Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 01, 1911, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    f AQK EIGHT.
Pastor Russell's Address 10
Bible Students.
Two Zioni and Two Clan" Z'0"'
but All Porti of tho Or.it Di
vino ArriH8.rn.nl For th. BI.mipU
of th. World .rd Itt Uplift From
Sin, Degradation ond Dtath, I. P
tor Ru.i.H't Viw.
San FranclBCO.
Russell ad
dressed latre audi
ences twice today
at tho Golden Gate.
He addreaaed
a Convention of
the 'International
Hlble Students As
sociation" In aea
Mlon here. Ue has
been making a sort
of continental tour,
liicludltiK Indian
.rii. hi tjinl. Knnsua City, I'ueblo,
rolorado UlintiLH, Denver,
Suit Uike
City, Loa A DKelea and Santa Cruj In
all these cltlPH local bruiicow of the
-1, B. 8. A." Invited him and mode ar
ranK'-mentH for public addresses. Nut
wIlhHuiuciliiK the Htruln or continuous
travel and continuous public Hpenklns.
the Pastor hchhkmI In exccllwil health
and H!r. He Mike euthiwliistli ally
of the wurm receitloiiH mid attentive
bearlnpt which he hud enjoyed He
was iecliilly pleased with bis Callfor-.
noted at his several stopping places.
The Pastor's visit la uulciie In an
other resiiei U Learning of hla Intend
ed program, acinie of his friends usked
permission to make up u purty to ac
coujpiiny Mm. He ludly assented. Aa
a result a train loud of Ulble Students
are with him -about one hundred and
Uty In all.
While the Golden Gate Convention
la tho (foul of the tour, it Is but the
turning point of the eicurslon party.
Meetings are to Dp held on the return
Journey ut Sacraiueuto, Portland, 'Pa
coma. Seattle. Vancouver, Calgary.
Winnipeg. Duliith. lluffalo and Toron
to, the latter being reached July 10th.
Thr Pastor's scheme la a novel and a
benevolent one; for surely what be
has undertaken and la carrying out la
not a lazy uiau'a burden. From the
evidences here we surmise that the
Bible Students along bla course of
travel will be blessed, stimulated, en
ergized. Pnstor Ilussell and bla pnrty
bear with them from the Golden Gate
the good wishes and Christian love of
many friends.
Th. Earthly Zionlam.
Speaking from tho text. "The Law
hall go forth from ML .Ion and the
Word of the Lord from Jerusalem"
(lsalub II. Hi, I'ustor Hussell declared
that ChrlHtlans have Inadvertently
misappropriated to themselves many
promises ot the Scriptures which ore
not wholly theirs Christian creeds
and theories have surmised that.
through the rejection of Jesus, all Jews
dying In unbelief of Messiah were
foreordained to an eternity of torture
because ot that unbelief In the Only
A more careful study of the Bible,
he declared, Is showing Bible Studenta
the error ot this position. Jews who
do not accept Jesus as their Savior and.
who do not heroine followers In Ills
steps lu the "narrow way" will Indeed
fall of utiiilulng a placo with Jesus In
Ills Throne of Glory. Thev will fall
to become Jolnt-hclra with l!tm In Ilia
glorious Messianic Kingdom. They
will fall to become members of the
spiritual Seed of Abraham, resectlng
whom St Paul said, "If ye be Cbrlst'i
then are ye Abraham's Seed and heirs
according to the promise" (Galatliins
III. Vlh "In thy Seed ahall all the fain
llles ot tho earth be blessed."
Hut. asked the Pastor, are there not
many besides Jews who will fall of
milking their "calling and election
sure" to that Heavenly portion to
membership in the Messlunle Body or
Kingdom? Ills own conviction la that
there will be found as many Jewa ai
of any oilier nationality In that spirit
ual company which, the Scriptures de
clare, will, all told, be but a "little
nock." Indeed, there are strong tva
sons for believing that the whole num
ber of this "elect" company, this loy
al Priesthood, this spiritual Seed of
Abraham, thla Messiah of glory, long
promised, will be only "a hundred and
forty-four thousand" (Revelation xlv
What Decom.i of th. Oth.rsf
If the Church of clnry. the Body 0
nrisi. ue mil a small i-oinpnnv out of
N tlit millions of Christendom, what be
comes nf 1 he rcmnlnuYr of Christendom
well as the Jews If oulv the Klee
itnlii the Kingdom-if only the few
nmke their ciiillnu and election sure
worn win in-come or tne great mass
of the non-elect, boil) Jews ntul Gen
met. ami the heal hen mvrliuN? Pas-
Mr Ilussell il.s-lsred that very foolish
Hid uuscrlptural conclusions have been
vacbed In n -spurt to elect and non
T-t... t It . -. . .
n pom m uecinre mat all non-
elect are to be bleiwej by the elect a
oon aa tne election la completed. But
we. f mowing the teachlii or sd.rUAr
... . .....
..v v., ruuven.cnr h,
Onrd.-n City. Kan. lu a letter from
Mrs. Jamen ltanmor, nf. this city, sh
"y. "I flrmly beliov that I would
not be nllve today, If it wore not for
varum, i hmj (l.a gUfr,,rt,r
1 (
declared thai ' Tltl
otlasted to dam-, .0 r"
.11 other. But not - rd -' u(Dor"
ltr could be fuund fur n.D a v.ew in
..... d.k, sl l-aulM oiutcnieu! la
vnolly rwptrtlrg the Church i.ut he
iforlrt. when be nwnin-.. "
m foreknow, them He m. did (.re.les
thut they src.l.i t. conformed
to the Imace of His Son " Such i
...... i.i n (Jod's imrt. sl'
ca'i heartily endorse Who can say thu It
would be right on God part 10 accept
1Dy to membership In the slorK.ua Mes
,lunlc Ibsly. of which Jh the
fl.-ud. e.tcc; t such ss a'e pure In heart,
jiiir.tly. and so demon-urn '. "vJ cv.-u oy
8i-ry tr!:il.i nt.4 disciplines:
(iod kept secret this mystery. St.
Paul dM lares-tlie mystery that He Is
now selertlng u favor, d class to be
associates with Messiah In the Klng-
om of iod. for which we nave oce.i
praying, and th.oi'Kh which the whole
orld of maukln'l win "..or"
blessed Now the Clinrcn s e.en...-u -.
about completed, the Pastor brieves;
and therefore note Is U.e time for more
light to shlim out, that God's further
gracious purines toward nstiiril Is
rael and tne woria niuy ui v....
ly Bee a
Th. H.sv.nly Zionlim.
Tne Zionism nf the past eighteen cen
tnrles baa been of the heavenly kind.
It has been calling and inspiring iu
Inrlnir leal, obedience and activity
such ns have the "hearlnfr ear" for the
heavenly calling to Jolut -heirship with
Messiah. This glorious privilege
alwut to end because the full numuer
predestinated of the Lord win soon
have been completed. Meantime, the
Pastor and others of God's consecrat
ed people should be Zionists In the
highest sense of the word. aud. laying
aside every weight and every besetting
n. each should strive to muke tils
calling and election sure' to a place
In the Heavenly Zlon-lhe Kingdom of
It will be from this ML Zlon. the
spiritual Kingdom of Messiah, that the
Ijhv will go forth during the thousand
ears of the Messianic reign: the great
Judge snil Ijiw giver of the world will
be the glorlllcd lledeemer; and Ills as
sociates. In Ills various oltlces of
Prophet, Priest. King. Judge and Medi
ator, will be the faithful Zionist or
the present time who follow In the
steps of tlielr lledeemer, delighting to
lay down their lives for the '1 ruth a
sake and for the brethren's snke. In co-
peratlon with the grent Captain of
their salvation, through the merit of
Ills Imputed righteousness
Th. Word From Jerusalem.
As soon as Ml. Zlon. the Kingdom,
shall be completed by the glorlllcatlon
of the last member of the Church. It
will be time for Hie Ijiw to go forth
therefrom for the corwclloii In right
eousness of the world's affairs-for
the overthrow of every form of In
Iqulty and everything contrary to the
Golden Ilule. In other words, when
the Kingdom class shall have been
completed by the elective process,
which is the Divine arrangement of
this Age. forthwith that Kingdom will
come Into power and the reign of right
eousness will begin.
But God bus a time und order and
arrangement In respect to every Tea
tore of His Program. In the remote
pnst. before Jesus came aud became
the lleud and U-ader of the Church to
Glory, God ,vns In covenant relation
ship with A lira hum and his natural
seed The Scriptures assure us that a
considerable number were so full of
faith und loyal obedience to God that
even though they lived at a time be
fore the calling to the Church began
they, nevertheless, were marked by the
Lord for special blessing aud 11 special
share In the Kingdom work when the
time should come for Messiah to take
Uls great power and reign.
deference Is made to these Ancient
Worthies by St. Paul, In Hebrews xl.
:1S-Iu lie says: "These all died In
faith, not having received the things
promised them-the earthly promises
God having provided some better
thing for us ube ilmrvhi that they,
without us, should not lie niadp per-feet"-8huuld
not enter Into the earth
ly blessing which belongs (0 them.
Accordingly, the Scriptures tell us
that one of the llrst operations ot Mes
siah's Kingdom, after the binding of
Satan, will be the resurrection of the
Ancient Worthies of the Jewish race
These, the Inspired Word tells us. will
be made Princes In all the earth rcp
resentailves or the spiritual and In
visible Messianic Kingdom These
will constitute the earthlv Jerusalem.
tho cupltal of the New Dispensation.
While the Law will proceed from the
Invisible und all-powerful s.'lntual
Messiah, It will come through these
resurrected, perfect und approved
earthly reprcsentnilves; and from
them It win go forth KrndtMlly. as the
IMvlne itiessag.1 and rule, to every ua
tlon, people, kindred and tongue.
Th. N.w Cov.mnt l.ri.liti.h.
Kvcn If nothing were said In the
Scriptures respecting God's special
blessing to natural Israel, It iiiltit be
Incrrcd tl.at they would most quickly
fall It to line wlih the leaders of their
own ra.-e. particularly as this would
bo In harmony with the traditions of
their race for the past thirty live htin
dred years. Besides, the Law given
lo Israel, and represented 011 the two
tahlcs of stone, will t the same that
will go lino force again ns t:n Law of
the Klngd.'tn-tiie Umpei Call being
an appendage. The difference be
tween the Old Law Covenant and the
New Law Covenant (Jeremiah uxl
Sl) Is that Israel's New Covenant v,fd
have a greater and more powerful
Mediator than Moses; the Antltvpe 0f
Moses-Jesus the Head und the Church
Ills Body (Acts in, tl i,,,,,,., '
""" iMW -ovenni,t,
in coming under
ui-ruuou 10
v.i.imuy uounips ,ul my Ilf(i unt(1 j
found that grent remedy. I f,.ol tlmt
I can't praise It too highly." Aro
you a woman. siifrrlns from some 0f
the troubles to which a woman U
peculiarly liable? if 8o, hy not try
Cardul, the womun' tonlr? You can
Uie Lord wll" rot reii.e.n'-er tbem any
more-lte basis for tins full totf
nes being the merit of Jes' cacrltlce.
Kew h.ve reclized How clearly the
Scriptures set f-.rtii tint the New Cove
nun' wlil be Israel.. Lb-!f the promise
renewing It b carefully reaJ and
uoted Christ Is the Mediator of that
New Covenant and lis "better sacrl
flc" have I..-:. In progress d-irlng tills
Ospol Age. It will be Instituted with
the Au lent Worthl-s first, but grad
nnlly with ail th.; Israelites who Hock
to the stJiidarJ :heu lilted up amongst
the ,,u.i. As -he tilings of restl
tu:!;m. earthly pro-p.Hiy. health
strength, etc.. begin " be manifested
amongst those ll"ius under that Cove
nant urraruuinent. itiier nations, the
KUjie t' lN us. will also dcslro to enter
Into Its blessings: ard they will be per-uiltt.-d
so to d;. By Individually re
nouncing sin and accepting the Cove
nant und Its Mediator H'".v will become
"oros.-l.vtcs of tho k'Mt-" Hearken!
"Many nutioe shall c.ooe and suy, let
., , ,ltn Tnrfl'a
113 gO .lp 10 t.'B .UOiociiiil ui -
Uv.i-"'. for He will teach us of ills
ways and e will walk In Ills paths."
On. Kins. But Two Kingdom..
It has craped Christendom In gen
era: until recently that the Divine
promise to Abraham Is to be fulfilled
through two Seeds one a heavenly
class, the other un earthly class, with
Messiah the Head over all tHomans
Iv, 10). l'"or elght.-en centuries God
favored the Seed or Abraham, the na
tion of Israel.
That period of favor, explain It bow
we may, began to wane about tho time
of Jesus' death. It was completely
removed from them In the desolation
of their land by the Itouinti army A.
D. 70 Now a parullel time has been
reached, hence It Is time for the re
turn of God's favor, as shown on previ
ous occasions. The favor already Is
Tho Jew has not been so comfortn
ble. nor so favorably fhed. as he Is to
day. In more than eighteen centuries
But his blessing Is only beginning
Shortly Divine fii"or, In God's due
time, will accomplish for Ills Chosen
People all the precious promises of the
Law and of the Prophets. Already
the Jew Is awakening to a renllzatlon
of this great truth.
A voice Is sounding from the wilder
ness. ana the .lews everywnere lire
barkening to It It does not cull them
to become C'hrlstlntis. but to remain
Jews nnd to realize, as Jews, the Ideals
set before them by the Lord In the
Law and In the Prophets. To all
those exercised thereby n gnat bless
lug Is near, which will more than
compensate for the sorrows of the past.
Neither by swords nor guns nor dread
noughts, neither by Dying airships nor
torpedoes will Israel's great victory be
gained; neither by money power and
worshiping of the golden calf of tlnance
nor by trusting In the arm of flesh, but
by looking to the Lord, from whom
will come their help.
Messiah's Spiritual Empire, about to
be established, will bind Satan, re
strain every evil nnd lift up n stand
ard for the people, blessing Israel and
establishing with them the New (Lawi
Covenant Instead of the Old Ijiw
Covenant under the. better Mediator,
atlll more cupnble than the great
Moses; under the greater King, still
more wise than Solomon und still more
beloved of God than David. This great
Celestial Empire will be established
with great authority lu the world by a
time of trouble, a time of earthly (lis
tress, which the prophecies picture as
Israel'. Hops. Why So Delayed?
The perplexing thought with our
Jewish friends, as well ns with Chris
tla us. Is: If these things be so; If Mes
slab's Kingdom Is yet to. lie establish
ed, as the Jews contemplated, only on
a spiritual plane Instead of un earthly
one; nnd If God's purpose Is to use
those anciently favored people as the
channels of Ills blessing In the future,
why has there been so long delay V
We answer: This Is what the Scrip
tures term the Mystery-the matter
which God did not reveal directly,
either to Abraham or through any of
the Prophets. Indirectly lie hinted at
It, saying to Abraham, "Thy Seed shall
be ns the stars of heaven, and as the
sand of the seashore for multitude."
But Abraham did not discern, nor
did others, that these two Illustrations
belonged not to the same people, but
to two dinvrcnt Israels the heavenly
and the earthly, the stars representing
the heavenly Seed nnd the sand of the
seashore the earthly Seed.
The restitution privileges soon to be
opened, llrst to Israel, will. Inter on, be
thrown open to all nations, peoples,
kindreds and tongues-that they may
press In aiso under the same glorious
terms of Israel's X
cius.e "Israelites Indeed," without
guile and .sharers In all the blessings
of Cod supplied through the great
Mediator or iht New Covenant and
His earthly In-trumentalitles.
Zionist.!, amongst liie Jews today,
we believe the Lord is Stirling up-a
preparation of imlnral Israel for the
great blessing which so soon will be
at their door. As they begin to renlly
appreciate the I.nn.I of Promise, the
nob. promises in connection with thai
land must become their, and the In
splrntlon u( ,hoSt. ,,rolnS(.s will load
their hearts back to the Lord in praver
and supplication and will lead the feet
of a reverential, representative 'lum
ber of them baci; to ihe land Itself, to
which the l.,.rd declared He would
('ring them; aad that from thence they
should be plucked up no more Be
member. In this connection, st. Paul's
reference to the New Covenant and
the time when h win p lllt( foroo
with Israel, as recorded In Homans x
L The Pastor rejoiced In ativ oppor
tunity ,e had of stimulating Zionism
both spiritual and earthlv r,r ii.
vitally connected with the svlvatlon of
,u , .mi or innnklml In K-..r.,t
rely on Cardut. it is pm-ely vejjeta
Me. perfectly hiini.Vss. aiul acta
n.ii'ly but surely, without had after
effects. Twill lnlp you. Ask vour
Try a Journal want ad.
The farmer aid his wife were about to; sit dowr . to
cold supper when they saw some old friends driving
towards the house.
The good wife was equal to the occasion thanks to
her New Perfection Oil Cook-stove.
She had it lit In a moment and her guests hardly were seated
on the porch before a hearty hot meal wat , ready for the tab ,te
sausages and eggs and long ra.hers of slreaky bacon and rolls jus
crS in the ovfn and fresh coffee-and the hostess herself as cool
and neal as if the had not been near the kitchen.
She never could have managed it with an old-fashioned range.
The New Perfection is the quickest, most convenient and best cooker
on the market.
Oil jCtak-jrteve'
much importance to the home as a sani
tary bathroom. Let us install
it, , i yuiccittiu c u a in"
iJ.1! .taV
l J -' cT -V -r f"T--
i f
Most Progressive Industry Today is
now installed in WEST SALEM
Attention Fruitmen
See us about your box orders.
We can deliver the goods and
save you money.
$30,000 has been invested for the Manufacture of all
Kinds of
Boxes Mouldings Sash Brackets
Doors Stair Work Cupboards Buffets
The factory Is In full swing. Wo can supply your needs at a mln
mlum cost, liocauso our plant can produce an enormous outDut. Get
our flKures before placing your
our slogan.
Combination Manufacturing
West Salem
Olliccs: Tinom 204 United States National Hank Building. Tele
phone. S77. Factory telephone 7S5, Salem, Orecon.
1 t
Pianos and Organs j;
from the cheapest to the
b.est sold on installments
ana rented.
Genuine needles, oil and
new parts for all sewhrj
machines. Sewing ma
chines rented.
MiJe wilh 1. 2 and 3 bumen. with
Ion., lurquo.se blue emmelrd chimney.
Handsomely finished ihrougiioul. The
2- nd 3-burner ttoveicin be had with or
without cabinet lop, which filled wilh
drop shelves, towel racks, etc. i
Dealeraeverywhere; or write lor de
K'iptive circular to ihe Dearest agency
of the
Standard Oil Compary
a '5StMid,ir
eicd sink in your kitchen.
lik. neater kitchen and better
it sanitary conditions.
325 Center Street.
I'liime ."ill).
contracts. "Prompt Delivery" 4s
t.i Jl Ji'.vll al .li'Jsflj. t
Edison, Victor and
Columbia Talking
A full stock of Records.
I Latest Sheet Music ii
Piano and Organ Studies.
Violins, Guitars,
Mandolins and Banjos. J
Are You
For the Best
Orchard Development
Proposition in Oregon?
We have it.
Gall and see us.
304 U.S. National Bank Bldg.
Ilcntl OfliPe, Minneapolis, linn.
We cater to the public who
demand a good meal for a
small price.
Wm. McGilchrist & Sons.
II Salem's most poular res- I I
I aii rant 11
iJE(momtes"-We-ait Afford
In one sense, we could save money by lifrine cheaper soao than
the very best, by using cheaper
But the saving at most would be
loss In reputation.
You can count on the fact that
takes It out of your clothes.
. We aim to do the finest laundering po tsllile, second to none.
patrons tell us we succeed. You
est prices guaranteed.
Phone 25.
lor Infants and Children,
Kind You Have Always Bought
Pears the
gnature of
Sin, CraratN Riuir for RurruuiD If imT.w.vnoit.
HEVEN KNOWN TO FAIL, urel 8erty I Math.
i:iion uuiranwea or Huntj Heninaea, B.n prupnm4
irSl.OO iter boi. Will icuii them on tritU.to t ild for
rhen relieved. Hunplci KrM. ir yimr iltuiiUt due not
T iam lead jour omen m in
Sold in Safem by Dr. 5. C. Sfone
fSalem Fence Works
Headquarters for Woven Wlr
Fencing, Hop Wire, Barb
Wire, Poultry Netting, Shin
glee, Malthold Roofing, P. ft.
B. and Ready Roofing. Screen
Doors and Adjustable Window
Screena. All at the lowest
J 250 Court street Phone 114 t
I Feed and Grocery
Phone 1497
No. 10 pall Cottolene ..1.50
No. 5 pall cottolene 6O0
10 lb best lard $1.25
6 lb best lard 65c
Best Sweet Sugar Cured
Hams 17c
Nice sugar cured streaked
bacon ,. l7o
Blue Seal, a fine blend
flour 11.10
Perfection flour ,. .$1.20
Fancy Patent hard wheat
flour $1.30
3 cans good Table Peaches, 60c
5 cane good Table Apri
cots goo
3 cans String Beans 25o
3 cans Milk 25o
6 pkgs Corn Starch 25c
2 lbs best Tillamook Cream
Cheese ,35c
3 cans Alaska salmon ... ,25c
1 gallon Best Syrup 45c
Free Delivery
Brunch Offices i
Sfiicleny nnd Crcswell, Ores.
Gold Dust Flour
Mn.le by tlm UVDNICY POWER
(K)MI'ANY, Hydmey, ()rr((o.
M.le U t ramllr Dsn.
Aak jour arrocer for it. Hra
and hltiorU alitay haaaL
starch ; nd lower priced employees,
only a
fraction of tho resulting
we pn cl
:o no "economy" that
will lit 3
iiir work. Try It.
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use inmr : .
mm li OVDlj
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More appeared between two
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A "Stroke of Genius."
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st biiiiq TOiumo.
use it is acoepted by the
wuurBt Dcaoois anii
ss as the one Buorenie au-
jat ua wno xhowb vrina
about this new work.
WAITS fnv nuliui nf MiJUA km
C SC MFRRUMrn P.kU.l. ...ru Ska.
I MaaMmtMapapaT,woatTFaCTaattp-iUtaaap.
fit f?a J
. ( jJL,ihnioMk - 1
. TTTTTTTtmi?-C,' 1 I
; I i i
II -II aam Knam.
II e
1 M
,IHISI 1 naa,.-
1 .
"a r 1
Celebrated Lemr Fumacr.
The Best Heater
It will save you nwiey every day yoi
own It. 1 ell ai & nstal' the best.
Let me give you figures.
See Me
Afcout an Individual lighting plant
for your home. The best thing 1
the market for -ooklng and lighting.
A. L. Frasier
Phor.e 135. 25S State Btred