Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 09, 1911, Image 6

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John Wesley's View Linked to
John Gala's.
Pa.tor Ruaeell Findt II BttwMn Eleo
tion and Frae Grac H. 8aya That
Every 8inn.r Will Yet Hava Full
Opportunity to Raturn to Divina Fa
vcWRiver of tho Water of Life" la
For tha Non-Elaot Alona.
Mt Lake Tark,
Mil., Sept. 3.-A1-though
this Is an
after-season for
the Camp Meet
ings, Chnutauqno
and other gather
ings here, the after-season
tion of the Inter
national Bible Stu
dents now In ses
sion outshines all
the In season As-
i- .-Hi
nemljllos of many
years. The program Is an exteunlve
During the ten days of the Con
vention addresses will he given by
sixty mlnlHters and Instructors of the
Association. The teachings are Inter
denominational, nnsectartun. Pastor
Russell of Brooklyn Tabernacle, and
now also of London Tabernacle, Is the
President of tho Association. Ills was
the principal address of today. The
auditorium was crowded. Probably In
compliment to Methodists, Pastor Rus
sell took for his text what ho claimed
was John Wesley's favorite "And the
Spirit and the Brldo sny, Come; and
whosoever will, let him tako tho water
of life fn-ely" (Itevelatlon xxll, IT).
He said:
What Waslay Could hoi Baliava.
Our Methodist friends who own this
spacious Auditorium have generally
forgotten the speHnl ttmrhlngg of
Brother Wesley, which brought them
to the front of his denomination at a
time when Calvin's theory of the elec
tion of sal 11 tH to glory and the predes
tination of all others to eternal torture
was the basic thought of Protestantism
Brother Wesley's voice rang out clear
and full "I cannot believe that Ood
prediwtluatcd to eternal torture tho
masses of mankind beforo they were
born. I iniiHt believe that Ood Is Love
oml that Ills love and Ills Justice
would give to every sinner a full op
portunity for return to Dlvlno favor
and to everlasting life through Christ.
Brother Calvin, Indeed, hus certain
Scriptures dllllcult to apply, respecting
election und the elect, but I Imvo one
Bcrlpture at leaHt which tells of a free
dom of IMvlne grace. The 'river of
tho water of life" Is not declared to be
for the elect, but fur 'whosoever will.'
1 take i;iy s' '.ml upon that text."
Brother Wi. (ley's battle-cry "(led Is
Lovo ami will surely give every mem
ber of Adam's nice nn opportunity "or
eternal life through Chi lit"-has lome
ringing down to our day. And al
though Cht'lMluiiH have In come sick
and tlreil of their endeavor to harmo
nize the doctrines of Klm-llun n ml 1'rue
draco and are now trying to forget
doctrines altogether, nevertheless John
Wesley's theory has overwhelmed John
Calvin's. The vast majority of Pres
byterians, Baptists. Congregatlonnllsts,
etc., professing Calvin's tenets, really
believe Wesley's-that (iod Is Love and
will surely give every member of our
race a full opportunity for salvation,
and that He predestinated none of
them io eternal torture.
Truth In Both Thaorioi.
There are elements of truth In both
theories, as we now see: "The path
of the Just Is as the shining light,
which slilneth more nnd more unto
the perfect day," We are Hearing the
perfect day, and hence should under
stand the Bllilo better than did our
forefathers, who did not have the won
derful Bibles Christians now possess,
with marginal references, concordances
and other helps! Ability to rend also
Is universal today. Oh, what winner
of Bible students we should be! Many
Christians, however, discouraged by
the Inconsistencies and contradictions
Of the various creeds, Catholic and Pro
testant, Imvo abandoned their creeds
nd abandoned their Bibles nlso, erro
neously believing; the latter to be the
basis of the former. Wo must not
share this mistake. While doing all In
our power to remove nil tho creed
fences which divide Cod's people Into
sects and parties, let us hold fast to
the Bible, the m st wonderful li.mk
In the world. It Is only beginning to
bo understood; Its truo l!;Tlit Is shlnln
today ns never Is'fore. We nro In the
time mentioned by the rrvmhet, when
the "wise Khali understand" (lnnlel
Xll. 10).
Brother Calvin was right In pnrt
lo the extent that he was In harmony
Mill the Hlblt-, which teaches us to
strive to fulfil our Covenant with the
Lord, that thus we may "make our
calling and election sure." It does not
teach the predestination which Calvin
taught and which Wesley objected to
tho predestination of the wicked to
an eternity of torture. The only pre
destination mentioned In the Bible Is
connected with the Church, the saints.
God predestinated (hat none could Im
of the Church class, the Bride class,
xcept such ss would IsK'omo copies
of Ills Bon. the Redeemer. That pre
The Renewal Strain,
- Vacation Is over. Again the uchool
bell rings at morning and at noon,
: again with tens of thousands the
hardest kind of work has begun, the
renewal of which Is a mental and
physical strain to all except tha most
n W - Jk
destination stands unalterable, but It
bas no effect upon others than the
elect It merely :ty that none ex
cept the aulnlly shail participate In the
election. It si'.vs not one word about
the fate of tl.e iio:i-eiect. Read Ro
mans vili, Z't 'M uud you will see this
for yourself. To this, the Scriptural
predestination, none call object. It Is
the unscriptural deductions which have
caused us dilliculty.
Brother Wesley was in exact accord
with the Bible In his declaration that
every member of our race must have a
share In the grace of G d In Christ.
However, what Brother Wesley did not
see was that the great Plan of the
Ages is not confined to one century
nor to one Age. He did not see that,
while this Crosicl Age is exclusively
devoted to the selection of the Church
class, Invited to be "tho Bride, the
Lamb's Wife," there Is a coming Age
In which Christ and His glorified
Bride will extend Divine mercy to the
Ths Kay to tho Mytt.ry
Is expressed In the Apostle's words,
"In due time." Our great Creator need
not be In haste. He has all eternity
before II) id. He allowed four thousand
years to pass before lie sent His Son
to redeem the worfd nnd He hus since
taken nearly two thousand years In
the selection of our Lord's elect Bride.
Ho hus appointed an additional thou
sand In which Jesus and Ills Bride,
the glorified Church, will establish a
lelgn of righteousness In the earth for
tire overthrow of sin and the uplifting
of the sinners. Socially? Yes. Physi
cally? Yes. Morally? Yes. Intellec
tually? Yes. Out of sin und deuth?
Yes! Back to harmony with Ood if
they will? Yes! No freer grace is Imag
inable than that which the Almighty
hus provided through tho Savior. Of
It St. Paul declares, "Ood wills to have
all men to be saved and to be brought
to a knowledge of the Truth." To this
end He has appointed one Mediator,
"who gave Himself a Ransom for all,
to be testified In duo time" (I Timothy
11, 4-Ci).
The "due time" for the Gospel call
dates from Pentecost. But It is not a
cnll for the world, but for a special
class, the Bride class, to walk sacrl
fjclully In the footsteps of Jesus and to
gain the great reward of Jolnt-helrshlp
with Him In His Kingdom. The "due
time" fur this work will soon be at an
end when the last probationary mem
ber of the Church shall have made his
calling and election sure and when the
"door Into the marriage" shall shut.
But tho due thno for the masses of
mankind to hear of His grace und to
respond thereto Is still future', us Broth
er Wesley's favorite text will show us.
Before examining His text wo will
note the fact that throe-fourths of the
human family today are heathen in the
most absolute sense of the word and
many of tho other fourth lire heatlicii
In n truthful sense. Why do they not
see tho grace of Ood In Christ? St
Paul answers, "Because tho god of this
world hath blinded their minds," be
cause "darkness covers tho earth and
gross darkness the people" (II Corin
thians lv, 4; Isaiah lx, 'J).
But why does Ood not scatter the
darkness nnd open all the blind eyes
and unstop tho deaf ems? W e answer,
because, although He has promised to
do these very things, Ills due time for
their accomplishment is not yet come.
He merely culls Ills elect during tills
dark time, requiring them to prove
their worthiness by walking faithfully
In the dark: "We wall; by faith and
not by sight."
With the completion of the elect
Church at the coining 'uf the Redeemer
after the marriage, when she will he
the Rrldc then both Bridegroom and
Bride will shine forth in glory, scatter
ing all the darkness, Ignorance and
superstition of the world. Satan, the
Prince of lmrkness, will be bound
and every evil thing shall be restrain
ed and the light of the knowledge of
tho glory of Ood shall till the earth:
all tlie blind eyes shall be opened and
all the deaf cars shall bo unstopped.
What will be the result? God's Word
answers, that then "every knee shall
bow and every tongue confess to the
glory of lod."
Brother Weel.y'e Proof Taxt.
Brother Wesley's loving heart found
and tightly grasped tho declaration,
"And the Spirit and tho Bride say,
Conic; and let him that hoareth say.
Come; and let him that Is iithlrst come;
and whosoever will, let him take the
water of life freely" (Revelation xxll,
1"). This text, however, lielongs to the
coming Age, to the time when Messi
ah shall reign: "For He must reign
until He hath put all enemies under
Ills feet" (I Corluthluns xv, 2.VH..
There is no Brldo yet to sny, "Come."
We are glad of this, glad that It is
still possible for us (o bivome mem
bers of that Brldo class which must
"make herself ready" for the marriage
and bo forever united to the Lord ns
His Bride at His second coming. Then
by the marriage she will become the
Redeemer's Jolnt-helr to glory, honor
nnd immortality hi the Kingdom.
Then she, In co-operation with the
Spirit of the Lord, will sny, "Come,"
to whosoever wills to como of Adam's
race. Kveryono will say, "Come;"
there will le a world wide invitation.
All the blind eyes shall tie opened to
see the waters of life; all the deaf ears
shall bo unstopped to hear of the gin
clous favor of Ood's love In Christ.
But as there is no Brldo yet to sny,
"Come," neither Is there auy "river of
the water of life" yet to invite them
to. There will be no such river until
after tho establishment of the King
dom for which the Master taught us
to pray, 'Thy Kingdom come; Thy
will lie done on earth ns It Is done In
heaven." Jesus explains that In the
present time His followers do not go to
the rivers of the water of life to drink;
but on the contrary, V says, "Tha
water that I shall glv Mm will be In
rugged. Tho little girl that a few
days ago had roses In her cheeks,
and the little boy whose lips were
then so red you would have Insisted
that they had been "kissed by straw
berries", have already lost some
thing of the appearance of health.
Now Is a time when many children
Mm, well of water springing up uato
everlasting life" (John iv. Hi.
Tha New Jeruaalem Symbol.
The Church in her glorified condition
after the "change" of the First Resur
rection, after becoming the Bride, is
symbolically represented as a City, as
a Government the capital of Ood's
Kingdom, the New Jerusalem, which
will then wmo to, or be established In,
the eurth not a literal city, but, bet
ter, a symbolical one, of the Kingdom.
It will be from under the Throne
of that New Jerusalem, the Messianic
Kingdom, that the "river of the water
of life will flow, clear us crystal." On
either bank of the symbolical river will
be trees of life, whose leaves will be
for the healing of the nations. Then
will be their "due time" to come to
a knowledge of the Truth that Ood
loved them and did not predestinate
them to eternal torture, nor to purga
torial suffering, but sent His Son to die
for them to pay their death penalty
and thus to make possible their restitu
tion to Divine favor (Acts ill, 10-21)
and to all the earthly blessings, privi
leges and rights originally given to
Father Adam lost by his disobedience
and redeemed at Calvary.
My dear friends, here we have the
grnndest and broadest Free Grace pos
sible to be Imagined, in connection with
our Heavenly Father and His great
sulvatlou provided In Christ As every
creature shares In Father Adum's Im
perfection and dying conditions, so
each one is to share In the merit of
Christ's righteousness and sacrificial
death; It shall be "testified to all In
due time." There will be stripes, les
sons, instructions, but they will all be
corrective with a view to the reforma
tion nnd the regeneration of Adam and
his race as human beings not as spirit
beings, not ns angels; Adam and his
race never were such. Only the Church
has been begotten of the Holy Spirit
to a spirit nature; only the Church will
share In the resurrection to spirit con
ditions and be thus "like unto the an
gels." This la Not Universaliam.
These two salvations, now of the
elect, and during Messiah's reign of
the non-elect, do not imply n universal
salvation of our race, but merely a
universal opportunity for everlasting
life. The Scriptures most clearly teach
a Second Death, like the first death,
except that none will bo redeemed
from the Second Death, and nono will
be resurrected from It It therefore
will be, ns St. Pnul declares, an "ever
lasting destruction" (II Thessaloninns
1, 0). As St. Peter declares, the wilful
sinners against light and knowledge
will perish, "like natural brute beosts."
The lessons from these great truths
of the Bible are powerful. They mnke
plain to us that none can bopo to be
of tho heavenly class, of tho Bride of
Christ, except such ns enter tho strait
gate and narrow way tho saints, the
faithful unto death. They tench us
also, in harmony with other Scrip
tures, that those who now cither see
not and hear not, or who see and hear
imperfectly, will miss this great "prize
of our high calling." Nevertheless for
these, heathen nnd others, Ood has
provided more than they could have
thoii',-!it or rKk.d-iui o;-;-:"un!ty for
obtaining human perfection and a
world-wide Eden Paradise restored.
It teaches, also, that every misstep,
every failure to do our best. Is costly
both to the world nnd to ourselves.
To whatever extent the world demeans
nnd degrades Itself, It will have. In
proportion, dilliculty nnd stripes in
connection with tho possibilities and
opportunities of recovery during Mes
siah's Kingdom,
Let us herald wide the story of the
grace of Ood In Christ for every crea
ture: let us show the love of Ood to
nil who have the eyes and ears of ap
preciation. There Is no greater Influ
ence for righteousness than this The
love of Ood and the love of Christ con
stralneth us (It Corinthians v. II). And
In proportion as mankind receive the
same their constraints toward right
eousness Increase. Thus, with clearer
light upon our Father's Word, it Is
time for us all to cast aside the things
of darkness and sectarianism which so
long have separated tho people of Ood
from each other.
Tho Groat Lesson of This.
The lesson to the Church Is gratitude,
loyalty, faithfulness to Him who culled
her out of darkness to the high calling
of Joint heirship with the Redeemer.
"The Bride, tho Lamb's Wife," is to
make herself ready by putting on the
fruits and graces of tho Holy Spirit
mid being renewed nnd transformed.
The lesson to tho world yet is ouly
to those who, to somo extent, hear it
that Ood Is lxm that Ills mercy has
provided a great opportunity for resti
tution that Is nigh at hand; and fur
ther, the lesson is that every good and
every evil deed will make their lnipres- I
sion umiu human character and have !
to do with the stripes, corrections, j
etc., of the future. Mlslmprovcd op-
portunltles In the present life, viola- i
tlons of conscience, etc., will bring
their reasonable retribution In the lire !
to come and make the ascent more j
tedious and the more difficult On the '
coutrary, every good endeavor nud at- '
talnment of self-control will be that
much of mi assistance for the future,
when "the Spirit and the Bride shall
say. Come, and whosoever will may
t'oiuo nnd t-ke of the water of life free
ly" and obtain perfection and everlast
ing life.
1 tmst thut true Christian unity
upon the bajils of Divine Truth ex
pressed in the Bible will be the key
note of this Convention to Its verv
close, I trust that every soul In at
tendance may lie so wanned and
cheered and vivified by the Truth and
Its spirit that, going to his home, th
blessing may tie extended In overflow
ing; measure.
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