PACE FOUR The Best Place to Eat anon Music every day Hote M Grill Prepare young people for bookkeepers, stenographers and general office work. The development of the Northwest will afford openinge for thousands In the next few year. Prepare now. Bend for catalogue. W. I. STALEY, PRINCIPAL Salem. Oregon The Spa Confectionery One of the oldest and host eqlpped In Salem. A complete line of fresh candles, made every day. All kinds of fancy Ice cream and Bherberta. Everything manufactured, the best that material and workmanship make. 4it 382 State Street COME IN Have you been In our Btore to see the new fall Btyles la Men's, wo men's and children's fine shoes. We have all the latest and most up-to-dato lasts and patterns. We will be glad to show you REINHART'S SHOE STORE Opposite BIy's Theatre. 444 STATE STREET Electrical Fixtures and Supply Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Gas and Electric Fixtures Electrlo construction, inside wiring, motor work, expert plating and repairing. Wholesale and Retail, 254 North Liberty street, Salem, Oregon. 1'hono Main 263. E. W. Strong, Tres. W. K. Darnell Mgr. SALEM, OREGON. Willamette Sanitorium Corner Winter and Ferry Sts. The only Hospital in the city. DR. CARTWRIGHT, Superintendent DR. JAY KINU, lYopilitor. IMIONE Mil. 1 (. llox 'M CHINESE DRUG STORE , GENERAL MERCHANDISE 107 IIKill HTItKUT RETWKK.N STATE AMI 1 IlltltV STREETS. Off loo I'pstnlis. SALEM, OREGON. CHINESE MEDICINE TEA DR. L. M. HUM 153 High Street. Salem, Oregon TrenU nil dlaoase. Consultation and examination free. Curo guar anteod when money Is paid In advance. P. O. llox 95. Whllo vlHltlng Salem during State Fair week, don't fall to call at the "Temple of Palmestry" And have your hand read. Past, Present and Future revealed. Stale Street, North ('amor of Mliorty. Among the noted Blood Horses on Exhibition This Year Are "OREGON STAMP", 4-year-old Stallion, weight 1975 pounus; DON "0", a full brother, and black mare "MAY", and many others from the farm of VV. D. CLAGGART Four mill north of Salem, U. F. D. No. 8. Residence 495 N. Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. piioxE maix asa 120 SOl'TH COMMERCIAL H. H. HUNTER & CO. Itl'RAL AXH 1XTER.COMMVXICATIXO TEI.EPROXES. ELECTRIC WIRING, Fixtures and Supplies. WHOLESALE AXI RETAIL MOTOR WORK OCR SPECIALTY For Fire Insurance the Horticultural Fire Relief of Oregon Is unexcelled . Insurance now In force JS. 000, 000. Losses prompt ly paid. An Oregon Institution for Oregon people.' TatronUo your home Institutions. JOHN r EMBERTON, Pre. E. II. AXPERSOX, SecTrvM. H. 8. RADCUFF, GcbL At. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY. SEPTEMBER II. 1911. PORTLAND DAY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 9:00 Judging of horse, cattle and poultry entries. 10 :00 Band concert by O. A. C. 11:00 Parker Carnival Shows 18 big, entertaining features. 12:00 Northwest Angora Goat Association Convention in Administration Building. 1:00 Harness and running events as follows: 2-year-old pace, Oregon Futurity No. 2 $ G00.00 2:20 pace 800.00 2:12 trot, Lewis and Clarke Purse 5000.00 Steeple chase race, lV-mile handicap 100.00 Over night events. 1 :30 Ferullo Band Concert in grand stand between heats, withvocal solos by grand opera stars. 2:00 Homing pigeons released from track for race to Portland. 2 :30 Fancy shooting by W. A. Hillis of Remington Arm3 Co. 3:00 O. A. C. Band Concert on grounds. 5 :00 Live stock parade on race track. 7 :30 Grand concert in Music Hall, including Ferullo's Band, grand opera stars, the Oregon Ladies' Quartette, motion pictures. GERMAN SOCIETIES' DAY, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 GERMAN SOCIETIES DAY, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 9:00 Complete judging of entries box prize awards. 10 :00 O. A. C. Band Concert on grounds. 11 :0(f Parker Carnival producttion of 18 sterling amusements. 11:30 Welcome of United German Societies at Capitol by Governor West. Response. German folk songs. 1:00 Harness and running events as follows: 2:20 trot $ 800.00 2:08 pace, consolation 1000.00 Running stake race, Germania Derby, 1 1-16 miles, for all ages, weight 15 lbs. below the scales 1000.00 1 :30 Ferullo Band Concert in Grand Stand between heats, with grand opera soloists. Stupen dous free vaudeville acts. Fancy shooting exhibition by W. A. Hillis of Remington Arms Co. 2 :00 Carrier pigeons released from track for homing race to Portland. 2 :30 Bee demonstration by Herman Ahlers. 3 :00 O. A. C. Band Concert on grounds. 5:00 Parade of premium winners on race track. 7 :30 Grand Concert in Music Hall with Ferullo Band, grand opera stars, the Oregon Ladies' Quartette, motion pictures, etc. GOOD ROADS DAY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 9:00 Inspection of premium winners. 10:00 O. A. C. Band Concert on grounds. 11:00 Parker Carnival pageant of 18 amusements. 11:30 W. A. Hillis fancy shooting exhibition with Remington Ams. 12 :00 Entries received from visiting motor parlies. 1 :00 Harness and running events as follows : 2:15 pace, State Fair Purse (closed) $1000.00 Free-for-all trot, Rural Spirit Purse (closed) 1000.00 2:12 trot, consolation 1000.00 Steeple chase race, free-for-all 250.00 Over night event. 1 :30 Ferullo Band Concert with grand opera soloists and big free attractions between heats. 2:00 Homing pigeon race to Portland. 3:00 O. A. C. Band Concert on grounds. 3:15 Bee demonstration by Herman Ahlers. 7:30 Grand Concert in Music Hall bv Ferullo's Band, grand opera stars, and motion pictures. Good roads lecture by Phil. Bates. 9 :00 Thrilling fireworks display to close Fair. Salem Auto Oarage Gasolene 20c per Gallon. Storage, Oils and Accessories. 246 State Street BUSBY & WILKINSON The famous Dr. A. Reed and Mayer Cushion Sole Shoes Don't fail to see my line of R. P. Smith Shoes and Bates Dress Shoes for men, from 3 to $5. My line of high cuts never more complete than this year Ladles', Misses' and children's show at prices In reach of all- Save money by laying in your winter's sup ply at JACOB VOGT, 220 N. Commercial St. SOME GREAT RAGING AT STATE FAIR "Getaway" day nt Portland means much nctivlty at tlie Oregon State Fair grounds where the fast harness horses will be racing all of next week for $21,000 In cash purse. The events sliow strong and the classes have all filled beyond expectations with two exceptions and there Is every likelihood that both the classes which did not fill will bo substituted with additional events. Certainly will tills be true of the 2:13 trot which did not. fill. All t lie horses are in excellent con dition now and by the time they get their workouts on the Salem track, they will bo in shape to put up a classy lot of racing If weather condi tions nre right. On this score It may lie said that there Is every hope that the sun will shine for the whole six days of the racing. Wise weather experts seem to think that with all the rain of the past week that the Oregon State Fair will be safe from any real damage because of down pour from the clouds. The program calls for the 2:2," trot Monday. The fast filers do not come until later In the week and by that time It Is expected that the trainers wlH have rounded their ani mals Into shape after the bad wea ther In Portland and give those who visit the State Fair from Portland a quality of races which Bhould make up for what the rain spoiled In the Hose City. Such fast ones as Junior Dan Patch, Sunny Jim, Teddy Hear, the record breaker; Hal McKinney, Klng brook and Allerdaw are sure to start in the various events. The records of these horses are such as to speak for the quality of racing to be seen at the Oregon State Fair meet- Then, too, there will be some good bang talis and steeple chasers contending In special classes for rich purses. Keduced rates are In effect from Portland and other points on account of this meet. o All Home Print. ( The Santtam News, which recently ' changed hands, has announced that this week's issue will appear as an all-home paper. The readv nrlnt 1 material formerly used Is to be aban doned and the News hereafter will use only home news. This is a step forward and will he appreciated by the News' subscribers and shows a progressive spirit on the part of the publisher. ARE PLACING ' THE SIGNS ON THE HIGHWAY The Pacific Highway sign-placing crew that is putting up plgns from Victoria. P.ritlsh Columbia, to San Diego, Calif., reached Salem Sunday afternoon. They are milting un guide posts at each cross road and where roads fork. The posts are white painted cedar, and metal signs plainly lettered, "Pacific Highway" with an arrow pointing to the road to take either way. The force has a Cinrford truck carrying the supplies ajid leaving posts and signs, another crew with motorcar setting them up. The party vere met on the road ap proaching Salem by John H. Albert and Dr. T. C. Smith who assisted them In placing the signs leading through the city, and helping the gang get past the nsylum and peni tentiary smith, the line goes by way of Jefferson and Albany. The first truck Is manned by A. A. House and Jack t onnell, while the post -setting crew consists of Secretary Treadwell and Mr. Mcllnre. assistant manager or the Oregon Hotel, with two dig gers. WILL HAVE LOOP ROAD TO PORTLAND ntoMst hoys hwk FILED )' HOMESTEADS Mr. Cronlsc returned the first of last week from Southern Oregon, leaving Ralph and Harry, his two sons, nicely located on homesteads where they expect to remain for five years. Tlie entire trip was very In teresting. After leaving Peel, the postotflce, they walked five miles car rying supplies for the winter on pack horses. The climb was over a very narrow trail and almost perpendicular- The horses caused much annoyance by refusing to travel. A portion of their loads were unpacked and left until the next day. The boys have log cabins on adjoining claims and feel like genuine moun taineers. Harry wounded a deer but lost it. while Kalph stood face to face with a fine specimen of big. red buck. Looking surprised at each other for a few seconds, they turned and sep arated. Italph was evidently a vic tim of "buck fever." The hoys are located 2.1 miles east of Roseburg, in Oouglas county, where forest fires have been raging. They say there Is not an old rancher up there who is not In favor of Governor West's pol icy toward the appropriation for fire lighting, and assert that when the appropriation dies out. then too will the fires die out. The boys request their friends to write and send pa pers that they may keep up with do ings of the outside world. The selection of the old stage line as the route for the capital highway and tlie recommending that convicts be immediately put at work on the Tigardville portion of the west side line, was In substance the report handed to f.nvprnnr Woct hv ihD highway commission at a conference iiem ai me state nouse yesterday. The commission tnnk nn tho Ini.m- of selecting a route for the highway several montns ago. Alter canvass ing the west and east side of tlie river, it concluded that the most financial support . could be obtained from the east side nnd rnniman,ia,i the old stage route. Kvery road dis- ii hi which win oe Denetiteu by this route has agreed to levy a tax for uie ouiiuing or tlie road, and in ad dition to that many voluntary dona tions have been pledged to the com mittee. To Get Material. The work of obtaining the neces sary rock and other material to build the road will be commenced at once. It is estimated that by Spring all the material necessary will have been obtained and everything will then be in readiness for imp rnm. luencement of construction- work Governor West's plan is to build the road by convict labor nnd whan construction work is bemin pvprv available convict at the state peni tentiary will be called into service. West Side Will Also Build. The west side people have already Indicated their willingness to build a road and this when completed when taken together with the road recom- lllpnilpll llV tha nm,l,nl klU iiifciiway com- I mission will form a loop from here I to Portland. From Newberg to! Portland there is already a good road on the west side of the river, and the only stretch of country over which a new road will have to be built is that lying between here and i Newberg. The county courts of Mar- ion and Yamhill rnuntiea nn.i. ! proprlations for the construction of a' uuuee across uie 1 amettp nt V.nv. berg. The oeonle who will lu hon tlted by the bridge, pledged them- scnes o see to it mat if the appro priation WaS lUade hv thU fr,n. . the bridge that the road from hereto Newberg would be built. With the view of carrvlne into evemtmn tw promise, they are now making prep aratlons for the building of the road. Bligh Theatre Advanced Refined Vaudeville To amuse and make You happy is my business MATINEE EVERY DAY GEO&GE-M-POST--ARCHITECT- Cor 3ltt 9 Liberty 3t SfiUm,Oreon THOSE MAIX 804 ! MMHH $ 1 ,500 1 If Sold at Once t Modern bungalow on Shipping Street, X just off Capital Street. I Pavement and sewer assessment paid. We have been holding this place at I $1600, but for one week will offer it I at $1500, as owner needs money. !e. HOFER & SONS 213 S. Commercial St. Phone 82 CAPITAL GARAGE j TICK BROS., Proprietors. Full line of Automobile Supplies, Oils and Gasolene. Autos for f . Iw0iage and "Pairing. All work guaranteed. Agents for I LOCOMOBILE, OHIO, HUDSON, . OAKLAND, . ELMORE .AND I FORD AUTOMOBILES AND KELLY TRUCKS. t 1912 cars now in. Call and see them. Phone Main 783. 173 t South Liberty street. I "Economies" We Can't Afford In one sense, we could save money by using cheaper soap than the very best, by using cheaper starch and lower priced employees, But the saving at most would be only a fraction of the resulting loss in reputation. You can count on the fact that we practice no "economy" that takes it out of your clothes. We aim to do the finest laundering possible, second to none. Our patrons tell us we succeed. You will like our work. Try It Low est prices guaranteed. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY, I Phone 25. 158.166 80I7TH I.TOFRTY STREET t MMM I)tl M DORR ANCE THE SIGN MAN, 145 S. LIBERTY ST. Good Signs, "That's All" Oregon Agricultural College tlonn0iHMZnAagrll.1,lUr?,1. ColIege 13 emlnent among the educa- pooole bv ond ?orii - " 'S ntable beC8USe U SerVeS th6 peopie, d and for whom it was established. Dignifies the Industries houwwlferTh.r'Htl,e ,en,Elneer' the mechanic, the business man, the business Vh. laborer-se are its clients. Its business is the il icken to i. mn,T T,Ie-t0 ald- t0 . to elevate, to erring connweaim.6 f"ndamen,al inries of a great and Degree Courses rA Airl'eltT,'"11'. maj" in Agronomy, Animal Husban- dr nmWv u ' uaeierio ogv. Plant Patho ogv, tnto- fkltr U,,l Mech ri P0l,"tr-T ""sundry Veterinary Science, Civil. unicrce, Pharmacr. Other Courses DollsUcScienceArr';"1" 8hort cour8es ,n Agriculture. Arts Muslr vi i Art Forestry, Commerce and Mechanical S rone facultv , I300' Strlnge1 nd Band Instruments, studems Modern e1uPment Twenty-five buildings; 1800 College onens snian,... . . ... . ... -. . free on inniinH ri r tat'os and Illustrated literature .Co7vanis?Orego ReK,strar- Oregon Agricultural College, ! U IT 1 I j( H I I I I li t I I I I I