pack rissr. DAILY CAPITAL JOCBSAL, SALEM, OREGOX, SATTRDAT, SEPTEMBER 16, Hit. The Best Place to Eat lotel Marion Grill Music every day :: Prepares young pcoplo for bookkeepers, stenographers and general offloe woik. Hie development of the Northwest will afford openings for thousands in the next few years. Prepare now. Send for catalogue. W. I. STALEY, Principal Salem. Oregon The Spa Confectionery One of thn oldest and best cqlppcd In Salem. A comploto line of fresh candles, made every day. All kinds of fancy Ice cream and nborberts. Evorythlug manufactured, the bCHt Hint ma'-orial and workmanship mako. U i . ") u 382 State Street COME IN Havo you beon In our store to boo th0 new fall styles In Men's, wo men's and children's fine shoes. We have all tho latent and moat, up-to-dato lasts and patterns. Wo will be glad to show you REINHART'S SHOE STORE Opposite Bly's Theatre. 444 STATE STREET Electrical Fixtures and Supply Co. . i , .i MANUFACTUHKItS OV Gas arid Electric Fixtures Elnntrlo construction, lnnido wiring,'' motor work, export plntlng and ropulrlng. Wholesale and notall, 254 North Llhorty street, Salem, Orugon. Tliono Main 203. E. W. Strong, Tres. W. K. llarnoll Mgr. 8ALEM, ORKCiON. Willamette Sanitorium Corner Winter and Ferry Sts. The only Hospital in the city. DR. CARTWRIGHT, Superintendent 1)11, JAY KI.N't;, lYoprielt HIONK )HI. V. O. Itox liL'S CHINESE DRUG STORE GENERAL MERCHANDISE hit ii ic; ii ntkkht iii:tvi:i: statu am i i:ititv stih:i;ts. Office. I'pslllll'M, ha mom, oi:i:;. CHINESE MEDICINE TEA DR. L. M. HUM 153 High Street. Salem, Oregon TroiitH nil dlHivano. Consultation and examination free. Cure guar anteed whin money la paid In advance. P. (). Box 95, While vlMltlng Salem during Stale Knlr week, don't fall to call at tlio "Temple of Palmestry" And have your hand read. Past, Present nnd l'uliire revealed. Sliilo Street, North Corner of liberty. Among the noted Blood Horses on. Exhibition This Year Arc "OREGON STAMP", 4-year-old Stallion, weight 1975 pounus: DON "0", a full brother, and black mare "MAY", and many others from the farm of VV. D. CLAGGETT Four in!l,fl north f Raiem, u v n x0- g, Ilralilenoo 4 i 5 N Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. PIIOMO MAIN ;;.-,: 120 SOl'Tll I'OMMKItlT.U H. H. HUNTER & CO. ,ir, -Kl RAI, AMI IM10H.('OMMIMOATIX(1 TKI.IOPIIONKS. ELECTRIC WIRING, Fixtures and Supplies. WIIOl.KSAI.K AXI RKTAIL MOTOR WOliK CUR SPECIALTY For Fire Insurance the Horticultural Fire Relief of Oregon Is unexcollod . Insurance now In force $8,000,000. Lorsos prompt ly paid. An Oregon Institution for Oregon people. Tatronlio your home Institutions. JOHN PKMIIKUTOX, lYcs. K. II. ANDERSON, Soc.Trwu. II. 8. IIADCI.II'T, Cenl. A8t. THE LATEST IN FASHIONS IN NEW YORK FALL CU'TFITN FOR SCHOOL MKI.S AND OTIIKKS NEW COL- CUW-TIIK I.ITTLK SILK ( OAT- IMCAI'KKV T 0 I (' II K S N E SLKKVKS AND FRILLS. New vance trend "11 rut : teres! refurl Ski:- conifi,r; York. Sept. Enough ad nodel are lu re to show the if f o: ing fashions, and lend id" ti, mothers and others in I In i,w fall get-ups, or the ililng of last year's gowns. Skirt Lines, i re . ain scant but are of ilile width for walking, and ! the hinging panel that masked their 'plalnn ss during the Hummer Is huc ! ceede.l by various devices in sash ef fect on tho thinner goods, and by j Idas folds in tucked styles, that break up the skirt in various smart ways land that transform the extremely at i tennated lines of last season Into ! styles much more becoming. Soft, droopy frills trim many fussy frocks for dress wear, and the waists of these are apt to have crossover bre telles or Ii hi draperies edged with the S'.me (hippy ruffles. or in linings continues, though this idea has been terribly overdone. Itlzarre Headline. The same vogue remains for bead ed effects In Byzantian and Oriental colorings and patterns, while the French knotted embroideries, that closely imitate beads, have lost none ol their prestige. A dress of black crepe meteor has the narrow skirt slashed to show unexpected bits of drapery at the hips, and is finished with two very wide folds at the knee The blouse Is a modified kimonawith rather long armhole from which come two square sleeves in dark and light tones of raspberry chiffon cloth. Uretelles over the shoulder are of pinkish red beads set closely like an Indian headband. A strip of the same concealed somewhat by the draperies goes down one side of the front of the skirt. The Hash end at the side are finished with two long tassels of the pink beads. LI.CY CARTER. o Common Colds Must lie Taken For unless cured they sap the vitality uuu lower uie vital resistance to more serious Infection. Protect your child ren and VOUrHelf h tho rrnm.,t of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound ouu uoie us quicK and decisive re sults. For COliehB mill frinr, ,h ing cough, bronchitis and affections or me ttiroat, chest and lungs it is an ever ready and valuable remedy. Re member the name, Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and refuse substitutes The genuine Is in a yellow package Red Cross Pharmacy (II. Jerman) RHEUMATISM Can Be Cured AT Hot Lake Sanatorium Hot Lake, Oregon NATURAL HOT MINERAL BATHS Hot Lake is not far distant, and Health Restoration is not so expen sive there. We can cure Rl'PTURE your rupture without danger Write us regarding CiOO this Powerful Drug Substitute for Mercury. BEST EQUIPPED SANATORIUM IN NORTH WEa. ASK FOR SPECIAL ROUND TRIP EXCURSION TICKETS WRITE FOR FREE ROOK LET HOT LAKE SANATORIUM Hot Lake, Oregon. ft CHURCH SERVICES. 14167 ' The above design Is by The McCall Company, New York, Designers and Makers of McCall Patterns. A I'relly (innii. A pretty gown that In going Into tlie I riink of a college girl is of white voile, tin' gathered skirt trimmed with three live-Inch nil lies of rose printed silk, put on about three Inches apart. A little .silk coat of the same forms t lit bodice. This has a wide collar edged with rui'ties of the silk and net finish Hie sleeve at the elbow. The sleeve Is not klmonp, but Is ijet Into (be aniihole in the old Mum way though tho wide collar con ceals this pretty thoroughly. I mIiiI Silk Coals. The little freakish silk coats that have hern, mentioned several times recently promise to he a very popu lar feature of fall nnd winter modes. They will replace blouses In many tailored suits, and the drop below the waist may be anything from a three-Inch knife pleating to long sash ends. Willi doth tailoriuades, Hie Mulsh Is apt to be in keeping, but for dress wear these coats nuiv be fancy as desired- They will lenil a smart air to a demure dress, or re furbish most satisfactorily, ltrocad ed anil changeable ainl surah silks are all liked as well as satins and printed styles. I'hiliN for Coalo and lllou ses. Some very smart utility blouses and top mats are show n in striking plaids. Woolen fringes to match are new with these and a touch of vel vet, or saiin In the trimmings or but tons brings out the color scheme, liincn Itlue. I!:uen blue, that is very dark and rich looking. Is a relief after all the Insistent blues of the pas! season. Urays in mativ shades to dark gun m. tal tints ar. to be much worn, and black and hrone brown remain favorites. Striking contrasts in col- GRANDMOTHERS USED SAGE TEA To Darken the Hair and Re store Gray and Faded Hair to Its Natural Color. It, Is easier to preserve tho color of tho hair than to restore it. although It Is possible to do both. Our grand mothers understood tho secret. They mado a "sago tea" nnd their dark, glossy locks long after middle life was duo to this fact. Our mothers have gray hairs before they are fifty, but they are beginning to appreciate tne wistiom or our grandmothers in using "sage tea," for their heads are fast following suit. The pr.wnt generation has the ad vantage of the past. In that it can get a ready-to-use preparation called Weyth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Re newer. As a scalp tonic nnd color restorer this pr.-pai ulon Is vastly su perior to tho ordinary "sage tea" made by our grandmothers. This remedy Is sold under guar antee that the money will be refund ed If It fails to do exactly as repre sented. If your hair Is losing color or com ing out. start using Weyth's Sage and Sulphur today, and see see what a change It will mae in a few days' time. This preparation is offered to the public at f.o cents a bottle, and is recommended and sold by all druggists. St. Paul's Episcopal. Chemeketa and Church streets ! Rev. Barr G. Lee, rector. Fourteenth I Sunday aft'T Trinity. Holy commu nion at 7: 30 a. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning prayer and ser : nion at 11 a. m. All welcome. I Swedish Service. Swedish services will be held in ' Swedish Tabernacle M. E. church, ; corner South Fifteenth ami Mill streets, at 3 o'clock p. m. All Scan danavlan people aro most cordially invited to attend. John Ovall, pas tor. In tho same church is Sunday school at 10 n. m. Preaching in Eng lish at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. All wel come. First Methodist. Church and State streets. Richard N. Avison, minister. 10:30 a. m. tho annual conference nnd the local church. 7:30 p. m., "Man a Temple of God or a Camping Ground for De mons.' ' 12 m., Class meeting and lliblo school. 6:30 p. m., Ep worth League. 'The Perils of Spiritual Ig norance" will be tho subject of study by Mr. Paul Homan Christian Science. First. Church of Christ, Scientist, 44 0 Chemeketa street. Services. Sunday at 11a. m. Subject of les son sermon: "Matter." Sunday school at 10 a. m. Wednesday ev ening testimonial meeting at 8 o'clock. Rending room In the church open each afternoon except Sunday. All aro cordially invited. l lrst Raptlst. Marion and Liberty streets. W. T. Tapscott, pastor. Services at H a. m. and 8 p. m. First Unitarian. Church corner of Cottage and Che meketa streets. Paul S. Dandy, min ister. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. A cor dial invitation to all. East State Street Lutheran Church Rev. P. H. Schmidt, Pastor. Sun day school 9:30 a. m. Sermon 10:00 a. m. ungitsii services 7:30 p. m. "very 1st and 3rd Sunday of month. Everybody invited to attend. 1'nlted Evangelical. Cottage street, near Center. G. L. Lovell, pastor. Divine worship and preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school at 10 a. m.; Christian Endeavor at 7 ;. m.; W. A. Uaker, leader; prayi r meeting at 8 o'clock on Thursday .;venln:. iiit CliWstfan. Corner of High and Center streets. D. Errett, pastor. Preaching hours u a. m. nnd 8 p. m. Bible school at !:4;. a. m Dr. II. C. Epley, superin tendent. Christian Endeavor at 6:45 p. m., Miss Ida Marshall, president. Special music morning and evening. The public cordially invited and wel come. Central Congregational. Corner of Seventeenth and Ferry streets. Rev. O. A. Stlllman. pastor Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning sermon at 11 a. m. Endeavor at 3 n m. Y. P. S. C. B. nr 7 n. m isPm. sermon at 8 p. m. Prayer meeting '""""j evi-iiins at :au o'clock. Friends Corner Hlehlanrl street. N. Blanohn Pnrri I w. , (JUOIUI. Sunday school nt m n n- in.,n at 3 p. m. Y. P. S. C." E at 7 n m Evening service at 8 o'olnnlf Prow. er meeting Thursday evening at 8 u ciock. rrayer meeting in South Sa lem Wednesday at 8 p. m. All are cordially Invited. Urst Presbyterian. Church street, bet WPPT1 Prlftmalyoio I and Center streets. Rev. H. T. Bab cock, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Mornlnir servleou nt 11 n.i.i. - . vj Liui;tv, r.veniag service at 7:3 nnVwif ah are cordlallv invited to nttri,i 'n... services. , Jason Leo Memorial M. E. , Corner of North Winter Pad Jef ferson streets. W. C. Stewart, pas tor. Sunday school at 10 a. m , C i W. Roberts, superintendent, Epworth , League at 7 p. m. All are cordially "iu iu auenu mese services. "Can be depended npon" Is exoresislon w nil Ita ,- when It is used in connection with Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It means that it never falls to cure diarrhoea, dysen tery or bowel complaints. It Is pleas ant to take and equally valuable for "u..u,cu nun auuiia. 20la cy dealers. an and all Blieh Theatre Advanced Refined Vaudeville To amuse and make You happy is my business MATINEE EVERY DAY Salem Auto Oarage Gasolene 20c per Gallon. Storage, Oils and Accessories. 246 State Street BUSBY & WILKINSON The Famous Dr. A. Reed and Mayer Cushion Sole Shoes Don't fail to see my line of R. P. Smith Shoes and Bates Dress Shoes for men, from J 3 to J 5. My line of high cuts never more complete than this year Ladles', Misses' and children's ahoes at prices in reach of all- Save money by laying In your winter's sup ply at JACOB VOGT, 220 N. Commercial St. ZGEOfcGE-M-POST- . i ARCHITECT- . CerdlAtc Liberty flta. SnUmfirttfoo I'lIOXE 3IAIX 301 $ 1 ,500 If Sold at Once Modern bungalow on Shipping Street, just off Capital Street. Pavement and sewer assessment paid. We have been holding this place at $1600, but for one week will offer it at $1500, as owner needs money. E. HOFER & SONS I 213 S. Commercial St. Phone 82 I CAPITAL GARAGE! j? VICK RROS., Proprietors. Full line of Automobile Supplies, Oils and Gasolene. Autos for fL?mrm?Jfl'Mpilrlnf' AU work guaranteed. Agents for S M40T?5'il?10' HUDSON, . OAKLAND, .ELMORE .AND FORD AUTOMOBILES AND KELLY TRUCKS. I ?uC? now ln' Cal1 and 8ee tnem. Phone Main 783. 173 bouth Liberty street. ..44 44M 44.4 4,44444 1 1 44444444. 44. "Economies" We Can't Afford n,Inj!?e !!en?e.we c,ould 8ave nioney by usinS cheaper soap than uie wry Dest, by using cheaper starch and lower priced employees, Rut the saving at most would be only a fraction of the resulting lo in reputation. fi " .! paaou " tne fact that we practice no "economy" that ...7.j it uui ui -your ciotnes. rJr8h.n n do the flnest lanJering possible, second to none. Our patrons tell s we succeed. You will like our work. Try IL Low est prices guaranteed. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY, Pllone 25, IM-ltiC SOITTIf T.IREKTY STREET DORRANCE THE SIGN MAN, 145 S. LIBERTY ST. Good Signs, "That's All" Oregon Agricultural College Dignifies the Industries hoi.Iewlferi,hr'lhv fnKgillcer' mechanic, the business man. the bu sine,. at tL l laborer-tse are its clients. Its business is the qu eken to new 2 1? ,Pm'le-to aid. to inspire, to ehivate. to winVcomnmnwe'alt'h.6 f-h", industries of a grit and Degree Courses drv Agrh'rTrrhf5. ",ajnr ort in Agronomy. Animal nwHian. my. lSltTl' I1;1r,prr"l"Ky- Plant Pathology. Fnto FU'rlrlial Merl, n i Po,.,IlrT Hsandry, Veterinary Science. IH. Other Courses DomS'Science IniiT'V short C0urse9 in Agricaltnr., Arts. Music vofre P. oF?r(s'ry' Commerce and Mechanical Strong facultv M , ' StTin and Band Instruments, students dern elullmnt Twenty-five buildings; 1800 frer0onXlX?tion!fiPA,nbrer S Ca,alR and Btrated lHerature Corvallls. Oregon! Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College,