DAILY CAPITA! JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1911. PAGI THRE1 ' UflRKFTS t . .. ... if r r PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Flour, Fee, Etc .1.. ninh. 87c: red Russian, 85c: hlley. 87c; 40-fold, 87c. Flour Patents, if. so per oarrei; . . ,1 tC avnnrto l1tH Vol- y, $4.80; graham, $4.60; whole . J 1ft neat, i.i Barley Feed, $28 per ton; brew- g nominal. HayTimothy, eastern uregon, L i, $21.6022.60; light mixed, $19 L. .tr mlTO1 117 K0rt18 Kfl: 11.1- , llcn.j t w ' ilfa $14$15; clover, $12.60013.50; .... H4EnURA ain nay, Corn Whole, $29; cracked, $30 Ir ton. Mlllsturfs Bran, $2424.50 per n. middlings, $31; shorts, $25.50; fclle barley, $29.5030.E0. Ioata-Whlte, 2929.f0.. Dairy and Country Froduce. iFutter City creamery, extra, land I pound prints, In boxes, 24 per found; less than boxes, cartons and jUvery extra. ''Eggs Oregon ranch, 1920c. JCheese Full cream, twins, 15c r pound; Young America 16c. ! Poultry Live: Hens, 16 17c; irlngs, 2530c; turkeys, 1820c; cks, 23c; geese, 1212c. Dressed irkeys, choice 2225c. I Pork Fancy, 1010c per lb. Veal Fancy, 8B to 1Z5 pounds, QIOVjc per pound. Groceries, Dried Fruits, Etc. Dried Fruits Apples, 1212c per lb.; currants, 11 c; apricots, '414c; dates, package, 16cper f.; figs, bulk, white or black, by ck, 78c; 5-6s, $1.G01.75; 12-12s, 36-12s UA5; 10-ls, 85c; Smyr- 4H, ISC. Coffee Roasted. In Arums, 2334c r pound. Nuts Walnuts, 17H18c per lb.; Irazll nuts, 16c; filberts, 16c; monds, 16 18c; pecans, 18c; coanuts, 90c $1 per dozen. Salt Granulated, $15 per ton; It-ground, 100s, $8.50 per ton; Os, $9 per ton. Beans Small white, 4c; large bite, 4c; Lima, 6c; pink, c; red Mexicsns, nc; bayou. Sugar Dry granulated, fruit and erry, $5.40; best, $5.20; extra C, 4.90; golden C, $4.85; yellow D, 4.70; cubes (barrels), $4.95; pow ered, $4.65. Terms on remittances ithln 15 days, deduct 'A c per pound f later than 15 days and within 30 lays, deduct c per pound. Maple sugar, 1518c per pound. Rice No. 1 Japan, 4c; cheaper grades, $3.6004.56; Southern head 7c. Honey- -Choice, $3.76 per caiie strained, 8c per pound. Vegetables and Fruits. Apples Fancy, $22.76; choice, $11.25; common, 50c$l per box. I Fresh Fruit Strawberries, Florin, !$1.752.25 per crate; Los Angeles, i$1.501.75 per crate; apples, fancy, ;?22.50; choice, $11.50; commons, i5c o $1 tper box. 1 Tropical fruits Oranges, navels. $2 2.75 per box; Japanese, $13.50; jFrollda grapefruit, $4.50; California grape fruit, $3 3.50; bananas, Ec 'per pound; pineapples, ( per pound. I Vegetables Asparagus, $1 per pox; $11.10 per dozen; cabbage, Jnew, $2.25 oer hundredweight: cauli flower, $1.501.75 per dozen; cu cumbers, $1.50(3)2.25 per dozen; egg-plant, 15c per lb.; garlic, 10 12c per pound; lettuce, 50c per dozen; hothouse lettuce $1.50 '2 per box; peas, 78c per pound; peppers, 30 35c per pound; radishes, 15c per dozen; rhubarb, 23c per pound; sprouts, 9c; tomatoes, $23.25. Sack Vegetables Carrots, $1.25 1.50 per sack; parsnips, $1.251.50; turnips, $1.251.50; beets, $1.60. Potatoes Oregon, Jobbing price, $2.50 per hundred; new potatoes, 7 7ft c per pound. Onions .Tnhhlne Drlees: Oregon. W.50 per 100; Australian, $3.60 per WO; Texas, $2.25 per crate; Califor- u'a, ?a per crate. Provisions. Hams 10 to 20 pounds, 1617c; U to 14 pounds, 1616c; 14 to 16 Pounds, l5V616c; skinned, 16c; Picnics, 13c; cottage roll, 15 c. Bacon Fancy, 27c; standard, 24c; choice, 22c English 16 Vtc. Dry Salt Cured Regular short clears, dry salt, 12 c; smoked, 3J6c; acbks, light, salt, 13c; smoked "2c;; tacks, heavy, salt, 12 ttc; smoked, 14c; exports, salt, 13 Vic; smoked, 15 Vic. 8moked Meats-Beet tongues, 65c; 'rled beet gets, 22c; outsldes, 20c; bldes, 23c; knuckles, 22a Pickled Goods Barrels, pigs feet, 114; regular tripe, $10; honey comb WP. $12; lunch tongues, $22; lambs' tongues, $40. lard Kettle rendered; tierces, 12c; tubs, 12 Vic; standard pure, tierces, lie;, tubs 11 c; choice, "erces, lie; tubs, lOVic; shortening, tierces, 8 Vic. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc Bops 1910 crop, 20V&c; 1909 crop l5c; contracts, 20c. Wool Eastern Oregon, 1014clb.; vey, 14l6c. Mohair-Choice, 37 Vic. Hldes Salted tides. 7c per salted calf, 13c; salted kip, ?ic; salted stags. c; green hides, ' cent less; dry hldea, lV4017c; dry calf, IT 18c; dry stags, 11 (r 12c Cascara Bark 5c per lb. Pelts Dry, 8c; salted, country pelts, 65c $1 per pound; lamb pelts, 25. Local Wholesale Market Bran $28.00 Flour, hard wheat $5!05 Flour, valley $4.4004.80 Shorts $2 9.0 f Wheat bushel 90 Oats, bushel 40 Hops, 1909 crop 10c to 12c Hops, 1910 crop 1213V4c Chittlm bark 4ft 5c Mohair 30c Potatoes, bushel $1.30 Apples, bushel 75c$2.50 Hay, timothy $16 Oat and vetch $12 18 Butter and Eggs. Butter, creamery 24c Eggs .... :17c Butter fat 24c Butter, country ..20 25c Poultry. Broilers 24c Hens 16c Roosters 7 9c Turkeys, 18 2 Or Ducks 14c Geese 10c Livestock. Steers (under 1000 lb) .. .$5.606 Steers (1000 to 1200 lb). .$4.50 5 Cows $3.50 $4.50 Hogs, fat 77Vic Stock 6V4 7c Ewes 3c Spring lambs 6c Veal, according to quality 11c O Notice. Owing to the fact that a firm has Incorporated under the name of Ore gon Produce Co., previous to our ap plication, we have changed the name of our firm to the American Produce Co. We have Incorporated for $10,000, and are In better position than ever to take eve of your shipments. Ship your veal, hogs, poultry, eggs, potatoes, etc. You will be satisfied. AMERICAN PRODUCE CO., Inc. 113 Front St., Portland, Or. Notice, Shippers. No matter how large or small a shipper you are, you cannot afford to overlook the opportunity pf improv ing your market conditions. We pay cash and the highest market price for all shipments. Write, for market letter and ship ping tags. AMERICAN PRODUCE CO., INC., Portland, Or. RAIROAD8. SOUTHERN PACIFIC. Son hbonnd. No. 13 San Francisco Exp.. 3:31a.m. No. 19 Ashland Passenger 10: 69a. m No, 17 Roseburg Pasenger 6:46p.m No. 11 Shasta Limited. .. .7:43p.m No. 27 Eugene Passenger... .8:25p.m. No. 15 California Express9 :66p.m. No. 226 Way Freight .... 9:60a.m No. 222 Portlanr1 Fa t Fit 10:46p.m. Northbound. No. 16 Oregon Express .. 6:15a-m No. 28 Portland Passenger.. 8:30a.m. No. 12 Shasta Limited . ,.12:36p.m No. 18 Portland Passenger 2:66p.m No. No. No. 20 Portland Pasenger 7:43p.m 225 Way Freight . ..12:35p.m 221 Portland Fast Frt 2:43a,m OREGON ELECTR'C RAILWAY OO Local LeTe For Portland and Inter 6:40a.m Portland-HIUsboro Inter . . 8:55 a.m. Portland and Inter 11:15 a.m. Portland and Inter ..... 2:00 p.m Limited. Port., Tualatin, Hillsboro. .3.20p.m. Ixcal. Portland-llillsboro Inter.. 4:00 p.m Portland and inter 6:20 p.m Portland and Inter .... 8:60 p.m local Arrive K, . n. Portland and Inter .... 8:25 a.m Portland-HIUsboro Inter 9:60 a.m. Limited. Port., Hillsboro, Tualatin 14:45a.m. Local. Portland and Inter ..... 1:00 p.m Portlfccd-Hillsboro Inter.. 4:00p.m. Portland and Inter 6:60 p.m Portland 'and Inter 8:80 p.m Portland Theater train. .10:40 p.m Salem, Falls City & Western Ry Leave West Baiem ror: DaMas, Falls City and Black Rock 8:00 a. m Dallas and Falls City 1:80 and :I5 p. m Sunday Trains (or: Dallas & BUck Rock 9:00 a. m. and 1:36 p. m Trains Arrive at West Salem from Dallas ...8:15 a. m. Black Hock and Dallas . .12:20 p. m. Falls City and Dallas ...4:15 p. m. SALEJT INDEPENDENCE BOATS. The launches Independence and Louise will leave their wharf at the foot of Trade street for Independence at the following hours dally except Sunday. Leaves Independence 8:30 a. m. Leaves Salem 4:00 p. m. o ' In the Wake of the Measles. The litle son of Mrs. O. B. Palmer, Little Rock, Ark., had the measles. The result was a severe cough which grew worse and was so severe he could not sleep. She says: "One bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar ComDound completely cured him and he has never been bothered since." Croup, whooping cough, measles couch, all yield to Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. The genuine Is in the yellow package. Refuse any substitute. Red Cross Pharmacy. CLASSIFIED Resign from the Dub Club - Join the Munnimakers You're worth what you're worth anil all that you're worth. If you can't get all you are worth In your present Job, put an ad. In the Market Place of the Munnimakers the busy little classified ads. In The CAPI TAL JOURNAL. Find out how much money other employers are willing to pay you. Don't waste time hunting for them on foot It will take too long, and it doesn't pay when the little Munnlmaker ads. are so cheap, and bring such quick results. If you want to go to work, and If you want to get all your work Is worth, a little classified ad. In The CAPITAL JOURNAL will do more for you than anything else. Dear Mr. Munnlmaker, Care of The Capital Journal My salary Is almos double what maker Classified Advertisement did It. Write Mr. Munnlmaker, care of The No. 82, whenever you want anything. Capital Journal "Want Ads" Bring Quick Results One cent a. word for first Insertion. One-half cent a word fur each limertton thereafter. No advertisement tiiken fur Ii-hs than 25e. Count nil words to the line. FOB SALE. FOR SALE Meat market very cheap if taken at once. Address "2SS", care of Journal. 5-10-3t FOR SALE Seasoned ash wood, $4.50 per cord, delivered, while It lasts. Rodgers Paper Company, 220 State street. 6-9-fit i FOR SALE Gasoline engine 1 h. p., almost new, a bargain if taken at once. Room 5 Steuslod build ing. 5-9-tf ANY ONE desiring a good second hand automobile, see F. 3. Ander son or Great Western garage. 6-9-3t FOR SALE Two teams, good horses one weighs 1450, other 1150 or 1200. Address Stayton, first blue house by Catholic church on Me hama road. 5-5-tf FOR SALE New 8-room house, modern, two blocks fnom car line. Bargain for a few days, address Box 20, Fair Grounds. 5-6-lw FOR SALE Good lots In rll parts of the cty. Easy terms. See Carl D. Gabrlelson, Room 5, McCor nack Bldg. Phone Main 96. 3-1-tI FOR SALE OR RENT Blacksmith" shop on North Front and Pine streets. Jacob & Grible. Inquire Catlin & Linn. 3-28-tf FOR SALE Good buggy. Inquire of F. E. Shafer, the saddle and harness man. South Commercial street. 3-27-tf FOR SALE Horse and top buggy, ladles' horse, thousand pounds, works single or double. Room 7, Murphy Bldg. 4-7-tf FOR SALE One new Crettors peanut and popcorn wagon, on the streets of Salem. Part cash, balance on monthly payments. Owner wishes to leave town by May 7th. Enquire at wagon or address J. N. Yenne, Salem, Oregon. 4-24-tf FOR SALE Large body fir, oak grub and ash. Now taking orders for summer delivery. Phone 1417 or 1283. Downing & Eoff. 4-29-tf HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, nearly new for sale. Apply 630 N. Winter. 4-27-tf HiLEM FCKL YARDS. WOOD TOR SALE Can deliver hard and soft woods, In 12 and 13-inch and 4-foot lengths to all parts of the city. My wood la well sea soned and under shelter. Prices reasonable. Salem Fuel Yards. Pbone Main 629. Office, 752 Trade FOR REST. FOR RENT Five-room cottage. In quire C. C. White, 457 State street 0-9-3t Capital Journal Columns. It was last year. New Job a Munnl Thankfully, BETTER OFF. Capital Journal, or 'phone him 1 FOR ItENT (Continued.) WELL LIGHTED front rooms with oi without board. Phone 1016, 366 North High. 1-18-U PASTURAGE FOR RENT, running water. Horse, $1.C0; cattle, $1.00 per month. Independent Market, 255 Ferry street 3-31-tf FOR RENT FOR CASH 500 a'cre farm, 7 miles east of Lebanon, for one year, or term. Room 7, Mur phy Bldg. 4-7-tf WANTED. WANTED Houbo to rent for board ing bouBe close In, or this side of Twelfth street. Send description and terms to room 201 U. S. Na tlonal bank. 4-18-tf WANTED A good second-hand cart Call at F. E. Sharer's, the saddler and harness man 187 South Com merclal street. 5-3-tf WANTED A girl or woman for general housework. Good wages for competent person. Call at 335 North Capitol street. 6-6-tf PAINTERS, PAPER HANGERS PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Estimates made and flrst-clase work done. I D. Driver, 617 North Capitol street, Salem, Ore Phone 926. 6-26-tf. WATCHMAKER. U. S. MILLER, the WATCHMAKER Over 20 years' experience as a watchmaker at Beatrice, Neb High grade work at eastern prices. Opera House block, 484 Court street 10-6-tf FOUND. FOUND A pair of gold bowed glasses on Wallace road. Owner can have same by paying for this ad and proving property. 4-27-tf BUSINESS CARDS. PIANO TUNING Lutellus L , Woods, tuning, polishing, repair ing. Telephone 984. Shop 630 N. Winter street 2.2-lyr ItESTA UKANTH. SCOTT RESTAURANT 179 South Commercial strevt Fresh oysters 25 arid 30c per order. 30-cent din nor 20c. Meal tickets $1.20 foi $1.00, $4.20 f r $3.50. Rooms 25c and 50c. 3-1-1 m B1SMARK CA1-E 190 SOUTH COM- merclal street, near Ferry. Best dinner In city, 20 to 23 cents Schneider & Maurer, Proprietors. AUTOMOBILES. STATE DISTRIBUTOR Pateraon motor cars 30 and 40 H. P., In eight models. Prices, f. o. b. Salem $1200 to $1700. Tbe Pateraon always goes. Swift, silent and simple. Demonstrations at any time. Agents wanted. Telephone Main 1644. Room 9 Gray block or Capital garage. Arthur E. Laflar 4-26- AD SECTION EMPLOYMENT AGEXCY. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Employers attention! Help of all kinds fur nished at any time. Send la your wants, we can Oil them at any time on short notice. Big list of male and female help on our books, al ways available, the best to be ob tained. The Owl Realty & Em ployment Co., 153 S. Commercial St Phone Main 204. Midway be tween the Marlon Hotel and Bush Bank on east side of street 3-28-tt REAL ESTATE. $2300 WILL buy a well furnished convenient 8-rooru house, with three good lots, some fruit, the best buy on our list East Salem. Room 304 U. S. Bank building. Phone Main 470. The Square Deal Realty Co. BAY CITY PROPETY Salem people who have Bay City property for sale will do well to list It with the undersigned. Make the price rea sonable and we can sell It for you. E. Hofer & Sons, 201 V, S. National) Bank, Salem. ELLIS A WOOD Real estate loans and Insurance, notary pub lic, employment bureau, Pbone 664. 476 Court St., Salem, Ore gon. Ticket office Hamburg.Amer lcan steamship lines. 11-1-lyr. . W. LAFLAR Real estate, insur ance and rentals. List your farm and city property with me. Will handle your rental property and give prompt attention to all busi ness Intrusted to me. Phone Main 1644. Room 7, Gray block, Salem, Oregon. 4-6-tf SNAP. Two choice vacant lots on Twenty-fourth street. Just off State street,' for $625, If taken at once. See my agents. Bechtel & Bynon. 5-6-lw PLUMBERS. . THEO. M. BAR-.Flumblng, hot water and steam besting and tin nlng, 164 Commercial St. Phone Main 192. 9-1-1 yr OTTO MUELLHAUPT Plumbing heating, gaa fitting; prices rea sonable; work guaranteed; estl. mates furnished. Phorie 373 1066 Chemeketa street. . ' 4-17-tf MAY WE SOLVE Your plumbing pnoblems? Plumbing, heating and gas fitting. Estimates free. Fin lay & Reynolds, 325 Center street. Phone 510. TONSORlAl.. H. Q. Meyer & Oo. The beat and largest shop In the city. Sli first-class barbers. Only flrst-clast bootblack In city; porcelain baths and everything pertaining to a first-class shop. Also carry a full line of cigars and tobacco and barbers supplies. 162 Commercial street, . next door to Statesman office. 4-6-tl LIQUOR HOUSES. WILLIAM BUTTE Fine wines, liquors and cigars. We handle the celebrated Kellogg and Castle whis kies. Cool and refreshing beei constantly on draught South Com mercial Street FAMILY LIQUOR Store AH stand ard brands of liquors kept In stock. Wines by the gallon. Bot tle or case. Free delivery In the city limits. E. Eckerlen, 206 N Commercial street. HAIR DRESSING. SCALP AND SKIN SPECIALIST Hair dress'ng, Manicuring, chirop ody and electrolysis. Combing! bought and made up. Miss Ora Poage, rooms 318-319 U. S. Bank bldg. 3-7-1 m MEAT MARKET. MEAT CUTTERS That ktvw bow. Cleanliness our motto. S'rlctly first-class goods handled, and our prices are right. For your freHh and cured meats call or phone Main 370. 173 South Commercial streot. John Iluusen, proprietor. OSTEOPATHY. DR. B. II. WHITE Osteopath and nerve snoclallst. graduate of the American School of Osteop athy, Klrksvllle, Mo., post-gradu ate and specialized In nervour diseases at Los Angeles College. 1909. Treats acute and cbronir diseases Consultation fre. Lady Attendant. Office 605-606 U. S National Bank Bide. Phone 859 Residence 346 North Capitol street Pbone 469. TAXIDERMY. SAVE YOUR TROPHIES from rer! and gun and have them mounted trne to life. Reg work, gam heads, all kinds of taxidermy Express shipments given prompt attention. C. A. Corblt Red Tannery, south end Yew Park MUSIO INSTRUCTION. MUSIC Piano Instruction at youi home by Ralph Harr 40 years ex perience. German. Kindly address 646 South 14th St. or phone 532. 1-13-U UNDERTAKERS. LEHMAN ft CLOU OH TJ. J. Leb. man, A. M. Clougb, morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to tbe profession employed 445 Court street. 9.20-tf, BAKERIES. WHITE SWAN and German Bakeries for highest grade bread and pas tries. Wedding and party orders specialty. We make dally deliveries 319 N. Commercial, phone 903; or 12th and Chemeketa, phone 961. 1-7-tl BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth more than any other iread, yet the price is no higher. For sale at your givcer'e. California Bak ery, Thotnrs ft Cooley, Props. CAPITOL BAKERY bread Is made In Salem. Weigh It and try It and soe If It Isn't the largest loaf In town. Be sure and ask your gro cer for Capitol Bakery bread and If they haven't got It, call up Main 954 and we will see that you get It. Delivery to all parts of town. 4-10-tf 8ECONI)-HANY STORE. J L. McPEAK, complete bouse fur nisber, new and second hand goodr bought and sold' also second hand watche- cheap for cash; har ness, guns and saddle. Call Main 1233. Highest cash prices paid for second hand goods 170 So. Commercial street 10-20tf E. L. STIFF ft CO., new and second hand furniture dealers, corner Court and Liberty streets. If you want to buy, the prices are right. We also pay the highest each price for second hand goods. Stojsand ranges, new and second band Phone 941. CHEAPEST PLACE IN TOWN Ex tra special In beds complete. Spec inl reduction In notions. Stoves, ranges and general furniture at right prices. Call and see us. ' Smith & Cook. Phone 451. 326 N, Commercial street LODGE DIRECTORY. SALEM GRANGE NO. 17, PATRONS of Husbandry Meets in Hurst Hall on State Btreet, on the fourth Saturday of each month, at 10:30 a. m. VlBltlng and sojourning members welcome. F, A. Myers master. Zella S. Fletcher, secre tary. 12-31-lyr MODERN WOODMEN of AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6246 Meets every Thursday evening al 8 o'clock In Hodman Hall. W. E Vincent, Consul; F. A. Turner, Clerk. WOODMEN Ob' WORLD Meet ev ery Friday night at 7:30 o'clock In Ilolman Hall Geo. II. Deacun, C C; L. II. Fletcher, Clerk. 1-10-09 A. O. U. W. PROTECTION Lodge No. 2 meets every Monday even lng at 8:00 p, in., In Ilolman Hall, corner State aud Liberty Sts. A. E. Donaldson, M. W.; D. P. Wright, Recorder. . 6-21-tf MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH CHAP. ter No. 1. Masonic hall second Friday of each month, at 8 p. m M. P. Baldwin, Ex. High Priest Lot L. Pearce, Secretary. 7-9-tf UNITED ARTISANS Capital As. sembly No. 84, nients every Friday evening In I. 0. O. F. Temple, Mrs. Ida L. Nlles, M. A., S. E. Vail, sec retary, 158 S. Cottage street. Phone 1214. 7-22-tf PACIFIC LODGE, NO. 60. A. F. A. M. MaBonlc hall, third Friday each month at 7:30 p. in. Tom R. Wilson, W. M , Lot U I'earce, b& retary. 8-1-tf SALEM LODGE NO. 4. A. F. -M. State coinmunlcstlon first Frl.lay In each month it 7: J p. m., In Masonic hall. McCorii block. .In tn e Plant, W. M.; Job Bayne, necetary. SALEM I1UMAN13 BOCNETY D. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tllson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should be reported to the eoclety for Investi gation. SALEM NEST NO. 110, BROTHER, hood of Owls. Meets second and fourth Wednesday of every month In Hurst hall, No. 420 State street. 7:30 o'clock p. m. W. II. Turner, secretary, 135 South Commercial street. CHADWICK CHAPTER NO. 37, O. B. S. Regulur meet lugs first tml third Tuesdays. Masonic Hull. Mrs. Mr.CauIe W. M. Ma M. Babcock, secretary. MASSAGE PARLOR8. MEDICATED PLASTIC CASTS The latest French method of removing black heads, pimples and wrinkle. Call at the Sanitary Beauty Par lors, Room 10, Steeves Block. 1-4-ti LIVERY STABLE. POSTOFFICE LIVERY and Sale Stable. Second hand vehicles pf all kinds sold. Best of turnouts, quick service; rates reasonable. For anything In livery and board ing, call or 'phone Main 188. E. F. Gillian, Proprietor. Ferry street CLEANING AND PRESSING. HAVE YOU BEEN TO SEE THE - Revasyenom, at William J. Lin foot, merchant tailor. Vacum cleaning, pressing and repairing. 642 State street. Phone Main 478. This add is good for 5 per cent on all orders and pressing. 4-4- WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER COMPANY Office city hall. For water service apply at office. Bills payable monthly In advance. GREAT CHINESE DOCTOB L. M. HUM. Has medicine wbtu will cure any known disease. He makes a special ty of and guarantees to cure catarrh. asthma, lung, throat, rheumatism, debility, stomach, Hver, kidney troubles,' also- any blackened or swollen soreness, broken limbs; smallpox , epidemic; all kinds of bolls, lost manhood, female weak ness, hernia troubles and paralysis. Consultation free. Care of YIck S Tong Co., Chinese drugs and herbs. Office hours from 10 to 12 a. m. and to 7 p. m. Office open Sundays, 163 High street,- upstairs, Salem. SAGE FOR DARKENING THE HAIR. There i nothing new about tbe Idea of using age for restoring the color of the huir. Our great-grandmothers kept their locks soft, dark aud glossy by using a saga tea. henever tueir hair fell out or took on a dull, faded or streaked ap pearance, they made a brow of sag leaves aud applied it to their hair with wonderfully beneficial effect. Nowadays we don't have to resort to the old-time, tiresome method of gutherlpg -the herbs and making the lirew. Tills la done by skillful chemists better thim wc could da it ourselves, anil all we have to do Is to call for the ready made product. Wjeth'i Huge and Sulphur, containing sage it toe proper strength, with the addition of Sulphur, another old-time scalp remedy. This preparation is told by alt first-class drtigffiMt for 50c. and $1.00 a bottle, or is sent direct by the Wyeth Chemical Company, 74 Cortlandt St,, NewYork City, upon receipt of price, J. C. PERRY, Baiem Oregon, o SHE WAS SMOTHERING. Rockford, ' Ala. Mrs. M. C. Pas chal, of this place, says: "I was taken with nervous prostration, and had headache, backache, palna In my right side, and smothering spells. I called In physicians to treat my case, but without relief. Finally, I tried Cardtil, and it gave perfect satisfac tion. I recommend it to every sick woman." Are you weak, tired, worn out? Do you sffer from any of the pains peculiar to weak women? Car dul has a record of over 50 years In relieving such troubles, and will cer tainly benefit you. It prevents those frequent headaches, and keeps you up, out of bed, feeling fresh and happy. Try Curdul. Geni'rnl M micro has doubtless noted this peculiarity of Central America revolutions that they al ways come to an end. Father's Vengeance. Would have fallen on any one who at tacked the son of Peter Bondy of South Rockwood, Mich., but he was powerless before attacks of kidney trouble. "Doctors could not help him," he wroto, "so at last we gave him Electric Bitters and he Im proved wonderfully from taking six bottles. Its the best Kidney, medi cine I ever saw." Backache, Tired feeling, Nervousness, Loss of Appe tite, warn of Kidney troublo that may end In dropsy, diabetes or Brtgbt's disease. Beware: Tako Electric Bit ters and bo safe. Every bottle guar anteed. Fifty cents at J. C. Perry's. I o Illinois legislators have fixed up a bill to prevent the drinking of liquor on trains exf-ept In buffet or dining cars. Those who ride only In box cars will plaHe tako notice also. ii Chamberlain's fltcuimi li and Liver Tablets will. clear the sour stomach, sweeten the breath anil create a heal thy appetite. They promote the flow of guHtrlr juice, thereby Inducing kooi digestion. Sold by all dealers. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Ecugbt Boars the Signature of FRENCH FEKALE PILLS. Mimic inoa. ninn inown to mr. ' r'' I Isv'limi Wuaiaiilevd of UutttT Kfuarfd. IV t frttild M $100 r tl. Will seinl thctuanlrtaJ.hr fri tJT I b lb" m swimI uwr uiikn Iw ttw VfttTf D MCLlCAt CO., ton I. UttlMSTt, Ptt. Sold In Safcm by Dr. 5. C. Sfoot