Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 11, 1911, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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the capital journal
X. HOFER. di:or tvf ?roi rltoc
falepandent W'.u oaper Den tnd to American
the Procreu and De.lcden of All Omron
PubUtaet Etery Evening- ExMt Snwiay.
(Invariably In Advaace)
My, 'jf Carrier, per year 16.00 Per menu.
ftaftr.br Man, per rr P montJ
fcbekly. by UU par jear tOO FM B
The visit of President Taft to Oregon raises the whole ques
tion of whether the Republican party shall become progressive
or reactionary?
This issue is emphasized by the president coming to Oregon
and by the leadership along progressive lines assumed by the
people of Oregon, wisely or unwisely.
There is no indication that the progressive measures enacted
in Oregon will be repealed, or that Republican leaders will
further oppose the progressive policies.
For be it known Republican leaders have in the past distrust
ed the people's wisdom in enacting these laws, and they have
not warmly supported them.
The Republican party has suffered defeats because its lead
ers sought to repudiate the obligation of accepting verdict3 of
the people in favor of popular reforms.
But that is past history and there remains the right path to
choosfe choose ye this day whom ye will serve the people or
the old machine style of politics.
The people of Oregon have enacted the Direct Primary law,
direct election of senators, direct legislation and the direct re
call of unworthy officials.
The Republican party is founded on the principle that the
majority shall rule, and that the expressed will of the people
shall be its only guide in public affairs.
Those who would repudiate this proposition place themselves
in the position of the southern politicians who repudiated the
verdict of the nation in the election of Abraham Lincoln presi
dent. They have even less ground to stand upon, because Lincoln
was not elected by a majority of the American people he was
a plurality president, so far as popular vote went.
President Taft, in asking re-election at the hands of the peo
ple, will have to meet this issue, and will be judged by the peo
ple of Oregon by the touchstone of progressive policies.
It will not be asked of him that he endorse everything that
has been enacted by the people of Oregon, but he will be asked
to cast his influence for progressive policies in general.
He may differ as to the extent of the application of the recall,
or he may differ as to the wisdom of referring certain matters
to a popular vote for decision.
But on the general principle of a progressive tariff policy, a
progressive financial policy, progressive political measures, like
direct election of senators, or the regulation of corrupt prac
tices at elections, there is no middle ground for the president.
There is no middle ground for the Republican party.
The people have spoken and will speak yet more loudly on
these matters.
The Republican party in Oregon takes its stand squarely and
firmly and unmistakably for the progressive principles.
The Republican party was warned of this danger when Fur
nish was defeated for governor by a Democrat.
The Republican party was warned of this dangci when Fulton
was defeated for Senator by a Democrat.
The Republican party was warned of this danger when Bow
erman was defeated for governor by a Democrat.
The Republican party is warned again, lest Oregon be carried
by the Democratic candidate for president over Taft in 1912.
Ed. Journal:
Now that printed copies of the
proposed commission charter have
been distributed to voters and pub-
Untied In the press, it Is a proper '
time for a thorough examination of
Its provisions.
As a member of the committee
which compiled It, I am glad to see
citizens engage In a free and frank
criticism through the press. I
The charter committee was crent-'
vA by a resolution of the city coun
cil. Three were chosen by the coun
cil, three by the board of trade, and
three by the lliisliiess Men's League.
They were required to prepare n
commission form charter without
reference to whether they favored
such a form of government or not.
The prevailing forms of commission
government were thoroughly looked
Into and the product of their labor
Is by no means original with them, '
but It Is a compilation pure and sim
ple of what In their Judgment are
the best features of such a goveru
men for Salem. It follows religious
ly the general plan of commission
charters as sueessfully exercised in
norne of HO odd American cities.
Some details are taken from one
form of charter and some from an
other. The members of the commit
ter gave and took In their Ideas and
the whole while not what all the
committee would have, is a compro
mise of opinion, and the Judgment of
the majority. .
It will not please everybody, but It
VICK BROS., Proprietor..
Full line of Automobile Supplies, Oils and Gasolene. Autos for
htr. storage and repairing;. All work guaranteed. Agents for
It II cars bow In. Call and see them. Phono Main 783. 173
South Liberty street.
R. M. HOTKR, Manager
Prindtle d j
Cfinc, Ct.
should enlist the support of all who
desire progress In our city govern
ment. True, government is not the
form but the substance, and under
any form of charter you can got good
or bad government; but with a good
form you are more likely to have
good government.
The difference between the present
form and that proposed is In the con
trol exercised by the people over the
government. Authority Is removed
from remote placta and plactd In the
full glare of the limelight where all
the people can see what's going on.
The present charter distributes re
sponsibility of government among
15 men and as many more subordi
nates. Power and responsibility Is
so scattered that each man feels that
he Is a more or less unimportant
part of government, and so do the
people. Hence no one in particular
Is watched and the work of govern
ment goes on as a game of benn
No official Is given enough author
ity to do much of anything without
tlrst securing the sanction of some
body else; hence. In order for the
people to exercise compulsion over
an ollkial they must do so through
other officials, and popular control
becomes a delusion and a farce.
The proposed commission charter
vests all tho functions of govern
ment In three men. They stand out
alone as the peoples' representatives.
All other officers and employes are
chosen by and are responsible to
Uiem. Each commissioner Is given
separate departments of public work
to administer and is in supreme and
undisputed control of his depart
ments. It anything goes amiss In the
machinery of government, the finger
of criticism can safely be directed to
one man. The people hold the whip.
The manner of choosing commis
sioners puts the politician entlrelv
out of business. The candidate goes
on the ballot by petition and no po
litical designation or meaningless
verbiage is permitted to accompany
his name. If he stands for anything
he must tell the people In some other
way than by advertising on the bal
lot. He is chosen at one election, a
combined primary and general elec
tion, thus focusing public interest
and insuring a close scrutiny of the
The idea is to simplify elections
and get away from political party in
fluence. I'nder the direct primary
law political parties hold the reins,
but it has this virtue that the choice
of each party is plurality choice of
the party vote, and the candidate
goes on the general election ballot a J
the chosen representative of his par
tv. The proposed charter abolishes all I
party participation in the choice of
officers and simply provides that the
plurality choice of the whole people
be declared the choice of the people
for the office.
There is no span of one month
from one election to another to per
mit combinations and the injection of
a number of alleged independent can
didates to befuddle the public min'l
and scatter the common people's in
terest while the politicians and
bomllers combine.
The people speak once, and if they
find they are mistaken, they don't
have to wade through a maze of of
ficials to find their man, but can spot
light him Instantly and take him ny
the ear under the recall.
I hope to discuss other features cf
the proposed charter later
October 11, 1911.
Ed Butterfleld, marshal of the city
of Woodburn, is defending himself
today before a Jury In circuit court
against the charge of unlawfully ap
propriating the stock of the Bache
lor's club. These cases are all hard
fought and this case will probably
consume all of the day.
When the raid was made on the
club last April, the marshal took Into
custody certain liquors, and cigars,
valued at about $900. The club
brought an action for thei? return
and also $200 damages and It Is to
secure a Judgment
for the damages!
that the case is now being waged in
the court.
The editor has had a new suit of
clothes built at the Mosher garage.
The architect and contractor are
proud of the structure, which is on a
Bteel and concrete foundation, flylng
machtne pattern. The Invisible
check Is certified to be of the latest
Waldorf-Astoria and Dick Madison
free lunch counter effect. The vest
Is the low-cut, open-work, peek-a-boo
pergola style. The trousers are of
the latest sophomore balloon pat
tern, a hobble effect at the nnkles,
with automatic cut-off and Schiebler
(arbitrator attached. The coat has a
decidedly aeroplane projection out
behind, and slopes off the roof of the
shoulders with a puff of wind up- the
back that gives the solid-citizen
camel-hump style, as though the
wearer was carrying the financial
burden of the community. There is
a long sweep to the intake of the
pants of the most modern sky-scraper
design, and a lining of tine lace
around the bottom of each leg. There
Is a six-cylinder motorcar speedo
meter attached that will enable him
to make time on any hill climbing he
may have to do getting home from
the club before the town clock strikes
one. The buttons on the coat are
cluster-light style and the ensemble
puts any of the other country editors
In the shade with their fifteen-dollar
Manager George Rosner, of the
Wexford, got things a little mixed
yesterday, when tie gave a special
exhibition of the splendid motion
picture 4.0UO feet of film repre
senting the struggles of the Crusad
ers In the efforts to capture the Holy
City. The pictures are great, won
derful, marvelous and should be
seen by everyone In Salem. The
costuming is closely Initiative of the
real old "armor and harness" worn
by the doughty knights of old. The
coloring is gorgeous and spectacular,
the figures life like the massing and
grouping of the fighters and the
scenes rcnltfstic. In fact It can only
be understood and properly appre
ciated by being seen.
There was nothing mixed about
that part of the show, but by what
process of reasoning Mr. Rosner ar
rived at the conclusion, the news
men and the clergy belonged to
gether. Is what stumps the writer.
It was all right, for they mingled
without scrapping, and the associa
tion didn't hurt the ministers any, or
appreciably better the reporters, but
as the latter were principally from
the Statesmen, the Journal boys be
ing "on shift" and consequently un
able to be there, this condition and
lack of effect, is explained. The
Statesman boys are not beyond the
pale, but It takes time for goodness
to work In. The Wexford manager
should repeat the experiment every
day or two for the next year, and
then note the results.
hipped by the Negro.
Seattle, Oct. 11 A civilian named
I Street got a fearful hammering from
a colored soldier named Giles at :
Fort Iwton last night in a 10-round ;
match. Giles left Street a block
away from the first sound of the
gong and was several blocks ahead !
when the tenth round was over. The'
Cures all blood humors, all
eruptions, clears the complex
ion, creates an appetite, aids
d'gestion, relieves that tired
feeling:, gives visor and vim.
Get il tojay in Ufunl liquid form or
Millions of Folks
Use Only Cascarets
They never haTe Headache, Bilious
ness, Sluggish Liver or Bowels
or a .Sick, Sour Stomach.
No odds how bad your liver, stom
ach or bowels; how much your head
aches, how mserable and uncomfort
able 'you are from constipation, indi
gestion, biliousness and sluggish in
testines you always get the desired
results with Cascarets and quickly,
Don't let your stomach, liver and
bowels make you miserable another i
moment; put - an end to the head
ache, blliousess, dizziness, nervous
ness, sick, sour, gassy stomach.
backache and all other distress;
cleanse your Inside organs of all the
poison and effete matter which is
producing the misery.
Take a Cascaret now; don't wait
until bedtime. In all the world
there Is no remedy like this. A 10
cent box means health, happiness
and a clear head for months. - No
more days of gloom and distress if
you will take a Cascaret now and
then. All druggists sell Cascarets.
Don't forget the children their in
sides need a good, gentle cleansing,
Willamette Valley Company, First
Mortgage Five Per Cent Sinking
Fund Ciold Bonds, Dated Decemlter
1, 1005.
Notice Is hereby given, pursuant
to tho provisions of the mortgage to
Germantown Trust Company, dated
December 1, 1905, that the under-
signed company, as trustee, will re-
ceive sealed proposals up to 12
o'clock, noon, on Wednesday, Octob -
er 25, 1911, for the sale to It of
bonds, as described above, at a price
not exceeding one hundred and five
per cent (105 per cent) ana nccrued
interest, sufficient to exhaust as near
ly as possible the sum of $1993.51,
now In the sinking fund. Preference
to be'glven by the trustee to bonds
offered at the lowest price.
Clarence C. Brlnton, Treasurer.
Salem, Oregon, October 2, 1911.
o ;
Sick headache ts caused by a dis
ordered Btomach. Take Chamber
lain's Tablets and correct that and
the headaches will disappear. For
sale by all dealers.
Married men have troubles of
thlr own. r.u 1 occasionally sinie
that thcv don't own .
CrHdrn cry
Salem Fence Works
Headquarter for Woven Wlr
Fencing. Hop Wire, Barb
Wire, Poultry Netting, Shin
gles. Maltnold Roofing. P
B and Ready, Roofing. Screen
Doors and Adjustable Window
Screens. All at the lowest
2 So Court street Phone 114
1 mnrhlne earned 1S IMO la 2S wevks, 1901
1 mnrhlne mrned 17 BIS In t wrrke, 1003
1 nuirlilne earned Slfl.flDJ In ?S wreas, 1906
1 mavhlnr) earnrd IIA.017 In wee lie, 11M17
1 miM-hlnp earu-d CI8.HA4 In S7 wreka, 1SOS
1 mm hi no earned S16 8IJ In !5 week, 190S
1 machine earned 18,42 1 In S8 weeka, ism
Above figure! will be verified to prospective
customers. Write for catalogue and prices to
C. W. PA R K E R Uawnworth. Kit.
We publish legal notices as
required by law, furnishing
affidavit and proof of pub
lication. Fine Brief Work
It our specialty. Let n
figure with yon on your next
Capital Journal
Should the supreme court upho.d
the petition of Clackamas county to
have placed on the ballot at the next
general election the title of a single
tax bill for that county, it will give
! the county and any other county
which may pass a single tax law ine
power to exclude the state from levy
ing any tax, Is the opinion or Auor-ney-General
Upon the advice of the attorney
general, Secretary of State Oleott de
clined to accept the petition, and it
jis now before the supreme court, and
will be decided in a few weeks. The
I bill would give the county the sole
j power to regulate taxation, and bar
I the state from collecting any inher
itance, corporation of any other tax.
Yamhill county has 14 banks,
with resources of $2,989,712.71.
The. farmers of Harney county
have formed a co-operative league.
i ine annual synoa or me rreu
I terian church meets In Portland,
iThursday. October 12.
The Hlllsboro postoffice will be
moved to the corner of Main and
Third streets.
The teachers' Institute at The
Dalles, for Wasco, Sherman and Hood
River counties, was attended by 202
Tom Ferris, of Walker Lake post
office, Malheur county, was found
dead In the road between his home
and town, yesterday. Probably heart
The American Safety Powder Co.
has purchased a site at Bay View,
opposite Astoria, and will erect a
plant there.
Mrs. Betsy O'Brien, mother of J.
P. O'Brien, of the S. P.. died at his
home in Portland yesterday. She
was 70 years old.
Here Is a woman who speaks from
personal knowledge and long exper
ience, viz., Mrs. P. H. Brogan, of
Wilson, Pa., who says, "I know from
experience that Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy Is far superior to any other.
For croup there Is nothing that ex
cels it." For sale by all dealers.
l!ed Cross Pharmacy (H. Jerman
1 5!
Bit G
BaraW Got Jn trot
A ufe aad ilmple remedy for
' BnmduHM, Caarra, Hat Fan
F InlUmmatlona. trrltattoai. ulcer
ations of ALL muooae naembraoat
or llolnea of the noee. IhraaL
I itomaob or urinary orgau.
lyfty tut curt yourself
I Treatlta with aaeh bottle
ormaiiaa oa request,
.let I rue Q oral Cn
Gecaatli, Oan,
U.S. a.
With our 'assurance that we
are able and willing to take
care of it, we solicit your
Banking Business. Open an
account with us, and we will
extend you every favor con
sistent with good banking prin
Liberty Street, Just off State
J. L. AHLERh, President,
W. G. EAST. Cashier.
S. S. EAST, Vlce-Pres.
All patent mediclnts or medicines ad
! vertised In this paper are for sale at
Drug Store
i Also
! l)r. Stone's
A snow white medicine, contains no
! sugar of lead, opium, nor other poi
sonous drugs. Applied every hour it
at once relieves, and soon cures ln-
; flammatlon .of the skin generally
J known as Poison Oak. 25c and SOo
i bottles.
for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities.
foly Kidney PiIU are tonic in action, quick ia result. Refuse substitutes.
You Know
of biliousness-the out-of-sorts
dizziness, bad taste, sallow skin,
as soon as they show and you
better You can do this easily
are a natural, safe and reliable corrective. A few small doses of
Beecham's Pills will prove their value to you they will tone up your
system, remove the signs of biliousness, help you out of stomach and liver
disorders, keep your kidneys active and your bowels regular. Tried and
always effective, Beet ha in s Pills are the family remedy which always
Should be on Hand
Th direction In nary bos ara vary valuabla. Box 10c. and 25c.
Gives Color, Lustre to Faded and
Gray Huir Dandruff Quickly
From time immemorial, sage and
sulphur have been used for the hair
S.T fc.
of the value of such a combination for
darkening the hair, for curing dan-
druff and falling hair, and for mak-
ing the hair grow.
In olden times the only way to get
a hair tonic of this sort was to brew
it in the home fireplace, a method
which was troublesome and not la-
wavs satisfactory. .Nowadays almost;
every up-to-date druggist can supply !
his patrons with a ready-to-use pro-i
duct skillfully compounded in per-1
fectly equipped laboratories. The
Wyeth Chemical company, of New ,
York, put up an ideal remedy of this '
sort, called Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur !
Hair Remedy, and authorize drug-
gists to sell It under guarantee that
the money will be refunded If It falls
to do exactly as represented. i
If you have dandruff, or if your!
hair is turning grav or coming out, 1
don't delay, but get a boitle of this
remedy today and see what a few
days 'treatment will do for you.
This preparation is offered to the
public at 60 cents a bottle, and -Is j
recommended and sold by all drug- j
Special agent J. C. Perry.
Notlce to Taxpayers.
The toard of equalizntion for Mar
lon county, Oregon, will meet at the
court house in said county, on Mon
day, October 16th, 1911, at 10 o'clock
a. m. and correct all errors In valua
tion, description or qualities of land,
lots or other property, and continue
in session until such work la com
pleted, not exceeding one month.
All parties Interested are notified ;
to appear and examine their assess-;
ment for the year 1911 and If not j
satisfied with the same, file applica
tion in writing, properly verified, for
a reduction nr alteration nf the Rami
during the first week of such meet-
ing, as no complaints can be received
F. J. RICE, 1
Assessor of Marion Countv, Ore.
September 27. 1911. 9-2T-17tdly
Chlldron Cry
"Economies" We
In one sense, we could save money by using cheaper soap than
the very best, by using cheaper starcb and lower priced employees,
But the saving at most would be only a fraction of the resulting
loss in reputation.
You can count on the fact that we practice no "economy" that
takes It out of your clothes,
We aim to do the finest laundering possible, second to none. Our
patrons teii us we succeed. Yoo.
est prices guaranteed.
Phone 25.
Morris Cash Feed I
and Grocery Stores
Phone 1497
Choice Bacon, per pound 17c
Picnic Hams, per pound 12 He
Pure Lard, five-pound pail "He
Pure Lard, 10-pound pt.l $1 :ii
14 pounds Sugar $1.00
Perfection Flour, per sack $1.10
3 cans Tomatoes, Blue Ribbon brand 2"e
3 cans Oysters 2.1c
2 cans nice table Peaches! i . . 25c
2 pounds Tillamook Cheese S."c
6 cans American Sardines 2"c
5 packages Best Corn Starch 2-'c
2 cans Yeloban Milk 15c
Pints v 55c
Quarts title
Half-gallons '.'.'!! " " . . . . 8'e
12 Jelly Glasses 2Jc
the Signs
feeling, headache, dull eyes
sick stomach. Get rid of these
will be happier and feel all the
and prevent return f the troubles
Many a Salem Household Will fi.i
i Them So.
To have the pains and aches of a
bad back removed; to be entirely
free from annoying, dangerous urin
ary disorders is enough to make any
kidney sufferer grateful. To Ml how
this great change can he brought
about will prove comforting words to
hundreds of Salem readers.
Mrs. L. W. Moench, 230 S. Main
l,r,e"' A'uny. ore., says: had
kidney complaint and it was a.,-
j?n ca 4f ht. coldu ' did any
X'y ac,hed Merely
andr'nnf r ng alwa-vs "wed
I?harp- footing twinges through my
nel 1 aIso had trl!? from
M secretions and I knew
that 1 w,as n nPd of a kidney medi-
elne' Finally Doan s Kidney Puis
i u lurme ana ttieir use
" directed brought prompt relief,
Before long a complete cure was ef.
'ect?d ,and 1 am now enjoying good
""tu'1 B'ven reuruaiy .
A Second Statement,
O" November 13, 1908, Mrs. Moench
?ld: 'My former endorsement of
Doan 3 Kidney Pills was correct in
every particular. I am glad to again
te" ' tlie merits of this remedy"
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents- Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
o ,
o false pretense has marked the
career of Ely s Cream Balm. Being
entirely harmless, It is not responsi
ble like the catarrh snuffs and pow
ders, for minds shattered by cocaine.
The great virtue of Ely's Cream
Balm is that it speedily and complete
ly overcomes nasal catarrh and hay
fever. Back of this, statement is the
testimony of thousands and a reputa
tion of many years' success. All
druggists, 50c, or mailed by Ely
Bros, 56 Warren street, New York.
Motoi tat i su ranee.
We write insurance on automobiles
and all kinds of power driven vehi
cles at the lowest rates, and insure
against damages from Are under any
and all circumstances, whether inprl-
vate or public garage or on the roaa
or In accident More cais are de
stroyed by fire tlun by all other
causes put togethei. RMes toe low
est E. Hofer & Sons, 213 S. Com
mercial Btreet. 6-22-tf
! Be long suffering,
lar and effective.
It Is spectacu-
Can't Afford
111 like our work. Try It Low-
""- M
i mi
(Winner got about $100.