DAILY CAPITA! OCRXAL. SALEM. OREGON. Till I5SDAV. 3VV. -- "" PAGE EIGHT. FRIDAY IS ALWAYS Remnant Day at the Good Goods Store. All Remnants 1 -2 Price All kinds of fabrics, laces, embroid ery, ribbon, etc., represented. It will pay you to look them over. TOMORROW 1-2 PRICE Your Supply of Muslinwear Should be replenished during our original JUNE WHITE SALE A great assortment of corse1 covers, drawers, petticoats, com binations, etc. All styles, lace and embroidery trimmed. Special at 33 1-3 0 less BUY NOW AT A SAVING Every white article reduced, All suits, coats, dresses, skirts, white waists, eic, and Missess1, Children's and infants' ready-to-wear at special low prices, Shoes and Men's Togs at Special Prices During June. Of Course You'll Need a Trunk Bag or a suitcase on that vacation trip, You'll find , just what you want among our large displays the larg est in Salem, Second floor, See window display, Cherry Fair July 6-7-8 (iond Konds' Pay Friday Good Roads Day at Lebanon Strawberry Fair. The Automoble club Is going. Skin ol Beauty is a Joy Forever DR. I. FELIX'CWRAI'D'S ORIENTAL CREAM OR MAGICAL BEAL'TIFIER ll II Ml Ml Ill New Uiillroud Brld The ilnv work Hlnrts on the new bridge planned for the Salem, Falls If City and Western railway prices of i Sa 3 property at Klngwood Park will more ttf than double in value. This is freely admitted by those who have had ex perience In realty matters. Until Juries Disagree The Jury hearing the evidence against W. R. Petschler, charged with Jumping a board bill, disagreed In Justice Webster's court yesterday. Another Jury disagreed yesterday In Justice court after hearing the case of C. J. Sheehan, charged with as sault and battery. Sherman Heckmaii Imnrcn Ins Sherman Heckman, one of Salem's hustling transfer men, who has been confined to his , home for the last three weeks with sciatic rheumatism, is now able to be about town. Mr. Heckman will leave for Sheppard Springs, on the Columbia river, In an endeavor to regain his usual health". This is the first attack of the kind Mr. Heckman has had, he says, after living In Salem for 21 years. A Kit of Tools Chief of Police Hamilton is anxious today to locate the owner of 8 kit . of carpenter's tools, which waa taken j from a vagrant yesterday. When the police secured the tools the tramp was endeavoring to dispose of them I at a local second-hand store The ikit contains a complete set ofools ! and the owner can have "them by j proving ownership at the police sta- i tion. . .'; ' Kahrock Improving William P. Babcock, manager of the Salem Flouring Mills, who has been at Breltenbush Springs for the last three weeks, Is reported to be Improving. An attack of paralysis catmed Mr. Babcock to seek the' springs. It Is expected he will re turn home about July 1. It is said that "Billy" Is getting lonesome away from home and wants to re turn. Funeral Tomorrow ! The funeral of Earle Cleaver, who 1 died In San Francisco, will be held . from his mother's .home, Eighteenth land D streets, at 2 o'clock Friday j afternoon. Rev. Henry T. Babcock If a in Rtmnv Tan, Pimp!!, Freckle. M"th I'-itchf, ftim i-verr oiettii.-n on beauty, ftiitl tie fW (Motion. It ha. Mood tbe tt I of tu yearn, atio I -t harm lew we taste It ttiboaurtll It pru(wrly made. Acctnt ou counter feit uf similar nam. Dr. L- A. Hs re talil to ft laly of the haut tn i pMltitti; " As you ldie will ute them, I recommend (!oritnd' Crvnm u the leut harmful of all Iba km preparation!." b r ai by all dnitficmU ana r ancy Qoodt Ie.ar In the United Suae, Cauad aud Kuropa, (ER0.T. HOPKIMS, Prop., 37 Giat Janet Sheet, KewToi Here are the right Sweaters for every j I purpose-Every figure and every purse j Why We Advertise ME RELIEVE THAT SEVEN. TENTHS OF AIL HEADACHES HAVE THE IK 0 H I (J I X IX NTKAIXEI) VISION". AVE ALSO KNOW THAT CORRECTLY FITTED (iL ASSES MILL ENTIRELY RE LIEVE THE HEADACHE BY RE MOVING THE CAUSE. SCARCELY A DAY PASSES BIT AVE BELIEVE MANY SIFFEBEBS THROUGH OUR KNOWLEDGE OF MAKING AND FITTING GLASSES. WE ARE AN XIOUS THAT ALL SUFFERERS SHOULD. KNOW THERE IS A REM EDY SO SIMPLE. THIS IS ONE REASON WHY WE ADYERTISE. ; BARR'S JEWELRY STORE Saturday Salem Day At Lebanon Strawberry Fair. Pioneer "reunion in Waldo Hills. Al so watch the crowds In Salem. The . Best Groceries , At popular prices are always to be found at the store. Give us ;a trjitl this month. J. M. Lawrence, Ferry and Commercial streets. The Kalvuti.m Army Work In Salem Is to be Instructed by Brigadier Buhliln. 'A big meeting will be held at the army hall Friday night Public invited to attend. CITY NEWS. Sold 17 Journals Little Jack Goode broke all records Friday night by selling 117 one-cent evening Journals. A Good 11-Acre Tract Three miles from city for only $90 per acre, easy terms. Derby & will son. 6-20-2t Hotel Marlon Grill 'Win be open every night until 12 o'clock. Table d' note luncheon 12 to 2 p. m. dall, 60c. Tues-Thurs-Sa't-tf loynl Order of Moose All members of Cherry City Lodge No. 498 are urgently requested to be present Thursday evening to assist In making arrangements to partici pate In the festivities of the Cherry Fair. H. H. Turner, Secretary. 6-21-2t Don't Walt Don't wait until, prices advance be fore buying in Klngwood. They will not always remain as low as they are at present. Just think of the Im provements Included In the prices of those lots. They Include graded streets, wide cement walks, cement curbs, trees lined parkways, water mains, and light wires with a splen did service. Prices range from $275 to $650. Terms as low as 10 per cent -down and the balance two per cent per month. , Look Over the Leader Shoe sale ad. on another page In this Issue. 263 North Com mercial street. A. C. Devoe, proprie tor. No Street Assessments Owing to the fact that all street work Is being done by the owners of Klngwood Park, there will be no street assessments on the lots at Klngwood. The same applies to walks, curbs, trees, shrubbery, water mains and light wires. This Shoe Sale Eclipses all others In the bargain line. No shoddy goods. We must have the room and money. See the Leader Shoe ad. on another page In this issue. This will be a bargain season for you. Your Lust Cliance To see Mitchell, Wells and Lewis, the Rathskeller trio, the boys who won the singing contest In Chicago. At the Wexford tonight. Admission 10 cents. Breaks Record Tho sales of real estate In this sec tion have been upset by the agents of Klngwood Park who have Inter ested a very large number of Salem parties, many of whom are now building artistic homes in the addi tion that is destined to become the swell residence portion of the Capitol City. Mafrnziiie Writer Visits CHy Mrs. Resslo Guinean-Rousseau, will conduct the services. Burial who represents a New York maga wlll be made in Lee Mission ceme- zne, and who last, fall contributed an tery. Earle Cleaver, who was 23 article to It on the city of Salem years of age, is the son of Mrs. Nan- spent yesterday in the city, returning cy Cleaver, of Englewood. He was today to Portland. During her visit born In this city, but went to Call- here she visited Governor West for fornla in quest of health about a the purpose of securing data for an year ago. Heart failure caused his article she Is preparing for her maff death Sunday evening. azine. I Many Take Examinations One hundred and fifty-tight teach ers are taking the state teachers ex aminations at the high school build ing under the supervisions of County Superintendent Smith. The examina tions began yesterday and will be concluded Saturday. Issues Proclamation Governor West today Issued a proclamation creating the state lands In the state Into gome reserves and henceforth It will be unlawful for any person during any time of the year to kill any game on these lands. When the fish and game commission 4 OPENING TODAY Entire ! change of program at the New BLIGH THEATRE Salem's Advanced Refined Vaudeville Show. Bargain Matinee Every Day. About this time of the year, going away time, a sweater is almost as much a ne cessity as shoes and stockings. What s so comfortable and useful as a sweater? Easy to slip on, Appropriate for so many What's so serviceable as a sweater? Easy to slip on, Appropriate for many uses, And with the almost unlimited sweater choice offered at Shipley's you can select exactly the one to suit your individual preference and purpose, Our always fair prices are again proven in these satisfying sweater values, Compar-' ison we ask it means established con fidence in our offerings, Shades and sizes now complete, Choose while choice is broadest, June Clearance Sale Prices on our Entire Line Ladies' sweaters made of extra quality worsted yarns, medium and heavy weight mannish models with shawl collar, mili tary collar and coat styles, Grey, cardinal and white and two-toned models, Regular price $3.00. June Sale Price .fl v7i Regular Regular Regular Regular Ladies' price price price price $3.50. $4.50. $5.00. $6.50. June June June June Sale Said Sale Sale Price Price Price Price $2.40 $2.80 $;i.(io $ 1.00 $5.20 TV- - ' .... id- l 4 and Co-ed sweaters, Shaker knit, pood firm duality, heavy worsted yarns, knitted to fit the form, shawl collar, mili tary collar and hunting coat models, white gray and cardinal, Regular price $6.50. June Clear Sale Price $5.20 Regular price $7.95. June Clear Sale Price $0.40 Infants' sweaters, large assortment of in fants' plain and novelty sweaters, white, S ':V.Jf - grey, cardinal and two-tone styles. Regular prices 69c up to $2,25, All at June Sale Prices, Children's and Misses Sweaters, sizes 24 to 34. Medium and heavy weight worsteds yarns, plain and novelty designs. Regular Regular Regular Regular price price prlco price $1.50. $2.00. $2.50. $3.00. June June June June Sale Salo Salo Sale Price Price Price Price $1.20 $1.(10 $2.00 $2.40 Quality Merchandise U. G. Popular Prices Shipley Company 145-147 North Liberty Street, between Court and State 4 4.m- meets it will probably designate tho attendants at the different Instltu-1 tlons located, on the lands as deputy! Stranjrn Feature of Two Deaths. UNITED TRESS LEASED WIDE. Medford, Or., June 22. The body game wardens and clothe them with of a man, known to the police of this the power of enforcing the law. TAFT SENDS BEST WISHES 10 GEORGE V. Don't Neglect Your Dress Many a young man has lost good opportunities for advancement in life simply because he did not dress well. The price of stylish, serviceable clothing today is so very little that anyone can afford it. If you doubt this come to our store today. We'll prove it to your satisfaction. A $10 to $30 suit will mark you a well dressed man. G. W.Johnson &Co. I HI N. Commercial Street. Phone 47 Firemen's Insurance Co. Organized 1865 Statement on January 1, 1911 Washington, June 22. President Taft today cabled to Kng George V. the following felicitation: "On this auspicious occasion I take the pleasure of extending to your Majesty cordial felicitation In the name of the people of America and In my own, expressing the cherished hope that under your guiding Influ ence the British domain may flourish and prosper,. I assure your Majesty of my best wishes for your personal welfare, the welfare of your Maj esty's family and the continuance of the friendly relations existing be tween Great Eritaln and America." ASSETS Bonds and mort gages $2,485,850.00 Stocks and bonds.. 2,399,572.50 Otllce building .... Cash on hand and In bank ........ Agents' balances .. Interest and rents due and accrued, nnd all other assets 800,000.00 72,823.82 310,597.22 46,538.73 LIABILITIES Capital stock $1,000,000.00 Reserve re-Insurance fund 2,037,952.60 Reserved for un paid losses and all other liabilities et surplus $6,121,382.27 Surplus to Policy Holders 241,490.26 2,841,939.41 $6,121,382.27 $.V!41,99.41 C. H. WARD, General Agent. Pacific Coast Department. E. H0FER & SONS, Agents Salem, Oregon. 213 S. Commercial St. 'Phone Main 82 STATirnnui DIED. WILSON At the family home, Sher idan, Oregon, Monday, June 19 1911, Mrs. Clarence E. Wilson. She formerly was a resident of Salem and was well known In this city, She was a sister of the Yerex brothers, former Salem realty deal ers. Death was caused by periton ltls. city by the name of George Binder, was found on the tracks of the Sou thern Pacific, a mile north of this city today by a section crew. He evidently had been hit by a train and instantly killed. A strange feature of the case Is the fact that Binder spent Sunday In the same cell at the city jail with Will Jackson, who was later found dead in a box car In the freight yards of the Southern Pacific of this city. FOR SALE A good building lot in Yew Park, close to car and school, $300 $10 down, $5 per month. See Homer H. Smith, McCornack Building. 6-19-tf BANDITS ARE HIDING IN COOS COUNTY WANTED At once, experienced man to run machinery uJd do cab inet work. Willamette Manufac turing company. 6-19-tf LOT Close to business center. Paved on both side streets. $625; $25 down, balance $10 per month. See Homer H. Smith, McCornack build ing. 6-16-tf UNITED PRESS LEASED WIBE.l Portland, Or., June 22. Despatches received here today from various towns In Douglas and Coos county Indicates that the hunt for the ban dits who robbed the mail on the Shasta limited has narrowed down to the thickly timbered region between Ash and Loon Lake In Northwestern Coos county. The posse from Yon calla which now numbers less than a dozen men Is searching the district working westward, and three depu ties from Marshfleld are working northward toward Ash. From the knowledge of the county displayed by the bandits, It Is be lieved that the desperadoes are resi dents of Southern Oregon. LOST From pasture near Turner, one 3-year-old Jersey heifer, mouse color. Notify P. W. Reyelts, 255 Ferry street, Salem. Phone 729. A suitable reward. 6-22-3t GIRL WANTED to do general house work. Good wages for competent help. Enquire at 1089 Court street. 6-23-3t LEASE At the family home, 181S WANTED I want a good house aoum imrieenin street, rnursaay , rhoan fnr nh swr f,.n 0i. lars as to location, price and terms. morning, June 22, 1911, George Marshall Lease, age 78 years. The funeral will be held from the resi dence at 2:30 Saturday afternoon. Cnttaqe Undertaking Parlors. Modern in every detail. Lady assist ant. Corner Cottage and ChemekeU. "hone 724. MONEY TO LOAN THOS. K. FORD Oyer Ladd and Bush Bank, Salem. Oi D. S.. N care Journal. 6-22-3t FOR SALE A good six room house on good street for only $1500. $250 down, balance $12 per month. Ad dress S. B care Journal. 6-22-3t FARMS We have some extra good buys in the famous Salem and Howell prairie districts. See us for farms before you buy. Bechtel & Eynon, 347 State street. Talmadge Printing Co Itoom 4, Patten Block Society and Commercial Printing executed promptly. Give an lowajprlnter a call. LOT $5 down and $3 per month; Interest. Bechtel & Bynon. FOR SALE A nice 5-room cottage across the street from the high school. Inquire of F. X. Allerlch at T. M. Bacls. 6-22-lw FOR SALE A five-acre tract, house and barn, all farm Implements, one acre vegetables; owner like to leave the town; a bargain for quick sale; 3 miles from Salem, near the Jefferson road. Inquire of Frank Sorg, No. 4, box 112C. GEORGE M. POST ARCHITECT Corner Stnte & Liberty Sts, Salem, Oregon. Koom 1, Gray Blk. ne 504. MONEY TO LOAN On Farm Property. John H. Scott & Co., over the Chicago Store, faa lem, Oregon. Phone 1552. .Near Oakland. California The only Woman's College on the Pacific Coast. Lnartereil Itssa. wear iwo grcui .,,. Meal climate throughout the year. and graduation requirements ecmivaieni . those of Stanford and University of California. Laboratories for science with mouern c'i" ment. Excellent opportunities for nora. economics, library study, music "u - Modern gymnasium. Special care ior i',",,, of students, out-door life. President, -u'"J Clay Carson, A. M., Lift. D..LL. D. tr catalogue address Secretary, Mills College i. 9., ( aiifornia. Norwich Union Firp Insnrnafifi SocietV- Burghardt As Meredith, Resident Agti 385 STATE STREET. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES Bought Sold Rented Repaired Ribbons Rollers Supplies See Me Before Ion Do Anything C. M. LOCKWOOD u 068 Main St. Salem, Or. Phone 214-16 N. Cora I t4 6-22-2t