I 83 78c; -77 i $ MARKETS. ,, V .. Etc 1 .. hluestem, 1 rt cruyi r -. . i puss an. , sesuc; frMPort8, 13.80; Val pitam. M50; whole tj, 25.50 28 per ton; l9"jl510 per ton; al- $33.00; cracked, .. Wfa t2ri.n0: Hup, - -r jjrtlte, 2T per ton; new, aiCoiBW Trodate. Lj, creunery, extra. 1 and .m to boxes, aic per man Iwxes. cartons ami Lon ranch, 26027c. Iftll cream, twins 15c V; Young America, 160. -Hens, 16lB'Ac; springs, Ik), young, 10c; geese, tuteys, ZOc; aressea i'mtf, J to 1 3t iuuula, per pounu. 'acy,10!4Hc per pound. . ,wl rid, Dried Fruits, Etc. Fruits-Apples, 1213 c jtruts, 11 c; apricots, Mies, 1012c; prunes, jlle; silver, 13c; tigs, Mack, 6ft7V4c; cur- llc; raisins, loose Musea- Ue; bleached Thompson leached Sultanas, 8c; 5c toasted, In drums, 2330c limits, 17 18c per lb.; 11, 16c; filberts, 16c; 15015c; pecans, 18c: 0c 1 1 per dozen, iiolaled, $15 per ton: i, 100s, 18.50 pet ton; It ton. 'nail white, 4c; large Una, 7c; pink, 5c; red ;Sc; bayou, 5c. 7 granulated, $G.3G; ber- eet, $0.15; extra C, $5.85; barrels, $G.55; cube, bar- 1 Japan, 4c; cheaper S04.E5; Southern head fCholce, (3.76 per case. '-ic per pound. 'tables and Fruits. Mlto-Cantaloupi'H, $11.75 peaches, CUc(T('$1.2'i per melons, lc per lb.; itl.75 per crate; prunes, ; new apples, $l2.25 blackberries, $1.50(0)1.75; 51.75 per box; casabas, :ttr dozen. fruits Oranges, $4.50 alifornia grapefruit $3 ;u 55Vjc per pound; 1585.50 per crate; 1cm ') per box. 'Asparagus, 7585c Der h 510c; cabbage, $1.50 andredwelglit; corn, 25 !; cucumbers, $11.25 ttplant 5 8c ner lb.: :je Per pound; lettuce. 4en; hothouse lettuce. oox ; peas, 4 5c per ;ws 8l0c per pound; c per dozen; rhubarb. I: lb-; tomatoes. S.ri(ffi!)Oc Utables New carrots. i turnips, $l.'i; beets, DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1011. Loeal Wholesale Market Bran. $28.00 Flour, hard wheat $5.00 Flour, valley $1.1504.60 Shorts $29.00 Wheat, bushel 80c Oats, old, bushel 38c Oats, new, bushel 3537c Hops, 1910 crop 3032c Chlttlm bark 4H5c New potatoes, per lb.. lc Hay, timothy $13.00 Oat and vetch $89 Clover hay ..; $8.50 Cheat hay $9.0010.00 Butter and Eggs. nutter, creamery 3ic Eggs, per dozen 24c Butter fat 29c Butter, country 25c Poultry. Fryers and hens i3C Roosters 7gc PAGE THRKF CLASSIFIED AD SECTION Capital Journal "Want Ads" Bring Quick Results One cent a word for first Insertion. One-bilf Mt a word for each lusertlun thereafter. No advertUetneut taken for less tuap v, L'uut alx wordi to the line. Livestock. Steers (under 1000 lb) .. .$5.60 6 Steer (1000 to 1200 It..$4.605 Cows $3.60$4.50 Hogs, fat 77t4c Stock 6 H 7c Ewes , , 0 Spring lambs 6c Veal, according to mality 11c Cascara Bark Ec per lb. Pelts Dry, 8c; Baited, country pelts, 65c$l per pound; iamb pelts, 25. BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth more than any other bread, yet the price Is no higher. For sale at your gr-cer's. California Bak ery, Thomas & Cooley, Props. THE SALEM, FALLS CITY & WEST ERN RAILWAY COMPANY SUNDAY EXCURSION RATES Commencing Sunday, June 4, 19U and until aud including Sunday, Oc tober 1, 1911, the following Special Kouna Trip Fares will be in effect, between stations named below, on Sundays only: Between West Salem and Black Rock.... $1.25 Dallas and Black Rock 75c West Salem and Falls City $1.00 Dallas and Falls City SOe West Salem aad Dallas 75c Falls City and Dallas 50c Black Rock and Dallas 75c Dallas and West Salem "M Falls City and West Salem $1.00 Black Rock and West Salem 11.25 Children Children of half fare age, one-half of the adult fare. Date of Sale Sundays only. Limit Tickets will be good for continuous passage in each direction, good only on date of sale. Baggage No baggage will be checked on these tickets. Issued May 23, 1911, Dallas Ore gon. , (effective June 4, 1911. LOUIS GERLINGER, JR., General Manager. 1 Motoi Car Insurance. We write Insurance on automobiles and all kinds of power driven vehi cles at the lowest rates, and insure against damages from fire under any and all circumstances, whether in pri vate or public garage or on the road or in accident More cais are de stroyed by fire than by all other causes put together. Rates the low est E. Hofer & Sons, 213 S. Com mercial street. C-22-tf o RAILROADS. nor Ih Hew Oregon, l2c. ;i wax, jz.uu; yellow "5 per hundred. miinrons.. to 12 pounds. 20ifi)2ftc ;6J. 19&20c; 14 to 16 10 to 18 pounds, "toned, 20c: nicntos "W roll. in H 28c; standard, 25c; Mgllsh. 17c. Curea-Reguiar short in If 10 1 . Mi h ' c; SIDOked 1' elDortH cd if iiu lie. "71 lta-Beet tongues. 65c; uc; cutsldes, 20c; Barrels, pigg feet r "Ipe, tin- i, JU-h ,-Ugueg. 22; lambe I u "uuerea, tierces, III ' 6tAUiri. tierces, coolce tierces, 8c u"f'ng. titrces. 854 c; J J" nmra( I ( "op, 3S I h 17fi 20c j Bides, Etc :w,4041c per c; 1909 crop, son, 9 16c lb.; IB. hides. 7U ... I3c: salted kip, - . reeu DWea, Or ... SOUTHERN PACIFIC. SoutliIound. No. 13 San Francisco Exp. . 3:31a.m. No. 19 Ashland Passenger 10:59a.m. No. 17 Roseburg Parstnger 6.21p.m. No. 11 Shasta Limited ..,7:43p.m. No. 27 Eugene Passenger . 8:25p.m. No. 15 California Express. 9:56p.m. No. 226 Way Freight .... 9:60a.m. No. 222 Portland Fa"t Frt 10:15p.m. Northbound. No. 14 Oregon Express .. 6:43a.m. No. 28 Portland Passenger 8:30a.m. No. 12 Shasta Limited ..12:35p.m. No. 18 Portland Pasenger. 2:56p.m. No. 20 Portland Passenger. 7.43p.m. No. 225 Way Freight 12:35p.m. No. 221 Portland Fast Frt. 2:43a.m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO Leave Salem. Arrive Pertland. Train 6, 6:30 a.m 8:30 a.m, Train 8, 8:55 a.m 11:00 a.m. Train 10, 11:15 a.m 1:15 p.m. Train 12, 2:00 p.m 4:00 p.m. Train 14. 3:40 p.m 5:10 p.m. Train 16, 4:00 p.m 6 00 p.m. Train 18. 6:0" p.m 8r, . m. Train 20, 8:50 p.m 10:45 p.m. Arrive In Salem. Train 1 8:30 a.m, Train 3 9:50 a.m. Train 5 10:30 a.m. Train 7 1:00 p.m. Train 9 4:15 p.m Train 11 6:00 p.m. Train 15 8:35 p.m Train 17 11:10 p.m Salem, Falls City & Western Ry Leaves West Salem for: Dallas, Falls CKy and Black Rock :uu a. ni Dallas and Falls City 1:30 and 4:35 p. m Sunday trains ror: Dallas and Black Rock 9:00 a. m. and 1:35 p. m. Trains arrive at West Salem from Dallas 1. . 8:15 a. m. Black Rock and Dallas. .12:20 p. m. Falls City and Dallas .... 4.15 p.m. SALEM INDEPENDENCE BOATS. The launches Independence and Louise will leave their wharf at the foot of Trade street for Independence at the following hours daily except Sunday. Leaves Independence 8:30 a. m. and 11:30 p. m. Leaves Salem 1:30 a. m. and 4:00 p. m. o Mas Millions of Friends. How would you like to. number vour friends by millions as Bucklen's Arnica Salve does, Its astounding cures in the past forty years made them. Ita the beat salvo in tne woria for sores, ulcers, eczema, burns, bolla. ncaJda. cuts, corns, sore eyes, SDralns. swellings, bruises, cold sores. Has no equal for piles. 25c at J. C. Perry's. 0 Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO.RI A BAKERIES. WHITE SWAN and German Bakerlei for highest grade bread and pas tries. Wedding and party orders specialty. We make dally deliveries 319 N. Commercial, phone 903; 01 12th and Chemeketa, phone 61. 1-7-U CAPITOL BAKERY bread Is made In Salem. Weigh it and try It and see If It isn't the largest loaf In town. Be sure and ask your gro cer for Capitol Bakery bread and if they haven't got It, call up Main 954 and we will see that you get It Delivery to all parts of town. 4-10-tl BLACKSMITH ANH nOrtSESHOE. ING. FOR GUARANTEED WORK By ex- peris in horseshoeing, carriage work and general blacksmlthlng go to Reigleman & McKen, 344 Chemeketa street, Salem, Oregon. "The shop for satisfaction." Phone Main 327. 7-20-3m BUSINESS CARDS. ASYLUM AVENUE STORE, Charles Kreft, proprietor. Phone your grocery order to 269 for quick de livery 9 to 12, 2 to 6. Living prices. Fresh eggs from the coun try dally. Asylum avenue and Statesman street 8-1-tf HOTELS. PIAXO TEACHER. COTTAUE HOTEL 160 Court St MISS LAURA GRANT is prepared to Special attention to commercial travelers. Telephone' and mes senger services. Rooms by day, week or month. J. B. Simpson, Prop. 8-26-tJ give piano lessons. Color kinder garten for children a specialty. Graduate of Eastern schooL Ex perienced In teaching,i470 North Church street. 8-28-tf KENNI WORTH HOTEL Main 248 152 South Church street. All rooms have been thoroughly cleaned, remodeled and are fresh and new. Centrally located. Rates very reasonable. Mrs. Frances Freeman. 8-3 l-tf HOUSES, RENT Oil SALE. FOR RENT OR SALiE A number of houses for rent or tor sale. Phone Main 198 between 8 and 9 a. m., or see J. Q. Voget at residence 14 th and Waller streets. 6-26-tf JUNK DEALERS. JUNK DEALERS Highest price paid paid for cast Iron and all kinds of metals. Hides, pelts and furs bought Oregon Junk Shop, 430 Court street Main 299. 8124-tf LAUNDRY. CLOTHES LAST LONGER With our all hand work; established 20 years. 225 South Commercial street. Phone 1168. Hop Lee. 7-2 5itf LIQUOR HOUSES. WILLIAM BUTTE Fine wines, liquors and cigars. We handle the celebrated Kellogg and Castle whis kies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on di-aught. South Com mercial Street FAMILY LIQUOR Store All stand ard brands of liquors kept In stock. Wines by the gallon. Bot tle 01 cse. Free delivery In the city limits E. Eckerlen, 206 N. Commercial streer- PIANO TUNING LuteMus L Woods, tuning, polishing, repair ing. Telephone 608. Shop, 630 2.2-lyr N. Winter strest CARPENTER SHOP. CRAVEN AND OLINGER, carpenters We do Job work of all kinds; store, fronts, sleeping porches, fur niture, repairing, 1' saw fillrc, etc. All work satisfactory. Phone Main 647. t 306 ' South Commercial street. 8-10-tf CHINESE' p'nYSlCIANS. JAY KING Our remedies are com posed of the choicest roots, herbs and barks and -are sure to cure to stay cured. All chronic diseases of men and women a specialty, if you cannot tell, Bend for symptoms blank. Jay King, care Bow Wo Drug Co., 167 S. High St., Salem, Or. 8-25-tf CLEANING AND PRESSING. CLEANING and pressing Ladies' and gentlemen's work called for and delivered. Special attention to ladies' work. Capital Pressing Parlors, 130 South High street. Main 326. Ten per cent discount with this adi 8-24-tf ELECTRIC SUPPLY HOUSE. H. H. HUNTER Electrical supplies and wiring our specialty. We will give you an estimate on your wir ing and electrical work. Our work is guaranteed; h-ve rural tele phones. Ofllce and supply room 129 South Commercial street. 6-29-tf ELECTRIC FIXTURE & SUPPLY Co Manufacturers of electric ana gas fixtures, expert plating and re pairing; Inside wiring and motor work. Office and factory, 245 North Liberty street. Phone 263. 8-29-tf EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Employ ers attention! Help of all kinds furnished at any f?f time. Send In til your wants, we can fiji fill them at any time on short no- 'w Big list of male and female help on our book ', always avail able, the beet to be obtained. The Owl Realty & Employment Co., 158 S. Commercial St. Phone Main 204. Midway between the Marion Hotel and Bush bank on east side ot street. 3-28-tf LIVERY STABLE. POSTOFFICE LIVERY aud Sale Stable. Second hand vehicles of all kinds sold. Best ot turnouts, quick service; rates reasonable. For anything in livery and board ing, call or 'phone Main 188. E. F. Gillian. Proprietor. Ferry street. MASSAGE PARLORS. MEDICATED PLASTIC CASTS The latest French method of removing black heads, pimples and wrinkles. Call at the Sanitary Beauty Par lors, Room 10. Steeves Block. 8-4-U MISCELLANEOUS. THE STREET COOK wants to cook red hot sandwiches in a minute for your wife. Mexican Spanish chick en tamales have been cooked at home. Whc will be lucky to get it tonight from the Noble Saloon lunch wagon. Wholesale and re tail. Mail orders. S-10-lmo1 NEW AND SECOND-HAND GOODS EVERYTHING for the household, In the line of furniture, stoves, kitch en utensils, crockery and hardware. A full line of secondhand articles very reasonable. Peetz and Tschudi, 326 N. Commercial street. Main 451. 8-24-tf HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furniture, ranges, hardware, tents, etc. We carry the most complete stock of above articles in town at the lowest price. O. L. McPeek, 170 South Commercial St. 8-25-tf NURSERIES CLEAN NURSERY STOCK Large variety of all kinds ot fruit and or namental trees and shrubs. Fruit- land Nursery Co., Asylum road, 3 miles east of Salem. R. F. D. 6, Box 87. Phone Farmers 23X-2 7-29-tf PICTURE FRAMING. BEFORE PLACING your orders for picture framing, call at "The Frame Shop," 279 Commercial St New stock, new prices. Romeo Gilbert, Manager. 8-25-tf PLUMBERS. THEO. M. BAR Plumbing, hot water and steam heating and tin ning, 164 Commercial St Phone Main 192. 9-1-1 yr. OTTO MUELLHAUPT Plumbing heating, gas fitting; prices rea sonable; work guaranteed; eetL mates furnished. Phone 873 1066 Chemeketa street 4-17-tf FINLAY & REYNOLDS Plumbing, heating and general repairing; water pipe and sewer connections. Estimates fi rnished free on any of your work. Phone 510; 325 Center street. 6-10- SEE ROGERS PLUMBING & HEAT- ing Co. for your plumbing. We make a specialty of repair work. No Job too small or too large. Phone 914. 101 S. Front street, corner State. 8-26-tf WOOD SAWS (Continued). THE NEW GASOLINE WOOD sawing machine operated by Stech & Humphrey, 1109 Hines street, near 12th; can be foved to your residence and your winter's sup- v ply of wood sawed at short notice. All orders receive prompt atten tion. 8-3 l-tf LODGE DIRECTORY. SALEM GRANGE NO. 17, PATRONS of Husbandry Meets In Hurst Hall on State street, on the fourth Saturday of each month, at 10:30 a. m. Visiting and sojourning members welcome- F. A. Myers, master. Zella S. Fletcher, secre tary. 12-31-lyr MODERN WOODMEN or AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6246. Meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Holman Hall. W. E. Vincent, Consul; F. A. Turner, Clerk. WOODMEN OF WORLD Meet ev ery Friday night at 7:30 o'clock In Holman Hall Geo. II. Deacan, C. C; L. H. Fletcher, Clerk. 1-10-09 RESTAURANTS. BETTER than the best You can't beat It, Scott's 30 cent dinner for 20 cents; 11:00 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. Board, $3.60 per week. 179 South Commercial. Phone 492. BISMARK RESTAURANT 184 Com mercial street, near corner Ferry. First class service. Best meal In city, 20 to 25 cents. Schneider & Lehman, proprietors. SALEM FUEL YARDS. WOOD FOR SALE Can dellyer hard and soft woods, in 12 and 16-inch and 4-foot lengths to all parts of the city. My wood Is well sea soned end under shelter. Prices reasonable. Salem Fuel Yards. Phone Main 529. Office, 752 Trade trel tf SIGN PAINTERS. DORRANCE THE SIGN MAN AIR brush show cards and banners.' Bulletins and wall signs. See me If you want the best work. Rea sonable prices. 145 South Liberty Rtreet. 6-26-6m SAW FILING. HAVE YOUR SAWS SET AND Filed by a practical saw flier, at reasonable prices. Estimates giv en on job carpenter work. L. W. Benson, 456 Court street, Main 1267. 8-30-tf A. O. U. W. PROTECTION Lodge No. 2 meets ever;' Monday even ing at 8:09 p. m., In Holman Hall, corner State and Liberty Sts. E. P. Donaldson, M. W. D. P. Wright, Recorder. 6-2 l-tf 7?EAL ESTATE (Continued.) FOR SALE 5 acres all under cul tivation, Just 3 Vi miles from Salem, close to school. Price, $700, $200 cash, balance easy terms. Oregon Realty Co., 275 State St. 8-31-3t ON YAQUINA Bay, four miles from Toledo, 10 miles from Newport, 361 acres, of which 150 acres Is the very finest tide land, 150 acres a rich black loam, balance range pas ture. There is an old orchard of apples, plums and pears, about 10 acres of bench land ready for plow ing and about one-half of the bench land grown to grass, balance covered with alder and other trees suitable for wood. This place Is on navigable water, only one-halt mile from a flag station on the Southern Pacific railway and about a half mile from schoolbouse and will support 100 head of cattle as it stands. There Is the best ot market at Newport for cattle, milk, garden truck or fruits with high prices and a strong demand. B Hofer & Sons, 213 S. Commercial street Salem. Also L. C. Smith, Newport. Ore. 6-26-tf FOR SALE. FOR SALE A cheap 4-room house and stable, large lot, 1 block from Fair Grounds store. Price, $350, very easy terms. Address John Van Lonnen, Brooks, Or. 8-30-3t FCR SALE Good tenm of working horses, weight about 2800 pounds, wagon and harness, hayrack and woodrack, plow and harrow. Price $300 for all. Inquire 318 Miller street or phone 1643. 8-30-6t MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP- ter No. 1. Masonic hall second Friday of each mcntb, at 8 p. m. M. P. Baldwin, Ex. High Priest. Lot L. Pearce, Secretary. 7-9-tf FOR SALE 60 Plymouth Rock pul lets, frys and old hens. Phone 1769. 8-30-3t FOR SALE To team, good horses one welgi 1450, other 1150 or 1200. Address Stayton, first blue house by Catholic ch irch on Me hatna road. 5-5-tf UNITED ARTISANS Capital As sembly No. 84, meets every Friday evening in I. 0. O. F. Temple, Mrs. Ida B. Godfrey, M. A, S. R Vail, secretary, 158 S. Cottage street. Phone 1214. FOR SALE OR RENT Blacksmith shop on North Front and Pine streets. Jacob ft Grlble. Inquire Catlln ft Linn. . 3-28-tf PACIFIC LODGE, NO. 60. A F. & A. M. Masonic hnll, third Friday each month at 7:30 p. m. Tom R. Wilson, W. M., Lot L. Pearce. sec retary. 8-i-tf FOR SALE Large body fir, oak grub and ash. Now taking orders for summer dolivery. Phone 1417 or 1283. Downing & Eoff. 4-29-tf FOR SALE 7-room house, 2 lots, all set In best of bearing fruits, good well water, good outhouses. See owner at place, 1690 Trade street. 6-8-tf SALEM LODGE NO. 4, A. F. & A M. State communication 01 first Frl.lay in each m.onth at 7:8 p. in., In Masonic hail, McCornacI block. James Plant, W. M.; John Bayno, secretary. SALEM HUMANE SOCNETY D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tllson, secretary. All cases ot cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should be reported to the society for Investigation. TINNING AND ROOFING. BADERTSCHER & FULLER Hot air heating; furnace work; tin ning and roofing cornice work of all kinds. 188 South Liberty street. Phone 600. Figures on contracts cheerfully given. All work guar anteed. 8-SO-tf UNDERTAKERS. LEHMAN CLOUGH U. J. Leh man, A. M. Ciougr, morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed 445 Coun street 9.20-tf. ARMSTRONG NURSERY CO. Gar den seeds of all kinds in season. Large stock fruit, ornamental trees. Contract landscape work for city or suburban home. Office, salesyard, 491 Court St., Main 937, Farmers 44x1. 8-25-tf SALEM EMPLOYMENT Bureau Re llrble help furnished on short no tice. 165 S. Commercial street, Salem, Oregon.- 8-1-tf SALEM IRON WORKS Shand & Marcus, proprietors front ana State Rtreet. Iron and brass cast ings, fire hydrant, hop balers, saw mill machinery, etc. Phone 909. 8-26-tf FOUNDERS. GROCERS. NICHOLS GROCERY. io oouiu Twelfth. Phone iwa lor guuu treatment and prompt delivery. C. G. Nichols, proprietor, .,Wr tn Kemn & Hall, satis- n,wi nti.inmnrfi mv motto. 8-1-tf HAIR DRESSING. SCALP AND SKW SPECIAL1ST Halr dress ng. Manicuring, chirop ody and electrolysis. Combings bought and made up. We make a specialty of hair dyeing. Miss Ora Poaee. rooms 3H 319 V. S. Bank 3-7-1 m DR., OSTEOPATHY. DR. B. II. WHITE Osteopath and nerve specialist, graduate of the American School of Osteop athy, Klrksvilie, Mo., post-grkdu-atr and specialized In nervout diseases at Los Angeles College, 1909. Treats acute and chronic diseases Consultation free.. Lad Attendant. Ofllce 505-506 U. 8 National Bank Bld&. Phone 859 aesld-ince 346 North Capitol street Phone 4 69. W. T. RIGDON, undertaker and em baLner, 252 North High street, op posite city hull. First class In ser vice, equipment and stock. Lady assistant when desired. Only un dertaker who has commodious apartments purely on residence plan. 6-12-tf UPHOLSTERING, ftENOVATING MATRESSES Made over, renovat. ed, upholstering and furniture re pairing. All work guaranleed. Phone 1215, or drop me a card and I will call for your work. Harry E. Fox, 1566 North 4th street. 7-3-tf F. B. MERRY & CO. Vacuum car pet cleaning, on or off tho floor; carpets altered and laid; mat tresses made und renovated; fur niture re-covered; shades and awn ings made aud altered. Northeast corner Court and High streets. Phone 568. 7-22-tf SALEM NEST NO. 116, BROTHER. hood of Owls. Meets second and fourth Wednesday of every month In Hurst hnll, No. 420 State street, 7:30 o'clock p. m. H. II. Turner, secretary, 135 South Commercial street. CHADWICK CHAPTER NO. 37, O. E. S. Regular meetings first rnd third Tuesdays. Masonic Hall. Mrs. McCauloy, W. M.; Ida M Rabcock. secretary. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE, Cherry City Lodge No. 498, meets every Thursday evening at 8 p. m. In I O. O. F. Temple, corner Court and High streets, D. R. Yantls, Dicta tor; H. H. Turner, secretary, 135 8. Commereinl street. HEAL ESTATE. $1700 Buys store building, goo1 will In well established buslnees, one acre ot land, on rock road.with stock of goods at Invoice price. The Square Deal Realty Co., U. S. Bank building. Room 304. Phone 470. OR. R. W. WALTON, Osteopathic phy sician; acute and chronic diseases treated; consultation free. Office rooms 12 and 14 Breyman block. Phone 1951. 8-25-tf PAINTERS, PAPFiv MANGERS PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Estimates made and flrst-clasi work done. I D. Driver, 517 North Capitol street, Salem. Ore Phone 926. 6-26-tf PAVING. WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO Street paving. Bltulithic is the beet by test. 8-28-tf PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. REED & ZWICKEit. Only steam carpet and feather renovating plant . In city. Power vacuum cleaning. Matresses remade and upholster ing. Furniture repaired. Work guaranteed. Works Fourteenth and Wilbur. Phono 1154. 8-3 l-tf WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY Office corner Con) nerciiil and Trade Sts. For water service apply at offlre. Hills pnvnhlv monthly In advance. WATCHMAKER. U. 8. MILLER, the WATCHMAKER Over 20 years' experience as a watchmaker at Beatrice, Neb, High grade work at eastern prices Opera House block, 484 Court street 10-5-tf. WOOD SAWS. bldg. Journal "Want Ads" Bring ResuIU J. OLIN VAN WINKLE Phy sician and surgeon, pfllre 502 U. S. National Bank bldg. Phone 35. Residence 615. 8-29-tf HAVE YOUR NEXT WINTER'S supply of wood sawed by the "old reliable" sawyer, J. A. Poago. Your orders will receive prompt attention. Phone Main 1313. 8-29-tf FOR SALE We liave Koine fine acre tracts close to the car line. A small payment down und $10 per month without Interest for three years will secure-one of these fine tracts. Or egon Realty Co., 275 State St. X-:t1-:!t FOR SALE Modern Improved resl deuce on Center Rtreet, lot 50x75; Alley entrance, $5500. E. Hofer & Sons, 213 S. Commercial. ELLIS & WOOD Real estate loans and Insurance, notary pub lic, employment bureau, Phone 654. 476 Court St., Salem, Ore gon. Ticket office Hamburg.Amer lean steamship llnce. 1 1-1-1 yr FOR SALE Ten ai res of first, class lund, all under cultivation, clow to macadam road. Jusl Vi miles Iron Salem. Price W), $!Mill cash, lml mice to suit purchaser. Oregon Really Co., 275 Slate St. 8-31 FOR SALE BY OWNER Now seven room house, and three lots, each 50x130; bouse plastered, good well and pump. Located at 2288 North Liberty street, corner Pine street. Price $2100. Call at 2395 N. Front street, or phone Main 41)4. 8-5-1 mo GRAIN CHOPPER for sale. Good double chopper, nearly as good as new. Capacity 60 to 75 bushels per hour. Manufactured by Appleton Manufacturing Co. Price $40 if taken at once, as owner has no use for It. Phone Main 494 or call at 23!I5 N. Front street. 8-5-tf FOR REITT. FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms. Inquire at 730 North Front street. 8-24-tf FOR RENT Modern housekeeping rooms and sleeplug rooms, electric lights, bath. Inquire at 444 South HiKh street. 8-1-tf PASTURAGE FOR RENT, running water. Horse, $1.50; cattle, $1.00 per month. Independent Market, 255 Forry street 8-31-tf WELL LIGHTED front rooms with or without board. Phone 1016, 366 North High. 1-18-tf WANTED. WANTED Jnp boy wants household work, by the day, week or month. Cull at 323 Center street or phone 2044. 8-28-lw WANTED AT ONCE A waitress at the Vandran Hotel, Albany, Ore. 7-31-tt WANTED Hop pickers. Will call for and return all pickers. Fifty-acre yard In good condition. Inquire Room 13, Hush Hank building, or phone 491 or 1431, F. W. Durbln. 8-2-tf WANTED From 10 to 50 ncres of cheap land for chicken ranch. Must be near some means of transporta tion. If you have this property, see us about selling It for you. E. Hofer & Sons. 8-29-tf. LOST. LOST. White Fox Terrier dog, tan marks ou head, short tall; answers to name ot "Bubbles." Reward will bo paid by Tom R. Wilson, Penitentiary, for return. 8-28-tf --4 Wis?-n FOR SALE Fine modern residence on best residence street In city. New, with all modern conveniences and large lot. Price $4200 with sewer assesments paid. Threo yean' time on $1500. E. Hofer ft Sons, 21-1 Commercial street. 7-11-tt tit''- ',.5'HMMl,' t FOR SALE 71 acres of fine land, 50 acres under cultivation, balance in timber and pasture; good six-room house ami barn und other outbuild ings; fine spring on place. Plenty of family orchard, .lust 5 14 miles from Salem. Price, $10.0011, $-,11110 cash, balance at 6 per cent Interest. Oregon Realty Co., 27". State St. 8-3 1-3 t Celebrated Lennox Furnace The Best Heater It will suvo you money every day you own It. I will sell and Install the best. I!t me give you figures. See Me About an Individual lighting plant for your home. The best thing In the market for cooking and lighting. A. L. Frasier Phone 135. 253 State Street.