Beaver" state is today
observing ,nl celebrating Columbus
Day, which vt.s set apart and de
cly -ed a3 b puiillj ailiday J;- tiie
log-slatur !, nnd which was r:Yl a
legal holiday ind non-judicia day
by a proclamation issued by Gover
nor West.
Portland, probabi, is the onjy
city In the state whlcti 'a .vleb-'iiM.ig
the day In an extensive and elabor
ate manner, but each and evprv oth
er of the towns are quiet!y observ
ing it by the suspension of bus'.tess
and the closing of their yubl'c in
stitutions. The Knights of Columbus wen; In
strumental in prevailing upo-j the
legislature to pass an act deolarins
it a holiday- The act. when 't first
bobbed up, declared it a legal boll
day, but the senate took except ior,
to It on the Jrotiii! tli.tt wriv 'no
many legal holHiys in the state The
word legal vhc-.i cb'i'ined to pub
lic and evidently; tinier iho impres
sion that this would not make tne
day a non-ja.lii'it! ono, the Senate
passed the act.
The Knights of Columbus in Poit
land are celebrating the day n i:rand
style, but the most elaborate col...
bration being made is by the Italians
of that city. Their celebrati'ir. is be
ing held under the auspices ol the
Columbus Day Celebratio.i ass'ic'a
tiou o
If you have young children, you
have perhaps noticed that disorders
of the stomach are their most com
mon ailment. To correct this you
will find Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets excellent. They are
easy and pleasant to take, and mild
and gentle in effect. For sale by all
Journal Want Ads Bring Results
IMA MO NO Hit AMI IMI.l.M. f flA
years known as Best, Safest, Alwtvs UeliaMa
With our assurance that we
are able and willing to take
car of It, we solicit your
Banking Business. Open an
account with us, and we will
extend you every favor con
sistent with good banking prin
Liberty Street, Just off State
J. L. AHLERS, President,
W. O. EAST. Cashier, '
S. 8. EAST, Vice-Pres.
j j balefll i CIICC W OfRS
Headquarters for Woven Wlr
Kenciug Hop Wire, Barb
Wire, Poultry Netting, Bhlt
gles, Maltbold Roofing, P. k.
B. and Ready Roofing. Screen
Doors aud Adjustable Window
Screens. All at the lowest
25i" Court street Phone 114
ioaitui AftU your I'ruitaUt for a
4 liicbf.(rr's IHuoioiiU TlrnndfV
I'llla in litd ami tiolj nietalHcVV
l?es, seaiM with IMno Rii.Ixn, f
TL no olhrr. Buy of your v
lrni7flat- Aiif tnr fit I.J'Ifl.'ki TPD
I i "rn!3 119 Ui 28 week.. 1903
i Ci!i nrmri ' ' wek. MOT
! 1 mx-h M rrurd t, tt week? Iw
1 wh m eml SIS kit I. t5 weeki low
1 Mrhln eanH i,a la t work. ISIS
; ANTe figure will be reri6ed to protpectiT
! cuMomn. Write toe catalogue d price t
i C.W.PARKER LeaTtnwtrtk, Has,
' ciaar
Get d 25 Cent Bottle Now and
Forever Stop Falling Hair, Itching
Scalp and Dandruff
If you Wish to Double the Beauty
of your Hair in Ten Minutes surely
Try a Danderine Hair Cleanse
Your hair become! light, wavy, fluffy,
abundant and appear! as toft, lustrous and
beautiful ai a young girl's after a Danderine
hair cleanse. Just try this moisten a cloth
with a little Danderine and carefully draw it
through your hair, taking one mall atrand
at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust,
dirt and excessive oil and in just a few
moments you have doubled the beauty of
your hair.
A delightful surprise awaits particularly
those who have been careless, whose hair
has been neglected or is scraggy, faded, dry,
brittle or thin. Besides beautifying the hair
at once, Duidetine dissolves every particle
of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and invigor
ates the scalp, forever stopping itching and
falling hair.
Try as you will, after one application of
Danderine you cannot find any dandruff or
a loose or falling hair, and your scalp will
never itch, but what will please you most
will be after a few weeks' use when you will
actually see new hair fine and downy at
first yes but really new hair sprouting all
over the scalp. Danderine makes the hair
grow long, heavy and luxuriant and we can
prove it. If you care for pretty, soft hair
and lots of it surely get a 25 cent bottle of
Knowlton's Danderine from any druggist
or toilet counter, and just try it.
v h I
The Doctor's Answers On
Health and Beauty Questions
By Dr. Theodore Beck
The questions answered tielow arc general In character;
the symptoms or dlsenees lire given and answers will anplj
to nny cuse of similar nature
Those wishing further advice, free, ma yaddresa Dr. Theo.
Beck. College Hlili?., College-Klwood St. Uiiyton, Ohio, en
closing self-addressed envelope for reply. No questions will
be answered unless (nil Dnme aud address Is given. Initials
or nom de plum;1 will be used In auBWers. The prescrip
tions cun be tilled at any well stocked drug store. Any
druggist can order of wholesaler.
! "$ ; i
Oracc M : Your distress Is due to a
complication of Ills due In a great measure
to poor circulation which affects the deli
cate organs of your sex, causing the usual
abnormal symptoms of pain, griping, head
ache and soreness In the chest nnd under
the Bhotilder blades. Your weight Is '20
pounds below normal nnd your blood Is In
poor condition. Have this prescription tilled
and use regularly for several months.
Vlrburnum Prunlfollum 1 oz. Tincture
Cadomene C'orap 1 oz., Com. Syrup of Hy
popbospbiteti tl ozs. Mix and take n teaspoon
fill every three hours during the day, fol
lowed by a glass of water.
Also obtain 8-graln HypoNuclnne Tab
lets, and take as per directions accompany
ing sealed package.
Discouraged Mechanic : The trouble
with your feet will require a long course
of treatment to correct, but by patience
and persistency the following treatment
will (bt Ir. This also will, relieve and
cure tired and aching, sweaty and cal
loused feet, as It Is a local tonic and stim
ulant to the muscles, ligaments nnd cells.
To a gallon of hot water add a teaspoon
ftil of Vilane I'owder and a tenspoonful
of alum. Immerse the feet 15 to 2U min
utes each night. Then bathe the feet In
cold witter nnd dry.
Annie K : Your acute Indigestion, accom
panied by constipation has brought on rheu
mntlsm through nial-assimllntion or a con
stant absorption of poisons which should
have been eliminated. You must first regti
late your diet. Discontinue coffee nnd
tea. Omit meat almost entirely, also
starches, such us fresh bread, pastry nnd
potatoes, except baked. Always ent less
than your appetite craves. For this Indi
gestion take Tablets Trlopeptlne, pink, af
ter breakfast, white after dinner, blue af
ter supper. Also take 1-2 to 1 teaspoonful
of the following to correct liver and
Mmiy n Salem Household Will Find
Them So.
To have the pains and aches of a
bad back removed; to be entirely
free from annoying, dangerous urin
ary disorders is enough to make any
kidney sufferer grateful. To tell how
this great change can be brought
about will prove comforting words to
hundreds of Salem readers. ,
Mrs. L. W. Moench, 330 S. Main
street, Albany, Ore., says: "I had
kidney complaint and it was aggra
vated when I caught cold or did any
housework. My back ached severely
and stooping or lifting always caused
sharp, shooting twinges through my
kidneys.- I also had trouble from
the kidney secretions and I knew
that I was in need of a kidney medi
cine. Finally Doan's Kidney Pills
were procured for me and their use
as directed brought prompt relief.
Before long a complete cure was ef
fected and 1 am now enjoying good
health." (Statement given February
5, 1908.)
A Second Statement.
On November 13, 1908, Mrs. Moench
said: "My former endorsement of
Donn's Kidney Pills was correct in
every particular. I am glad to again I
tell of the merits of this
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. roster-.MUburn Co.. Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
tane no other.
Journal Want Ads Bring Results
Children Cry
"t ttt I I i I iMiiiinimiiiiiiinill t-t-f
"Economies" We
in one sense, we could save money by using cheaper soap than
ie very best, by usiug cheaper starch aud lower prised employees. I
etc. '
But the Savins' at mnot n..t4
loss In reputation.
You can count on the fact that we practice no -economy" that J
takes it out of your clothes. I
We aim to do the finest laundering possible, second to none. Our
patrons tell us we succeed. Yot will like our work. Try it Lo- t
est prices guaranteed. I
phone 2S-
bowels : Fl. Ext Mandrake 3 drams, Aro
matic Fl. Cnscarn 1 oz., Comp. Esnenc
Cardiol 1 oz.. Aromatic Syrup llheaoarb 4
ozs. Mix three or four doses daily. After
three weeks alternate nnd nke the fol
lowing as a powerful tonle to improve the
circulation: Comp. Syrup HypophiMphites 5
o.s.. Tincture Cadomene Comp loz. toot
This course of treatment should be con
tinued until entirely relieved.
Header : Excessive perspiration under
the arms can be relieved by washing morn
nig nnd night with a pint of warm water
to which huB been added a level tennpoMi
ful of Antiseptic I'owder; but to cure the
only sure method Is to bathe th- entire
body once dally, and keep the bowels ac
tive. The perspiration should not be
checked altogether.
Mrs. E. V. : Your stomach trouble Is due
to an excessive ncid causing mink gat
rumbling, headache, sour risings, etc.. efr
pecially after eating acid fruits, etc. Take
Tablets Trlopeptlne as per direction ac
companying sealed package. Also take 14
teaspoonful of Sodium Phosphate In water
nfter each menl. If constipated take J.
grain tablets Sulnherb, put up la sealed
tubes. Never take a substitute for any.
thing I prescribe.
Rose : I do not know the formula you
refer to. An excellent and reliable stain
for the hair, which Is not harmful, but
beneficial as a Ualr tonlcls as follows:
Take six heaping tablespoonfuls of coffee
nnd boll It In 8 pints of water until reduced
by evaporation to 1 quart. Strain thor
oughly, let cool and then add one ounce
of Vliane Powder. Shake nnd dampen the
hair twice dally. By making the coffee
stronger or weaker you can make any shade
you desire. Tbe odor of coffee Is lost by
long boiling.
Mnbel : I'se same treatment as "Anna
All patent medicints or medicines ad
vertised In this paper are for sale at
Drug Store
Dr. Stone's
jA snow white medicine, contains no
! sugar of lead, opium, nor other poi
sonous drugs. Applied every hour it
at once relieves, and soon cures In
flammation of the skin generally
known as Poison Oak. 25c and 50c
Can't Afford
" " - ' 4
, i . .... .a,illlnl f
I' ' " A -1