SALEM. OREGOX. ttKltXEsUAV. -UGVST 30, 1811. PAGE POUR DAILY CAPITAL JOCTtXAL. PREPARING ATTEND THE WIND UP TO FORFEIT THE FRANCHISE OF OUR GREAT SALE MORE of Our Fall Opening Sale. Liberal reductions on every order taken. D. H. Mosher. tSIr 456 COURT STREET A, B. JEWELRY STORE IS BURGLARIZED 1ATI ttl' fIL! ri If Ln Tn niirv I i- r juujmie. 11-9 hp ui l.i r. HI T (JOT A WAT WITH A LOT Or JEWLLKY ALOMi WITH M FltO.H THE ItECISTER -TOTAL LOSS, Aiiorr 1.0. Burglara broke Into the store nt 322 StuU alret't, which U occupied Jointly by thn Crown drug more and A. II. Gardner, Jewelrr, some time during last night and secured $50 In chhIi from the cbbIi rcglHtor of the phar macy and then broke open Gardner's work desk and plundered It. Gardner has not yet completed a llBt of the articles he Is mining but places hln loss at $100. The police have no clue to the robbers. Whpn the store was opened this morning Mr. Gardner found Jewelry ncattered about on the floor near his work bench. Some of tho articles were found out In the main aisle of the drug Btore, Knowing that the rob bers worked rapidly nnd carelesHly. Ilefore leaving the store last night Mr. Gardner placed numerous articles of juwelry In small tin boxes, locked tlx; boxes and then placed them In the top of his work bench, the top of which was closed and locked. The burglars entered the store through a rear door In the baHement and reached the first floor by break ing several board a under the front .window aryl crawling up back of Mr. Gardner's desk which 1b In the front part of tho drug store on the west side of the room. The Intruders tried the combination on the wife, but could not work It. The thieves then broke open Gardner's desk, secured the tin boxes' arid after breaking the locks proceeded to help themselves. It Is Mr. Gardner's opinion t tut t they nliued to secure only the most vnluablu Jew elry, which Indicates Unit they were not amateurs at the biwincHH. Among the articles which Mr. Gard ner hu lost nro: Opal quartz brooch oval shape, gold mounting; ladles gold v.atch chain, yard long; agate heart (harm; gold ring, three emeralds, doublets; agate brooch, gold mount ing; Kik charm, gold mounting, bear ing Inscription which Ih the number of the Kalem lodge of Elks. The Jeweler's list Is not yet complete. Mr. Hlngo left the drug store about ft: lid laxt night. The robbers shoved In a door in the rear of tho basement and walked through the basement to the front part of the building. The pharmacy Is located a few doors cast of the Hush bank and patrolmen are usually In this neighborhood at till hours of the night. The Western Un ion Telegraph office, which la open until 1 o'clock or later at night, Is across the street and a little to the west. Three saloons are open until midnight In the same block, and the While House restaurant, which Is open all night, Is Just a few doorB east on State street. Mr. (iraher left a box of matches on the counter last night back of the cash register. The robbers used some of these matches while working In the front of the room. Mr. Giaher, who formerly was Interested with Theo dore Roth In the grocery business, was robbed on a previous occasion, while In the grocery business. Chief Hamilton stated this morning that he had no clues to tho perpetrat ors of the burglary tip to 9 o'clock this morning. Divided With Ills AVIfo. Lawrenceburg, Ind., Aug. 30. Hold on the charge of stoallng a pair of loaded dice from a saloon keeper, Louis A. Weiss, 28, was giv en hlg freedom today because be was caught passing a bundlo of food to his wife. To the Jailor Weiss said that he had been giving her part of his al lowance every day, to keep her from starving. Hearing of the Incident, Prosecutor Russe ordered the pris oner released. WILL BOOST THE HIGHWAY AT NEWBERG Having for Its object the creation of Interest in the building of the Fort-land-Salem highway a booster meet ing will be held this evening In the town of Newberg, and It will be at tended by a number of Salemltes wiio favor the construction of the highway. The people of Newberg and the sur rounding country are already enthus iastic over the proposed highway, ahd from all reports a monster meeting will be held. Attending the meeting will be KxMuyor Rodgers. Grant Dlm Ick of Oregon City, nnd C. T. Prall of Portland, all member of a committee appointed by Governor West to map out a campaign for the building of the road. I Preparatory to in'itutinK b-eal pro ceedings to forfeit the franchise of j jjj , the Portland, Eugene & Eastern Rail- , fl roau company. .Mayor ijicuiuiidu oas called a special meeting of the coun cil for this evening for the purpose' of passing an ordinance repealing the ordinance passed by the uty granting the franchise to the railroad company. The city attorney, together witli : additional counsel employed by the ' city, for a week or more have been j looking up legil ruer!'ie to th (procedure to be t'iken tn forfeit the I franchise. They finnlly decided n;at I before a suit wp? f'!'"l in 'he court jthat It would be ne-'-sary tor th j council to pass an n'!in:in- rerci'ine jthe one grantms the frnn"hi-e. and 'that 1 the retMion nf t'.e s: crinl meet- Ing A soon as thi Is done complaint asking for the forfeiture of the fran chise will be fll d lr. the circ.iit court. Grounds nf nniillini-nt. The grounds upon which it will b i sought to have the franchise declared j forfeited are that tlie company has not I complied with its frriis in providing j a street car service on "i nter :--tr", and also In falling to install its line I on Front street; ai d also in falling to provide the required size of r.iil on the C'entpr street, track. The best IwiaV.s v.e ever placed en our counters are here marked out in plain, bi fisures.'OA is he time when small money goes far cost and less this week. o Be sure and take a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with you when starting on your trip this summer. It cannot be obtained on hoard the trains or steam ers. Changes of walcr and climate often cnuacs sudden attacks of diar rhoea, and It is best to be prepared. Sold by all denlers. Defines "A Meal." UNITED FRF.SS LliSID WIRI. I.os Angeles, Cal., Aug. 30. Defini tion of a "bona fide" meal with which liquor may be served by restaurants Is made In a resolution adopted by the police commission. After speci fying that the meal shall cost not less thnn fifteen cents, It requires that bread, meat, fish, cheese or beans be served, In a sufficient quantity to be beyond any question of being a sub terfuge for a proper meal. o It is published by Frank Bonvllle, author of the Bonvllle System, and compiled and edited by Enoch I. Will, manager of the Bonvllle Pub. Co. "The Bonvllle Square Deal" can be found on sale for 35c at Patton II roe.' book store. p CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ev liiciirpnniliona. The following articles of Incorpora tion were filed yesterday with the secretary of stpte: Salmon River Mining Co., Portland. Capital tsock. $.',0 nun. Snn Francisco, Portland & I.os An geles Steamship company, Portland. Capital stock. $:,uou. Pacific Mutual Property Exchange. Portland. Capital stock. I.Vi.ono. Ford Motor Car Agency, Incorpor ated. Portland. Capital stock, $2o.oou. Huntington News company, Hunt ington. Canital stock. $12"i0. The Aluminum Cooking I'tensil Co., foreign, Portland. Capital stock, $10.01111. Northwest Townsli? company, for- plffll. Pnrtlnnrl Pnnital Ktnclr tr.00 000 ! Waldo Hills Orchard company, for eign, Salem. Capital stock, $:12.".,000. Lane and Benton County Land com pany, supplementary. The Merchants Cold Mining & De velopment Co., dissolution. Oregon Venture company, dissolu tion. I.ane and Benton County Land com pany, Increase, JlOO.ono to $200,000. 1 ill New Fall Suits Now ready for sellin?. Come and see the wonderful bargains we are offering, We are selling suits at cost this week to introduce the new stock, $18, $20, $25 and S30.00 Suits now on sale for $9.90, $10.50, $12.50, and $14.90 Hundreds of odd lots and odds and ends left over after the big saleat less than the manufacturers' first cost. Come and see them they are all out on the counters marked . in plain figures. Dress Goods and Silks All marked out on the counters in plain figure", the bes bargains we ever offered 7oc Fancy Silks 25c Foley KldneyPllls are specially use ful in all ailments and disorders of the kidneys and bladder, because they are composed of Ingredients spe cially selected for their corrective, healing, tonic and stimulating effects upon these organs and the urinary passages. They are anti-septic, antl llthlc and ,a uric acid solvent. Try them. Red Cross Pharmacy (H. Jerman). Bears the Signature of Deaths every day from automobile accidents seem not to check reckless driving. per yard lain . and Fancy Silk 49c Standard Calicoes and Ginghams, the best quality, now yard . 5c Muslins at Mill Prices 85c Dress Goods, now, yard . . 45c Remnants of wool Dress Goods at exactly Half Price. Hundreds of Items out on our counters, at prices that will surprise you. The Greater CHICAGO "The Store That Saves You Money" STflHF LSaIem 1 VIlI-i (Won I - I Read The Journal Ads carefully. Our advertisers 'are offering great bargains every day. We Are Double Discounting All Profit Sharing Sales Echoes from the OREGON SHOE STORE Prove Interesting HUNDREDS of happy satisfied customers have made daily visits to OUR GREAT SALE. A steady stream of Busy Bargain Buyers from the opening to the closing of the doors. The purchasers onslaught is visible each evening but the vacated ranks are refilled for the Morrow's Battle, with equal bargains WHAT DOES IT MEAN? SIMPLY THIS: An Honest Sale of Honest Goods for an Honest Purpose with Honest Low Prices, meets the approval of all: hence the verdict in our favor. A Few of Our Humming Hismm ers Investigate Them Men's $5 Patent Shoes $1.98, $4 Oxfords $1.98, Boys and Youths' regular $2 Dress nrl Qi r $1.19, Women's regular $5 Dress Shoe $1.98, Black and Tan $3 Oxfords for $1.69, Canvas Oxfords 23c Misses and Children's $2 Dress and School Shoe $1.19, Children and Babies' Fancy Shoes and Slippers at 38 to 44 cents. Yes we guarantee to fit your feet, mind, and purse. Every morning at 8 o'clockwe renew our GIGANTIC ATTACK on a stock of Shoes second to none in the' 'citv or vallm, w i . .11 i nil i y vauey. We are supplying your neighbors and would b2 pleassd to have your consideration. Come and learn what the purchasing price of a dollar means to you: As ever " ' v Yours anxious, to please, The Oregon Shoe Company. Salem's Best Shoe Store i