Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 06, 1911, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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Special Xusle
From 5:30 to 8:30 at the Elite
Cafe, with Sunday dinner.
One-Story Brick Building
Next wecK we win nold ai
i "Commercial' street- for $5000. Der
Carnival for the Tiny Tots
by & Willson.
i Nine Acres
Wc provide
-, , 1
i ff
S peci al s
Fine gardt'n or berry ground, 3
miles out, 1 mil from station on
rt I!
Tonight Only. 7 to 9 O'clock
The "Good Goods" Store Offers Splendid Values Tonight
Foulard Silks
Good patterns ard colors one cf
tho biggest bargains of the season.
Groat special price, tonight only,
yard . . . . . . 43c
Be on Hand
and Supply
Your Needs at
Great Savings
Good qualities, 27 Inches wide. Note
the great reduction.., ' '
65c Silk tonight only special, ,i
yard .... .. . 23c
Courteous :
Acccorded ''
To All
Two Specials for
Mercerized "Lisle Hose A splendid
summer sock tah blue and gray
' retSilaj 50c :yalu special .... 35c
80$.ap8penders8everal makes all
good, pair 87c
. Merchandise
of Quality
at Reasonable
No Inflated
" Sleeveless Vests
We have sold seevral shipments of
these. .They are gopd that's the
reason. Fine ribbed. It will pay you
to get several of these. '
Tonight only, each 5c
It will foe to your'
, " ,to supply your
from our
AH linen, embroidered and lace-edge
finish, with neatly embroidered corn
er. These are regularly sold at 35c.
Special tonight only, each 19c
Special Bargains arc offered in Dress Goods,
Silks, Embroideries Laces. Ladies', Misses'
and Children's Ready-to-wear reduced in price
Great bargains in Shoes. Extra special offer
ings in Men's Furnishings. It will pay you to
visit every department.
Save? Money
by purchasing
Our Constant
"To Please"
Lengne Meeting
f- OITV MCMfC The Fifth Ward
... ... League will meet
m m m m " '
evening ai me Higniana cnurcn. night,
i Miss Frances Ward
Improvement Assisted by a quartette in the
this (Saturday) Yama Yamma Man at Ye Liberty to-
Special meeting of Salem
Lodge No. 4, A. F. & A.
M.; tomorrow at 1:30 p.
in., sharp to attend the fu
neral of our late brother,
Charles H. Walker. Visiting breth.
ren welcome.
Hotel Marlon GrIU
Will be open ever night until 12
o'clock. Table d' hote luncheon 12
to 2 p. m. dall, 50c.
OllBon'i barber sSs?
Glison'i cigar itore
Ollaon'i baths open all day Sunday
Funeral Tomorrow
The funeral of Charles H. Walker
will take place Sunday at 2 o'clock
from W. T. Rigdon's parlors.
A "During" Story ! '
"The Spendthrift," which Frederic
Thompson will present at the Grand
Opera House Monday . May 8, Is said
to be one of the most daring stories
ever staged,, and this Is saying a
greai deal, considering some of our
niodjrn dramas. It Is a play with
most startling situations and dia
logue '
IV. 0. YIY-
Not fit tin fa rt Co 1am Po mn Cum.
day Is the day we build our log
cabin. ,1n the fair grounds. Come'
early. Big feed. Big time. . 6-4-3t '
, Vehicles
I , Several good second band buggies
at great bargains at Sam Manning's
Implement house, foot Of State
itreet 4-27-tf
The Many Patrons
Of the Elite Massage Parlors will,
please note, our new location. On )
May 15th we will In the Bligh block
open newly equipped, making the I
parlors the most up-to-date In the
Pacific aorthwest. 5-4-3t
Itnre Mushroom BIpe , " I
Dave McFadden brings' The Jour
nal editor several specimens, of the
somewhat rare beefsteak ' mush
room. It has a' very rough and toad
like appearance, and grows as large
as a Bartlett pear. When fried In
butter It has the fine flavor and ten
derness of a, good ripe piece of beef
steak, and Is Just as edible. The
week's rains have brought thera out
ahead of time, as they are generally
found In the fall of the year.
A Pleasant Outing
One of the prettiest walks or
drives around Salem Is that trip to
KIngwood Park. Go over wltli the
crowds today and see the recent im
provements. w. o. w.
Neighbors of Salem Camp special
cars leave State and ' Commercial
streets for the fair grounds Sunday
morning at 8 o'clock sharp. Many
visitors will be with us. Come and
enjoy the fun. i 5-4-3t
Company Licensed-
Insurance Commissioner Kozer
today granted a llcfense to the Frank
lin Insurance company, of Washing
ton, D. C, to transact a fire Insur
ance business In the state. S. M.
Boyer, Of Portland', has been named
general resident agent. ' J'
Inspects Roads
The members of the board of coun
ty commissioners spent the fore
noon today In the Inspection of road
routes petitioned for and also the
sites for proposed bridges in the
vioinlty of the city. The afternoon
session was devoted to the transac
tion of routine work. (
by & Willson.
To Visit Kliigvtood Park
Hundreds' of Salem people will
take advantage of the opportunity of
seeing KIngwood Park today. The
recent rains have done wonders for
the trees and shrubbery.
The Food You Fat Is First Step
Toward perfect health and in
creasing vitality, provided It Is ab
oUtoly par and wholesome. Qual
ity and prices count here. J. W.
Iawrence, corner Ferry and Commer
cial streets.
See Hollywood
Don't overlook our fine five-acre
tracts at Hollywood. Nothing better
In the small tract line than these.
All cleared, rich soil, easily worked,
cheap and on easy terms. Bechtel
& Bynon.
The regular Sunday dinner at the
Marlnn Hotel, from 6 to 8 p. m.
These enjoyable dinners are looked
forward to by Salem people. De
lightful music is furnished, and the
service is excellent. , .
Brings Condemnation Suit
'"' W. L.'Benham, representing an ir
rigation project near. Stayton, to-i
day brought a suit In the circuit
court to condemn lands belonging
to Lucy J. Kearns for the purpose of
constructing a ditch across them.
This is the second case of this na
ture brought by the company this
year in the circuit urt here.
Institute nt Centennial
State Superintendent of Public In
struction Alderman Is making plans
for a hlstorclal Institute which he
proposes to hold at Astoria during
the last two days of the Centennial
celebration. The program will be In
the way of historical review of the
progress made in the state since its
The Regular Sunday Afternoon
Lecture at the Commercial hall
will beheld tomorrow at 2:00 p. m.,
Rev. Bandy of the Unitarian church
and Lloyd C. Ramp, of Portland,
will be the speakers. Everybody
cordially Invited.
Printers' "Slim" hull
The Allied Printing Trades, base
ball'team of' Salem will play the
Falls City Commercial club team to
morrow morning at Falls City. The
Salem and Falls City railroad have
arranged for a special Sunday ex
cursion rate especially for this game
tomorrow, and the baseball fans of
Salem who take advantage of this
privilege can take their wives and
sweethearts and a big basket lunch
with them and spend a pleasant Sun
day at the little jcity by the falls.
The train leaves West Salem at 9
o'clock Sunday morning and the af
ternoon train returning reaches
West Salem at 5:30.
Judge Mollis In City
Judge Hollis, of Cottage Grove, Is
In the city on business and was a
caller at the state house today. The
judge saw service in the house of
representatives during the legisla
ture and was one of the strong men
In that body during the session.
Fried Spring Chicken
For your Sunday dinner at the
Elite Cafe. Cant be beaten.
johnstoB & Murpoy
Nine Patterns " Button and Lace
Four Leathers
Shoes $6.00 Oxfords SS.SO
We have all widths and know how to fit
your foot properly
I 1
Little Folks as for:
the Grown ups,
Clothes that are well cut!
and that f,t; materials tha W
are cood: Hpionc 1
W l.ai"ty andfresfh l00ki"g; workmanshj!
,ftft.'f that is arruratp anH vui . H
TL " ,. . aiauu wear.
These are the qualities that stamp al X
our infants' wear.
We want the children to grow up with X
our store. Therefore we have givtn t
the same attention to their deistinctive t
requirements, as we have to those of
their parents.
Our very large and varied stocks guar-
anteed f nrthermore, entire satisfaction
for mother's teste and purse limit.
The cheeriness of pur store, and the t
helpful, pleasant service of our salp4
f nrrt mala ' . . , .t jff
with baby a
Monmouth, Oregon
The home of the State Normal, Is a
splendid town, surrounded by a mag
nificent country. The climate can
not be excelled on earth. Land Is
cheaper here than any place in Ore
gon considering everything.
We want good people and can take
care of a great many. We have a
very large list of very fine bargains.
Note the following : '
A splendid 123-acre farm 4 miles
out for 50' per acre.
A good rolling farm of 67 acres
improved, only 2 miles out, good soil;
2S5 acres almost In town, 200 un
der cultivation, excellent soil, $75.
70 acres near town, house, barn,
orchard, lots of berries for $32.
52 acres with improvements costing
$4,000, an Ideal home, $7,000.
The only hotel in Monmouth doing
a fine business, $1300.
The only hotel 'In Jefferson, Ore
gon with splendid trade, only $5,000.
Terms can be had on all these.
Write or come and see us.
200 acres all black fine piow land,
well Improved, almost In town, $100.
A very, fine 450 acre stock farm with
R. R. running through It, only $35.
Monmouth Real
Estate Company
Reduced Prices on
Our Entire Line
Slips, Long , Dresses, Skirts, Pinning
.Blankets, flannel Shawls, Nightin
gales, Bands, Bootees, Crocheted
Sacks, Night Slips, Leggings, Coats,
Prench Dresses, Stork Pants, Knit
Underwear, Panties, Bibs, Caps,
Bonnets, Sweaters, Aprons, Romp
ers, and Hand Embroidered
jt1. . .41
M .1
& "Harvard Mills"
Salem's Popular Store
U. G. Shipley Company
Attending Institutes
State Superintendent of Public In
struction Alderman went to Hllls-
boro today where he' will deliver an
address at an educational rally.
Sold n Ford
Vlck Bros Salem agents for the
Ford, today sold one of their Model
T Torpedo roadsters to Dr. B. H.
White, of this city. Dr. White's car
Is one of the prettfest machines ever
seen in Salem. E. H. Whiteside has
severed hla relation with the Olm
sted Land company and will hereaf
ter be sales manager for the Salem
branch of the Ford.
FIsli Commission In Session
The State Board of Fish Commis
sioners is In session at the state
house this afternoon and besides or
ganizing and making preparations to ;
assume its duties when the law j
creating the board goes Into effect, j
May 20. it will elect a fifth member. .
The members now comprising the
commission are Wm. Flnley, of Jen-1
nings Lodge; C. F. Stone, of Kla-'
math Falls; C. K. Cranston of Pen-!
dleton and M. J. Kenney, of Port
land. These were appointed by the,
governor and it now devolves upon
them to elect the fifth member. A
southern Oregon man will probably
be selected.
Chinese SatnaMon Is Bad. '
Canton, May 6. With Are and
sword the revolutionists this after
noon are threatening Sheklung, on
the East River, 45 miles east of this
city, and 57 miles north of Hong
Kong. Troops have been dispatched
by the authorities, It Is reported, to
intercept them.
T" T T 1 T T 1 -f I"
WANTED Two girls for folding.
Elliot Printing House.
FOR SALE Finely matched team of
young mares, suitable for carriage
purposes. Will sell with or with
out nearly new carriage. Sea
Bechtel & Bynon, 347 State street
ent Market will hereafter make
free deliveries to any part o the
city. Phone In your ordera to 121
BE SURE and see the new Stoddud-'
Dayton auto. 30 h. p. folly
equipped. Two door, $1450 and (our
door torpedo, $1600, f. o. b. Salea
E. N. Glllingham, agent . 3-21-tl-
FOR SALE New 8-roora house,
modern, two blocks frpm car line.
Bargain for a few days, address
Box 20, Fair Grounds 5-6-lw
GREAT BARGAIN Six room houat
in good condition, chicken House,
woodshed, and fruit trees, Sew
teenth, near D street. For a short
time at $2100. E Hofer & SoM,
201 U. S. National bank, Salem
Oregon. 4-29-tP-
W ANTED A girl or woman for
general housework. Good wages
for competent person. Call at 335
North Capitol street. 5-6-tf
FOR SALE New 2-cyllnder 5 H. P.
Indian motorcycle. Owner wishes
to buy small auto. ! Salem Auto
Garage. .Phone 386. 6-6-tf
SNAP. Two choice . vacant lots on
1 Twenfy-fourth street, just off
State street, for $625, If taken at
, once. See my agents. Bechtel &
Bynon. -. . 5-6-lw
FOR SALE Residence and large lot
with natural shade trees, comer
Mission and Twelfth streets, with
fine modern Improvements ul
mission finish. For a short time
only. E. Hofer & Sons, 201 If. &
Nat. Bank building, Salem, 0r.
''. 4-29-tf-'
WILSON" At the Salem hospital, Fri
day evening, May 5, 1911 Charles
C. Wilson, age 72 years.
Funeral announcement later. Mr.
Wilson was a former newspaper man
of Salem. Death was due to abdom
inal trouble.
KIRLIN At the family home, Mad
ison and McCoy streets, Salem,
Thursday evening, May 4, 1 911,
James Stephen Klrlln, age 61
years. Death was due to stomach
He Is survived by his widow and
six children. The family arrived In
Salem a month ago from Kansas.
The funeral was held from the resi
dence at 2 o'clock this afternoon. In
terment was made In Odd Fellow's
SOME BARGAINS We have some
attractive propositions '. In farm
lands, also tracts. See .us about
Maplewood. This fine subdivision
is only four miles from Salem on
Salem Prairie, Is fine garden1' or
fruit land, now all-in cropland
, will be sold on easy payments.
Olmsted Land Qr., 371 ; State
Capital National
Has advanced the rate of inter
est on all Its savings accounts
to four (4) per cent per on.
nam from May 1, 1911. All
such acconntg upon which the
agreed rate Is three (S) per
cent will notwithstanding bear
four per cent after (hat date.
Cottage Undertaking Parlors.
Modern In every detail. Udy mut
ant. Corner Cottage and Chemeketi.
Phone 724.
MONEY TO LOAN on personal and
city property. Z. T. Keyes, 314 t
S. National Bank Bldg. 4-15-im '
Oyer Ladd and Bush Bank. Salem. 0
Norwich union
Fire Insurnace Society.
Burghardt & Meredith, Resident Ag
Corner Stute & Liberty St,
Salem, Oregon.
Room 1, Cray BIk. rhoneSM.
.. . n. invihin
See Me Before ou '
., Ifnill
214-10 X. Com
St. s
cemetery. j