:tlf t j LOOK INTO PADDING OF CENSUS csrntD nug LiiStD wiwt.l Tacoma, Wash., May i5.The mass of evidence which the depart ment of justice have been accumu lating concerning alleged crooked work in the taking of Tacoma's 1910 census was placed betpre the feder al grand Jury, which met In the fed eral building here today. The jury. It is understood, will de vote the greater portion of Its time to an Investigation of the alleged pad ding In connection with the count taken more than a year ago. The In formation gained by William A. Hunt special supervisor of the census dur ing the recount which was made, has been further extended by the Inquir ies made by a number of secret ser vice officials, who have been calling on families all over the city to learn whether or not they had lived at their present address on April 1, 1910. Aside from the federal census probe, there will be the usual number of smuggling cases to be heard, and other matters of like nature to be presented to the grand jury. o FAMOUS OLD BUILDING IS BURNED f . According to advices received here Saturday evening the St. Paul con vent, located nine miles north from here was burned to the ground on the day before. Just how the fire originated seems to be a mystery, but when it was dis covered it was on the top floor, and though the institution was equipped with a good fire apparatus, the flames (Re-published by request) They came of brave and hardy stock, Those Oregon pioneers. Their sires had braved the wilder ness. The van of tha wlM tmmiara From where the fierce Atlantic waves Lashed the wooded coast of Maine, To where Missouri's yellow flood Poured out of an unknown plain. Crusaders they, of the modern days, Who came with the axe and plow Their flags, the wagon's canvas tops And "to win," their only vow. Dreamers and "seers," who dream ing saw And seeing they dared to do Turning their faces toward the' West And the land where dreams come true. Dreamers they were, those pioneers f ku.uu U II VI 1 V II 1 . wno braved the unknown nf th plains In Search it an unfi-ta aV.A.A Brave of soul were the women folk Ana me nearded men were strong. ucjf tuuuiKu noc me trail was rough ISor cared that- tha um,r nr..,. ... 'I -.' mcck. nuer weeK. montn after tnntith oieaunv. Riirpiv hut iinn, They pressed on 'till they reached me stream Where the waters westward flow Ana tney could see the mountains wnere Night drew her curtain of blue Beyond which lay the land they sought The land where dreams came true. And from the lofty mountain tops The valley was wondrous fair. For billowed plains of dimpling grass And winding streamlets ' were there. Land where the Red man wandered free, Nor civilization trod; Rich as the fields of Eden were, When fresh from the hand of God, An Emerald world, a turquoise sky, A hundred amethyst streams; lrown jewel or the continent; The land they had seen In dreams. Worth all the toll they had endured The hardships they struggled through Land of the elves and fairies homes, And the land where dreams come true. It was a dream, a vision fair To the weary pioneers, A dream come true to you and I In the lapse of seventy years. Billowing fields of waving grain To set the 1ewels In u-nM- Miles upon miles of orchard bloom, could' not be stayed, and it became 1 J" J"ace or the wrests old. Whll0 th-t thol1"0 "e wnirnng wneeis apparent in a short while that the building was doomed. The building was a three-story frame structure, and it was one of the historic institutions of the Pacific coast. Preparations were under way for the celebration of the 50th anni versary of the institution. Whether another building will be erected upon the ground could not be learned. WILL MAKE FIXE DISPLAY AT MIXING COXGRESS Touted pbess leased wiiu. Grants Pass, Or., May 15. One of the richest displays of nugget gold and rich gold) q artz ever assembled In the West wiH be sent from this city to the Northwest Mining Congress, to convene in Portland Tuesday. The gold comes from quartz and placer mines of this region, princi pally from Josephine county. o Manufacturers Meet. New York, May 15. Convening for a three-days' session, the Nation al Association of Manufacturers met here today at the Waldorf-Astoria. In his opening address President Kir by directed attention to the fact that laws leslgned to perfect workmen's compensation accounts had been de clared unconstitutional in several states. Called Special Session. UNITED MESS LEASED WIBB.l Little Rock Ark., May 13. After the state legislature had adjourned sine die this afternoon. Governor Donaghey called a special session of that body for May 22 to revise the revenue system. o The woman who never had any children Is the only one who knows what to d with them In any emergency. And the thlneg thnt man haa moA Churches and schools and pleasant homes; The gift of the "Un-afrald" Gift of the women strong of soul Of the men who dared to do Who dreaming saw and showed the way To the land where dreams come true. J. H. CRADLEBAUGH. FIGHT WITH NEGROES IN ALABAMA Montgomery, Ala. May 15. Two negroes are dead, one negro and one deputy sheriff will die and three other dputy sheriffs are seriously wounded today as the result of a negro killing 20 miles south of here. Tom Benson, the killer, fought off the deputies when they attempted to arrest him. Then he barricaded him self In a cabin. When It was set afire Benson staggered through the door and was shot down. SaTed Many From Dentb. W. L. Mock, of Mock, Ark., believes he has saved many lives in his 25 years of experience In the drug busi ness. "What I always like to do," he writes, "is to recommend Dr. King's New Discovery for weak, sore lungs, hard colds, hoarseness obstinate coughs, la grippe, croup, asthma or other bronchial affection, for I feel sure that a number of my neighbors are alive and well today because they took my advice to use it. I honestly believe Its the best throat and lung medicine that's made." Easy to prove he's right. Get a trial bottle free, or regular 60 or $1.00 bottle. Guaranteed by J. C. Perry. BOND ISSUE FOR BRIDGES UNPOPULAR Salem la In a serious predicament in regard to some very much needed bridges. By a sudden freshet last winter the city lost the bridges on its principal streets, and there is a universal demand that the bridees be rebuilt. A proposed bond tan, a nf $50,000 of 5 per cent bonds was vot ed down, the people having no confi dence in the proposed plan of expen diture. The committee In charge of the matter next submitted a bond is sue of $60,000 at 6 per cent, provid ing for additional bridges, the loca tion of which is unknown to the peo ple. At that high rate of Interest the bonds ought to sell for a large premium. Many business men are op posing this second bond Issue on The ground that it was not fairly and frankly placed before the people, and they do not consider that it has been put before them fairly. Tha senti ment of the people generally Is against the bond issue in the manner in which it was proposed. There is a- feeling on the part of business men to uphold) any good work done) by the mayor, and to submit policies of pro gress on broad lines, and when un dertaken In an open-handel manner that citizens generally can under stand. No reason has ever been giv en for adding ten per cent to the amount of the bonds, and one per cent to the rate of interest. The peo ple cannot understand what secret artifice Is back of it, or why It was done. AGi THSEir i PAHS CAPITAL JOURNAL, 'SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 15, mi. it. , rr www ,vvv n srisrsti CONGRESS HAS DONE NOTHING t EXITED PRESS LEASED WISE. Washington, May 15. For lack of accomplishment observers of the ac tivities of the 62nd congress here to day united in awarding the palm over ail previous congresses. To date tha house has met 29 days and been In session 148 hours and five minutes. The senate has met 15 days and been in session 37 hours and 14 min utes. Last week each branch met on three days. The house was in session 17 hours, 13 minutes; the senate 7 hours. During the week the house passed the farmers free list bill. The senate consumed its 7 i hours in a futile ef fort to elect a president pro tern. o- . A touch of rheumatism or a twinge .of neuralgia, whatever the trouble is Chamberlain's Liniment drives away the pain at once and cures the com plaint quickly. First application gives relief. Sold byall dealers. TAN OXFO RDS )Y EXPRESS; a lot of Tan Button Oxfords, direct from New York. The Newest Patterns designed. We can fit you now Ye BOOT SHOP " 326 State Street BANKS WILL BE OPENED 0N JUNE 12 Washington, May 15. Accordine to Postmaster-General Hitchcock today, the 47 new postal savings banks de positories Just announced, will be ready to receive deposits June 12. The necessary papers will be mailed them soon. Among the new offices are Medford, Or., Pendleton, Or., and Wenatchee, Wash. The depositories announced last week will be opened for business June 1. -o LEBANON WILL HAVE JjREAT FAIR N. M. Newport, A. W. Hubb, R. Wayne Green, A. C. Brown, C. G. Robinson, V. S. Wennersten and J. R. Green are a committee of Lebanon boosters, who arrived In the city this morning and have been spending the day advertislm the Lebanon Straw berry and Flower Show that will be held next month. They covered the city thoroughly and went to Dallas and other neighboring tqwns in the valley in motor cars, and are working up special delegations from all direc tions to attend their annual fair. Sa lem will have one day lni honor of this city, and a large delegation will attend, as special rates will be given. MEDFORD MAN KILLS HIMSELF WITH SHOT GUN fnSITED PBESS LEASED WIRE. I Medford, Or, May 16. Benjamin Beall, at one tlmo prominent Demi cratlc leader of this county, who has been candidate for various county of fices, committed suicide near this city Sunday by shooting himself through the heart with a sh -tgun. Three years ago he fell striking his head. Since that time he has been subject to temporary insane spells. He was unmarried anl .49 years old. o Averts Awful Tragedy. Timely advice given Mrs. C. Wil loughby, of Marengo, Wis., (R. No. 1) prevented a dreadful tragedy and saved two lives. Doctors bad said her frightful cough was a "consump tion" cough and could do little to help her. After many remedies failed, her aunt urged her to take Dr. King's New Discovery. "I have been using it for some time," she wrote, "and the awful cough has almost gone. It also saved my little boy when taken with a severe bronchial trouble." This matchles.i medicine has no equal for throat and lung troubles. Price 50 cents and $1.00. Trial botle free. Guaranteed by J. C. Perry. "Annual Income twenty pounds; annual expenditures, nineteen ought and six; result, happiness. Annual income, twenty pounds; annual expenditures; twenty pounds ought and six; result, mis ery." These are the words of Mlcaw ber and true philosophy today. If you will save a little' each week, we will make every dlollar you save earn you four per cent interest. , . Savings Department The Capital National Bank MORRIS' CASH Feed and Grocery Store Phone 1497 6 cans fine Peaches BOo 3 cans Solid Pack Corn.... 25c 3 cans Columbia Tomatoes. 25c 3 cans Milk ..25c 3 cans Alaska Salmon 25c 2 lbs. Tillamook Cream Cheese 35c Best Breakfast Bacon 20c Heavy Bacon 17c Best Hams 16c 1 gal. fine Syrup 45c 6 pkgs. line Corn Starch... 25c 6 lbs Best White Beans... 25c 2 Mb. pkg. Arm & H. Soda. 15c 5 cans nice Apricots 50c 3 cans fine fresh OystersTT25o Highland Hard Wheat Flour 11.30 4 17 lbs. best Cane Sugar.. $1.00 T Pick Nick Hams 12 hie 4 Don't be deceived nil mv goods nice and fresh and of the T same quality sold by others at 20 per cent above my prices. Free Delivery 4 4 TO (TEE A COLD IN 0E DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money If it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signa ture Is on each box. Twenty-five cents. Saved the People of Salem by the Manufacture in This City of Cement Sewer Pipe. Less than one year ago, before the manufacture of cement sewer pipe was begun In Salem by the Salem 8ewer Pipe Co., salt glazed clay bIx lnch sewer pipe retailed to consum ers at 30 cents per foot, today la sold at 22 cents. The reduction In price Is due entirely to the establishment of the 8alem Sewer Pipe Co, In Sa lem. It has been estimated that In Salem In the next two years there will be at least 2000 homes to be con nected with sewers, with an average of 100 feet per house. Now at the saving of S cents per foot, 18.00 per hundred feet, would make a saving of $16,000 to the peo ple of Salem, If they were go'ng to use the six-Inch Bait glazed clay pipe, but all the people are not going to do It. This Is proven by the sales made by the Salem Sewer Pipe Co., who sell both clay and cement. Their sale sare more than ten of cement to one of clay. We solicit your, pat ronage, will save you still more mon ey and will give you just as service able pipe, stronger and last longer. Salem factory; Salem men, and em ploy Salem latwr at beet wages. Your money Is paid back to your own citizens. We are glad to make tests for you at any time. Call and see our plant. Salem Sewer Pipe Co., 305 SOCTII LIBERTY STREET PHOXE 14. Electric Rubber Hose costs a little more than ordinary hose. It latta three timet at long. It will not crack, split, kink or burst. Processes of making Electric Rubber Hose are protected by U. S. patents. Imitation has to cease where durability and efficiency begin. Don't buy your garden hose until you let us demonstrate to you the wonderful qualities of the hose that can't be duplicated or equalled. SALEM HARDWARE COMPANY. PILES CUBED L S TO 11 DATS PAZO OINTMENT Is guarantee to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Files In 6 to 14 days or money refunded. Fifty cents. Arc You Looking For the Best Orchard Development Proposition in Oregon? We have it Call and see us. The A. C BOHRNSTEDT GO. 304 U.S. National Bank Bldg. SALEM, OREGON Dead Office, Minneapolis, Minn. Branch Offices t Macleaj Bnd Creswell, Ore;. I Will Pay Yowl ; Um4 tflu Fdbwini Some Bargains Offering Now Good house, six rooms, bath and pantry, lot75x142; price $3100: in best residence part of city. Two houses and one lot, city water and eleven fruit trees, at 1318 North Commercial street; $1700, . Fine new house, two large lots, house five rooms, with bath, kitchen,' closet and wash room besides, stationary wash tubs and toilet; insured for $1300; wood house and hen house;, double construction, hard finish; $2500. , Fine new hpuse in Bishop's addition, lo.t worth $600, house $1800, commands fine view; $2400 cash, Fifteen acres prune and apple orchard, five-room house, one mile from Rosedale, two wells; sold 1000 bushels of apples last year; $3750, Trade proposition, three lots and eight-room house and large closets and pantries; one lot and house $2800; two lots separate $700; will take small house and lot in part payment, or trade for acrea r whole. Buy a Home in Mountain View. Here is a good snap, 6-room house on lot 55x100, good well and good woodshed at tached to house; cloth and paper finish; chicken park and garden, between 15th and 16th street, on Bellevue. Price $1050, . , Beautiful half-acre home sites, located just at the forks of the Liberty and Jefferson roads, on the west side of the street, only two blocks south of Mountain View, Salem's most beautiful residence section, The size of each lot is about one-half acre, and the price is only $300 to $400 per lot, Every lot perfectly cleared and graded, Terms only 10 percen tdown and $10 per month; 6 per cent interest; 6 per cent off for cash, SOME GOOD BARGAINS Eight-room house, fine lot 79x160, on car line, in best residence part of city, fruit trees and fruit, modern improvements ,$5000, Best 20-acre prune orchard, in full bearing, one-halfmile from Rosedale, $6000, Well established manufacturing business, one-fourth cash; easy terms on balance, $20,000, Brush farm, fine fruit land, in Liberty district, 22 acres 2 1-2 acres cleared, good house, $2200, Finest improved fruit farm and residence on Garden Road for sale on easy terms, $10,000, ' . Half-acre tracts on South Commercial Street, close in, on easy terms, $600, Three first-class 50-acro tracts one fine road ,near church and school, per acre, $100. , Five-year-old prune orchard, half-mile beyond end of car line, sold in lots of two acres or upward, to suit purchaser, all but first two acres, $500 per acre, , R. R, Ryan place, 20 acres, 1 1-2 miles east of city, fine house, two large barns, $10,000 , Half block, Twentieth and Trade streets, corner lot with house, $1200; three lots, $800 to $1000 ' Best. five acres, with orchard, Iiouse and bam, little timber, ideal little home lot, with $1500 improvemnets, close to city, $2600, Good house and two lots corner, Liberty and Mission, price .including paving and sewer $2000, Four choice building lots, two facing Liberty and two on High streets, $800, Spot' cash, All good, new buildings on the block Lots large, 75x141, and all sewer as sessments paid ' Money to loan, I have $1000 to $1200 to loan at seven per cent on first mortgage, E. HQfER & SONS Room 201 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone Main 82 1