rsv.r. MX. ALL SEEING EYE OF ALMIGHTY GOD A Much Needed Lesson In an Unorthodox Selling. BUT WHAT IS ORTHODOXY? Pastor Russell Again Presents Bible Teachings In a New Light Pointt Out th Errors of the Creed Hand ad Down From tha Past Explains Trua Meaning of Word of Cod Brooklyn, N. Y.. Aui,ut 0. Not withstanding t b a a u in lii e r season Brooklyn Taberna clo wa crowded 'today, rantor ltus Bell took for bio text the words of the Prophet Da Tld. "Whither Blmll 1 flee from Thy presence? If 1 nuceiid up Into heaven, Tbou art there; If 1 uinke my bed In bell, lo hoM. Tliou art there" tl'saUu cxxxlx, 7. Si. He Kiild: V ure living In a day w hen money, pU-iiii'jre niiit niln Heem to be tbe its I'M of the uiiiHKM. The Kvolutloii their' !)! Higher Criticism of the l;i!).e have fosteivd unbelief to such on intent thill everything Intangible U (jlllllll'll IVjilnnliig with tho col-loci- professor mid I be majority of the edii' ated ministers till skepticism has embraced the wealthy, who arc Ha tinted villi the blessing of pronperl t.V. To those bun veil and heavenly tMugii seem viikiiiIi'S n I'ompiired villi present enjoyments ami hopes. Not for a long tlmo have these lip lluvrd In and feared eternal tnrinent. And tbi-lr present nttltudo Is one r donht rspectlng everything comieiied with (he Whip. They well know that outside the Itllilo thero Is nothing but guess work, nnd they prefer their own guwses to thoMO of other people. Very many of them speak candidly and tell that they tire agnostics, that they are ti m-crt n In and would like to bo Informed respecting the future. A very similar condition growlngly prenlls nnioiist the poorer classes and tho uneducated, who city, Wp lie llevcd the iscliolais v. I : 1 1 they told us tbe Illhli) was Inspired Why should wo not believe them now when l hey declare that It Is n fraud? As the wealthy donht that lid will special ly favor them, so the poor 1 ulil Whether find will specially disfavor tliein. Both classes are reaching the conclusion that fortune or disaster rests, not with tho Lord, but with themselves. The World's Need a God. The effect of all tills loss of faith lu an Almighty fiod la seen on every hand and Is felt by many. Ono of tho consequences In that tho religious ele ment of nam's nature is becoming numb nnd tho masses, rich and poor, aro seeUIng n substitute In pleasure; as the Apostle's words foretold, they nro "lovers of pleasure more than lov ers of Cod.". Additionally, many of tho wealthy carry on a kind of brlgand ago nlonfi commercial lines. Desir ous of Imitating them, but unnblo no t do, others are filling tho world with vlolenco to an extent that Is nlarmltiK to everybody. Were It not for our elaborate nnd costly police protection llfo nnd property would bo far less bo cure In civilized lands than nmongHt tho hen! hen. With nil Iho protection afforded by telephone, telegraph, po llco, clc, etc., our rulers nnd olllclals tell us thnt they nro often bewildered In tholr attempts to preserve law und order. Many learned men hcllevo that thero Is no other lod than Nature: nnd many of tho unlearned nro following their lead. They reason that Naturo orveil them as both father nnd moth er, thnt Nature Is pitiless, misympn tuelle. cruel. Indeed, this Is one of their special arguments against a per onnl Cod, for they say that audi u God would not permit the RufTerliiKS we witness on every band und the still luoro terrible mifertngs which the creeds of Christendom bnve taught them nre In atore for all except the fmliitty few. It Is time thnt we return to the Bible proposition nnd see the truth of the statement, "The fool hnth unlit In his heart. There U no fiod." Surely there Is something wrong with the brain which, after noting the wonders of na ture, neeu In the surrounding worlds nnd systems snd attested In nil mat ters earthly, sees not an lntel,lent Ore. t r! '1 he wonderful adaptability of ouro vn Unties tells of n wise Creator. 1! we compare the human eye, adapt T.". lo Its i 'irposes and conditions, with ti e eye of a flsh, ndaptcd to Its differ c. t c ndlrU lis. and with the eve of a l-.-eiV. liiiaptid to still different oemll II :is, w e see the most Indubitable pivm'i of pro foil mlost wImIoiii and mi-fii-rbiiman skill. When wo think of man's wonderful powers and of his Brent achievements lu the world nnd then consider his Inability to make n single living thing, from a microbe to an elephant, from a tiny seed to a tree, aurely we should concede that the One Who entered nature lu the production of these) wonderful variations, nnd ere ated tnnii himself, must bo an Al mlfhty. Intelligent fiod. Surely "Hay Unto day uttereth speech and night I ItKCAl'SK SHE WAS DRUNK -UK USKl) THE AXK Stockton. Cal., Aug. 11. Return ing from work and II ml lag his wife In an alleged Intoxicated condition, Charles O. Tyner last night seltod an are and struck hie wife on the head. Bue Is row ta the hospital with flVfOI? KI15SEUJ onto night sboweth knowledge" along these lines, to those who have the eye of understanding to see. It Is time thnt these great truths were being; em phasized nnd that the boastful gentle men who Ignore them should bare tbclr true measure taken, regardless of how many titles may follow their names. The moderately educated as well as the Illiterate need such a testi mony to come from every pulpit. And if it does not soon come our civiliza tion will be wrecked. All-Seeing Eye Not Omnipresence.. 'Thou, Ood, sccst me;" "Tbe eye of the Lord Is In every place." These Scriptures give us the proper concep tion of the Almighty. As with the tele scope, the microscope, the telephone. etc., man can enlarge bis range of vision and hearing, so by (lowers still more wonderful tbe Almighty is cog nizant of all tbe affairs of the Uni verse. We grant thnt our feeble minds Are unnble to comprehend so great, so universal an Intelligence. We cannot know In what manner the angels, tbe spirit servants of God, are, as His eyes, In every place, to take cognizance of our affairs. We cannot know lu what manner tho electric or lightning flash serves as n Divlno mes senger. But we can believe that a Soul so Infinitely high above us pos Bosses powers of Information as far beyond our comprehension as tho tele phone and wireless telegraphy and electric light were beyond the compre hension which our forefathers had of these things In tls'lr day. It Is ensler to bollevo that so great a Being as tho Una who formed man should bnve all wisdom and all tower than to be lieve Ilim deficient of these. The Scriptural argument Is a good one: "Ho that formed the eye, shall Ho not see? I lu that formed the ear, shall He not hear?" God In Heaven and In Hell. The creeds banded down to us from the dark past declare that fiod is ev erywhere present omnipresent. This Is as unthinkable as It Is foolish and utiscrlptural. Taking advantage of this error of "orthodoxy." the Adver sary has turned many away from a be lief in it personal fiod. He who Is ev erywhere Is rum-hero. Tin; result Is the absurd view which has taken hold on sunn; otherwise Intelligent people. to tho effect thnt tood and Cod nre Kynonoinous. Hence a log of wooil thnt Is good fin- something, that enn be made into something useful. Is said to bavo yowl In It. and. hence, to have Cud In lt-dllto. a piece of Iron, a bed. a chair, a table. The folly grows Into snylng that fiod Is everywhere and Is in everything. Thus faith In n "god of nature and happen-so" takes tho place of faith in the fiod of tho Bible, whose residence Is lu heaven, but whoso Intelligence and power extend throughout the Universe, In thousands of ways of which we ure only learning through electricity, radio activity, etc., besides angelic messengers that can couio and go like the wind. Our text, misunderstood. Is supposed to teach Divine omnipresence, whereas It really teaches Hlvluo omniscience and Almighty power. The Lord's pres ence, as represented in His intelligence nnd power, nro everywhere. Nowhere could we go to be beyond Ills reach nnd beyond Ills knowledge Were this thought thoroughly iuipresHcd upon every human mind, what a vast dif ference It would make in hiiinnn con duct from that now seen-ln Wall Street, lu banks. In palaces, lu hovels, lu saloons. In gambling bouses every where. It Is the great lessoii needed by tho whole world. Everyone who ticllcMM this should Join with nature In attesting Divlno Wisdom, Power. Justice and I.ove. But really the undermining of faith In the fiod of the Bible bus been ac complished largely by the misrepre sentation of the Bible's teaching. Our text, for Instance, Is supposed to tench Hint fiod Is lu heaven with the saintly, rejoicing with them and enjoying their pleasure ami that He also Is iu bell with Iho unsatutly, looking upon their sufferings and tortures and planning with devils for their everlasting con tlnnnnco. Thluklng minds are reject lug such nonsense, but, alas, they nre rejecting rho Bible, too, hence havo no foundation for a better, truer faith. Every educated minister knows that I tell the Truth to (lie common people when I Bay thnt the word hell in our text has not the slightest reference to a place of torture, or even of conscious ness. Indeed this Is truo of every oc currence of tho word Ml, from fiene sis to Mnlacht. In every Instance tho translation Is from the biiuio Hebrew word, theol, which slgullles the grave, the tomb, ami la thus most frequently translnted. I urge upon all ministers of educa tion to Join with me In explaining to tho public the truo meaning of the lie brew word srol and the (ireek word kaile. Whatever mny have been their thought of expediency iu the past they should nro that the mistaken views of tho meaning of those words nre un dermining tho faith of Christendom. The Psalmist really said. "If I as cend up Into the sky. Thou art there; If I make my bint In thivl (the gravel, behold. Thou nrt there. in tho uttermost parts of tho sen, eveu there Hmll Thy hand lead me nnd Thy right h-.nd shall bold nie." Tho thought la that tho Divlno Tower Is everywhere. Hint whether we live or die, nothing can separate us from fiod's Wisdom sad Bower nnd from the ultimate ac complishment of our rescue from the power or ine grave, which tioil lias purposed nnd has promised shall be done through the great Messiah, for His Kingdom we wait nnd pray. Is This View Unorthodox? Tbe word orfAmfoj' slgnltles "correct in doctrine." I nm ready to admit that my presentation Is u;t the ordi nary one tint 1 claim thnt It Is cor fractured sluill, nnd Tyner, who Is a car foreman for the Southern Pacific company. Is held awaiting the result of her Injuries. Her Rudy ReeoTrrcil. Oconomowoc. Wis., Aug. It. The body of Mrs. H. A. Callwoy, wife of DAILT CAPTTAI rect, that It la the true doctrine of the I Word of God. If so. It is orthodox, to the highest sense of that term, and er erythlng to the contrary, being opposed to the standards of God's Word, must be unorthodox. Everything depends upon our standard, i stand for the Bible. Its teaching, its d.ctrlnes. and therefore am orthodox. On the con trary. Higher Critics and Evolutionists and those who hold the creeds of tbe "Dark Ages," contradictory to the Bi ble, are proportionately unorthodox heretical. What Christendom needs today Is a return to tbe Bible, an investigation of Its teachings and, correspondingly, a rejection of all human creeds, which are admittedly more or less defective. Let us "stand fast lu tbe liberty where with Christ hath made us free." Let us accept the Bible as the only stand ard. Let us study It and understand It to the extent of our ability. Let us rejoice In every degree of harmony we all attain In the correct understanding of it. Let us fellowship as Christians all who acknowledge Its Divine au thenticity and who. In harmony with Its presentation, are trusting In Jesus as their Redeemer; and who, In accept ance of His Invitation, have forsaken all to be His footstep followers. These are the real Christians, with whatever sect or party they may have become Identified, through the supposi tion that they were doing the will of God. These alone are the saints-, these alone are running In the race course; these ulouo have the opportunity of making their "calling and election sure." The masses known as Chris tendom are unchristian In every sense of the word. They are civilized heath en, In the sense that they do not recog nlze any more than do tbe heathen, a personal fiod of glorious character, rerfect In Ills Wisdom, .ftistlce. Love and Tower. They realize not Ills All seeing Eye. And their general lives show their lack of this knowledge and this faith. More than this (shall we say It?) the majority of professed church mem bers, no far as we can understand their sentiments as privately expressed and publicly declared by the ministers of their choice, are no more Christians than nre the .tews. They neither be lieve the Bible to be the Divine Rev elation nor do they accept the Lord Jesus Christ as the world's Redeemer from sin and death Of course, there fore, they do not profess to consecrate their lives to sncrlltclnlly follow One in whoso redemptive work they do not believe. The Mystery of the Cross. Comparatively few of the hundreds of thousands of those who have named the inline of Christ, and who buve come under vurlous denominational yokes, have any knowledge of the Mystery of the Cross of Christ, the Mystery of the Gospel, "Tho Mystery which hath been hid from ages nnd generations, but now Is made manifest to bis saints" (Colossliuis I. 2li). Alas, the majority seem content to bnve merely a "name to live" nnd wish merely to be cnlled Christians and to wear a Jeweled cross. It Is but tho few of those who have tasted that the Lord Is gracious and have felt an earnest desire to know and to do the Father's will at the cost of self-sncrl-flco. With the majority the ltitlma lion thnt a certain course In life Is the "narrow way," the wny of tbe Cross, Is sufficient to turn them In nn opposite direction; for, while they would like to shnre tho heavenly glories nnd hon ors of the Lord, they nre unwilling to be sharers In Ills Ignominy, sufferings nnd death. These, without relinquishing their desire for righteousness, nre disinclined to po to such lengths ns the Master nnd (he Apostles taught nnd exempli fied. Hence, they nre not Interested In the "deep things" of God's Word.' but merely In the more superficial. In the language of the Scriptures, they nre willing to say, "We will eat our own bread, nnd wear our own apparel: only let us bo called by thy name, to take n way our reproach" ilsalah Iv, li Tho fault lies largely with many of the clergy, who an' not lending the people to "the faith once delivered to the saints." but away from it. The Scriptures most distinctly teach that we are under the reign of the "Trlnce of this world." Satan, and thnt our Lord nt His Second Coming lu power nnd great glory will bind or restrain this strong one and overthrow his empire, which Is not of Divine au thorization, but built upon hnmnn wenknesses. Ignorance nnd supersti tion. Wo nre distinctly told thnt Sa tan shnll be bound for that thousand years (the Mlllenulumi that he mny deceive the people no more until the thousand years shall be finished. 8urely, then, the Lord has used tha great Adversary to nsslst In the nc eonipllshlng of the Divine purposes. Satan may have supposed thnt be was frustrating fiod's plans, but Just as aurely he was mistaken. The Divine Word Is sure which declares, "My Word that gneth forth out of My mouth shall not return unto Me void, but It shall accomplish thnt which t please, nnd It shnll prosper In thnt wherennto I sent It." It U time that nil who really be leve In the Bible, who really believe flint Jesus left the glory of the FV .ier and humbled Himself even nnto death, thus providing the redemptive prli-e for the Church nnd for the w nld. should proclaim these facts dearly, positively. They should nlso declare, ns do the Scriptures, the Sec ond Coming of the Redeemer and the establishment of His Kingdom In Di vine power and majesty, for the put ting down of sin and the lifting up of mankind to glorious privileges of res titution, with a Just peualty against every form of sin. and the Second Death ns the enalty for wilful, per sistent disobedience), Senntor Gnllwey, of Itutte, Montana, manager of the Butte, Anaconda and Inter-Mountain railway, was recov ered today from tit feet of water near the spot where she was drowned last Monday. The body will taken to San Kranclsco for burial from the home of Mrs. Callwey's mother. JOVBS.iI, 8ALE3I. OKECO.N. fmmmmmmmmrT' ''' '"i'iii'i" -"'r"--'--fitmi ' ' m u.vri4'.ru x l 1 ,a.i l . AVegclaMerVepumisiifrAs- C i m i I .H i T: ft I hn V.: ! m 1 1 ?n,1i ih il fftl'.ii i bi t! r-L vr kJ.IMMUtli, j tin viuuir.iiu. "j'J. l ling (lie SiEiocfts audi web 1 Promotes Dieslionheerfu!- I .V. tllf- IU.JW.ojl)UUW uv.u Opium .Morphine norMiacral. ISOT -NARCOTIC. Atiftofouiksnnmmm JU-Sama irrrrmtnf- . Mm W- Cfnfird Sur K r-nrfrl Romorlv f or fiTrsfiM (ton, Sour Stonach.Dlarrhwa VVorms.Convnlsions.i'cveribii ness ana Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature or kfw'york. !.., ..Ill 9un"tccd undifTHTSoan Exact Copy of Wrapper. TTMETES" Ends tire trouble for Autombile owners. Every Motorist will confirm the fact that the tire expense is the gnatest proof of the up-keep of his car. Timetest guarantees you against punctures, blowouts, run cuts and leaky valves. Timetest overcomes these dirTicultlPS. Timetest is a substitute for air. It is the first thing that has been discovered or Invented that will do the work of Air In a pneu mntlc tube. Timetest Is a light, resilient product which is inserted within the Inner tube, and it remains there without further attention until the casing Is worn entirely out. It is light in weight. It never gets hard. It will not absorb water. It will not turn Into liquid by age or use. It Increases the life of your casing. It never loses Its vitality. It is a perfect shock absorber. If you cut a large hole In your tire you can still travel on Time test with no damage to your casing. Timetest tubes may be removed and reinserted in new casings. Salem Motor Car Company 151-161 North High Street S ure to please wholesome beverage, ways an invigorating, pure and delightful drink, A L ends strength wearied phys'que, ffects a soothing cure for the nervous ills of life, E M akes life more pleasant and cheers the heavy heart, B rings good fellowship to all who partake in moderation. 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Historic forts and buildings will be repro duced, military and naval evolutions, pyrotechnics, . aeroplane flights, concerts, athletics and the Pacific Coast regatta. Special f I OREGON I ImCTRKl I X PAItWY I 1 $1.50 round trip to Astoria via fT1 1 ,-.1. .. 1 ,1 1 .-rt 4Piii August, id. Keturn limit, August 24. -f C.00 round trip to Clatsop Beach Points, with stopover at As- T toria. Tickets sold dally, return limit, six months. X W. E. COMAX, General Freight and Pass. MH LUM1 and Building Materials Of all Estimates Boxes We Make Anything in the Box Line The Chas. Logging Co. I Phone Main 1S30 x Edison, Victor and Columbia Talking & Machines A full stock of Records. GEO. C. WILL .. latest Sheet Music Piano and Organ Studies. Violins, Guitars, Mandolins and Banjos. i GEO. C. WILL This la tho title of a beautiful C4-paee book, which will show any boy or girl how to SUCCEED. Drop a postal in tho mall TODAY and It will be sent FREE. Tho aim of tbe College is to dignity and popularly tiiu industry's, and to serve ALL tbe people It offers courses !n Agriculture, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Englnnerlug, Mining Eagln. eorlng, Forestry, Domestic Science and Art, Com merce, PUarraacy aad MubIc. The College opens September 22d. Cata;ogfree. Address: REGISTRAR, OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Corvaills, Oregon. Willamette Valley Day t Thursday, August 17 j Portland and "The North Bank Road." 1 . . . C. E. ALB IN, Agent O. E. Ry. Agent. Kinds- Furnished BERRY CRATES X HALLOCKS J APPLE BOXES : PEAR BOXES X CHERRY BOXES X K. Spaulding Office Front and Ferry Sts. I x X t H . MM