DAILT CAPITAL JOUK5AL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 81, 1911 THE CLOWNS ARE GREAT FEATURE SEVEN ,h AWARDED Nut Cake Simply Delicious By Mrs. Janet McKenzie Hill, Edilor of the Boston Cooking School Magazine In giving this recipe, Mrs. Hill be lieves it to be one of the best all-around cake recipes it has been her good for tune to make. The simplicity and uni formly good results will appeal to every housewife FORTY LAW KEEPING INT0UCHW1TH HOME YEARS OF" MISERY DIPLOMAS TO NURSES STUDENTS EXAMINED PACK It) (JR. rxl I I I I I M 1 1l I I 1 fM SELLS-FLOTO CIRCUS EXCELS IX THE USE OF CLOWXS AD THEIIt SIDE SPLITTING WORK AS IT DOES IS ALL OTHER LIXES. Aa every season rolls around we generally find the proprietors of big tented attractions vlelng with each other In order to produce the most novel act, be It either what Is com monly known In circus parlance as thriller or pure comedy. There Is something lrrestlbly funny In the laughable act Introduced by the Sells-Floto- people this year. It Is that of a real battle with the flames by the Associate Clowns of that organization. A regular fire engine Is used of the most approved make and tt may add Interest to know that it Is drawn by perhaps what are considered the most celebrated team of fire horses on the continent, being those who journeyed to London a few years ago and wrest ed the honors from all competitors at the series of fire drills given there. A building Is discovered on fire In the center of the main tent. The regular alarm is given and the fire engine rushes In followed by the clowns who come armed with soda water siphons, watering cans and other paraphernalia. Their ludicrous efforts to extinguish the flames Is Bald to be about the funniest thing that has even been introduced to the patrons of the circus. The Sells-Floto circus will give two performances here on Thursday June 8. The price of admission, as most people know, has been cut in half this year so that for 25 cents one Is permitted to see this great circus in Its entirety. MANY APPLICANTS FOR THE POSITIONS There are now 12 applications for the position of school district super visors on file with the county educa tional board and when the board meets again . Monday, It will divide the county into three school districts, elect supervisors for two, County Superintendent Smith by virtue of his office having supervision of the third. "I believe." said County Superin tendent Smith this morning in dis cussing the subject, "that this law will do much for the schools espec ially the rural schools. Tentatively 1 have outlined the work, and as I figure it the supervisor of each dis trict will be able to visit each school In It every six weeks. His duty will be, of course, to assist the teacher in bringing the work up to a higher standard, and visits to the schools that often should make him conver mmut 1 rinTiMiiMi rmr nnnniiB iranms Best Pill For dence also. First of all, ask MiHnrvmptir Hp Ifinw hoc. Oregon Electric Railway j PAST AND FREQUENT TRAINS. Rose Festival, Portland JUNE 5-11 $2.00 Portland and Return Tickets sold June 5, 7, 8, 9. Return limit June 12. Spend the summer on tho Ocean and at Clatsop Beach. Low fares and fast service In connection with "The North Bank Road" from f Portland. $6.00 round trip dally, limit six months; $4.50 round trip Saturday and Sunday, limit Monday. Six months' tickets allow stops at Astoria. . ; , Low round trips to and from East. On various dates during the summer. Schedules and details on application. C. E. ALBIN, Gen. Agt. W, E. COMAN, G. F. & P. A., Portland, Ore. Salem's most poular res taurant We cater to the public who demand a good meal for a small price, ; Wm. McGilch'rist & Sons. t "Economics" We in one sense, we could save money by uslnit cheaDer snnn than 1 the very best, by using cheaper efrfl. But the saving at most would be loss in reputation. ou can count on the fact that iuiihb ii oui ui your ciomes. We aim to do the finest laundorlng possible, second to none. Our patrons tell us we succeed. You will like our work. Try it. Low est prices guaranteed. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY, PhnTlA 2fV Ml Relieved by Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Sikeston, Mo. "For seven years I suffered everything. I was in bed tor lour ornve aays at a time every month, and so weak I could hardly walk, I cramped and had backache and bead ache, and was so nervous and weak that I dreaded to see anvone or have anyone move in the room. The doctors gave mo medicine to ease me at those times, and said that 1 ought to have an operation. I would not listen to that, and when a friend of my husband told hira about Lydia . Piukham's Vege table Compound and what it had done for his wife, I was willing to take it. Now I look the picture of health and feel like it, too. I can do my own house work, hoe my garden, and milk a cow. I can entertain company and enjoy the in. I can viait when I choose, and walk as far as any ordinary woman, any day in the month. I wish I could talk toevwry sulTeringwomanaiidgirl." Mrs. Dema Lethujte, Sikeston, Mo. The most successful remedy in this country for the cure of all forms of female complaints is Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It Is more widely and successfully used than any other remedy. It has cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, in flammation, ulceration, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing down feeling, indigestion, and nervous prostration, after all other means had failed. Why don't you try it? sant enough with conditions so that he can deal Intelligently with it." The law fixes the minimum salary for supervisors at 1,000 a year, and members of the board have expressed themselves as being adverse to pay lng a higher salary than that for the first year. She Had No Kick. A fond mother wanted to reward her two children for good conduct, and she presented to Johnnie, eight years old, two pieces of cake, telling him to divide with his little sister, Nan, six years old. One of the portions of the delicacy was considerably larger than the oth er, and the little boy greedily took the biggest piece for himself. 'If I had had first choice," said Nan, "I would have taken the small piece." "Well, what are you kicking about," replied Johnnie. "You got it, didn't you?" Exchange. CO years we have had perfect mmm confidence in Ayer's Pills. We wish you to have this same confi- your doctor. Obtain his Then tin afipan. J.o. ajmCo., T.owH, Mnm. .. Gold Dust Flour Made by the SYDNEY POWBR COMPANY, Sydaey, Oro. Made fir Famil? Ve- Ask your grocer for It. Bran araril bhort alwayi eu haifl. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. Can't Afford starch and lower priced employees, t only a fraction of the resulting we practice no "economy" that I nn.lftfl CATTTTT linrDTV CPDVrm T The graduating exercises of the Salwn Hospital Training School were held last evening, and two young la dles Miss Florence Cauthorn, of Gervals, and Miss Nellie Vernon, of Lake View, were awarded diplomas as nurses. The Salem Hospital Training School ranks high among similar In stitutions of the Northwest, and it is due to the excellent management and superior ability of Miss Lillian McNary. The graduating exercises last evening marked the close of the eleventh year of her management. The program of the evening con sisted of a vocal solo by Mrs. Carlton Smith; a few remarks by Dr. W. H. Byrd; a musical number by the Uni versity quartet; an address to the class by Dr. Griffith; presentation of diplomas by Col. Litchfield, president of the board of managers of the hos pital, and a vocal solo by Ross Mc Intlre. The hospital dining rooms were beautifully decorated, and after the exercises those present sat down to a banquet. o X-RAYS AND SMILES. According to the Oregonian,, Joe Simon is an angel. It used to be dif ferent. Those big auto trucks moving housqhold furniture look sometimes as though they had inadvertantly loaded on the houses, too. South Commercial street is at last open for street car service. Now if Page will turn over a new leaf, and just furnish the service it will be great. m Harry Murphys' cartoons concern ing Mayor Simon, are in the carica ture class. That big auto race at Indianapolis yesterday was almost a failure. Only one killed. Bryan has stirred up trouble in the Democratic camp, regardless of the fact that the old party has plenty of troubh of It3 own, all the time. The trouble with Bryan's Democ racy is that he is always consistent. Charles G. Playfair, a San Jose tailor, routed Cut the local judge Monday night to perform the mar riage ceremony for him arod his sweet heart. He explained that he was afraid she would change her mind before morning, and that was the only way he knew to make her Play fair. Advertising "Art." Among the wondrous strides the world Has made in recent days In science and mechanics, and A hundred other ways; There's none that stands so boldly out For progress it has made As does the advertising art In boosting modern trade. It Is an art, It doesn't seem So very long ago That art meant work by painters, such As Michael Angelo, Burnes Jones, Millet; or sculpture such As Phidias made to speak In lines we all can understand Although the speech is Greek. The needle work of gentle dames Or dainty bits of lace, All things that bore the beauty stamp Or pleased us with their grace, All these and many kindred things At one time took the prize, Before we got commercialized And learned to advertise. A sort of half way house twlxt us , And the artistic past There is, a style that they had not, Such as cartoons by Nast; Nor were there living, breathing things In any ancient courts That sized up in the way of art With Homer Davenport's. But say! Did the dead walls of Troy Get gay with circus bills? Or tell In three sheet posters of The worth of "Beecham's Pills"? Did Croesus' palace walls e'er boast, With all his fabled wealth, A face like that of "Lydia P.'s"? (You've seen It, "Yours for health.") Did old Art make Aurora as She climbed the Eastern slope And said good morning to the world. Ask, "Have you used Pear's soap?" Could Icarus who on borrowed wings Assailed the Grecian Bky, Compare with "Old Dutch Cleanser," which Caused even dirt to fly? Size Castor, measure Pollux up Their six months "outs" and "ins," And note how they're discounted by me uusKy "uoia Dust Twins." And tell me if in ancient art Are seen such thrilling sennpa So filling In suggestlveness as -van uamps' Pork and Beans." The king of Ethlop in his time No dnnht war hard in hoot How would he look beside the Coon Who shows the "Cream of Wheat." And poets, painters, musicians, The whnla urttaHn rrmin Would surely have to hump them selves To beat out "Campbell's Soup." And not a one of all the great Artistic ancient paek, Could scintillate or even shine By side of "Jap-a-Lac." There's "Fairy Soap," there's "Her- ptciae That dandruff hnelnta c-ota And the most taking thing of all i ne nnis "cascarets". J. H. CRADLEBAUGH. E C Nul Cab One-half cup butter; 1 tups gran ulated sugar; cup milk; 2 cups flour; 2 level teaspoonfuls K C Baking Pow dery 1 cup of nut meats chopped fine; whiles of 4 eggs, beaten dry. Sift flour and baking powder together, three times. Cream the butter, add the sugar; then alternately, the milk and the flour mixture; lastly the whites of eggs and the nut meats. Bake in a sheet in a shallow pan thirty or forty minutes. When cold cover with the icing and decorate with whole nut meats. Thii ii also an excellent white cuke recipe when nuu are omitted. Chocolate Icing One cup granulated sugar; ounce chocolate; white of 1 egg, beaten dry; leaspoonful vanilla extract; X cup water. Stir the sugar, chocolate and watet until the mixture boils; cover and let boil three minutes. Uncover and let boil till when tested in cold water a soft ball may be formed; beat into t lie white of egg, then beat until cold, add vanilla. The nut enramel frostinir eiven on page forty of the K C Cook's Book may be used in place of the chocolate frosting, if desired. A copy of the Cook's Book, handsomely illustrated in 9 colors, will be mailed free, if you will send the colored certificate packed in 25-ceut cans of K C Baking- rowdcr to the jAQi-ts Mm. to., Chicago. i do (C 5C SC ic vf( fc 3c 3C 3C 3t 9C SC SS ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. G. O. and A. M. Savage to E. Hart ley, et al., 292.91 acres, t 7 s, r 2 w, w d, $10. J. E. and E. L. Sloper to E. C. Ti tus, 260x330 feet, section 10, t 9 s, r 1 w, w d, $600. W. P. and R. W. Babcock to S. J. Woodruff, east half lota 9, 10, block 1, Owens' addition, lots 7, 8, block 1, Geo. H. Jones' addition, w d, $2500. . J. Woodruff to W. P. and R. W. Babcock, east half lots 9, 10, block 1, Owens' addition; lots 7, 8, block 1, Geo, H. Jones' addition to Salem, and other land, w d, $2500. J. and A. Menthier to S. J. RIchart lots 3, 4, block 42, North Salem, w d, $1650. M. E. Morrison to M. W. Mathie sen, 40 acres, section 35, t 8 s, r 1 w, w d, $10. J. H. and B. S. Eaton to Mark SIddall, part lots 1, 2, 3, block 19, University addition to Salem, q c d $1. Herbert Helmer to Therese Schwartz, lot 41, G-rabenhorst fruit farms, w d, $700. W. W. and) L. B. Irvln to Jacob G. Miller, 200 acres, t 4 s, r 1 w, q c d, $1. Evangeline Brown to Selma John son, 25.35 acres Waldo Hills fruit farm No. 2, w d, $1. T. B. Riggs, et ux., to John Daly, land In section 11, t 10 s, r 5 e, w d $60. A. I. Coolldge to L. E. and G. E Rauch, one-fourth acre section 34, t 6 s, r 1 w, w d, $1. Mt. Angel Market Assn (by sher iff) to Grover Simmons, 2 acres, sec tion 3, a 6 , r 1 w, tax deed, $10.48. SOUTH SALEM HOYS BEAT WOOLEN MILLS The South Salem boys scored an other victory yesterday afternoon when they defeated the Woolen Mills team on the Fairmount grounds, by a score of 9 to 5. These teams will meet for the third time in a return game, next Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock on the Fairmount grounds No admission charged and everybody Invited. , i Motor Car Insurance. We write Insurance on automobiles and all kinds of power driven vehl cles at the lowest rates, and insure against damages from fire under any and all circumstances, whether in prl vate or public garage or on the road or In accident More cars are de stroyed by Are than by all other causes put together. Rates the low est. E. Hofer & Sons, 201 U. S. Na tional Bank building. 6-22-tf o Died In His Cab. tDNITSD PBKSS IJBABSD WIRI.l Marshalltown, la., May 31. Engi neer Al Eads, Iowa Central railway, died of heart disease In his cab while his train was running at top speed, He was discovered by the. fireman, who stopped the train. Troops Called Ont. Las Palmas, Canary Islands, May 31. Troops were called out to restore order when a mob attempted to burn government buildings in protest against delay in the Spanish parlia ment over a bill for the division of the islands. A lie will travel faster than the truth, but it will not be the first to arrive at the destination, because it must double on Its tracks so often. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of If! FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. A Sit, Cut in Buxv tor Nnuwn MmmiTiot IfVII 1H0WR Tl Mil. Ipdr l Htite. fctloa UurwMtd or Uomt lUfWhtod. Bn( FPJt Nr $1.00 pr twi. Will wnd ifcra oa irtal.to to pl4 fft vbMMlUvvd. SwplMPrto. If jomx 4ruirtdaM art ten item nod jvmt onUn to tb VNtTffO MCOlCAtCO., Hir, LANeavTt. ML 7 Sod (a Siem by 0r, 5 C Sfoat Over 40 law students are today taking the bar examinations under the supervision of Judge Moreland In the rooms of the supreme court, and two or three days will probably pass before the examination is at a close. Out of the 18 graduates of the law departments of the Willamette uni versity 15 are taking the examina tions and 11 students are from Port land. The remainder represent other sections of the state. TOPOGRAPHERS ARE OUTLINING STATE'S FACE Most of the crews which will have charge of the topographic surveys under the co-operative plan between the state and federal government have now been organized and are in the field at work. Charles F. Urquhart Is in the charge of the party which will do the work In what Is known as Trav- ers control just south of Portland, and E. M. Band! is In charge of a leveling party in the same section A. F. Murlin is at the head of the party malntaing headquarters at Caz. adero. This crew will operate In the Boring Quadrangle, east of the city of Portland. Near Oregon City Joseph Wheat has a topographical party at work and E. R. Bartlett, with headquar ters at Eugene, 'has a party In that vicinity. S. G. unde is now organiz ng a party which will have its head quarters at Baker, and) which will operate in the Pine and Eagle creek valleys. o Saved Many From Death. W. L. Mock, of Mock, Ark., believes he has saved many lives in his 25 years of experience In the drug busi ness. "What I always like to do," he writes, "Is to recommend Dr. King's New Discovery for weak, sore lungs, hard colds, hoarseness obstinate coughs, la grippe, croup, asthma or other bronchial affection, for I feel sure that a number of my neighbors are alive and well today because they took my advice to use It I honestly believe its the best throat and lung medicine that's made." Easy to prove he's right. Get a trial bottle free, or regular 50 or $1.00 bottle. Guaranteed by J. C. Perry. Advice to children not accompanied by example might as well be thrown at the birds. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will clear the sour stomach, sweeten the breath and create a heal thy appetite. They promote the flow of gastric juice, thereby Inducing good digestion. Sold by all dealers. What Feley Kidney Fills Will Do for Tou. Foley Kidney Pills are a true med icine. They are healing, strengthen ing, antiseptic and tonic. Foley Kid ney Pills take hold of your system and help yon to rid yourself of your dragging backache, dull headache, nervousness impaired eyesight, and of all the miserable feelings that re sult from the impaired action of your kidneys and bladder. Remem ber it Is Foley Kidney Pills that do this for you. Red Cross Pharmacy. Youth is full of confidence, saith the cynic, until It finds that life is a confidence game. o John D. Rockefeller would go broke If he should spend his entire income trying to prepare a better medicine than Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for diarrhoea, dysentery or bowel complaints. It is simply impossible, and so says every one that has used it Sold by all dealers. Salem Fence Works X Headquarters for Woven Wir T t Fencing, Hop Wire, Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, Shin- I I gles, Malthoid Roofing, P. ft. t B. and Ready Roofing. Screen Doors and Adjustable Window I ,, Screens. All at the lowest ' ; prices. :: CHAS. D. MULLIGAN i! X 250 Court street Phone 114 SALEM BANK &TRUST CO. General Banking and Trust Business With our assurance that we are able and willing to take care of it, we solicit your Banking Business. Open an account with us, and we will extend you every favor consistent with good Banking principles. We Pay Four Per Cent on Savings. , Liberty street, Jnst Off SUte. DR. L. B. STEEVES, . L. H. ROBERTS. Directors. J. L. AHLERS. President, W. O. EAST. Cashier. . S. S. EAST, Vice-President. IT IS wonderful how much satisfaction can be obtained from a talk over the Bell Telephone. A letter carries words, but the Bell Service has been brought up to such a point of perfection that the modul ations of the voice are clearly heard, The cheery tones show that the talker is well and in good spirits. The call may come from a suburban vil lage or a distant city, but within the limits of the carry ing power of the voice the Bell Service carries the tone as well, You get a personal interview with a friend hundreds of miles away, The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. Every Bell Telephone is (he Center of the System. Bargains In Second Hand Vehicles Two-seat rubber tire surrey, good as new $60.00 Top buggy, rubbertires, first-class order 40.00 Good top buggy rubber tire 30.00 Top buggy, steel tire ... 20.00 S. A. Manning Implement House FOOT STATE STREET Are You Por the Best Orchard Development Proposition in Oregon? We have it. Call and see us. The A. C BOHRNSTEDT CO. 304 U.S. National Bank Bldg. SALEM, OREGON 1Ied Ofllre, Minneapolis, Minn. Try a Journal Want MORRIS' CASH Feed and Grocery Store Phone 1497 6 cans fine Peaches 50c 3 cans Solid Pack Corn 25c 3 cans Columbia Tomatoes. 25c 3 cans Milk 25c 3 cans Alaska Salmon 25c 2 lbs. Tillamook Cream Cheese 35c Best Breakfast Bacon 20c Heavy Bacon 17c Best Hama 16c 1 gaL fine fiyrup 45c 5 pkgs. fine Corn Starch... 25c 5 lbs Best White Beans. ..25c 2 1-lb. pkg. Arm & H. Soda. 15c 6 cans nice Apricots 50c 3 cans fine fresh Oysters.. 25c Highland Hard Wheat Flour $1.30 17 lbs. best Cane Sugar.. $1.00 Pick Nick Hams 12 tto Don't be decehed all my goods nice and fresh and of the same quality sold by others at 20 per cent abore my prices. , Free Delivery Looking Branch OfUcea: STiicIrny and Creswcll, Oreg. Ad for Quick Results i I If 1,1111011 lat If , HIIW-!"V Cti - " '-V; Celebrated Lew Fumac. The Best Heater It will save yon w. iey every day yc own It. I ell ai & nstal the ber- I J Let me give you figures. See Me About an individual lighting plat" for your home. The best thing I" the market for coking and lightlnr. A. L. Frasier Phone 135. 26 s State Strwl .1