Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 06, 1911, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Meyers' Original
June White Sale
Is attracting a great number of
economical shoppers
White Waist Special
By an exceptionally good purchase we are offering this
lot of waists during our White Sale, special at ' ;
98c each
The assortment includes cross-bar Dimities, Lawn and
APover. Embroidery Waists,, trimmed with .insertion and .
lace, ' Included in the lot -are Bulgarian embroidered'
' laWnf waists in several designs and colorings the very
laiest.: All have low neck and peasant sleeves. You' If
wc ider how they are made-at such a low price,
;,v Special 98c each
Domestic Department Specials
, Hne Egyptian Tissue for dresses; 27 inches wide, A
' ''e assortment of new patterns, 35c values 0"?r
fecial at, yard . CJL
rsress Ginghams A large variety of good pattorns, 27
Inches wide, 10,c values, f?ir
special at, yard
Cross-Bar Linen 32 inches wide, Colors light blue,
. pink, lavender. Splendid for waists and "3 Or
dresses, Regular 75c values, special, yard ...
I luck Towels size 17x32, Over 70 j?i.r cent linen,
A vary unusual value 1 1 r
Extra special, each .' '
Crepe, Stripe Voile and Poplin 27 inches wide, Light
blue, pink or tan, Values to 50c, Qr
Special White Sale price, yard 1
JfiriGtmPOftATrn Tt
For Sale
Strawberry crates and
Salem Fruit Union. . . ., .,
.. 6-30-tf
Dont Forget
: That you can pick up a lot at St.
Louis on the 14th at your own price.
Save that date for the auction sale of
4loa' barber sic;
G('on' cigar store
Of moo's baths open all ditv Sundav
June Records
Are now in and you will have to
hurry to get your choice. Phono
graph on free trial. Come In and ask
HUIman & Peters about It, 247 North
Commercial street. eod'-tf
We llavo a Homestead
That will make a good home. Der
by ft WUlson.
A Bare Sight
The beautiful wild flowers on the
slopes back of Kingwood Park pre
sent a most attractive appearance
and have been enjoyed by. hundreds
during the past week.
Date Set-
The date has been set by the own
ers of St. Louis on which the auction
sale of lots will take place. Wednes
day, June 14, Is the day. All lots
will be sold.
Five and Ten-Acre
Orchard tracts in full bearing, on
easy terms; well located. Derby &
Auction on the 14th
The townslte of St. Louis, on the
Oregon Electric, will be sold 'out on
the 14th of June. Every lot will be
auctioned off on that day. Easy pay
ments ,wlll be arranged to suit buy
ers. Battleship Will Come
Governor West was today advised
that the British battleship Sherwa
ter, under command of Commander
Vivian will visit Astoria during the
Centennial celebration, and partici
pate in the celebration.
Fruit Canning Season Is
Now On
Now is the time for Gooseberries, We have a very fancy
lot in just now, better order today, per gallon 30c
Strawberries For The Table
.Extra fancy Gold Dollars fresh in today, per box ..15c
Extra fancy fresh tomatoes, per pound 20c
Remember that we are in the Fruit Jar business this
season,, We are handling the Royal Economy, Schram
and the improved Mason; with wide mouth, We are in
a position to please everyone that wants Fruit Jars, No
matter what you want, Mason Jars, Caps or Rubbers,
Economy Fittings,
Eor These Warm Days
Try our Boiled Ham, Chipped Beef, Beech Nut Beef, Pea
nut Butter, Vienna Sausage in glass. Frankfurters,
French Boneless Sardines, Nothing more pleasing-than
our Cream Eastern Cheese, Pickled rigs Feet, Lambs
Tongue, Our list of hot weather eatables is so ex
tensive that space does not permit us to mention all of
it, We sell separator butter, made by nice clean people
at 25c per pound,
Every ounce guaranteed. Good cooking butter 20c tb,
410-416 State Street
Phone 1885-1886
I It Is ot Bleached
I For the best bread use Olympic
: flour. tu-th-sat
Fashionable Dressmaking
i Parlors have been opened by Sadie
! Flester at rooms 11-12, McCornack
; building. 6-5-at
See for Yourself
! If you are Interested In getting
' the best there is In a home site, see
Kingwood Park for yourself. You
can do this by phoning Main 452 and
an auto will call for you:
Hotel Marlon Grill
Will be open every night until 12
o'clock. Table d' hote luncheon 12
;.to 2 p. m. dail, 50c
62 Years In Polk Couny ' i
John Holmes, who has lived for
over 60 years In this section, has
bought and will build In Kingwood..
The foundation of the dwelling has
been laid and the superstructure wilf
go up at once: Many fine hoih'es afe
springing up In that popular' district
The Box Office-
Is open today for the sale of seats
for "Summer Boarders."
Why Wait ' !'
For an orchard to grow, when you
can get one In full bearing on easy
terms? Derby & Willson.
Intensely Interesting
Those who have followed the lm
provement work at Kingwood Park
have been greatly interested at the
many changes effected as the work
progresses. Still greater changes
will be made during the next few
Several good second hand buggies
at great bargains at Sam Manning's
Implement house, foot of State
street 4-27-tf
Recovered From Operation
Miss A. E. Rohrbeck, formerly as
sistant superintendent of the Willam
ette sanitarium, who was operated on
a week ago Monday at the Salem hos
pital, was taken to her home last
Sunday, and is now able to be on the
Has First Sweet Peas
Herbert Mortimer, one of the re
cent purchasers at Hollywood, claims
the honor of the first out-of-doors
sweet peas of the season. Several
exquisite blossoms appeared for
Memorial day and have been fol
lowed by many others.
Summer School of nvt
Mrs. Marie Craig LeGall, of the
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
and the Philadelphia School of De
sign, awarded a gold medal, will
open a school of art June 7. All
branches taught. Orders for pic
tures, $2.50 up. Studio 1132 Cen
ter street. Phone 1164. 6-5-3t
Hindsight and Foresight
The difference between foresight
and hindsight Is that in one case the
possessor takes advantage of present
opportunities and in the other is cov
ered by the words: "Of all sad words
of tongue or pen, the saddest are
these, 'it might have been.'" Be a
foresighter and foresee the possibili
ties awaiting you at Kingwood Park.
Sues on Note
F. E. Wray has commenced a suit
in the circuit court against Otto C.
Bluffe and wife. The purpose of the
action Is to enforce collection on a
note for the sum of $196.10.
Wild Flowers Galore
, Scores of persons were over to
Kingwood Sunday, enjoying the
sights and gathering the beautiful
wild flowers on the gentle slopes of
that attractive addition.
Bunk Brings Action
The United States National bank
today brought suit in the circuit
court against O. W. Huffman and Ed.
C. Herren. The basis of a suit Is a
note for the sura of $3 100.
Fnneral Notice
The body of Mrs. Cornelia Lady
Fullerton arrived from Corvallis on
the 3 o'clock train this afternoon.
The funeral services were held at the
grave Immediately following the ar
rival of the body. Interment was
made in Odd Fellows' cemetery and
Dr. R. N. Avison of the Methodist
church, conducted the services.
Mrs. Fullerton was the wife of C.
P. Fullerton and was a former resi
dent of Salem.
Addition de Luxe
The modern "methods employed by
the Capitol Trust company, owners
of Kingwood Park, in developing that
picturesque addition have been the
cause of Interesting over 200 of the
leading families of Salem and sur
rounding towns to invest there and
many will build their permanent
homes in Kingwood. A number of
attractive houses are already well
under way and many more are
planned and will be erected In the
near future.
Tonight at the Grand. If you are
there you surely will because "Sum
mer Boarders" Is one of the funniest
comedies ever written.
"Summer Boarders"
Tonight at the Grand. Don't fail
to be there. It will do you good.
25 Per Cent More Bread
Guaranteed from Olympic than
from any Valley flour. tu-th-sat
Costs More to Buy
Costs less to use; Olympic flour.
Get the Discount
For watering your lawns. All Ir
rigation bills paid on or before the
10th day of June will be discounted
10 per cent. Salem Water and Pow
er company. 6-6-4t
The Seut Sale
'For "Summer Boarders" Is on to
day. ., Secure yours early, as there is
going to, Be a'"big' house.
No Concert '
There will be no band concert Sun-
ija afternoon at Marlon square.
Has a Sprained Ankle '
;.S-L.' Morgati, manager for Ye' Lib'
e"Hy T heater, today while descending
the stairs leading from the balcony
of Jhe theater, had the misfortune to
sjlpand sprain his ankle, and as a
result will be confined to his home
for a few days.
The Food That You Eat
Is the first step toward perfect
health- and Increasing vitality pro
vided It is absolutely pure and whole
some. Quality and prices count here.
J. W. Lawrence, Ferry and Commer
cial. Phone 311.
AH About a Horse
W. F. R. Smith, who formerly
owned a blacksmith shop on South
Commercial street, appeared before
Judge Daniel Webster In Justice
court this morning to answer to a
charge of larceny by bailee. D. B.
Ifvln, also of Salem, charges Smith
with having sold a horse, the alleged
property of Irvin, and asserts that
Smith appropriated the funds result
ing from the sale of the horse. Mr.
Smith claims that the horse was
given to him.
For Sale
Reserved seat for "Summer Board
ers," the comedy given by the stu
dents of the college of oratory. In
quire at the box office of the Grand
The Regular Monthly Meeting
Of the Cherry City Improvement
league will be (held at the Board of
Trade rooms at 8 o'clock this evening.
The Day Will Come-
Within a very short time the man
or woman who owns property in
Kingwood Park will be considered
fortunate, as this addition is bound
to be the swell residence section of
Salem. The time to buy is now. You
can investigate without cost to your
self by merely calling Main 452 and
an auto will call for you and take
you to see Kingwood Park for your
Judge Elgin Ties Knot
Municipal Judge Charles Elgin yes
terday performed the ceremony
which united in marriage Wllla Cam
illa Vinson, of Salem, and Eric C.
Munk of San Francisco. The Judge
is. an expert In this line, only he
omitted kissing the bride.
Hold Banquet
. The banquet of the alumni and
senior class of the college of theol
ogy of the Willamette university,
was held last evening at the Hotel
Marlon. In all 22 persons sat down
to the banquet table, and addresses
were listened' to from Dr. Kimball,
Dr. Hammond, Professor Sherwood,
and Dr. Homan, president of the In
stitution. After , the banquet the
alumni association elected the fol
lowing officers: D. L. Fields, presi
dent; W. T. Beatty, secretary and
treasurer; and C. L. Cressy, vice
president. " '
i o.a-w'A Trf- xv-r-xr iSr; on, or raw oVvo-
i -uH-A-ny .wu 4, w uhu.
X iwfflp-
Our June Sale in Full Force
Wc invite you to inspect our offerings and give our prices
me closest scrutiny, we are new in your community with
a complete stock of new merchandise, and we ask you to
see the lines we carry, criticise our regular prices and our
special offerings and if you find we are wrohg even 'afier
you yave made you purchases, your money wilf be cheer-:
fully refunded. ; ;
Our Entire Line of Cloth Suits Reduced. .
f T W . mm . K m . ' V '
wur enure juine or uoin oats Keduced.
Our Entire Line of House Dressss Reduced. V
Our Entire Line of Lingerie Dresses Reduced.
Our Entire Line of Infants Wear Reduced.
Our Entire Line of Graduation Rresses Reduced.
Our Entire Line of Lace Curtains Reduced.
Oar Entire Line of Trunks Reduced.
Our Entire Line of Bedding Reduced.
Extra Specials
r, i ;
Dainty Undermuslins
Manufacturers' samples of fine under
. muslins, made of soft finish batiste, cam
bric and muslins, Slip-over gowns, high
neck gowns, corset covers and drawer
combinations, muslin underskirts, corset
covers. Prices $1,85, $2,00, $2,25,
$2.50, Special $1.39
Ladies' Waists
, Fine tailored waists in embroidered linen,
plain linen and plain Madras, and dainty
lingerie waists; in all the new spring mod
els, Regular prices $3,98, $4,25, $4,50
Special $2.97
Children's Wash Dresses
Wash dresses made of ginghams, cham
brays, percales and novelty tub materials,
all sizes, 6 to 14 years , .
Regular prices $1 ,25, $1 ,50, Special 94c
Regular prices $1,75, $2, Special $1.31
Ladies' Novelty Neckwear
Dutch collars. Sailor collars, Cloak stocks,
As.cots and Novelty neckpieces,
Reguar prices, 65 and 75c, Special 47c.
; mSL U. G. Shipley Company K
145-147 North Liberty Street
FOR SALE Excellent new five room
bungalow in Yew Park, east front,
lot 50x100; $400 down balance $300
per year. See Homer H. Smith,
McCornack building. tf
FQR SALE 5 acres of first-class
fruit land all under cultivation;
close to good school; just ZVt
miles from Salem. Price $725;
$200 cash; balance easy terms.
Oregon Realty Co., 275 State street
FOR SALE 10 acres of first-class
land all under plow; Just 3 miles
south of Salem. Price $1600; $900
cash; balance easy terms. Oregon
Realty Co., 275 State street.
FOR SALE A few young dams, 14
months old, open pure' bred Berk
shire, a blue ribbon sire. H. A.
Clark, on B and 6th streets, Yew
Park, Salem, Or. 6-6-3t
GREAT BARGAIN Six room nous
in good condition, chicken' bouse,
woodshed and fruit trees, seven
teenth, near D street. For a short
time at $2100. E Hofer & Sons,
. 213 South Commercial street, Sa
lem, Ore. 4-29-tf
FOR SALE Residence and laree lot
with natural shade trees, corner
Mission and Twelfth streets, with
fine modern imnrnvemonta mil
mission finish. For a short time
only. E. Hofer & Sons, 213 South
Commercial street, Salem. Ore.
ChahberlalnB Cough Rmedy is
soia en a guarantee that if you are
not satisfied after using two-thirds
of, a bottle according to directions,
your money will be refunded. It is
up to you to try. Sold by all deal
ers. ' ' -o ; ., ,.
Mel Burdick is in Portland, both
on business and as a visitor to the
rose show.
Miss Stella FrlU returned from
Rtckreall yesterday.
Miss Ella McMunn has been con
fined to her room for the last two
weeks by llluess.
Mrs. W. R. Anderson, of Salem,
accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Ann
Waterman, of Spokane, left this
morning for Portland for several
days' visit,
Mr .and Mrs. F. Roy Davis and son,
Riley, of Aashland are visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Davis.
Miss Mabel Foland, . stenographer
for the Oregon Realty . company,
went to Portland today for a week's
visit with friends.
R. E. Baughman, proprietor of the
Capital hotel, accompanied by his
wife, went to Portland yesterday
morning to attend the Rose Festival.
They will return tomorrow night
FOR SALE 40 acres of fine land all
under cultivation; good family or
chard; good seven room house;
fine large barn and other outbuild
ings; crop and farm Implements
go with place. Price $6000; $3000
cash; balance to suit. Oregon
Realty Co.v, 275 8tate street, "
PUBLIC AUCTION Having sold my
farm, I will sell at public auction,
4 miles north of Salem on river
road, all my live stock, household
goods and farming implements on
Friday, June 9, at 10 a. m., sharp.
N. R. Dale, owner. 6-3-3t
FOR RENT Four room furnished
cottage at $12 per month. Five
room cottage and barn at $11 per
month, at 1902 and 1904 "North
Fifth street. E. Hofer & Sons, 213
South Commercial. 6-5-4t
TO TRADE Two goodi houses and
lota and five-acre tract with new
house, worth $600, to trade for
Improved farm property. E. Hofer
& Sons, 213 South Commercial
street. - 6-5-tf - -
FOR SALE 5 acres of fine land, new
5 room house, V acre strawber
ries; raspberries; some cherry
trees set out; just 3 miles south of
Salem on macadam road. Price,
$1500; $400 cash, balance $200 per
year at 6 per cent Interest. Ore
gon Realty Co., 275 State street.
for a dairy barn to be erected at
the State Institution for the Fee
bleminded will be received by W.
C. Knighton, architect, at the state
house until 2 p. m., Monday, June
12, 1911. 6-6-30-
Talmadge Printing Co
lioom 4, I'altou Mock
Society and Commercial
Printing executed
Give an lowajrinter a call.
Children Cry
Norwich Union
Fire Insurnace Society.
Burghardt & Meredith, Resident Agt
FOR SALE 20 acres of good land, 10
acres under cultivation; balance
fir timber, about 500 or 600 cords;
close to good school; Just 3
miles from Salem. Price $2800;
$400 cash, balance $480 per year at
6 per cent. Oregon Realty Co.,
275 State street. 6-6-3t
FOR SALE For $2000, a five-room
cottage across the street from high
school. Inquire of F. X. Albrlcjit
at T. M. Barr's. 6-6-lw
WANTED By sign painter (20 years'
experience), steady work. Address
W. J. Osborne, sign painter 316
State street, Schnectady, N. Y.
FOR SALE 71-acre dairy ranch; 60
acres under cultivation; rich
black loam soil; good seven room
house; good barn; fine spring;
fine family orchard; some timber
just 3 miles from Salem. Price,
$10,000; $5 000 cash, balance to
suit. Oregon Realty Co., 275 State
Btreet 6-6-3t
RANSOM At his home, 1491 Second
street Monday afternoon, June 5,
1911, James M. Ransom, age 83
The funeral was held from the un
dertaking parlors of Lehman and
Clough at 3 o'clock this afternoon.
The services were conducted by Rev.
Mr. Miller, under the auspices of
Sedgwick Post of the G. A. R. Mr.
Miller was a member of Co. I, Four
teenth Michigan, and a veteran of
the Civil war. The body was burled
in the Grand Army circle at City
View cemetery.
DOAN To Mr. and Mrs. William
Doan, 1884 North Commercial
street, Sunday, June 4, 1911, a son.
Jottage Undertaking Parlors.
Modern In every detail. Lady saslat
.jn:. Coruer Cottage and Chemeketa.
Phone 724.
Over Ladd and Bush Bank, Salem, Or
. Corner Uto A Liberty Sti,
Salem, Oregon.
Boom 1, Gray Blk. Phone 104.
lK.W Oaklud, California
Th only Woman 'i College on the Pacific Coast.
Chartered 1885. Near two great Universities.
Ideal climate throughout the year. Entrance
and graduation requirements equivalent to
those of Stanford and University of California.
uaooratones lor acience witn moaern ciu..-
economics, library atudy, musio and art.
Modern gymnasium. Special care for heal'1'
of atudenta, out-door lite. Preaident, Luelia
Clay Carson, A. M., Litt.. D.. LL. D. lot
catalogue address Secretary, Mills College 1.
O., California.
. Repaired
. Rollers
See Me Before Ton Do Anything
Phone 008 Main
214-lfl N. Cora St. Salem. Or.