- - - . 1 1 a DAILY CAPITA! SOrRSAL, SALEM, 0KEG05, MOXRAY, JIU 17. PfiK rMH. SENATORS ARE SHUT OUT BY GIANTS With the thermometer hovering be twH-n S7 and l''l ami old Sol i... ,n,i,., a miiall bunch of per spiring fan an.l rann.tles r.at In tie l,akln nun at the Hague ground In Woodburn yesterday afternoon and watfti.'d tlie Senators g"t their flrHt complete Bluit out of the season. On account of tl.' hwit it a agreed be fore the game opened thai Heven In ning! would coriHtiluto a full name. The teauiH played as unatlaehed dams on account of a slight mlx-up In the league litHt week. Albany had mi game yesterday and Hubbard had already Hchoiluled an Independent tame. ronBeuuently yesterday's wore does not count In tin; league pereeniago cuiuwn. lN-HpllH the heat, the Slugging (Hants rung up 11 tallica, while not a Jennunltn crossed tlie, homo ran. Ilegaert smeared the lirst blot on a penHon'n good reeord when he al lowed "Muzz" Ifiiddleston to score on a wild piled In Woodburn's half of the first. Manager Hunt's left elbow nerved an a backstop for two more of A lie's spenders. The Senator's I wirier was much to the bad yester day and ills sopoprt was poor. Ijivler, lluddk'Hlon and Ilranlger executed somo star plays lor the wearers of the Maroon. Lavler ripped the ball over the right fence In the fifth for a homo run, "Hum" made the first tally for the slants In the opening canto, nnd Ilranlger laced one two-bagger nnd made a clever grab of I'orterlteld's blngle Into lett. Not a Statesman got across the second bag In their Initial Inning nnd in the next round the second base proved n killer for the Salem bunch. Tho third was ditto for the Cherry Pickers, and to make their caxe morv hopeless Ilranlger made a rattling good catch of .lones' pop Into the high grass In left Held. Shorny and ('uimnlngs found the Capital heaver for a strike each In l he second, ami Ilranlger walked. With the base full, Holmes fanned. Then Alio put over one of his (piecr ones, Jones could not gather II In and Shorey scored on the hlllle. Cuniiulng and ilmnlger hiiHtled home wncn iiiiz hanged a handy one down the center alHle. In the third .lernian dropped Hunt's pop My, but managed (o got It to second In time to stop Huddle- ston. Lavler scored on Ouinnilng'n sacrlllce. The next time up, the first bag proved n last hope for Jerman. Schooler brought down Muse's high II y to left In line shape, anil Allnwas caught trying to get buck to first Ilranlger laced n two-bagger through center, but died at third. I he (llant sluggers were hitting Alle hard and seemed to have tils goat for die llrst time tills season. Jerman caiight one of the Mull bo'vs to left. Alio ('might another, -but "II11.7." MID-S SALE DO YOU KNOW WHAT A SALE at THIS SHOP MEANS? It means that all merchandise cut in price, is the best to be found in the city and is not equaled in prjee anywhere. Note the Reduced Prices Given Below. SUITS nr.. oo $ ;io. 00 37. GO $25.01) $2 2. CO 120.110 IS. 00 Illi.CO Men'R Men's Mea'i M.m'g Moii'h Men's Moii'i Men's Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits Suits ,21.G0 . 10.50 . 18.M) . 16.00 . 15.00 . 14.00 . 13.00 . 10 00 SHOES 1(1.00 Men's Shoes , 15.00 Men's Shoes , 1 1. GO Men's Shoes , H .00 Men's Shoes , $2, DO Men's shoes .ft. 00 . 3.G0 . 3.00 . 2.M) . 2.2S I SHOES I 100 prs. odds & ends $2 UNDERWEAR $0.50 I'ndorwear $5.00 Cnderwenr $1.00 Underwear $2.00 I'nderwour $2 50 1'nder'Ae.ir $2.00 Vuderwcar $1.00 I'nderwear ..$4. no ,. .ITiO , . 3 65 , . 3 00 , . 1.60 . . 1.40 .. .75 GLOVES All U In vt One-Half Prlc All Other Goods Reduced in Proportion THE TOGGERY 167 Commercial St scored when Hunt banged another two-bagger Into Jerman' nelgtibor- bTivler, at first, pulled bis dinkey hell on Humphrey Mose and Jones, and nothing doing further than the first l ag. , , Here Lavler added another air draver, Just for good measure awl sauntered around the basts while the outfield for Salem peeked ii,r,.vh !ie cracks in the fence for . n,.,,,io nf l.e ball out south of n ft, "!"" ' . the fence. McRne. on whom, the Capitals nave for heavy bluing, went down before Holmes $S a day curves, "Buz. Iluddleston got umier i.oi liath's not) to left and Lavler tapped his dinkey bell again on .I-rman lit the flrHt turn In the road. Three men aeroa sliome for the fli ants the next time up. Iluddleston was there with a two-bagger, Alle walked the Giant nianeger, and "liuz." and Hunt advanced a base each on White s safe bit. Lavler, the big slugging Giant, tapped another of his two-baggera and Iluddleston and Hunt scored. McRue dropped Schooler's drive nnd White tallied up another mark. Lavler was caught stealing home and Schooler died at second. Hhorey was good for a hit and dimming fanned. It was hopeless by this time, but the Statesmen stepped up for another faint hearted effort. Alle landed a good lilt, but busy "Hum" gathered It In like a man at the circus tlckot window grabbing tlie coin. Cernik butted up against Lavler at first nnd Lavler stopped Humphrey Just to save further useless perspiring, Woodbiirn landed 10 bits, while Salem garnered six. Kvi-n "Little Jimmy" Richardson, his uinps, dropped his armor of se vere Blience and exchanged a little Irish wit with a bunch of the hleacherltes. The little umpire shocked a bunch of the "soda pop" boosters when he declared I'orter lleld safo nt first In the fifth because Lavler had his foot off the bag, al though the runner was easily beaten to the base by the throw. I'nless the Senators do some tall hustling In the near future It looks as though the J 12", penruint, which the business men of Woodburn have hung up for the winning team In the league this year, will go to the Gi ants. Tho Senators will meet the Giants again next Sunday afternoon on the Salem grounds In n regular league gum" and from that lime on. the league will pUiy their regularly scheduled names. I 'at Fulton of tho Hubbard team, lias recovered from a sprained ankle, and Is again ready for business. Oli. joliller Tortured. Tor yam's I have suffered un speakable torment from Indigestion, constlpntlon nnd liver trouble,'' wrote A. K. Smith, a wnr veteran nt Krlo, I'n., "but Ir. King's New Life Tills fixed mo nil right. They're sim ply great." Try thorn for any stom ach, liver or kidney trouble. Only 2 lie at J. C. Ferry'. o ltatber loo much water on and In tho ground for dialimgo work I his Huintnur; Just enough lo make enro- fl1' olo of (he places that most need tiling. CAPS li no Cap 11.00 $1.00 Caps f.u .75 Cap (jo .CO Caps 25 HATS $8.00 Panama $r..00 Jil.50 IiuiiKkok 4.00 $5.ou straw ;t oo $5.00 Kelt s.oo $:i.00 Straw 2 00 $:t.0O r'olt a.oo Some Odds and Ends at 1.00 SHIRTS Men's Shirts . Men" s Shirts . Men's Shirts . Meu'a Shirts . Men's Shirts . , Men's Shirts . Men's Shirts . Men's Shirts . $0.00 $5 50 $5.00 $4. GO $100 $2.60 $3.00 $1.50 .$4.00 . 3.75 . 3.00 . 3.25 4 O' !.23 1.75 1.50 1.00 $t.2 Men s Shirts Somo Odds and Ends nt !5! NECKWEAR $3.00 Tics at $3.50 Ties at $100 Tlea at .$3.00 . 1.C0 . 1.20. . .80 . .00 . .40 . .25 $1.50 Ties at $1.00 Ties st .75 Ties at .50 Ties at D. R.YANTIS,Prop. UMMm Electric Hose If you watch a man spraying his lawn for about two minutes you can tell whether he has confidence in the hose or not. If he krepi glancing from one end of it to the oilier you can depend that he's getting nervous, and is watching for a wetting. Don 't take chances when you can buy Electric Hose and be absolutely sure of the highest elficiency. Electric how will not burst, crack or split. It's made of seamless seine twine jackets and rubber tubes. SALK.H II AIM) WAKE CO.MI'AXY NEW YORK IS THREATENED WITH CHOLERA New York, July 17. Although the cholera situation at quarantine Is nt present regarded by Alvah II. Doty, health Inspector of the port, as being well In, hand, ho did not conceal his apprehension that New York "Is In tho very midst of a threatened Inva sion of cholera." "Tho (uannitine department of ev ery port In .this country Is facing ' a very serious nnd onerous task," said Dr. Doty, "and It Is not Impossilhht that many vessels arriving from Italy In the nxt few days will bring ono or more cases of the disease." Another Victim Dies. Today's official report of the situa tion shows thorn are? 1 " oast's nt Swinburne hospital and four cases sympathetic of the dlseas,. Within the pa.-it 21 hours one more victim has died. Tho steamer Perugia has been detained, and the medical staff Is preparing to tnako bacteriological examination of the 2 IS passengers from the steamer Molike, who are now under obsxrvatlon, Charles Pushklnd, attorney for tho Immigrants whoso charges against Dr. Poty are being Investigat ed by a commission, made public a letter he wrote to Judge Bulger, of Iho commission, suggesting tlie lat ter call upon (lovernor Dlx to take charge of tho health department. o REPORT SHOWS FRUIT CROP RATHER LIGHT That the strawberry crop was a 111,1.. .1 .1... ,U .1. I nine uiiove iuu iiveuie, uie eueiij crop full', the lognnJuMiy crop large, and tho priuio crop n little below the average In quantity, but superior In quality, Is tho substance of the report made on the fruit crop conditions by the board of trade, and which gener al report was completed Saturday. Some strawberry growers, says the report, received as $ I a crate, but the average price was $2.10, and at the end of the season tho crates went on , l il '' runner nnd a commission the market at $1 each. Cherries are form of city government, to be sub being bought by the canneries nt GVi I'"11''" to a vote at tlie next regular cents, loganberries at S'i and prunes are being contracted at 4 1j cents. Penis nro but average In yield this year, peaches nnd apples but hall a crop, but prices have not yet beeen established for any of these fruits. mv.s avi:i:k smashed nit io(i not nvi:r A peculiar accident occurred or. the :iew Natron extension Hear Low el! 1'ilday when two men were hurled from n gasoline f.peeder an.l thrown over n 20-foot embankim nt as th" result of running into n dog. The men were J. P. Held, who suifered a fractured thigh, and F. T. Malleck, whose nose nnd ankle were badly biekex and whose head nnd body were badly tut. The men were run ning at a Mgh rate of speed when a dpi? started across the track nnd was .i-... i... .1... ... 7, ; "V,m,,,no r,,r' lnc ma- vhlno catapulted with its nnssetur down a high rock embankment nmt " jtlio esape of both men from Instant I .loath was remarkable They were ! I cared for hv nr, t, , . I , ' ,,,u i y.'e.K-u aim ior grown persons. Sprlngtleld physicians, and then sentanJ 11 r-'talns today Its pre-eminence to tlie hospital In Portland. The dog was not killed. Solves a llwp Mystery, i "I want to thank you from the bot tom of my heart.' wrote C. R Rader of Lewlsburg. W. Vn... "for tho won derful double bonent I got from Elec tric Hitters. In curing tue both of a severe rase of stomach trouble and or rheumatism, from which I had been an almost helpless u Sorer for ten years. It suited mv case ns though made just for me." For dys pepsia, Indigestion, Jaundice and to rid the system of kldaev poisons that causrt rheumatism. Electrie im.. has no equal. Try them. Every bot- i. Kusrunieea to satisfy 50c t J. C. Terry's. Only A CAR LOAD OF EACH KIND SENT EAST The Salom Fruit Union shipped ltr. first carload of pre-cooled cherries this morning, and It Is In the nature of an experiment, but one which promises splendid re-sulfs In the end, and much Interest is being taken In It by the fruitmen. The carload contained Lamberts, Ilings and Clack Republicans. Ac companying the ear Is another con taining the same kind of fruit. which has not been pre-cooled, and it goes to the same destination. The pur pose of this is to let Mr. A. W. Mc Kay, of the I'nitcd States agricultur al department, makn comparisons and tabulate the result of the Investiga tions. The pre-cooling system is being made use of extensively by fruit men in California, and tho results attained have; been satisfactory. It is believed that it will prove tho same here, and If It does the present plant will give way to a larger one. o THE OPEN FORUM The Capital Journal Invites I'lililic Discussion In This Department Let Iloth Sides of All Matters Ito Fully Drought Out It Is Not tlie Dispose of This Newspaper to do tho Thinking for Its Headers. Was n Booster Itself. Ed. Journal: I wish to thank you for the Saturday Journal. It was a regular booster edition and contained all fresh original matter. I sent my copy to my brother-in-law In the east and I am sure It will help bring him here, (jive us some more of the same kind. You do not seem to know what dull times are and hot weather puts no crimp in your horn. ADAM SEITNKR. For n Square Peal. Kd. Journal: As one disinterested property owner I must thank you over and over for exposing the meth ods employed to beat down and get riglils of way from people along the line of the Oregon Electric. The at tempt lo get the rights of way from people like the Kehlndler brothers, and by methods that savor of the peanut methods ought to be resisted by every fair minded person. .1. n. SMITH. I'ravers for Itnlii. Ed. Journal: The efforts of the oregonlan to belittle the power of prayer are characteristic of this age. According to that paper, If we really n b'd rain, which we do not nnd could c,et it. by prayer, they would b" opposed to getting it in that way. When we really want, rain we will not go to the Oregonian agnostic and its govcrmentiil rainmaker on a sal ary in its hill tower. NOT SO DRY. I'lnir the Charter. l.il. Journal: I see In n recent Is sue of the Journal that the city council intend to put a plug in the charter. At the last council meeting an or dinance was passed to third rending calling n special election August 1:1 to amend the charter so that bonds can be Issued by a majority vote In stead of a two-thirds vote as nt pres ent. I would suggest that other plugs ' put In, first that only taxpayers he allowed to vote on amendments' second, that another plug be put in allowing a majority to control the tlie Improvements. Hut why pluK tho charter now' A committee has been selected to give leiecuon in December. The city council was iltsrr,,iit.i . the tirst vote on bonds for bridges at the second vote, according to the e.rcular sent, out by the bridge com mittee, the council and also the oard of Trade and P.uslncss Men's League was discredited. It seems under the present rondi- lns ii,,,, , ppopll Iiu,k conm,tnrp in the present city administration in racf we are in a continuous state of humiliation, would not. a recall be wise at the present time instead of amending tho charter? srhrniuxiTE. Honest Medicine Versus Fake?. 1 resident Tafts recent message suggesting an amendment to the Pure l'ood and Drugs law in its relation to prepared medicines, does not refer to ... .-...umai-u meuicines as Foley's Joney nnd Tar Compound and Folev Ki'lney puis. both, of which are true medic nes carefully compounded of ingredients whose medicinal qualities are recognized by the niedlenl nm. " nscii as me nest knmvn edlul agents for the diseases l ey are ln:en.i.i ... llRy are. lUIHUf MIL Mir ri three decades Kol.-v s Honey and Tar '"H'ound has been a standard Vhe 'TldS an(l nffpc- ; " f. , h.P "lr,oaK diest and eme nn (,tiier preparations of Its kind. Foley Kidney Pills are equally effective nnd meritorious. For snlo by Red Cross Pharmacy. o Owls eat mice nnd mice eat grain Protect tho owls and you protect the grain. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tha Kind Yon Havs Alwajs Bought (alii Sitfuaturs of ty CHANGE IN WOMAN'S LIFE Made Safe by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. n vf 'T was nassintr , Ihrouph theChaneoof Life and suffered 1 I i II 111 -ll'-l " "" and other annoying symptoms, and 1 can truly say that I.ydu K. I'liiKiiam s Vegetable Com pound has proved worth mountains of poM to nie, as It restored my health and strength. I uever forget to ten my friends what Lvdia . l'inkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me during this trying period. Complete restoration to neaiiu means so luucn to me that for the sake of other suffer ing women I am willing to make my trouble public so you may publish this letter." Ml!S. CltAS. JiAliCLAY, K.F.D., Graniteville, Vt. No other medicine for woman's ills has received such wide-spread and un qualilied endorsement. Xo other med icine we know of has such a record of cures as has Lydia E. Tiiikham's Vegetable Compound. Tor more than SO years it lias been curing woman's ills such as inilainnia tion, ulceration, libroid tumors, irreg ularities, periodic pains and nervous prostration, and it is unequalled for carrying women safely through tho period of change of life. Mrs. Pinklmin, nt Lynn, Mass., invites nil sick women to write her for advice. 1 Icr ad vice is iree, and ulwnys helxjiuL XOUTIIWKST COAST TKM PKIt.VTl IIFS Sl'XD.W Portland fl" Albany 102 Salem . . 102 Roseburg . 105 The Dalles 101 Bend OS Seattle .'. . 02 Vancouver 90 Spokano '. 90 Walla Walla 10S Ashland 104 r.aker : . 90 Iiolse 98 Marshlleld 70 North Yakima IOC Tacoma 88 ColdendalcJ . . 100 Pullman ; 100 Lowlston 100 Eltopia 110 Spokano 90 Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA SALEM BANK & TRUST CO. OKMUtATi HANKING AND Tltl'ST liCSINKSS With our assurance that we are able and willing to take care of it, we solicit your Hanking Business. Open an account with us, and wo will extend you every favor con sistent with good banking prin ciples. AY K PAV FOUt rr.K CKXT ON SAVINGS I.ibeity Street, Just off State J. h. AI1LKUS, President, W. G. EAST. Cashier, o S. S. EAST, Vic.-Pres. DR. L. B. STEEVES, U H. ROBERTS, Directors. ill patent medicines or medicines ad venlsed In th paper are for sale at DR. STONE'S Drug Store Salem, Oregon Also Dr. Stone's heave imors For the cure of Heaves afflicting the norse. A liquid medicine, given on the feed, which the most fastidious horse will not refuse to eat. From one to six bottles given as dlre-ted will cure the most stubborn case. Price, $1.00 per bottle or six bot tles for $3.00. wmmn V. ' f Are You For the Best Orchard Development Proposition in Oregon? We have it. Call and see us. The A. C BOHRNSTEDT CO. 304 U.S. National Bank" Bldg. SALEM, OREGON Head )he, Minneapolis, Minn. Salem's most ponlar res taurant THE WHITE HOUSE We cater to the pyblic who demand a good meal for a small price. VVm. McGiichrist & Sons. DOWXWARD COURSE Fast Ueing Realized Peojile, ly Stlem A little backache at first. Daily increasing till the back is lamo and weak. Urinary diBorders quickly follow; Diabetes and finally Bright's dis ease. This is tho downward course of kidney Ills. Don't take this course. Salem resi dents should profit by the following experience. Mrs. E. C. Ilatton. Clav & Lisle Sts Dallas, Oro., says: "In 1907 I publicly Indorsed Doan's Kidney Pills and I now confirm that state ment. This remedy was used in my family and It brought relief from backache nnd other symptoms of kid ney trouble." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-XIilbum Co., Buffalo, New York, solo agents for the Uni ted States. Remember tho name Doan's and take no other. Look out, thero is no lull in the battle against quack and Canadian ! thistle. Moms' Cash Peed I t I and Grocery Store Phone 1497 MASOX FRUIT JARS ' Pints Quarts. . " " One-half gallon. .' ' P-est jar rubbers 2 packages Extra choice Bacon lb 17 lbs. fine Granulated Sugar ".7.7.7 5 cans .fine Table Peaches. . . ,7.7. 3 cans New Pack Oysters. . .7 T. packages Best Corn Starch '7.7.7 3 cans String Beans 7." 3 cans Extra Solid Pack Peas 2 Packages Arm ftliammer Sod.i, fu'li 'i-lb.'pkg.: 3 cans Nice Salmon Flour, per sack 7 5-lb. best Pure Lard. 10-lb. Best Pure Lard. 7 FREE DELIVERY economies" We the very best, b7 eu5Sltldoi5lIno?eT by u'sin choaner EoaP than etc. Dy uslnS cheP starch and lower priced employees. loss m rcpmlucfa.81 mSt WOuld be on7 a fraction of the Resulting takes it 'outTfny0uVchlotnes! X we practlce no "economy" that Pitrons ten0usVeh8uS '"y"'?,! p08sible. second to none. Our est prices guaranteed! WlU like our wort Try It Low- SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY. I'tone 25. Looking Branch Ofiiefgt .Macleny and Creswell, Oreg. Gold Dust Flour Made by the eV'DA'EY t'OWKB COMPANY, Bydey, OregoB. iKxde fc-r Family Gse. Ask your grocer for It. Krsa sad Hhort. always Uu4. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. Call for Bids. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned will receive bids up to 5 o'clock p. m. on Monday, July 17, 1911, for the construction of an in tercepting and outflow sewer, in the city of Salem, Oregon, alone the east bank of the Willamette river from the Intersection of the Ferry street and the South Salem sewer to the north line of Center street and the east bank of tho Willamette river at I low, water, according to the plans adopted for said Improvement anil on fllo at the office of the city re- icorder for said city. Bids must be submitted upon forma as required by the city engineer and a certified check for the amount of 5 per cent of each bid must accom pany the same, made payable to the mayor of the city of Salem, Oregon. The council reserves the right to reject any or all bids and right to waive formal defects in the "submis sion thereof. CHAS. F. ELGIN, 7-ll-5t City Recorder. o Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets gently stimulate the liver and bowels to expel poisonous mat ter, cleanse the system, cure consti pation and sick headache. Sold by all dealers. T ....55c ....65c ....Ode ....15c ....13c ..$1.00 ....50c 23c ....25) 25c ...'.30c ....13c 25c ..$1.10 ....C5c ..$U'3 Can't Afford - - - 136-1M SOUTH LIBERTY STREET