$ I DAILY CAPITA1 OCRXAL, flALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, AUGCST 0. 1011 : . i LOCAL JLL FANS to hear what was said Friday night. In his opinion, the matter lies solely with Captain Fleming whether or not Savage's challenge should be ac cepted. As It now stands It is prob able that the matter will be dropped without another game. The. Sheridan team has accepted Voodburn's challenge for a three- game series for $100 a game, and the managers of the two teams are now trying to make final arrangements for the playing of the three games, u in possible that one will be played at 'herldan another at woouourn, ana possibly the third In Salem. 8 The Ra'iway team of Salem, late winner of the Twilight I-engue pen nant for tills season, defeated the O. W Y 7itn at Portland Monday, by a s. ore'of 7 to 2. Walker and Fleming did the battery work for the Salem team. A good sized crowd witnessed the content, and tho scorn Indicates that they got their money's worth. Tho boys i' port having had a good time. A snedal car was sent to Ore gon Cltv to transport tho boys to I'firllitiiil. and the members of the Salem team spent the afternoon and evening in sightseeing and various forms of amusement, urter the con elusion of tho gaino. Apropos of the controversy be tween tho Fast Salem team and the Hallway nine, Manager Zlnn and Cap tain Fleming, of tho street car team hnve refused to accept Manager Sav. age's challengo for a nlne-lnnlng game. In order to decide which is the better of tho two teams. J lio linai gaino of tho twilight sorb, which was to have been played last Friday night on Willamette grounds, was d clared off, and tho game forfeited to tho Ticket I'unchers, on account of tho Fast Halom lads refusing to con tinue tho game unless Umpire Free Kay was removed. Manager Zlnn and Captain Fleming chargo their op ponents with dlllatory tactics and nl so tho ubii of profane and abusive language during tho eary part of tip game. Manager Jesse Savage, hi a public statement Sunday morning asserts that the Fast Salem boys wen getting tho worst of a poor umpire decisions. After reading Savage statement Captain Fleming classed it ns a fabrication from beginning to (Mid and stated that ho would merely Ignore the challengo. lio declared that bis team would not meet the Fast Sali'm nine on account of tho rim I itii.ti I tij.i'firdeil the rtillu'ilv linvu " ' "'' " a .... I In Iho opening half of Friday night's '"' . Manager Zlnn treats the dial- ,L, " ", 1 "" '" - ., he Name liirlit anl refuses music, I'"1' ' " ' " - Despite the fact that "Mysterious" Mitchell, former pitcher for the Frisco team of the Coast league, pitched for tho Sheridan nine in their game with the (Jresham Giants Sunday, at Sheridan, Sheridan was defeated by a Bcoro of si to i. ten hits were garnered off Mitchell s de livery while five blnglcs were secured off Townsend. Hilly Kelt, catcher for Giesham was given credit for los ing two scores to the opposing team. Mitchell was given poor Biipiort, anu this In part, accounts for his poor showing Sunday. Tho Gresham (Hants have lost only four games out of it played thin season. This game was of Interest to Salem as Manager Jerman, of the Salem valley team. Is aiming to secure a game with the (Jresham nine, as soon as the present season closes. If Salem Wins tho valley champion ship in the present league series, and then defeats the Gresham Giants, the local boys ran claim tho cham pionship of tho Willamette valley be yond a doubt. Manager Jerman ex pects to secure a gamo with this snap py team, and a win over them will win tho title for tho Salem boys with out room for doubt. Tho Gresham boys aro already claiming the cham pionship of the Willamette valley al though they have not played a game with a team further south than Dal las, nnd consequently cannot very well claim tho premiership of the valley until they defeat tho winner of tho Wlllametto Valley League pennant. o A Finn l'liiy Coming. "The Flower of tho Ranch, Joseph F. Howard's greatest musical comedy success ,1s an early booking at the Dr. Lyon' PERFECT Tooth Powder neutralizes the destructive acids of the mouth cleanses, preserves and beautifies the teeth, and imparts purity and fragrance to the breath. MARION HAS ABUNDANCE OF DAIRIES TO KWJfIMMIl CUK Being advised that some are In clined to believe that the chalk used in some of the schools In the state is of a poisonous composition, the state superintendent of public In struction has appointed a committee to make an examination of It. The committee consists of Dr. Cal vin S White, secretary of the state board of health; H. C. Seymour. ,,n.rin,pne.ent of Folk county and V. R. Rutherford, superintendent of the McMinnville schools. Ttico r,:.n!el Webster, a veteran The state superintendent says that of tho Civil War, and one of the oM- he is cont.nua ly recen.uB - est and b-at known justices in m piaiut - r ;,:Lu tn recom- Nortnwest. y-sterday demonstrated in the schools and mi nests to recom the dimensions of' his legal brain, mine just what to recommend TEMPERED . JUSTICE WITH MERCY fllmate Failed Medicine Cured. it ,-, been abundantly shown that George Reeves who is not more inan 18 years of age, was sentenced by Justice Webster to serve 12 days in tho county jail, after confessing to tho theft of a bicycle from Frank H. Reeves. Upon receiving sentence tho youth cried so bitterly that it touched the heart or the om juuge and also to bring about t'.ie abolishment of the kind in use should it prove poisonous, be has appointed the above committee to make investigations. game lunge In to consider II Manager Kvans, of the Merchants' team,, who Is also an ollleor of Iho Twilight league said this morning that ho believed llmplro ICrcel Kay had tried to deal Hipiarely with all teams during tho evening games. Kx nnfl, however, was of the opinion that Kay had made an unintentional slip Friday night in calling tho ball which was at Ihkii" In the controversy a le gal ball, as Kvans believes It should luivo been declared a foul. Ho Is emphatically of Iho opinion, however, that Kay was trying to deal square) wllh both team, and made the mis take which any umpire Is apt to make when tho guide limn ai'o dim ns they urn said to have been In the Dual game. Frcel Kay refused to glvo an opinion this morning ns to whether or not tho game should bo played over. Ho like KvniiH, was not cIoko enough 1o the players who wero charged with using abuslvn language, fornlii full of cati liy Kongs and music lively with dances, clean and whole some In lis tone, with good natured fun and femliilly.' In fact It. Is a play that deserves the patronage of lovers of good musical comedy. Tues day, October II. o Kidney Diseases Arc Curable, Under certain cpdltlons. Tho right medlcino must bo taken beforo the dlscnsn lias progressed too far. Mr. I'ercy A. I'ltmnn, Dale, Tex., says: "I was down In bed for four months with kidney and bladder trouble) and gall Htones. Ono bottlo of Foley's Kidney Remedy cured mo well nnd sound. Ask for It. Red Cross Thar' macy (II. Jerman). o Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A There are l.'.SC dairies In Marlon county, according to the report of the dairy inspector which has just been completed and submitted to the head of the department. ' That is 1)8 dairies more than the report shows for Unn county. There are lH.Tiri.l cows which ex ceeds the number found In I.lnn county by 473. Jlcciuise of the high price of veal the dairymen says the report, have sold most of their calves, there being but l.'OO from the 10,3."i cows. Assuming that r0 per cent of them are heifers, it makes but 7.10 for the whole county. The number of registered tattle in tho county is ns follows: Cows, Jersey, 12:t; Guernsey, 20; Holstein, .1; sires: Jersey, 7.1; Guernsey, C; Holstein. C; Durham, 5; Red Foil, 2; total, 2"4. I There are but two dairies In the county which have 100 or more cows the Fairmount nnd the dairy owned by the St. Ilenedictine Abbey at Mount Angel. The general health of the herds in the county according to the report is good, but one herd being found which there was any reason to be lieve was diseased, and It has been reported to the slate veterinarian. According to the report tho i.unty has seven creameries, two cheese factories and two cream stations. o Rainier Stirred by Charge, I ITNITKD l'RKSS I.KASKI) WIHB St. Helens, Or., Aug. !). Warrant has been Issued for the arrest of Kd- ward Mackintosh, of Rainier, on a statutory charge. Mackintosh, who Is president of the Rainier Lumber & Fuel company, has disappeared. The charge again Mackintosh was made by the father of three girls, aged 3, r and S years, respectively. Sheriff Thompson and Marshal Jesse, of Rainier, are searching for Mack intosh. o If your liver Is sluggish nnd out of tone, and you feel dull, bilious, con stipated, take a doso of Chamber lain's Stomach nnd Liver Tablets to night beforo retiring nnd you will , feel nil right lu Iho morning. Sold by alll dealers. Real Estate Transfer. rnisn Fnrstner to V. W. Tyler Constable Lewis also was affected by ,nta 4 tn 9 inclusive, block 6, River- the lads pleading and the two over- . Park Addition. Salem; w d . seers of the local justice court got P T) nmi P t Keizer to G. 0 busy on "ways and means'' by which; Smm, et al. lot 3 block 4. Boise's to relieve tho youth of his burden. I S n l A.i(1 Salem: w d, $2100. bmXn 'arretted ?" "something mora 'Svknnn's Alterative Is a medicine marie LikniJ! s a 1 Tll.rclii,,si3. It has cur- !TthT a"..in ami "'", Often eu this ( !- n effected where the these cu ;h 1m. e ,,,,,, w.re 1,0 surroundings ,r )ie patient. n..tlved-edmerV nians Aioiauv ,i,iition to good. n,'g food", .nd fresh air, which we ThTrJcts-the evidence of cure, that AJV"?'S"" 7.t, ;".., K. kinan s Altera- srave. biiu. : . i itin? yo . a brief history of my sick m ss which you are at liberty to use "J3- 1 1 vim. I was taken ., tTphoid pneumonia. My lungs be ?ame verv much affected; my "Putum "as examined and Tuberculous Gael 111 VI hi there nn abscess. in my right Inns broke and discharged. Yestenlnv morning the gray-haired justice paid a little visit to his friend, Harrv Minto, at the court house. Shortlv afieryards young Reeves left the jail a free man. Some one had stolen the lad's coat while he was confined In the county jail and Judge Webster procured another for him. Not content with this display of mer cy however it is said Judge Webster slipped a shining silver piece to the lad. after giving him a littlo fath erly ad vice on the subject of hones ty. . o A WOMAN DETECTIVE WILL TALK Mrs. Lola (!. Ilaldwin. of the Port land Police anil Detective depart ment will give a very interesting talk at the camp meeting at the coi ner of", Market !ind High streets to morrow afternoon at 2:110. Mrs. Ilaldwin is taking this opportunity to reach the people of Salem on a very live and Interesting question, namely the rescue work as carried on in VJie large cities and the crusade against white slave trallic. Mrs. Ilaldwin is said to be the only woman in the de tective nnd police force service on the coast, anil she travels all over the Western territory carrying on this work. The tn) k tomorrow will sim ply be to enlighten people ns to methods employed -In this work and to give them an idea of what is try ing to be accomplished. An inter esting lecture is assured. G. and E. Ferrel to . J. Jior-, ford, lots 3 and 4, block SI, North Salem; w d, $1000. Hubbard Investment company to E. L. I'itehford, south V-i tract 43, Diniick Homestead Tracts; w d, $1000. G. F. and R. Qualntance to Y. llol- llster, lot H, block 9, Fairmount add, Salem; w d, $3,100. R M. and J. T. Parkinson to . II. Reeves, lot 4. block 3, P.rooks; w d, $1200. F. and M. Kloft to .T. O. Kaufmann, land in t .1 s, r 1 w; w d, $S,400. F. and M. Kloft to J. G. Kaufman, land in t 5 s, r 1 w; w d, $1,870. J. M. and M. M. Calavan to L. Rriggs, 1 acre, t 9 s, r 1 w ; w d, $27-1. NEWP0R YAQUINA B Oregon's Popular Bep An Ideal retreat for ohm... ' 01 an kinds. Huntini 'H ing surf bathing, nn.i011"! canoeing, dancing and 2 M Where pretty wlter ?J4 agates, moonstones, CS tain water and the wi low Drlces. Cnh .v ? fc and oysters, with abud? etables of all kinds dally venient and Attract with strict sanitary Tegu.J LOW ROUND-if SEASON TICKe from all points la Orego, lngton and Idaho on 3-DAY SATURI MONDAY TICK from Southern Pacific Hol land to Cottage Grove; alv C. & E. staiions, Albany t Eck.nan-s wonderful remedy for Con- j UOOO. going Saturday or S; sumption, it being very r11'' j 1 j lor return Sunday nfi.Lt To-day I weigh 1-8 pounds 1 , J as to faral BTad TverV person a.Ulcted Illustrated booklet. '0 (Id uben-ulosis took WMn'ii euro." I gon," or write tO WM. M'HUi General Passenger J Porti I erew worse, and became very much emaciated. My physi cian informed me that I must BO to a nnkklv as possible. I left Vex s June 1st, and arrived in Canon ?.ftJ Tone 3rd very feeble. After belli there two weeks?iny physician informed me t'.uit nothing could he done, as my enso was hopeless. Three weeks later I ?, turned hone, weigh Ins 103 pounds, the doVI"? imviiig Given me no assurance of reaching there alive. On me hui VA r; nans wor.,1. lui . r r , , . .lion, 11 uuihb v-5 r t 1 lor return sunaay or Mm- Lm sfiiit and well and can dp any Klnu , can OH h. P. or C. & E, of work about my gram tun particulars woild be 1 Ecteman's Alterative cures B'nltls, AMthma Hay 1'ever; Throat and Laum AS." AXsk for booklet of eured case and write to the Kckmnn Liiboiatory, Hhlladelphla. Pa., for ,v ,'eSnd lor Wale by an leuums "--oo J. C. Perry, Salem, Oregon. .Hie junk room of every mans brain 'is lull of schemes that won't work and wheels that won't track. Tortured for 15 l-ears. By a cure-defying stomach trouble that baffled doctors and resisted all remedies he tried, John W. Modders, of Moddersvllle, Mich., seemed doomed. He had to.sell his farm and give up work. His neighbors said "he can't live much longer." "What ever I ate distressed me," ho wrote, "till I tried Electric Hitters, which worked such wonders for me that I can now eat things I could not take for years. It is surely a grand rem edy for stomach troubles." Just as good for the liver and kidneys. Ev ery bottle guaranteed. Only COc at J. C. Perry's. Life Saved at Death's Door. "I never felt so near my grave," writes W. R. Patterson, of Welling ton, Texas, as when a frightful cough and lung trouble pulled me down to 100 pounds, In spite of doc tor's treatment for two years. My father, mother and two sisters died of consumption, and that I am alive today is due solely to Dr. King's New Discovery, which completely cured me. Now 1 weigh 187 pounds ana have been well and strong for years." Quick, safe, sure; its the best remedy on earth for cough-, colds la grippe, asthma, croup, and all throat and lung troubles. GOc and $1.00. Trial bottlo free. Guaranteed by J. C. Perry. Don't go around telling the truth about things Indiscriminately. The formation isn't always welcome. Big G Borated Golden teat A safe and simple remedy (or Bronehitit, Catarrh, Hay Fever Inflammfttlnuii. trrltattnni. utmr. atlons of ALL mucous mumbriiiici or linings of the ouse, tbruat, tomAob or urinary owant. AT DRU0QI1T4 SI It 'Ay not cure your st if TreatlM with Mch bottU or mwiea on request. . Tit Ems (Wat Co. UMMtLOtaO, W'hfXi a man falls in lovo with a irirl si e suddenly acquires great beauty in his eyes. Foley Kidnoy Pills are spe. ful in all ailments and o the kidneys and bladder, they are composed of lnerer! 1 1. ... - ciany selected tor their ci healing, tonic and stimulatif upon these organs and tkt passages. They are antl-st- lithlc and a uric acid solvf them. Red Cross Phanct Jerinan). i Children FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR Ho sure .mil tnlrn a linttlo of Hhnin berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ' Remedy with you when starting on J yuur trip mis summer, it cannot De obtained on board the trains or steam ers. Changes of water and climate often causes sudden attacks of diar rhoea, and it is best to bo prepared. Sold by all dealers. The man who goes out to set the world on lire will need all the match PS he can carry, Gold Dust Made by the tiVDNKI PC COMPANY, 8ydi7, i Made for frmllr li i lak your grocer for It; ad Vhorta lwji i f P. B. WALLACE, 1 1 o Pay your Electric Light and Gas Bills, before the 1 0th and get the discount. Portland way Light & Power Co0