Page four DAILY CAPITAL JOCKS AL, gALEM, PRECOX. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER U, 1011. CITY NEWS. Pressing and Cleaning Done by D. H. Mosher 458 Court street Phone Main 1267. 7-13 -tf Dishes Just received another shipment, making our assortment nvre com plete to choose from. J. A. Patter son, 283 North Commercial street. Public Ste nofrraphcr And court reporter. Verbatim funeral reports In neat booklet form. Edna Garfield, Phones 1821 and 1111. 9-9-5d 6ave 25 Per Cent Of the subscription price of ytvir Capital Journal by innl, on roiiiesor et stores by paying In advance Fee ad. on page two. Jo t Keeebed a Shipment Of 'wall paper, making our line very complete. J. A. Patterson, 285 North Commercial street. If Good Dread Is what you want, Just try our bread. It Is firm and wholesome. Give us your next grocery order. Call or phone Main 131, The Sunset Grocery Co. Linn County Coming Albany Intends to Invade the fair and Just capture It. All Albany and Linn county will be here ac cording to present indications. Firework Tinlirlii The greatest and most magnificent fireworks display ever seen In the Northwest will be tapped at the fair grounds tonight. Do not miss It. A Few Pieces of Furniture Still on hand on which we will give a very liberal reduction. ,1. A. Patterson, 285 North Commercial street. Former Snlmlte Deputy Sheriff Henlnger, of Bnk cr county, brought two prisoners to the penitentiary today. One, Har ry Strayhoff, for statutory crime against a woman, 20 years, and one, C. II. Hible, for forgery, for five Tears. Mr. Henlnger says Baker City Ib very prosperous. He was 15 years ago a resident of this city. Fruit Jar We have the Famous Everlasting and Economy fruit Jars, the host Jars made and easiest to operate. J. A. Patterson's, 2S5 North Commercial street. Rlitckftinith Injnrcd . C. It. Griggs, the State-street blacksmith, was Injured recently when a fractious horse, which he was shoeing, kicked hira on the leg, broaking an nnkle. Broke Ills Arm The little son of Mr. Lawrence Ilunn had the misfortune to fall and break his arm at the M'Call hop yard yesterday. Dr. Fisher wat called to rcduco tho fracture. An Enjoyable Condition How much more enjoyablo It Is to have made a profitable Invest ment than merely to know you might have made It. The young men and womon who have boon trained in the Capltnl Business Col logo, are enjoying the profits of their trnlnlng. The ones who morely keep thinking about Rot tinjr tho trnlnlng will have to keep thinking about tho profits from It they won't have them. Next week will bo a good time to enter. . Crowd Orderly The first day of tho State Fnlr opened aulotly for the police. The fair grounds nre Just outside of the city limits and the local depart ment Is not com polled ti furnish po lice protection on tho grounds. The state furnishes several marshals to patrol the grounds and this year, ns in former years, a eufllclent num ber of state police will keep order at the fair grounds. Only one nr rest was mndn Inst night, and the down town district was unusuallv quiet considering the number of Btra tigers, in the city. Chief of To lice Hamilton will have a doien ex tra patrolmen on duty during fair week. Flvo of these extra men will patrol tho business district, and the remainder will work between the city and the fair grounds. P 11 " All OCEAN OF MOLASSES IN THE STREETS New Orleans, La., Sept. 11. A tank containing a million gallons of molasses burst here today and the commercial district was flooded with a stream of treacle 15 feet deep. Scores of persona narrowly escaped drowning and suffocation. Repairs to the tank were made in boats propelled over a sea of mo lasses. The molasses tanks are located In the wholesale district. The re taining wall about the structures collapsed but the sluggish move ment of the liquid enabled the threatened - persons to escape. Many climbed electric light poles and lamp posts. The water main beneath the street was broken from the pressure and the five million gallons of mo lasses were soon carried into the gulf. o MEYERS WAS DESPONDENT SO STRANGLED HIMSELF Denver, Colo., Sept. 11 F. J. Mey ers, an electrician of Portland, Ore., strangled himself at the Elk hotel here ths morning by knotting a sheet around his neck. He had a ticket In his pocket for Cleveland, where he was going for treatment under a ner vous specialist. On the train near here Meyers tried to Jump from the window, but was prevented v the passengers. He was then taken to the hotel by detectives who asked the proprietor to watch him. o Albert Kimball Suicides. Albert Kimball, a employe of the Bohrnstadt company, committed sui cide at Crcsswell one day last week by blowing his brains out with a shotgun. No reason is known for the act other than that he had com plained of being sick, and was evi dently despondent. Previous to com mitting the act, he Indorsed a note for JliOO and a check for $200 to his si ste v. o a STATE NEWS. Mnrshflolcl Is to have free mnll de livery, beglr.nlng in the very near fu ture. Seven men are out for the Job of secretary of the Hood River Com mercial club. School commenced in P-irtlnnd and In many other places in tho state to day. Hay In I. Inn county Is reported as Mimewhat damaged by the rains. Washington county will ship 316 carloads of onions this year. o Why Net Save $1.00 vance. See Capital Journal's Bar gain Day ad. on page two of this is sue. Curs to Albany The Oregon Electric has begun work on its lino to Albany and ac. cording to a dispatch from that point, expects to have cars run ning Into Albany by the first of the yenr. Take I lowers Manager Taylor, of the Marlon Colnty exhibit, reqeests ladles, In fact, eveiyomi, to bring flowers either Tuesday evening or early Wednesday morning for decorating the exhibit for "Snlem Day." FURNISHED ROOMS Bed nnd breakfast at $1.00 per day. At 356 South Seventeenth Btreot. 9-11-td o , STAKING OFT THE PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY V. M. Fretwell, secretary of the Pacllle Highway association, nnd M. II. McRue, of tho Oregon Hotel, ar rived In the city yesterday In their Flanders Pathfinder car after having staked out the route for the Pacific highway from this city to Portland. The route for this highway hns now been slaked out from British Columbia to this city. It la the plan of those back of the movement to stnko out and construct a highway from the British possessions to Mexl co. Both left this morning for Ku gene to stake out thu route Tb that point. I This Is The Time of Year TO BUY A LOCK BOARD HOLDS FIRST MEETING JBOARD WAS APPOINTED 33 YEARS AGO, BUT NEVER MET OH ORGANIZED UNTIL TODAY WILL TAKE UP OREGON CIT YCANAL PROPOSITION. When the canal and lock board a board created by an act of the legis lature Just 35 years ago, for the pur pose of representing the state with relation to the locks at Oregon City, meets this afternoon it will hold the first meeting in its history. The board was created In the year 1876. There was an agitation for locks then at Oregon City, and the state seoms to have made an appro priation for their Installation. De spite that for years and years the locks have been in operation there, and the state holds a $200,000 inter est In them, there seems to have arisen with relation to them no busl. ness which demanded the board's at tention, and a meeting of the board was never held. Co-Operatlon Purpose. The meeting to be held this af ternoon is for the purpose of de vising ways and means for the state to co-operate with the federal government in building free locks at Oregon City. Congress has ap propriated $300,000 for the propo sition and the state has appropriat ed a like sum, and the board will determine this afternoon whether It shall hand over this money to the federal government, and also de termine other questions with re lation to the enterprise. Major Mc Indoe, the federal engineer, who has made a report to the govern ment rocomraeiidlng that the locks be built on the east side of the stream, will meet with the board. Stale Has Interest in Locks. It has developed today that the state already hns a $200,000 Inter est In the present locks at Oregon City, and that should It follow out Mclndoe's report and build new locks on the east side that It .will forfolt that. Several years ago At torney General Crawford Instituted a suit against the Willamette Canal & Lock company to collect the state revenues from the company for the operation of the locks, and the supreme court In passing on the case held that the state had a $200,000 Interest in the locks- Un der an agreement entered into be tween the state and company, the company was to pay the state 10 per cent of its earnings. Collec tions were made for six years, amounting to $7,000, but further back than that the supreme court held the state could not go because of the statute of limitations. The company now owes the state , considerable revenue and State Treasurer Kay today stated thnt he 1 would make a demand for it, j GERMANS ARE j NOT EASILY FRIGHTENED TODAY IS THE TIME FOR YOU TO LOOK OYER OCR STOCK OF JEW. ELRY, CUT GLASS AND SILVER AND MAKE IP YOUR MIND WJ3AT - - ( YOU ARE GOING TO BUY. WE f HAVE EVERYTHING APPROPRI. ATE FOR WEDDING GIFTS AND PRIZES. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE united rmss leased wire.j Berlin, Sept. 11. The Bourse to day is steadier, following Saturday's slump. The government attributes the panic to a concerted attempt by French nnd English financiers to give Germany a taste of what might happen In the event, of trouble, in tending to scare merchants Into de manding n conciliatory attitude on the part of the government. No Indications of Germany weak ening are apparent today. o Foley's Kidney licmeUr (Liquid). Millions of Follks Use Only Cascarets They neTer have llcuduehe, llillous ness. Sluggish I-iver or Bowels or a Sick, Sour Stomach. No odds how bad your liver, stom ach or bowels; how much your head aches, how mserable and uncomfort able you are from constipation, indi gestion, biliousness and sluggish in testines you always get the desired results with Cascarets and quickly, too. Don't let your stomach, liver and bowels make you miserable another moment; put an end to the head ache, billousess, dizziness, nervous ness, sick, sour, gassy stomach, backache and all other distress; cleanse your inside organs of all the poison and effete matter which Is producing the misery. Take a Cascaret now; don't wait until bedtime. In all the world there Is no remedy like this. A 10 cent box means health, happiness and a clear head for months. 'o more days of gloom and distress if you will take a Cascaret now and then. All druggists sell Cascarets. Don't forget the children their in sides need a good, gentle cleansing, too. o Only a little cold in the head may be the beginning of an obstinate case of Nasal Catarrh. Drive out out the invader with Kly's Cream Balm applied straight to the inflamed stuffed up air-passages. Price 50 cents. If you prefer to use an atom izer, ask for Liquid Cream Balm. It has all the good qualities of the solid form of this remedy and will rid you of catarrh or hay fever. No cocaine to breed a dreadful habit. No mer cury to dry out the secretion. Price 75c, with spraying tube. All drug gists, or mailed by Ely Bros.,- 5G Warren street, New York. o I Girl Was Murdered. The mutilated body of Myrtle Haw kins, 17, was found today In Lake I Osceola. An autopsy showed that the girl had been killed before the i body was thrown Into the lake. Mountains of New Goods Now opened up and ready'for your inspection, The Chicago Store is always in the front rank, now as always, Come and look through this great big store and see the up-to-date merchandise we have now on display, all ready for selling the greatest showing we ever made, all marked at prices that will convince the most skeptical that the Chi cago Store is the progressive store of Salem, MWmn New D New Fall Suits The only way we can convince you that we show the best line of Ladies' Suits and Coats in Salem is to come to our store, look through and get our prices. Quality against quality and prices against prices, we know we can get your patronage against any store in Sa lem because we have the right goods and sell at the lowest prices. 1S.OO, $20,110, $25,110 SITTS, NOW $9.50, $10.50 and $12.50 ress Tri immmss Thousands of yards of all the new novelties in foreign and domestic Dress Trimmings shown here. Come and look through this great stock. You will be surprised. Prices small. School Days The memorable school days are near at hand, and every boy and girl dresses up to make a good showing for the best and happiest days of their lives. We carry a complete line of goods for boys and girls Clothing, Dresses, Shoes, Hosiery and Underwear nowhere can you beat our prices. Boys Wool Suits, now . $2.45 Girls Dresses from . . 49c up Dress Goods and Silks 20,000 yards of new Dress Goods 10,000 yards of New Silks now opened up and ready for selling. Nowhere on the Pacific Coast can you see a more beautiful or choice line of goods. The stock we show will surprise you also our low prices. fi&fUSUM The Greater CHICAGO STORE "The Store That Saves You Money" Salem Oregon Sacrifice Sale Ten Days Only As I am icolng east, will sell my modern "-room house with Its two halls, pantry, bath, toilet, barn, on a ' paved street, only 4 blocks from the state house; $i;00. If you want a snap, either for a home or for an In vestment, see my agents, Bechtel c flvnnn. 't47 State street. Is a great medicine of proven value for both acute nnd chronic kidney and I bladder nihnents anil for nnnnvlnt? ! ... ...... j ., , v i, .... t, a. ,i .a recommended to elderly people for its wonderful tonic and reconstructive qualities, and the permanent relief nnd comfort It gives them. L. Mc Connell. 117 Catherine St., Elmlrn, N. Y., says: "Five bottles did the work for me most effectively and beyond doubt Foley's Kidney Remedy Is the most reliable kidney medicine ever mnde. Ked Cross Pharmacy U. Jermani. P ANO Farm Bargain ISti-acre farm on beautiful Howell l'rnliie; one of the best farms In tho Willamette Valley. For particulars see Heiiitol & llynon. 347 State street. Houses Houses, vacant lots and fruit tracts sold on easy payments. Bechtel Bynon. 347 State street. SALEM SEWER PIPE COMPANY We have entered Into partner ship with the citizens of-Salem. We have started a new factory employing a score of men, with out asking a bonus or a factory site. We have divided our profits with the people of this town. A year ago 4-Inch sewer pipe sold for 20c per foot. Today a 4-Inch sewer pipe sella for 15c per foot. This Is our present to the public. We are asking something In return a chance to show you that we have the best and the cheapest pipe on the market. Come to the factory, corner Liberty and Trade.and be shown. Buy one at GEO. C. WILL Clearance Sale Where good Pianos are sold cheap now iCure Without Drugs Xo need to suffer from rrvous Ilease when Mcchaiilto-Thernpeu. tic will Cure or llenelit you. Mechantco-therapeutics is a method of treatment of disease without drugs, by the' Use of massage., manipulations, exercUea, and so forth. Results are obtained because of the. fact that only part of the body is exercised suffi ciently to preserve the proper circula tion and Innervation. The diseases which are benefitted! or cured by this method of treatment ,a vital, (....,,. in. I v ., duii jtiims ur mils dee, neuralgias, headache, back aches, constipation, paralysis. If you are in any doubt as to the efficacy of this treatment, call at room 3 and 3. Hush-ltreyiimn build ing, or I'hone Main 12:17 t inv tim and any hour, and have a talk with PROF. S. I BARTLEY tin . - j mi l' 1 4 x Attacks School Frlncinnl. A severe attack on School PrincL pal Chas. B. Allen, of Sylvania, Ga., is thus told by him: "For more than three years," he writes, "I suffered indescribable torture from rheuma tism, liver and stomach trouble and diseased kidneys. AH remedies failed till I used Electric Bitters, but four bottles of this Tvonderful remedy cured me completely." Such, results are common. Thousands bless them for curing stomach trouble, female . complaints, kidney disorders, bilious ness and for new health and vigor. Try Them. Only 60c at J. C. Ferry's. I o The Oregon Electric Is rushing the settlement ot rights of way between ! Albany and Eugene. Kemp's Model City With Parker Shows. Don't waste your money buying plasters when you can get a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment for 25 cents A piece of flannel dampened In this liniment is superior to any plaster for lame back, pains in the side and Chest, and much rhennnr. Sold by an ueaiers. an ueaiers. -. ..ii....... SALEM BANK & TRUST CO. GEN'EIUli 1UXKIXO AXD TItVST BUSINESS With our assurance that we are able and willing to take care of it, we solicit your Banking Business. Open an account with us, and we will extend you every favor con. Istent with good banking prin ciples. WK r.VY FOIR PER CENT OX SAVINGS Liberty Strwt, Jnst off State J. L. AHLERS, President, W. Q. EAST. Cashier. S. S. EAST, Vice-Pres. DR. U B. STE EVES, u. H. ROBERTS. Directors. To The Visitors of The State Fair We extend a cordial welcome and l request that you make the j OREGON SHOE CO. 175 N. Commercial Street t yur Headquarters, and while here t , it will pay you to investigate our : Prices n SHOES, which are not X equalled in the city. Yours anxious to please, ! OREGON SHOE CO. j replug a gpcaaiiy. u,e Home of Good Shoes i