CELEBRATE JULYjtUNj OF OUR NEW ALujttC DAILY CAPITA! JOrRX.lL, B.tmi. OREGON. WKUXKSIUV, JlXE 2S, ion. Our suits are high In fabrics, fit, style and tailoring, but not Ire price. If you want to feel that you are correctly dressed let us clothe you with clothes that are the latest expression of style, and when Uncle Sam Celebrates On July 4th you will have tha pleasure of knowing that you are faultlessly attired. Our clothing Is made right from ab solutely all-wool fabrics. Suit Prices From $10 to $30 BRUTALITY OF THE BURNS DETECTIVES MIHIt LEAUEK SAYS: -if A LET M US. Wtf AXKUL I IA1L A EEV DAYS WE WILL JIVYE A CHANCE TO QUESTION II EK AM) KEMOYE II E It FROM IXFI.CEM'E OF COUNSEL FOR hefense: ; ; fXITEK IBESS LEASED WIRE ; Us Angeles, Cal., June 2S. Notice from the district attornevs nfli tr. show cause why Mrs. Ortle E. Mc-j Manigal, wife of the alleged dyna miter, should not be cited for con tempt of court was served today on Clarence narrow, chief counsel for the MeXamara brothers. narrow immediatelv answered that he was prepared to meet the Issue. Steps are now being taken by the district attorneys office to produce Mrs. McManlgal In court. The argu ments will he made before Judge Mutton of the superior court. Karlier in the day netective Mc Laren of the Rums agency, outlined some of the plans of the prosecution. "If we can get Mrs. McManlgal committed to jail for a few days," he said, "we will then have a chance to question her and remove her from the influence of counsel for the de fense. This is our last step." h Hie Tuberculosis Crusade ' QFVPNTV PIVC Lcsiiu Ground? jOtYtN I T-NYt lAGE KITE. i r. :i.h, :lf In m. i ; ! 'He nil t'-e efforts holm; ma hv lies or frei air ami e(.R-an,l-milk '" 111 ' n.::r.l-.T of tn-w cars iu.s a l."llro..u.y .Vc-re.is.!. us an. I a-k 10 K- retVriv.l t.-, I s. nit ii and w oiu. n who I ::.tive mnl are today i i i.m.t a tnu'. i.f ti.i,...-. """J","' '" ' 1 . fo '' T i'-5i ian... I l"fl: '""; the Alt. ratlve to r-i .aij liiiy would ; I'nts in. M nl Ir.n any t:: le 1- to rts-tore to til anu Int. Milk fairer to yourself ywi mi l wmi i, do i.l tO lli..ii! - 1 f i-.... Ical-lnveniisate in. nur m...n. mlvcriiriil Kt;iteniont . Write who have Hi nt in mfi.hivlt j i - t.monials telling !., w LYkman's Alter-tiv- 1'urnl t: tin. Here Is one- -:3 Giraril Ave.. I"i!'.nlelphla, Pa , in mlvm.-n: "In the winter of 1003. I uaj an attack , f Grippe, followed uv ;noti..:on,a i:..tr l v c'onsumpUon. I row .(. , My ,Vut. e. n ,he .inPr of Ul l 1 had ( i ukIi. niKht sweats, fev er ami ,mii (iiianlil.,s of uvvt'ul lookinir stuff i had n.nnv homnri-im ..a.. n liiv.e, tim e In three s.:i i-pfsIvi- rinvn -Hill lT:,mn .lie -.......' could k. tp nothing down. Three dIivrI cians tiai.d me. I ivus ordered to the mo,:,!t..,s. hut did not Bo. Kokman'B M ir?..vf it8' ri'""nik!,.l by a frifnd. After taliliit; n small uuantitv 1 had the first quiet night's sleep fr "weeks. My Impriivi-ment was nuirked from the first. 1 Kair.ed Mrem.-th ami weisht and appe ute. I m ver had anrilier hemorrhage and i-T couli gradually lessened until en tn.'ly gone. 1 am perfectly well, Everv- f!L,.faSr l '' ,CA-' verified by my family and friends." (Siciied .Mlliiaviti Aiuilo Floyd Loughrnn Kckman's Alterative cures bronchitis! Asth,a, Hay rev er: Tl.ru.it and Luns Aff .etions. Ask for h,.:.l. t of cured cases an, wre to tin- K.-unian Uil.oratorv, 1 hilade pu a, Pa for a.Iditi.mnl evidence, l or bale by all leading druggists and Perry's Drug Store in Salem. THOUSAND SEE! DEMONSTRATION SOUTHERN l'A( IEIC TRAIN WITH ITS A(;itl(ULTURVL AND II0R. THT'I.TT'R VL DEMONSTRATION ATTRACTS I!I(J CROUDS. GEORGE BARNES IS SHOT DOWN AT CANYON CITY Baker, Or., June 28. Jealous and harboring a grudge against his suc cessful rival for the hand of a wo man, George Anderson, a well-known resident of Canyon City, Grant coun ty, yesterday shot and Instantly killed George Barnes, a pioneer mem ber of the Oregon bar, who was the first attorney to locate In the town of Prinevllle, Crook county, where he had practiced up to his removal to Canyon City. News of the tragedy only reached Baker late Inst night, as telephone and telegraph lines have been out of commission from heavy storms. The slayer has been arrested and is now in the Grant county jail at Canyon, which In less than a year and a half has housed five homicides. The woman in the case Is Barnes' wife, formerly Mrs. Alex. Bowsman. When Barnes first went to Canyon City, Anderson was a suitor for her hand, and at the same time had brought suit against her former hus band's estate. Barnes became ac quainted with Mrs. Bowsman, won her ,and at the same time fought Anderson in his suit. He defeated him in that also. Anderson has sworn vengeance since, only waiting for his chance. Barnes did not take his threats seri ously. The tragedy took place on the streets of Canyon. Anderson met his rival face to face, and emptied an automatic revolver of heavy calibre into his body. Barnes was a well-known figure in legal circles in Eastern Oregon, where he had practiced before all the courts In the district. He was an able attorney, ami is said to have be come independently rich from the practice of his profession. Anderson, the murderer, is also well-to-do, owning considerable prop erty in the John Day valley, Barnes was a member of the Elks' lodge at The Dalles, Or., and has relatives in Portland and other Oregon cities. Barnes was 60 years of age. o MORSE SEEMS TO HE THERE TO STAY CONDITION OF STEEL BRIDGE IS DANGEROUS SCHEDULE OF THE LOCAL BALL GAMES The Merchants and the P. R. L. P. teams of the Twilight league will open the league season at the Wil lamette grounds at 6:150 this evening, provided the weather man keeps off the rain during the afternoon. The I teams had planned to play the open ling game last Friday evening, but rain spoiled their plans. The good Heeding the warnings sounded by attendance at last Sunday's game of VXITED t'RESS LEASED W1UE. Atlanta, Ga., June 28. Application for a habeas corpus writ for Charles V. Morse, ice king and banker, serv ing a term in the federal prison here for bank wrecking, was denied today I by United States Circuit Judge New man. Notice of appeal was filed by Morse's attorneys. the bridge committee of this city, and also many citizens, as to the unsafe condition of the Willamette river bridge, the board of county commis sioners of Polk county yesterday af ternoon met with Judge Bushey, and, after a consideration cf the subject, enitered Into a contract with Paul Leahy, of Portland, for a general, but superficial, overhauling of the bridge. Councilman Manning, of the bridge committee, called the attention of the council to the dangerous condi tion of the bridge at the last meeting of the body, and stated that a con ference would be held between the boards of the two counties. Most of the tension members of the structure have become loose, and lately It has gotten so shaky that when teams the big league, despite the threaten ing weather, has given the Twilight members courage to attempt the open ing game tonight, in spile of damp weather. Manager Evans, of the Merchants' team, today said the game would be pulled off if the weather was any where near fair. If the game Is post poned again the next attempt will not be made until Monday evening, July 3, when the P. R. L. P. boys will meet the Y. M. C. A. boys. The post poned game with the street car boys (that, is, if tonight's game is post poned) probably will be played Fri day evening, 9nd all postponed games on the schedule probably will be played on a Friday evening, between regular schedule dates. Twelve EVIDENCES OF GUILT ARE FOUND More than 74 000 Californlan farm ers attended the lectures of Univer sity of California professors, given under the auspices of the Southern Pacific company during the year 1910-11. The exact number of audi tors to these lectures during this lat est lecture tour was 76,230. This is an increase of 2,573 over the year 1909-10, and an increase of 3S.966 over the year 1908-9, when the agri cultural demonstration train was first inaugurated by the Southern Pa cific company. Professor W. T. Clarke, superin tendent of the University of Califor nia extension In agriculture, has the following to say relative to thse special agricultural and horticul tural demonstration trains: "The special agricultural and hor ticultural demonstration trains now being operated by the Southern Pa cific company and co-operated In by the University of California college of agriculture, is by far the most ex tensive effort of its , kind that has ever been put forth in any part of the country. A spirit of co-operation with the producers is manifested and the Southern Pacific company, recog nizing the fact that better results should be obtained from the farms of the state, and also recognizing the fact that its best interests are bound up in the success of the producers, has joined with the College of Agri culture and experiment station of the state, in bringing to the farms and to the workers thereof improved meth ods of procedure whereby better re turns could be obtained." The Southern Pacific agricultural and horticultural demonstration train Is always accompanied by an operating official of the company ?.nd usually by the agents of the district through which it traverses. It is i Inent notice. Through these press Every question as to the guilt of Edward 1L Martin now serving a 15 year sentence in the state peniten tiary for the murder of Nathan Wolf, First street, Portland jeweler and pawn broker, three years ago, was removed yesterday, when the revol ver which Martin used in his mur derous assault, and Jewelry and en velopes containing Wolfs business address were found buried under the house In Sellwood where Martin lived. The old four-room cottage at East Umatilla avenue and East Fifteenth street, which was the harbor for sev eral months of one of the worst crim inals In Portland's history, gave up its story as It was removed from the lot. C. C. Hastings, a housemoverof Gladstone, and A. Larson and L. G. I-ambertson, found the articles that had been cached under the floor of the dining room by Martin the night of the murder. Murderer's Cache Found. The bouse had been moved about 10 feet from its foundation, when one of the workmen's eyes caught the glint of jewelry. He crawled under the house to Investigate, and in re moving a few Inches of dirt a small pasteboard box, containing part of n watch-chain, several rings welded to gether and used for window display purposes, a nickel-plated revolver and two dozen envelopes used for en closing repaired jewelry were un earthed. A. Larson, one of the dis coverers, noticed the name and busi ness address of Nathan Wolf stamped on each of the envelopes. Recalling the attack made upon Wolf at the pawnbroker's place of business and remembering that Martin had resided In the house at the time of the murder, Larson immediately no tified Captain of Detectives Moore of nis discovery. DR. JT. P. MENDELSOHN DOCTOR OF OPTICS vvl pass over it It sways for six Inches or j games will be played during the sea- Wrecker Found (iuilfy. IN1TF.D IBESS LEASED WI1IE. New York, June 28. Joseph B. Relchman, former president of the Carnegie Trust company, was this afternoon found guilty of grand lar- i orvnnctlnn with the looting I Hia contractors of the institution. It was alleged j made use of much of the old piling that he manipulated the funds so . and caps. That accounts in a great that dangerous loans were hidden ' measure for the shaky condition of when the bank examiner examined i the structure on the Polk county s de the books. Motions to set aside the , when teams pas3 over It. more. These will all De tigntenea. and it is hoped that with that, and some other repairs, the structure can be put into reasonably safe condi tion. The portion on the Polk county side was repaired three years ago, but the workmanship and the mate rial did not measure up to the stand ard. The general presumption was that new piling wa3 to be put in, but Instead or floing so. While this feature of the bridge's condition was son. Captain Fleming, or tne f. it. L. P. team today gave out the sched ule for the season. If the weather, permits, the opening game will be played this evening between the Merchants and the P. R. L. P. teams. The renu'lnde; of the schedule Is as follows: July 3, P. R. L. P. and Y. M. C. A.: Julv 5, P. R. L. P. and East Salem; Julv 10, Y M. C. A. and Mer chants; Juiv 12, Merchants and East Salem; July 17, Y. M. C. A. and East Salem; July 19, Merchants arnd P. R. L. P.; July 24, East Salem and Y. M. C. A.; July 26, Merchants and East Salem; Julv 30, Y. M. C. A. and Mer chants: August 2. P. R. L. P. and Past Salem: Aneust 4, P. R. L. P. w." nrSVemb" 'discard ySerdayfafternoon. no at-j and Y. M. C. A. All games wU. be n . tomnt will tie n ,1 e to repair it a i. niayeu uu mc ninauni it,lo.l Ifi.fev!. i this time. iThe. Twilight league UNITED I'lESS LEASED WIIUS.I j Carson, Nev I, inn 9S Twentv-flve per cent will be the reduction on , men to tighten tne tension im-i..c. class goods shipped over the Southern -o Pacific and the Tonopah and Gold- j nlln.ri field railroads, according to an order ! D APTflD D ?VJM I Issued here by the state railroad com- f I Ult flUOOLLL mission, effective August i. officials have It is estimated that It will require ; leased these grounds, and the game from one to two weens lor a crew ui Leave this tremendous alcohol a -a TT AX iH I f m.pc:finn to voer doctor. The dan- 1 ft I II III J KM 1 ' eer is too great for you to decide i . cwn-vviiH i-i n tonic entirelv free from aiuuc. tyei paiauL-ui.ii , - . nlrnhnl. Take it or not. as VOUT ClOCtor O'.reu . . -- ..r ..ng.luKOI J. C. AyirCo.. r-T. WILL PREACH IN PORTLAND this evening will be played there de spite, the fact that a gnme has been announced on the college grounds for this evening between the school su perintendents. No games between Twilight league teams will be nlayert during the throe days' celebration cf the Cherry Fair. July 6. 7 ar-d S: j ,i.tc hnvinir been left on-'n to 'permit the letcue members the pr'v ' liege of entering their lmhV in the i prize parade, and amending the baby i show. notices and advertising the state In general has received notification of the coming of these trains and this has helped wonderfully in bringing the Interested ones to the station for the time that the train stops. The train covered a mileage of 2608.4 miles in 1908, held 259 meet ings which were attended by 37,270 people during the 61 days the train was out. During the 1909-10 season, 3436.6 miles were covered, 222 meet ings were held, the attendance was 73,663 the train being out 63 days. More than 4,000 miles were made during the 1910-11 season. The train was out. 76 days, 225 meetings were held at which there was a total attendance of 76,236. With only a few exceptions the at tendance at each town where a stop was made, snowed a large increase. The slight falling off at these few stations was caused probably by the farmers not receiving notice of the visit In time, in many cases It re quiring an entire day for farmers of a district to reach the railroad star tlon. The train this year was en larged to 10 cars, five of which were coaches containing exhibits; two bag gage cars, one standard sleeper, one diner and one baggage car fitted with sleeping accomodations for the train crew. The entire season's work was accomplished without any accident or casualty and the public was appre ciative of the work. The exhibits and demonstrations were divided into the following 15 heads: Field crops, soils, fertilizers, ani mal Industries, veterinary science, dairy Industry, horticulture, viticul ture. Irrigation birds and mnnimalH, plant, diseases, poultry, public health, home economics, university farm school and entomology. SI root. Notice is hereby given that the common council of the city of Salem, Oregon, deems it expedient and pro poses to improve Front street, In the city of Salem, Oregon, with concrete pavement, from the south line of Trade street to the south line of D street, at the expense of the adjacent and abutting property within Baicl limits and according to the plans and specifications adopted for said im provement and on file at tha office of the city recorder, which said plans and specifications are hereby referred to for a more specific and detailed description of said Improvement, and are hereby made a part of this no. tlce. This, notice is published for ten (10) days pursuant to the order of the common council, and the date of the first publication thereof is the 28th day of June, 1911 Remonstrances may be filed against said Improvement within ten (10) days from the last publication or this notice and In the manner pro. vuieu by the city charter. CHAS. F. ELGIN, 6-28-llt City Recorder, i..MJMMIKli:W ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM j Millinery- at greatly reduced prices, all flowers . a e now marked out in the bargain boxes, Trimmed hais, n c; up-to-date hats you are welcome to look t em ove. We have a'ways been known to have reasonab e .iice. Now our prices are greatly reduced, SHAPES and TRIM MINGS ALSO AT REDUCED PRICES. EMBROIDERIES iMiro omhrnirWiPS and illSertiOHS at , miuo uiiiuiuiuv,, ".. I n( VO t I ;...... tj.i.upI' Corset covers, embroideries ai oftn ' . ,: ,,,,, R,rn,()ns-Sf,mnimes, but n 17 1 n !U nnUmirlon flmmnn? at . : that sermons that can cause Pastor Russell of the Brnoniyn ; Tabernacle is advertised to speak at' ' the armory in Portland tomorrow )!s I Thursday evening. me .nm..- .'; ! takes especial pleasure in giving puh lllcitv to this fact, for the reason, that' It. has had a peculiar cxperi-1 ence from a newspaper standpoint; with Pastor Russell. 1-or some mm-. The Journal 1ms published as a lea-j tare of its Sunday edition f'"'1'- mens of this famous preacher, and the j result has been a surprise to It hv-. erv newspaper has had expcri.nco along this line, featuring some pei smi or business, and generally with I u'lsatisfaelon- results from a finally cial standpoint. tu innninl's exnen-'uee with Pas tor Russell's sermons has been J imiiiue. It has received letters from j all parts of the rnited States mm mencpng the sermons and the publi cation thereof, and. what Is more grntiiv'rie. to the business depar -ment. at least, is that these letters al most invariably contain a check oi monev order for a yenr's subscrip tion to The Journal. The writer has never nau wie im-u-m.- , , . nnr ins ii-iiu mi. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. All-over embroidery at Girls' miHHv blouses, only Ladies' white silk $3,00 waist . .75 : M TC f onlv 1 ?Qfi VfJ f'"h ,:;,' n interest Indicate their an - ' t1"" . ..,i thniiirht. thor as! a man m ," . of broad doctrine and unbounded ev-ery-da human nature. Pastor Rus sell will be worth hearing. R. X. A.. W. A.. A. A. Hover to Hoover Lumber company. 320 acres, sections 7, 8, 17, IS. t 10 s, r 6 e; , ,1 S1 r' G. Cochran to Hover Lumber 'company land in t 10 s, r 6 e; w d :$10. i a. C. Ranker to W. A. and R. N. I Hoover, HiO acres t 10 s, r 6 e; w d. $1. ! R. X.. A., K. J.. L. L. Hoover to I Hoover Lumber company l.'7.:J7 acres I Linn and Marion counties; w d, $1. A. Hutchinson to f. it., iiiwsiey, 19. .",1 acres t J s, r Z w: w u, n. H. and I). Rartds to M. H. eninar. land In Marlon county; w a. io. W II. and X. X. Dalrymple to i:. Jacol,on lot" 12. 11. 14, 15. 16. block 2 P.roklyn add, saiein; w u, i. M. and C. A. Rainwater to i.Kirge C. Will lots 4 and a. diock z, itiver view Park addition. Palem: w d. $6.",0. IJ. and J. H. HUtlbrand to h. J. Young, lots 1. 2, :s. 11. iz. pan 101 10, block 8. Rivervlew Park add, Sa lem; w d, J 10. A. and G. Down to O. Arneson, land In Marlon county; w d, l,i)u. GRAND OPERA HOUSE JOIIX F. CORDRAY, Mgr. Thursday, June 29 FERRIS HARTMAN and his superb company, Including WALT Kit W LKO.V and i MISS "MUCINS" DAVIKS ! In a magnificent, production of j mi: ii)i:.L c omic ori;i:.v THE TOYMAKGR ! litti.i: .101 km:y to tiiio l.i of makk-iii:i.ii; V. LOCATED AT ROOMS 210-211, UNITED STATES NATIONAL HANK ni'ILDIXH. BE 0T MISLED As there are no extra charges for examination of your eyes. One charge pays for examina tion, frames and glasses. The services and materials are far superior to any in this city. Dr. Mendelsohn carries the best stock of materials that can be purchased. . Thirty years of practical ex perience Is at your smlce and the prices are lower than else where for tho material and service you get of Dr. Mendel sohn. The entire problem lies In those words rightly fitted lenses by the right num. All broken .glasses replaced tihlle yon wSlt. Prices rca. sonalilc. OFFICE HOmS, R:fl0 TO 12 I TO 5 P. M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT. Call for Bids. Notice Is hereby given that tha un derslgncd will receive bids up to ( o'clock p. in. on Monday. July 3, 1911, for the Improvement of Chem eketa street from the east line of Wa ter street to the west line of Four teenth street, with Ultulithlc pave ment, on a bituminous base, accord ing to the plans and specifications adopted for said Improvement. The council reserves tho right to reject any or nil bids and waive any and all Irregularities In the manner of submitting bids in the Interest of the city. CHAS. F. KLGIN, 6-2S-3t City Recorder. o Call fur Bills. Notice Is h"reby given that the un dersigned will receive bids up to 5 o'clock p. m. on Monday, July 3, 1011 for the Improvement of Asylum avenue, from the center lines of Twenty-fourth street, to the city llm- a, with concrete pavement, accord ing to (lie plans and Hp.'clfleatlonH adopted for said Improvement. The council reserves the right to reject any or all bids and wulvu any and all Irregularities In the manner Reality chorus and company of Seat sale, tl a. m. Prices $1, 1m, r,o. jbi:. Long silk gloves at Nice lace collars at ... 59c pr Zbc ea SEE US FOR LADIES' and MEN'S DUSTERS, ROMPERS OVERALLS, OVERSHIRTjUDj ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM 240 and 246 Commercial Street Your Xelclilxr' Experience How yon max PW r Take Foley Kidney Pills. Mrs E. O. -jen willow street. Akron. Oh o says: "For sometime I had a Iver" ? serious case of kidney trouble I and I suffered wlh backache, and dlzzv headaches. I had jpeckj were mv eyes and I felt all tired outand miserable. I I . nut. x1itAri(aOil Fnic k nev mis "iriu""' . . v,,.ia nnrl took them 1 r . ,..rctinns aTid results showed a most at once. The pain and dizzy headaches left me, my eye-slght be. uc i,. .mi trwlnv I can say I t . well woman, thanks to Foley I r..j- oiiia' Red Cross Pilar saw and accord- Kidney AMERICAN SENTENCED BV JAPANESE COl'RT Tokio, June 2S Friends of John E. Atkins, of the Vnlted States collier Saratoga, who recently was convict ed by the Japanese Judges anil sen tenced to five years imprisonment for having killed John L. Saunders of the I'nlteil States cruiser New Or leans have subscribed 6,000 yen to appeal the case. Subscriptions have come from men on the vessels of the Asiatic squad ron and other friends of Atkins. One foreign woman gave 1,000 yen and the crew of the New Orleans gave 600 yen. To forget to put coffe In the coffee-pot Is a sign of a coming gift. full blast. Wc have a com plete line of Bicycle Season is now on in Pierce, Harvard, Dayton and Daytonia Call and inspect them: we will please you. THEY ASK THAT THE CONVICTS BE RETURNED Approximately 80 fnrmers residing In the vicinity cf Sublimity have pe titioned Governor West to return the convicts who were being used by the state In the neighborhood in road work, but who were withdrawn by the governor because of a charge that their presence there was causing the residents fright The petitioners declare that but one man objected, and that he mis represented the facts, that the petl- t on dec arlng that he told tne mg- gest falsehood that a man ever told." The petition then asks that the con victs be returned, as they are neeaea on the roads, and says that without them no use can be made of a rock cniBher which wag taken to the groundB for doing the road work. The list Is headed by J. T. Hill, the road supervisor of the district. The governor has not yet decided Just what h! action will be, but, un less other protests come in, he" will probably answer the prayer of the petition by returning the convicts, o ' at Ire of Assessment , Notice is hereby given that the common council of the city of Salom, Oregon, will at or about 8 o'clock p. m on the 3d day of July. 1911, at the common council chaoibers, at Salem, Oregon, proceed to assess upon each lot or parcel of land llablo therefor its proportionate share of the cost of the improvement of Cen ter street, from the west line of Lib erty street to the west line of Front street, in the city of Salem, Oregon, according to the plans and specifica tions adopted for such Improvement, and on file at the office of the city recorder. All persons Interested In said as sessment shall appear at said time before said common council, and pre sent objections If any they have, to said assessment, and apply to said common council within five days, following said date, for tho privilege, If they ho desire, to make said Im provement in lieu of tholr assess ment. Done by order of the common council of the city of Salem, Oregon, tills 2Hth day or June, 1911. WAS. V. KLOIN, C-2S-:it. City Recorder. o Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver the city. 6-2S-31 CHAS. I' City KLCil.V, Itecordi banish will sick brace up headache. the nerves. prevent de- r. . spondency and Invigorate the whole A Terrible llliiniler To neglect liver trouble. Never dc It. Tako Dr. King's New Life Pills on tho first sign of constipation, bil iousness or Inactive bowels and pre vent virulent Indigestion, Jaundice or gall stones. They regulate liver stomach and bowels and build up your health. OnJy 25 cents at J. C. Perry's. system. Sold by all denlers. A man with a new auto has ni many friends as a successful can lb date. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO I Huie Wing Sang Co. Big Stock of Ladies and Gentlemen s Furnishing Goods and General Ury Goods. Purses and $1.00 and handbags, $1.2r.. G0c, "5c, 3."c lace curtain goods In ecru at 28c. $l.fi0 lace curtains In ecru or white at, pair $100 ladles' house tklrts In ginghams, at each ."0c $1.00 ladles' corsets nt 6.1c $1.",0 Imported pongee silk at, yard $100 Men's pants at $1.00, $1.25 up to $-50 $2.2." mercerized Bilk coats now .V $i'."i0 linen dusters at $1.75 Ladles' khnonas 50c, $1.00 up to fil.OO. $l.!i0 middy blouses now.. $1.00 te.,-,0 silk skirts now $4.00 325 N. Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon ; M M"'M4-m macy. t tHMHH