Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 11, 1911, Page PAGE TWO, Image 4

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oil the Farmllffi I
The Telephone
Keeps the Wheels Moving
OMETHING broken down. Maybe it's the plow or the
mowing machine.
What's to bo done .Delay means loss.
Tlio nearest supply depot may bo miles away. It may be that the
neressaiy pnrt can only bo obtained in somo distant city.
The Boll SorvlCR does tho work.
Tho farmer gets Into quick communication with the dealer and shin
mont Is mado without dolay.
No woudor tho enterprising farmer regards the Bell Service as an es
sential to success.
Arc you trying to g t along without it?
Posts the Farmer on Market
NO useless trips to town for the progressive farmer. His
Bcil Telephone Saves him all that.
The latest market quotations are his, and he waits until market con
ditions nro right before shipping produce.
Tho Hell Telephone Is ai necessary to the up-to-the-minute farmer as
nro modem agricultural implements. He must have both.
Saves Time on the Farm
HE farmer with the Bell Telephone Service at hand,
doesn't have to travel in rainy weather.
The Belle Telephone Service saves him all that.
There are always a lot of rainy-day chores about the farm.
Instead of spoiling a day In going to town, the farmer goes to his
Bell Te ephone and does his business. The time saved can be spent
profitably. v
Indispensable in Emergencies
HE sickness of a valuable animal on the farm demands
prompt attention.
Often Saves Human Life
HEN the doctor is summoned to the farm, it is gener
ally in an emergency case.
Often It is a matter of life or death.
A member of the family has been stricken with a sudden illness or
an accident has occurred,
Every minute reduces tho chances of recovery.
It la then that the Hell Telephone Is "worth Its weight In gold'' to the
nnxlnus farmer.
It pays for Itself then and there.
An Economizer of Time
and Labor.
P ROM seed time to harvest, the farmer is a busy man.
That's why the shrewd farmer appreciates the value of the Bell Tele
phone Service.
He may bo miles from the railroad and the nearest shipping point HA
"PWting a freight shipment what does he do? With his Bell Tele
phone ho calls up the freight agent. If the shipment has not arrived
no ust In goiug to town.
There's always plenty at hand to do. The Bell Service gives him
hUn n cfSe .for ? vo,erinar- a case where minutes count. That's where
the Bell Service shows its value to the farmer.
By means of the telephone the veterinary is reached, and he at once
tells tho farmer what to do until he arrives.
Serv'lcear"Sighted ,armer gcts along wlthout the protection of the Bell
He can never tell when it is going save him from serious loss. Be
sides, ho has daily proof of its usefulness.
A Blessing to the Farmer's
HE Bell Telephone service lightens the domestic tasks
of the farmer's wife.
Iro the family circle the Bell Service Is Indispensible. It is a constant
household companion. It shops for her when she Is too busy tc uo to
town It brings her in close touch with the social life of the community
Loved ones far away may be reached, for the Bell field is almost limit!
ittii e"Th ,he mono'onyf, ,lte' she cnnot lonesome with the
Bell Sen ice at her command, t Is a constant source of pleasure and
porllt in the home circle. ' e QU
Promotes Social Life
0 one watches current events more closely than
His Bell Service keeps him in touch with the outside world.
The It. P. D. has helped him wonderfully.
Tho Bell System helps him still more.
It enables him to do business direct.
Every Bell Telephone Is the center of the whole Bell Svstem.
If not enrolled join the great army of farmers who feefthat thev cm
not do business without the Bell Service. 7
The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co.
One System
Universal Service
One Policy
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