TAGE MIiT. 9ATLT CiMTAt JOCRXAI SALE)L OKEGOX, TITSDAV. SFPTEMBKR 12, 1011. X X i j Fair Week Specials i At "Meyers" Salem's Largest Dept. Store Tuesday Only WATCH FOR WEDNESDAY SPECIALS tore closed Wednesday after 10 A. M. Embr'd Centers Beautiful embroidered de signs all around, with neat scalloped border 30 ins. in diameter$1.50 value, Luchsd? fy: . . 98c Ladies' Belt Pin Special A good assortment of very neat, stylish pins: a variety of styles and sizes values to $1.00, Tues day only . . . 54c Ladies' Face Veil Special The new Criterion Veils in a large assortment of meshes, dotted and plain styles, 50c quality, jn. X Tuesday only !( )ji )(( )(t 9f( Jft )t ift jft lfc 1st - i ... ii Hani, etc., $hoo. $100 raHh; $10 per month, vvrby & WlU.son. i)-12-2t Public Klcnoirraplier And court reporter. Verbatim funeral reports In neat booklet form. Edna Garlleld, Phones 1K21 nnd 1111. i)-!)-5d IIcnlquiirUra Fr wnll paper and palnU. Call or phono Main 485. W. J. Partor, 455 Court street. 8-23-eod-lm i Donahue Funeral Today .liimes Donahue, wno died nt the Salem hospital Sunday dihid ns a re sult of a badly shattered leg, was burled In the local Odd Fellows' cemetery this afternoon. The e. penso of burial is temporarily borne by Marlon county, although It 1h thought un effort will be made to compel the Polk county authorities to bear the hospital and burial expenses. TODAY IS THE TIME l'OU YOU TO LOOK OYFlt OCR STOCK OF JEW. ELHY, CTT CLASS AX1 S1LYKK AXI MAKE CP YOl'll MINT) WHAT Vol' AltE (iOINti TO P.CY. WE have i:EitTiu(i Appnopm. ATE l Olt WEDDIMi (UFTS AM) PHIZES. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE We now have a strong line of high and low top water proof Shoes, the SANTA ROSA LINE, none Better. : A nice line of Ladies and Gentlemen's Dress Shoes, si Our stock of Goodyear Rubber SZ Goods have arrived. - JACOB VOGT, THE SHOE MAN 220 North Commercial Street '- J J 1 Men's FourinHand Ties Good quality silk in these ties; very good patterns. Extra spec.al io Tuesday, each . . 10 Keith Talcom Powder Special A good quality powder for all toilet purposes:reg. 25c size, Tuesday 7r only Ilv Men's Sweater Special A large assortment of styles in all the popular colors. Here's the prices for Tuesday: $3.00 Sweaters . $1.95 $3 50 Sweaters . $2.25 $4.00 Sweaters . $2.85 $5.00 Sweaters . $3.50 Pressing and Cleaning ' Dntlfl hv 11 It TnuTtai 456 Court 7-13 -tf treet. Phone Main 1267. i uiuriwii uriii-M Grille open until 12 p. m. Craw fish nnd sea foods a specialty. Mer chants' lunch from 12 to 2 p. m., 50c. If You Wimt- The best disinfectant cm the mar ket, you want Kntomocltle. Certain destruction lo Hies, Hens, and all lu nect lire. Yim get It at V. K. Shut er's, tlm saddle und harness man. ' K,'",Jr f,,r Voiir Inspection t)ll' t,ail V;itl '' lLatcr, the latest nml lm,Ht '"M'luved heater ever of- iii'irii io Miieiu neon o. ltoc cora numbing and Heating Company, corner Front nnd State street. Forty Acres Eight acres Italian prunes In full bearing, bouse, barn nnd good dryer. Due mile rrom town and 11. H., $.",000. $:i(MK) cash, balance on time. Derby & W'lllsnn. tt-12-2t What You l, ('mints It Isn't what you expect to do; It Is what you do that counts. Per haps you have been thinking ror sev eral years of taking a course at the Capital Business College. During that time, while you have been think ing others have been doing. They have the training and are enjoving the benefits. Why i.,vi on in..'r..lv I Intending? Plan to enter next week. Anew class In shorthand. Cure Without Drugs Mo need lo siifter from Xenons Discuses when MecliHiilco-Tliernpeti. tics will Cur,. or lleaelit you. Meehanlco-therapeutlcs is a method of treatment of disease without drugs, by the use of massage, manipulations' exercises, and so forth. Itesults are obtained because of the fact that only part of the body Is exercised suffi ciently to preserve the proper circula tion and Innervation. The diseases which are benefitted or cured by this method of treatment are rheumatism, stiff Joints or mus cles, neuralgias, headaches, back aches, constipation, paralysis. If you are in nuy doubt ns to the ellleaey of this treatment, call at room 2 and 3. Iliish-llreyman build ing, or Phone Main 1237. at anv time, and any hour, and have a talk with PROF. S. Z. HARTLEY Will Dellrcr Address State Superintendent of Public In struction Alderman baa accepted an Invitation to deliver an address at the state convention of teachers for the state of Washington which will con vene at Olympla on September 19- Mut Halt for Pay Secretary of State Olcott la In re ceipt of a bill of t00 from E. W. Moore for an oil painting of the late Governor Benson. While a resolu tion was passed by the last legisla ture authorizing the purchase of an oil painting of both Benson and Bow- ! enuan, no appropriation was made i for it. and the painters will have to I wait until the session of the next legislature for their pay. I 1 A Pathetic Stent One of the pathetic sights on the streets during fair week Is that of at X blind Woman wltn la uafner n anmll ! hand organ as a means of earning a " living. She is totally blind, and, ear- ly this morning, despite the chilly weather, was nt her stand on State ' street, long before the crowds start-! ed for the cars. She Is accompanied I by her daughter, a miss of seven or! eight years of age. The little glrl.OV leads her mother to the rhalr on the! walk, prepares the hand organ for Polk business, sets In place the tin cup used for collecting stray nickels and dimes, and then amuses herself on the walk while the mother plays the band organ. It Is pitiful indeed. Pitiful for the poor blind ol(l woman and doubly pitiful for the baby de prived of the rights of childhood and cheerfully doing the duty that falls to her. o STATISTICAL. X.UtKIED. IIAMILTOX-SCOTT At the home of Mrs. C. E. Hamilton, 343 North Liberty street, Monday afternoon, September 11, 1911, Miss Lena Oretna Scott to Preston A. Hamil ton, Rev. P. S. Knight officiating. The bride formerly was a resident of Scotts Mills. The groom Is a resident of Salem and at present Is employed as an engineer at the state fair grounds. He la a cousin ofC'JIef of Police Hamilton. The young cou ple will make their home In Salem. STRI'M-DARBY At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. II. Darby, G.r4 North Liberty street, Tuesday evening, Setpember r, 1911, Miss L. Belle Darby to Bertram Raymond Strum, Rev. Henry T. Babcock officiating. The groom Is manager of the Yo kohama Nursery company at Top penlsh, Washington. Following a brief honeymoon In British Colum bia and Puget Sound points, the young couple will make their home nt Toppenlsh, IIIBBAni)-C()OK At the Oregon ho tel, Portland, Ore., Monday. Sep tember 11, 1911, Miss Lottie Rowe Cook to Arthur Edmund Ilihbard, Itev. Philip E. Bauer, of Portland, officiating. The bride formerly was a resident of Traverse City, Michigan. The groom is nn employe of the Salem postolilce. The young couple will make their home In Salem. o 110 UN. Fl'Ql'A At their home, Twenty- third and Marion streets, Monday, September 11. 1911, to Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Fmtun, a nine-pound boy. o Journal "Want Ads" Brine Results. No. 340,-. Report of THE CAPITAL In the state of Oregon, nt nt Salem, 1911. Resources. Loans nnd discounts $306 290 2'? Overdrafts, secured and unsecured !!!!.'! ." ! ! 14.109 49 1". S. bonds to secure circulation . . ' 69 oiliVoi) C. S. bonds to secure I'. S. deposits . . . " l ono Oil I". S. bonds on hand 2t; OSii oil Premiums on I'. S. bonds ' 62.") 00 Bonds, securities, etc , , ' 2:!."! lilS t"i Banking house, furniture, and fixtures .'. !. !. . . .. . 2ii 4Sil'22 Other real estate owned L918 8ii Due from national 2nnks (not reserve agents) 2!u73!38 Due from state anif private banks and bankers, trust com panies), nnd savings banks 962-44 Due from approved reserve agents 102 34r IS Checks and other cash Items 3 84ti H ..uurn hi inner nimonni nanus 220.00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents . 176 35 lawful money reserve In bank, viz.: Sl'fi'l $90,022.20 Legal-tender notes 4,250.00 94 272 90 Redemption fund with V. S. treasurer (3 per cent of clreiila- tlon. Total. Mabllllles. Capital stock paid In $100,000 00 m?" ,fuml 20.000:00 i inmmtui proms, less expenses and taxes paid National bank notes outstanding Due to other National banks.! Due to state and private banks nnd bankers. . . Due to approved reserve agents Dividends unpaid Individual deposits subject to check Demand certllU-ates of deposit Time certificates of deposit Certified checks Cashier's checks outstanding.!..!!!!!.!!!!! !.'..'.'. I nlted States deposits Total ; State of Oregon, County of Maiion. ss.: I. Joseph 11. Albert, cashier of the above-named swear that the above statement Is true to the bet belief. - JOS FPU II. ALBERT, Cashier. Correct Attest: J. II. AI.HKKT, H. M CHOISAX. JOHN A. CARSON, Directors. Mibscrlbed and sworn to before me this 7th dav of September, 1911. W. C. W1NSLOW. Notary Public What can I do for my Hair? That's the all Important question to evervone. Is your hair getting thin. Is it becoming grev? Is It getting brash, coarse, and hard to comb or dress? Then answer the question to your own satisfaction by securing a bottle of REXALL 93 HAIR TONIC Keeps the calp and the Important underlying tissues in a healthv condition, thereby carrying off the impure matter which causes all your hair trouble. ii) aB(l tXM httMe Perry's Drug Store, 1 15 S. Commercial GRAND OPERA HOUSE Tl MOIST H. SIXiFR PKIKTS T1IK ItlU .MIMICAL HIT MISS NOBODY fM STARLAND WITH OLIVE VAIL PEKFLTT AST AMI BEAl'TV (HOWS J fl MMITS AT THE PKIMESS TL'LUUt, CHICAGO SEAT SALE, IUIESDAY 10 A. 31 PUK ES: 5llc, 1.1)0 AM) U0 ACRES county farm, located five miles southwest of Dallas, on main I VnlloV mart nnaAlf ntlla . 1 1 mn A ' station, good buildings, bearing or- chard, near school and church, 50 acres under plow; well and spring water. Price only $60 per acre. Very easy terms. COURTER & VICK Room 1, Ladd & Bush Building. HOW TO "SHED" A BAD COMPLEXION It's foolish to attempt to cover u; or hide a sallow complexion, when you can so easily remove the sallow ness, or the complexion itself. Rouge and the like on a brownish skin, only emphasize the defect- The better way Is to apply pure merco llzed wax the same as you would cold cream putting it on at night, removing it In the morning with warm water and soap, following with a dash of cold water. The effect of a few applications is simply marve lous. The half-dead cuticle is ab sorbed by the wax painlessly, grad ually, in tiny Imperceptible particles revealing the beautiful velvety white new skin beneath. No woman need have a sallow, blotchy, pimply nr freckled com plexion If she'll Just go to the drug gist's, get some good mercollzed wax and use as suggested. Woman's Realm. o Cottage Undertaking Parlors Modern In every detail. Lady assist ant. Corner Cottage and Chemeketa. Phone 724. Talmadge Printing Co. New White Building, 23H4 State Street. SOCIETY AND COMMERCIAL PRINTING. Give an low Printer a Call. the condition of ' NATIONAL HANK the close of business, September 1. 3.450.00 isso.OTs.tr 14.375.84 39.550.00 11.947 99 22.515.23 700.47 161.33 632.3S1.1S 1.421.00 32.432.04 783-71 2. SOlJ.CS 1.000.00 ;$S80,078-47 i ' hank, do solemnly ef my knowledge anil :" RIPW TODAY. ! WOMEN WANTED At canuery, to j pefi p-ar; g."'-i srp .mu.. ! work. Apply at cnce at Salem can- CALL MAIN 1S3 for auto, day or night, office at Po3toffice livery. E. E. Gilliam. 9-1 l-6t FURNISHED ROOMS Bed and breakfast at $1.00 per day. At , 336 South Seventeenth street. i 9-11-td , FOR SALE A uiod-rn n:w dwelling j cio in; down, balance in; i'!ont:il'- payments to suit. See Homer H. Smith, McC'ornack build- i ing. 9-7-tf ! DELIVERY WACOM FOR SALE, Good second-hand delivery wagon for sale at a bargain. Address box 161. Salem. 9-7-1 w FOR SALE 1?2 feet on caiiine. 120 feet d-'ep, corner lot, ?.''."J- E. Hofer & Sons, 213 S. Commercial street. Phone 82. 9-1-tf ! FOR SALE A new bungalow. Five rooms, with modern Improvements. Just off from line paved street and all sewer and street assessments paid. Price cheap. E. Hofer & Sons. 9-4-tf AS I HAVE a permanent shlpyat.l at Salem. I am in a position to i build or repair scows and ferry boats. Address. M. J. Jones, Sa lem. Ore. 8-8-eod-lmo WANTED $2."00 on first class rUtU estate security. See iiechtel & By non, 347 State street. WOOD FOR SALE Fine first growth body Or and second-growth Phoue Maine 2063, Marlin Hard ing. 8-29-2w FOR SALE A new 5-room bunga low, bath, toilet, hot and cold wa ter, close to school, paved street, car line, walking distance, $1400. Small payment down, balance monthly. See Homer H. Smith, McCornack building. 8-24-tf FOR TRADE We have a house and seven lots in good location to trade for small farm close in. E. Hofer & Sons, 213 S. Commercial street. 9-6-tf WE HAVE $800 to loan ou farm property. FOR ANY KIND of farm land or city property see us E. HOFER & SONS. 213 S. Commercial. -Phone 82. 8-8-lwk LOST A small engraved gold watch. Face, reddish color. Return to Journal. Reward. 9-12-2t FOR SALE 20 acres 1 miles from Salem, six acres in orchard, ap ples, cherries nnd some walnuts; good 5-room house, good barn, well of fine water, three acres of logan berries. Will sell at a great bar gain if sold in the next 30 days. Also a good grocery in a good town in Marlon county' for sale or trade for Salem property. We also have a large number of 5 and 10 acre tracts close to Salem at verv reasonable prices and on gooil terms. Olmsted Land Co. 9-12-3t THE JOURNAL'S BARGAIN DAY Is now on. Ail subscribers pay ing in advance one year can save $1.00 on the regular subscription price. In addition to this we will furnish a 102-page atlas contain- Ing an up-to-date map of every country in the world, and two ac-1 curate maps of the Panama canal. 1 In the back of the atlas is pasted a map of Oregon 18x22 inches in! size, showing the division of the i i-ongressional districts of the state, the railroad, stage and auto lines, a list of the counties and all towns over 100 Inhabitants, toeether with their population, according to the 1910 census. The offer closes October 1, 1911. Remem - ber the date, and do not ask for thft fnrA nttav tho. tlmA n c ow ---. i. tic i, iiiuu. ir-ii-iUL . MONEY TO LOAN THOS. K. FORD Oyer Ladd and Bush Bank, Salem, Of Norwich Union Firp Insnrnace Society. BurRhardt A- Meredith, Resident Agfc 88.1 STATE STREET. MONEY TO LOAN On Farm Property. John H. Scot & Co., over th Chicago Store, Sa lem, Oregon. Phone 1552. Near Oakland, California t urlc,o,l l) .Near WO Rrt Imvmit.M I'lul climate throughout the year. Kntrance I n1,;, ,. i,: mcrny OI (..llllorni in-.nt. . l-.xcellert opportumtie, for home Clay Carson. A. XI I'le. President, Lu catalog. ..,.. 'si.'.'.'... or .. ( ahforma. College V. GEORGE M. POST ARCHITECT Comer State St Lllierly Sts, Salem, Oregon. Koom 1, Cray Blk. Phone 104. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES Bought Sold Itemed Unpaired l.lhbons Boilers Supplies See Me Before Von Do Anything C M. LOCKVVOOD j Itjone Uft8 Main IS14-18 V Com St. flem. Or MMttttttttttttttM t'MUHr Where Quality Is Cert Where Prices Are Reasonable The high standard of our pianos Is a positive guar antee' of satisfaction. The Mason & Hamlin, Hardman Krakauer, Hobart M. Cable, Har rington, Hensel, Milton & Rembrant PIANOS AND ORGANS 4 Represent the one instrument in each particular grade which is absolutely thebest that can be made for the price at which it is sold. We have the very; best in the Player Piano line and the terms to suit everyone. FAMOrS EDISON PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. CHERRINGTON & PETERS Piano Dealers. 247 N. Commercial Street ! I r-H-t-t- t ttM'"ttttttt"ttttt)IIMIMI( D : anion Son! GROCERS FIGHTING THE COMBINE Campers lit the Fair Grounds, people who run lunch stands nnd thoughtful housekeepers of an economical turn the combine stores cannot compete with, our prices for the simple reasons thut we buy nnd sell for rash and are nut of the high rent district. True economy In groceries Is the buying of such high grade poods ns the following nt these low prices. 5 lbs. small White Beans for .. i . . . .25c 5 bars Fels Naptha Soap for 25c 1 gal. Catsup for 50c 2V2 gal. keg of Pickles 9;c Bartlett Pears, combine njlce $1.23, Damon's price, fancy Pears, per bushel 9,-,c 50c box Macaroni, our price 40c 4 lbs. Head Rice for 25c; 17 lbs. $1.00 Fancy Gravenstein Apples, combine price $1.25; our price, per bushel j)jc Buy where you can get the Tbe Cut Price Store, 239 A A A A Clearance Sale SEWING t I 1 t ' t ! M ACHINE f You will save money on a Sewing Machine if you buy one now at GEO. C. WILL'S Clearance Sale New and Secondhand, all makes 4 X X i HuieWing "IS'SHSM'tpmn roan... i-ivV.fi v:,1 -;,"':.. r11 vr tlrSK Blankets 85c. tl. si sn .. .. Ladles' wrappers. i n: $1.50 up. :.oo now lo U Sateen Skirts $4.00 Panama skirt, blue black, now $2.90. or j..o l-adies' wool now $2.75. sweaters, ladies' silk and wool union suits, now $U0. nl mens wool trousers, $2.25 Kw Fall goods arriving daily, children's coats, rain caps, etc. 325 N, Commercial Street. am t4 most and best for your money N. Liberty Street-Phone 68 4 ( Sang Co. I matting, ami all tvi. nnivi Fine grade Imported Pongee Bilk, yard, $1.00 $2.00 men's blue flannel shirts now $1.25. Big line men's shirts, light and dark colors and black sateen at 50c. $1.50 lace curtains, now pr $1 Children's dresses, 50c, 75c $1 and up. $3.50 Silk waists, now $2 25 3. t ors, I $6.00 silk petticoats, all colors, choice S4 no. - , . Full line of furs, ladles' and t Salem. Oregon