l - - - KA1KOAD& PAGE FOUR. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, HAL EM. OREGON, TUESDAY", MAY 9, 1911. ROUTINE BUSINESS OF COUNCIL MUCH STRKET IMPROVEMENT ORDERED A XI) GRADES OR DERED ESTAIIUSHEI) SOUTH COTTAGE FROM TRADE TO GET EL-OSO. Besides transacting tho regular routina business which Is an lncl. dent to all of the sessions, the city council last evening laid the founda tion for numerous Improvements by granting the petitions for the pav ing or certain streets, adopting speci fications for the Improvement of oth ers, and by awarding bids for the laying or pavement in several streets, which had passed through the pre liminary stages. Street Work Ordered. The committee on streets made a favoragle report on the petition ask ing for the paving of South Cottage street from Trade to State with El oso pavement, and the city engineer was instructed! to prepare the speci fications and plans. The committee, after consideration of a petition asking for the reduction of the width of the pavement to be laid on North Cottage street, decided that it was not for the best interest of the property owners that it should be granted, so It was denied, and the pavement will be 59 feet In width in stead of 40, as prayed fon in the pe tition. A favorable report was submitted ky the committee on the petition asking fodl the paving of First street asking -for the paving of First street and the engineer, was Instructed' to draw the plans and specifications for the improvement. Because of a remonstrance against the improvement iof all of Center street with, bltulithic the committee recommended that the plans be changed so that bltuldthic be laid on the street from Fourteenth to Liber ty, and that concrete be laid from the latter street to Water street, and the report was adopted. , The bid of W. D. Pugh for the pav ing of Twelfth street with concrete was accepted, and the contract for the paving of Thirteenth street with the same kind of pavement was awarded to August Kehrberger. The city engineer submitted plans and specifications for the laying of sidewalks, sewers and street pave ment ins Oaks addition, and they were adopted. The city recorder was directed to publish a notice of the Intention of the city to lay a stewalk along what is known as the Fair Ground road. A petition for the Improvement of Seventeenth street from Asylum av enue to the Garden Road with gravel was referred to the street commit tee, and so was a petition asking that the eingineer be instructed to estab lish the grade on Church street from court to Chemekota, so that the Im provement of that Btreet may be made in the near future. A resolution ordering a cement cross-walk to be laid on Union be tween Church and High streets was passed. Other Rusiness Transacted. The city recorder was directed ti publish notice of the city's intention tl correct certain errors in assess ments which were made for the lay ing of the South and North Salem sewers. A. Kitterman was granted permis sion to erect a confeetlone-y stand on the property of the B. P. 0. B. An ordinance establishing grades on Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Mines and Wilbur streets was passed, and so was an oddinance granting a franchise to F. J. Page to install a heating plant in the city. A communication was received from Mr. Minton relative to his con tract with tho city to furnish gravel for South Commercial street, which was rescinded by the mayor several days ago, on the ground that he was not complying with Its terms, and It was placed on file. Mr. Minton also made a short statement on the sub ject, the substance of It and the com munication being that he was com plying substantially with the contract entered into with the city. HE WANTS TO ANNUL THE OEEDS 00TEBX0R 1VEST ASKS THE AT TORXEY GEXERAL TO BEGIX SUIT TO RECOVER SCHOOL IAXDS ALLEGED TO HATE BEEX FRVrri'LEXTLT AC QUIRED BY BEXSOX & HIDE. Contending that there was suffl- Mont fprniH namairatvA tn thfl am)li- cations of Benson and Hyde, the no- tnrlnua Inn1 inarnln ra in the mir- chase of some 50,000 acres of schoof lands Governor West has addressed a communication to Attorney Gen eral Crawford asking him to insti tute whatever legal proceeding may be necessary to recover them. The letter is as follows: "I am enclosing herewith a list of school sections, which are included within the boundary of the national forests in the state, covering about 10,000 acres. These lands were pur chased by or for the notorious lieu land operators, Benson and Hyde, whom the federal government has been trying to convict, and has par tially succeeded In, convicting for conspiracy to defraud It of Its public lands. "The land covered in this list are within the Cascade Forest Reserve and were purchased by there opera tors, and in a fraudulent manner, for A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever PVR. T. FELIX GOURAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAS OK MAGICAL BEAUTIF1ER Hub, and bkla Piquet, no every oiemisn od beauty, and Je fle tie lection. It ha stood Ina teat of 60 years, and la to hum leu we taste It lobeaurelt la properly matt. Accept nocoQDter felt of aim liar tame. Dr. L. A. Savra aaid to a lady of the haut ton (a patient): " As you tad lea will uh them, I reeummend Goarntirf' Prunm aa the. (east harmful of all Lha akin preparations." for sale by all druiti and Fancy Goods Dvalere in the United Statea, Canada and Europe. FIRM. HOPIIKS, Prop, 37 Great Jones SlrtrtJewM the purpose of being used as base or scrip for indemnity selections and have already been used for that pur pose. The government, however, af ter a thorough investigation and dis covery of the fraudulent character of the applications by which these school lands were purchased from the state is taking steps toward set ting aside the patents to lands given in lieu of these said school sections. "If there is fraud sufficient, and there undoubtedly Is, to Justify the federal government in setting aside Its patents to the lieu lands, thpre is surely fraud sufficient to justify the state in bringing suit to set aside the deeds from the state to Benson and Hyde. "Should the state recover title to these lands they may be used as base for indemnity selections and at the present price of base would net the state easily about $7"0,000. "There has been sufficient evidence gathered by, and now on file with, the state and federal land depart ments to establish the fraudulent character of the applications to pur chase these lands. I would ask, therefore, that you take such action as in your opinion is necessary to recover title to these lands for the state. o OLD LADY'S SAGE ADVICE Knoxville, Tenn. Mrs. Mamie Towe, of 102 W. Main street, this city, says: "If you had seen me, be fore I began to take Cardui, you would not think I was the same per son. Six doctors failed to do me good, and my friends" thought I would die. I could hardly get out of bed or walk a step. At last an old lady advised me to take Cardui, and now I can go most anywhere." All ailing women need Cardui, as a gen tle, refreshing tonic, especially adapt ed to their peculiar ailments. It Is a reliable, vegetable remedy, success fully used for over 50 years. You ought to ry It. Saved Many From Dentil. W. L. Mock, of Mock, Ark., believes he has saved many lives in his 25 years of experience in the drug busi ness. "What I always like to do," he writes, "is to recommend Dr. King's New Discovery for weak, sore lungs, hard colds, hoarseness obstinate coughs, la grippe, croup, asthma or other bronchial affection, for I feel sure that a number of my neighbors are alive and well today because they took my advice to use it. I honestly believe Its the best throat and lung medicine that's made." Easy to prove he's right. Get a trial bottle free, or regular GO or $1.00 bottle. Guaranteed by J. C. Perry. of power holds the big stick. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will clear the sour stomach, sweeten the breath and create a heal thy appetite. They promote the flow of gastric juice, thereby Inducing good digestion. Sold by all dealers. SSSf CATARRH m j Ely's Cream Balm is quickly abiorbed. Givet Relief al Once. It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects the diseased mem brane resulting from Catarrh and drives awmr a Cold in the Head quickly. Be-II A V CFJFQ stores the Heuses of I M I I blbll Taste and Smell. Full size 50 cts., atDrng. gists or by until. In liquid form, 75 cents. Ely Brothers, fili Wurren Street, New York. f v rri . I I C X 4 I, . " . I . I ;. 'f .!" Ulif llllll IH 1 ''l' " t, ' sr. Celebrated Lemr Pfflliff. The Best Heater It will save you m- iey every day yoi own It. I ell at & natal' the best Let me give you figure. See Me About an Individual lighting plant for your home. The best thing Ii the market for cooking and lighting. A. L. Frasier Phone 135. 26k State Btreet LAST CHANCE TO SEE OLGA fiETHERSOLE ONE OF THE GREAT ACTRESSES OF THE WORLD WHO NOT OXLY ACTS HIT CREATES THE HY ING PERSONAGES OF THOSE WHOSE STORIES SHE PRE SENTS TO YOU LIYING, BREATn IXC. REALITIES. A dramatic event of exceptional In terest and Importance Is announced in the coming of Olga Nethersole at the Grand Opera House on Wednes day, May 10, In a double bill consist ing of "Sister Beatrice" and "The Enigma." Miss Nethersole holds a unique po sition in literature as well as In the drama, for aside from occupying the foremost position upon the English speaking stage, her literary achieve ments are rated among the best In advancing sociological and psycho logical reform, as well as In support ing the anti-tuberculosis movement. Last May in New York City before one of the largest gatherings of the Sociological Society she delivered an address on "Life Is Our Right and Labor Our Privilege" in which she disclosed, elaborately and effective ly, reasonable and pertinent solutions to such great problems as tenement house reform sweat shop redemp tionthe relative attitude of capital to labor, and an eloquent appeal for a uniformity in the divorce laws. Miss Nethersole has been for years, probably the most misunderstood wo man before the public attributed solely to the fact that her efforts to disclose life as it Is, rather than as it might be, revealed a realism in dramatic art that staggered the pro saic and provincial critics of the drama; but with a persistency and positive deliberation that Is charac teristic of her as a woman as well as an artist, she has converted many of her severest critics, who now claim her the greatest English speak ing actress before the public. Her coming here is heralded with pleasure as it Is assurance of a hls- tronlc treat worthy the consideration of all those who admire a wmderful performance by a wonderful woman. Prices, 50c to $2.00. Never hesitate about giving Cham berlain's Cough Remedy to children. It contains no opium or other nar cotics and can bo given with implicit confidence. As a quick cure for coughs and colds to which children are susceptible, It is unsurpassed. Sold by all dealers. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A Salem Bank & Trust Co. General Rnnkluir nnd Trust Business With our assurance that we are able and willing to take care of It, we solicit your Banking Business. Open an account with us and we will extend you every favor consistent with good banking principles. We Pny Four Per Cent on Savings Liberty Street, Just Off State :: FAIR GROUND :: Feed and Seed Store Valley Flour, per sack t 5I.UU, 4 Hard Wheat Flour, $1,25 X Best Sugar Cured Govern ment inspected hams, fine goods, per pound, 16c, The very best thin Break fast Sugar Cured Ba con, per pound, 20c, 5 pounds best White Beans ,25c, X 6 pounds Whole Grain Japan Rice, 25c, Try a sack of our High ' land Flour at $1.25, 10 pounds Best Nebraska Corn Meal, 25c, Remember the Place. Free Delivery R. N.MORRIS Phone 1497 Salem Fence Works i Headquarters for Woyen Wlr Fencing, Hop Wire, Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, Shin gles, Malthold Roofing, P. . B. and Ready Roofing. Screen Doors and Adjustable Window Screens. All at the lowest prices. CHAS. D. MULLIGAN 250 Court street Phone 114 : -o cT i ' i ALCOHOL. IfER nivr AVegelabteftrparsllon&rAs stailatingtteftotfaiKlRrtufr ting (lie S totracte andBowh if PtornofesDigPstionflrflfiil-l ness and RndontalnsKiihr Opiunilorphire narMneraL! WOT WAR CO TIC. jkjKtfOtiasBixzmmx AcUltSJh Jtmtbei Aperfect Remedy forCunsfli Hon . Sour Stoirach,Dlarrtm WornwfoirvukionsJcverisJr ness andLoss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature cf NEW YOEK. Exact Copy of Wrapper, ORDINANCE 0. 928. A Bill For an ordinance providing for Incurring an Indebtedness to the amount of $60,000 by the Issuance nd sale Oregon, for the purpose of raising funds for the construction of nec essary bridges within the city of Salem, Oregon; providing for the term of said Indebtedness, and the terms, denominations, and interest of Buch bonds, and the manner of disposing of the same; and providing ior suomission of the proposition the Issuance of such bonds to the a special election to be called for such purpose, and matters kindred thereto: Be It ordained by the common council of the city of Salem, Oregon: That, Wherea&, many prominent mat tne question of the Issue and struct bridges recently destroyed other necessary bridges, be again city at a special election, and Whereas the general interest of demand the immediate construction Therefore, Be It ordained: Section 1. Vnr tha rtlirnrkfla nf nrnifl.lln fxn.la fnn t.A . l , vi F.u,,ulu& IUUUD 1UL IMC I O ClJUfill UlllUU of bridges at certain points on Mill Creek where bridges were recently destroyed by floods, and constructing other necessary bridges within the city of Salem, Oregon, the common ized and empowered to incur an Indebtedness by the sale and issuance of bonds as hereinafter provided, to the amount of $60,000. Sec. 2. Such bonds shall be known and designated as "Salem Muni cipal Bridge Bonds" and shall be issued in denominations not loss than $25.00 and not greater than $1,000.00, upon a popular loan plan, at a rate of Interest not to exceed six (6) per cent per annum; such bonds shall be payable within ten (10) years from the first day of July, 1911. Sec. 3. The principal and Interest of said bonds shall be . payable in gold coin of the United States of America, and the Interest thereon shall be paid semi-annually on the first day of July, and the first day of Jan uary of each year after date of issue, at tho office of the treasurer of the city of Salem, Oregon. Sec. 4. To each of said bonds shall be attached twenty (20) interest coupons printed upon the margin of the paper upon which is printed the bond Itself, and representing the come due upon the said flrBt days ceeding the said date of Issue and place mentioned, and at the rate of of. Such bonds shall be signed by and attested by the recorder of Impress of the seal of the city of faith and credit of the city of Salem, for the payment thereof accord lng to the terms thereof. Sec. 5. All such bonus remaining the subscription books for the sale shall be sold upon the open market for all of said bonds so remaining Such bonds snail be eexmpt from all taxation for municipal purposes and among equal bidders preference In the sale and allotment thereof shall be given to bidders residing gon, for the smallest amount and Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the treasurer of the city of Salem, Ore gon, when said bonds herein provided for shall have been sold and paid for, and the purchase price thereof shall have been received by such treasurer, to arrange and keep all SRparate and apart from all other shall be designated "Emergency paid out only, for the purpose of constructing and repairing bridges with in the city of Salem, Oregon. Sec. 7. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions herein con tained, namely: To Incur an indebtedness in the sum of $60,000.00 for the purpose of re-constructing bridges destroyed by recent floods on Mill Creek, and constructing and repairing other necessary bridges, all by the Issuance and sale of bondB, a special election of the city of Salem, Ore gon, Is hereby called to be held on the 19th day of June, 1911, which election Bhall be held In all respects In the manner in which general elections are held In the cty of Salem, at which time tho matter of In curring such Indebtedness by the iRsuance nnd sale of bonds shall bo submitted to the legal voters of said city for their adoption or rejection. Each voter shall designate his intention by voting "Yes" or "No" In an swer to the following question: "Shall the common council of the city of Salem, Oregon, Incur an In debtedness by tho issuance and sale of bonds for the purpose of recon structing bridges destroyed by floods on Mill Creek, and constructing and repairing other necessary bridges In tho city In the sum of $60,000." Sec. 8. The ballot title to submit this ordinance to the legal voters of the city Bhall be substantially as follows, to-wlt: "To ratify Ordinance No, 928, providing for Incurring an indebtedness by the city of Salem, by the issuance and sale of bonds in tho sum of $60,000.00 for the purpose of constructing necessary bridges. Vote Yes or No." Sec. 9. The city recorder shall, not later than twenty (20) days before th said proposed election, cause the full text and ballot title of this or dinance to be printed In a newspaper published and printed In the city of Salem, Oregon, for Ave (5) consecutive publications. Passed by the ctimmon council this 24th day of April, 1911. Attest: . CHAS P. ELGIN, City Recorder. Approved by the Mayor this 2Cthday of April, 1911. LOUIS LACIIMUND, K-fi-Et-dly i ran For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years of bonds against the city of Salem. of Incurring tfuch Indebtedness and legal voters of the city of Salem, at business men of the city have requested sale of bonds to raise funds to re-coa on Mill Creek by floods, and to build submitted to the legal voters of the the city and the Inhabitants thereof of such bridges; council of said city Is hereby author AW A J. ' IK. TXt OITAU IOMMNT, MW TOM OITT. amounts of Beml-annual Interest to be of July and January, consecutively suc pledging t,he payment at the times and Interest agreed upon in tho sale there- the mayor of tho city of Sulem, Oregon, said city, nnd each bond shall bear the Salem, Oregon, and shall pledge tho unsubscribed for and unsold when thereof shall have been duly closed to the highest and best bidder bidding unsold, but for not less than par. in tho city of Salem, and state of Ore lowest denominations In duo sequence. funds arltdng from tho sale thereof, moneys of the said city, and the same Bridge Fund", and the same shall bo Mayor Arc You Looking For the Best Orchard Development Proposition in Oregon? We have it Call and see us. The A. C BOHRNSTEDT CO. 304 U. S. National Bank Bldg. SALEM, Bend Ofllre, Minneapolis, Minn. ..h..4 Grand Opera House John F Cordray, Mgr. j : j TUESDAY, MAY 9 The Season's Sensation. Henry B. Harris presents for the first time here R uth St. Denis And her Company in the famous DANCES OF THE ORIENT Augmented Orchestra. Elaborate Scenery Box Office Open Monday, 9 a. m. . P.RJ .C E S:- $2.00, $1.50, 75c, 50c. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS We do a Legitimate Drug Business and endeavor to serve the public honestly and conscientiously. If our methods meet with your approval, bring, send or phone your orders. WE SELL REXALL REMEDIES PERRY'S DRUG STORE Phone 979. argains InSecond Hand Vehicles Two-seat rubber tire surrey, good as new $60.00 Top buggy, rubber tires, first-class order 40.00 Good top buggy rubber tire 30.00 Top buggy, steel tire ... 20.00 S. A. Manning Implement House FOOT STATE STREET Gold Dust Flour Made by the SYDNEY POWER COMPANY, Bjamrj, Owgo. Hade fr Family Oac. Aak rour grocer (or It. Mraa aad Whorta alwari haa& P. B. WALLACE, Agt. Try a Journal Want The Bosom Sets The Btud button holes bind on your neck; button holeo exuetly mot buttons, no bulging front, la fact a perfect fit if we launder your ehlrtg. It ii done with our new STEAM PRESSES, which do not Vub or burn the fibre, but MOULD the cuffs, neck band and bosom to a PERFECT SHAPE. Try the new vork. Visitors welcome. Salem Steam Laundry 13A-10A South Liberty Street Phono SA OREGON i Branch Offices: Mucloay and Cregwell, Ores. 115 Commercial Street. Salem's most poular res taurant THE WHITE HOUSE We cater to the public who demand a good meal for a small pries. Wm. McGilchrist & Sons. Ad for Quick Results Flat exuetly meet, the neck band does not