PAGE TE5. DAELX CAPELAL 30VKSAU SALEM, QREGOS. T IT-SI A1.. OCTOBER. IQylOl 1. 1(M .4, mi Important extracts ' from our Sunday ad An Immense Sate of BLANKETS for three' days, Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday, All blan kets in all weights and colors, included in this special event. An Imporatnt Sale of Ladies High Class Suits Regular prices to $35 Spe cial at $18.85, Newest up-to-date styles in all the latest weaves, You'll be surprised at these exceptional values, ' r-X" vMa CALIFORNIA j ELECTION i IS ON TODAY I UNITED P1EBS LIED San Francisco, Oct. 10 Despite reports of light polling' all over Call fornia 'today on various amendments jto the state constitution, "political j forecasters here this afternoon de l clare that most of the proposals will jbe sanctioned by the people.' "The Initiative, referendum and lecail i amendment, It Is said, is sure ta car !ry by a heavy vote- Woman suf frage tpo, It Is predicted vi 1 be adoitted by a narrow majority. ! The most" important of the .ther I amendments offered to the people for approval are those strengthening tle powers of the state railroad co'.nini slon and allowing for con'pmsory workmen's compensation'. The pas sage of both Is predlrted, the v te In the last case being expected to be double for the positive ssld.- that cast by those who oppose the amendment. Political prophets here arlmir that suffrage will be beaten In San F:an clsco and the bay cities by not more than 4,000 or 5,000. At the last elec tion It was beaten by a larte r. ajor Ity. The difference, It Is believed, with the 'probably affirmative state vote, will bo sufficient to ' We ballot to women. i ' .. w m Ladies S Lingerie Waists , Prices Cut in Two Hand embroidered and lace trimmed styles from our reg ular stock selling at One-Half Price. 8 ft. CITY NEWS. Special meeting of Pacific Lodge No. B0, A. P. ft A. M, tblg evening. Work In the K. A. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. fush for Old Accounts Comes easily and direct It you em ploy the "Salem Mercantile AgencV," 201 U. S. Hank building. 10-3-eod-2w Lecture U Free No charges for admlsHlon to hear Miss Hootli at The C.rnnrt tonight. " Motel Marlon Serves Merchants lunch from 12 to 2:00, BOc. Regular dinner Sunday, 5:30 to 8:110. ood-tf Mrs. Strong, of Sun Ki-hik-Im-o Is demonstrating the wonderful Calorie HrelesH cook stove this week at Duron & Hamilton's. ' HiIiiit l'rlsoncrN to Pen Chief of Police Lewis, Hood River, and Olllccr Ollnger, arrived In the city last evening with James Brooks John Collins, and James Stevenson, who were convicted at that place of robbing a box car, and turned I hem over to tho authorities at the state prison. The The management of the Palm The ater during the past month have been renovating and thing up their place. The manager, Mr. V. P.Mor rison, s-ays they Intend to have as at tractive a little theater as there Is In Salem, and that the class of pictures they put on there will be second to none. In addition the mnttagemcnt w ill bring in special attractions from time to time, such as the Knn Com edy Co. which they present this week. Lecture Is Free No charges for admission to hear Miss Booth at The Grand tonight. Women' Club breakfast ' The committee In charge will be at the public library Wednesday af ternoon from ' 2 to 4 o'clock. All tickets must be secured nt this time. Are You Interested In flreliws cookers? See the dom onst rater this week at Buren & Hnmlltons'. You can get sumo points that will bo useful to you, whether you own a cooker or not. Lecture Is Free No charges for admission to hear Miss Ilooth at The Grand tonight. t '',-' .. , Klrec.s Cook Inn Expert demonstration at Burn ft Hamilton's. , Ilooth Lecture Free Outside of the charges for rose"ved seats, no charges are made for ad mission to the Opera House to hear Miss Booth tonight. A Public Holiday A half holiday has been given the school children when President Taft visits Salem next, Thursday. How ever, the fact senis to have been overlooked that October 1 2th. which Is the day of tho president's visit, was set by the last legislature as "a public holiday." This was done as a token of appreciation of the tine work of Chrlslopher Columbus In discovering us. The legislators pioli ably realized that if I! hmlu't been for Christopher they would not have been in the legislature. Anyway. It Is a public holiday, all day. Twenty Transports Siti. , . inNtTun passu uukid wibb.1 ' . T.urlcn. Oct. 10. An oillcial dis patch from Naples declares that '20 Italian transports sailed today for Syracuse, where they will Join the second division of the Tripoli expe dition. It is reported that Turkey torpe do boats, off the coast of Sicily', are prepnred for battle. ? 1 ' ' The belief prevails In London that the landing of more -Italian ti-oope In Tripoli means the end of the war as far as Turkey",ls concerned, and that Peace will be declared shortly. TWENTY-FOUR" ADMITTED TO THE LEGAL BAR The supreme court this afternoont announced that the following had been successful In passing the bar examination: George F. Skiff, Geo.. Crego C. P. Judge, Floyd Bearle; Melvln D. Snow, S.; S. Johnson,. R. M. Burlny, W. K. Royal, Bradley A Ewerg, Shirley D. Parker,, Stanley II. Rich, John Hendrlckson, Robert McKenzle, Ralph; Q. Dlmlck, EnieTy Charles Dye, Charles J. Zerzan, R. E. Robblns, Paul C. . Layboume, Claud Denilng, Percy C. Wood, King man Brewster, J. G. Arnold, Ernest L. Dodd and O. h. Klug. mm. ................................. illllllltl tUTtTTTTTTTTT'TTTTT - - - - - 'T t T I til I 1 H I , , , TO APPEAL If THE CASE OF BEATTlE Richmond, Va., Oct. 10. The fight for the life of Henry Clay Beattte Jr., the wealthy young man convicted of the murder of his wife, will be car ried on through a writ of error, pe tition which hla attorneys a're pre paring, according to statements made here today. The petition will be presented in court November 8. An alleged- statement made ly the condemned man to a friend Is pub lished here today as follows. "I will show them how a man should die, if that is what they are waiting for. Electric char? Bah. What's that nothing. If the switch board Is near enough, 111 turn the current on myself. When a man has got to die let him die manfully and without whimpering. But there Is the supreme court. It still must act on my case before evrythlng is over. I suppose sonje people are glad I am In this fix." ..THE PALM.: THE OLD BLY THEATRE Under New Management Presents The Knox Comedy Co. Oct. 12, 13, 14, and 15 This is one of the best comedy companies on the road and will put on first class attract ions Prices 15c and 25c SKIN A MASS OF FIRE Horrible torture pain, ur.tlur able d?ys when the who'e body seems to be burning up long nights of sleepless agony Then Insttiiit relief the skin cooled and refreshed all burning and Itching gon! Thousands testify to this thou sands who suffered from eczema, psoriasis and other skin 'troubles, until they heard of that simple, cool ing wash of wlntergreen. thymol and other Ingredients krown as D. D. D. Prescription, f .. 3 .Samuel Lewis, 'of St. Paul, Minn, writes: 'I used three bottles of D. D. D. Prescription, and now my skin, once a mass of II re and Irrita. Hon, Is as smooth, and soft as a child's. A 2rc trial bottle wllj'glve you Positive probf! We are so certain of 'what D. D. D. will do for you that we offer you a full-size bottle on this guarantee If you do not find that,. It takes away the Itch AT ONCE, it costs you not a cent. !''' ' ' ' Call here and talk It over. - 3. C. Perry. " '.'' ' . o . PERSONALS. Judge Eakln In response to ad vices that his brother, 3. B. Eakln was 111 at Eugene, left for that city yesterday to remain until he Is Im proved. '. Miss Ruth Reed Is back from vis iting friends at Jefferson. F. R. Hunt was a Eugene business visitor in the cltv yesterday. Mrs. Mabel Gibson Is visiting Mrs, .1. 6. Macomber at Oakdale, Poll county. v ' '. Mrs. Frank Cutsfortli, who has been visiting friends In the city, has returned to her home at Gervals. Dr. and Mrs. O. B. Ijng, of Har risburg, who have been visiting friends in the city, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. U Dresner, parents Of Mrs. Dr. M. P.: Mendelsohn, leave this evening on the Shasta Ll-nited for their hftme In San Franciaco. They are so - well pleased with the Cherry City that they expect to re turn next spring and make Salem their home. j Ladies qnd Misses' Suits at a GreatSavinp-1 ' We have placed One Hundred Suits ori our racT t mixtures and fancy suitings. The latest in cut ctii iaiiuiiurcu aiiu 11 v,uai saun linea. Lot 1 priced at $12.50 Lot 2 prices at $15.00 Children's Dresses Attractive little one-piece and middy dresses I best quality of serge. Low neck, short sleeves, hiah neck and long sleeves and middy blouse and' skirt in rea, navy ana orown. ah neatly trimmed braid. Ages 6 to 14 years. i Priced from $5.75 to $12.5oi WEDNESDAY SPECIAL! Women's long and short Kimonas and Lounging Robes l made of crepes and novelty materials, regular qq I prices $1.75 to $2.25. Special . . . . OC ! These are from a salesman's sample line, some are slightly mussed; here is a chance for a good saving j Quality Merchandise U. G. Shipley Co. 145-147 North Liberty Street Between State and Court Streets Prices t Popular "S GOOD HOUSEKEEPING NEWS Vol. 1 Tuesday, Oct. 16. No. 3 NOTE We will give In this col umn, from time to Mine, flints on the preparation and use of meat food products that may be used for the betterment of and economy In your cooking. I'nion Meat Co. Ilujinit Lard. The time was when It was a rare occurrence to purchase lard in any other way that in bulk and the cus tomer knew nothing about the qual ity of the lard until It was used at home. Nowadays, however, most lard is sold under a brand and In pails so that the customer knows she is getting what she wants that the quality must be uniform.' Perfectly pure lard, like butter, turns rancid if It Is not kept in a cool place. It Is best to keep It In a refrigerator if possible. The reason of this is, that pure lard, like our Columbia Brand, contains nothing but the choice cuts of fat from "gov ernment inspected iogs, "tried opt" In an open kettle In the same old fashioned way as our mothers hised to do. It contains no stearin and melts at a low temperature. The cheaper grades of lard are "refined" as is Pearl shortening md while they will keep for a longer period without turning rancid when fresh, they are not as "short" or as "sweet" as Columbia. For real goodness and flavor you can't beat open kettle ren dered lard. Union Meat Co. After foal Barons. lUNITIO riHI U1BIG VIRI. ' NEW TODAY. Washington. D. C., Oct. 10. Attor- ney General Wlckersham and hfs as- sociates today opened the argument FOR SALE A new modeij built 5- of the anthracite coal trust ease be- room bungalow, on extra large fore the United States supreme court. corner )ot; cheap, if taken now. Chief Justice White ordered allthe 1510 Bellevue street. 10-10-3t railroad rate cases ass!gnpi for Hearing January 8. These Include WANTED Man to dig potatoes on th Oregon Minnesota, Missouri, Ken- shares. Inquire of I. N. Ridgeway, tucky and West Virginia rate Mse3. ' . ."e Nursey man. t Gilliam's Stable. o in-9-at Any. man who will jilt a girl de- " - serves to enjoy what,he subsequently FOR SALE Good piano, J100 cash. Sets- ! See me at once. Address 705 Bel- mont street, or phone 1100. 10-9-3t Mrs. James Mills, who has been visiting In the city for several days, has returned to her home at Tillamook. Journal Want Ads Brlntf Results x u VW.n HANKER FOR VHKTTY THINGS THAT SIMPLY EXIST VOU T1IEIK OWN REAVTY'S SAKE? THEN YOU WILL 1!EL. LY ENJOY OUH FIXE IHSI'I.AY OK JEWELRY. WOMEN OV ALL A(ii:s HAVE ADORNED THEMSELVES WITH JEWELS AND rumors stones, they are no dieeerext today, and voi r own love ok them is natural, come in and look ouu link over. I BARR'S JEWELRY STORE When I sleep I (1 renin o ( lllll. You know Willie Taft will be here October , 12, and hi will expect to. see yi.u look ing prosper ous. Now, there's nothing helps along like T o g e r y togs for that OeslreiJ prosper o u b look. ' Better come In and buy that it w fall suit and oth er accessories now. as ws have Jutit received a bunch, of new mer chandise. At least. have that oil '.suit pressed by our expert cleaning and p.ivsslng service.-' e will call for and deliver your gar ments. THE TOGGERY 167 Commercial Street Pare Taatls At. Hors Phone 35 Mala (To be continued) .. STATISTICAL ' MARRIED. NEAL-SAUCIER At the parsonage of the First Christian church at 12 m., Monday, October 9, 1911, Miss Eugenia Saucier, to Elbort. G. Neal, the Rev. Davis Errett officiating, o I REITZ To HORN. Mr. "anil i . Mrs. Elmer Reltz, on the Garden Road at 11 p. in., Monday, an eight-pound boy. Mrs. Reltz Is a daughter of C. E. Brown. . Grand Opera House, Saturday, Oct. 14 v MORTH.SINGEK MttSBNTS Lillil H V VU ill RflWftl in Tic Diadem of Musical Comcdia By ADAMS, HOUGH and HOWARD Three Absolutely Original Dances: igHl.!.l.,LJrtt.M,HVif!t!BI , Prices, 50c to U Seats on Sale Friday, 9 a. WANTED A good sized lot close to car line, not too far out. Cash. Telephone 96 Main. 10-6-tf BOY WANTS work on farm. Oscar Miller, Route 3, Phone Farmm 21S. 10-10 3t FOR SALE $800 will buy a ne five room house, lot 50x150, high and sightly, two blocks from car terms if necessary. See J. D. Bo hanon at Monument shop, Cl'y -View Cemetery. n). FOR RENT Furnished, a five room cottage on car line, or will sell furniture and rent house. Phone Main 1111. ' 10-10-3t I STILL have a few good R. C. Rhode Island Red hens and pullets which I will sell. See me at 670 Mill street or phone 1390. 10-10-3t- FOR SALE A good eight room plas tered house,' with electric lights and hot and' cold water and seven lots only three blocks from the couYt house. This place also has a small chicken house and a barn. Will be sold vefy reasonable, If taken soon. For particulars phone Main 1391. 10-9-3t Cottage Undertaking Parlors Modern In every detail. Lady assist ant. Corner Cottage and Chemeketa. Phone 7 24'. MONEY TO LOAN THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd and Bush Bank. Salem. Ot Norwich Union Fire Insurnace Society. Rurghardt a Meredith, Resident Ag 883 STATE STREET. FOR SALE Cheat seed at Buckner's feed store, South Commercial street. $1.00 per sack. 8-23-tf MONEY TO LOAN jOn Farm Property. John H. Scotl & Co.. over th.. Chlcaen Store. S flem, Oregon. Phone 1552. MOVED S. B. Catterlln & Co. have moved from their present location, 467 State street, to Room 6, Catlln & Lynn building, over Salem Bank & Trust. 10-6-lm FOR SALE Six room bungalow, new, $1430. $100 down, balance $15 per month. , See Homer H. Smith, McCornack building. 9-20-tf WANTED Position as In widower's family; and neat. Address ' Journal. housekeeper good cook E. " V.", care 10-10-3t New IneoqiomtloiLs. ' The following articles of Incor poratlon have been filed with the sec. i retary of state. ' j I Northwest Mining Bureau, Port-1 land. $25,000. Molalla State Hank, Molalla, $15.- : ooo. -.. ; Coos Ray Oil & Qas company, i Marshfleld $25,000. . V' . I I Siskiyou Hydraulic Mining com-' pany, Portland, $5000. ' Mullno Townsite company. Oregon ' jClty, $3000. . ' j Western Contracting company, , Portland. $10,000, ' Oregon Woodenware Mfg. Co.. ; Portland. $s000. Security State Bank, .Woodburn, : $23,000. ' Vermont Loan & Trust company, j foreign, supplemental articles. Co-Operative Trust company, aup- 'plementary articles. 00 One-Half Block on 13th Street GEORGE M. PJOST ARCHITECT Corner State & Libert; Sis Salem, Oregon. Room 1, Gray BIk. Phone 104. MONEY TO MOAN On grood Real Estate security. BECHTEL & BTX0X 847 State Street E. Hofer&Sons ' 213 S. Commercial Street Special attention given to restoring old violins, repairing bows, mando lins, guitars, cello or bass. Many violins are weak on some strings- 1 strengthen them and equalize the tone. J. L. C0ATES Tlolln Maker and Bepalrer Room 9, Gray Block, Salem, Ore. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES Bought. Sold Rented Repaired Ribbona Roller Snpplie Sea Me Before V'oa lo Anything C M. LOCKWOOD rhone 814-16 X. Com 008 Mala St. Mem. Of