PAGE FOCR. daily capital journal, salem, Oregon, tiiiusiuy, jixe 22, ion. HE DIED FROM BADLY MIXED LOT OF DRINKS by the defense that the notice in a labor .lien for "abor performed, on- a sawmill was (Infective, and also the description of the property wrong, the supreme court today sustained the decision of Judge Galloway In the ' case of R. L. MeFeron 'against John I Doyens. The suit was brought byi MeFeron to foreclose the lien and a Coroner A. M. Clough was called verdict was rendered In his favor in to the little town of Brooks last night ! the lower court. to investigate the suicide of George l Other Decisions. M. Glasbee. a hnrher nf that nlnro i CAPITAL CITY AUTOMOBILISTS GO TO LEBANON Considerable enthusiasm Is being aroused for the automobile excursion to Lehnnnn tomorrow Thpro vlll a uiHun in mm ijincc. " i prooaoiy oe irom zu to ju machines According to the coroner, Glasbee has ' of Multnomah county, ia the case of leave Salem. Amon thnie who hnvo been addicted to the drinking habit Hung Sun & Company against Cor-, decided to go are: R'. P. Boise, E. T. and, in fact so strong -was his pen-, neua BurKnarat, was affirmed. Barnes. W. II. Eldrlde-e Will Mr cnant ror intoxicating liquors that he retuions tor reneanngs wera de- j Gilchrist. Wra. Brown, H. II. Smith, finally resorted to the use of his j nled la the cases of R. L. Wells ( g. F. Rodgers, J. R. Linn, C. L. Mc 8tock In trade to satisfy his thirst. against the Great Northern Railroad i Nary, Ed. Thielson, A. F. Hofer, A. He Is said to have consumed about company, from Multnomah; Lockhart p. Manning, H. B. Thielson and oth- a quart of bay rum yesterday In ad-' against Terry, from Coos county, and flitlon to a quantity of hair tonic, and j F- W. Gains against Byron Vande An.11.. ,J .1 . 1.1. - 1 . f a y frnm HqVah uuanjr i-iiui-u up wiiu u goou supply I of wood alcohol. It Is presumed that the wood alcohol caused Glas bee's death. Glasbee had the repu tation of being a good barber and an expert banjo player. He was 49 years old, and leaves a wife, a step son and two brothers. One brother lives in South Dakota, and the other resides in Iowa. The funeral will be held from the family home in Brooks at 10 o'clock Friday morning. In terment will be made In the Odd Fel lows cemetery in Salem. Glasbee ar rived In Brooks last November, com ing to the Northwest from an East ern city. o SUPREME COURT HANDS DOWN OPINION from Baker county. o REBELS WHIP. (Continued from Page lj" one company at a with their arms time. Captain L. B. Wilcox, In charge of the American troops at the border ers. A great many people are going up Saturday at 11 a. m. The fare will be one and one-third on any train; and a special train can be had at the same rate upon the sale of 125 tickets. A Fine Officer. UNITED PRESS LEASED WIDE. New York, June 22. Because of a previous engagement to play in a declared that he was willing to trust . golf match, Public Service Comniis- Mosby's men, and that there would be no American soldiers there to stop them. The were to march' across to the point he designated, and lay down their arms there. Overruling the contentions raised Five Pnirs of Twins. UNITED I-BESS LEAKED WIRE.) j New Orleans, La., June 22. Moth er of five pairs within eight years, Mrs. J. F. Pifario, of Gulfport, Miss., today claims the world's record for twins. The children are all living. sloner E. M. Bassett was obliged to post pone a hearing on grade cross ing matters. . "Bat" Mill Flpht. UNITED PRESS LEASED WIRE.l Seattle, Wash., June' 22. Battling Nelson signed articles last night to meet any lightweight that Promoter Lonnie 'Austin selected in a 10-round go hear this city, July 4. Peter Mc Veigh probably will be the Dane's opponent. WILL CHOOSE EXPOSITION SITE TODAY UNITED PRESS LEASED (VIRK.l Snn Francisco. June 22. Final will traverse streets. miles of the city's A Holiday in CuniKhi. Toronto, Ont., June 22. Corona tion day is being generally observed throughout the province as a holiday. In Toronto practically all places of business are closed, including the afternoon newspaper offices. At 0:30 the day's program began with games selection of the site for the Panama-j and drills by the children. The Tor- Pacific exposition In 1915, which long has been delayed, was expected this afternoon to be announced be fore night. The directors of the ex position have been in session all day and it Is reported that their deliber ations will continue until a decision is reached. Four sites are under consideration: Golden Gate park, Lake Merced, Har bor View and Harbor View extension. No announcement has been made to Indicate which site will be the final choice. o MISS MARTHl SHERIDAX GRADUATES FROM ST. TIXCEM b ulletkn Information for buyers and sellers and people who are interested in choice investments. One of choicest places in Oregon, 22 acres of mature orchard, and Improvements has all modern rnn veniences, worlds of fruit-the original home place of the Salem fruit farms only 9000-and ont a mile Two lots i 89 by 116 and seven room house, will sell for ?1450, $1000 cash, time on balance This nrnn erty is on State street, and there is room for additional buildings balance. This prop- from the city limits. Two choice building lots on north Broadway, 60 by 231, Bt.aps at $400 each Eight room house and three lots, 135, all in fruit, on carllne in Englewood $3000 The Hayden estate of 2500 acres, all kinds of land at all kinds of prices. Three lots 45' by 150, worth a thousand dollars If they are worth a cent, and a new eight room house with offerg0d 8lx"room house' and lot 55 by 100 wlth chlcken Park ani garden, at a low price. Make him an 8treetseri$l5500Om Cttage' almSt 'banl' gd 8l,ed lot' YeW Park between Twelfth and Fourteenth One of finest fruit farms on Jefferson road, three-fourths of mile from forks of Liberty road $1800 tm SSSSft t8.?ioe 8so!xd ZVoolTOnt wlu be 80ld for l3000' and ve acre3 'iMSct'tf Xfi Good lot and new house in Bishops addition for $2400. Twfl tmnA Into TT,kYTir arA 9 fi Vi nti-ntr, j t n t r i m finish, woodshed and henhouse. A complete home with good garden construction, hard We have one of the best five-acre tracts on the market, only 10 minutes' walk from streetcar line with good house, barn, chicken house and yard, grove, and about 2V4 acres in orchard, owner will build on five acres adjoining and furnish water supply from windmill for both places. In full crop of fruits of all kinds and garden. Finest view of city and mountains, sheltered from south winds in winter, an Ideal little home ranch for $2600. Compare this with anything that Is offered and A and see the place and you will be de lighted. Fine family home farm of 21 acres two and a half miles from city, half mile to macadamized road, 8 room house, full grown apple and pear orchard, nine acres in fruit, new windmill, barn, livestock, farm machinery team, four Jersey cows, with place, in full crop, $9,000. Fine young orchard place with $1800 improvements, 3 acres prunes bearing, 20 acres planted to fruit threefourths mile beyond forks of Jefferson and Liberty road, $8000. ' Stock and fruit ranch on Santiam river, 240 acres, 40 acres slashed, 10 acres in crops, 20 acres under wire fence, one acre eight year old orchard, one acres potatoes, one acre garden 18 head of cattle, team wagon harness, farm tools and crops, furniture worth $300, bungalow with five rooms, fire-place, three barns cold spring that can be piped to house, six million feet of yellow fir piling and tie timber, $6000. Terms half cash First-class corner building lot on Commercial street in finest residence part of city, $1500 Two lots on Rural avenue Just off Commercial street, $300 each. Have $400 to loan on real estate mortgage. Eight-room house, fine lot 79x1,60, on carllne, in best residence part of city, fruit trees and fruit modern lm.' provements, $5000. Best 20-acre prune orchard, In full bearing, one-half mile from Rosedale, $6000 Brush farm, fine fruit land, in Liberty district, 22 acres, 2 acres cleared, good house, $2200 Finest improved fruit farm and residence on Garden Road for sale on easy terms; $10 000. ' Half-acre tracts on South Commercial Street, close in, on easy terms; $600. Three first-class 50-acre tracts on fine road, near church and school, per acre $100 Five-year-old prune orchard, half-mile beyond end of carllne, sold in lots of' two acres or upward to suit purchnser, all but first two acres, $500 per acre. p Half block, Twentieth and Trade streets, corner lot with house, $1200; three lots $800 to $1000 Best five acres with orchard, house and barn, little timber, ideal little home lot, with $1500 improvements close to cltj $wu00i ' Four choice building lots, two facing Liberty and two on High streets, $S00. Spot cash. All good, new build ings on the block. Lots large, 75x141, and all sewer assessments paid. Five acres, close in, part set to fruit and planted to grain; has six-room house nearly finished- $00 Seven lota, a six-room house and new barn, other improvements, value $3000, to trade for acreage" two' or three miles out. North Fifteenth and Nebraska streets. Rents for $15 a month Quarter section of timber land in Jackson county, near Woodville, 3,000,000 feet Price $3000 New seven-room house and lot 50x120, fine location, near Huffman store, North Salem; for a short time 9 1 8 0 0. Fifty acres with large house between .city and state institution to trade for city property or more land $200 per acre. muu. For sale or trade for improved valley land. 40 acres good timber, three miles east of Marshfield Land fine for fruit or vegetables; orchards adjoining. '"eia. L.ana Fine new house on Capitol street, large rooms, all have closets, two toilets and bath roony Built by owner of extra good material. Cannot be duplicated for the price, $5000. Six-room house on Seventeenth near D street. Fruit trees and good improvement $"100 JoVlltZ ToT "d traCt cta '150 For sale or rent, neat six-room cottage with large lot In Yew Park Price $1500 brsis Sft,em-Good gardens and crop f p f- JZ?TtZBZ Elghteenth strect' $2000 A,8om5 c,,y proper,y-h0U8e and Iot' EiKht-room house, large lot, abundance of fruit, on South Liberty; water and sewer assessments paid Five and three-fourths acres at first station on Oregon Kloctrlc north of city; $2500 net line building lot on Center street,45x75, close in residence district; a bargain Fine building lot on Chemeketa street, in choicest residence section $2000 New House in Pleasant Home addition, $2000; will take land in part pay E. HOFER & SONS, Salem, Ore. Phone Main 82 91 Q :j Ci One of the largest classes ever graduated from St. Vincent's Hospi tal Training School at Portland was given diplomas at the institution last night. Not only was it a record- breaking class in numbers, but it also set a new record In the high standing of the individual members, the aver age being the highest of any class ever graduated from the school. Miss Martha Sheridan, of Salem was a member of the class, standing near the top in her markings, and besides she had the honor and distinction of being selected as valedictorian, an honor won by hard work, and fitting as a recognition of her intelligence and worth. Salem is always proud of her young folks, but especially so when they in friendly rivalry with their classmates bring home the wreath of victory. The Editor Horrowed from Ilines. onto Infantry brigade, reinforced by public school cadets, marched to Queen's Park, where a military re. view and trooping of colors, ending with a royal salute and witmssed by thousands. Free band concerts In all the parks will be given this af ternoon, while In the evening a mll itaary tattoo of 11 bands and fire works display will be held In River daie park. The stores and private residences are lavishly decorated and flags are flying everywhere. British Columbia Celebrates. Vancouver, B. C, June 22. Unanimous to the uttermost degree was the celebration In honor of King George's coronation herp today. Mil itary men and labor unionists vied with each other as to which would make the better showing In the cor onation parade, which embraced ev ery class in the city, and which in cluded in its two-mile length 17.000 men, women and boys. The ladies' societies took part the same as the men's and several ladies acted as banner supporters. After parade a large concourse gathered at Recrea tion park, where a ceremonial ser vice was held under the direction of Mayor Taylor, the leading church dignitaries and representatives of the Dominion ami provincial legislatures. The first note of the day was sounded from the throat of a cannon fired by a detachment of the bov scouts on the second that the "crow Is placed" bulletin was flashed from London. The boys were supervised by a C.f tach rnviTRi. rnrss WI , " 1,1 ule Vancouver veterans- as- Washington. June 22. Despite ex- jsoclation, who followed up the first pnrii denials that, any funds had' been paid into h's paper,' the Chicago Inter-Ocean, to further the election of William Lorimer, George W. Hin- man, its editor, admitted today be fore the Lorimer Investigation com mittee that he,' personally, had bor rowed money of Edward Hinies', Lori- men's friend, since the expose came. Hinman first declined to answer whether he had borrowed from Hines, but, instructed that he must answer, he later said. "I answer under protest, that I bor rowed $4000 from Hines on, a note for three or four months, eight or ten weeks ago.'' In his testimony Hinman declared that he was "absolutely convinced" there had been no corruption in Lor imers election. He thought the money paid was merely a "Jackpot,'' and declared: "I believe there has been a jackpot, in every important piece of legislation passed since I came to Chicago, 12 years ago." Hinman declared he knew only gossip, but no facts in the Lorimer case. He discussed editorials refer ring to alleged bribery, but declared he had no one in particular in mind. He declared the liquor Interests, which were represented by Levy May er, the atttorney for the Chicago Tri bune, and the International Harvest er company, opposed Lorimer. He thought that Clarence S. Funk, man ager of ie latter company, was a political frienrl of Governor Deneen. Hinman concluded his testimony by asserting that he had not heard of any one directly or indirectly con tributing money or anything what ever of value to secure Lorlmer's election. wiiu a. ruyai saiute. i ne C!ty tnis morning is a riot of gorgeous bunt ing from one end to the other, resi dential as well as business districts. "It cured me," or "It saved the life of my child," are the expres sions you hear every day about Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is true the vorM over where this valuable ror.i 'dy has been introduced. No other medicine in use for diarrhoea or bowel complaints has received such general approval. The secret of the success of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedv is that it cures. Sold by all dealers Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A We know of no other medicine which has been so suc cessful in relieving the suffering of women, or secured so many genuine testimonials, as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. In almost every community you will find women who " have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. Almost every woman you meet has either been benefited by it, or knows some one who has. In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., are files con taining over one million one hundred thousand letters from women seeking health, in which many openly state over their owr signatures thr.t they have regained their health by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has saved many women from surgical operations. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is made ex clusively from roots and herbs, and is perfectly harmless. The reason why it is so successful is because it contains ingredients which act directly upon the female organism, restoring it to healthy and normal activity. Thousands of unsolicited and genuine testimonials such as the following prove the efficiency of this simple remedy. Cf lonja, TTisootir.i::. " For tliree years I was troubled Nvit!i fonuilo weakness, irregularities, ii.ieKaciio una iKMimitrutnrii p.iins. 1 saw an ad vert iscDi.'iit of I.ydiii 1-3. Pinkliuin's Vegetable Compound and decided to try it. After taking fevei-iil bottles I found it was lielpiiifr me, and I must say that I niu perfeetly well now anil can not tfiank you enough for what Lydia K. l'ink ham's Vegetable Compound lias done for iiie." Mrs. .John Wentland, II. F. !., Ko. 3, Iiox (JO, Coloiua, Wisconsin. Women who nrr cnfTprinor frnm tli tressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound to restore their health. P5? MM --- H Make Want Advertising j Your Banker j Journal want ads bring quick results 'wwi.w.iingfflag "The Reasons for Our Doine i - the Largest Furniture Business in Salem" ARE GEOHGE T. TRIES OX CROWX. (Continued from pnp?e 1.) Never in the history of London's pageants has such strict repression been shown. Kitchener's edicts were almost Russian, and public opinion generally blames him for making the historic event approach a fiasco, at least Insofar as Its aspect as a popou- lar show was concerned. London has often seen larger crowds, and the lack of enthusiasm along the route is generally credited less to any cool, ntesss of the populace toward their monarch than to fear of mistreat ment by the troops In carrying out Kitchener's orders. Today's crowd along the line of the pageant, fell far short of expectations but a great effort will be made to re lieve this part'al failure in tomor row's royal progress, when their maj esties, in all the panoply of state Swat That Fly Use Conkey's fly Knocker and kill the flies. Sold under a guarantee to do the work or your money back. All size cans. D. A. White & Sons Peedmen and Seedmen Poultry and Bee Supplies SALEM, - OREGON The largest stock to select from The best values for the money you spend The price you pay for goods is much less at this store than any other store in the city. The stock is fresh, carefully hmgui and always up to the minute in style. The same courteous treatment whether you wish a large or small account. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. I mpenal Fun liture Co 1 77 N. Liberty St. Salem, Ore.