TAGS EIGHT. DATLX CAPITAL JOURNAL. .HALEM, ORWXMI. 3IOXDAV, MA 8, Mil. OUR SHOE SALE We Hold to -the- Best Even if inferior lines do offer larger profits. Try us for GOOD GOODS, and be assured of lastiug satisfaction. This is a safe store in which to place your confidence. let us convince you of this fact. Is the Talk of the Town 1 Great Reduction in Ladies Suits We do not want to carry a suit over to the fall season. T hey must go and we are help ing thero by attaching low prices. $45,00 to $60.00 Suits $37.50 $35,00 to $42.50 Suits $29,75 $25,00 to $33.50 Suits $21.85 $17.50 to $23.50 Suits $14,85 $13,50 to $16.50 Suits $10.95 Reductions prevail on Coats, Skirts, Dresses, Waists, etc, and on Misses' and Children's Ready-to-wear. Don't wait until they are picked over be one of the early ones and have a wide range to choose from 533d WEDNESDAY SURPRISE Cottage Curtains 78c pr. Another shipment of those dainty cross-bar muslin curtains, braided border and cover. The supply is limited, so be on hand early Wednesday. A Regular $1.35 Curtain Special Surprise Price 78c pr. None sold before 8:30. No phone orders Just Received A Most Complete Line of Infants' Soft Sole Shoes The line lincludes velvet in brown and black all the popular colors included in the lot, 1 and 2-strap Roman Sandals several leathers, We are sure we can please you with this splendid line, Any style of these at 50c pair A New Shipment of TAFFETA and MESSALINE PETTICOATS Persians, plaids, black and al the popular ight and dark colors, Look over our large assortment before purchasing a silk petticoat PRICES RANGE $3.69 TO $7.50. SPECIAL PRICES this week on Dress Goods. Silks, Laces, Embroideries, SPECIAL REDUCTIONS on Men's Furnish ings . NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOU'LL BE A CREDIT To yourself, to your good taste and your good judgment when you appear in one of our Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits. You'll be a credit to us, too; that's one reason why we like to sell these clothes. PRICED $20 TO $35 We also sell Cloth Craft Clothes and Ederheimer, Stein Clothes for young men. Step in and see our large show ing of suits. You'll like them. The way we have slaughtered the newest season's shoes is a surprise to everybody. Hundreds have taken advantage to supply them selves ahead. Nothing in the bal ance of our stock is reserved. Now's the time before styles and sizes are completely broken. The Sale is rapidly concluding. Oregon Shoe Company 17S NORTH COMMERCIAL Copyright Hart Schaffner & Mirx FT WILL PAY YOU TO VISIT EVERY DEPARTMENT Trunks ,Bags and Suitcases (SECOND FLOOR) jr .. . flNCO!trOrrATtDj Art Draperies, Bed ding, Curtains (SECOND FLOOR) A CITY NEWS. Special meeting pf Multno mah R. A. C, No. 1, this evening. Work Ii the P. M. degree. Visiting compan ions welcome. Wuter Bills Pay on or before the 10th and save 10 per cent. Mater Bills Save Ten Per Cent- Pay on or before the 10th and save By paying your water bill before 5-8-31 , 10 per cent. Vehicles Several good second hand buggies at great bargains at Sam Manning's Implement house, toot ot State street 4-27-tf 5-8-3t the 10th of the month. 6-8-3t .tMMtMtM Don't Miss the Infants and Chil dren's Week Long Carnival. In order to let the people j; know of our good values '. in infants' and children's j; wearing apparel we have made substantial reductions right down the line. We Save You Money on I Slips, Long Dresses, Skirts, Pinning Blankets, Flannel j Shawls, Nightingales,Bands, Bootees, Crocheted Sacks, Night Slips, Leggings, Coats, French Dresses, f Stork Pants, Knit Underwear, Panties, Bibs, Sweaters, Aprons, Rompers, Hand em- t broidered Dresses. t SALEM'S POPULAR STORE U. G. Shipley Company j s . 145-147 North Liberty Street. s 5-8-3t. The Handiest Go-Cart- Vnj Your Wnter ,,,, Ever built. Regular $4.50 value, Before the 10th of the month and now R5. Buren & Mamllton. gave 10 per cent Good Fresh Vegetables Is what you want. Visit our store, see our method ot keeping them, and you will give us your order. The Sunset Grocery Co. Save Ten Per Cent By paying your water bill before the 10th of the month. 5-8-3t Special Sale Of children's sulkies. See window display. Buren & Hamilton. The Date Of the Bird Carnival recital to be given by the small pupils of Miss Elma Weller, has been postponed from May 16 to May 23. Two of Miss Weller's pupils will also give a re cltnl at the Methodist church on June 6. Pay Tour Water Bills Before the 10th of the month and save 10 per cent. E-8-3t Children's Sulkies Regular $4.50 value, now $2.95. Buren & Hamilton. For Commencement Preparations are under way for the commoncement exercises of the high school which will be held June 9 and those In charge hope to have the program completed this week. The graduating class this year will be large about 60 students being candidates for diplomas. Roiiglit Bonnie Diablo George and Henry Smith, of Fair Grounds, have bought of J. T. Wal lace, the standard bred horse, Bon nie Diablo No. 45017 by Diablo; race record, 3:09 dam, the dam of Sarah S, 2:09tt. Consideration, $2500. . The Spcndthrlftr- Frederlc Thompson will present at the Grand .Qp$ra House tonight "The Spendthrift," by Porter Emerson Browne. The piece Is built upon a subject that Is uppermost In the pub lic mind, much of which has been discussed and commented on by the i leading critics of America, and a ' subject that is of vital Importance to the nation at large. Prices $1.50, $1.00 75c and 50c. Water Bills . Pay on or before the 10th and save 10 per cent. 5-8-3t Claim Is Settled The Oregon Railroad Commission was advised today that the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railroad com pany had settled a claim of $14 held against it by A. H. Clark, for the storage and delay of household goods and which had been called to its at tention by the commission. Pay Your Water Bills Before the 10th of the month and save 10 per cent - 5-8-3t Academy Student Assisted In a "chamber-music" concert giv en at Chemawa on Saturday evening, May 6, Miss Pearl Robert, a member at the Sacred Heart Academy, as sisted as solo and ensemble pianist. Her perfection of touch and technic excited the admiration of all and com petent Judges unreservedly predict a brilliant future for her If she chooses to follow a musical career. Save Ten PeV'Oat By paying .your water bill before the 10th of the month. 5-8-3t Clilcngo Attorney He Burt Brown Barker, a Chicago at torney and wife and daughter, are visiting his father William Barker. He was formerly a Salemite and re ceived a part of his education at the Willamette University. Case To Be Advanced The Oregon Railroad commission has filed a motion with the United State supreme court to have its cases again the Oregon-Washington Rail way & Navigation company ad vanced on the calendar so that It may be heard at the same time that a similar case by the commission of Minnesota to regulate the rates of trans-continental. Lines in a state without interfering w 1th rates In other states. Fleckner Still Under Arrest John Fleckner, who was arrested Saturday afternoon by the police on the charging of stabbing Ralph Ryall with a knife is still confined in the city Jail. It is alleged by Fleckner that Ryall, together with others, at tacked him without provocation, and that to defend himself he had to use a knife. As soon as Ryall's wounds grow better, a definite charge will be filed against Fleckner and he will be arraigned. )j( jC j( Jg jg j( Jg JJ PERSONALS. a ft Mrs. G. W. Jory and daughter, Miss Grace La Fore, leave Tuesday even ing for Shasta Springs, California, Mrs. Jory will spend several weeks there, while her daughter will make her home there. State Printing Expert Harris went to Portland today on business. Monmouth, Oregon The home of the State Normal, Is a splendid town, surrounded by a mag nificent country. The climate can not be excelled on earth. Land Is cheaper here than any place In Ore gon considering everything. We want good people and can take care of a great many. We have a very large list of very fine bargains. Note the following: A splendid 123-acre farm 4 miles out for $50 per acre. A good rolling farm of 57 acres Improved, only 2 miles out, good soil; $60. 285 acres almost In town, 200 un der cultivation, excellent soil, $75. 70 acres near town, house, barn, orchard, lots ot berries tor $32. 52 acres with improvements costing $4,000, an Ideal home, $7,000. The only hotel In Monmouth doing a fine business, $1300. The only hotel la, Jefferson, Ore gon with splendid trade, only $5,000. Terms can be had on all these. Write or come and see us. 200 acres all black fine plow land, well improved, almost In town, $100. A very uno 450 acre stock farm with R R. running through It, only $35. Monmouth Real Estate Company STATISTICAL. J. l X kV JL BORN. SAUVAIN. At the family residence, Mill and Twenty-second streets Sunday, May 7, 1911, at 11 p. m., to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sauvaln a son. With a splendid mother, nine old er sisters to look after him, and Charley Sauvaln for a dad, that youngster can double discount those who came wltti the proverbial golden spoon in their mouths. Young Char ley surely has a down hill pull on the world from the start. When the horse editor went over to congratu late Charley this morning he was trying to file the nicks out of a meat saw, so he could cut a porterhouse steak off the hind-quarter of the chopping block; and absent-mindedly trying to take a kidney out of aside of bacon. And when a customer asked if he had a nice tea bone steak, he just looked up in a dazed sort of way and answered, "No, It's a boy." DIED. MAN'IER At the Willamette Sana torium, Sunday night, May 7, 1911, Elmer Manler, age 38 years. He leaves a mother, and a sister, Mrs. Grant Corby, of Salem; and two brothers. The funeral will beheld at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning at Sllverton. Interment In Miller cemetery near Sllverton. U i NOT A PIRATE BUT JUST CRAZY ft H NEW TODAY. tt WANTED Inexperienced girl fa housework, three In family. Phom Main 516. ' 5-S-Jt' FOR SALE New 2-cyllnder 5 H. P. Indian motorcycle. Owner wisho to buy small auto. Salem Auto Garage. Phone 386. 6-6-tt- FREE DELIVERY The Indepent ent Market will hereafter Bib free deliveries to any part o! tit city. Phone In your orders to 71) 6-4-3t ' BE SURE and see the new Stoddard- Dayton auto. 30 h. . fully equipped. Two door, $1450 end loir door torpedo, $1600, f. o, b. Salem. I E. N. Gilllnghara, agent 3-21-tt- LOST $10 reward for the return ol j a Spitz dog that answers to the i name of "Fritz." Phone 41. GREAT BARGAIN Six room nou I in good condition, chicken twins, I woodshed, and fruit trees, Sevea- ' teenth, near D street. For a short I time at $2100. E Hofer & Sou, I 201 U. S. National bank, Salem Oregon. 4-29-tP- FOR SALE Residence and large lot with natural shade trees, corner Mission and Twelfth streets, H fine modern improvements am1 mission finish. For a short dm only. E. Hofer & Sons, 201 0. & Nat. Bank building, Salem, Ore. 4-29-tf-' united rasas leisdd wibi. Oakland, Ca., May 8. George Washington Wise, the man accused of piracy, and alleged to have at tempted to seize the steamer Buck man, went violently insane In his cell In the county jail neve today. . He attacked his cellmate, nearly killing him. MONEY TO MONEY TO LOAN on personal and city property. Z. T. Keyes, 3i S. National Bank BIdg. 4-16-ln Cottage UndertaVfnq Parlors. Modern In every detail. Lady assist ant. Corner Cottage and Chemeketa. Phone 724. MONEY TO LOAN THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd and Bush Bank. SaletnOj I Norwich Union Fire Insurnace Society.- Burghardt & Meredith, Resident Ag I 385 STATE STREET. Notice The Capital National Bank Has advanced the rate of Inter est on all its snvluga accounts to four (4) per cent per nn nnm from May 1, 1911. All such accounts npon which the agreed rate is three (S) per cent will notwithstanding bear loir per cent after that date. GEORGE M. POST ARCHITECT Corner State & Liberty Stfc. Snlem, Oregon. nnnm i. r.rnv Blk. Phone Si TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES Bought Sold Rented Repaired , Ribbons Rollers finiinlie See Me Before ion a - C. M- LOCKW00D Phone 214-1 a S. Com St. 01 w