f AGS FOUR DAILT CAPITAI' JOCRXAL, SALEM, OKEGOX. S.TRPAY. OCTOBER 7. 1811. BUT ONE CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD Pastor Russell Solves a Per plexing Problem. THE TRUE CHURCH LOCATED. Graat Preaeha and Harmonize De fines tha Haal Chriatian 8aya Ha la Not Mada by Denominational Rltaa, but by Taking Up tha Croaa and Fol iating Ja.ua All Who Daaira to ftarve God Will Raeaiva tha Dlvlna Blaaaing and Entar tha Premlaad Land Aeadamy of Mualo Crowdad. Brooklyn, JT. I., Oct l.-Pas-tor R n s t 1 1 preached tbli aft ernoon In Brook lyn's largest and finest Audito rium, which was crowded to hear bis discourse on "Which la the True Churchr It may not be strict ly true to say that everyone In the large audience went home fully futUfled that he bad located the nne true Church to which the r.lble con tinually refers. It Is not too much to DKHert, however, that the vast major ity of tlione who beard were both pliMiscd ' nnd convinced. No reully great mini Ik without his enemies, hut It may surely be suld that Fustor inn sell Is galnlug uinny friends through out the Christian world every week through the widespread reports of his sermons. The text for the occasion was, "Tho Church of the Flrtit-Borns, whime names ore written In heaven." Hebrews zll, 23. Church of Christ Ona Not Many lie adverted to the Scriptural rec ords which refer to tho Church of Christ ns one, not as many. Pastor Russell declared that in this matter the Church of Home and the Church of England hold aloof from many Protcstnnt denominations. They claim that to recognize them as churches would be uiiHcrlpturul, since there Is but one Church of the Living God. The various Trotestant denominations started out with similar views, similar theories, though todny they have aban doned them. The Church of fcngland formed an organization separate from that of Home, believing that the for mer hud been tho one truo Church but had departed from tho faith, and that It was the duty of the faithful to rec ognize her as Rubylon, confusion. The claim to be the true Church thoy applied to themselves. Similarly, Pres byterians, Methodists, Congregatlonal lsts, Adventlsts, Disciples, etc., have withdrawn, and mnny of these origi nally claimed to be tho one true, loyal, faithful Church of Christ. Todny, however, the pendulum has swung to tho other side. Moreover, tho narrow ness of the past Is rapidly giving way. All are learning that to be a Christian means more than merely to be Im mersed; more than merely to be sprin kled; more than merely to believe In tho doctrluo of Election; more than merely to believe In tho doctrine of Freo Grace; more than to believe In tho doctrine of TrnntmhMtitntlatlnn or Consubstanttatlon. With this enlarge ment of mind Christians are Indeed In danger of losing sight of the fact that tho True Church Is the custodian of "tho faith once delivered to tho snlntB" which acknowledges "one Lord, one Faith, one Raptlsm, one God and Ou tlier of nil, nnd one Church of the liv ing God." Ona Church In Many Churchaa The key to the situation Is found In our Lords words: "Not oil that say unto Mo, Lord, Lord, shall enter Into the Kingdom of heaven;" not all who cull themselves Christians, with one denominational tog or another, are members of the one Church, the Church of tho First-borns, mentioned In our text. As good, rich milk Is sometimes onlli'd cream, so all tho members of Chi'l.stlnn denominations are sometimes called Christ InnsIn a complimentary sen::e, becnuso not unsympathetic with truo Christ Ian principles. Neverthe less, only those In nil denominations who have conformed to the conditions TtMjiilred of Christian dlsclpleshlp. the saintly ones, consilium the True Church "Tho Church of the First born, whose names oro written In heav c:i. If v.t hrd r hn of sfnvdiv;t nnd scat tered thiv-erh It n pnpr of tncks un til the latter were quite hidden from view, surrounded and covered in the sawdust, we know that wo could take n magnet nnd. by passing It to and fro amongst the sawdust, the magnet would attract to Itself every tack. The tacks of this Illustration repre sent a small class of Immunity, xenlous I be;irt for God and righteousness. Tho magnet represents the ;os1 In vitation wlih h Is now passed up, and down, hither nnd thither throughout the i lvlllxed world, and to some ex lent. Into the heathen world. When we convince our henrers that the mui-elect of this Age are not disca rd t oferr.r.l torment, tint will have a t!oss!:i of Inferior degree to thnt of "the c!ivt." the effect should be to rieht our minds and to cnuse us to think carefully sed critically of the trlngent tor::; of fllsclploshlp whle James C. Dahlman, "Cowboy" Mayor ef Omaha, "Throw the Lariat". Mayor Jas. C. Dahlman Is of an In teresting and Impressive personality. Starting his career aa a cowboy, he la at present mayor of Omaha, and has tha following record to his cre dit: 8hrlff of Dawei county, 1 -vwaj,- I. y the Bible lays down as conditions for membership In the one true Church. Heretofore, with the false thought In mind that all except the Church would be eternally tormented, we have all shrunk from making any rea sonable application of the Scriptural texts regarding sulntshlp, dlselplesblp, the becoming members of the Church of the First-born. This was partly be cause of fear for ourselves, lest we might not come up to the standard of salntsblp, but especially was It be cause of our realization that the great mass of humanity In Christendom, as well as in heathen lands, came far short of the terms of dlsclpleshlp luld down In God's Word. Today the mat ter comes close borne to us aJl, for we realize that many who were very near and dear to us have died outside of the nominal church, and far outside the special line of conditions wblcb marked the Church of the First-born. Amongst other texts cited by the Pastor as showing the exclusive and high standard of the elect Church, we ote tho following: "If any man will be My disciple, let hi in take up his cross and follow me; and where I am there shall My disciple be also;" "To him thnt ovcrcometh will I grant to sit with Me In My Throne;" "Strnit Is the gate and narrow Is the way that leadcth unto life, and few there be that find it" (Luke Ix, 23; Matthew rtl. 14); "Let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race set before us" (Hebrews ill, 1); "If these things be In you and abound the graces of the Holy Spirit tbey will make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful In the knowl edge of our Lord, for so on en trance shnll be ministered unto you abundantly Into the everlasting King dom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Chrlst."-II Peter I, 8, 11. Looking Through the Type St. Paul Informs us that all the vari ous features of the Jewish Law were types of still higher, still better things. In our text the expression, "Church of the First-born," bus ref erence to a type instituted In the very beginning of Israel's history, when God brought thut people, by the bund of Moses, tho Mediator of the Law Covenant, out of tho land of Egypt To this typo the Apostlo refers In his expression, "The Church of the First born." Tho entire nation of Israel, twelve tribes, God had separated from the other nutlons to represent those who would bo a blessing to all other nations, under tho Abrahamlc Cove nant God's oath to Abraham was: "In thy Seed shull all the families of tho earth be blessed." Pharaoh, King of Egypt, was hold ing back tho nation from going Into Palestine, tho Land of Promise. Oue chastisement after another failed to movo hliu to submission until finally an Intense calamity availed. The tenth pluguo was the smiting of tho first-born of Egypt, while the Israel ites were protected, thiu showing Di vine interest In and care over Israel. Their first-born were miraculously pre servedto represent in type the Church of the Flrst-boru. Tho true Church of Christ are not all that will be saved, In the Divine Program, but merely, as St. James says, "These are a kind of first-fruits unto God of His creatures" (James I, 18; Revelation xlv, 4). The after-fruits will come In due time, under the further development of the Divine Plan of the Ages as the result of Messiah's reign of a thousand years. Pome time after their deliverance from Egypt, by Divine direction, the first-borns of all the families nud tribes of Israel were exchanged, person by person, for tho one tribe of Levi. Tho Invites thereafter represented the First-born of the Church they alone represented the first-borns of Israel passed over in that night Subsequent ly the tribe of Levi became the In structors of the nation In religious mut ters and from them was chosen oue family for the Priesthood Aaron and his sous. The Scriptural picture is plain. In the nntltype we are still In tho night of passing over. Soon the Morning of the New Dispensation, under Messiah's reign, will begin, and all desirous of serving God and having Ills blessings will bo delivered from tho oppressing power of Sutnu nnd his hosts, typified by Pharaoh nnd his army. God in tends to deliver the whole world from Satan's power. Satan shall be bouud for a thousand years, during Messiah's reign, and Is ultimately to be destroy ed, and the people of God-ull who de sire to worship the Lord and to enter Into the glorious Land of Promise will be led forth. The first -born of these Is the Church of this Gospel Age, which will bo associated with Christ In Ills heavenly Kingdom "the Church of the First-borns, whose names are written In heaven." Prie.ti and Lavltai Antitypical The entire tribe of Levi was specially consecrated to the Lord, and specially separate from the other tribes and was given no Inheritance In tho land. Thus the entire Church of Christ nro begot ten of the Holy Spirit to a superior, heavenly nature; they will have no In heritance with mankind in general In tho earthly blessings restitution to hu man perfection and participation In tho blessings of the world-wide Eden to be. The promise under which they are now being developed Is a heavenly, spiritual one. Their change will he a glorious one from earthly nature to a heavenly nature they will nil be like Christ. "They will neither marry nor be given In marriage, but will In this be like unto the sngels; neither cnu they die uny more." Put ns from amongst those first borns of Israel the family of Aaron was selected to be the priests, so from this Church of tho First-borns God shows us thnt ITe Is selecting a Royal three terms; mayor of Chadron, two terms; Democratic national commit teeman, eight years; mayor of Oma ha, six years, and in 1910 candidate for governor of Nebraska. Writing to Foley A Co.. Chicago, ha says: "I ha. re taken Foley Kidney Pills and they have lven ma a great deal of Priesthood a "little Hoc." ' Aaron and his sons were few in comparison to all the tribe of Levi, so only a saintly few expect to attain to glory, honor end immortality with Christ These are referred to in the Scriptures as "members of the Body of Christ." even as the uuder-priests, Aaron's sons, in the type, were weml.-ers of Aaron. Under another beautiful fig ure this Priestly few are styled the "Bride of Christ" and His Joint-heirs In Ills" Kingdom and work. Choaan to Biota tha People Aa these Levltes, Including the priests, were elected, or selected, for the purpose of being the Instructors of Israel, so we perceive the Scriptures to teach that the Church of the First born, when glorified, wi:i be associ ated with Me.i.slah la His greet work of blessing and instructing all the peo pleall the families of the earth. The knowledge of the Lord at that time will be made known to ail mankind: all the blind eyes shall be opened and all the deaf ears shall bo unstopped. All the Lerlte class will share In the work of blessing, which the Lord for so many centuries has declared through the mouth of all the holy Prophets. The merit of the death of Jes is. the Just for the unjust, when applied on behalf of the whole world, will be efficacious for the cancelling of the sins of the world, and their full re conciliation to the Father. It will be Divine mercy, however, which will prevent mankind from belie; at once turned over directly to the Father, ns soon ns tho satisfaction for their sins shall have beeu tendered nnd uccepted at the close of this Age of dealing with the Church. Instead a New Law Cove nant will be sealed and made operative with Israel, and under thnt New Cove nant tho whole world will bp privi leged to come into relationship with Messiah nnd the blessings of Ills Klne dom, which will represent to them Di vine mercy, power nnd opportunity for returning to human perfection and au evcrlastliv;. earthly home or, rejecting this grace, they will die the Second Death, from which there will be no recovery. The effect of tho New Covenant will be to bring the willing and obedient of oil the people of earth fully hack into harmony with God: and this, at tained nt the end of Messiah's reign of a thousand years, will prepare the way for tho surrender of everything to tho Heavenly Father, thnt ITe may be nil In nil. and that the world there after may be dealt with as perfect be ings, along the lines of absolute Justice and without any further need of a Mediator or other merciful provisions. Tha Pith of tha Argument. This is the pith of St. Paul's argu ment in our text and context. He points us down to the consummation of this Age to the time when the Church of the First-born shall be com pleted on the plnno of glory to the time when Israel nnd the world of mankind will reach the place where God will Introduce the New Covenant, typified In the Law Covenant. As the hitter was Introduced by the shaking of Slnnl, In n general time of darkness, thus, the Apostle Intimates, the New Covenant Is about to be Innugurnted. In the end of this Age, by a time of must nwful trouble, of wlilcb that at Slnnl was merely n symbolic picture or type. God's voice then shook the earth, but in the antitype He will shake everything thnt can le shaken. Things which nre absolutely Just, true and righteous will remain unshaken, and we, the Church of the First-born, the nntltyplcal Priesthood, will receive a Kingdom which cannot be shaken. Tho True Church's Glory In the past we failed to see who would be members of the true Church because our eyes of understanding were beclouded by error. Similarly, we have failed to see the grandeur, tho honor and blessing which God has promised shnll be the ortl;m of the one true Church, the "little tlock." We mixed heavenly things with earth ly things. We confounded the blessing of Restitution to human perfection and an earthly Eden with the spiritual blessing. We appropriated to ourselves the promises made to the faithful of Israel, that they should "build houses and Inhabit them, and plant vineyards and eat the fruit of them, and should long enjoy the work of their hands." Iu general we were confused. Now ns we come to see God's great riiin and the different features of the same, wo nre able to discriminate nnd to apply properly the Scriptures relat ing to each class. The Royal Priest hood nre to be Jolnt-helrs with the Re deemer, partakers of the divine na ture and sharers of their Lord's glory, honor and Immortality. I Romans II, 7.1 Tho larger company, symbolized by all tho Levltes, aside from the family of Aaron, nro to be the honored servants of the Royal Priesthood: and the world of mankind are to have the glorious opportunities nnd blessings of earthly restitution. Only the consecrated and spirit-begotten can have any share In the selec tion and salvation now In progress, nnd these must all be tested as to loy alty to God. to the Trutli. and to the spirit of righteousness and the spirit of love. The "lltt'e tlock." the priestly few who nre to share the divine na ture, will be composed of swh us have demonstrated their loyalty to the Lord most satisfactorily. They wt'.l be cop ies of ills dear Son, their Redeemer Slid Lord. This Is the one. true Church. To membership in j is our "hljsh calling." The spirit which ev ery member of It musr have Is the Holy Spirit. The faith invented by each member In It Is "the fnlth ouce delivered unto the saints;" the Impttsm to which every member of It must vol untarily submit Is the baptism Into Christ's death. "If we be dead with Him we shall also lire wtii: Him " relief, so 1 cheerfully recommend them." Yours truly. (Signed) "James C. Dahlman." Red Cross Pharmacy (H. Jerman.) o Try to emulate tho rose, which withers and die only to leave- sped for many more Just aa beautiful. ipii f2u?.'i ALCOlfob 3 PER CENT. AVt getable PreparaHon 6rAs similaiirrJ theFoodasJRfula lingilieSiomadtsamlBowlsaf Promotes BittonttnuiH ness and ResuContaliB mte Opium-Morphine narMiaeraLl Not narcotic. JtMltMl- Aperfect Remedy for Con$n) Hon , Sour Stoitach.Uiarrtm Worms jConvulswns Jevensa- ness and LossOFaLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK, under the froodoN Exact Copy of Wrapper. tszw sfaraeedunirfheFoo 1 1 f 1 a IB QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO Pianos, Organs, and the ! celebrated Edison Phonographs Our fall stock of Pianos, Organs and Phonographs is now In and we can please you. If you wish either give ug a call. We take old or gans or pianos In exchange. We sell on easy terms and give you value for your money. Full list of Edison records In stock at all times- Remember the place. CHERRINGTON & PETERS 247 N. Commercial Street. Salem, Oregon s ure to please wholesome beverage. ways an invigorating, pure and delightful drink. A L ends strength wearied phys'que. ffects a soothing cure for th? nervous ills of life. E M akes life more pleasant and cheers the heavy heart. B rings good fellowship to aii who partake in moderation. E E ilivens the spirit of the down cast and disheartened. idows existence with hopes and aspirations R estores man strength Tola la the "dignifying THE INDUSTRIES" GRST0R1A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years RSI the lovers of a to the weak and to fulness ot and activity. I UUa af a paautlful (4-Daa book, which . ltr will ahow aay boy or (lrl how to SUCCEED. Drop a poatai U tha mall TODAY aad It will be aaat FEEI. Tha ain of tha ColWa la to dlfBtfy aad popnlariia tha laduttrlaa, aad to iarra AU tha paopla. It offara eouraaa la Af rlcaltara. Civil EBflaaortaa; . Electrical Eat laaarlat , Maehaalcai EafUMarlaf . MLaiBf Eftfla. earlac. roraauy, DoaiaualalBee nai Art. Com SMroe. Faarmacy aad Huata. Tha Celiac a apeaa eptaabar Sad. Catajef ftae. Addraaa: EIOnTlAK. OIMOI AOBJCUiTtriAl OWJJOLCfTeiUa.Orat. ccrnwn h a wn n irmvnnv e Engines, Boilers, Pumps, Etc. Pulleys, Gears, Shafting, Etc PIPE-PIPE Anything Made of Iron M. Barde & Sons, Front and Main Streets. Portland. Oregon The House of a. Million Bargains. aMl-fltHIll"ll''"'''lHlHf a SOUTH SALEM MARKET PLACE POISAL & SHAW General Grocery Store Wo also carry a full line of cigars, tobacco, candy, palnti, druga and stamp. Phone 761 wntiioiaiiH Pianos and Organs from the cheapest to the best sold on installments and rented. CEO. C. WILL Sewing Machines Genuine needles, oil and new parts for all sewing machines. Sewing ma chines rented. ! GEO. C. WILL GEO C. WILL j aM.a4aMeaetMM.MHM l "Economies" We Can't Afford In one sense, we could save money by using cheaper soap than 4. the very best, by using cheaper starch and lower priced employees, J etc. 4 But the saving at moat would be only a fraction of the resulting t 4 loss In reputation. J You can count on the fact that we practice no "economy" that takes It out of your clothes. T 4, We aim to do the finest laundering cosslble. second to none. Our 4 patrons tell us we succeed. You est prices guaranteed. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY, Phone 25. I WOOD Until OCTOBER 15th, 1911 We will make a REDUCTION on 10 Load orders. 10 Loads, 16inch Wood $20.00 The Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Company Office front and Ferry Phone 1 830 E. HOFER & SONS Investments, Loans, Real Estate INSURANCE We write fire', life, Accident, Lability, Automobile, Bonds and All Branches of Insurance. 213 S, Commercial 6 1 Phone 82 IIB4I Edison, Victor and Columbia Talking Machines A full stock of Records. i CEO. C. WILL ! X latest Sheet Music Piano and Organ Studies, Violins, Guitars, ; Mandolins and Banjos, t l will like our work. Try it Low-, f 188.168 SOUTH LIBERTY STREET SPECIAL PRICE