DAXLi CAPITAIj JOCFXAL. UALE.M. OREGX. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. 1811. PORTLAND DAY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 9 :00 Judging of horse, cattle and poultry entries. 10 :00 Band concert by O. A. C. 11:00 Parker Carnival Shows 18 b'g entertaining features. 12:00 Northwest Angora Goat Association Convention in Administration Euildir.g. 1:00 Harness and running events as follows: rr.n nrk 2-year-old pace, Oregon Futurity No. 2 $ 600.00 2:20 pace 800.00 2:12 trot, Lewis and Clarke Purse inn Steeple chase race, 1 12-mile handicap 100.0U Dvfr nlcrrir ovnt?. alem Auto Garage The Best Place to Eat Gasolene due per ballon. Storage, Oils and Accessories. 246 State Street BUSBY & WILKINSON Hotel M Grill anon Music every day 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 5:00 7:30 Prepares young pnople for bookkeepers, ntnographers and general oflloe work. The diividopment of the Northwest will afford opening! for thuiMsmls in the next few years, l'rrpart now. Send for catalogue. W. I. STALEY, PRINCIPAL Salem. Oregon The Spa Confectionery One of the oldcBt and host eqlpped In Salem. A complete line of fresh candleR, made every day. All kinds of fancy Ice cream and Bherberts. Everything manufactured, the best that material and workmanship make. 382 State Street COME IN Have you been In our store to see the new fall styles In Men's, wo men'! and children's fine shoes. We have all the latost and most np-to-dato lasts and patterns. We will be glad to show you. REINHART'S SHOE STORE Opposite Bly's Theatre. 444 STATE STREET Electrical Fixtures and Supply Co. MANUFACTURERS OP Gas and Electric Fixtures Eloctrlo construction, Inside wiring, motor work, expert plating and repairing. Wholesale and Retail, 254 North Liberty street, Salem, Oregon. Phono Main 263. E. W. Strong, Pres. W. K. Darnell Mgr. SALEM, OREGON. Willamette Sanitorium Comer Winter and ferry Sts. The only Hospital in the city. DR. CARTWRIGHT, Superintendent Ml. JAY KIXO, Proprietor. rilOXK DM. 1". (). Hox 228 CHINESE DRUG STORE GENERAL MERCHANDISE 1(17 111(311 HTHUKT liETWEKX STATE AM) l'llltltV STREETS. Office Vpstiills, sai.em, omxiox. CHINESE MEDICINE TEA DR. L. M. HUM 153 High Street. Salem, Oregon Treata all dlsoaso. Consultation and examination free. Cure g uar anteod when money Is paid In advance. P. O. Box 95. While visiting Sulum during State Fair week, don't full to call at tho "Temple of Palmestry" And luue your hand rend. Past, Present and Future revealed. State Street, North Corner of Liberty. Among the noted Blood Horses on Exhibition This Year Are "OREGON STAMP", 4-year-old Stallion, weight 1975 pounus; DON "0", a full brother, and black mare "MAY", and many others from the farm of W. D. CLAGGETT Four miles north of Balem, R. P. D. No. 8. Residence 495 N. Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. 1M IONIC MAIX 2S3 120 SOUTH COMMERCIAL H. H. HUNTER & CO. JURAL AM) lXTKR-COMMCXICATIXQ TELKPROXES. ELECTRIC WIRING, Fixtures and Supplies. WHOLESALE AXl RETAIL MOTOR WORK OUR SPECIALTY For Fire Insurance the Horticultural Fire Relief of Oregon I unexcelled . Insurance now In force 18,000,000. Lossos prompt ly paid. An Oregon Institution for Oregon people. Fatroalia your home Institution. JOHN TEMUERTOX, rrc. E. H. ANDERSON, Scc.Trwu. II. S. RADCLIFF, Gcal. Agt. Ferullo Land Concert in grand stand between heats, withvocal solos by grand opera stars. Homing pigeons released from track for race to Portland. Fancy shooting by W. A. Hillis of Remington Arms Co. O. A. C. Band Concert on grounds. Live stock parade on race track. Grand concert in Music Hall, including Ferullo's Band, grand opera stars, the Oregon Ladies' Quartette, motion pictures. GERMAN SOCIETIES' DAY, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 Complete judging of entries box prize awards. O. A. C. Band Concert on grounds. Parker Carnival producttion of 18 sterling amusements. Welcome of United German Societies at Capitol by Governor West. Response. German folk songs. Harness and running events as follows: 2:20 trot $ 800.00 2:08 pace, consolation . 1000.00 Running stake race, Germania Derby, 1 1-16 miles, for all ages, weight 15 lbs. below the scales . ... 1000.00 Ferullo Band Concert in Grand Stand between heats, with grand opera-soloists. Stupen dous free vaudeville acts. Fancy shooting exhibition by W. A. Hillis of Remington Arms Co. Carrier pigeons released from track for homing race to Portland. Bee demonstration by Herman Ahlers. O. A. C. Band Concert on grounds. Parade of premium winners on race track. Grand Concert in Music Hall with Ferullo Band, grand opera stars, the Oregon Ladies' Quartette, motion pictures, .etc. GOOD ROADS DAY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 Inspection of premium winners. O. A. C. Band Concert on grounds. Parker Carnival pageant of 18 amusements. W. A. Hillis fancy shooting exhibition with Remington Ams. Entries received from visiting motor parties. Harness and running events as follows : 2:15 pace, State Fair Purse (closed) $1000.00 Free-for-all trot. Rural Spirit Purse (closed) 1000.00 2:12 trot, consolation 1000.00 Steeple chase race, free-for-all 250.00 Over night event. 1 :30 Ferullo Band Concert with grand opera soloists and big free attractions between heat3. 2 :00 Homing pigeon race to Portland. 3:00 O. A. C. Band Concert on grounds. 3:15 Bee demonstration by Herman Ahlers. 7 :30 Grand Concert in Music HaH by Ferullo's Band, grand opera stars, and motion pictures. Good roads lecture by Phil. Bates. 9:00 Thrilling fireworks display to close Fair. 9:00 10:00 11:00 11:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 5:00 7:30 9:00 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:00 1:00 The Famous Dr. A. Reed and Mayer Cushion Sole Shoes Don't fall to see my line of R. P. Smith Shoes and Bates Dress Shoes for men, from $3 to $5. My line of high cuts never more complete than this year Ladles', Misses' and children's shoes at prices in reach of all- Save money by laying In your winter's sup ply at JACOB VOGT, 220 N. Commercial St. GEORGE-M-POST- -ARCHITECT- Cor Slat 8 Liberty fltfl. Seicm,Ortqon THOXE MAIX 38i - . 1 ,50Q If Sold at Once ! WELCH ROAD A SPLENDID . HAS COMPLIED j CHORUS WITH WITH FRANCHISE! MISS NOBODY CLAIMS THAT THERE IS ONLY ONE CONDITION' IV WHICH ITS FRANCHISE CAN 1 110 FORFEIT 1,; KAII.I KK TO HIILD TWO MILKS OF ROAD. Contending that there was only ono condition upon, which its fran chise can bo declared forfeited Its failure to build two miles of road in tho city within nix months after the acceptance of tho franchise and that, this has been fulfilled, the Port lnad, Eugene & Eastern filed an an swer In tho circuit court yesterday afternoon In the case brought against It by the city to have Its frnnchiso de clared forfeited. Th discontinuance of the service to tho fair grounds, says the com pany, was because of tho breakage of the crossing on the Southern Ta clllc track, and delay has occurred In repairing It, as the plans have to bo approved by the Southern l'nclllc peo pie. Tho fact that It failed to lay 6-Inch rails on Center and Summer' streets. It maintains, Is not a breach ; of any of the: terms of the franchise, : and neither is its failure to pave. It Is willing, however, to pave, It says, j Just as soon as the material can bo! obtained. The real reason for the suit. It Is asserted, Is that the coun cil desires to have a common user clause put in the franchiso. This, the company says, it cannot do, as it is under contract with the Southern Pa clilc to do its switching on Front st root . I o I THK W. C. T. V. WOl'LH ItKCAI.L JV1HJ V.G AM.OWAY That a good chorus Is the bone and sinew nnd the vital essence of a mus ical comedy is a belief always ad hered to by the sucosstiil producer, Mort II. Singer, and in his produc tion of ".iiss Nobody from Starlnnd", Iip has not only provided a rarely ex cellent cast headed by clever OllVe Vail, lint a chorus of pretty girls and attractive youni? men all of whom have been selected for their ability to sing and dance as well as to be pleasing of appearance. "Miss No body from Starland", which is said to be one of the best offerings ever sent out of the 1'rlncess Theater, Chicago, where It ran to record breaking business for a year, will be seen at tho Grand Opera House to morrow night. Among the big fea ture novelties will be the scene on board the liner Liisltania and the big dress rehearsal scene, in which the audience is pleasantly Ulusioned into seeing a m rUi inauce from behind the scenes. FIRST NUMBER OF "BLEACHERS" IS A HUMMER Modern bungalow on Shipping Street, . just off Capital Street. Pavement and sewer assessment paid. We have been , holding this place at $1600, but for one week will offer it at $1500, as owner needs money. e. hofer & sons! i 213 S. Commercial St. Phone 82 why hesitate? An Oner Hint Involves No Itisk fur Those Who Accept It. The Marlon county V. C. T. U., In iconventlou assembled, hereby express our disapprobation of the decision rendered In tho circuit court by Judge Calloway, enjoining the city of Woodburn and its ollloers from enforcing the ordinances of said city against the unlawful acts of the Hit-railed Jtaehelors' Club. We believe the decision to be unjust and i upholding law breaking. Practically a saloon has been con ducted for nearly a year under the ; protection of a court of equity, there fore bo It ' Resolved, That we hereby pledge ourselves to use our Influence in every righteous way for the recall of the judge who rendered this un just decision. I o j Don't boast. Hive t lie others a chance to say something good about , you. We aro so positive our remedy will completely relieve constipation, no matter how chronic it may be.that we offer to furnish It free of all costs If It fails. Constipation Is caused by weak ness of the nerves nnd muscles of the large intestines or descending colon. To expect a, cure you must therefore tone up nnd strengthen those organs and restore them to healthier activity. We want you to try Rexall Order lies on our guarantee. They are eaten like candy, and are particular ly Ideal for children. They act di rectly on the nerves and muscles of the bowels. They have a neutral ac tion on the other organs or glands. They do not purge or cause any In convenience whatever. They will positively overcome chronle or hab itual constipation nnd the myriads of associate or dependent chronic ail ments. Try Rexall Orderlies at our risk. Three sizes, 10c, 25c and 30c. Sold only at our store The Uexall Store J. C. Perry, Druggist. o One outlaw cayuse at Pendleton yesterday, at the tryouts, ditched seven cowboys, one after another as fast as they could mount him. No on ,so far, has been able to stick him. A copy of the first number of "The Bleachers," a sporting weekly, pub lished at Portland, has readied this office. .lames J. Richardson, the edi tor, is well known among the sport ing fraternity of the Willamette val ley. His clever baseball dope, writ ten under the mime of "Chlninile", hnH L'ivi-n liim lilt'h rjiTilf nmnntr Qiutrt writers of tho Pacific coast. Jim rule also lias been umpiring for the Val ley league this summer, and proved himself an exceptionally clever indi cator man. "The Uleachers" is a 16-page pub lication, put up In weekly magazine form. A good quality of paper is used and the front cover cartoon is designed by Miss Fay King, a popu lar theatrical cartoonist of Portland. The headlines nnd 'make-up In gen eral, both regards advertising and l eading matter is put up In neat and attractive form. The new weekly al ready shows a healthy nilvarHalnir natronaire nnil Is plunk full nf inter esting sporting news, handled in a ' live Myje. Richardson has a publi cation of which he may well feel proud and with "Chlninile" at the helm, 'The Rleachers" Is bound to make n "hit" with the sporting world. The new weekly shows what hard work and close application to details can do and the young news paperman deserves ererm tnr tha business-like appearance of his latest onspring. Allegeart of Salem, is given favorable comment among the semi-pro basehallists. Incidentally, a little more semi-pro news during the baseball season would not be amiss, as "Chiinmie" Hops nnt o-uo nIIi, space to the amateurs. CAPITAL GARAGE MOT BROS., Proprietors. Full line of Automobile Supplies, Oils and Gasolene. Autos for hire, storage and repairing. All work guaranteed. Agents for LOCOMOBILE, OHIO, HUDSON, . OAKLAND, .ELMORE .AND FORD AUTOMOBILES AND KELLY TRUCKS. 1912 cars now in. Call and see them. Phone Main 783.- 173 South Liberty street. "Economies" Wc Can't Afford In one sense, we could save money by using cheaper soap than the very best, by using cheaper starch and lower priced employees, etc. But the saving at most would be only a fraction of the resulting loss in reputation. You can count on the fact that we practice no "economy" that takes It out of your clothes. We aim to do the finest laundering possible, second to none. Our patrons tell us we succeed. You will like our work. Try It Low est prices guaranteed. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY, I 4- Phone 25. 138-160 SOUTH LIBERTY STREET A Fierce Night Alarm. Is the honraa atnrMlno. nm.crti - . - vvubu ap child, suddenly attacked h irmm I n It. Rrrtii:pH Tanfa rKn.viin Often It aroused T.ewla Phamhiin of Manchester. O., (R. R. No. 2- for' their four children were greatly sub- i Ject to croup. "Sometimes In se vere attacks." he wrote, "we were i afraid that they would die, but since ' we proved what a certain remedy Dr. King's New Discovery Is, we have no fear. We relv on It tnr cmnn nn ! for coughs, colds or any throat or iung irouoie,- so ao thousands of others. So may you. Asthma, Hay i"i unppe wuooping cough, tiemorrnages ny fierore it. 60c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. Sold by J. C Perry. i o A hop house near Pilverton was j struck by lightning Mnodav night I but the resulting fire was extin guished before any damage was done BSfigh Theatre Advanced Refined Vaudeville To amuse and make You happy is my business MATINEE EVERY DAY DORR ANCE THE SIGN MAN, 145 S. LIBERTY ST. Good Signs, "That's All" Oregon Agricultural College The Oregon Agricultural College is eminent among the educa tional institutions of the West, it Is notable because it serves the people, by and for whom it was established. Dignifies the Industries The farmer, the engineer, the mechanic, the business man, the housewife, the day laborer these are its clients. Its business is the business of the common people to aid. to Inspire, to elevate, to quicken to new life the fundamental industries of a great and growing commonwealth. Degree Courses Agriculture-including major work in Agronomy, Animal Husban dry, Agricultural Chemistry, Bacteriology, Plant Pathology, Ento mology. Horticulture. Poultry Husbandry. Veterinary Science, Civil. .leftriral. Mechanical and Mininir Eniriiieerluir, Domestic Science and Art, lorcstry, lonnncrce, Pharmacy. " Other Courses T)0mMndaSy; Wlnter aJnd sun"nmer short courses in Agriculture. Domestic Science and Art. Forestry, . Commerce and Mechanical . l0 ce' Piano' Stringed and Band Instruments, studems Modern equipment. Twenty-five buildings; 1SO0 fr.5iege Tn? Member 22. Catalog and Illustrated literature Comito " Oregon!0" Address Re8lstr-. Oregon Agricultural College,