DAILY CAMTAL JOl'RXAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 101 1. PAGE FITS. SPECIALS Toweling Ve are offering you at special prices for this week, a asood strong, full 17-inch crash Toweling, regular 12" 1 -2c the yard, at special 10c yard. Just the thins: for everyday use or for the hop fields, pillow Cases An extraordinary good value these cases are made of good quality Pillow Casing, full 36x42 inches in size; really worth 50c the pair Special 25c per Pair. New Ribbons A beautiful assortment of new Ribbons ,in width up to 7 inches, solid colors, moires, and flowered desiens These ribbons are sold regularly at 30c per yard "(be surest see this display) Special 21c yard. Wash Goods To clean our stock of Wash Goods we offer vou your choice of these goods at special One-Fourth Off. Combs We have just received an extra laree shipment of foirhs. We offer you your choice of over 25 dozen Pyra fin Combs, in all solid and variegated colors, at special 11c each. This comb is a regular 25c seller, and so sold by most .stores. THE MAN IS A PUZZLE TO THE CHIEF UtSIDES 11EINJ, or l'I!ETEMl(J TO HE, DEAF AM) IU'MB. HE snxiJS FIXE STYLE OFSl'KIXi POETRY AT RANDOM. THE QUALITY STORE STOCKTON'S THE QUALITY STORE Don't Delay CANNING PEACHES is the thing you must engage your mind on now, A few days' delay will make a world of difference in the QUALITY. EXTRA FINE EARLY CRAWFORDS di or per box tpl.D EATING PEACHES, LARGE FULL BASKETS a each 4UC BARTLETT PEARS Don't delay getting your supply now, Now is the time they are picked; now is the time you want to lay in your wants, Absolutely nothing gained by waiting, $1 9C box 10c EXTRA LARGE TOKAY GRAPES per pound Try the Schram Jars for Your Fruit X If you want good fruit try our store I Roth Grocery Co. j Can It be determined whether or not a man is deaf and dumb slmplv because he pretend to be so while begging? Chief of Police Hamilton is puzzling his head over this question this morning in addition to having a Jewelry robbery on his hands. In his campaign against men who persist in begging from house to house despite the present demand for hop pickers and other farm labor, the chief yesterday arrested a man giving the name of Harry Wilson. Wilson is about 33 years of age. appears to be capable of doing a good dav's work and is fearly well dressed. He car ried a card bearing the printed infor mation that he had been deprived of his voice and hearing faculties bv typhoid fever, and that he w as endeav oring to raise money enough to reach Berkeley, Cal., where he intends to enter a state Institution with the idea of learning the broom making trade. The man also carries letters stating that he is a former miner. Among a big collection of various small ar ticles which he had in his pockets the chief found a bunch of keys which he thinks are skeleton keys. In one of the man's socks was found another collection of articles. Including a small account book in which was en tered a memorandum stating that one woman had assured him she would be glad to help him but she had no change in the house at the time. On account of the lack of physician's tes timonials showing .that the man is deaf and dumb, w hich Chief Hamilton thinks the man would carry if he were a genuine mute, the chief appears to think the man is working the "dummy act." In other words Is a faker. He had 85 cents In his pockets. On a slip of paper found In the big collec tion, is a "poem," written in a man's handwriting in Ink. Tt bears the title, "Lost, Strayed or Stolen," and reads: "one brown horse, round as a ring S years old, 9 in the spring One eye out, one eye glass Two white feet, spot on his face Sides buldged out caved in Dam good horse for the fix he's in." o voters of the state the following measure: Be It enacted by the people of the state of Oregon: Section 1. No private detective, or any one acting In the capacity of a private detective, or employ, or agent, or representative, or assistant of any private uetectlve; or mem ber or employe, or agent or repre sentative, or assistant of any private detective agency or association, shall be eligible to police duty In the state, either as police or assistant, nor shall be eligible to serve as sheriff, or deputy sheriff, nor shall be eligible to any authority whatsoever in any capacity to arrest, or detain any per son or persons; nor shall any such detective, employe, agent, represen tative or assistant of any private de tective, or private detective agency or association, be eligible to said police or sheriff service within one year after acting as detective, or doing detective work, or having rela tion thereto as aforesaid. Section 2. Any violation of this act shall, upon conviction, be fined not less-than $1000 nor more than $10,000, and Imprisonment not less than two years nor more than ten years. Resolved, That a copy of this res olution be sent to the Bulletin, The Labor Press and the Daily News at Portland. Also Salem papers. By the Socialist local of Salem, August 27, 1911. Mistakes Evlayllappen to you, .is tlicy do to everyone. If you eat t last, !o not masticate properly, or ;.-ike fiH.il Hint docs not nyree with you, digestive de r.in; enu-n t s a re ai must sure to come, and ii'dicstion pcnerally leads to very serious physical troubles. THE OPEN FORUM f The Capital . Journal Invites Public Discussion in This t Department Let Both S'des of All Matters Be Fully Brought Out It Is Not the Purpose of This Newspaper to do the Thinking for Its Headers. LOOK FOR "The Little Red Flag" Have you ever stopped to think how muck more heat a pound of coke, contained as compared with a pound of wood and also how much cheaper and more convenient to handle it is than either coal or wood? let Us Explain. SALEM GAS WORKS Ed. Journal: Whereas, the fram ing up of criminal cases against la boring men have become a habit wifh private detective agencies, and Whereas, In such cases, the ap pointment of these detectives or their hirelings, as deputy sheriffs and special ponce, to Drow-beat and in timidate, and to manufacture evi dence, Is a subversion of civil gov ernment, and Whereas, In all cases where a crime is charged It is essential that the public mind be as free as pos sible from fear and prejudice, there fore be It Resolved, That we favor, and recommend to the Socialist locals and labor unions of the state an In itiative petition putting up to the XO HOPE FOR AYEIUl . NOW BUT THE GOVERNOR After carefully considering the ar guments advanced yesterday by the attorneys of Jesse Webb, the Portland trunk murderer, for a certificate of probable cause in his case, the su preme court this afternoon denied the petition, and the only way by which he can escape the hangman's noose now Is by clemency from Governor West. In addition to the petitions present ed to the governor for the commuta tion of the condemned man's sentence to that of life Imprisonment, has been supplemented the personal appeals of his wife and daughter. After an in terview with them several weeks ago the governor stated nothing had arisen to influence him to extend clemency in the case. Subsequently the wife and daughter had another interview with him, and after It he stated that he was of the same opinion, but that he reserved the right to change his mind should further extenuating cir cumstances arise. WelTb. together with Mrs. Carrie Kirsh, murdered a man by the name ot Johnson In Portland last winter, and after the murder packed the re mains in a trunk and attempted to ship them out of the country. Mrs. Kirsh Is now serving a sentence for manslaughter In the state prison. n THIS SHOE IS ON THE OTHER FELLOW'S FOOT UNITED PRER8 LBARRP WIRE. ' San Francisco, Aug. 30. The Southern Pacific wants shippers at points between here and Portland to pay a higher rate than is collected for the haul to the terminal, In order that it may make up alleged losses through the necessity of meeting water competition to the northern city. A delegation of railroad attor neys, headed by C. W. Durbow, ap peared before the U. S. .J.terstate Commerce Commissioner Franklin K. Lane In the district court today and presented reasons for requiring the authorization of a higher rate. An increase of the tariff to inter mediate points would not be unfair, Durbrow said, In spite of the fact that in some cases the rate would be higher than for the longer haul to Portland, because the road had to contend with water competition. William R. Wheeler, of the Mer chants' Exchange traffic bureau, was present at the hearing, and will sub mit the shippers' side of tho case. BEECEWS PILLS relieve and cure indigestion. They have a quick and tonic action on the stomach and its nerves, and so they (;ive direct aid to digestion. They carry away also the indi gestible matter. With their use dyspepsia, hiccoughs, bad taste, unpleasant breath and flatulence disappear. You should be careful and remember Beecham's Fills Will Right The Wrong Sold everywhere. In convenient boxes 10c. and 25c. President Taft Is pleasing nig Busi ness pretty much these days. Detective Displays Bitterness. I UNITED TRESS LEASED WIRE.) Portland, Or., Aug. 30. Anticipating a possible attack on him by Samuel Gompers, of the American Federation of Labor, when Gompers speaks here tomorrow night, William J. Burns, head of the Burns detective agency, in an interview here today took n few hot shots at Gompers and his "other enemies." After declaring that he permitted the publication of a story entitled "The Dynamiters," in a popular magaxine because Gompers assailed him for ar resting the McN'amara brothers, Burns said: "I have been accused of being an enemy of labor. That Is false. AVhen I undertook the Investigation of the Times explosion, General Otis and other men, known to be labor's bit terest enemies, opposed me. I made arrests only when I believed I had the goods. It was Immaterial to -me whether the men arrested were mem bers of labor organizations or were capitalists. I was after the dyna miters. "Gompers accused me of framing up the evidence a few hours after the MeN'amaras and MManlgal were ar rested. He pronounced the action an outrage a crime against labor. At the time he could not have possibly known whether the men were guilty or not unless he happened to have been one of the dynamiters. His fiery statements are responsible for me granting the Interview on which the magazine story is based. "In the McNamara cases the de fense has hired a number of men to purchase evidence. If they are not successful In purchasing satisfactory testimony they threaten to kill. But the prosecution Is ready and wait ing." c , Killed Twelve. VNITED TRESS LEASED WIKB. Paris. Aug. 30. Twelve persons were killed and twelve badly Injured today when a bridge under construc tion collapsed at Brail, Switzerland. MANY WOMEN REMARK "THEY LOOK LIKE THEY WERE MADE FOR MEN" IT'S THOSE NEW Scotch Suitings They're talking about, and they were made by mills caterins to flrst-clas3 men's tailoring establishments. Mannish Scotch T weeds Are the correct fabrics for ladles Tailored Suits and Coats this sea son. You'll agree with all of the complimentary remarks the ladies are making about our line when you see what we are showing. New Polo Cloth Cloaking Just opened. Swellest thing you've ever seen for Ladies' Coats. All of these new fabrics are from 54 to 58 Inches wide so they cut to tho best possible advantage, and you require only a small yardage for a full suit. "Credit Stores", Can'tlMatchJJOur Prices. a Full line of ' New Fall Models of Tho mson's G love Fitting Corsets i Now Ready O'Toolc Made Good. r UNITED l'UESS LEAKED WtllK. Boston, Mas., Aug. 30. Marty O'Toole, the Pirates' star pjcher, won his first game In the big league here today, when he defeated the Bean Eaters, 6 to 4. Boston got only four hits. wmuiKVsssumiaBss iMMMMMtttMHMIMtlMtMMi Huie Wing Sang Co. I COMPLETE STOCK OF LADIES' AM) GENTLEMEN'S H'KXISH INT. (iOODS, TRUNKS, SUIT CASES, MATTING, AND ALL KINDS OF CHINESE AND JAPANESE GOODS. 11.00 grade Table Linen ...75c '1-50 Lace Curtains, now.. $1.09 jJ-50 Middy Blouses, now. $1.00 jc best Serge, 1 yard wide. 50c Ladies' Fleece Union Suits, now 75c '2.00 Ladles' silk and "Wool tnlon Suits, now $1.50 50c Children's Underwear .35c $15.00 Men's Wool Suits. $12.50 50c Mesh Underwear, now.. 25c $1.25 Light Dress Shirts ...95e $3.00 Men's Dress Shirts ..i35 Wrappers, $1, $1.25, $1.50 up Children's Dresses, 50c, 75c op Ladles' White Waists reduced. ALL LADIES' SKIRTS OX BIG SALE THIS WEEK. 325 N, Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon THE SOUTH SALEM SEWER Contract Will be Completed in Two Weeks ; So, Mr. Property Owner, It is up to you to order Sewer Pipe with ' which to connect up your residence. When making this connection use only Vitrified Salt Glazed Pipe The only Sanitary Sewer Pipe Manufactured. We have several Cars of this pipe on the way to Salem, and for the next 10 Days will make special price on any orders that can be delivered direct from car to your property. Not the Cheapest but the Best. Phone 1830 Office Front and Ferry. Tortured for 15 Years. By a cure-defying stomach trouble that baffled doctors and resisted all remedies he tried, John W. Modders, of Moddersvllle, Mich., seemed doomed. He had to sell his farm and give up work. His neighbors said "he can't live much longer.'1 "What ever I ate distressed me," he wrote, "till I tried Electric Bitters, which worked such wonders for me that I can now eat things I could not take for years. It Is surely a grand rem edy for stomach troubles." Just as good for the liver and kidneys. Ev. ery bottle guarantied. Only 50c at J. C. Perry's. I'ortlunil Fair and Livestock Exposi tion. For the above occasion, the S. P. will make a special round trip fare of ono and one-third from nil points to I'ortland. Tickets on sale from points Routh of HoHPburg September 5. and from Itoselmrg and points north Including West Side and Yamhill dl viHions, September 5 and ti. Klnal return limit September 11. 8-3(l-;it Most people find considerable up hill traveling in life. THE Chas. K. Spaulding Logging Co. 9100 Reward, fl0. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all its stages, and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting di rectly on the blood and mucous sur faces of the system, thereby destroy ing the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by build-' lng up the constitution and assisting nature to do its work. The proprie tors have so muoh faith In Its cura tive powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Stud for list of testi monials. Address P. J. Cheney & Co., To ledo, Ohio. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. 3 DAYS ONLY i i Mr, Investor or Speculator, here is something you don't want to overlook, j I have got to sell, 8 large lots; 7-room house not quite completed, price $1200, only $400 cash, balance on or be- fore 4 years at 6 per cent must be sold by September 1, , CALL ON Bechtel & Bynon TODAY 347 State St. Tel, Main 452' Notice of Intention to Improve Twenty-Fourth Street. Notice Is hereby given that the common council of the City of Sa lem, Oregon, deems It expedient and proposes to improve Twenty-fourth, street, In the city of Salem, Oregon,, with concrete pavement, from the south line of Asylum Avenue to th North line of State street, at the ex pense of the adjacent and abutting property within said limits, and ac cording to the plans and specifica tion adopted for said Improvement and on file In the office of the city recorder, which said plans and spec ifications are horehy referred to for a more specific and dotalled descrip tion of said Improvement, and are hereby made part of this notice. This notice Is published for ten (10) days, pursuant to the order ot the common council, and the date of the first publication thereof Is the 22d dny of August, 1911. . Remonstrances may be filed agalnBt said Improvement within ten (10) days days from the lost publi cation of this notice and In the man ner provided by the city charter. CHAS. F. ELGIN. 8-22-1 It Recorder. Dystentary Is a dangerous disease, but can be cured. Chamberlain's Collo Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme dy has been successfully used In nine epidemics of dysentery. It has never been known to fall. It Is equally val uable for children and adults, and when reduced with water and sweet ened, It is pleasant to take. Sold by all dealers. For that tired feeling try having no mornings after for about a year. SALEM SEWER PIPE COMPANY Our Pay Roll Is At Home When you buy cement sewer pipe you give employment to Salem working men; you are helping to support a Salem corporation. Come to our factory at the cor ner of Liberty and Trade streets, and wo will prove to you the superiority of our pro duct a pipe of stone, which grows harder and harder as tho years pass. :ryTTM