A A a 5rV t mm f OL. XXL SALEM, OREGON. THCI5S1UY. OCTOBER 12, 1911. XO. 244. I IVES THE PRESIDENT A SALE WAR! WELCOME CROWDS GATHER EARLY TO SEE TAFT SCHOOL CHILDREN SIM "AMERICA" MAKES SPLENDID SPEECH TO FIVE THOUSAND CITIZENS PAYS TRIBUTE TO VETERANS Breakfast Was the Starter, at Which thePresident Was De lightfully Jolly and Entertaining Tables Were Beautifully Decorated by Mrs. Savage and the Committee in Charge Governor West Rode With President and Did the Honors for the State Program Carried Out Without a Hitch President Is Delighted. i The Taft reception began with strangling bunches of citizens stop ping on Commercial street where the Taft Presidential special train was backed down on Trade street. Early In the morning, soon after seven, the curious began to loiter around. All were met on approaching the rear of the observation car by secret ser Ich men who pleasantly interrogat M every visitor, and kept them at a safe distance. At eigtit the Salem reception committee went down from the .Marion hotel to personally escort the president from his car to the breakfast, which was served at 8:20 in the hotel dining room. One of the first to appear on the platform of the observation car was the veteran Portland newspaper man, Henry L. Pittock, who had spent the night on the train with the president. Then came .Major Butte, the chief military attache of the president, and then came the president, who was greeted with applause from those assembled. The Breakfast Table. With a back ground of the national colors, and a beautiful screen of vine maple in autumn colors, with sprays of the wild sweet briar, or eglantine, with a table covered with Caroline Testout roses, and an extra fine bou quet from the ladies' committee, the president sat down to the most ele gant breakfast ever served in this city. There were no drinks served but Ire water and coffee the bracing morning air with a slight fog for a beaker, was enough to stimulate anyone without the traditional cock tail. On the president's right sat Governor West, on his left Mayor Lachiuund. ThPn came the other of ficials as published in The" Capital Journal Wednesday. Many of the president's party did not get to the breakfast and Mayor Geo. F. Rodgers was absent. Major Butt absented himself as soon, as all were seated. Tlie breakfast was attended by 24 pprsuns besides the president. The Decorations. Assisted by the local ' committee who supplied the flowers, Mrs. Sav age and her force of assistants did a handsome thing In the nvay they had decorated the tables. ' 'Inhere were pink Testout roses everywhere, and the table was Inlaid with a border very artistically arranged of white and purple dahlias, cut this morn ing from the grand collection at the 'air grounds, planted by the Rout ledge Company, of Portland. There was a screen of palms, and great jardinieres of scarlet salvia set In rows from the entrance on Commer cial street to the dining room. The snowy linen, the glistening silver and tut glass, the great pyramid of Ore gon fruits almost hiding Taft's face and broad smile, the swift and silent service by the trained dining room force, under the direction' of Major Domo Williams, who handled the President s coat and Bilk hat, all niade Salemltes glad that they had such a fine place to receive the presi dent and that the Marion hotel had an up-to-date management who un derstood perfectly what to do and now to provide for such an occasion. Breakfast Informalities. The president was In his happiest mood. He smiles that broad world embracing smile. He told stories of w he put it over this senator and that senator on reciprocity and one wing and another. He told a nura feer of good stories, all clean, whole me and to the point that kept the jD' in smiles and laughter. The breakfast was served promptly and Without a hitch, and at 9:00 a. m Mayor I.achmund arose and as toast waster, in one of his characteristic sperh. s introduced the president, who responded with cheery words of sreetinL; to the people of Salem. He aid he had heard some big stories lout Oregon products, and all na ture s. emed determined here to out o all the rest of the world. He had shown oats that went 175 bush es to the acre. If this kept up. the ext time he came, he would expect near of oats going 300 bushels to a'-re. He was heartily applauded. ome Personalities. At 9 30 the prfrade left the Marion hotel, each car filling according to program. There was a little tug of war as to who should sit with the president. Congressman Hawley or Governor West. It was finally de cided In favor of the governor. At the breakfast table some one spoke of the possibility of Governor West, of Oregon being In the race with President Taft as opposing candi date. Governor West is to have his picture and speech introducing Eva Booth, the Salvation Army leader, In the next issue of the Warcry, with his saying that he would rather have his daughter become a Salvation Army lassie than occupy the proudest throne in the world as queen. This will make him a national figure as the best governor In the United States In the minds of a class who cannot be reached by any other poli tician. President Taft spoke up at once as having met Eva Booth in Washington, and that he considered her one of the grandest women In the world. Honors were even, and the guests at the table realized that they were sitting in the presence of two of the greatest politicians , in the country. Parade Held Up. On State street a mob of Willam ette University students held , up the parade with the university yell "Rah! Rah! Rah! Taft." The president halted the parade and as he arose, the crowd of college boys and girls cheered him over and over. The president made a short talk and advised the boys and girls to study the science of government and thus be able to meet any of the exigen cies of popular government. The halt of two minutes, which was punctuated with cheers and three cheers at his departure, gave the Grand Army of the Republic an op portunity to catch up with the par ade of automobiles. The old veter ans plodded along, carrying their de partment flag and the national colors, but no further attention was paid to them. They wheeled about and stacked colors on the court house square in front of the speaking stand. and the president there gave them a graceful recognition. Line of March. This was carried out as planned. From the hotel up Commercial to State, up State to Waverly, North on Waverly to Court, west on Court to Liberty, north on Liberty to Center, west on Center to Commercial, south on Commercial to State, east on State to the court house square. The re view of the school children of the city took place on Court street on the postoffice square. The hundreds of children yelled themselves hoarse as the president drew up and thousands (Continued on page five-) 0 HAROLD PERCY KILLED BY FALL LAST EVENING Seven year old Harold Percy, the only son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Per cy, who reside about three miles south of the city, lies cold in death on a slab at the Lehman & Hough Undertaking morgue today as a re sult of Injuries sustained from a fall last evening. Tho hnv when the mother went to the barn in the evening to milk the cows, accomn.anied her. hlle she in milkine. he climbed upon a board stretched across the celling joists of the barn. In some manner he fell, striking his head on some poles lying on the floor. When picked up, he was unconscious but he revived long enough to tell the mother of the accident, when he lapsed Into a coma again, and before a physician could reach his side, he was dead. The funeral announcement will be made later. The Trusts Weaken. Toledo, O., Oct. 12. The General Electric company (the trust and 35 other electrical supply companies appeared here In the United States court today and withdrew their answers to the government's suit alleging they were an illegal combina- tion. They threw themselves on the mercy of the court. Judge KUllts held that acts of the defendants were Illegal and ordered the General Electric company and Its subsld'ary com- ' panies to dissolve. He also laid down rules for the future conduct of the companies. ARE AFTER THE PADDERS OF THE TACOMA CENSUS Tacoma, Wash., Oct. 12. With eight indictments returned for al leged Irregularities in the last cen sus, whereby Tacoma's figures were cut from 116,000 to 83,743 and one enumerator was caught In the net, the matter of returning a false count has become serious. Guy E. Kelly Indicted on two ' counts, denies knowledge of any ' fraud in the count. W, A. McKenzie, special agent of the government, and connected with the census bureau for 11 years, Is expected to be arrest ed today. It Is not made public what j the charge against him Is. I Stacy Corwin, clerk for Kelly, and the third man known to be Involved, ' left the country shortly after the charges of census padding were made, and is believed to be now In New Zealand. Both Corwin and Kel ly have been active in county poll tics. It is believed that the enumerators who were Indicted last summer, will not be prosecuted If they give evi dence against the alleged "higher ups." STRIKERS SATISFIED UEPOKTS FROM ALL POINTS ON HARRIMAN LINES SHOW DE LAYED TRAIN'S, DEAD ENGINES AND BAD CONDITION'S GENER ALLY. San Francisco, Oct. 12. Strike con dition on the Harrlman lines in the west constituted the basis of Secre tary Scott's report to the meeting of the shopmen's federation here today. A lengthy report on Wyoming and Nebraska condition was received, showing that engines are breaking down, the shops are depleted of a sufficient working force and that many of the company foremen and superintendents of motive power are ioing the working of the striker. Laramie, Wyo., reports seven en gines dead within the last 24 hours and all passenger trains from two to five hours late. Reports were received from Mil ford that two limited trains are to be discontinued owing to the strike and' the lack of men to . repair rolling stock. Fresno reports that all trains are late and that no work is being done by the strikebreakers. Mojave reports all trains late 'and that the company, seeing that physi cal violence will not accomplish the strike, is reducing its Plnkerton force. A belated report from Houston, Texas, Is to the effect that every man on the Atlantic system struck, with the exception of two men. Sparks, Nevada, reports six strike breakers at work and that one of them was Injured while repairing a disabled engine. Sixteen engines are dead that division point Sacramento and Los Angeles re ported no change In the situation. The Tillamook road will begin run ning regular trains, both passenger and freight, November 1. AD Fill LI Just Easy Money. Milwaukee, Wis.. Oct. 12. Little testimony was given In the investigation into the al- leged Illegal election of United States Senator Isaac Stephen- son, of Milwaukee, by the Hey- burn senatorial committee here today, and the session was one of the quietest since the i lives- tigation started two weeks ago. George Condon, of La Crosse, federal district attorney of the western division,' testified that E. A. Edmonds, campaign man- ager for Stephenson, gave him $1800 which he. spent for gen- eral campaign work in Stephen- son's behalf: Edmonds had never asked him for an account- lng. Gordon testified that out- of this sum he paid two news- papers $800 for extr.i news- papers, 4. ITS LABOR THEY HOPE McNamara Trial Is for the Pur pose of Bringing Union La bor Into Disrepute and to Prove It Anarchistic. BURNS OUT WITH DRAGNET Prosecution Admits That J. 15. Mc Xainara Was Not in Los Angeles, But Sets I'p There Was a Con spiracy to Use Dynamite in Kn. forcing Demand) of Union Labor I And tlie Act f Each Was There fore the Act of All, t UNITED I BE88 LEASED WIHE.1 Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 12. Well satisfied with the position taken by Judge Bordwell thnt veniremen may be questioned regarding their preju dice either against labor unions as a body or membership in such, attor neys for James B. McNamara spent today framing questions which would be comprehensive and also come within the order of the court. They agreed that under the ruling made It would be possible to get at the feel ing of veniremen, so far as organized labor Is concerned, and this will aid In safeguarding peremptory chal lenges and in securing the excuse of obnoxious candidates for jury duty for "cause.'' There was no session of court to day becasue It was a legal holiday but both prosecution and defense busied themselves scanning venire listg and looking up the code pro visions to fortify themselves for the struggle which will be resumed to morrow. The fact that both sides clashed over the Interpretation of th law within five minutes of the opening of the examination of the first ven ireman showed the intensity of 'he feeling existing. It is certain that no point will be gained In the strug gle for position without a fight. The 11 prospective veniremen who occupy seats in the jury box passed a quiet day. They were held In their quarters in the court house most of the day, although given rea sonable opportunity for needed exer cise. Up at Attorney Frederick's office there was no concealment of the (Continued on Page 5.) DESPONDENT HE TRIED TO KILL HIMSELF respondent over domestic troubles C. W. Knower. attempted to com mit suicide in his room at the Keith hotel last night, by shooting him self. The proprietor of the hotel yester day observed that Knower'g action were peculiar. About midnight his w'fe heurd a strange noise In Know er's room, and called the attention of her husband to I'. As he started for the jora a shot was h--aM, and when he entered he found Knower 'ylng on the floor. An examination showed that be had attempted to take big life by firing a revolver bullet into hla forehead, but the bullet glanced up wards Inflicting but a flesh wound. TO GO V CT SWEPT DY I DY A TIDAL Stand by Woman. Tacoma, Oct. 12. "Fire the man and keep the woman." This is organized labor's mes- sage to Governor Hay by wire from all over the state today, following the Information thnt Mrs, Blanche Mason, deputy state labor commissioner, was to be removed. Hay says that there has been friction between Mrs. Mason and Chief Commissioner Hubbard, and he has to choose between them. The labor people are unanimous for the woman. Mrs. Mason has been active In enforcing the eight-hour wo- men's day law and factory reg- illation j. , , FOLLOWING IN PRESIDENT'S FOOTSTEPS OMTKD I'BESS LEASED WIItl.1 Portland, Or., Oct. 12. Declaring that insurgency was a partisan movement Inside the Republican par ty "to force fighting of real issues, instead of sham battles," Congress man Victor Murdock, of Kansas, ar rived In Portland today close on the heels of President Taft, the repre sentative of the party, against which Murdock Is declaring wiT- Predicting the rnpld spread of the progressive movement, Murdock said he believed that the two great pur ties would hold their last national convention In 1912, and that there after presidential candidates would be nominated dlrocf by the people through the direct presidential prim ary law, which is already operative In Oregon and four other states, Murdock Bald the overwhelming vote for the initiative, referendum and recall In California Tuesday was California's answer Jo "big busi ness' '' cry for peace. THE NEW COMET SOFFRAGETTE NOW VISIBLE The comet "Suffragette", whose coming has been advertised for some time, got in ahead of schedule lust night, and astonished Snlemites by displaying a head like a presidential candidate and a tail like the latest fashions 'In skirts with the hobbles cut loose and the flap attached. It showed up In the western sky like a good deed in a naughty world, de cidedly luminous. It does not ad vertise in the Journal, but is due this evening, but will not show unless the cloud curtain lifts. There will be no change of costume, no tights, no high kicking, but you can Bit out any old place and watch It free and tlie fat test persons can have the best seats. It will be on tap for several nights, but is only on a reciprocity explain ing swing around the circle, and will not make any speeches. Take a look at It at the Journal's expense tonight, or any time you can. 0 Frisco Will Light Up. I UNITED I-UKSH LEANED WIIIE San Francisco, Oct. 12. Franclsco will be "sltt'ng up San for President Taft when he arrives at 6:30 Friday evening. According to the plans of the reception committee today, the city will break into a blaze of light promptly at 6 o'clock, while the President Is crossing the bay from Oakland. 0 Mil) Kiilsr Wiley. (CXITKIl I'iieHH LEAKED WIRE Washington, Oft. 12 Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, the pure food man, Is slated for a distinguished position In the United States cabinet, according to a report here today that If a de partment of public health Is created by congress at Its next session, Dr. Wiley will be placed at lis head. Tiiromn r T11I1011111. fDNITED rtm II LKAHEII WIRE 1 North Yakima. Wash., Oct. 12 Following up the suggestion of Pres ident Taft that the 30 years' quarrel between Taeonia and Seattle as to the name of the big mountain which confronts both cities should be set tled by calling It Mt. Tacoma or at least Tahoiua, In place of Rainier, the North Yakima Commercial Club In record today as favoring the old Indian name. Journal Want Ads Bring Results 1 AND WAVE Al G IOTAS IS WIPED OFF MAP ALL WHARVES DESTROYED 11 VESSELS SWEPT ASHORE Beginning October 4, Storm C ut Off All Comunication Next Morning Came a Cloudburst After eBing Flooded Seven Hours Waters Receded From the City Only to Be Followed By Torrential Rains Lasting Three Days and Completing the Work or Destruction Loss Will Run Into Millions, -I.;.: UNITED MESS LEASED WIRE. Mexico City, Oct. 12. Stricken by a Hurricane, tidal wave and cloudburst, all at the same time, the port wf Guaymns Is devastntod. Fifty bflxlfej have been recovered, and It is reported thnt hundreds of Mexicans of the lower classes perished. Many Americans lived In Gunymas and adjacent towns, and nothing has been henrd from them. All of tho wharves have been wiped out, 27 vessels of various sorts are wrecked, high on the shore back of the city, and it Is estimated that probably millions t dollars' worth of property has been destroyed along the 100-mile strip of coast from Guaymas to Medina, In the state of Soiiora. Beginning October 4, the storm cut off nil outsldo communication. Th following morning came the tidal wave and tho cloudburst, bury ing Gunymas ami Orilz. After seven hour8 tho waters receded, only to come ngaln In the form of a hur ricane and a torrential rnln, which lasted for thre ednys, and finished the work of destruction. The Hood destroyed towns on the eastern shore of the Gulf of Califor nia, Guayamas, Alataba, Toepol llam po were also terribly damaged by the same wave, which was the result of an earthquake. The hurricane suc ceeding the wave lasted five days, cutting off communication so that no details of the frightful disaster ar rived until word was received from the governor of Hermosillo, In Son ora, today, asking for provisions, tents and clothing- The governor's despatch states that from 300 to 1)00 perished In the tidal wave and -hurricane. It Is Impossible to estimate the damage In property. Ships, hoiiHRR and other buildings were swept far Inland In tlie swirl and many of them were deposited miles Inland on the sand dunes. In the wild confusion of tho sea's Inrush scores of men and women were drowned In their beds, while others were crushed under the fallen wreckage. Men fought desperately for pieces of wrecked buildings to enable them to keep" their heads above the swirling waters. Many of thfte who eBcnped drowning In the first sweep of the wave, were washed Into the gulf as It receded and de voured by sharks which Infest those waters. The harbors of every one of the ruined towns wns swept clean of shipping. Seventeen vessels in the harbor of Guaymas alone were destroyed by the flood, and their wrecked hulks today are piled along the shore and on tlie sand dunes of the Interior. Heart rending talcs of the disaster are told by the survivors, scores upon scores of whom, the governor telegraphs from Hermosillo, sus tained broken arms and legs when HE FOUND A LOADED PISTOL AT THE ARMORY (UNITED I'EEaS LEASED TIB" 1 ' Portland. Or , (Jet. 12 A sensation was created among the police here today when It became known that Patrolman P. ('. Anderson bad picked up a loaded automatic revolver In front of the private entrance of tlie Armory a few minutes before Presi dent Taft left the luill to attend the reception at the Knights of Colum bus Hall. It was through this entrance that President Taft entered and left the building. A large crowd was collect ed In front of the building. Anderson found the weapon lying near the sidewalk win-re It hnd evi dently been accidentally dropped. He slipped tlie revolver Into his pocket and Immediately reported to his su periors. After the discovery of the gun, extra precautions were taken by the police in guarding the person of the president. WRECKED CLODD BOOST their houses 'went down like card board before the rush of the water. Lack of food and shelter are creat ing dire distress among the survivors of the disaster. Famine is already beginning to show its hend, and unless supplies and medical aid are at once received, tho list of dead, already many hun dreds long, will be Increased to thou sands. o . License Held Kxorlillnnt. UKITID l'RUHH LEAKED WIRE. Tacoma, Wash., Oct. 12 By a de cision yesterday by Federal Judge Hanford, tho merchants using green trudlng stamps nre relieved from the payment of the $100 license fee lev ied by tho city. Judge Hanford sustained the trad ing stamps concerns' contention that . the foe was exorbitant and confisca tory. o Celebrate In Tiicomu. Tacoma. Wash., Oct. 12 Celebrat ing the first Columbus day In tha state, the Knights of Columbus and the Italian societies are to hold a big celebration at tho high achool to night. The banks and postoffice are closed today. Governor Hay and others will spenk at tonight's celebration. o KQUAIj SUl'TK.VGK HAS GOOD CHAXCK TO WIX San Francisco, Mian 300 preclnc ts to hear from the woman suffrage was o'cloc ktoday from majority against reduced at 11 808 to 112. The that the districts re Ik hardly a doubt will provide enough alllrmatlve votes mem with a niaj lorlty of about 2000, perhaps bolter, LA FOLLETTE WILL SWING AROUND CIRCLE - ..i jt; - f UNITED l-IESS LEASED WIRE.l Washington, Oct. la. Senator La Follette, of Wisconsin, It was learned here today, will spend most of the month of November on a speaking tour, which will embrace 11 or 12 states. Ohio Is not included In the itinerary, that state being reserved for the Christmas recess. The states Included are Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Oklaho ma, Kansus, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota. La Follette said he had found It Impossible to accept Invitations ho had recc ed from the Pacific coast, o Mrly Wlilrly Show. The banner night of the season should b next Saturday when Mort If. Singer will present Harry Bulger In "The Flirting Princess," "the mu sic, comedy hit of the season, which conies to the Grand opera house Oc tober 14. It is a glrly-whlrly show of such frivolous music and paprl kaed with something more than wit. It takeg a company of 60 players to play thin piece, comprising 1 1 come dians, clever dancers and pretty girls and should prove a delightful even, lug's entertiflnnient. o- SOtfK FISH Hl UimkS (JHOWN II V a. j. m i r Mr. J, A. l.ooney brought to tho Journal office thin morning a couple of spuds of tlie lliirhitnk variety, grown by A. J. May In Hazel Green district, near Lake l.ablsh. and about seven miles north of Salem. They are smooth skinned, and perfect In every way ami In sl.e nre Infringing on the inuskinelon territory. Mr. May has fie acres of them, nil Juat about like the Hiimple, and will run about 2'i0 bushels to the acre. At present prices, digging that kind of potatoes Is like early mining with "four bits to the pan and the bed rock pitching". The horse editor will sample them later. Next!