Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 08, 1911, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Remnant Day
All Remnants Today only
It will pay you to look them over.
Meyers' Original
June White Sale
The Sale that is attracting great
attention from prudent and econom
ical buyers.
The popularity of our
Hart, Schaffner &
Marx, Clothes is due
to four things, name
ly, quality, fit, style
and the very reason
able prices. You'll
make no mistake in
outfitting yourself at
this store, We've a
lot of good things to
show you if you will
but let us, Now is
the time to purchase
a suit,
" 1 1 Pay To.r Water Bill.- iBo.d I. Good Snap- . ' ' ' -' ! r n
Before the 10th and save 10 per A party arriving from Tillamook , , ZJtafc--A-wA ZT, Trt , fl "fcSBi'ilSi It'W.T T
cent 6-7-3t yesterday. Bay. the road Is now In .. kWJ ffosx SV WJ Jffo yJKi'Mi '
good shape for auto travel. He came Wl5Al J JJ&4J lrZU):iQmm .
r Q1 to Willamina by stage and from their :; vOStfli I fi I J A IS I Si ' 4ti Y&IPStV
For Sale h ,, ivoatowy O I I VI Jkf x .tf I ft IJL&AjzXl
Strawberry crates and hillocks. bJ auta IWMWW Xi LfO A Sk J. A 2 "
Salem Fruit Union. 5-30-tf .... .77 " hKZgCrlsA A tS jr -y tetfVV I Y S, ,iS . VV. IVT fax!)ti
Hotel Marion Grill " iS$tt1$Jy V S l Jn m W Inrr r ',
A Full Bearing " Pen eerT niht unt 12 ' 'nrfr T ' W ' ffl WV ft fhMAi ;
I Ip"e orTrfne orchard la 5 or 10- o'clock. Table d" hot luncheon 12 fefojjp- UH-.A-ff T"
acre tracts, on easy terms. Derby & to 2 p. m. dall, 50c. Tujh'
Wlllson 6-812t T,iuThiir.aalt-f " CiT'
I -
Pay Yoor Water Bills
Before the 10th ' and save 10 per
cent. 6-7-3t
St Louis to Be Sold .
Lots In St. Louis, on the Oregon
Electric, will be sold at autction to
the highest bidder June 14.
See Klntrwood Today
If you want to see how fast King-
wood Park is growing, go over and
see for yourself. Phone Main 452
and an auto will call for you.
Ten Per Cent-
Saved by paying yJtir water bills
on or before the 10th. 6-7-3t
To Owners of Edison Plionographs
Give us the name of a friend who
will buy an Edison Phonograph and
get $3.00 worth of records free from
Hillman & Peters, 249 North Com
mercial street. 6-8-tf
Cussinn' Bond $300 j
Will Caseins, who was arrested
yesterday on the charge of adultery,
was bound over by Judge Webster
yesterday, and must face the coming
grand jury. The Judge fixed his bond
at $500, but he was unable to give
it and was incarcerated in the coun
ty Jail.
Spelled It Wrong
Owing to the fact that the word
"chauffeur" on the new badges being
issued by the secretary ot state was
misspelled, the Pacific Coast Stamp
Works, that is furnishing them, has
called all the old ones in, and is
furnishing new ones free. The first
letter "u" was left out.
Several good second hand buggies
at great bargains at Sam Manning's
Implement house, foot of State
t All who are desirous of saving money should visit our X
t JUNE CLEARING SALE and investigate our offerings.
I Everv white article in our store except contract goods at f
X greatly reduced prices. Special reduced prices on our
T r rt ... C. 1 iL. C . TI.lL CI I
entire lines ot uom amis, juui uuciis, iium awns,
:: House Dresses, Infants Wear, Graduation Dresses, Lin
: gerie Dresses, Parasols, Knit Underwear, Muslin Under
; wear, Shirt Waists, Neckwear, White Hosiery, Lace Cur-
tains, Trunks and Bedding.
Copyriibf Hilt SchtAur ft Mi
Remember the 1-2 price sale of Ladies'
Lingerie Dresses and Waists. All well made
of the best material. Special prices on
Infants wear and bonnets.
Everything'in white at June Sale Prices and
dozens of other bargains throughout the
Store. Benefit yourself by purchasing during
this event. It will mean a great saving to you
Shop mornings if possible.
Born to Die
Saturday at noon there were born
to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hurst, at
their home, 727 Union street, twins.
They came but to be gathered back
into the arms of Him who said "Suf
fer little children to come unto me,
and forbid them not, for of such is
the kingdom of heaven.'' One died
4-27-tf . Sunday evening and was buried Wed-
nesday. and the other died at 3:30
Ten Per Cent thla morning. Funeral notice later.
Saved by paying your water bills ,
on or before the 10th. 6-7-3t Go Contract
i D. D. Barron, of the Owl Con-
T imMi b,i Mnsir struction company. Is smiling today,
ArlJangemenuTave been made to 4JBt ause ha had bn notifled
serve lunch and music on the day of at his .company j bid for building
the auction sale at fat. Louis, June 14 that. cTrPwAh!trSrtfh
creek ditch on Liberty street, for the
" Salem Flouring Mills Co. had been
$.0 Will Get It ... . accepted. As the competition was
. For a payment of $250 down and sharPi he feels eIated over nlg suC.
$12 a month you can secure a fine cesa and saya aU n9 wants ls an, op.
home on Hood street close to Capitol portunlty to show just how good
street. Two large lots. Bechtel & work nia company can do.
Bynon, 347 State street.
a, . x Fif,y More Bequlml
Get the Discount state Superintendent of Public In-
' For watering your lawns. All ir- struction Alderman today received
rigatlon bills paid on or before the a communication from the Oregon-
10th day of' June will be discounted '''iTinvTIn
. , . . . ing him that the company would not
10 per cent. Salem Water and Pow- be abie to mnie reduced rates to
er company. 6-6-4t county school superintendents who
will visit the city this month for the
Ten Te r Cent : purpose of assisting in grading the
Saved by paying your water bills state teachers' examination unless 50
on or before the 10th. '6-7-3t or more passengers were guaranteed.
. Mr. Alderman took the subject up
Its "Colonel' Smith I with the railroaJ company several
Charles T. Smith, captain in the davs aS
Third infantry, has been appointed . ., , .
th HtflfP of th commnnrtAr-in-rhlef Upon the request of the Southern
a nno m,i n,..a .Pacific Railroad company and the Fa
'ciflc Railway company, the State
iTallrnoA C.rm mlcclnn VPRtorHav fin-
Save 10 Per Cent- 'portioned the rate to be charged by
By paying your water bills on or the tw0 for the shipping of freight
ueiuic uie ium 01 mo muuui. d-i-oi from Timber to Portland. The com
, , , .. . , I mission some time ago made an order
Working on the Bridge 1 reduc'ng the rate from nine to seven
Yesterday and today Foreman centa an(l the apportion menit, as
Pugh and a gang of men were en- made bv the commission, gives the
gaged in setting poles along the north Paclfic RaiIway company four cent3
side of the big bridge over the Wil- for jt9 haul from Tlmber to Hills,
lamette. for the purpose of carrying boro mA the Southern Pacific three
the transmission lines to Klngwood cents for its haul of the freight from
Hillsboro to Portland.
liricoftroit a TEnT) D
Extra Specials
House Dresses
Ladies' house dresses, made of lawn, per
cale and ginghams, high neck, Dutch neck
elbow or long sleeves, medium shades.
Regular prices, $1,69, $200, $2,48,
Special, $1.27.
Ladies' and Misses
Street and house dresses, made of lawns,
'.';ste, chambrays and ginghams, Reg-'
u'ar prices, $4,50 to $6,75, Special $3.37
Ladies' Waists
Lingerie waisfs, lace and embroidery mod
ftls, high neck, Dutch neck, elbow, ki
mona and long sleeves, Regular price,
S2.00, $2,25, $2,50, Special $1.69.
Ladies' Neckwear Specials
Dutch collars, stock collars, coat stocks,
lace collars and novelty neckwear, Regular
prices 50 and 65c; Special 37c.
Braided shopping bags and parcel hold
ers, Regular 25c, Special 17c.
Unbleached Bath Towels
Good heavy weight, size 20x38, Regular
price 12 1-2c, Special 3 for 25c.
Children's Wash Dresses
Made cf
Fine chambrays, ginghams and percales;
ages 6 to 1 4 years, Regular prices $1 ,35
to $2.00, Special 97c.
Ladies' and misses' novelty parasols, in
plain white and two-tone styles.
Reg prices $2,00, $2,25. Special $1.69
Reg prices $3.00, $3,25, Special $2.29
Reg prices $3,50, $3,75 Special $2.79
Children's fast black ribbed cotton hose,
reinforced heels, toes and knees. Regu
lar price 12 1-2, Special 9c pair.
Ladies' Swiss ribbed and elastic ribbed
knitted vests, low neck, no sleeves, Reg
ular prices 12 1-2 and 15c, Special 19c.
Boys' porous knit shirts and drawers,
sizes 24 to 34, Regular 35c, Special 21c
Lace Curtains
White or ecru Nottingham lace curtains, 3 t
yaras long, p'ain center with border and t
allover designs, Regular prices, $1,50, t
$1,65,, $1,75 Special 98c. X
Save 10 Per Cent
By paying your water bills on or
before the 10th of the month. 6-7-3t
It Is Not Bleached
Save 10 Ter Cent
By paying your 7ater bills on or
before the 10th of the month. 6-7-3t
I'uy lonr Water Dills
Before the 10th and save 10 per
cent. 6-7-3t
Don't Forget
The homestead for Sale by Derby
& Willson. This will make a good
farm. 6-8-2t
i RiclhiiTOiradl J
The best home or investment tract
yet offered. Why? Because it has
advantages of car line, cement side
i walks, and sewer lien paid for by
present owner. Then, too, the prices
I are right and terms are easy. See I
They will be pleased to show you
the tract with their car.
Call up Phone 16
To Investigate Crossing
The state railroad commission has
set June 30, as the time for the in
vestigation of the crossing of the
tp.nl nf tha Qnnthorn Pflpiflr T?flil-
For the best bread use Olympic road company and that of the Port
flour. . tu-th-sat land, Eugene & Eastern in Eugene.
The investigation will be held in that
25 Ter Cent More Bread city, and in the event that the com-
Guaranteed from Olympic than T L 1 anegT!oeMtm
from any Valley flour. tu-th-sat orAer Rafety gar(lg installed.
;( iititttnttHntt'
PaJ -".niiiiiwiuwii 1
- 4.
Cook with Gas I
The present cheapness of
gas makes it more popu
lar than ever as a fuel
Cooking on hot summer
days has always been the
dread of every housewife.
With a gas range summer
cooking becomes a pleas
ure instead of a dreaded
task, You will never
know the great convenience of gas until you have tried
it, Let us install gas in your home free, We have the
New Process and New Idea gas ranges," Also hot plates
to fit on any make of wood range, so as to make a con- X
venient gas and wood stove combined,
Buy now and have the gas put
in ready for the hot weather
Quality Merchandise
U. G.
Popular Prices J
Shipley Company
145-147 North Liberty Street
idence of the bride's parents, 197
South Fifteenth street, Wednes
day, June 7, 1911, Nino O. Lynch
to Arney B. Browning, the Rev. W.
T. Tapsco officiating.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms,
piano included, close in. 265 N.
Commercial, Room 5. 6-8-6t
Kenllworth Hotel, in Salem, June
8, 1911, a double -wedding cere
mony was performed by Rev. P. S.
Knight. Mr. Bennie B. Sutton
and Miss Katie Ingram and Mr.
Walter Lafontain and Miss Vera
' Thompson were each united In
marriage, In the presence of a
number of friends and relatives.
One peculiarity of the service was
that one of the rings used has now
been used in a similar service eight
times by relatives of one of he par
. o
I J?0 JS I
Miss Irma Chatterton, of the Wil
lamette! sanitarium, ihas retturned
from a visit to several coast cities.
Arch White and family, of Like
side, California, are visiting Mr.
White's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ash
ley White.
Costs More to Buy
Costs less to use; Olympic flour.
j Berry Ha Hocks
'A complete stock ot hallocks
and crates. Have the latest
folding hallock. Prices right.
Plant Tubs
We have Just received a fln8
line ot Cedar Plant Tubs. They
are well made, have handles,
and are nicely painted.
2J5 North Commercial Street
Phone 160
Salem, Oregon
GREAT BARGAIN Six room house
In good condition, chicken nouse,
woodshed and fruit -trees, seven
teenth, near D street. For a short
time at $2100. E Hofer & Sons,
213 South Commercial -street, Sa
lem, Ore. 4-29-tf
FOR SALE Residence and large lot
with natural shade ' trees, corner
Mission and Twelfth streets, with
fine modern improvements and
mission finish. For a short time
only. E. Hofer & Sons, 213 South
Commercial street, Salem, Ore.
FOR RENT Four room furnished
cottage at $12 per month. Five
room cottage and barn at $11 per
month, at 1902 and 1904 North
Fifth street. E. Hofer & Sons, 213
South Commercial. 6-5-4t
TO TRADE Two good) houses and
. lots and five-acre tract with new
house, worth $600, to trade for
improved farm property. E. Hofer
& Sons, 213 South Commercial
street. 6-5-tf
Talmadge Printing Co
Hoom 4, Patton Blink
Society and Commercial
Printing executed
Give an lowa'printer a call.
Norwich Union
Fire Insurnace Society.
nurghardt it Meredith, Resident Agti
Cottage Undertaking Parlors.
Modern In every detail. Lady assist
ant. Corner Cottage and Chemekett.
Phone 724.
Oyer Ladd and Bush Bank. Salem, Or
for a dairy barn to be erected at
the State Institution for the Fee
bleminded will be received lay W.
C. Knlghtdh, architect, at the state
house until 2 p. m Monday, June
12, 1911. 6-6-3t
FOR SALE 7-room house, 2 lots,
all set in" best ot bearing fruits,
good well water, good outhouses.
See owner at place, 1690 Trade
Btreet. 6-8-tf
your own home. See Homer H.
Smith, McCornack building. Phone
96. " 6-8-tf
FOR SALE Twenty acres, two miles
east of Marion, new four-roomed
house, good-sized barn, eight acres
in vetch and oats, one acre in Lo
ganberries, balance In timber,
within one mile of the Irrigation
ditch; 30 acres of wheat and oats
on rented ground, for $2600. In
quire of C. H. Dencer, Turner, Or
egon. 6-8-6t
Baby Wed Today.
CNiTiD rmmu leased wise 1
Sacramento, Cal., June 8. Robert
Sanchez, 17 month sold, sprinkled
with coal oil and then set fire by
his brother, Louts, 4, died today.
Corner State & liberty Sts.,
, Salem, Oregon.
Boom 1, Gray Blk. Phone 80.
Nmr Oakland, California
The only Woman's College on th sPaci.fi Co
Chartered 1885. Near two great Umvemtiefc
Ideal climate throughout the year.. tn
and graduation requirements eouiva kit w
those of Stanford and University f talifofn j.
Laboratories for science witn mouju.
ment. Excellent opportunities, for nm
economics, library study,, music and
Modern gymnasium. Special care for n M""
of students, out-door life. President, Lu."J
Clay Carson, A. M., Litt. D... LL- D; g
catalogue address Secretary, Mills College i.
i antornia.
' Supplies
See Me Before You Do Anything
Phone 008
214-1 X. Cora St. a".