t r,i-nv inTcniv JIT V Q.V ioil. ! PAGE FOUR MAILT CAPITA! ROUTINE BUSINESS OF COUNCIL CONTKAfT roll I'MOX STKKI'.T SKWKIt M:r AT $IO,H7H.a() ( irv ALSO lil)VS ITSKI.F FOK s "Just Say" HORLICli' It Mtans Original and Genulm MALTED MILK Tht Food-drink lor All Agis. More healthful lhan Tea or Coffee. Agree with the weakest digestion. Delicious, invigorating and nutritious. Rich milk, m.ilmd grain, powder form. A ouick lunch prepared in a minute. A cmh'k fok tnvsvih " n0 iUD,utuIe. AskforHORLICK'S. xjiners are imuuavns. The following routine bimlnesa was trammeled by the council last ven lug: Eight per cent of tlio contract price for tins Improvement of KaHt Court Ktrect $ 0 1 0 " . 2 2 wan or dered paid tho contractor, Edward UelKer. W. I). Pugh received a balance of $1000 on bin contract for the im provement of North Commercial street. . Amended plans for tho opening and widening f Seventeenth street from Htato to the fair ground a were adopted. Tim petition of "Dad" fieler for an electric HiKn In front of hlg place of business wiih referred to the light commute, and so was the petition for a light at Shipping street and anoth er at tho Kulr (irounds road. Tho flro and water committee was authorized to purchane 200 feet of chemical hose. Thfl city recorder was Instructed to notify the, contractor who Is pav ing Mission Btreet that the work must be comi'loted within the time prescribed In the contract, or the penalty would lie enforced. Kdward W. (lelne presented a bill for extra work Court street, In removing certain poles while paving the street, and It was ordered paid. The committee on buildings report ed that It hud fluflly been success ful In purchasing a clock for the city hall chamber, and that It hoped to have It Installed hy next Monday. The snino committee also recom mended that the city, in buying fuel, piirrliatto coal Instead of wood, and fit) tons at 7.fi0 a ton wr ordered. Twenty-live cords of wood for kind ling purposes were ordered. The contract for the Installation of the Union street sewer was award ed to the ,lohn Construction company Tor M,67H.20. The ordinances providing for the Improvement of Kast Htate and Front streets were passed. ARNOLDS SHOW PEOPLE IN TROUBLE Several members or Arnold's show, which ftiniliihed the amusement this year for t.io Sulem Cherry t'a'r, are In trouble In rortlnud. Tho show Is now tinder canvas In Haul Port land. Nellie Kennedy, a annlio charmer with tho amusement company, has been taken Into custody by the de partment of public safety. Krom her it was learned that she had been em ployed by one oatn Adams, in various shows, and that she had received only S I for five weeks' work. She declares JUllCSAlj, uiAju.ti ...-.-. I mij a m --g-1 1 . "... ...-LrTl I H i lSASEBALL IX BRIEF. ' 7 I L-M W I J t I W I, KPT r : IllfV J a r m mm t mm m i m n , j t i ii ii iti i iiii MANY VISIT SALEM IN PAST WEEK 0116 ai:k looking rou iiomks ok M'SIXKSS IMKST.MF.XTS AM) oxk axi Af,ii akk di:m(;htj:i) WITH THIS SECTION'. Durin? the past ten days the Salem Board of Trade had more callers than it has had in a mouth previous. Most of these callers are wellto-do business people and farmers and from the Kastern and Middle West ern stal"H. in fact, many of them can be honestly classed as tourists look ing over this coitnry with a view to that she was subject to ail kinds of investments and home-making Indignities, and was forced to receive attentions from other men, while in Adam's employ, and she also charges that he took money from her. It Is also alleged that Nellie Ken nedy, Ktta .lones, Jim Waldo and Zono Howard, all employes of the Arnold Amusement company, occu pied a room In n Portland lolging house one night last week. Kllzaheth Shoemaker, aged Hi, another em ploy, Nellie Kennedy and Ktta Jones were arrested. The two men, are now being sought by the pollco. Three of tho girls were sentenced to AO days In the Home of the flood Shepherd, and It Is said that a charge of white slavery will bo made aga nst tlio men If they are caught. willIuU the bridge on twelfth Confident that if It can but con vince the peoplo that it Is Im ear nest In the campaign for the recon struction of tlio bridges in the city, and that. If It can but assure it th it their money will not. bo wasted, that It. will lie the strongest argument In favor of n bond issue, and that there will bo an abundance of finds voted to rebuild tho bridges In the city, the city council last evfllng voted to re build tho bridge on Twelfth street near Oak. l'aul I,eahey, tho well known bridge builder, will superintend the const ruction of thin bridge, and be estimates that it can be built In tho course of a month. Councilman Man ning, chairman of tho bridgo com mittee, Is hack of tho movement to build tho bridge. Manning last ev cilt.g. when tlio mayor desivtd to lesiif.ccl tho bridge bond lastie con tend'il that was tlnio to act In re-p-iitlng and rebuilding the bridges villi the available money o;i hands, and when that was spent to appeal to the public, and show what had been done, and bo Is carrying his Ideas In to execution In the construction of tho Twelfth street bridge. Stomach Blood and Liver Troubles Much sickness Mart with weak stomach, and consequent poor, impoverished blood. Nervous and pair-people luck food, rich, red blood. Their stomachs need invitforutinit lor, alter all, a man can he no atroniler-thun hii atoinncli. A remedy that makei the stomach itronil and the liver olive, maket rich red blood and overcomes and drives out disease-producing bacteria and cures a whole multi tude ol diseases, er rid of your Stomach Weakneaa and Liver Laalneaa by taking m course of lit. Pierce' a tiolden Medical Dlacovery -the treat Stomach Heatoratlve, Liver Invt&orator mud blood Cleanser, You can't afford to accept any medicine of unknown nm!x,,tiia as substitute ior"t;olden Medical Discov ery," which is medicine or inown composition, liuvintf CHimplute list ol ingredients in plain KntlmU on its hot-tie-wrapper, same being attested as eurrect under oath. C rfeivs'i firatMnt Illicit ntulstt and larlfante Stomach, Liver and flowss. ill vraau s A L E M pure tiro to ploaso the lovers of a wholesome beverage, ... iways an invigoratm:, and delightful drink, ends stiendh to the weak an.l wearied physique, ffocts a soothing cure for tho nervous ills of life. akes life more pleasant and cheers the heavy iieait. Among the numbers have, been two business men who have virtually been looking for tho same thing, either hardware or variety store openjngs. Tlfey are men of means and ready to enter Into business. A professor from the University of Minnesota was here with a class !n geology, lie is deeply interested, and will return next year. A professor from the University of Colorado has also been looking over this territory, and hopes to return and get into the fruit grow ng business. .Most of these people have bcel shown over the country by Secretarl Hof'ir, and they ltnii'ormily admit that the country surrounding Salem Is the finest and richest they hav" yen, and this without any jn;il ifir-a lion whatever. Among the callers registered are the following: 11. S. Ilowen and wife, Chicago, III.; I,, c. Uarbone, Plain view, Neb.; Otis Shaw, Medlanco, Ohio; Ira M. Walker, Richland, la.; It. A. Lucas, Keodcr, N. I).; H. W. Walton, New York; I. O. Keen, New York; K. P. Pclteir, Mltm.; Wm. Payne, lloaldsburg, rial.; Mrs. II. P. Ilgner, West Chicago, III.; Frank Kamuelson, Cadillac, Mich.; Mrs. .1. II. Cavanangh, Dlghton, Knn.; V. R. Itol.ay, Afton, la.; 10. lieahaut and wife, Colorado Spr'ngs, Colo.; t:o. Williams, Harper, Kan.; George M. King, Jr., Kinder, I,a.; Mrs. George M. King, Jr., Kinder, La.; II. C. Ilow er. Glenwood, la.; S. 11. Roberts, Mandaii, N I).; James E. Schrocken gnst and wife, Vandergrlft. Pa.; Tims. Inks, Kearney, Neb.; Leah Inks,, Kearney, Neb.; Arthur .1. Ilehnidt. HE KICKED . AT THE NAME OF ISRAEL Tliere tun two yoting men living In adjoining houses out on the boulevard in North Salem. One Is a street car conductor, the other is a painter, and both urn married. They have known each other only for a short, time, but each supposed ho was sutllcleiilly aciiuainled with tlte oth er to call his neighbor by his first mime. Last, night, however, the briish-wlelder discovered his mis take. The men, with their wives, were enjoying a social hour on the lawn separating the two houses. In tin endeavor to he sociable, the ticket puncher used1 the painter's first name when addressing him. During a conversation a few mo ments later, the turpentine mixer, wishing to return the compliment, roninrketl: "Say. Israel, I'll I, .11 you what 1 believes." lie got no fui" h er. The conductor suddenly straight ened up. lie stared at his neighbor then at his wile, and then his eyes sought the ground. hl wife heard blm murmur. "Israel! Israel." "Say," he finally sa'd to the paint er. "I've read something about the 'children of Israel." but 1 have no children. What, did you en", me?" "Why, I thought your name was Israel,' 'replied Ills neighbor. In tie apologetic tons. "Isarel!" shrieked the street, car man and then the two women and the misinformed young man gently carried the con ductor Into the house an.l laid him on a couch. fw Cured by Lydia E. Pinknam's Vegetable Compound Morton's Gap, Kentucky. "I suf fered two years with female disorders. my health was very bad and I had a continual backache which was simply awful. I could not stand on niy feet long enough to cock a meal's victuals without my back nearly killing' me, and I would have such dragging sen sations I could hardly bear it. I bad soreness in each side, could not stand tight clothing, andwas irregular. 1 was completely run down. On ad vice I took Lydia E. l'inkham's Vege table Compound and Liver Pills and am enjoying good health. It is now more than two years and I have not had an ache or pain since I do all my own work, washing and everything, and never have the backache anymore. 1 think your medicine is grand and I praise it to all my neighbors. If you think my testimony will help others yen may publish it." Mrs. Ollie W'ooDAi.r,, Morton's Cap, Kentucky. Iiackaehe is a symptom of organic weakness or derangement. If you have backache don't neglect it. To get permanent relielf you must reach the root of the trouble. Nothing we know of will do this so surely as Lydia E. Pinkliam's Compound. AVrito to P!. l'inkhan, at I.ynn, Masss., for special advice. Your letter vi'i i'o absolutely conlidet. ti;:i, :i,.u fci;e sulvicu l'ree. SCOTT POTS COMPANY Oil ITS FEET WII.LAMKTTK M AMFAf TTMXfl (OMI'ANY A FT Kit MANY YH'IS- siti ni:s is .ov ritosrators ANI KOIXi A SI'I.ENKIl) lll'SI. NKSS. Trained Nurse. The IT. S. Civil Service Commis sion announces an examination on August 2, to secure ellgtliles from which to till a vacancy In ti posi tion of trained nurse at $tirt per month, for service in connection with the care of tha Injured etnplovccs in The Dalles Celllo Canal. Per application blank applv ZAIDKK. PAl.MKR, Local Secretarv. PostollUv, Salem, Oregoi.. Salem has an Industry which has struggled along here for several years In a quiet way. It Is the Wil lamette Manufacturing company. On October III, limit, Mr. J. K. Scott took charge of this concern as man ager. It was in a bankrupt condi tion and be faced the problem of paying off $13,(100 worth" of debts. Mr. Scott is a very energetic man and he wasted no time about having an understanding with nil the credi tors, who were on the point of clos ing the factory. He organized the business and put It on a tiavlne basis and gradually began navlmr nff tho old claims, which are tnilnv nrnntt- cally wiped out. The concern bad just gotten on a good footing and was ready tc go ahead on a larger scale when it burned down, March 2:1 last. Things looked pretty dark for the company then. Hut inside of 30 days, without any outside assistance, Mr. Scott was running again and turning out ahout 70 different stvles of caskets and competing with the largest firms in the Cnited States. Thev sell to practically every undertaker in the state of Oregon, as well as a large number in Washington. Idaho, and talifornln, ns far south as San Francisco. The rontpnnv uses about fret of lumber a' month, em P'oys 11 people and is shipping about 1..0 caskets and as many rough boxes each month. Thev hnvo n,,, work than they can do with their present equipment and Mr. Scott says ns fast as he can Increase he will employ from IS to 18 men The Journal feels that this 'lllus- ratlnn shows what perseverance and hard work can do In the face of most discouraging obstacles and the Wll- aniette Manufacturing company Is to be congratulated on the way it was pulled out of almost absolute ruin and placed itself on a paying basis. 1 he officers of the company are Mr .1. K. Scott, president and gen eral manager: C. L. McNarv, vice president. J. D. Nairn, secretary and treasurer. Together with H,Bn' (,.. I. Willson and Wm Primb .. men sti'"'e the board of directors. Tacific Coast. W, Portland 62 Vernon 61 Oakland 62 San Prancisco 57 Sacramento 54 Los Angeles 45 Northwestern. W, Vancouver 6" Spokane 57 Tacoma Seattle. . Portland Victoria .50 .46 National. Chicago . . . New York . Philadelphia St. Louis . . Pittsburg . . Cincinnati .. Brooklyn W. .51 r.i .50 .48 .35 .31 Boston 20 American. W Detroit 59 Philadelphia 54 Chicago 44 Cleveland 47 Boston 44 Washington 30 St. Louis ' 25 L. 45 fi.1 56 58 58 71 L. 39 42 43 46 r,o 73 L. 31 33 31 36 37 49 r,3 66 I, 28 32 40 44 45 58 CI Pet. .579 .535 .525 .496 .482 .388 Pet. .606 .576 .561 .521 .479 .255 Pet .622 .612 .60." .581 .565 .417 .360 .233 .Pet .678 .635 .516 .516 .494 .3 41 .291 American Association. W .54 .51 .51 .49 .48 L. 42 45 47 47 51) 50 52 54 Pet .563 .531 .521 .510 .490 .48 .4 58 .4 19 Columbus . . Kansas City . . Minneapolis . . St. Paul . . Milwaukee . . . Toledo 4 7 Louisville 44 Indianapolis 4 4 Western League. W. L. Pet Denver 58 31 .652 Lincoln 52 36 .591 Pue-blo 47 39 .547 St. Joseph 48 42 .533 Sioux City 45 44 .506 Omaha 43 46 .483 Topeka 37 52 .41 6 Des Moines 25 65 .278 ' YVsterdny's Results. Pacific Coast League Vernon 3. Los Angeles 2; no other games sched tiled. Northwestern League Vancouver 10, Portland 5: Seattle 5, VIctor'a 2; Spokane 3. Tacoma 2. National League Pittsburg 8. Brooklyn 2: New York 8, Cincinnati 3; St. Louis 10, Philadelphia 2; Boston-Chicago game postponed, rain. American League All-Stars 5. Cleveland 3 (benefit for family of Addie .losso) ; no other games sched uled. American Association St. Paul 0-3, Toledo 2-1: Milwaukee 2-3, Louisville 6-2; Minneapolis 4. Indi anapolis 5; Kansas City 15, Colum bus 7. Western League Topeka 3. Sioux City 0; Lincoln 3, Omaha 1; St. Joseph 6, Pueblo 0; only three games scheduled. ALfOliOb 3 PER t'KNT AVcgelable Preparaiicn forA : similaliii5lhcFoc(faiiiia!u!i ling lite Siomariis aadDdsi Promotes DiestioiiJCueem1 ne-ss and ltest-Contains neither Opiiim.Morphirte norJliatrd.: NOT NARCOTIC. fimpHaSm' JLiStrnm faxrmnt- , JtamSefd- Vmoifmi ikmr. Anerftrt Rpmedv forConsapa- tion.SourStoniach.DlarrtKip Worms ,Convulsions,tcvErisu nessaituLoss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YOUR. For Infants and ChildrrJ The Kind 'Yon lip- Always Bought Bears the Signature of AW For Oi Thirty Yeai Exact Copy of Wrapper. THC OINTAUR COMPANY, NCWTORROm. TO CTRE IUXnftrFF. It Is Necessary That tlio Dandruff Germ Be Keradlcnted. "Destroy the cause, you remove the effect." Kill the germ that causes dandruff, falling hair and baldness, you will have) no more dandruff and your hair must grow luxuriantly. Herplcide not only contains the dan druff germ destroyer, but Is also a most delightful hair dressing for reg ular use. No other hair prenn.ratien lng the dandruff germ, and none oth er claims to be, for the simple rea son that It-Is only recently that a de stroyer or tne germ has been dise.ov erea tNewuro's Herplcide, the only nun preparation tnat actually kills dandruff. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c In stamps for sample to me iierptcKie r:o Detroit, Mich m ooiiar Dottles guaranteed. J. C. terry. When the stomach fails to per form Its functions, the 'bowels be como deranged, the liver and kid neys congested causing numerous diseases. The stomach and liver must be restored to a healthy condition and Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets can be depended upon to do It. Easy to take and most effective. Sold hy all druggists. The fellow who doesn't care a rap about defeat generally doesn't have to. Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever E R iinr,s ,?;nod fellowship to all who partake in moderation. nlivdis the spli it of the ilmvn. cast and disheartened. mlows existence wiih hones and aspirations cstores man to fulness n strength and activity. Physician, Male. The l'. a. Civil Service Commission announces an examination on Au gust I'nd, to secure elk'tliles t, (in ., ncancy n the position of phvsieian at Jisno per annum, for service In connection with the cure u tin. t. ! lured employees on The Dallcs-Cclilo iilijU. l''or application blanks applv to Z.VIDKK. PALM KK. Ixical Secretary. ' Postotllce, Salem, Oregon. Clerk-farrlcr. ( lerk-Carrier piimln-.tin ,, m , . l In l hu service rooms, postotllce jHitlUiiiK. Salem. Oregon, on Xove,,, ii l. 1SUI. commencing at 9:00 o cltKk a. in. Apply for ne.vssary instructions to ZAIliKK PAI.MKU. Ltval Secretary. lostofflce, Salem, Oregon Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Ta tdetg gently stimulate the liyer and bowels to expel poisonou, mat U r ciea,,srt , 8ysttM11 cure M 'u ami silk nttAiliiohtk en jail dealer. u by iy. T. FELIX GOURAID S ORIENTAL CREAM OR MAGICAL BEAL'TIFIER Rcrawfs Tan, ptmple, ami Skin Diwu Ci beauty, n J da- y- 'j ha ituotl ibis tent w years, and m hirmltut ( taste It to be sura It 1 properly ma.. Accpi nocounii'f. fmi of UuiiUr nam. 1. L. Am Savr uUtl to t 7 of tli hiut-t-'o v patient. : A yiu ladle vlU Uta them. UvkhU U,ir in the CfaUtHi bttA OujAa aoa Eutopi rail T. HOPIIKS, Prep, 37 Grut Ju S!rdt lew Tarl m i IFREJICH FEMALE I tilUflLLS. A Cwu Rum torw., unv,iML IVtt 1101 Tl Fll. s,.., I J f""- WM -" w l fu.ui!' fc". IV m1 -r-i-ri w tw I V'Ttlmt.lct C.,o. , ue..T. How's Tills. We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for nny case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure P. J. CHENEY & CO., nr .u Toledo, O. we, the undersigned, have known r. J. Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and finan cially able to carry out any obliga- initoa oy nis nrm, WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN Wholesale Druggists, Tolodo.'o Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken Inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfces of the system, testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists Take Hall's Family Pills for con-stlpatlon. Sold in Stltm ty Pf. S. C Shut Saves Two Idves. "Neither my sister nor myself might be living today, it it had not been for Dr. King's New Discovery " writes A. D. McDonald, of Fayette vllle. N. C. R. F. D. No. 8. "or both had frightful coughs: that lo ?U heIp' We were tola my sister had consumption. Sho was n "" . .naa nlgat sweats, but your wonderful medicine comnletew 21? "sot5- 'V ,he bt I ever cu t ueara or. Kor sore lunes coughs, colds, hemorrhage in J. ' asthma, hay fever, croup, whooping f nn n 1 DOltle rree 25c and 1.00. Guaranteed by J. c. Perry. EVERY MONTH 'EAR DEATH rosier, ArkMrs. Fannie roster, says: "I was sick years, and half the time stand on my feet. " ery near death. I tried Car dul and in two months I was cured and am now stout and healthy. My friends all ask me now what cured Cardui." No matter how ...., long-standing the trouble. r,,t will help you. n Is a mild, vegetable tonic remedy, especially adapts to renew mi .., ... vuo common woman ly ailments. It relieves womanly Pains and restores womanly strength. Soreness of the muscles, whether induced by violent exercise or In Jury, Is quickly rt-Heved by the free application of Chamberlain's Lini ment. This liniment Is equally val uable for muscular rheumatism and always affords quick relief. Sold by all dealers. Salem's most poular res taurant THE WHITE HOUSE We cater to the public who demand a good meal for a small price Wm. McGilchrist & Sons. Old Soldieti Tortured. 'For years I have suffered speakable torment from Indlg-j constipation ana liver trc wrote A. K. Smith, a war vete Erie, Pa., "but Dr. King's Net Pills fixed me all right. Toer'n ply groat."' Try them for any; ach, liver or kidney trouble. 25c at J. C. Perry'" o , Being broke can't hurt a hk less he permits himself to m to It. Foley Kidney - Pills are if useful in all ailments and dls. of the kidneys and bladder, b they nre composed of lngra specially selected for their t tive, healing, tonic, and stint; effect upon these organs ai: urinary passages. They are ai. tic, antillthic and a uric acid st Try them. 9 Gold Dust F!oil Mnde by the MYDNEY VOW COMPANY, Sydaey, Orep Mario U r Family Cm. Ak your mr jcr for It In! ed Uliorta itlwayi oa bail P.B. WALLACE, Art "EconomiGs,, Wc Can't Afford thv wf6',We C?m .8ave money uslnS cheaper soap tt the very best, by using cheaper starch and lower priced employ infJn rlmA8 moSt would be on'y a frac of the result! .aJetTutTyorrciothrstthat We Prict'Ce B "e" paeons ten0,wl0wlUc "DeSt, la"naerlns "08siblfi- c to none. C Phone 25. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY, 138-1G0 SOUTH LIBERTY STBIlf 44 4 4i slsfcA. A.AA. - Ellis, of for seven could not Every month, I Children Crv " FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA NEWPORT ya8av1 Oregon's Popular Beach Rosort An ideal retreat for outdoor pastimes of all kinds. Hunting, fishing, boat ing surf bathing, riding, autoing, canoeing, dancing and roller skating. Where pretty water agates, moss agates, moonstones, carnellans can be found on the beach. Pure moun . tain water and the best of food at low prices. Fresh fish, clams, crabs and oysters, with abundance of veg etables of all kinds dally. Cn.: r- . V.-...F...S urounds arc Convenient and Attract ' With Strict onnlo . - .is.' reguiauons J, " iJ i LOW ROUND-TRIP SEASON TICKEI aa pomu in Oregon, Wash InetoTi unit i.l. .... mom, ou eaie daily 3-DAY SATURDAY-MONDAY TICKET and torottt n3clnc Polnls Port- c i t p J fe Grove; al8 fronl all Good win! atnS'lbany ana we6t , 00 going Saturday or Sunday and for return Sunday or Monday. t r WM. M'MURAY, I General Passenger Agent, . , Portland, Ore. '"' t I A. . . ...... irr'svwi7i?wif.