Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 01, 1911, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Wednesday Surprise Sale Oxfords and Pumps
No. 545, a Clean Sweep. Semi-Tail- At a Clean Sweep Price
ored and Lingerie Waists (tO 1 K
Former prices to $1.25, tomorrow . 89c I J
Former prices to $1.75, tomorrow . $1.38 For our former $3,OOand $3.SO numbers
Fnrmpr nrirm to tnmnrrnw 1 58 which reduces them virtually one-half
former prices to tomorrow . i.do comparing our reguiar prices with ex
rormer prices to $3.00, tomorrow . l.yo elusive shoe stores.
gPr $2.98
Prenatng and Cleaning '
Done tiy 0. H. Mottlier, 456 Court
treet. Phone Malu 1267. 7-lS-tf
rixmn so
For Bchram fruit Jars. Huron &
Huvc Jtmt Hwlvofl
Our fall lino of tailoring Call
now and Ret your choice of the pat
tornH. Salem Woolen Mill store.
HM Marlon Grill
Win be open every night until 12
o'clock. Table d" hote luncheon 12
to I p. m. dull, 60o.
A bin aBHortmcnt nt mndimt prices.
Buren ft Hamilton.
Ilnl Concert Tc.nlultf
The Sulem Military Hand will give
a concert In WIIIhoii nvemie thin ev
ening, beginning promptly at 8
We Are Agents For
Baker's Bakerized Coffee
Those who are using it speak well for it One pound
cans 45c, two-pound cans 85c
LATE DUKE CHERRIESA beautiful lot, 5c lb.
LOGANBERRIES Special $1.25 crate
ones, basket UC
ANT0NINI OLIVE OIL Absolutely the best oil for any
purpose, Try it for your salad, it's great. Don't over-
tKowte tarc!(!hat r&'tys for CHASE & SAN
BORN'S TEAS and COFFEE; it merits your patronage,
SUPREME HAMS Are only sold by us. The price is
right. Give us this month's business, and see if we
can t make it worth your while. If you seek for quality
he beaten path will lead you to our store. Cheap Grocer
ies at fake prices-are only found among the has beens
the down and outs.
Roth Grocery Co.
Phone 1885-1886.
l Huie Wing
Big Sale on Summer Goods
We have made up a new line of White I'ndenvear. Kluumas
rapper and W .wi.. All kinds of Ladles' and Men's Furnishing
Goods. Silks and Dross Hoods. Shoe. h
JJ.Sr. Men's Vants
now.. Y.O
f t.r.O Men's Dress Shirts.
3.r.O Men's. Shoes
Overalls. ,'0o, 6r,c. T:,o and
$1.50 Ijics Curtulns, palr.ll.Od
$1.35 Pure White Linen
3fl Inches wide ji o
45c IjuIIor' I nlon Sult. ...2:.o
CSc Ung Silk Lisle C.loes.:.0o
$2.S0 Crojje Klmonas now $2.00
i 325 N, Commercial Street.
tomorrows surprise
A great assortment of Ready-to-Vear for Women,
Misses and Children's, consisting of Dresses, Suits, Skirts,
Capes and Jackets, to clear for Fall Goods; a ridiculous
price considering the value and former price garments
.1 11 11 tf 07 C A to go at the clean sweep ft O O Q
Take One of ('lillcln-n's
Sulkies on your outlntf to the coast
or mountains. Huron & Hamilton.
Your July Grocery Bill
May have been a disappointment
from sonii) other more; but It cannot
lia uri haro fnp Aiifmut f'.lve tot n
trial. J. M. Iawrence, Ferry and
Cusnmcrclal streets.
Attention, Sons of Hcriiiiinn
All members of the Salem lodge,
V,, It 11 II 11 nr. lm Itu.l i.. at
tend the special meeting In our hall
weunemiay evening, August z. Al
bert Huge, secretary. 7-32-2t
Can lie had nt Illllinan Peters. 217
North Commercial street. Make your,
selection early as you will want the
Intent and bent. Ask about our free
reford offer.
riiii-r rii.iu wiiinr.i
Chief of 1'ollco HnnilUon yesterday
nprnntoi l'hnutni WUIiii-.! in Id
wanted In Dullns on a charge of ap-
proprlatlng a team of horses. Wlllard
was turned over tn Sheriff Mintn u'hn
was turned over to Htier rt Mlnto, who ;
hold the warrant for the man's nr.
lie will be sent o Dallas for
410 State Street
Sang Co.
Wrappers.lt. $.r.o, $2 and up
Silks, all kinds
....:.-.o. :i3c, 42e, Sc and up
M.2i White Kmbroidered
IVttlcunts ,$2.."0
$t .M Children's Dresses. , $1.13
Muslin MK,t Gowns
eOc. $1. $l.r,o, 2. 2.r.0andup
All Ulilte Vults ,m Sale
Sii nr
Torch unci Latvii Furniture
At greatly reduced prices. Duren
& Hamilton.
See Slmfer
For binder whips, harvester gloves,
etc' Harness and saddlnry. 187
Commercial Btreet
Cook With (in
! It Is convenient,' cheap ami safe, if
you use n New Process or New Idea
gas range. Buren & Hamilton.
Full Styles
In men's Butting are now here.
Come In and select your pattern ear
ly. Salem Woolen Mills store, mens
... , ..
S h ' 'Ui 1 ' ".iV"1?.
cook stove: It boils, roasts and
I bakes. Ilureii & Hamlfton.
Miwllllll r. ,,,
-" - -
,, ' ;?, ; , , 7 , . I
,f T " i i-
ollt 01 1110 cl!llllr lnsc evening ,
," , " , : , ., , " ,
Tlioy are at the foot of the column in
.l,,B. ''.". nna '"sc merr game
lltflf nll'lif hv n nfiira nf .1 in 9 Tim
next game will be played Wednesday
evening on Willamette grounds.
MiiMher In Displaying
Some of the very latest colorings
In fall suitings for men and wonipn.
It will pay you to Bee what he has
before making purchnse elsewhere.
1). H. Mosher, Salem's high class
merchant tailor, 456 Court street.
I'liilertjikers Arrive
Quite a number of undertakers ar
rived last night and this morning
rrom ainerent parts or the state to
attend the state convention of under
takers being hold In Salem today
and tomorrow. Others will arrive
during the day. The local members
of the association have prepared an
enjoyable program for the entertain
ment of their fellow members and
the Salem funem! rilroptnra ovnonf
to give the visitors the time of their
uvea. An automobile ride into the
surrounding country,' a special pro
gram at a local theater and a hnn-
quet are some of the features on the
ltrcK" Arm
Oscar Eoff, who resides eight miles
east of Salem, and who ha several
relatives In Kftlem hrnko hi. arm
Sunday evening in some mysterious
manner while watering a horse. Drs.
Carlton Smith and Harry E. Clay
went out In an automobile to attend
the Injured man.
Tiiliornnde Meeting
Held by the Marlon County Holi
ness association. Inter-denomlna-tlonat
work, August 3 to 13, 1911, at
the corner Market and North Liberty.
Slen. Oregon. The people of Salem
and the Willamette valley are Invited
to hear the cowboy preacher. Rev.
ud Robinson, of Texas. Singers:
Harrv Hays, of UllnolH, field evange
list for state association, nnd U. O.
Miller, of Salem. Weekday services.
2 3i and '-.W n. m. Sunday. 10:30
a. m., 3 and T:3rt n m. Come, bring
your tent and stav through the meet
ing, lake fair Grounds car. II. C
iu I
Ment. K. (1. Miller secre-
omul Him
I.St (1 Vti Wnt.Ot nlnln
T l n,i un t-.lK charm on a Southern Va
J.cItU; train near Salem Saturday even-
I tug. Mr. l'ost reported the loss to
(the local secvetry of the Klk.o lodge
4 w ho also hanuens to be Salem's chief
j of police. The chief told a Journal
J reporter yesterdy about the lost iew
4lelry nnd now the chain and charm
are In Hamilton's possession. This
is the result of a little publicity.
The missing articles ultimately would
T I nave reached their owner, however
Jjns the tixder. R. A l'.levins. n mem.
; ber of the Masonic order of this
? i city, was sevkuig the owner
I i yesterday. He had called ,xn nr w
! Carleton Smith, and Mil
I l ers. leading Knight of
i ! hul-e of KIKs. and had ,
jito t'le secretary of tli
i Carleton S!?ntth n.i m..,..
" ""'I ."Itt.'L. .1 . ,1 V.
the Salem
even written
hit IimIoa tt
wuu-n .Mr. l'ost was a member, In
his efforts to locate the owner s
It Is. Mr. Post hss his chain and
charm. Mr. nievlns has proven him
self n honest man. the Journal has
demonstrated Its worth a n
tlsinjj medium, and Chief Hamilton
ling article
UNITED I'BKSS leased wiiie
Richmond, Va., August 1. The
strongest evidence connecting Henry
Ueattie. Jr.. with the murder of hia
wifb was obtained today when two j TIFI.
women, residents of the neighborhood SAPPIXGFIELD At Go'dendale, I
of Nolfolk. told Il'tective Sherer that I Wash., Frldav, .Tily 28, 1911, Wll- I
they, while secreted, had heard Beat- Mam Sanplngfield. age 70 years. I
t e promise Bculah Binford that he Mr. Sapp'ngfleld was a plonker of 1
would get rid of his wife. The wo-1 Howell Prairie. Marlon county, hav
men were taken to Jail and are said ng lived In that neighborhood since !
to have Identified Beattie and Beu- 1 S47, except for four years spent in j
..... Un ,,..,a.,a ,, m-iu uie con-
veraatlon they overheard.
... 7 ; 0
hlngw.Hd laik
v"- vnuv uicin.i itiai iwi Ulf
Ule "me araws near tor worn
? 1 ",e n,PW, , r"P ln"
f h0V 'l' Un:
parties are huymg and building
A a ir list Iterards
Now on hand. A'our record cabinet
will not be complete without the lat
est. Make vour selection enrlv Ask
about our free record offer. Hlllman
Peters, 247 North Commercial!
street. eod-tf I
Differently Dressed
If you consider it worth while to
be somewhat differently dressed than
every Tom, Dick and Harry, It will
pay you to Investigate the exclusive
suit patterns on display at D. H.
Mosher's, 456 Court Btreet. Salem's
highest grade merchant tailor.
Returns from East
August Huckeateln, one of Sa
lem's councllmen and leading busi
ness men.. .has returned from an ex
tended trip to the large Kastern
cities. He was delegate to the con
vention of the K. O. T. M. lodge and
also visited relatives In Pltt.hi.ro
Cleveland, Denver and Chicago. The
uregon delegation to the convention
had with them a good supply of liter
ature and this .was quickly distrib
uted In addition to 3000 lodge buttons
advertlslnr the convention ln 1912
for Oregon.
(Continued from rn 1.1
reciprocal concmal on. U'n. n,trn.al
49 to 29.
Senator Cores' amendment, nrovld-
Ing for free WOn.l n.lln nn.l nrl,,) n
per was defeated 25 to 53.
The bill, as It came from the
nouse, was rejected, and ns flnnltv
adopted It carried an amendment bv
Kern (Democrat. Ind... nrovl.iln
Kern (Democrat. Ind.,- providing
for free meats from all cm, n trio
elvlng tho same concession, tn
Vnlted Stated. The principal amend
ments adopted came from Demo
crats, aild for thta Ktnann It l,
Ileved late todnv thnt iKa i,..,.i
, , -1 ...... in. m'uar,
might concur, nnd that the monu.ro
soon would be sent to President Taft
for h's approval.
'lie bill WIS TinSS.xl llV tl.o onr.,
Coalition of Demorrnts nii.l
sive Republican. that carried the
wool hill through. The onlv procres-
slvo Republican who VOfe,t n;.lnat
the measure was Senator lin,,,-.u f
The Rennbllcnna Vntltlir rival,,.., !
tho bill were Bourne. Brad'.ov. Dran-'
''Ke. ItilKirs llnrnham Tli.rtn ,
Clark. Crane. Cullom, t.odce, I.or'-1
nier. Mclean, inn niii-..r !
Perkln Richardson. Root. ' Smith.
Smoot. Stephenson, Townsend. War
ron. Wetmor,.
Those not votlnir wept. Cn'Wn
Oilllncham. Punont. Ftvp. Gain.
i Penres P.n-r ! c...
land. Tillman and Williams.
Some of these wero palnvi.
Senator Bailey, of Texas, was the
only Domocrst who voted agal-.st the
The bi'l place on the fre- list ne
ricu'tnral implements, cotton bag
tlug co'ten ties, boots end shoes
fo-no wire, cereals, bread, lumber!
sewing machines, salt and other com
modities i.sHl largely In the agricul
tural sections.
Besides the Kern
amendment by Senator Gronna ad-
mimnr Boots n.l nhrux maH.
all kinds of leather was adopted. As
'"riginauy rramed. the biM provided
(or sticks made from bovine leather.
- n rnrvT! V
I. til A J 1 t''wv1:...-r tiw
frvirrn Vr.SS i.fe.wf& WIRE
The arrival to-
dsv at Ternm oi v , J !
er Berlin from Andir, Jiurocco, is uC-;
lieved to fore.atlow an agreement
betwen France ana ueriiiauj n.
vexed question which has kept En-(
anxiety lor weths. i
Xo explanation has yet com-- num.
Germany as to the withdrawal tu
the cruiser. !
- -
John Jiicoli to MurrT.
New York. August 1. Announce- ,
ment of the entrapment of Colonel i
John Jacob Astor to Miss Madeline ,
Talniage Force, tlauglii-T oi a i"-u
niade I
ew nrK IlllSint'SS mail, a
herp todav. Astor has he-n
for two years.
Mrs. U. u. savage ims n-iuiucu.
home after visiting Mr.
and Mrs. I
Kerg Barr. or Turner.
Mrs. Will Ellwood and her daugh
ter 1'earl. are gut-sis oi .nr. uuu
Mrs. Archie Earl, of Turner.
iting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
I,. S. Jenkins, left yesterday for his
home at Wentherby, Oregon j
Miss Riioda Hobson left today for
Moscow. Idaho, to accept a position
In the Idaho state agricultural col
lege. Mrs. Alice Miles has returned
home after visiting her son and
daughter in Washington.
John D. Turner went to Eugene
last night on n business trip.
Don D. Barren has returned from
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Blevlns have
returned from a vacation spent at
their country home near Aumsvllle,
Miss Anna E. Johnson, of Frazee,
Minnesota, is visiting Miss Ida Mar
shall. V. H. Fisher, the genial chapel I
guard at the prison, left today for
Newport for a well earned vacation, i
Mrs. Frank Ward and daughter re-
turned todiy from a three weeks' i
stay at Seaside. .j
Mrs. Jim Willson and daughter
left, yesterday for a three weeks' out
ing at Newport.
Eastern Oregon. Last fall he moved
j to Goldendale, Wash. He leaves a
i mother. 92 years old. who is living
:wth Mr, Sapplngfield's brother,
Charles In this rltv Anntw hrth
er' Henr5- Sappingfleld, lives seven
miles east of Salem on the old home
ix, us, u,su iraiat's east oi oaem. rne
body was burled at Goldendale.
ZIMMERMAN At Willamette Sana
torium. Monday afternoon, July 31,
1911, Mrs. A. E. Zimmerman, aged
47 years, of Hayesville. Oregon.
The funeral will be held from the
Hayesville church at 2:30 Wednes
day. CASTO. At his residence on the
Fair Grounds Road, at 5 o'clock
Tuesday morning, August 1, 1911,
Samuel Casto, aged 47 years.
The funeral will be held from St.
Joseph's Catholic church at 2 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon. Burial In
the Catholic cemetery.
Mr. Casto is well known In Salem,
especially among the racing men,
and among the horsemen in general
of the Northwest. He has been
handling horses at the state fair for
a number of years, bo(V as a trainer
and as a driver. .
The remains can be viewed by
friends at Rigdon's undertaking par
lors, as the coffin will not be opened
at the church, . .
otrje UndertaMfl'o Parlor??
Modem In every detail. Lady assist
ant Corner Cottage and Chmeku
hrm T24.
For Sale, 80-Acre Farm
32 acres under cultivation.
6 acres peaches, 4 years old.
3 acres loganberries.
2 acres orchard.
1 1 acres potatoes
Soil, the finest kind of hinefc
, fandjr rlver bo'tom loam. No better
I lnnd ln Oregon. The best for neaeh.
es. loganberries, alfalfa, or anvthlng
that will grow In the Willamette
valley. Price, Including crop, $70
per acre.
1 1" "W ' " '
I I 1 1 1 J j
,WE SAY "HEAD Tins-. jirr .cJ
j See Our Line of Bedding
If i'l need of bedding, comforters or pillows for campin?.
for the home or for the unexpected arrival of guests we
can furnish you with what you need
We have the celebrated Maish comforters, made of felted
cotton, light and airy. Priced at $3,75. Full assort
ment of colors every comforter guaranteed to give sat
isfaction, Other comforters of well-known makes
priced from 51,35 to $6,50,
, t
1 1 iii i
: , j
I i- : J t, a
Pillows in down; floss and feathers, from $1,50 to $7,50
per pair. Sofa pillows from 20c to $1 ,50. Covered sofa t
pillows from 39c to $3,75, J
Linen Suits at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Children'slLinenlMiddy Suits at Greatly Reduced Prices. X
n . .i . r- .1 i r
rarasois ai greany rceaucea rnces.
Pongee and Linen Coats at greatly Reduced Prices.
i t
Oualitv Merchandise.
I U. G. Shipley Company
: s 145-147 North
Washington, August 1. Postal sav
ings banks were successfully opened
today in New York, Boston, Phlladel
phl, St. Louis and Chicago, the first
big cities selected for the innovation.
Long ljnes of depositors were at
hand In all the cities ready to place
their savings In the hands of the
Good cooking never induces the
boy to leave home, unless It be the
good cooking some other mother's
girl knows how to do.
TEAM FOR SALE Finely matched
team of young black mares. See
Bechtel & Bynon. 347 State street.
$95.00 PER ACRE Will buy a fine
ranch on Howell Prairie, the rich
est farming section In the valley.
Bechtel & Bynon, 347 State street.
FOR RENT We have a good "farm
for cash rent. Good land. See
Bechtel & Bynon, 347 State-street.
FOR RENT Modern hnnool-oonlnp-
rooms and Bleeping rooms, electric
lights, bath. Inquire at 444 South
High street. 8-1-tf
WANTED AT ONCE A carpenter
See R. M. Hofer, Journal office.
r'OR SALE Excellent 10-acre tract
one mile from city limits. $20
down, balance $2.00 per acre per
mourn. oee Momer ti. smith.
WE HAVE three of the greatest
farm bargains ever offered for sale
ln Polk county. Excellent land.
The price has been placed so low
iney win sen soon. $22.50, $55 and
$60 an acre respectively. Easy
terms, e. Hofer & Sons, 213 S
Commercial street. Phone 82.
7-28-1 wk-
FOR SALE Five room modern bun
galow, close, a good buy. $l5p
oown, balance $20 per month. See
Homer H. Smith. McCornack bulld-
rvo. 6AL.iv excellent 4-roora plas-
i j ...
icieu uweuing, east front lot, 150
feet deep; city water; good loca
tion. $50 down, balance $10 per
month. See Homer H. Smith al
once. McCornack building.
FcLSE1rF,Ve roomed itlow
South Salem, two blocks from car
10 per month. Innnlro onnn c.4.
street, or phone 2036. 8-l-4t
PR SALE -Roller top desk, office
chair and library table. Call at
corner Market and Capitol streets.
K-'ref?' AVENTE STRE' Ch"les
Kreft. proprietor. Phone vour
grocery order to 2G9 for quick de
livery 9 to 12, 2 to 6 Living
try ' daMhA,T ' frm the C0n!
try dail. Asylum avenue and
Statesman street. j.j
I.06T Sunday. July 30, pair 0f cold
rimmed spectacles, either In M P
church, or between ri ' ;
South Capitol on State. W n er or
Oak streets. Piasp re( ' 0T
Journal and receive reward I
SALEM EMPLOY MP vt r.,.,...
ab.e help fur,, on,!
tlce. 16:, s.
Salem. Oregon.
"-uiiimerclal street
AWkl'LAiFR Vth ro''nation
cniap. u., care Journal.
r tionp ST
-ccejor 'urir
fld piirtomer my motto. 8!,.
Norwich Union
Fire Insurnace Society
MMM IHttttttHlttttnim 7777!
Blankets of pure wool,
. wool and cotton, and
cotton for in or out
door use, Baby and
crib blankets,
Priced from 75c to $15
Popular Prices
Liberty Street, ft j
Talmadge Printing Co
Itoom 4, I'atton Block
Society and Commercial
Printing executed
Give an Iowa printer a call.
.Near Oakland, California
The only Woman's College on the PacificCoart,
Chartered liil5. Near two great Universities,
I ileal climate throughout the year. Entrance
and graduation requirements equivalent to
those of Stanford ami L'niversity of California
Laboratories for science with modern equip
ment. t Excellent opportunities for home
economics, library study, music and art
Modem gymnasium. Special care for heaiib
of students out-door life. President, Luelli
Clay Carson, A. M., Litt. D., LL. D. For
catalogue address Secretary, Mills College ft
O., California.
Comer State & Liberty Sts,
Snlem, Oregon.
Room 1, Gray Blk. Thnoe 104.
Passengers Baggage
Connecting with all trains
at West Salem for Dallas, Fall
City and Salem.
Leaves Journal office for
West Salem at 8:40 a. m., 1-1
m., 1:10 p. m a.oA i J. m. ev
ery day except Sundajr., A10
for Independence, Monmouth
and McMlnnville.
Leaves Sunday at 8:00 a. m.,
1.00 p. m. and 5:15 p. m.
CalU at hotels on request.
Telephone or leave orders at
Capital Journal office any day
but Sunday. Phone 82.
J. B. Underwood, Mgr.
On Farm Property. John H. Scotl
& Co.. Over thu Phloairn Store. S
lem, Oregon. Phone 1552.
Over Ladd and Bush Bank. Salem. 0i
E. E. Bowen, Auto Trucks, Bag
Rage and Express. Trips to Vk'll
holt Springs, Silver Creek Faltf
and other Summer Resorts.
rbones 29!) Kes. 726
' mi
See Me Before Ton Do Anything ,
rhone . SfM Mala
214-18 K. Com' St. " SJem;