Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 30, 1911, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Man Worships Pleasure Rattier
Than Reveres God.
Ik ; i
Paator Rueeell Proclaims the Riling
8un of Righteouaneae Will 8oon
Scatter the Clouds and Reveal the
True Character of the Creator Di
vine Juatice and Love Will Be Made
Clear to Human Vision.
Jersey City,
N. J.. Sept 24.
I' a s t o r Kussell's
address at the Op
era House was the
event of tbe day.
As nstiul be bad
tbe closent atten
tion and a crowd
ed houHe. Ills text
wan, "Lovers of
pleasure more
tbaa lovers of God;
tin vltitr a form of
godliness but de
nying the power thereof. From such
nun unuy." (II Timothy 111, 4, C.I
lie siilil:-
Our text could scarcely apply better
tn present liiy conditions If St. Paul
bud written the words this very day.
Tbe world seems to he going plensure
uiiid. Very evidently we are in tbe
"perilous times" mentioned in tbe con
text It Is proper that we InvcxtlKiito
tills tendency toward pleasure and
formality as respects religion. What
Is tbe cause of this condition? It Is
not because mankind have naturally
more desire for pleasure than for God.
Oo the contrary, I'lirvnolojry shows us
that tbe very blKhest organs of the
human mlml'iire those which relate to
spirituality and reverence. Under nor
mal conditions, therefore, all mankind
DilKbt reasonably lie expected to have
tbeir chief pleasure In spiritual things,
In harmony with a proper reverence
for their Creator nnd Ills will.
What hns changed this tiaturar con
dition, nnd turned tbe lien its of men
awny from reverence for God nnd spir
itual things to more sensuous pleas
ures, witb merely an outward form
of piety? Tbe unswer Is that man's
reverence for bis Creator nnd for spir
itual things has been taken ndvnntiiKe
of by Satan. God has been pictured to
men's minds ns All-Powerful nnd dev
ilish. These false doctrines, St. I'aul
declares, are "doctrines of demons"
(I Timothy lv, 1). Tlieso misconcep
tions, formulated Into multitudinous
creeds, became their Idols. Each Idol
creed contained n little nucleus of
truth, around which monstrous errors
were aggregated. For n long time we
blindly and stupidly worshiped our
creed-Idols, lighting for ourselves nnd
against others. Contributing our mon
ey to tbo point of sncrllleo nnd scif
denlnl, we built costly temples, each
party for bis own Idol.
Wo were kept so busily engaged In
thus lighting mid working nnd build
ing, that we did not stop to carefully
nut Ice t ho horrible outlines of these
Idols, nor to consider their blasphe
mous misrepresentations of tbe truo
God of Justice, Wisdom. Love, Tower.
The Day Dawn le Upon Ua
Tbo Apostle Hays. "They that sleep,
sleep In the night nnd they that are
drunken ure drunken In the night."
Many thus have been uslccp nnd have
dreamed terrible things respecting the
future which our Heavenly Father has
nrdalned for Ills creatures. Various
hallucinations nnd nightmares, have
it 111 let oil us. Many have been drunk
en, with tbo wine of fill so doctrines,
mentioned In the Apocalypse, which
tells us that this "drunkenness" or stu
pefaction of error has extended to nil
nations of Christendom (Iter, xvlll, 3).
Wo may well thank God that "the
night Is far spent nnd the day Is nt
band." "The Sun of righteousness
shiill rise wllli healing lu Ills beams"
(Muliichl lv. HI. The result will bo the
complete scattering of darkness, su
perstition and error, which for so long
has more or less beclouded tho minds
of many of us to tlio true chnracter
of our God mid tho truo teachings of
His Word. It Is because we nro In
tbe dawning of tho New Day that wo
are beginning to see, ns never before,
tbe horrible features of our creed Idols.
Tho majority of Christians have not
yet discovered the real character of
the Almighty. They nro In a trims!
tlou state. They no longer worship
their Idols ns formerly, yet they still
worship them. Wo can direct them
to worship the truo God, but tho Idols
so monstrously misrepresent tho God
of all Grace that tho worship Is neces
sarily faint and hnlMieurted: or, as
the Apostle declares. It Is merely "a
furm of godliness," without the power,
the force, the strength which should
accompany the worship of the true
Cod. rightly understood nnd properly
A Revulsion of Sentiment
The dawning of the light of the New
Hay of Messiah begins to waken ua
from the nightmares of the lnrk Ages.
We have begun to doubf our creed
Mols, Many have censed their wor
ship altogether. Many others respect
them merely as fetishes of the past.
Some are afraid that If the masses
cease to worship the Idols nil rever
ence for holy things will pass away
and the world will lapse Into heathen
ish darkness. We should remember,
on the isiiiirMi-v, that we have boeu In
keathenlsb darkness, and are merely
now escaping from It The "heathen
has 'had bis idol of wood and atone
while we have had more ethereal ones.
Tbe heathen's idols are ugly eDotigh.
yet fur less horrible than the creed
Idols of civilized lands. No excuse
will longer maintain Idol worship of
any kind.
Looking For the Truth
The great dilllculty with tbe masses
Is that, repudiating the Idols, they are
lapsing into agnosticism doubt. Tbey
know not what tuey believe. Tbey
are looking for the Truth. Tbey find
tbe leaders of the creeds still bowing
formally to tbe Idols, but privately
repudiating them. Such leaders are
unworthy of confidence and only par
tially honest Hungry nnd thirsty for
something to satisfy the craving of
their hearts, the famishing people are
turning toward pleasure. "Tbey are
lovers of pleasure more than lovers of
Comparatively few any longer be
lieve In purgatory or everlasting tor
ment, but they believe that these doc
trines have a Scriptural foundation,
which they proportionately discredit
nnd chnrge with being tbe source of
nil tbeir Ignorance and superstition In
tbe past. With fnith In tbe lilble gone,
tho masses know not where to go nor
whom to trust respecting enlighten
ment regarding the future. Tbey are
reaching the conclusion that every
thing Is a big guess, mid that tbey
may ns well do their own guessing us
to pay a minister to do It for them.
The situation In a deplorable one.
As we have already Intimated, human
ity Is so constituted that religion holds
the very highest place In his mental
organism the seat of power nnd con
trol In air the nlTalrs of his life. With
no fixed conviction, men nro drifting.
The learned nre going Into Infidelity,
under tho more refined nnmo of High
er Criticism. The poor and less lenrn
ed are going Into doubt respecting nny
Intelligent Creator or Supervisor. As
a matter of fact tbry are saying not
only there Is no God who would tor
ment mankind eternnlly, but appar
ently, There Is no God who tnkes nny
Interest In humanity.
In this frnmo of mind Soclnllsrn ap
peals to them. They propose to bring
about "Paradise Itestored," by the
power of Soclullsm. Tbey say to them
selves, "We are without a God, without
a future hope, and without confidence
In our former views, 'let us eat, drink
and bo merry' let us enjoy life let us
get all that wo cun of pleasure out of
present existence, for we nro hopeless
respecting a future one." Is It any
wonder that tbo Apostle foretold that,
under these conditions, the masses
would become more nnd more pleasure-mad?
Thus we nccount for tho great la
ment that Is going up from all
churches that tbe pews nre empty, nnd
tbe collection-boxes empty, and that
tho system would go down except for
tho benevolent wcnlthy, who really do
not believe In the creed Idols, but wbo
deslro that others shall believe In them
and worship them. In a word, the
crowds which once Docked to tho
churches, with their nickels nnd pen
nies, now make for tbe theatres and
crowd tho hard, rough "bleachers" of
the ball grounds. Tbey have become
lovers of pleasure rather thou lovers of
God, becnuso tho representations of
God In tho vnrlous creeds nro too re
pulsive, too Irrntlonal, too devilish, to
bo longer believed in or worshipped.
What tbo peoplo need Is a general
smashing of nil the creed idols and the
unanimous return to the study of the
Itlble, nnd to tbo worship of tho true
God, which the Illblo sets forth.
Preaoheri Are In Perplexity
No men In the world nre to be more
sympathized with than tho preachers.
Tho creed idols have been richly en
dowed by well-meaning votaries of tho
past Tbo Interests of the clergy nre
all wrnpped up with tho Interests of
tbe creed Idols not only their financial
interests, but their honor, dignity,
titles. Tho question with the clergy
today Is, How can we smash tho creed
Idols? How can wo destroy them
without ourselves perishing with them?
If wo tell the common people plainly
what we believe, they will nil leave
tho creed Idols. They will ask us. How
long Is It since you ciuno to this con
clusion? If we tell them that wo have
not believed In our creeds for many
years, will they not call us hypocritical
nud lose their confidence lu us? And,
besides, what could we otter them In
It Is no secret that the great ma
jority of the educated clergy are total
unbelievers, not only lu the creeds
which they profess, but also In tho
Itlble they call themselves "Higher
Critics" and revolutionists." They
have nothing that they could teach tbo
people, except their doubts, their mis
understandings. Having lost faith lu
the creed Idols, they nro seeking for
the true God. In whom tho masses bo
lleve little enough ns It Is, They nro
bound to God and religious things by
a very slim cord composed of threo
strands Ignorance, superstition nnd
natural reverence. The l;:noninee nnd
superstition will soou break, and nil
that will be left will be man's natural
reverence. Now Is the time for re
placing Ignorance with knowledge, and
superstition with loving obedience to
tho true God.
"A Famine In the Land"
When I wits In lloston lust June the
largest opera house of that great city,
seating thirty-six hundred, was crowd
ed; four hundred more were behind
me on the platform besides those who
stood, and 1 learned afterwards that
hundreds were turned nway from the
doors. Tbe next day the editor
of a religion Journal railed on me. !
Ills lending question was: "Pnstor
lUissell. bow do you explain the fact
that the people of all creeds, and of the
world, come in such erotvds to your
meetings? I wns present yesterday
It the Boston (Theatre and witnessed
that vist concourse of intelligent peo
ple. As I looked at tbem I asked my
self the question I am now asking yon.
'How Is it that each crowds attend
your services, even In this sultry, sum'
mer weather, when the summer re
sorts and seashore pleasures would
call them elsewhere, and while many
of our leading and able ministers, sup
ported by talented choirs, have small
attendance twetity, forty, fifty or so?
What Is your ex plana Hon T "
I replied. "My brother. 1 believe we
are witnessing a fulfilment of the
Scripture wbich says: There shall be
a famine in tbe lund: Not a famine
for bread, nor a famine for water, but
a famine for the bearing of tbe Word
of the Lord' (Amos vitl. Hi. The pub
lic aro getting their eyes too widely
opened to ever again respect the God
whom Rrother Culvln pictured a God.
All-Wise and All-Powerful, but thor
oughly unloving, wbo foreordained and
predestinated a saintly handful to
glory, and tbe unsalntly thousands of
millions to nn eternity of torture. We
once believed those things, but tbe
new morning of God's grace in Christ
Jenus Is gradually scattering tbe dark
ness. "Neither can we longer believe witb
Brother Wesley that our God Is good
ind loving, and would like to save ev
erybody if He could, but was unwise
In His creation of man, and Is lacking
In power to direct the matter now.
Tho people nre hungering for some
thing better-for something consistent
and rational and in accordance with
the Bible declaration, that Divine Jus
tice, Wisdom, Love and Power are co
ordinatethat God Is Love, and Is as
Just and wise nud powerful as He is
loving. The people need to be shown
a theology which will accord with this
Divine character nnd with the Divine
statement that 'known unto the Lord
are all Ills works from the beginning
of the world;' and again: "My Word
that goeth forth out of My mouth shall
not return unto Me void, but shall ac
complish that which I please.' suitb
tbe Lord, 'and shall prosper in the
thing whereto I sent If "
Bible Doctrine of Election
Christian people need to believe tbe
Bible doctrine of Election, but must
see It In a different light from that
which Brother Calvin threw upon the
subject. They must see election from
tho Bible standpoint the election of a
saintly Church, n "little flock," "a roy
al priesthood, a holy people." to be the
Bride of Christ, and Ills Jolnt-helrs.
They must see that this "elect" Church
with tho Redeemer Is God's appoint
ed channel for tbe blessing of the uou
elect world. Tbey need to be shown
clearly that the saintly few. gathered
first from the Jews, but subsequently
completed by additions of those of
saintly character of all nations, are
with Christ to become the great Seed
of Abraham, tbe great Messiah. A bra
barn's spiritual Seed, "like the stars
of heaven." It must then be shown
why this splrltunl Seed has been "call
ed," "elected." selected from amongst
mankind that It Is for tbe very pur
pose of blessing the non-elect, the
masses of Adam's race, in harmony
with God's promise to Abraham-"! u
thy Seed shall all the families of the
earth bo blessed."
St. Foul refers to this wptrltual Seed,
soylng. "And to thy Seed, which is
Christ" nnd "If ye be Christ's, then
are ye Abraham's Seed nnd heirs
according to the promise" iGalatlans
ill, 10, 20). All these are nclrs of the
great promise that has not yet been
fulfilled. Tho fulfilment waits until
the complcttou of n foreordained num
ber, an elect "little flock" of the saint
ly few. Then these, changed by the
power of tho First Resurrection, from
human nature to divine nature (II Pe
ter 1, 4),- will constitute the glorious
Kingdom of Messiah. The Kingdom
blessings will go first to Abraham's
natural seed, and through them to all
God's chnracter Is so great, so grand,
that, if seen by men. It would be rev
erenced. God's Plan of Salvation Is so
grandly beautiful that, when rightly nn
derstood nnd comprehended. It proves
more fascinating than any novel.
Tno world has been kept a way from
God and from the Bible by the machi
nations of the Adversary. He has had
much to do with the formation of our
creed Idols. Seeing men breaking nway
from error. In the Reformation time,
and groping after the Truth. Sutau pre
sented himself "as an angel of llgbt"
and misguided our fathers Into the for
mation of their various creeds. This
Is corroborated by St. Paul's words.
"The god of this world bath blinded
tho minds of them that believe not.
lest the glorious llgbt of tbe goodness
of God, as It shines In the face of Jesus
Christ our Lord, should shine Into
their hearts" (11 Corinthians lv. 4i.
The Adversary did not wish us to see
with "the eyes of our hearts" the glori
ous character of our Creator. His love
for mankind nnd Ills glorious provision
for us. He wished, on the contrary, to
blind us with prejudice, to turn us
away from God nnd fmm the Plble
And surely his plan has been measur
ably successful.
Nevertheless. Satan has gained no
real victory, be has In no way hin
dered the finding of tire "elect."
lint her, we may assume that iliese
vnrlous, blinding Inlliienees and stum
bling stones have bill served to prove,
to test the love, loyally, fnlih and
obedience of the "called nnd chosen
ind faithful "
if we have seen why the world Is
going pleasure-mad. and If we have
seen the steps which should he taken
to guide the well Intentioiicil Into the
ways of the Lord, let in, my beloved
hearers, not only !o faithful ourselves
to the Lord's way. but let us lift high
tho Royal Banner of our God and of our
Savior, and "show forth the praises of
Him who hath called us out or dark
seas Into His marvelous light."
Children Cry for Fletcher's
' Hal lii ii i In America Oppose War
ICNiTiti) muss insrn wihr.I
Portland, Ort. Sept. 29 "Every
Italian who has served In the Italian
army rs subject to the call to arms by
his native land, no matter If bo Is a
naturalized citizen of the I'nlted
Statin." enlil Attorney Albert Fer
rerru, leader of tho Italian colony
here, and editor of the Italian Tri
bune, today.
Fcrrerra said that the great mass
of Italians were opixised to war with
Turkey. Several thousand Italians
who have served In the army reside
In Portland.
Journal Want Ads Bring Results
Tour complexion as well as your
temper Is rendered miserable by a
disordered liver. By taking Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets you can improve both. Sold
by all dealers.
Gold Hill Is extending Its sewer
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and wbich has been '
In use for over SO years, has borne the signature of
- and has been made under his per
sonal supervision since its Infancy.
vS7, CA4K Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Jnst-ns-good" are but
Experiments that trifle Mlth and endanger the health of
Infants and ChUdren Experience against Experiment.
Castoria Is a harmless substitute lor Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotia
substance. Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Feverish nous. It cures Diarrhoea and AVind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
IBears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bough!
In Use For Over 30 Years
Ends tire trouble for Autombile
owners. Every Motorist will confirm
the fact that the tire expense is the
gn atest proof of the up-keep of his
Tlmetest guarantees you against punctures, blowouts, run cuts
and leaky valves.
Tlmetest overcomes these difficulties.
Tlmetest Is a substitute for air. It is the first thing that has
been discovered or invented that will do the work of Air In a pneu
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Tlmetest is a light, resilient product which is Inserted within the
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casing is worn entirely out
It is light in weight
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It Increases the life of your casing. '
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It is a perfect shock absorber.
If you cut a large hole in your tire you can still travel on Tlme
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Tlmetest tubes may be removed and reinserted in new cnslngs.
Salem Motor Car Company
151-161 North High Street
Where Quality Is Certain
Where Prices Are Reasonable
The high standard of our pianos is n positive guar
antee of satisfaction.
The Mason & Hamlin, Hardman,
Krakauer, Hobart M. Cable, Har
rington, Hensel, Milton & Rembrant
Represent the ono Instrument in each particular grade
which Is absolutely thehest that can be made for the
price at which It Is sold.
We have the very best in the Player Tinno line and
the terms to suit everyone.
Piano Dealers. 247 N. Commercial Street
Until OCTOBER 1st, 1911 We will make a
REDUCTION on 1 0 Load orders.
10 Loads, 16inch Wood $20.00
The Chas. K. Spaulding Logging
Office front and Terry Phone 1 830
Engines, Boilers,
Pumps, Etc.
Pulleys, Gears, Shafting,
Anything Made of Iron
M." Barde & Sons
Front and Main Streets.
The House of a Million Bargains,
Portland's Popular Fire-Proof
The House of Comfort Combined
With Elegance
Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service in
city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12'
p. m.
Most perfectly furnished, moderate priced,
modern hostelry in the metropolis of the
Owners and Managers
Also Operating Seattle Hotel, Seattle.
General Grocery Store
We also carry a full line of cigars, tobacco, candy, painU,
drugu and stamps. Phone 7I
ii Pianos and Organs ii Edison, Victor anil
j! rom the cheapest to (he jj Columbia Talking
: best sold on installments :: MflChiflCS
and rented. . .,, D mj.
i A full stock of Records.
ii Sewing Machines ii latest Sheet Music
' - . ... "
: Genuine needles, oil and' :: Piano and Organ Studies.
: new parts for all sewing :: Violins, Guitars,
: machines. Sewing ma- :: Mandolins and Banjos.
' . chines renled. X
t HH
Read The Journal For New
Tsit li ths tltls of a beautiful 4-pa tool, Blc
will ihow any boy or f lrl bow to SUCCEED. DroP
poital la tha.nutU TODAT and tt wtU bo amt
Tb aim of tbo Collet la to dignify and popular'"
tbo lnduatrtea, and to aorro 111 tbo poopU. Itonn
counn la Agriculture. ClTll Englaeorlos. Elecutt4
Engineering. Mechanical Engineering. Mining En
earing, Foreetry. Domtetlo. Science and Art, Co
merce. Pbarmacy and uclc. Tbo Collage opia
September Jd. Catajog free.
COLLEGE, Camilla, Oregon,
- )