par. four DAHA' CAPITAL JOrFNAL. SALEM, OREGOX, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1911. GROWTH OF SUFFRAGE MOVEMENT i:n;nrv ykahs ago women (OILI) VOTE, AM) I'll EX TO A LIMITED EXT EXT OXI.V, I SWEItEX-lVM.L HE I'M VIRS.W,. Few persons who have not made a special study of the subject realize how steadily the woman suffrage movement haH been growing through out the civilized world. Highly years ago women could not vote anywhere, except to a very lim ited extent In Sweden and a few other places In the Old World. In 18:i8, Kentucky guve Hchool suf fnigo to widows with children of school axe. In IS.'iO Ontario gave It to women both married and single. In lxtil Kansas gave It to all women Municipal suffrage was granted to women In Finland In lS:i, and In New South Willi's In 1XI17. In 18(1!) Kngland gavo municipal suffrage to single women and widows, Victoria gave It to women both married and single, and Wyoming gave full suffrage to all women. In 1871 West Australia gave muni cipal suffrage to women. School suf frage was granted In 1S7G by Michigan and Minnesota, In 1N" by Colorado, In 1877 by New Zealand, In 1878 by New Hampshire and Oregon, In 18711 by Massachusetts. In lsxo by New York and Vermont. In 1880 South Australln gave municipal suffrage to women. In 1881 municipal suffrage was ex tended to the slni'lc wmncn n ml uhl ows of Scothind, and full parliament ary surrrago in the Isle of Man. Ne braska gave women school surrrage In 188I1. Municipal suffrage was given by Ontario and Tasmania In 1881, and by New Zealand and New Itrunswlck In lXNfi. In 1887, municipal suffrage was granted in Kansas, Nova Scotia, nml Manitoba, and school suffrage In North nml South Dakota, Montana, Arizona and New Jersey. In the same year Montana gavo tax-paying women thn right to vote upon nil questions submitted to thn taxpayers. In 1888 Kngland gave women county suffrage, and llrltlsh Columbia and the Northwest Territory gave them muni cipal sufrrage. In 188!) counfy suffrage was given to the women or Scotland, nnd municipal sufrrngo to the single women and widows In tho Province of Quebec. In IX'.ll school suffrage was granted In Illinois. In 1X113 school sufrrnge was granted In Connecticut, and rull suffnigo In Colorado ami New Zealand. In 1X!)4 school suffrage was granted In Ohio, bond surri rtge In Iowa, and parish and district suffrage In Kngland to women both married and single. In ixur. full state suffrage was granted In South Australia to women both married and single. In lx:til full suffrage was granted In Hah and Idaho. In 1XIIX tho women or Ireland were given the right to vote ror all officers except members of parliament; Min nesota gave women the right to vote for library trustees; Delaware gave school Burrrage to tax-pnylng women; France gave women engaged In com merce the right" to voto for Judges of the tribunals or commerce, and Louis iana Rave tax-paying women the right to vole upon nil questions submitted to the tax-payers. In lililll Wisconsin gave women school suffrage, nnd West Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Povdor cleanses, preserves and beau tifies the teeth and imparts Eurity and fragrance to the reath. Mothers should teach the little ones its daily use. SHE GOT WHAT SHE WANTED This Woman Had to Insist Strongly, but It Paid Chicago, 111." I Buffered from a to. male, weakness ami stomach troublo, ..fSv mut 1 w' t" tho ;: : y.'V store to gvt a hottlo f Vl J )'1'" u. rink. J3 hum's Vegetable y-fj Compound, but the i.n U clerk did not want J til Int. nm tinva II he said It was no rood and wanted mo . try sometliina else, but knowing nil nhout tt. 1 in. sisted nml llnally gi u, ami x uni no Australia granted full stale suffrage Jo women, both married or single. In 1901 New York gave tax-paying women In all towns and villages of the state the right to vote on questions of local taxation, Norway gave them municipal suffrage, and the Kansas leglslture voted down almost unani mously, and "amid a ripple of amuse ment," a proposal to repeal municipal suffrage. in 1902 full national sufrrage was granted to all the women of federated Australia, and full state suirrage to the women or New South Wales. In 1903 Tasmania gave full Btate surrrage to women, and bond surfrage was granted to the women of Kansas. In lltufi Queensland gave women full state suffrage. In lltoij Finland gave them full national suffrage, and made them eligible to all orficers, from memberfl of parliament down. In 1907 Norway gave full parlia mentary sufrrage to the 300.000 women who already had municipal surrrage. Denmark gave women the right to vote for members nf Mm lmnriu nt public charities, and to serve on such iioaros, and Kngland, with only 15 dissenting votes out of the r. 7U mum hers, of the house of commons, made women eligible as mnvors. aldermen and town and county councillors. In 190X Michigan gave tax-paying women the right to vote on questions or local taxi.tlon and the granting of franchises; Denmark gave women who aro taxpayers or the wives of taxpay ers n voto for all officers except mem bers of parliament, and Victoria gave full state Hiirfrnge to all women. In 190!) I!elgluin gave women the right to vote for members of the Con sells des I'nidhommes, nnd made them eligible; single wopien nnd widows paying taxes were given n vote In the Province of Vorarlberg (Austrian Ty rol), and (llnter Park, Vn., gave tax paying women, married or single, mu nicipal suffn'g". In 1910 Washington gavo full suf frage to all women; New Mexico gave them school suffrage; Norway made municipal woman sufrrage universal (three-riftlis of the women had had It before); llosnla gave the parliament ary vote to women ownlm? n mrinin amount of real estate; the diet of the i.rnwn Province of Krnln (Austria) gave suffrage to the women of Its enp- "iii cny, i.aiiicn; New York gave women In nil the towns, villages and third-class cities a right to vote on bonding propositions: Vnm tamled nmnlcliml aurfrniFn women (Hingie women nnd widows had It before); the (luedwar of tn roda (India) gave tho women of his dominions a vote in municipal elec Hons; and tho Kingdom of Wurtem herg gave women emmiml in n,rrv,.,ii ture n vote for members or the cliam- ncr or agriculture, and also made them eligible. Since Janunrv. 1911. both hnnu.i r the Icelandic parllment voted to give women rull sum-age; Norway has made women ellirible to must nf ti, offices of state; and the legislatures of California. Kanunu n,,,n v., vada nnd Wisconsin llflVU VmIiiiI lit heavy majorities In Mvor of submit ting to the V() t (TH amendments granting rull suffrage to women. Manv Vi'ill'H fiLTO. Ulitin rwmol ant frage was much more unpopular than now, somebody asked Hlshop lillhert Haven ir It were true that he had been speaking at a surrrage meeting. "Yes," answered the bishop. "I don't want to fall In at the rear of this reform. I prefer to march with the procession!" There can he no doubt as to which way the procession Is moving. 1'. S. EOHE.NT SEHVH'E HILL MAKE EXHIBIT CAMPBELL WILL LEAVE CHEMAWA TENDEIiS RESIGN ATIOS WHEN 0 KEEK ED A TltA.NSEER TO SOME OTHER SCHOOL INDIAN I AIITHEXT HILL STILL STATE NEWS. One boat of the Astoria salmon fleet caught 23 'a tons of salmon during the season, netting the two men operating It $3290. A church on wheels visited Fort Stevens Thursday. At Mfdford the steel cage of the Jail containing the prisoners was hoisted by a block and tackle while the walls are being built under it. and the prisoners slept "In suspense." a Deei amine is inreatenea in ku- i IE TEA 111 DIEM HI of Slate Knlr Grounds, Salem, Or hept. l, ihrough the nctlvlty trunk Meredith, secretary nf th n, egun Stle Hoard of Agriculture, the I'nlted States forest service has agreed to place an exhibit at the Oregon State Knlr, which opens September II and continues fr n w,,,, nt Salem The display will consist of bromide enlargements and transparencies or actual photographs showing work and conditions or national forests. There will als,( bo photographs allowing preservative timber treatment and strength test ItroceSSCS With itlmrtti and maps. Seeds and seedlings, specimens of leading Pacific Coast trees of Insect Infected timber, nm.l obtained through distillation pro cesses, figures showing revenue to the state, amount of timber for sale, num ber or stock grimed and such data win tie shown In n manner to bo eas- nnyone interested 1-.,,. ' " . glad I did, for it has cured mo. "I know of no ninny cases w hore wo men liavo been ouved by I.ydin K. Pink ham's VtL'f table) I 'imi.,,m,,l i,t i ...... .. ......... viutu I , ill! " niiwwii in R1IV to I'Verv millerlmr it in i . . u i i' "b t,vuin it mat Tn.r iiiiuei n ooi uy anyone interesti K And, St.. thlcaK,,: 111. This U the ara of substitution, and j mm V, , women who want a euro should Insist Seattle, Wash uK "ti l'atkntak W".1. ""kliara Vegetabhi !a I'l-ycar-,, d k 'skl. TiJ t' in ihii nttii , t . . .... .... .. . Unable longer to hold his position ab assistant superintendent of the Chemawa Indian school, and rather tiian nccept a transfer o,ult 'c ccr- v ce ent relv. W. P. Cnmtihell .li.r day tendered bis resignation 10 visor lllggins, now in charge of the school, and left vesterdav for I'nrt lanu, winch city for awhile, at least ne will make his residence. The resignation is a result of an investigation mndp nf Ilia qehnnl h. the Indian department. Charges were mane againiit superintendent Chal c rait alleging that he failed to ob serve the regulations In relation to religious services in the school: also that Immorality existed among the students and that lie had whipped several c rl students. II was troner ally believed Hint Assltsant Supcrln tendent Campbell was back of the charges, but whether lie was or not an Investigation was inmle nnrl the result or It was that he was ottered a transfer to another school, but ) dined. He has spent some 30 years In the Indian service. Supervisor Wiggins admitted when seen this morning that Campbell haJ iieen ortcreii a transfer, and also that he hud resigned. Ho was asked I Superintendent Chalcraft had also been offered a transfer and replied that to his knowledge he had not. lie stated that so rar he had received no ortlclal notice as to what the action in relation to cnuicraft would be. Chalcrart has been In the service for years, nnd has a reputation for integrity and ability. Hut recently the Hoard of Trade and the liuslness Mens lei'L'lle In inlet cnnvpnMn passed resolutions Indorsing him ns a man and also his administration In the school, and asking the department to retain blni ns superintendent of toe school o ALL OUT Of SOKTS. Has Any Salem Person ffcyer Felt J 1111 1 11 II J Keel all out of sorts? Tired, Illue, Irritable, Nervous? Hack feel lame and achy? That's the story of sick kidneys Had blood circulating about; I'rle acid poisoning the body. Just one way to feel right again, Help the sluggish kidneys; Do It with Doan'a Kidney Pills. Mrs. II. M. Coon. 223 North Mnln street, Albany, Oregon, saya: "I used Doan a Kidney Pills three years ago, and they gavo mo great relief from uacaacne nna otner symptoms of kid ney and bladder trouble. The pain In my uncK ceased and my condition im proved In every respect. I am glad to recommend Doan's Kidney Pills, For sate by all dealers. Price, 60 cents. Koster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, solo ngenta for the United Btaies. Hamember the name Doan'a and tnko no other. o Don't wasto your money buying Piasters whttn vnn enn dpi n hntti nt ('hamborlalu's Liniment for 25 cents A Dieco of flannel riamncneil In thin lilllment Is snnerior to nnv ulnuiur ior iiime duck, pains in tho Bldo and chest, and much cheaper. Sold by an owners. o Tho thing for tho hobo convention to demand is pensions for thoso who nre on principle opposed to doing any niiin. , gene. I.ane county does not raise enough heef to satisfy the home dp- K.VIST. mand. The Coos Bay & Eastern Is survey ing for its road from Marshfleld to Roseburg. The Bandon rarnlval was a big suc cess. Mrs. C. J. Rarhlte is gathering a second crop of strawberries from her vines at Kugene. Klamath Falls will observe Labor day. A pretty bad forest fire Is reported near Olffon, 23 miles east of Pendle ton. Wolves are reported as killing many cattle In the monutalns near Crater Lake Work beg A 'X ( , - I otlllHiulwt Inst ni t til u .,,.,,.,., .h i i not accept Boinetliintfelsium which the wiuKK'n v.m huiko a unto more profit. Women who are passlnB through this critical period or who are HutVerlna irom any of those distressing Ills ih" ciillar to tbelr sex should not lose sk'ht of the fact that for thirty years l.ydh h. lnnkham b 'igetnblo Conipoiind. which is made from roots and herbs, lias been the nt.imlurd remedy for f.i iimlo ilia. In almost every co.immt.lty you will llnd women who have Imhii rostored to health by I.vdla V I'mk Jjam'n 'egvUibli) CouuHjuud. " to complete his Kngllsh education wanted a white wife. After discover ing that her hat would cost five fox skins, shoes one rox skin, and a dross an otter skin, nnd that he would be coir.elleil to hunt continuously fur the remainder of his life, he chunged his mind. o . l.lkiHl tTivlesH Cooker. (I'stntn nna mini wixa I Hllki'TStlebl. ( nl Auir .ti k snak waa quite nt homo with 14 i tucks under an old hen when ilUrov. ertsl by 11. C. Henry. All patent medicines or medicines ad' vertised in this paper are for sale at DR. STONE'S Drug Store The only rash drug store In Oregon, owes no one. and no one owes It, carries lurge stock; Its shelves, counters aud show cases are loaded With times, mpillrlmia nnfLtna . . . . , ...... J, , .j 1 - let articles, wines and liquors of all sinus ior medicinal purposes. Dr. Stone Is a regular graduate In medi cine and has had many years of ex perience In the practice. Consulta tions are free. Prescriptions are free, and onlv regular nrteo t,, iclne. Dr. Stone can be found at hi. drug etore, Salem. Or. from 7 in the mornlne until 9 st niM v,k - - - - .nM tlUtUI t ommerclal street. Salem. Oregon. OKI HIM Pill for backache, rheumatism, kidnrv or h1art.t t.nVI. J . ... Foley Kidney Pi,U .re tonic inaction. 7rSX HED CROSS PHARMACY. Restore Faded and Gray Hair to Natural Color Dandruff Quickly Removed. There is nothing now about the Idea of osing sage for restoring the color of the hair. Our great-grandmothers kept their locks soft, dark and glossy by nsitig a "sage tea." Whenever their hair fell out or took on a dull, faded or streaked appearance they made a brew of sage leaves and applied it to their hair, with wonderfully beneficial effect. Nowadays we don't have to resort to old-time, tiresome methods of gathering the herbs and making the tel. This is done by $ killful chemists better than we could do it ourselves, and all we have tn do is to call for the ready-made product, Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Item edy, containing sage in the proper strength, with the addition nf sulphur, another old-time scalp remedy. The manufacturers or itus remedy iter i.ane. i ne manufacturer or una remeu; fork on the Oregon Eastern has I authorize druggists to sell it under guar :un at Vale. antee that the money will be refunded if O It fails to do exactly as represented. I mi.:- t! !.. ... l,n CASCARETS WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP Salts, Cnloimd anil Cathartic Pills Are Violent They Act on the Itowols us Popper Acts In Nostrils. Take a Cascaret tonight and thor ughly cleanse your liver, stomach nd bowels, and vou will snrelv fuel great by morning. You men and wo men who have headache, coated tongue, can't sleep, are bilious, nerv ous and upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or have backache and feel all worn out. Are you keeniuri' clean inabln with Cascarots or merely forcing a pas sageway every few days with salts cathartic pills or castor oil? This is Important. Cascarets Immediately cleanse and regulata 'the stomach, remove the SOUr. UndlKeSted and fprmentlnu food and foul gases; take the excess uue rrom the liver and carry off the dcconiDosed waste matter nnrl rwilcn from the Intestines and bowels. llomemher. a Cascatvt tonight win straighten you out by morning. A lu-cent nox from your druggist means a clear head and cheertnl npss ror months. Don't forget the children. o . Foley's kltlner Iteineilv (l.lnnhh. Is a great medicine of nroven vnlno for both acute and chronic kidney and maimer ailments and for annoying urinary Irregularities. It ts Cecoiiiinended to elderly people for its wonuertui ionic and reconstructive qualities, and the permanent relief and comfort It elves thm i. m. Connell, 117 Catherine St., Klmira, N. says: "rive bottles did the work for me most effwti doubt Foley's Kidney Remedy Is the most rename Kidney medicine ever made. Red Cross Fhnrmnnv ir lerman). o . Gin ago Takes Its Hacr. Berkeley. Cal.. Aiur. ai Tn miVo room for a garage at the Shattnck hotel, the first houan built In TWV eley is being torn down. The dwel ling was erected-by Francis Shattuck III 1SUZ. A New College Course. Ran Frnncisco. Aim. 31 Tho lni. est course in the public schools here Is to be expert training In airwi nr. dodging. o Xotlce of Intention to lmproie Alley In Block 49. Notice is hereby given that the common council of the city of Salem. Oregon, deems it expedient and pro poses to Improve the alley In block 49. of the city of Salem. Oregon. with concrete, at the expense of the adjacent and abutting property wlth- n said limits, according to the Diana and specifications adopted for said Improvement, and on file at the offlce if the city recorder. Reference to which Is hereby made for a more perfect description of said Improvement. This notice Is published for ten (10) days, pursuant to the order of the common council, and the date of the first publication thereof Is the 22d day of August, 1911. Remonstrances may be filed against said Improvement within ten (10) days from the last publication of this notice, as provided by the city barter. CIIAS. F. ELGIN, 8-22-11 RmFit.p This nretmration is offered to the public at fifty cents a bottle, and is recommended and sold by all druggist. Special agent J. C. Perry, Druggist, Salem, Oregon. o Notice of Intention to Improve Twenty-Fourth Street, Notice Is hereby given that the common council of the City of Sa lem, Oregon, deems It expedient and proposes to Improve Twenty-fourth street, in the city of Salem, Oregon, with concrete pavement, from the south line of Asylum Avenue to the North line of State street, at the ex pense of the adjacent and abutting property within said limits, and ac cording to the plans and specifica tion adopted for said Improvement and on file In the ofllce of the city recorder, which said plans and spec ifications are hereby referred to for a more specific and detailed descrip tion of said improvement, and are hereby made part of this notice. This notice Is published for ten (10) days, pursuant to the order of the common council, and the date of the first publication thereof is the 22d day of August, 1911. Remonstrances may be filed against said improvement within ten (10) days days from the last publi cation of this notice and la the man ner provided by the city charter. CHAS. F. ELGIN, 8-22-llt Recorder. Rhymesters few. are many and poets CHICHESTER S PILLS .-T7'T" J7" "' NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Eastern Orecron Slate Ilospltal. Sealed proposals for the construc tion of a concrete and rock levee of about 2000 feet in length, to be erect ed one and one-half miles west ol the city of Pendleton, Oregon, will be opened by the Board of Trustees at 2 p. m., Tuesday, September Btb, 1911, at the state capltol building, Salem, Oregon. Plans and specifica tions may be obtained at the offlce of W C Knighton, architect, capltol building, Salem, and from Chas. A Murphy, superintendent of construc tion at Pendleton, Oregon. A certi fied check for $1000 must accompany each proposal and drawn to the or der of R. A. Watson, clerk of the board of trustees, to guarantee that bidder will enter Into a contract and execute the required bond; same shall be forfeited to the state of Or egon if award of contract Is made to bidder and he or they fall to enter Into a contract and furnish the re quired bond within 10 days from date of award of contract. Propo sals shall be made only on the form furnished by the architect The right Is reserved to accept or reject any or all bids, or to waive any in formalities In bids. y o, , . R- A. WATSON, Clerk of Hoard of Trustees Eastern Oregon State Hospital. 8-23-17t Attacks School Principal. A severe attack on School Princi-fft'Chas-B: Allen, of Sylvania, Ga iS thus to d hv him- "f. ' ,,, ,, , ui more man three years." he writes. "I, ndescribable torture from rheuma tism, liver nnd elnml. . in'uoie anu mmThii ,kidneys- All remedies failed till I used Electric Bitters, but ot tma wonderful remedv cured me completely." Such results are common. Thousands bless them for curing stomach trouble, female complaints, kidney disorders bilious! ness and for new health and vigor Try Them. Only C0c at J. C. IVrry"S ' " Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORI A NEWPORT YAQUINA BAYj Oregon's Popular Beach Roson' An Ideal retreat for outdoor pastime 1 of all kinds. Hunting, fishing, boat-! Ing surf bathing, riding, autoing, j canoeing, dancing and roller skating. Where pretty water agates, moss agates, moonstones, carnellans can be found on the beach. Pure moun tain water and the best ot food at low prices. Fresh fish, clams, crabs and oysters, with abundance of veg. etables of all kinds dally. Camping Grounds I arc Con venient and Attraclivc. .. with strict sanitary regulations LOW ROUND-TRIP SEASON TICKET from all points In Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho on sale dally 3-DAY SATURDAY MONDAY TICKET from Southern Pacific points Port land to Cottage Grove; also from all C. & E. stations, Albany and west. Good going Saturday or Sunday and for return Sunday or Monday. Call on S. P. or C. & E. agent for full particulars as to fares, train schedules, etc.; also for copy ol our illustrated booklet, 'Outing In Ore gon," or write to WM. M'MURAY, General Pa&senger Agent, Portland, Ore. 1 Gold Dust Hour JTnde by the STDXEY POWER COMPANY, Sydney, Oregon. Made for Family Use. Ask your grocer for It Bran aud Shorts ninny ou bund. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. ONTHEj Free it THE TARIFF Will REMOTEDjDURrysj; STATE FAIRATSAlr FROX THE FAJ, Cahpoo 1 Mineral Wat AD Calapooya Sa THE CONDENSED Sg OF CALAPOOYA J Every Visitor Is Invito J nt the Caliinooya B, Fair and Test IMi ........... Q Price. Calanoova Mlnerni w. murated saline water j nuj ui me renowned waters of Europe and ij Recommended by leading siclans of the United Sta Kheuiiiiitisin, Kidney afflictions, Dyspepsia, lii ui'ii, anu an lorms of 81 nhin ana uiooa diseases dreds of people "given lone" standing- nllm.i Calapooya Water. Testing on application. Sold tj dealers, or Bhipped In cal rect from the springs. I for prices. Hotel Culupooya, Londua open the year round, j Calapooya Springs Cottage Grove, Orept ko" tat. &.!. lu.r! KtlUt S013 BY ORL'GOISTS EVERYWHrRE GIJEAT CIUXESE DOCTOR L. M. HUM. Has medicine nth will cure any J Known disease. He makes a special ty of and guarantees to cure catarrh fcsthnia, lung, throat, rheumatism, debility, stomach, liver, kidney troubles, aluo any blackened or swollen soreness, broken tlmhs- smallpox epidemic; all kinds of bolls, lost nanhood, female weak ness, hernia troubles and naralmi. Consultation free. Care of Tick Sa Tong Co., Cblseee drugs and herbs. Ofnce hours from 10 to Jl a. m. and I to T p. n. Offlce open Sun-lava 15J High street, -upstairs, Salem. Salem Fence Works Headquarters tor Woven Wire Fencing. Hop Wire. Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, Shin gles. Malthold Roofing, p. B. and Ready Roofing. Screen Doors and Adjustable Window Screens. All at the lowest prices. CHAS. D. MULLIGAN 250 Cnnrt atr nv 4 4 4 4 4 M - HttHMMMIi M. Roberts & Q Located at 429 Court St., H. H. Ragan's old stand. Wc have remodeled our store and are now prepared to give you the best of serv ice and only ask a legiti mate profit. We solicit a trial order that we may convince you of our desire and ability to please. Call or Phone Main 45 s To We 12 for Pi: An 01 re; N A inc Th S'J W iC ci" C M 1 Ci r sc Ti ST Morris' Cash Fee and Grocery Stor Phone 1497 Extra choice Bacon, pound l't Nice Hams, pound 7.7.7.!!!!!!'.... 1$ 14 lbs. fine Granulated Sugar $1.00 4 lbs. Head Rice 7.7.'.!!!!!!!... 25e Flour, per sack ..7..!!... $1.10 3 cans New Pack Oysters ! 23c 3 cans String Beans o;,e 21 lbs. Little White Beans $1.00 5 packages Best Corn Starch 2-' 2 packages Arm & Hammer Soda!!'". '.'!'!!!!. r lbs. Best Pure Lard. . . ;o 10 lbs. Best Pure Lard. . ....'.'.'.'.".'..!.!..!..... !$U3 MASON FRHT JARS Tints Quarts !!!!! One-half gallon ..!!!!!". 12 Jelly Glasses ' A the S; III! iirai Boise G. J. Brow mine after mine Pean to pr ottiei tlosi D.G Th tbly pose Ravi porj fear Any i: i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i I t i i t FREE DELIVERY MAM.P?fhchfemle UU.Ut!,J UuJ P L L S. 4 S. (Wtn Inni Mr Pi 1 1 M Mil iag ti n. so,. , ,ZT,ZZ. ti.iC )IIC f 'Economies" We Can't Afford in ... . 5 the verv w , . C.U " MTe money by usln cheaPer m ett tuoaper siarcn ana lower pricea empiw loBfnreDutTn81 W0Uld be on" 'rct,ofl of 016 "" Yon can .v. . ... - UkesUtan,!,fC0Ufnt cn "le ,act that wo Pracc "economy- tm takes n out of your clothes. j VVB aim tn rt a . . . . ... . . n nuirnn. iii uut" iBunuering poss b e, second to nono. 22.'" n we ucceel- Tou will like our work. Try It I! " prices guaranteed. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone 25. i t oAn.n hdtdtt TEir ItfVlUU ou U XXL X1JIIA s - . 4t