flGE 8EL The most l.pau'.iful Fummrr Kfrf in Western Or.-jr-in. fine railroad ervU on th C. & K. Ky. J-'""1 ''' road from all parts of the- country. The ir.o,t I caunfui scenery to be f.Mit.4 at anybwh rs-.rt. llxcollcrt hurt. fi.-hiutr, boating, surf Lathing c! newportI ' '' - Newport lias a modern gravity water system, an electric lih: plant, anil all cn. eiiicmvs which make life pleasant at home as well as at the beach. Newport business firms are r.-.any ami varied. Its lnt. i aiv(mm.dat:o;is are surpass,-.! l.y r.o city ' n the coa.-t. I'.elow are the leadinjr busin.es; firms c!' this thrivinir little city. Thejfewj Newport Offers Baecace and Job Work a Specialty. 0 fc Our nrn wt a!l Incoming trains at ToL.mK W c also check your baggage ut your resiil'mo when hav ing Newport, to any '"'m ' a regular railroad check is Issued, thus eliminating annoy .nee ' ' parture. , . For Informutlnn as to cairp grounds u4 minii;, 3 drop uh a t.irj. Hack or bun to all joints of inierosf. WOODfORD & BLATTNER, Props. NEWPORT, OltKKO.V lM.n. : IK 11 113; Mutual oO:r THE OSBURN c SurceSM.r to Takite.y. ONLY FIIIST CLASS FAMILY HOTEL AT Nye Beach Entirely renovated and refurnished. First class service In every r.ispoct and the beat of meals and beds. OXIjY ONE IILOCK FHO.M XVE ItEACH HATH HOISE ANDOCEAX. ON YAQUINA BAY Four r.iles from Toledo, 10 miles from Newport, 361 acres, of which 150 acres is the very finest tide land, 150 r.cres a ric' black loam, balance range pasture. There is an old orchard of apples, plums and pears, about 10 acres of bench land ready for plowing, and about one half of the bench land grown to grass, balance covered with alder and other trees suitable for wood, This place is on navigable water, only one-half mile from a flag sta tion on the Southern Pacific railway, and about a half mile from school house and will support 100 head of cattle as it stands, There is the best of market at Newport for cat tle, milk, garden truck or fruits, with high prices and a strong demand, E. HOFER & SONS, 2 1 3 S. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon ' r r r.... Newport is without doubt the most enterprisin? little city on the coast ot uiegon. uui in th past two yeais it has made very rapid as well as substantial improvements, chief of which is a modern gravity water system from a pure mountain stream, This water is said to he better than the famous Bull Run water of Portland, Ore, Thp climate of Newpol cannot be surpassed on the coast, and no beach can offer as many natural attractions as this charming resort, There are many side trips, such as to Seal Rocks, Beaver Creek, Cape Foulweather Lighthouse, Otter Rock, Elk City, etc, The fishing and hunting is excellent, and the bay offers a ereat place for boating and sail ing, There are many fine launches which take picnic parties and moonlight excursions to all points on the bay, besides taking the more venturesome out over the bar and around the old Whistling Buoy, or deep sea fishing for Linn Cod and many other large fish, which are plentiful. Later in the fall salmon trolling starts on the bay, and for real sport with a hook and line this cannot be beaten, If you are planning on a vacation you cannot afford to overlook Newport. For information address any. of the advertiser on this page or the Newport Commercial Club. THE GRAND Nic-lv furnished rooms on Front street overlooking Yaqulua Hay one block south of boat landing imd Post. ff ice. V treat in store for mni-led con pit's and private parties stopping at this rooming house is the large and convenient kitchen for the use of guests City water, sewer connection and electric lights. Everything for house keeping furnished in conieVtioii with the rooms. Why wor ry about taking household goods to Newport when you Can get ac commodations like these at reasonable prices. For information and terms address Mrs. A. D. Shollenburg, P. O. HOX 04 XEWPOKT, OltF.GOX RoyalTheatre Blower Bros. THE NEW A B E Y Ituilt "f Cement. Hot ami cold wilier in every rotiui. Steam lieat tlii'oughoiit. Kooms will) private bath. Striclly first class. Service second to none. The Tent City Formerly K ADEN'S ( AMP GKOl'XDS Ground Illuminated by electric lights. City water. Patent toilets, septic tanks, everything strictly sanitary. Roth houses and tents for rent, furnished and unfurnish ed. For terms wr'te to L J. Van Wasssnhove P. O. I'.O.Y .I. XEWPOliT, OKE. L C SMITH Real Estate Insurance Offices: NEWPORT NYE BEACH The Copeland Newport's Most Comfortable ' Rooming House. Large parlor with plate glass front overlooking Yaquina Bay. Also parlor on second floor over looking bay. We Pride Ourselves On Our Beds. Logged springs used exclusive ly, and the best of wool matresses on them all, with woolen blankets. Every room has electric lights and hot and cold running water, absolutely the most modern and comfortable rooms in Newport. Everything new and clean. Don't fail lo see us as we can deliver the goods. One block toward ocean from boat landing. For information address Mrs. C. 0. Copeland XEWPOKT, OP.ECiOX. LICENSED FILMS. You can always spend a pleas ant evening at this charming little theatre. The program Is as good as any you will find in Portland or Salem. Located just north of the boat landing near Fall street. liE SI RE AND SEE IT. NEWPORT'S SAXIi'ARY MEAT MARKET When you are in Newport and want good meats, butter, fresh eggs, vegetables, etc., see us. J 1ST OPPOSITE THE BOAT LANDING. BLOWER BROS. NFUPHRT MUTT I Candy Factory the Home of Taylor's Famous Candies Exclusive agents for the Lithia Mineral Water Cliff House AT NYE REACH. Unlit on bluffs overlooking the ocean. Next door to sanitary bath house. Only hotel at New port having unbroken view of beach and breakers. Best of board and lodging; also tents and cottages. W. D. WHEELER, Prop. Newport, ouegox. The Sea View House Boarding and lodging, house keeping rooms, furnished, reason able rate:.. Home cooking. Half way to Nye Bench. Free buss to the Sea View, L'.'c o any part of the c!ty. BAGGAGE HANDLED AT REA SONABLE KATES. Bigs furnished to nil points of Interest. E. P. WIER, Prop. NEWPORT, OREGON. THE WAKEFIELD Formerly the Porter Rooming House. Operated by Mr. and Mrs. Wakefield of the Alsea House at Waldport. Newly furnished mid decorated. Next block north of Abbey House. TERMS MODERATE. , ' i . i DETERMINED TO INVOKE THE RECALL director, because the legislature had railed to dellno the procedure to be pursued, but the attorneys now In vestigating the subject contend that ne is in error on this point. STRAWS SHOW WHICH WAY THE RIDS GO . Determined, if possible, under the law, to Invoke the recall against School Trustee Millard, attorneys representing thoso back of the move ment nro conuhbTlng tiuestioiuj In volved In the matter and proceedings will likely bo Inslltiiteil soon having for their object the compelling or the school board to recognize- the pe titions tiled with It, and call mi elec tion, t The petitions were tiled with the board Several weeks ago, und cany 360 signatures. There was n ques tion liu the minds of the members of the board whether the recall couUI he' Invoked against n school director, and It wiih submitted to t. at toinoy genenU who answered In a. lengthy opinion that It could not. Guided by Ilia opinion, the board declined to recognize the petitions Hied and to call au election. Only One Question Involved. ! Tho attorneys for those back of ' the recall movement contend that ! thorn Is only one question Involved ! ami that Is the number of names on ' Chamberlain's stomach . , u... the petition, and hob, ,f .. ,s ; Tablets ,,,. st Inuilate 1 1 onoRh , contemplation of ,;,vv. ,,:, 1( u ,rt ,., the hoard must call the election The ' ter. cleanse , he svste n cure In,' attorney.general held tha, ,e recall , ,atio and sick he:nh eh e s , Wfc SELL THROUGH TICKETS i 1U tASTERN POINTS JUDGE HOLDS MARRIED MAN HAS RIGHTS Finding the bids of three Portland companies for supplying the state with la, 000 warrants all to b,. n,e same -$210 - Secretary of Stale 01 cott decided to award them by hav ing the girls draw straws, and Hush ong & Company drew the lucky one. There are but three companies In Portland which can manufacture the warrants Anderson, Dunlway & Company, llusheng & Company aiul Irwin, Hodiioii & Company, ami all submitted the same bid. As ihe war rants were needed at once, and as lie desired o show no partiality the sec retary reported ,o the strnw-drawl.ig met bud. and called three K,-ls in his otllce -Miss Zoe 'loot hacre. Miss Kui'llln Holier uil Miss l!ay Smith to draw the straw. UNITED l'BKSS LEAKED WII1E. St. Louis, Mo., July 1. Cornelius Campbell, when attending a divorce trlul here, instituted by his wife, was told by Judge Grim that married men are entitled to rights, and that when a wife objects to a ball game, the husband should go anyway. Campbell said that he and his wife could not agree on anything. When asked for specific Instances. Camp bell said: "Well, she fussed when I wan.ted lo attend a ball game." That was enough for the judge. MRS. SHONTS BRINGS SUIT FOR DIVORCE THE WHISKEY SUGGESTED NAME W.C.T.U. fl'MTKD rUCSS IE.ISKI1 WIIIE.l San lieninidino, Cal., .inly 1. The liudiv. of a bottie oi whiskey In a ilisearde,! ce.it en Ihe divert enabled i prosp, cior , win a tight against ,,,irsl' '"' 'he have decided, it was announced today. to name the rich "'"e they found when Hear death the -V, . C. T. 1'." 'Hie ebini, which is located in the Silver mom, tain region, is said to be ri''li i gold and silve,. hearing ores Paris, July 1. Theodore P. Shouts of New York, trlend of J. Pierpont Morgan, former chief engineer of the Panama canal, and now president of the interborough-Metropolitan Street Railway company, of New York, is to be the next in the millionaire class to face a divorce court. Mrs. Shonts' attorney, S. o. Archibald, admitted here today ibat she had Instituted proceedings for a separation under the New York law. His client, be said, would not seek absolute divorce "at present." Archibald refused to slate the na ture of the suit instituted by Mrs. Shonts, who, prostrated Ital troubles, Is at prMi staying her,, with her daughter. ll Duchess De Clin nines. Since her la rival here Mrs. Shonts has remaliijj In entire seclusion in her daugl men Is. boats. The tug men struck here this morn Ing, interfering with the handling of 2.1 steamships in port, including the Lusitania. Eighteen ships are held at Hartlepool, with no chances of sailing. Tom Mann, leader of the striking seamen here, conferred today with the president of (he Cunard line, and said afterward that the strike would be settled not later than Tuesday. Cnles sit is ended then the dock la borers at Cardiff are threatening to join the strikers. A bad trust Is one in which the critic has no stock. Solves u Deep Mystery. 'I want to thank you from the bot tom of my heart,' wrote C. B. Rader, of Lewlsburg, V. Va. "for the won derful double benefit I got from Elec- uic Bitters, in curing me both of a severe case of stomach trouble and of rheumatism, from which I had been an almost helpless ufferer for ten years. It suited my case as though made just for me." For dys pepsia, indigestion, jaundice and to rid the system of kidney poisons that cause rheumatism, Electric Bitters has no equal. Try them. Everv bot tle is guaranteed to Ratlsfv. Onlv 50c at J. C. -Perry's. The government did listen to the voice of the people of Portland in. the matter of closing the bridge draws after all. Kidney Diseases Are Curable, ' 1'nder certain conditions- The right medicine must be fatten before the disease has progissed too far. Mr. Perry A. Pitman." Dale, Tex., says: "I was down in bed for four months with kidney and bladder trouble and gall stones. One bottle of Foley's Kidney Remedy cured me well and sound." Ask for it. Red Cross Pharmacy, (H. Jerman.) Most of us buy a good deal of ex perience expensively that we can't sell and find no practical use for on rselves. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO I A 's apart- THE TIE-UP II LIVERPOOL! IS COMPLETE ..-r.jw'-',.. I ' and shvplng rar arrangements HaggaRe checked to destination made. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY Through trains Ea.t from VorHaue via "The N,h ,,:lnk Uou,, . l All I Kirs Y. VST Kansas Wimil- New Yiuk 1 10.15. Washington. Baltimore 13. lV.l.ulelphla. $ I ci st. Paul. Mlmuviii.ilia City. Oiu'.lm, Duluthi peg. $1)1.65. Chicago. Milwaukee, m. l.ouls, J i. 5. IVnver. Colorado Springs, $5H.t!5, TIckMs sold Juno Hi. 17 "i 19. 20. & ?7 i .'.." '. ".' Beptember 1, I, 4 to 7. Krturn llu.lt Octoho,. a 1,1. Choice of ,o,e. . ua return- 1 1 KING THANKS HIS SUBJECTS FOR LOYALTY Boston, $111.0.",. V1.' f 'v.Si9' :!0: Jl"- 1 to 6, 11 to 17. 21 to 23, 2S t0 3rt.' i V 1 1 Mn e i-'o: London, .'uh Ine stmi .overt n II it w .1.1 CKI'Vlv ii.. V M'IKK AT ( LATSOP BI VCII nm1!1.1"' OoodallHumner 14.50 round trip, Saturday and Sunday I H1 be glad to furnish .11 details regarding long or short trip, , b(,ter than a pipe dream. s l.r.sKi' vvniK l 1 . Kill C C.eoti'.i tto lned a message of thanks to his snl'jects throughout the empire for the K.yaity expressed during the cor-' onatlon festivities. He declares their ads encourage hlni to go forward "-euewed hope, and whatever! j Perplexities may rise, he and his peo-1 ;''' face them for the common Rood. I Sometime fmT Is more valuable than the things gaved by it. "e Pipe wrench Is a whole it London. July 1. 1 cargo boats in Liverpool Is complete The strike leaders have refused all permits for their own men to unload the provision boats to prevent a famine, saying "a shortage is the most effective weapon in any kind of warfare.'' The intention of the strikers is to tlo up every provision boat in Eng land, and already cargoes are ron inu la the holds of the ships, and food I prices are soaring skyblgh. The harbor of Hull is choked with rmtmJ tTLJJ I I .. "", lit, tnr, W 1 AT OlIUaAla. . n- ... iv in j w . . ...v... . i 1 . r i A NPWFCT A TVT rv -Ol-orr, i-.ttjui rt 11 U D t O 1 IVXZT f Pa'em VidUity R iS y for us to ten you what part of the Oregon Beach AGATE BEACH j "V?" Vhe Pr0per' ' -t-clasa '""" spray hundreds of feet it0 the air a S ,, v !?und upon the rocks. throwing ;rOve tor bathing, being protected from 'the cold nwth w.SSi nSpB"I00 h .Bnd 8an(ly beach' and sheltered The contour of the ground is such that the own" ? o? lo V, T ' t'U ,Bt thar North Coast Beach Resorts, a lew of the ocean as the man in the rent row ThU mL fram the b0ach obtaln3 as excellent nate enough to have seen for yourself" we vol o 2, tn"" "ke "ctln. but you are not fortu VC ITE1'' J2-mUp lrive alng the beach . t0 Agate Beach and verify this statement. " ffiX "ro;:retrnn,a'SgT.r 5, and values will appreciate rap lulna Head (sometime called Cape 1 House at KNAPP & MACKEY Portland anJt ra-ndetntf SSrK A For special railroad rate see WILLIAM FLEMMING, 496 State St