DAILY CAPITAI JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1011. PAGE SINE WILL HAVE HENW00D WAS "PROTECTING MR. SPRINGER" ST 'Msg 1 OF STORES COM A STRING Fo t amin A. O. DAMON WILL LESTADLISH STRING OK FIVE STORES IN SALEM HAS BEEN IX BUSI XESS HERE 20 YEARS HIS SOX TO MANAGE THEM WHILE HE ATTENDS TO THE BUYING. Mr. A. O. Damon, for 20 years one of Salem's leading grocers. Is going to establish a string of five stores in Salem. Mr. Damon recently sold out his store on North Commercial street, and hereafter his main store will be at Commercial and D streets. For the present he has established a store at No. 1 Liberty street, just back of Steusloff's market, in the old marble works, until he can get his new store building built. H. G. Da mon, a son of A. O. Damon, and formerly with Damon, Hamilton & Damon Sales company, 314 Swetland building, Portland, will be manager for the stores, while A. O. Damon, his father, will be the buyer. The main store, at Commercial and D streets will be a two-story con crete structure, and an adto delivery will be established. Tlie stores will handle a full line of s.'aple and fancy, groceries, as well as fruits and veg etbles. They will do a wholesale and retail business, and cut prices will prevail. Mr. Damon, Jr., the man ager of the stores, is an enterprising and hustling young gentleman, and he will, in all probability, establish an enviable business in this city. OBJECTS OF HUMANE SOCIETY Salem, Or., June 30, 1911. Mr. Editor: I would like to say in the columns of your valuable paper that it is not the object of the Hu mane Society to distress or persecute anyone that has the misfortune to own afflict dumb animals, but it is our aim and object to be helpful to them, in shielding them and point ing out to them how they may escape the rigors of the law, not by uphold ing them in the abuse of our dumb animals, but in better caring for them. We also want to warn any who -may think they can evade the law and abuse or distress any ani mal that we stand ready at any mo ment to defend, In a lawful way, any of these. The society will also pro tect helpless children, and do all It can to better their condition. , Very Respectfully, D. D. KEELER, Pres. The leaky roof wastes more than Its shingles. WHICH SHOWS THAT EVERY MAN WILL PROTECT EVERY WOMAN FROM EVERY MAX THAT IS EXCEPTING HIMSELF. trSITEP THESS LEASED rit ) Denver, Colo., July 1. On grounds of extreme cruelty, Judge Allen to day granted to Millionaire John W. Springer a decree of divorce from his wife, whose amours figured in the trial here of Frank II. Henwood for the killing of George Copeland and Aeronaut "Tony" Von Phul, both of whom were shot in the Brown Palace hotel bar here May 24. Denver, Colo., July 1. Henwood today declared he shot Von Phul be cause the latter was trying to wreck Springer's home. Evidence intro duced at his trial showed that he and Phul were rivals for Mrs. Springer's favors. Copeland was shot by acci dent during the fray. Springer has aged greatly since the Henwood shooting and the expose of his wife's acts, which followed. He told the court today about letters Von Phul had written Mrs. Springer. The woman was not represented in court. Springer, It Is understood, has made provision for her support. PRELIMINARY FIGHTING IS GETTING WARM UNITED MESS LEASED TIKE.) Los Angeles, Cal., July 1. Willi the formal postponement of the case of Mrs. Orfie McManJgal, cited for cintempt in connection with th3 la bor prosscitions, until next Thurs ('ay, attorneys for the defense of the MfNamara brothers today weal into conference to discuss next week's development in the now famous net work of etisfs. The coming week will be fraught with many important steps t"k?n both by the district attorney's nifl :e and the battery of attorneys retained 'y union Hbor organizations 'J'lit most Important ease will be that of the McNamara brothers. They will appear for arraignment before Judge Bordwell July 5. At that time Attor ney Clarence Darrow and his assist ants will make motions for the quas.ii ing cf the Indictments. It will be a sharp legal clash, and many Im portant points of law will be thres'ie d out. . On I'fiv.iav Judge Willis, of the supreme court, will hand down his decision as to the validity of . indict ments ;ai"isl B. H. Conners, !ra Bender and A. B. Maple, members of the Los Angeles unions, accused of plotting' the destruction of the Hall of Records. On Thursday will come the hearing of the contempt charges against Mrs. McManigal. Her attorneys reiterat ed today their Intention to prevent her appearance in the court room. They declare 'that should a bench warrant be issued they will demand her bail be fixed at once, and this amount. The Human Heart The heart is a wonderful double pump, through the action of which the blood stream is kept sweeping round and round through the body at the rate of seven miles an hour. " Remember this, that our bodies will not stand the strain of over-work without good pure blood any more than the engine can run smooth ly without oil." After many years of study in the active practice of medicine, Dr. R. V, Pierce found that when the stomach was out of order, the blood impure and there were symptoms of general break down, a tonic made of the glyceric extract of certain roots was the best corrective. This he called , Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Being made without alcohol, this " Medical Discovery " helps the stomach to assimilate the food, thereby curing dyspepsia. It is especially adapted to diseases attended with excessive tissue waste, notably in convalescence from various fevers, for thin-blooded people and those who are always "catching cold." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent on receipt of 31 one cent stamps for the French cloth-bound book of 1008 pages. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, No. 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. 4. i J4 SOUTH SALEM MARKET PLACE POISAL & SHAW General Grocery Store We also carry a full line of cigars, tobacco, candy, paints, drugti and stamps. Phone 761 Money and tiros invested in a training hers, insures the possessor ol substantial dividends throughout life. We take a personal interest in the welfare of each student. Living expense low. Seud for catalogue. W. I. STALEY. Principal Salem. Oregon To Be Supreme and on Top in LK department of human effort owe must produce something BETTER than has been pro duced before. This explains the supremacy of "The Old Reliable" Quality and Purity have made it the King of All Bottled Beer. The exclusive use of Saazer Hops, its mildness and low percentage of alcohol makes it the favorite everywhere Bottled only at the Anheuser-Busch Brewery St. Louis, Mo. The Beer for the Home, Hotel, Club and Cafe Attaches of the district attorney's will be produced, no matter what the office today disclaim any knowledge of the purported arrest In London of David Caplan. DON'T PULL OU T To Investigate Clmng. Washington, July 1. Congress man Sisson, of Misissippi, today in troduced a resolution in the house to investigate whispered charges that congressmen interested in ownership of lands here are arranging to sell it to the government. Fiftieth Annual Exhibition will be Greater than Ever in PREMIUMS and PURSES SEPTEMBER 11 to 16, 1911 Grand Showing of Livestock Racing Program Complete REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS I Come and Bring Your Friends. THE GRAY HAIRS A Few Applications of a Simple Remedy Will Bring Back the 'Natural Color. "Pull out one gray hair and a dozen will take its place" is an old saying, which is, to a great extent, true, if no steps are taken to stop the cause. When gray hairs appear it is a sign thnt Na ture needs assistance. It is Nature's call for help. Gray hair, dull, lifeless hair, or hair that is falling out, is not necessarily a sign of advancing age, for there are thousands of elderly people with perfect heads of hair without a single streak of gray. When gray hairs come, or when the hair seems to be lifeless or dead, some good, reliable hair-restoring treatment should be resorted to at once. Special ists say that one of the best prepara tions to use is the old-fashioned "sage tea" which our grandparents used. The best preparation of this kind is Wyetli's Sage and Sulphur Hair Iteincdy, a prep aration of domestic Rige and sulphur, scientifically compounded with later dis covered hair tonics and stimulants, the whole mixture being carefully balanced and tested by experts. Wyetli's Sage and Sulphur is clean and wholeoome and perfectly harmless. It refreshes dry, parchm hair, removes dandruff and gradually restores faded or gray hair to its natural color. Tins preparation is offered to the public at fifty cents a bottle, and is recommended and sold by all druggists. Special Agent, Frank Floding. If It be true that "ever the right comes uppermost.", It Is sometimes so badly disfigured in the flight as to be unrecognizable. PILES CURED. AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD. I f you h u (Tor from bleed ing, 1 tcu Ing, bl ind iinnrudliiK Pllen, send uie jour addrrsH, mid 1 will tell you how to cure yourseir nt Unme by the new absorption treatment; a 4 v 111 also send some of thin home treat in five for trial, wftli reference from your own locality If requested. Immediate re lief .and (lermitnent cure Hssnml. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write today to Mrs. M. yummprn, Box l Notrt J. H. BOOTH President FRANK MEREDITH Secretary Watch Your Kidneys. Their action controls your health. Read what Foley Kidney Pills have done for your neighbor. Mrs. H. W. Allen, Qulncy, 111., says: "About a year ago my kidneys began bother ing me. I had a swelling in my an kles and limbs, then headaches and nervous dizzy spells, and later se vere backaches. The doctors pro nounced It serious kidney trouble, and I was steadily getting worse when I began taking Foley Kidney Pills. Shortly after, the swellings went down and my pains began leav ing me. I kept on taking them until I was once more freed of all kidney trouble and suffering. I have a great deal to thank Foley Kidney Pills for and shall always recommend them. Red Cross Pharmacy, (H. Jerman.) When the stomach fails to per form its functions, the bowels be. coma deranged, the liver a&d kid neys congested causing numerous diseases. The stomach and liver must be restored to a healthy condition and Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets can be depended! upon to do It. Easy to take and most effective. Sold by all druggists. The lively firecracker In a deadly danger. Boxing Was Tame. UNITED FI1ESS LEASED WIRE. San Francisco, July 1. Monte At tell and Jimy Carroll were given a draw decision in the'r four-round bout here, which today is declared to have been a tame affair, and one which disappointed the spectators. Neither boy boxed up to his stand ard. . RHEUMATISM Can Be Cured AT Rot Lake Sanatorium Hot Lake, Oregon NATURAL HOT MINERAL BATHS Hot Lake Is not far distant, and Health Restoration is iiot so expen sive there. We can cure RUPTURE your rupture without danger Write us regarding 600 this Powerful Drug Substitute for Mercury. BEST EQUIPPED SANATORIUM IN NORTH VEfA ASK FOR SPECIAL ROUND TRIP EXCURSION TICKETS WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET HOT LAKE SANATORIUM Hot Lake, Oregon. I YOU ARE MASSING By Not Getting Our Figures on That arn or House Bs Before placing your order elsewhere. We carry a com plete line of Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Cement, Plaster, Lime and Builders' Hardware. Falls City Lumb er Co. Main office 279 IN. Commercial Street Phone Main 813 Retail Yards and Frame Factory at Salem, Oregon WOOD and COAL