f PAGE FOCR DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON', Tl'ESUAV, SEPTEMBER 5, 1911. ARIZONA ASYLUM IS DESTROYED tCMTID riESR 1I18ID vine Phoenix, Ariz., Sept. 5. The fast wing of the Arizona Insane asylum wai totally destroyed by fire today causing an estimated loss of $50,000. No lives were lost. The patients, apparently stunned by the conflagration, sat on the sur rounding lawns and calmly viewed tho progress of tho flames, neither offering to help flght the flro or make any move to escape. Inmates of the violent ward were carried out to safety after they had fought desperately with attendants. It was necessary to place' several In straight packets before they could be carried to places of safety. Harrison Williams and John Gates, hospital attendants, were overcome while fighting the flames. ISoth will recover. Temporary quarters for the inline patients were secured at the Mari copa hospital. o PLENTY OF CANDIDATES FOR THE PLACE FIFTKKX IIOI'MI KMillT AT NOIUII YAK 1.1 V fMiTrn rRRHH it.arkd wiiib.1 North Yakima, Wash., Hept. H. -Abe Label, of Snn Francisco, and Louis flahn, of Seattle, fought r rounds to n draw before a well filled lioiiHe at the Yakima theater last night The bout was held tinder the auspices of the Golden Gate Athletic club. Doth fighters finished strong, though Label had something the best of the final round and In the opinion of the crowd, would have put out his shifty opponent had the match gone further, Doth weighed In at 132 '& pounds. o Mnjr Yoho to Marry Again. Now York, Sopt. B. That May Yohe and Jack McAullffo, each with two matrimonial experiences, arc to be married was announced by the nct refw and the formor pugilist In her dressing room at a moving picture how In Brooklyn yesterday, while she was waiting for her second ap pearance of tho afternoon. The matrimonial plans were disclosed with hlnta of a tour around the world In a vaudeville sketch. "Twenty year ago," said McAul lffe, "May and I were engaged. Then he went to England and married a lord. Well, I waa knocking about myself and took two chances In the matrimonial game. We ought to be able to make a go or It with our ex perience." o Money for Fire Fighting. In Ninon pirns i.cauch wim.1 Washington, Hept. 6. In response to telegrams from the California au thorities, the I'nlted States forestry service today allotted nn additional appropriation of $12,000 for fighting forest fires In that state. More than 120,000 has been spent tills year for this purpose In California. According to the Oregonlnn, there Is no dearth of congressional timber in that district. In this morning's is sue It says: "Five Republicans have been sug gested already as probable candidates for representatives in congress from this district. That number does not Include I.afferty, who has said that he would try for re-election. John F. Logan, chairman of the Republi can City Central committee, has been considering entering the con test. He expects to decide the mat ter finally within a few days. Rog- er IJ. Sinnott, brother of State Sena tor Slnnott, of The Dalles, would like to make the race, but he Is wait ing to see what some of the other probable candidates will do. O. C. Moser has also been proposed as the i man for the Republican nomination. I Although George S. Shepherd has I not said that he "would run." he has j not announced that he would not. i Tills Is aliuoHt the equivalent of the announcement of his candidacy. j Organized labor Is said to be grooming Ralph C'lyd" for the-place in case Dr. Harry Dane docs not be come the Democratic nominee. An other report has It that Clyde, who was elected state representative from tills county last year, will next year be a candidate for state senator. There prevails a strong suspicion that Dr. Dane has his eyes on the Democratic nomination for either Representative from this district or Senator to succeed Hourne. nut Dane remains as coy as ever. When charged that he has aspirations to go to Washington, he simply smiles and makes no efforts to deny the In dictment. The list of candidates for repreoen tatlve from this district enumerated above Is only the first brood of the fall hatching. The primaries will not be held until next April. Other candidates are sure to incubate In the meantime. o Stocks Arc Weak. Now York, Sept. 5. Stocks showed a decidedly lower level at the open ing of today's market. Canndlan Pacific dropped 3 ',4 on the Initial trading, but later recovered Hi, whan prices hardened. Union Pacific, Reading, St. Paul, B. & 0 New York Central and U. S. steel gnlned one- half. The market closed firm. Bonds were steady. o Common Colds Mnst He Taken Seriously For unless cured they sap the vitality and lower the vital resistance to more serious Infection. Protect your child ren and yourself by tho prompt use of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and note Its quick and decisive re sults. For coughs, cold, croup, whoop ing cough, bronchitis and affections of the throat, chest and lungs It Is an ever ready and vnlunblo remedy. Re member the nome, Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and refuse substitutes. The genuine Is In a yellow package. Red Cross l'harmacy (II. Jcrniank MISS NOBODY FROM STARLAND IS "SOMEBODY" Or SALEM'S THEATRICAL SEASON TO OI'E WITH OSE OF THE MOST itELKiHTFl'L OF MODERN MIS H AL FANT SIES. Mort 11. Singer hai spared n-lr'i-r pains nor money to give "MJs-s No body from Starland" a gorgeous set ting and a notable cast. The scen ery and costumes are pronounced, the most pretentious eer asHembled for a Princess Theater production. The cast Is one of extreme excellence and contains Olive Vail as its star. The chorus fully maintains the repu tation of the Singer management of presenting a bouquet of American beauties In the big feature numbers. I The most, sensational novelty Is a big musical comedy dress rehear""! Hcene. Before the performance the I stage manager calls a rehearsal. I "Stars." "stage hands," "author." "conedlan", "'chorus girls", and "boys" ami all the baek stage cliar- i acters are shown as in real life. And such a rehearsal! It shows the stage manager a "Czar" before whom everybody bows. The stars tight for "line" and "laughs" the author pro tests when his book Is "cut", the chorus forget their business and the stag" hands fall down en their "props." lint the stride manager is undaunted and finally the curtain goes up cn a mock performance. Here is more fun. The audience sees the performance from behind the scenes and witnesses the desper ation of the stage manager when the nuvia Miipi'i lliril lilies ami I'lert, stage hands forget to fire the shots In a battle and the float bearing the leading man to the prima donna at the height fif the big scene, refuses to work. The culmination of the difficulties comes when one stage hand forgets to turn on the "rain storm" which Is supposed to be the 'plece-de-reslstance' of the produc tion, until the curtain Is down, and the stage manager Is yelling like a wild man. "Where the hell Is the rain-storm." "Miss Nobody from Starland" will be seen at the Grand Opera House for one night only on Thursday, Sep tember 14. The management sug gests that an early reservation for seats would be advisable. WILL ASK THE COMMISSIONERS FOR A BRIDGE rv "1 ii mt m m m m r m : w T-.m m 11 n m mm mrm - w jsLMr vi v hilj0 rfSSv -behind-. Wm ! (W ;5L im 14 V szjzrs Announcement W1 rE wish to announce to our friends and the general public that we will open our doors for business Wednesday, Sept. 6th and it is our intention to conduct our business in an honest, straight forward way that will merit the confidence and friendship of the entire shoe buying, public. We wish to continue the large trade that we enjoyed when in this city a short time ago. We will be glad to welcome all of our old friends whether for business or not. Leaders in Fine Footery. When the board of county com missioners convenes tomorrow there will appear before It a delegation from Newberg to urge the board to make an appropriation of $40.0000 for the construction of a $'J(i.o00 bridge across the Willamette river at New berg. The delegation In return for the appropriation, will pledge Itself to see to It that sulllclent money Is raised to build a highway from here to Newberg, and which. If built " will mean a complete modern highway to Portland, as from Newberg on, save a distance of seven miles, there Is now a good road. The money Is al ready subscribed for the construc tion of the seven miles In tiestion. The board of county commission ers, of Yamhill county, has already made an appropriation of $l."i,0UO. and as It Is understood that two of the commissioners of the board for this county are favorable to such an appropriation on condition that the people between here and Newberg will build the road. It seems certain that. It will be made though It may not be made tomorrow. The highway would open up n country which Is now without' rail road facilities anil which Is rich In resources. o SEPTEMBER 14 SAVE THIS DATE FOR THE GRAND It Isn't so very, very long ago, when, perhaps, because of the unfortunate and rather saffronhued publicity at tendant upon the experiences 01 a few singing girls and dancuers in musical comedy productions, the term "chorus girl" was generally accepted as mean ing a flirtatious little girl of the stage whose versatility lay rather In her ability to store away wine and lobster suppers and remain out until the early morning hours, than In her actual dancing and singing tnlent. But the great Interested public began to In vestigate conditions; Its Interest-, probably, was gained from having the publicity put In front of Its very nose And It was but a short time after the Investigators some, women who joined chorus ranks themselves, fcn order to learn the true condition of this phase of life In the mimic world had started their work when It be came known that Instead of the self ish, egotistical little creature she was supposed to be, the chorus girl Is, in reality, a very somber, serious mind ed little person, over alert for an op portunity to advance a step forward and ever ready to do for others as quickly as she would for herself. In few musical comedy productions Is this fac,t found more true than in the chorus ranks of Mort H. Singer's company now playing in "Miss No body From Starland," In which Olive And, moreover, they an Vail Is being starred and who come3 to this city soon. Every one of the girls in the ensemble has some ambi tion for the stage, one to be a great singer, another to be a comedienne, another to be a great dancer and then there are some who have chosen the work of the chorus because they find the pay more remunerative than in the shop or In the factory, and be-' cause, hopeful little creatures that they are, they seek to learn by travel, that which they might have learned earlier In the school or university had their parents' means permitted. These girls are not always consumed with an ambition to have their names em blazoned in flaming letters over' the theater door. The girls In "Miss Nobody From Starland" are' pretty all of them. They are ambitious, each In one way or another, thrifty. Evidence of the latter Is found In the fact that they have formfcd a sav ings club, In which every member pledged herself to try. If possible, to save her earnings, over actual ex penses, that the end of the season may mean more to them than it ordi narily does. Of this club they named Miss Vail, the star, executive, aid Miss Vail has. In turn, named Robert H. Wilson, principal comedian, cash ier. With these two guarding their bank accounts, and knowing that because of their respective positions, Miss Vail and Mr. Wilson take a deeper in terest in them, the girls feel just a lit tle happier, -Just a little more safe of the future than they would In the ordinary musical comedy production. WltlMtiLF.SS SKIN NOW EASY TO HAVE D. A. White's old stand 255 North Com'I Street Xsiioi Vco7 We Sell Shoes That Fit While you are planning your ev enings during fair week, do not f gi't to cut out everything else and re serve Thursday. September 14, for the opening of the Grand opera house and that beautiful and spectacular musical fantasy "Miss Nobody from Starland.' The company Is an excep tionally stronn one. anil Mis Vail. jwho is Miss- Nobody (for this play only) is one of the moat charming I and sweetest voiced young women on the American stage. Her voice is Strong, flexible,, of wide range, so fine indeed that overtures are made to her ; almost daily to enter grand opra. She is supported by a strong com- ' riunv nnil u-lth the ...i t..h Ina nf f I sic and a chorus of splendid voices, lithe occasion will be nn eventful one. The opera house has been renovat ed, new drop curtain put in and Is rvpatuted and neat as a pin. Mr. Waters has done everything possible, to make the theater com fortable and pleasing, and has billed a better class of plays, and more of them, than ever Salem had on its list before. "Miss Nobody from Starland" Is worthy to open the season, and should play t a capacity house. Don't forget the 14 th. 1 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy Is today the bent anown medicine ra use for the r Uef and cure of bowel complaints. It cures gripping, diarrhoea, dysentery. and should be taken at the first un natural loosentss of tht bowels, Is equally valuable for children and i adults. It always cures. Sold by all dealers. (From Family Physician.) There's no excuse for any woman having wrinkles now. It has been found that a simple mixture of saxo llte and witch hazel has a remarka ble action upon the deepest wrinkles, no matter what their nature, whether caused by worry, habitual frowning, a debilitated condition or the rav ages of lather Time. This harmless remedy, which anyone can easily make, procuring the ingredients nt any drug store, acts both as an astringent and a tonic. The com bined effect of tightening the skin and heightening Its vitality Is to Im mediately tfTect every line and wrin kle, keeping the cuticle smooth and firm as In youth. The proportions are one ounce saxollte (powdered) to one-half pint witch hry-el. The solution should be used as a wash lotion. It Is equally effective In disposing of flabbiness of cheek and neck, as well as sagging below the eyes. o Your complexion aa well as your temper is rendered miserable by a disordered liver. By taking Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets you can Improve both. Sold by all dealers. VETCH SEED We are now In shape to quote good prices on new crop vetch seed for Immediate de livery. Quality Is first class and the price Is very low. ---- t-f Fiftieth Annual h I Kim ii B t I FALL RYE Have In a car of Fall Rye for seed; the quality Is very fine and the price Is lower than last season. I CHEETSEED Have the finest lot of seed for several years and the price Is right. Also, have all kinds of Fall seed, wheat, oats, grass and clover seeds, etc. Salem,September 11 to 161 ome-Coming Week Livestock, Poultry and Agricultur al Exhibits, Races, Free Attract ions and Fireworks Ferullo's Greatest Band j REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS j I Send for Premium List and Entry Blanks l Ct-t lldrwrt Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR. A d. A. WHITE Frank Meredith. Secretary J y t Salem, Oregon. & SONS 231-261 Stale Street These Xaln 160 tTTTTtTtttTttTTTTttTTTTTTT Ml MM HilHtlMMttli , ..,