Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 16, 1911, Image 8

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Hess!a!i to B3 King of Kings
and Lord of Lords.
l v -J j
il'ASI0g CijfSfLL)
Pastor Russall 8yt That Great Day
Will Witneee tha Overthrow of Sin
and Daath Satan Shall Ba Bound,
and Divina Juatica Will Ba Exaoutad
In tho Earth A 8ermon to Bibla
8tudanta A Ortat Crowd aa Uaual.
Mt Lake Park,
Md., Sept 10th
The International
Iilble BtuunU As
sociation has been
holding a Conven
tion here for more
than a week
ninny able 8 peak
era have been
heard. IIMier
Criticism Is at a
discount lUnoilKHt
Hioho Blhie Kt u-
dentH. Tbey clnlin
Unit the internal harmonies of the
Iilble attest its L"lvlno authenticity
Amongst these earnest students arc
miiny who at one time were Infidels.
They profess greater faith than evei
In llio Rllilu as tbo result of rending
Pastor Russell's books, to which iuuny
of tiiiini went led through his sermons
Pastor Russell was the prlnclpul
auuuKRr at tho Convention today. He
arrived l;ir!;:if the week, and Is being
eJiteniilneci oome distance from the
Turk, ut t ho Weber iiiuiihIoii. nun
dreil vWt him every evenlnir. Pnstoi
Russell sfiolio twice today in the large
Auditorium. He delivered one of Ills
discourses rout the text, "Iu the last
diiys the Mountain of tho Lord's House
aliull lie established lu tho top of the
mountains. omj an people
sluill How unto It" (Isnlnh 11, 2). He
. an Id in part:
Our ter.t tells of greut events In the
"last days." It would be a mistake,
however, fo suppose that tlieso words
Imply tho end of time or the end of the
world. In tho ordinary sense. The
Bih!i declares that "the earth abldeth
forever." and It tells of tho wonderful
blessings of Restitution, wheu the
Lord's footstool shall blossom as the
rose-Pm-ruUse restored. All this Is to
tome In tho "last days."
'I'll" lew rnderslood that the seven
flays flf I! ,, week, six of labor and the
Fcveulli of rest, were typical of seven
KitMter il'i.vs of a thousand years each.
In lnmtiuiy wllh tills thoutilit, some
of t'ivi ti ll us that we are living In
the Frldi'.v nlj'lit of the world's history
v.W li ! o.:ns Hint the great Fabbatli
of Rest is a Unit to begin -the thousand
years vt Messiah's reign (tho Jewish
day lieglinilni' In the evening),
The New Testament writers seem to
have had tho same thought., Thus our
Lord (Lv'iuvd, "My Word shall Judge
you in the Last Hiiy." Similarly, Mar
tha declared her faith lu tlio lesunoc
Hon (if her brother, saying, "I know
that he Htuill rise again In tho resurrec
tion, at Hie Last Day"-the M!l!ennlu!
Day, Hip liny of Chrlst-tlio great Day
whli h will wllnevs the overthrow of
lu and death und tho uplifting of htl
uinnlty. of that great Day wo read.
"In Ills Day Khali Hie righteous flour
ish, und evil-doers shall be cut oft"."
This eenth pay Is frequently spo
ken of as "that I my." ns Indicating tho
time when I'lvine power wiil no longer
penult the reign of sin ntnotigst men,
but Messiah's Kingdom will actively
Intervene. The overthrow of Satan,
bin und all unrighteousness will then
take ph. ce. It Is during this Hay that
Messiah will put. down all things op
rosed to rl'iliteoiisnes": "The lust en
emy that shall bo destroyed Is death."
Throughout Hint glorious Day the
resurre tlmi process will be in opera
tion; mankind will be rlslni? out of its
meanness, sin, sickness and death,
back to all that was lust In Kileu and
redeemed by way of the (ks. In the
end of thixo days, or "ufi r their iluya,"
of the ivlnu of hIii, Clod promises to
make a New Covenant with the House
of Israel and wllh the House of Judith,
through which they shall be uplifted;
and the Mevslng will (low from them
to n'l nations i.lcromlah xxxl. :Ui. It
III be atirr these days also that "(led
will pour cut His Spirit upon air llcsh,"
as says the Prophet Joel (Joel II, L'Sl.
Our text Is to bo considered from
this Hliindpolut. In Hie end of these
days, In t'ie promised Day of Mes
siah, the Mountain of the Lord's
IIoiim shall be established, fixed, In
the very top of the mountains above I
till oilier kin-. dm. is. 'I his is in f.i'.l
record Wi.li ilie entire tenor of the
8ori""u"".:. i nioental'i syinholhes a
kli" dot": H"d ns the Prophet declanss,
Ood's Kii.ydoin Mid le tho hlchest
Mo'.-'ila'n; it will lie over tho top ot
till o'.h.v kingdoms. It will bo es
tablished or II ed permanently nbove
nil other i.
Xfessi.'.!i, Co rrent Kin,-, with Ills
Ele t RvMo and nsso late with Him,
jvlll exen 1m Ills Dlvlno power, Satan
ahull be I ootid for a thousand year,
mid s!n will no longer be permitted.
Prion the I "vV;ih'e plane of glory and
majesty, Jni'Ve will be exe'iited In
the nM1" "-err mil word, thought
and deed will l rewarded, mid every
evil ','i.".h;, word and deed will be
punlslie I - swiftly surely. Perhaps
paralysis l f t!p tongue will bo the
means by which evil speaking, false
words a.id detentions will le punish
ed. Perhap ptin.hala of the arm or
finger will be the means employed to
atop the crime. Certain it Is that
"Nothing shall hnrt or destroy In all
God's Holy Kingdom" thus established.
How speedily the world will then
learn righteousness: Now It doubts
the very existence of (Jed, and de
clares that if He exists He pays little
or no heed to wrong doers. "Now the
wicked flourish; yea, they that tempt
Cod are even exulted," as the Scrip
tures declare. But the New Day will
change all this. Messiah "will lay
righteousness to the Hue aud justice to
the plummet, and the ball Truth
hall sweep away the refuge of
lies, misrepresentations, misunderstand
Ings" (Isaiah xxvlii. 17, 1). "The
blind shall see out of olm.mity, and
tho deaf ears shall be uustoppeC;"
"The knowledge. of the glory of the
Lord shall fill the whole earth," until
"None shall need Buy to his neighbor,
'Enow the Lord,' for all shall know
Gravitation Reversed
The present tendency is to gravitate
downward, but our text tells of a re
versal of this order. All nations shall
then flow or gravitate upward toward
the righteous Kingdom of Messiah
"Many people shall say, 'Let us go
up." The Kingdom, In Its original
establishment, will be Israelltlsh-
Abrahaui, Isaac and Jacob and all the
Prophets will be made Princes In all
the earth (I'snlm xlv. Hi).
The Jews, naturally, will rally to
their standard and begin to recognize
the fullllinent of the prophecies of old
Other imllouulltles will begin slowly
to realize the import of the great, New
Jewish Dispensation. Their Ideas and
Ideals will bo antagonistic for a time
Gradually they will seo the Hestltu-
Hon blessings coming to Israel, In har
mony with the Divine arrangements
of tho Kingdom. Then, as our context
declares, "Many people will say,
'Come, let us go up to the Mountain
of tho Lord, to the House of the God
of Jacob; He will teach us as well as
the Jcwh His ways und we as well
as they will learn to walk In Ills
paths.' "
Both Spiritual and Natural Israel
are In the picture. Mt Zlon Is the
higher, the Spiritual Jerusalem; the
lower, the earthly. Tho Law shall go
forth from Mt. Zlon Spiritual Zlon
the Messiah Head and Body Bride
groom and Bride while the Word ot
the Lord the directing and Instruct
lng will go forth from Jerusalem the
Patriarchal Princes, who will repre
sent the Kingdom,
Judging Among the Gentilea
Tho context tells us tint t tho nev
King, Messiah, will Judge amongst the
nations amongst all tho peoples. It
will be a genera I Judgment flrst, an
Individual ono subsequently. The nil
tlonnl Judgments will mean calamine!'
upon the nut Ions. The demonstra
tions of Hie great dreadnatights mid
groat armies will prove that they are
not to be the peacemakers of earth.
On the contrary, those trusting In these
devices iiiil Niili'iv i..os! severely. All
must learn tho lesson that Messiah's
Kingdom comes not by human might
uor pui.e;', I:.: u lord's Institu
tion, In His own appointed -time.
Tbo lesson will be so thoroughly
learned 1n that Day of Trouble thnt
war will f. i rever cense. The Prophet
David tells us that the mighty army ot
tho Lord, through Messiah's Kingdom,
will v rrl; havoc with present Institu
tions. Then "lie will make wars to
cease unto the ends of the earth." Out
cont';:t tells us that thereafter "They
shall boat their swords Into plow
shares and their spears into pruning
hooks; nation shall not lift up sword
against nation, neither shall they learn
war any more." Even Hoys' Brigades,
etc., thennfler will bo nt a discount.
Human energy und activity will tlnd
better employment In coiuiuerlng self,
aln-olckness nnd death.
Hiding In tha Rocke
Tho Ocriv t'- -i hive given by the
Trophet Isaiah of the Day wllh which
this Gospel Ave will end, the great
Day when Messiah's Kingdom begins,
ogives very closely with a description
of the same given In the book of lteve
latlon. Isaiah tells us that Idolatry to
gold nnd silver shall be brought to an
end, and the great trouble of that Day
will cause many to bide themselves lu
the rocks, for fear of tho Lord and for
tho gle '- ,f His Majesty (Isaiah 11,
10, im. "The lortv loc !;s of man
lm" bo lim.iMi-d, and their haughti
ness ; 'mil I , uvo T down mid the
Lord : :: hull be e ;: Med In that
Dni" (vs. ; Mi.
Tho Idols Ho shall utterly nbollsh,
and those who worship them "shall go
Into the rocks and Into the caves of
the earth, fur fear of the Lord and
for tho glory pf His Majesty, when
lie nrlseih to shake terribly the
earth" (vs. ISejit.
The enuie picture Is net before us In
lievelatlou vl, 1.V17. Here the great
ones of earth are represented ns call
ing upon ike mountains to fall ou
them and to hide them from the pres
ence of the Lord. Tho thought is to
fail oav us, hide us, proie't us. The!
Prophet Malachl ask", "Who shall
abide in the great Day of Hie Lord?"
"Who tduill U abie to standi"
Let lis roust met a picture before
our minds. Let us suppose the vast
oceans, constituting three-fourths of
the earth's surface, to represent the
masses of mankind utisen'od. unat
tached, without property, with little
hope or prospect, with Illimitable
iaiglngs, but no power to satisfy
them "without God and without hope
In the world." Let ns consider the
land ls'hhid and before ns to repre
sent society. Used, established, desir
ous of peace, having something which
It does not wish to lose, which It does
not wish the "sen" class to wash
As In the sen w find shallow and
mighty depths, so on the land we find
low places, higher plai-es and moun
tain peaks, aud eau mese repie
sents a certain degree ot prosperity or
adversity. The mountain heights
would represent the jirlrn.es of society,
merchant princes, br titers, as well a
political powers. A : from tiiae Im
memorial the: e has ' een a conflict be
tween the la;. J und ,:.e sea, the latter.
In Btorms, vijlt.it:.' uttacking the
former aud eok!::; to capture it, so
between the two c;..sses here repre
sented the "sea" class, helpless and
without property. Is envious of ilie
"earth" class, those who, under the
present order, sei::e nnd possess the
chief blessings.
The mountains, th,- rocks of society
social Instil. uiou, lodges, tinanciai
institutions, c.i,iitaiisis, combinations,
naUonal trea.u .j, et. .), will all full la
that great Day of irial aud Judging
aud testing; the shaking und over
throw of every bumuu Institution is In
full accord with the Divine require
ments of Justice, Righteousness.
Who Shall Than Stand?
My deur bearers, where Is your
treasure? Where Is your security?
This long-foretold Day of the Lord Is
nigh. The great time of Trouble Im
pends, a time "such as was not since
there was a nation" (Dunlel xll, li.
If our treusures are upon the earth
and our confidence rests in buiiiun or
ganizations, the time Is near when we
may be crawling Into these holes, these
sodul nnd financial protective arrange
ments, culling upon them to cover us,
jroteot us, but there will be no pro
tection Jiosslble. The Apostle declares
respecting that Day that everything
thut run be shaken will be shaken
everything thut is not lu full alignment
'with the Divine standards will go
down. In the language of the Scrip
ture, we should set our affections on
things above, not on earthly things.
The Master counsels further, "Lay up
for yourselves treasure in heaven,
where neither moth nor rust doth cor
rupt, and where thieves do not break
through nnd steal."
If wo have been careless In this mat
ter In the past, it is high time for us
to Invest what little we have of time,
Influence, talent und money in the
service of the King of kings In laying
up treasure In heaven. In promoting
the interests of the great Kingdom
wherein we trust, nnd of which we
hope goon to be members, sharers with
our dear Redeemer.
We are not counseling foolishness
the throwing away of money, of time
and influence. On the contrary, we
counsel the spirit of a sound mind,
that every hour, every talent, every
penny bo used, not as our own, but as
tho Lord's; not according to our selfish
desires, but according to the Divine
will, so far ns we are able to under
stand It; that we may glorify God In
our bodies nnd spirits which are His.
Every talent we kssoss Is that much
of our stewardship, of which we must
shortly give account. The Lord's serv
ants, tho consecrated, Spirit-Begotten,
will be called to account before that
great Day o'i Lroilii.e upon the world.!
Jesus said. "Watch ye. that ye may be '
accounted nor""- to os"p" nil those'
things coming upon the earth, und to
stand before the Son of Man." Our !
watching is In respect to our talents. !
our faithfulness In their use. j
In one of His ptrhhles the Lord tells
us thnt on Ills return to establish His'
Kingdom, before beginning to deal
with the world nt all. He will deal!
wllh His servants. Tho Inquiry Willi
lie, How have we used the pounds and j
talents given to us by our Master?;
All those who use their opportunities'
faithfully will be accounted worthy of
a share In the Kingdom, us Illustrated
in the piirnMo. "Knter ye Into the Joys ,
or your Lord;" "ion have been faith
ful over ti few things, I will make
you ruler over many things;" "nave
dominion over two rltles," "five cities,"
There will. Indeed, bo some of God's
people who will pass through the trou
ble with the world. Those who nre
to fearful of the weight of the cross
will bury their talent In the earth.
They will fall to have their portion
with the Lord and His saintly few in
the Kingdom and. Instead, will have
their portion with tho hypocrites, in
tho great trouble of that Day.
Tha Catastrophe Cannot Be Averted
It Is impossible for us. or for any
one, to avert the great catastrophe
which Is surely bearing down upon
tho world. Tho Lord's people are to
have nothing whatever to do with'
bringing utioiit the great catastrophe,!
any more than had the Prophets,:
whose words we are using. It Is for,
us to make our own "calling and elec-i
Hon sure," and ns far as possible to
send out the Divine 'Message In U0
uncertain tones to nil of God's people,
that each and all may be found faith
ful In the use of their pounds and tal
ents retrieving each posslhlo loss of
opportunities, or, as. tho Apostle says,
"Kedeomlng the time, because the days
are evil" and unfavorable.
Our day witnesses the world gone
pleasure-mad "Lovers of pleasure
jioiv than lovers of God." The spirit
of the world surrounds us. threatens
to engulf us and destroy our spiritual
ity. There never was n greater need
than now for the soldiers of the cross
t.t arise ami "put on the whole armour
of God," to "watch and pray." and
fight a good fight against their own
vecVnoss 's and against the darts and
snares of the Adversary.
Many dear Christians realize that
we nre living In strange times, bnt da
not rea'lzo thnt we are in the trnnsl-1
Hon period between the reign of sin. j
sickness nnd death, and the reign of j
Messiah's Kingdom of righleousnesa
and light. Let each one whose eves i
of understanding have opened to a bet
ter appreciation of Ood's great Book
be on the alert to "show forth tha
praises of nitu who hath called us ou
of darkness Into His marvelous llixht.'
Children Cry for Fletcher's
, ttllHttMHtMMtlHlttlii))))t
The Old Reliable Ready Mixed House Paints I
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The Kind YAu Have Always Bought, and which has been
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Experiments that trine with and endanger the health ol
Infants and ChUdren Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
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The Children's Panacea The Mother's' Friend.
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Come and get my priced.
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