Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 22, 1911, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Sym&cIIzes the Second Dsalli
A Total Extinction.
Piitsr RuimII Ld n Exploration
Psrty pf Toronto Biblo 8tudtnto In a
Crii.Ie.1 InwoftlBrt'O" "Gohonna."
Btripport of Superstitious Aocrotiono,
Ho Doeioroo It "tho 8cond Dth."
Toronto, Can.,
July lmh.-raiitor
Rtiimell delivered
t b r a e addnnws
here today onder
(be aunplces of the
"Interuntlonal bi
ble Students Asso
ciation." By re
quest two of bis ad
dresses were more
particularly to the
Hebrews, on "Zl-
IPASIUK gUSSftyj oiiism In Prophe
cy. Anotlier was
specially to Rlble BtudeiiU, and It we
report Ills text wus, "Wbere their
worm dletb not and the Ore Is not
QtiencueU" (Mark U, 441. Tno speaker
There are other and much more beau
tiful topics than the one I have chosen
for this occasion. Nevertheless, "Ilnnd
some Is tbut bandsouie does." This
text has stood In the way of Ood'i
people for centuries, and still continues
In tbe way of many of them. To such
It proves the Almighty Creator to be a
most unkind one, a most un-Fatbcrly
one, view the matter as we will. Borne
say, lovulessly and llloKlcally, that God
provided from before the foundation
of the world a great gehenna of fire,
torture, suffering, mid that all man
kind were doomed on account of futher
Adam's truiiHgresslon, but that through
Jesus' death arrangement was oiado
by which the small number who walk
In Ills footsteps In tho "narrow way"
may escape this awful eternity.
Othors say. not so; God Is love, and
theso unquenchable Ores and Immortal
worms are matters of ueccsnlty which
Ills love cannot overcome, because, by
some slip of unwludom In the begin
ning, or by some lack of power since,
the Almighty Is uuable to do better
than to save I ho mere handful and to
allow the great muss of. mankind to
suffer endleHH torture In the Are that
never shall e quenched, and where
the worm will never die.
The Qroat Tsaohar Misunderstood.
TlMtse words from the lips of our
Master, the (Ireat Teacher, have been
grievously mlsuuderstood. The teach
ing of our Protestant childhood was
to the effect that only the salutly elect
would go to heaven and that others
would not only lose heaven, but gala
au stomal life lu torment Thus our
text was understood to portray what
practically the whole world of muu
kind would bo compelled to endure.
This bell was pictured to our child
hood winds from outside tho lilhle as
heatiHl to a while heat. If we ex
pressed wonder or surprise that any
creature could endure such conditions
so long the answer was that Uod
would exercise his ouiulotent power
to make us Ore-proof ami palu-suusltlve.
Borne thuologtaus of the Thomas a
Keiupta school of thought went so fur
as to picture the poor creature Id
their su (Tori nc and to show that the
beat would form a kind of uu asbestos
covering which would shield them
from a measure of Its intensity. Hut
those deluded theologians proceeded
to explain that these outer coverings
would crack and shell off every little
while, leaving the poor victim freshly
lender that his suffering mltflit lie the
more liitouxe.
Of course, these theologians of tho
past bud tbelr dlltlculty In dealing
with tho worms. They could luiaglno
devils who would oversee the torture
as Ih'Iiik made Immune to pain by the
chief torturer, the Almighty tlod. But
Just how to Imagine the worms get
ting along In so great a beat and how
they would In any wtso Increase the
torture of the poor sufferers was to
muny a perplexity. Hut patient
thought fulness along these cruel and
devilish lines enabled some to formu
late the theory that the worms would
be fiery ones, living lu (Ire, delighting
In flro-worms that would bore through
the Incrustations and add still fur
ther to the horrible sufferings of the
world of mnnklnd.
Was This What Jaaus Maantf
Pld tho (ireat Teacher Intend that
such coiicIuhIoiis should be drnwq
from Ills laugunge? And did He stoi
short of the description from reasons
of ympnthy or modesty or shame? Is
this the general teaching of God's
Word or hns a great and terrible mis
take been made? And have wo mlstak
I a figure of speech and treated It as
literal? We erred. We f.iMumlcrxtood.
The Orv-ut Teacher who rvlmked Ills
dlwlples. James and John, when they
riealriMl to call (Ire from heaven hhh
the City of Samaria, because tho va
pie thereof refused to sell them food
for tho Maater-tbe sympathetic Ou
who said to them. "Ye know not what
manner of spirit ye are of; the 8on of
man cim not to dtwtroy men's lives,
but to save them"-co iid time Son of
man In any whe ntend to tell us that
our grvat Heavenly Fnthor had loss
of th spirit of l ive and rlthteousnest
than the two Impetuous disciples?
Did He mean to Intlinsto that whlls
Bonk OMccra Indicted.
Vancouver. Wash., ,'uly 20 Indict
ed on charM of accepting deposits
when thay knew the bank to b In
aolvent. President Hugh O. Phillips
and Cashier Gl'bert W. Dunlela, of
the Commercial Bank of Vancouver
were arrested today and released on
the dlsHples might impetuously hate
been willing to destroy tbe earthly life
f the Bamarttana. the Heaveniy ra
ther, of still more demoniacal dlspo
ritlon. would treat practically all man
kind ten million times worse than that
and use Divine Tower to all eternity
to perpetuate the suffering of His
sarthly creatures, which His own Word
Jeclares were born In sin. shapen in
jjlqulty. In sin d!d their mothers con
nive tbera earthly creatures, too,
whose environment was unfavorable
and whose Adversary, the Devil. God
neither destroyed nor bound?
"Oe'hinnom" "Gehonns" Hall.
As we have heretofore seen, the only
Hebrew word translated sell, from
Genesis to Miilachl. Is ihml. which is
Indiscriminately translated grate, pit
and hell In our Common Version of
the English Illlile-the greater number
of times grace Its projier translation.
Its Greek equivalent In the New Testa
ment, wo have seen. Is hudx, which
likewise Is Indiscriminately translated
grare Bnd hell, but should always be
rendered grate. We repeat again wai
no scholar In the world will claim that
there is tho slightest thought of life
r suffering or Joy connected with these
Tbe Scriptures distinctly declare that
there is neither wisdom, nor device.
nor knowledge in theol" to which all.
both good nnd bnd, go at death, and
where they remain until the resurrec
tion. In Hie New Testament the word
tartarui occurs once only nnd Is mis
translated hell, whereas It should be
rendered our enrth'n atmotphcre. It has
no reference to humanity In any way.
but to the fallen angels. The Apostle
says that as a punishment "God cast
tbcm down to tarturut" and they are
"reserved In chains of darkness until
the Judgment of the great Day."
Hut today we will examine the fourth
and last word translated hell In our
common English Bible. This word In
tbe Greek Is gehenna. It occurs bet
twelve times, as follows: Matthew v,
22. 20, W); x. 28; xvlli, 1); xxlll IB, 33;
Mark Ix, 43, 45. 4"; Mike ill, 0; James
III, 0. One of the occurrences Is In con
nection with our text today. The ques
tion Is. To what does Ibis word gehenna
refer? ' Is It a name for I'urgatory?
Or a name for a still worse place of
unending torture, as our Protestant
creeds declare? We answer. No. It
Is a figure of speech used to symbollzo
the Hecond I)cath-the death from
wbk'h there will be no resurrection,
resuscitation the everlasting de
struction mentioned by Bt Paul, nud
of which Bt, Peter snys that they
which experience It iicrlsh like tho
brute beast (II ThesHiilonlans 1, 0; 11 Pe
ter 11, 12). This Is very plainly stated In
Revelation xx, II, whore of this "hike
of lire" It is declared, "this Is the Sec
ond Death."
The Valley of Hlnnom Tophat
The Greek word gehenna is the syn
onym fur the Hebrew word Or-Mnnom,
which means "The valley of Hln
nom. This valley Is repeatedly men
tioned In tho Illble. It was owned by
a funilly named lllunom. The first
reference to It Is lu Joshua xv, 8.
Looking at any Illble map of tbe city
of Jerusalem, the valley will be seen
to the southwest of tho city wall. At
a time when the Israelites became
sadly Involved in Idolatry, this valley
was used as a sacred place. An image
of the heathen god, Moloch, made of
brass, and hollow, was erected. It
was so constructed that tbe chair,
which was a part of the Image, con
stituted a furnace Ured from the rear,
and the head of the Image wus the
top of a Due.
The Image held out its arms as
though to receive something and,
heated red hot by tho tire, uvua a re-
ceptuclo lu whli h deluded Iamclltes
placed their children na sacrifices,
while trumpets ' were blown, drums
beaten and the people shouted, milling
tho cries of the tortured infants (II
Kings xxlll, 10). When tho good King
Joslah came to the throne all this Idol
atry was abolished and the proper
worship of Uod lu the temple was re
sumed. Then, lest tbe people should
over agntu resort to such atrocious
customs, the valley was desecrated,
It bocamo a valley of abomination,
It was used ns u dumping place for
tho tilth of Jerusalem. Dead dogs and
dead cats were thrown thcro, and It
Is claimed that some of the vile criuv
limit, after execution, were thrown
therein Instead of being given burial
to trplcully Illustrate that there Is no
future life for such obnoxious being
that they will be refus;v
The valley of Hlnnom Is now tilled
up and au orchard grows there; but
originally It was Quite deep. The car
casses of animals were thrown there
Intended fur destruction, the worms
feeding Umu them. No one sought tj
binder the worms from making acorn'
plute destruction, lu the bottom of
the valley tires wore kindled for the
consumption of the wusto debris, and
brluiatono was added that tho fumes
of it might destroy any germs of dis
ease No one thought of quenching
that fire; It was one that was desired.
This was the gehr iiu of our Lord's
day. lie umm It lu a figurative or
ptcturlal sense as Illustrating tbe Sec
ond lHath. which will N the imrtlon
of all wilful aluuers. He used It also
symbolically. In connection with other
symbols. In the Iv.k of Revelation,
where as already seen Ho explains It
to mean the Second IVntb,
The worms of that valley were no
more Immortal than any other worms
or maggots and the tires cnkludled
there are not burning now. This ex
pression. "Where their worm dloth not
and the fire Is not queuclwil," merely
signifies that the destruction of the
class represented would bo complete,
that nothing yniild Interfere to shts
them ftvm destruction Adamlc death
will be destroyed, as the Scriptures de
v hum uicu mm lie inicrir n.v
the rightful authority to destroy Adara-
bonds of 110.000 each.
The transactions on which the In
dictments are based took place on
December lii, st.
(.eriiiaay Make Trouble.
London. July SL Belief that GeK
many Is deliberately seeking to lent
fc death and urllft ail of Adam's tace
who will accept His favor back to all
that was lost In Adaii. und redeemed
at Calvary. But the Second Death la
a friend to God and to all who love
righteousness, sincp it will utterly and
forever destroy such as have love or
sympathy for sin and refuse to be
obedient to the Divine will after full
Tho Antitypical "Gehenna."
As the earthly Jerusulem was a fig
ure of the Jerusalem from abore, the
heavenly Jerusalem, tbe Kingdom of
God that Is to be established lu all
tbe earth, so gehenna und its "fire" nnd
"worms" prefigured the destruction of
the Second Deuth upon every wilful
sinner, during or shortly after the ter
mination of Christ's Mediatorial King
dom and reign und tbe delivery of the
Kingdom back to God. with righteous
ness fully established.
As the New Jerusalem will not be a
literal city, with literal streets of gold
and gates of pearls and walls of Jew
els, neither tbe valley of Hlnnom nor
the lake of (Ire outside the city of
Jerusalem will be literal both are
symbolical. The one represents har
mony with God. tbe Diviiie blessing and
everlasting life: the other represents
separation from God. everlasting de
struction, the Second Deutli.
Flrt Is never used as a symbol of
preservation, far from it It Is always
a symbol of destruction. Tbe addi
tion of brimstone Intensifies the figure,
because burning brimstone Is one of
tho most deudly Influences known In
tbe world. It is not only deadly to
humanity and tho larger animals but
also to Insects and microbes and every
thing that has lifo.
An Old Testament Raferaneo.
This same lesson of the destruction
of wilful transgressors, as represented
In the dcstructlveuess of the valley of
Hlnnom (Ichcnna), la furnished by tbe
Prophet Isiilali llxvl, 22-24). A famll-
lar sight In Isaiah's day was the lit
eral valley of Hiuuom. used us a figure
by the Holy Spirit speaking through
him, pointing to tho untltype nnd tell
ing of the New Heavens and New
Karth the new religious and secular
organizations of mankind which, will
bo accomplished by Messiah's reign
and tbut then evil doers shall not es
cape but shall be completely, utterly
destroyed. "They shall go forth nnd
look upon tbe carcasses of the men
who have transgressed ngalnst Me, for
their worm shall not die, neither shall
tbelr fire be quenched; and they shall
be an ubhorrencc unto all Uesh." Noth
ing Is said about looking at living be
ings suffering torture, nor Is tills tbe
thought. God never approved of tor
ture, but always condemned It. A car
cass Is a dead body.
now glad we should lie to realize
that God's great I'lnn will not Include
great torture chamber containing
countless ii.., . bids of IIU creatures but,
as the Scriptures declare, "Every crea
ture In henven and In eiii'th und under
tbe earth will be heard saying. Praise
and glory nnd honor and dominion nnd
might be unto nim that slttvth upon
the throne nnd unto the Iunb forever."
Lat Honesty and Truth Prevail.
nuvlug demonstrated that neither
the Bible nor reason offers the slight
est supiKirt to the doctrine that eter
nal torment Is the penalty fur sin, we
note the fact that the various church
creeds, and confessions, unci hymn-
books, and theological treatises, ure Its
only supports; and tlint under the In
creasing light of our day, nud the con
sequent emaui'lputlou of reason, belief
In this horrible, fiendish doctrine of the
Durk Ages Is fast dying out But alus!
this 1st not because Christian people
generally nre zealous for the truth of
God's Word and for His character, nnd
willing to destroy their grim creed
Idols. Ah no! they still bow before
tbelr admitted falsities; tbey still
pledge themselves to their defense, and
spend time and money for their sup
port, though at heart ashamed of them,
and privately denying them.
The general influence of nil this is
to causo tho honest-hearted of the
world to despise Christianity and the
Bible; and to make hypocrites and
seml-lnfldels of nominal Christians.
Because the nominal church clings to
tills old blasphemy, and falsely pre
sents Its own error as the teaching of
tho Bible, the Word of God, though
still nominally reverenced, Is being
prneticnlly repudiated. Thus the Bible,
the great anchor of truth and lllierty,
Is being cut loose from by tho very
ones who, If not deceived regarding
Its teachings, would be held and bless
ed by It
The general effect, not fur distant.
will oe, first on Infidelity, then an
archy. For much, very much of this,
lukewarm Christians, both lu pulpits
aim pews, woo Know bettor, are re
sponBlblo. Many such are willing to
compromise tho truth, to, slander God's
character, aud to stultify and deceive
themselves, for the sake of ponce, or
ease, or present earthly advantage.
And any minister, who, by uttering a
wi-rd fur an unMpulnr truth, will risk
lh. loss of his attHnd and his repuin
tion for being "established" in the bog
or error, la considered a bold niau,
even though he Igiioiulnlously with
hold his name froui his published pro
ir prcressetl Christians would be
honest with themselves and true to
God, they would soon learn that "their
fear toward God Is taught by the pre
cepts of men" (Isnlnh xxlx, !3i. If all
would divide to let God bo true,
though It should prove every mnu a
Uar iHomaiu HI, 41. ami show all hu
man creeds to Ih Imperfect and nits.
Ivadlng, there would lie a great rreed-
mashlng work done verv shortly
Then the Bible would be studied aud
appiootatod as never before; nnd its
testimony that the wages of sin U
death (extinction!, would be recognized
aa a "just recompense of reward."
and perhaps Jlsrurt the understand
ing which exists between England
and France with her reported de
mands for territory in the Frencn
Uingo, Is expressed by the press
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