f&GB TWO DAILY CAPITAL JOCKXAL, SALEM, OREGOX, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 9. 1911. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL X. HOFEH, Editor and Prorrlotor. R. M. UOTZR, Manager afwtiiilnit tlcw. paper DCTrted to American Principles and th. Promu and DerokeaMnt of All Oregon Pobtlhi Ery Evening Eievpt Sunday. Ssl-sn, Oro. SUBSCRIPTION HATESl (Invariably In Advance) ttMr.br Carrier, per fear 6.00 Per month- ,. 50c fcftr.br Mall, per year- 4.W Per month Kc IVklj, by Mail Per year- 1.00 SUmooUia FULL LEASED WLRA TELEGRAPH &EP0RV HOW LONG, OH, HOW LONG SHALL OREGON BE PARAD .ED AS THE FOOL OF THE FAMILY? The people are interested to know that the appropriation to help the federal government to construct the free locks and canal at Oregon City is still available, according to the statement of Gov ernor West. The history of the long struggle for free locks and canal at Oregon City has been told so many times the people are pretty familiar with it. Under the Pennoyer administration the time lapsed for inde pendent state ownership. The state lost its right to take over the property. Some years ago the matter was again taken up by the Willam ette Valley Development Leagueand Open River Association, and the legislature was about to act, on a bill for state ownership. Congressman Hawley '-opposed that and took the position that the state and the federal government should share the expense. That prevailed and the rivers and harbors committee took the position that the Willamette being entirely within the borders of the state, unless the state took the first step the federal gov ernment would not act. So several successive legislatures were induced to put up the $300,000 appropriation conditioned on congress passing a bill to purchase, acquire by condemnation or construction of an entirely new locks and "anal. This was done. For two years the matter has dragged, and the U. S. engin eering department has decided to locate a new locks and canal on the east aide of the river on the Oregon City side. EDITORIAL PAGE This, the Oregonian has shown, would involve destruction of business property and power sites, and a total expense for mere right of way of about two million dollars before there wa3 ever a dollar spent digging the canal. No more effectual way could be adopted to block and defeat the whole enterprise than to locate it on the east side of the river. It would involve the whole matter in litigation in the federal courts, and take years of litigation to determine the mere matter of right of way. Is this in the interest of transportation, or in the interest of corporations that do not want an open river with free transpor tation through the locks and canal? Let any business man or producer or shipper in the Willamette valley think for a moment, and he will come to the conclusion that there is only one logical place for the locks and canal, and that is where they are now located. The big interests, through their agents and attorneys, have undoubtedly found a way to paralyze the efforts of the people who want an open river. The west side of the river has locks and canal that can be en larged and can be acquired. The people appreciate Governor West's manly word? to the effect that the state is willingand ready, and has the power to do its part what is necessary tobreak the embargo on water transportation for Western Oregon by remoivng fifty cents a ton lockage charge, and all other charges that are taken in the form of toll, and which make continuous passage of freight and pas sengers on the river from Portland south into the richest terri tory on God's fo'tstool almost impossible. We need more state and federal officials like West, who ener getically and everlastingly take the producer's side of this mat ter, and are not half-hearted about it. Congressman Hawley will have to explain some matters about his connection with the free locks and canal. He was accused by the Portland Journal with having let the matter fail in the house, and then the appropriation was put into the bill in the senate. If the Portland Journal is not merely making political capital out of this Congressman Hawley should awaken to the import ance of this matter, which has dragged about long enougn, ana some one is responsible. A congressman should not require jabbing and prodding on a matter vital to the producers of Western Oregon. The people of Oregon are paying tolls that in the aggregate amount to sums estimated at $100,000 to $200,000 per annum. The congressman from this district should not be indifferent about so great a matter. It should not be allowed to drag two years longer, and then fail for trickery and jobbery at the hands of the agents cf the interests who do not want water transportaation into the heart of Western Oregon. The Willamette river has practically been kept closed to- traf fic by neglect and indifference, and the people have paid the bill. Not one good, hearty protest has been uttered at this delay, and at this outrageous dilly-dallying with the free locks and ca nal at Oregon City, that should stir the blood of a congressman, if he has a drop of red blood in his veins. There is complaint that Oregon gets almost nothing for re clamation work. States like Idaho, Washington, Wyoming and Montana are get ting from five to ten millions per annum to develop government irrigation plants, and Oregon is happy to have a million or two million, or even not to have Oregon projects condemned. Oregon is made the fool of the family by these lackadaisical politicians who only do a little hollering about a thing to get re nominated and re-elected, and then subside and put up no fight for Oregon interests for two years. The people are sick and tired of such representation, and the Republican party has had to bear the load of the helpless par alytic styles of statesmanship that goes limning about on crutch es, while more active delegations walk off with the pie. How much longer shall the development of the state drag by the heels, while the representatives fail to deliver the goods and are petted and made much of by the corporations that profit bv their indolence and failure to fight for the interests of the state and the cash accounts of the producer? Knees Became Stiff Five Year of Severe Rheumatism The cure of Henry J. Gold?':'? Barton Street. Boston. Ma . u tll.i er vlctorv bv Hn,i0 ar,0IB- This great medicine has r.S'.'I' failed. Mr. GoluWe in tWr!7 fered from rheumatism rive yeiM l kept me from business and ca.iAJ1 cruciatlng pain. My knees wouM rnm n stiff an atnei i 'J medicines without relief, thin nooa s aarsaparuia, soon felt n k hotter nnfl nnw fnnoi.).... " ''-UCa ------- . "V myself en tiroly cured. I recommend H - v-" Clot li tnHav In 1101...I 11.... ' 1 chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs i M tar THE GRANDEST DISPLAY OF SUPERB FIRE WORKS EVER SEEN IN NORTHWEST I)S ANGELES FIREWORKS CO., UNDER PERSONAL DIRECTION OP W. II. WILSON WILL GIVE GREATEST PyROTEOIINIOAL DIS. PLAY EVER 8EEEN IN THE NORTHWEST PROGRAM FOR MON DAY NIGHT. 1 Signal guns for commencement of display. , 2 Illumination of the grounds and surroundings by numerous powerful beacons, enhanced by balloons bearing illumlnants, making the grounds as light as day. 3 WlllMon'B latent devlco, William Tell. Portraying the Swiss higond, In which William Toll shoots the apple from the hoad of his son, and gains Ii la freedom. 4 Rockets of new em huea and novel effects. 6 Floral bombcttcs. 8 Battory of feathery Are. 7 Set piece fountains of amethysts and sapphire, 5 8ot piece cluster of mngmlum whoels, the most beautiful and Intensely brilliant revolving device yet devised. 9 Union repoator shells, throa brtaka. 10 Volley of glittering silver BauclsHons, 11 Rocketa displaying suspended Jowels, changing to Cascade of Silver. 12 Set piece Roosevelt Dam, a roaring cataract of liquid llro. 13 Dragon shells new and novel. 14 Hugo rockets displaying seven parachutes. 15 Shooting star rockots. 16 Set piece The Star of Aurora, a cluster of electric radiants. 17 New Herringbone shells. 18 Pyro piano, a great novelty raising and falling swooping Uko a bird. 19 Shells with six distinct breaks. 20 Hut piece The horizontal bar performer. 21 RocketB displaying festoons of Jewels, on twin parachutes which part and form two dhttinct displays, 22 Batetrles of old gold. 23 The latat sholl, producing a trail of Jewels which change to a water fall. 24 Huga shells, making 32 distinct displays. 25 Mammoth projectile 21 Inches, producing an acre of Jewels, 26 Battery of national colors. 27 Tourhtlllons of table rockets. 28 Twolftli rocket displaying quintettes of paruchutee from which de pends asteroids with liquid silver finish. 29 Arul halequluado produced by the discharging of a 24th projectile of new and novel design. SO Chantant des Olseaux, a weired effect, resembling tho noise mado by a flock of migratory birds. 31 Triple set piece, comprising a huge revolving center fountain flanked by lesser fountains, producing a cascade effect In liquid gold, 75 feut long. What Ails You? Do you feel weak, tired, despondent, have frequent brad aehet, coaled tongue, bitter or hud Lute in morning, 'hcart-hurn," belching of gm, acid minga in throat after ting, stomach gnaw or burn, loul breath, dizzy spells, poor or variable appetite, nausea at timet ami kindred ymutuini P II you have any considerable number of the above aymptoma you are autlerliij from bilious new, torpid liver with indication, or dyapepaia. Dr. Tleree'a Golden Medical Dinoov.ry ia made op ol til moat valuable medicinal principlca known to medical science for the permanent nr of such abnormal conditions. It ia a most tffloLnt liver inviforator, stomach tonic, bowel regulator and nerva tr.nfth.n.r. The Golden Medical Discovery" Is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum, lull list e( its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper and attested vader oath. A glance at these will show that it contains no alcohol, or harm ful hsbil-lormiug drugs. It it a fluid extract made with pure, triple-refined giyoerine, ol proper strength, from the roots ol native American medical, forest plants. World's Dispensary Medioal Association, Props., Buffalo, N. V. 32 The Maelstrom shell producing a hue column of revolving fire 33 Flight of six 8-pound chain rockets, filling the sky with pendant of color changing Jewels. 34 Set piece Huge revolving sun, a series of Immense wheels rotating In opposition with many changes and actinic climax. 3,' Volley of 1 6-Inch shells producing an acre of Jewels, (ii'iind Pyrotechnic Display, 30 Aerial warfare depicting a coast city replete with sl;v scrapers, war ships lying peacefully at anchor. An aeroplane anil a dirigible are seen approaching. The alarm Is given and special guns are brought Into action as an aeroplane drops missiles Into the city with disastrous effects. Dirigible is brought down by Are from artillery company after It. hns wrecked warship whilst tho roar and de struction of battle Is seen In the background. 37 Grand final melee, 100 rockets and flight of shells THE OPEN FORUM The Capital Journal Invites Public Discussion in This Depart men t Let Roth Sides of All Matter. Re Fully Drought Out It Is Not the Pirrpso of This Newspaper to do the Thinking for Its, Readers. "Economics" Wc Can't Afford la one sense, we could sv money by using cheaper aoap than the very bast, by "iluf cheaper starch and lower priced employee, to. Rut the savins at must would be only a fraction of the resulting losa in reputation. You can count on the fact that w practice no "economy" that take It out of your clothes. We aim to do the finest laundering possible, second to none. Our patrons tell ui we succeed. You will like our work. Try 1L Low est prices guaranteed. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY, Phona 35. 1SS-1M SOUTH LIBERTY STREET Salem, Or., Sept. 9, 1911. Kd. Jounrnal: In a recent Issue of the Statesman, our mayor Is quoted as saying we should not try cases In tho newspapers. If we did not get such facts as are printed In Tho Jour nal, how would we know whnt Is go. Ing on. If you attend tho council meetings all you hear is "hot air,'' and ouo gets disgusted with the school-boy actions of some of Its members. Regarding the Asylum avenue contractor personally, I do know that contractor personiill. I do know that ho hns not been treated right. He had his curb all In, ready to grade, when tho electric line started to work, throwing most of their dirt on the side, same as on State street. Instead of hauling It awny. After they were finished the water company enmo along with a big main as far 03 Seventeenth street, then, when ev erything Is practically ready for him to go ahead, they try to hold him up. It was the same way on D street, It was all graded and stone on the street when along comes the water com pany, digs It upthe full length, and has held that street back as well. Another thing I have noticed that In tho whole length of D street the city has failed to give the property hold era any fire protection, as the only hydrant on tho street Is at Seven teenth and now should they put In hydrants they will have to tear up the street. I would also advise signs to be put up at each end of Winter, Summer and Cottage streets during fair week, so as to notify those desir ing to get to the fair grounds that those streets arei not passable. They talk about the Welch line holding up Improvements, what has the Hill line dome at the Intersection of High and I'hemeketa? Where In the West will you find a city that will allow any Arm or corporation to tear up a street its full length, as Che meketa and State streets now are? You are trying to make a city, but all you are Is an overgrown village. We possibly expect too much of our mayor, hut I happened to be present at the time of his Installation, and what he has promised and what he has done well, think It over. Yours for Improvement, O. E. T. GREAT C1HXKSK DOCTOR L, M. RCM. Has medicine wutt. will cure any known disease. He make a epeclal ty of and guarantee to cure catarrh asthma, lung, throat, rheumatism debility, stomach, liver, kidney trouble. aUo any blackened or taollen soreness, broken Umbo: smallpox epidemic; all kinds of bolla, lost nanhood, female weak neea, hernia troubles and paralysis Consultation free. Care of Tick Sa Tong Co., Chtaeee drugo and herbs Office hours from 10 to J 3 a. m. and I to 7 p. m. Office open Sun lays 153 High street, upstair. Salem. SETTLE IT VI ET ARM1S IN THE JAIL Two prisoners In the city Jail, Sul livan and Pugh, arrested on minor charges, had a vigorous argument in the city prison Tuesday night, and Sullivan won. Sullivan likes Salem's damp night air, and insisted on keep ing the window raised In the "bed room' "of the jail. Pugh was cold and Insisted the window be left down Argument led to blows, and the two men stepped around pretty lively for a few minutes. The window was left up, and Sullivan Is still enjoying the balmy ozono which "works while he sleeps." An Item In a local paper recently Intimated that street fights should be prevented. A city hall offlctal, at that time, asserted that this was Im possible, even If a patrolman was placed In every block In town. The fight In the city jail cinches the fact that as long as men have different opinions, and have muscle and grit enough to back them In their argu ments, fights will occur even on the floor of the police station. It Is said that "a brother Is born to adversity, and men were bom to light," and, In keeping with these predictions, men still continue to wage war, sometimes In the roped arena, again In the po litical Held, in the editorial columns, police courts and battlefield, men still scrap, and Sullivan ami Pugh were only using their heaven-given privi lege In fighting for what they thought "their rights." o Foley Kidney Pills Will reach your Individual case If you have any form of kidney or blad der trouble, any backache, nervous ness, rheumatism, uric acid poisoning or Irregular and painful kidney ac tion. Before you reach Hie limit of physical endurance, and while your condition Is still curable, take Foley Kidney pills. Their quick action and positive results will delight you. Try them. Red Cross Pharmacy, Il.Jerman. Vncle John D.'s Standard Oil stock increased $11,000,000 in value the other day between breakfast and luncheon. No wonder he thinks the Lord Is very good to him. o Ideas, like poets, are born, not made. Not a minute tshould be lost whet, a child shows symptoms of croup. Chamberlain's cough remedy given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, i or even after the croupy cough ap pears, win nrevent the attack. Sold by all dealers. f elebruted Lennox Furnace. The Best Heater It will save rou money everv ri you own It. I will sell and Install the best. Let me give you fieurm See Me About an Individual lighting plant for your home. The best thing In the market for cooking and lighting. A. L. Frasier Phone 13,"i. 258 State Street I FRENCH FEULE ill r ILL), A 9"t, OtKTalX RfLIFF for SumtBSJID MtHfTRPan-M, NEVEH KNOWN TO FAiL. bm Puri Sir st.. I at );!) i.uarantecil it Mirier Hefmi.liil, tSt-ot f)ie.itJ vbvu n-lWei. Samp lea Kree, It your druggiii dje not e iD"in iena your urners to toe CD MELiCA. CO., jox t, Lancaster, Pa, bo.'d in Salem by Or, S. C. Scone The Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet So 'T- IBM! CHICHESTER S PILLS frv . TIIK IMAMOND BRAND. I'lll. In K.d .! k.M mrttll) XV - A) '1 f"'' Him Ribbon V t- 3 r '- Akr.rdl.'ll:.TEKa UIV5U ytan iMiHltA St,t. Al.in KeJUMa SOUBYDRlGOISTSEVIRYttHfRf Salem Fence Works Headquarter for Woran Wire Fencing. Hop Wire, Barb Wire, Poultry Netting. 8hi glea, Malthold Rooflnj, P. A. B. and Ready Roofing. Screen Doors and Adjustable Window Screens. All at the lowest prices. CINS. D. MULLIGAN S50 Court street Phone 114 4 0 iPErjAh A SAVER OF KITCHEN WORK Pantry, cupboard and worktable combined The Hoosier system will cut your kitchen work in two will relieve you of kitchen drudgery. All you need to install this system in your kitchen is a Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet. It relieves the housekeeper of miles of walk ing between pantry, sink, kitchen table and range. It makes a neat and orderly kitchen. It puts at fingers ends everything needed in preparing a meal. 5 LET US PLACE A HOOSIER IN vnnp HOME NOW--ON EY TERMS IFTOU -TTimnniii is n ,