DAILY CAPITAL JOCRSAL. SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1011. RAILROAD CONSTRUCTION IS RUSHED Oregon F.lectric builders are very ct,e:..,,r,r'k,n crews. The Pat - n barn on South Commercial 't hail three carloads of mules rtereil there and the graders are Sin? that place headquarters for their livestock. The ek will witness active -work the construction of the Oregon tiwtric between Albany and Salem, nd residents are decidedly jubilant ,,r the prospect of rapid progress m It The first grading camp to be .tab'lMied by the contractors is at Bull Back, on the Santiam bottom between Miliersburg and Jefferson. A large force and 75 to 80 teams will be placed at work In that locality as miickly as they can be procured. Practically all right of way mat ters between Albany and Salem have bn adjusted, and no delay will ob tain from this source. Fuller & Mn, subcontractors, will establish supply headquarters at Al bany and have rented a por.tion of tbs biiildine at the foot of Broadal bla street owned by the Albany Sand , 4 Gravel company, for office rooms ' and storage purposes. The coning of the Oregon Electric will be celebrated by the Albany Commercial club by a big get to gether meeting and beefsteak dinner Jubilee to bo held at the Armory Monday evening. Committees, of the club and ladies' auxiliary have the affair in charge. It is expected that President Gray will be the guest of honor ami principal speaker of the evening- o CHARTER READY FOR SUBMISSION TO THE COUNCIL Sunili v the city was filled up Five members of the charter board met Sunday and worked half a day putting the finishing touches on a number of matters in the new com mission charter that is being framed for the city of Salem. A number of Important changes were made and if another week could be spent on the document it would be in almost per fect shape to submit to the voters. It was decided to have it ready to present to the city council this even ing. Among other changes it was de cided to allow the commission to make an assessment for a public Im provement at any tme between th letting of a contract for public im provements and the completion of the contract. The commission was given power to order sidewalks con structed along city property. Sec ton 100 was amended by prohibiting any commissioner from appointing any member of his familv or person dependent on him for a livelihood to My office or employment In the cltv. The franchise section was changed so that the commissioners have the authority to insert a common user clause if they deem it in the Interest of the city. This matter has betn a bone of contention. While the Ore gon Electric was granted a franchise without general common user clause, an effort is being made to force a common user clause on the Southern Pacific. Those present at the charter board meeting yesterday were Geo. F. Rod gers, Gideon Stolz, Alderman War ing, Henry G. Meyers and M. 0. Buren. o WAS PINCHED WITHOUT A POLICEMAN i Patrick Cahlll, a wood cutter near i Vancouver, sat down on a log to eat his lunch Saturday. There was noth ing particularly startling about that, but It was because Pat 8at down before he had completed the small job he was working on that it be came exciting. He had driven a wooden wedge, or "glut," Into the log In an attempt to split It, and had opened a crack in the log an Inch wide.. When Pat, who Is presumably ; "round built," at least, sat down a small piece of that portion of his anatomy he uses as a cushion In sitting, crowded down into the crack. The wedge, with that total depravi ty which seems to pervade all Inan imate nature, and having the ex cuse of being made slippery by a gentle rain that was falling, flew out of the log. The log seized the oppor tunity, and also the small portion of Pat'8 anatomy heretofore alluded to, by coming suddenly together. There i was no one near, the axe was out of reach, so he could not drive In an other wedge, and Pat was it. Pat ! got out his knife and cut the cloth 'of his pants loose around the hold he log had on It, then, with much ' facial distortion and painful mas saging, he finally extricated the en trapped piece of himself. The dam age was not serious. I o GERMANY AND ! FRANCE ARE AT i DANGER POINT UNITED PRESS LEASED WII1E. Paris, Sept. 11 Germany's coun ter proposals in the Moroccan dispute are admitted today to have greatly increased they French tension, which is now considered to be near the danger point. While n'o government statement has been given out, It is said that Germany demanded an outlet from the Congo via the Sangar river, most favored nation treatment In Morocco; 40 per cent of the Moroccan, public contracts, Instead of 20 per cent, as specified In the Algeclras treaty, and that France become responsible Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn ... '. wvv ' ' - ' s- i : Doctor of Optics Located in United States National Bank Building, rooms 210-211. Eye Strain Illness is plainly to be seen in the weak ened and irritated appearance of the eye, the persistent and distress ing headaches, pains in temples or forehead, blurring together of let ters, and that frown which is begin ning to spoil the face; together with those there Is the effect on the gen eral health, which is great In many cases. Let me give you the value of my 30 years experience In fitting of glasses for eyestrain in all its forms. You are invited to come where uhMiliile accuracy in correcting eye defects Is placed above every other consideration. No extra charges for examination. My prices are lower than elsewhere for the service and material you get of me, and I can refer you to over three hundred prominent citlzsns of Salem that I have fit since com ing here. The entire problem lies in these words Rightly Fitted Lenses, Fit ted by the Right Man. All broken lenses replaced while you wait. Office hours 8:30 a. m. to 12 m.; 1 to 5 p. m. Evenings by appointment. The store where all have an equal show "The Cash Plan keeps you out of debt for the stability of the Moroccan government. It is a foregone conclusion! that France will refuse. The serious aspect the situation wears was seen today in the Issuance of a hasty summons to Paul Cambron, French ambassa dor to England, to return here at once for a conference. , o Common Colds Must Be Taken Seriously For unless cured they sap the vitality , and lower the vital resistance to more serious Infection. Protect your child ren and yourself by the prompt use I of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound , and note Its quick and decisive re , suits. For coughs, cold, croup, whoop , ing cough, bronchitis and affections , of the throat, chest and lungs it is an lever ready and valuable remedy. Re i member the name, Foley's Honey and J Tar Compound and refuse substitutes. The genuine is in a yellow package. I Red Cross Pharmacy (H. Jerman). A ' ' A . . i Read This Ad. Clear Through! MR. FARMER, ATTENTION! While you are in town taking in the t Fiftieth State Fair, do not fail to call at J j our office at 279 N. Commercial street, and let us look over those "bungalow de- I i sign books." i Artistic Homes Are a Joy Forever 4 not While vou build, build right ! While Goods." FALLS CI MBER CO. TYLU Phone 813 P. S. If you can use another one of those "Good Horse Whips," cut out this Ad. and present it at our office. I Come While They Last The "Touch and Go" Apparent in our Fall Clothes is the essen tial that most good dressesrs appreciate. Going to the ,rBig Fair?" Of ,course, you are, but before you go over, come in and see our exhibition , 2i Brandegee Kincaid & Co. Clothes are in the "Blue Ribbon Class," Isn't that the kind you wnat to dress up with? We would like to show you what $15.00 cash will buy NECKWEAR New Four-in-hand, Bows, Windsors, Shield and band Tecks. Very pretty designs. BIANDICtE KINCAID C O. CLOTHES. ookntotke lYiiteJouscSh we pm t FOR WOMEN Yoo will find it to be a thorougj-.ty rcBabIc foot dress. The outside qualities of good leather, artistic de fign, comfortable shape and high class workman ship are easily discernible, and a close examination of the made will reveal smooth, accurately cut. ,M quality linings ar.d high grade trimmings. Thev -ire cuintv a'lJ Iriia and veil b-jli; thrciir-hoat and the comfort feature nlnn So raw 'v..jL!y nukes many friends for tLU shes. '. ha is a lur-3 vtflciy ef styles, in all leathers, and your exact size and particular shape CoU be ban Barnes' Cash Store in all Suede, all Velvets, Patent Leather V amps and Suede or Velvet tops all buttons, Patent Leathers, Kid and Gunmetal, in both Lace .and button. 'f4- -' ' -v A complete line of Men's and Children's Dress Shoes, and Men's and Boys' Heavy Shoes for the rainy season, at prices that will interest you The STRONGEST Umbrella mads ( UMBRELLAS Just opened a shipment of um brellas for men, women and children, in all grades and newest designs, Among them is the new "India" the little umbrella with the wide spread. You should see them, SILK WA1STINGS A new lot of pretty plaid and stripes that will please you im mensely, If you have any use for silks, it will pay you to go a block out of your way to see tnem. a TRIMMINGS A limited assortment of Fancy Black Coat trimmings, excep tionally rich in quality and design, WOMEN and CHILDREN'S Light weight underwear 20c, 25c and 40c grades reduced to 10c and 15,c garment, WHERE QUALITY OVERLAPS PRICES GOMPERS WILL MAKE SPEACHES FOR HARRIMAN i 279 North Commercial UNITED rBES9 LEASED WIBE.1 Loa Angeles, Cat., Sept. 11. Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, la resting here today, following a very busy Sunday. After a conference with Attorney Clarence Darrow, dur ing which .the McNamara defense was thoroughly gone over, the aged la bor leader conferred with Job Har riman, Socialist candidate for mayor, and then delivered a vigorous ad dress to an overflow audience In one of Los Angeles' biggest auditoriums. Gompers began his address by challenging the right of men to at tempt to apply to present day condi tions the policies of 100 years ago, and declared that the opponents of labor had started too late. "These people," he' said, "have' lost their opportunity to brlrag the working people to a state where they might be dictated to oy those who would reckon with thorn as slaves and serfs. The men of labor In this country are not typified by the 'Man With the Hoe.' There are no bent backs; they stand erect, demanding the cultivation of opportunities, and the best there Is In them." In reviewing the details of the Lon don strike, Gompers paid a glowing tribute to David Lloyd George, as the man of the hour, and a "man who snld 'the Lord's will be done,' and did it." In discussing the future of the working man, he said: "Just a word of the future. It Is the hope of labor to make today bet ter than yesterday, and tomorrow bet ter than today: to make the struggle of life less bitter; to make better manhood and womanhood, and to make the world better for our pos terity than when we entered it. The millions will rise up and thank us for the struggle we have made for the universal brotherhood of man." YOU TAKE JiO RISK Our lii'piiliifliiu mill Money Is Buck of This Oner. We pay for all the medicine used during the trial, If our remedy falls to completely relieve you of consti pation. We take all the risk. You are not obligated to us in any way whatever, if you accept our offer. Could anything be more fair for you? Is there any reason why you should hesltnte to put our claims to a prac tical test? The most scientific, common-sense treatment Is ltexall Orderlies, which are eaten like candy. They are very tl uuuum;t;u, geuim turn JitruMuut ill action, and particularly agreeable In every way. They do not cause diar rhoea, nausea, flatulence, griping or any inconvenience whatever. ltexall Orderlies are particularly good for children, aged and delicate persons. We urge you to try Rexall Older lies at our rlHk.- Three sizes, 10c, 2.")C ad r,0c. Remember, yon can get Rexall Remedies in this community only at our store The Rexall Store. .). C. I'erry, Druggist. o Sollcc to Contractors. Bids will be received by W. C. Knighton, architect, at state house until Monday, September 18, at 10 a. in., for the erection of a brick hospital building for Ort,6on school for Deaf Mutes. Bids to be submit ted on form furnished by architect und to be accompanied by certified l'iiuck ror juiiu. 9-ll-3t o Foley Kidney nils Will reach your Individual case If you have any form of kidney or blad der trouble, any backache, nervous ness, rheumatism, uric acid poisoning or Irregular and painful kidney ac tion. Jtefore you reach the limit of physical enduance, and while your condition is still curable, take Foley Kidney Pills. Their quick action and positive results will delight you. Try them. Red Cross Pharmacy, H.Jennan. STRAIN TOO CHEAT Hundreds nf Siilcni Readers Hail) Toll u Burden. Find "Can be depended opon" Is an expression we all Ike to bear, and when It Is used In connection with Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It means that It never falls to cure diarrhoea, dysen tery or bowel complaints. It Is pleas ant to take and equally valuable for children and adults. Sold by all dealers. ;..;' The hustle and worry of business men, The bard work and stooping of workmen, The woman's household cares, Are too great a strain on the kid neys. Hackache, headache, dizziness, Kidney troubles, urinary troubles follow. A Salem citizen tells what to do. Mrs. W. If. Wood, 733 N. Front street, Salem, Oregon, says: "Al though I have never had occasion to use IJoan's Kidney Pills myself, I know that this remedy Is an excel lent one for kidney and bladder trou ble. It has been used In my family with the most satisfactory results." For sale by all dealers. Price, f0 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the I'nlted States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. , o Kills Mnrdercr. A 'merciless murderer Is appendi citis with many victims, but Dr. King's New Life Pills kill It by pre vention. They gently stimulate stom ach, liver and bowels, preventing tbat clogging that invite appendi citis, curing constipation, headache biliousness, chills. 25c at J. C Perry's. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy Is today the best known medicine In usu for the re lief and cure of bowel complaints. It cures gripping, diarrhoea, dysentery, aua Biioum do taKen at the first un natural lOORCntRH nf Iht hnvola It Is equally valuable for children and uuuuh. ii aiways cures, sola by all dealers. o Davis Creek, near Lakevlew, Is to have a big apple show soon to adver tise the Goose Luke frnli ln.lt whl-h is rapidly coining into prominence. A Fierce Klglit Alarm. Is the hoarse, startling cough of a child, suddenly attacked by croup. Often It aroused Lewis Chamblln, of Manchester, C, (R. R. No. 2- for their four children were greatly sub ject to croup. "Sometimes In se vere attacks,' he wrote, "we were afraid that they would die, but since we proved what a certain remedy Dr. King's Now Discovery Is, we have no fear. We rely on It for croup and for coughs, colds or any throat or lung trouble." So do thousands of others. So may you. Asthma, Hay Fever, La Grippe Whooping Cough, Hemorrhages fly before It. 60c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. Sold by J. C. Perry. CHICHESTER S PILLS j-v 1 UK IIIAIIIIMI HKAM. jT f.iV Vvli ! 'l: lH-t"' IHnln.il. J Tir., rJ'a ' '"" ln " ""1 Uiiia mruiikWy Tr HI Win HIN,n. V Pi tlhi-p. Ilur of four I I (ft mnU A.k r lli.l liV. tpi tit A UlkUII lib I t li . Z. ' " mw (.am r t i.i.h, lot Mfh SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWhTRF. GREAT CHINESE DOCTOR L. M. HUM. Has medicine wnto will cure any known disease. He makes a special ty of end guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung, throat, rheumatism, debility, stomach, liver, kidney troubles, a1o any blackened or ol!en soreness, broken limbs; smallpox epidemic; all kinds of bolls, loht manhood, female weak ness, hernia troubles and paralysis Consultation free. Care of Tick Se Tong Co., Chinese drugs and herbs Office bouri from 10 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 7 p. m. Office open Sun-lays, 153 High street, upstairs. Salem. f: . . . ) All patent medicines or medicines ad vertlsed In this paper are for sale at DR. STONE'S Drug Store The only cash drug store In Oregon, owes no one, and no one owes It, carries large stock; Its shelves, counters and show cases are loaded with drugs, medicines, notions, toi let articles, wines and liquors of all kinds for medicinal purposes. Dr. Stone Is a regular graduate In medi cine 'and has bad many years of ex perience In the practice. Consulta tions are free. Prescriptions are free, and only regular price for mcd- 1 Iclne. Dr. tone can be found at his i drug store. Salem, Or. from T ln the morning until 9 at niglit. North Commercial street, Salem, Oregon.