DAILY CAPITA! JOCKS AL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 1, mi. THE ALL-WOOL POLICY OF THE- MEN'S CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Has been giving general satisfaction, Quality first and last, is our slogan. We buy from the largest and best wholesale dealers in America, consequently the tail oring is backed up by thoroughly reliable firms, The beauty or the fabrics and smartness of the styles, well, they speak for themselves, We believe we offer you the very BEST and that the ...BEST VALUES ARE HERE... Be sure and see our Spring Clothing be- ' fore you buy your new Spring Suit ,' Suits $10 to $30 Buy a GORDON HAT next time The Best $3.00 Hats in the world ' We really give you $2 when you buy a Gordori : They are equal to the usual $Shat IS REAPING ONLY WHAT HE HAS SOWN ttWITBD PRESS LBABED WIHB.J Seattle, Wash., May 1. "Harrison Gray Otis, publisher of the Los An geles Times, Is reaping the fruits he has sown," said Judge Richard Wln sor in blaming the dynamiting upon Otis conduct of his paper. Wlnsor was one speaker to 3,000 persons at a mass meeting of union labor and Socialists last night. William Hannon vice president of the machinists' national union, said the Times had enemies other than organized labor which might have inspired the dynamiting. Resolu tions were adopted denouncing the secret arrest of the alleged dynamiters. MURDER WILL MAKE TROUBLE FOR THE REBELS UNITED TBESS LB'SEB WIBB. Mexico City, May 1. That Interna tional complications will result from the killing of Olsson Softer million are, former professor of the univer sity of California, was considered al most inevitable by diplomats here to day. Softer, with his Japanese ser vant, was shot Saturday by rebels who held up the week-end Cuerna vaca special near Cuernavaca, 70 miles west of Mexico City. Details re ceived today were that Softer Was killed in cold blood because he pro tested against the action of the reb els in forbidding trainmen to go back and flag a freight train which was following the special. Softer was a native of Finland, but a Swedish subject. Russian minister Stalowsli has cabled a vigorous pro test to Soffer's government. Salem Bank & Trust Go. General Banking and Trust Business With "our assurance that we are able and willing to take care of it, we solicit your Banking Business. Open an account with us and we will extend you every favor consistent 'with good banking principles. We Pay Four Per Cent on Sayings Liberty Street, Just Off State IN FAVOR OF DIRECT ELECTION Washington, D. C, May 1. The senate committee today voted down the Sutherland amendment which caused the defeat of the direct elec tion resolution at the last session of congress, r The vote on the proposi tion was five to six. The committee then voted, 7 to 5, to recommend the adoption of the resolution in the form in which it passed the house. This gives the state's control of elections. "The Sutherland amend ment provided that the senate should have supervision over elections. Senators Clark, Dillingham, Suth erland, Brown and Root favored the Sutherland amendment. Senators Chiton, Culberson, Overman, Bacon, Cummins and Borah opposed it. On the vote on the adoption of the reso lution as passed by the house the fol lowing voted in favor of the meas ure: Chilton, Culberson, Overman, Bacon, Cummins, Borah and Brown. Clark, Dillingham Sutherland, Root and Brandegee voted against the re port The favorable report was then made to the senate. Senator Heyburn protested against the repori on , the; ground that it seemetj hasty' and ill-advised. He pointed but j'that the Judiciary com mittee did pot come into existence until noon ytoday. "There was no judiciary commtitee authorized, to report until noon," he said. "Thrf - committee meeting at which this measure was discussed was nothing but an assemblage of Individuals and not a genuine com mittee meeting." The protest was not acted upon. o A touch of rheumatism or a twinge of neuralgia, whatever the trouble Is Chamberlain's Liniment drives away the pain at once and cures the com plaint quickly. First application gives relief. Sold by all dealers. PROBABLY A MURDER IN EUGENE Becoming enraged over the atten tions being made to his divorced wife, O. Ham last night a little after 10 o'clock proceeded to her home in Eugene, where he found D. "Wood and shot him. Wood at a late hour this afternoon was in an unconscious condition and it not believed that he will live. Immediately after the shooting Ham fled and while the sheriffs of the adjoining counties have all been notified they have so far failed to apprehend him. Wood, according to the advices re ceived here, had for some time been paying attention to Ham's divorced wife, and although she was legally separated from him. Ham Is said to have taken exceptions to It. Last night Wood paid her a visit at her home and Ham upon learning of It, is safd to have proceeded to the house and without giving him any warning shot him down. Both parties were well known In Eugene. o The whitewash is peeling off Sena tor Lorimer. ORGANIZE TO BOOST THE COAST Tacoma! Wash., May 1. Dee.eatca from almost every cty in the state and Pacific Northwest. Vancouver and Victoria, together with representatives of railroad and steamship lines, are meeting at the commercial club here this afternoon to permanently organize the North west Pacific coast tourists' associa : tlon. The purpose of the association (is the boosting and advertising the euure iwmwest. Delegates attend ing the publicity event have been se lected from the commercial bodies of each city, while the Oregon commer cial organizations were represented by a delegate from the Oregon Devel opment League. o And now the question is, "What has Colonel Bryan against Woodrow Wilson that he should support him so vigorously. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA fiet It at Dr. Stono't DruK Store OVER 68 YEARS' V EXPERIENCE vT.i I W A l (i Tboc Marks ''hill C0PVniCHT3 4c AnonTirllnf krh and nVMrtntlnn mmf Quickly ascertain our opinion frtw muotlier an ItiTemlon ! probably paten tuhle, Communtrft. ttonrictlf cantidentlid. HAM) C00X on 1'otcuu tent f re. Oldest airency for curing patent a. Patent tJten tbrmiBb Munn A Co. rcelv tptcUU notice wtt hout cbftrve, in Uie Scientific Jlrccricati A banrttomelf UlntTtM whlT. Jntrtr. enlauon of ny rttnuna Iniirual. 1 rn. 13 mi: fnnrnontlii,. 61M bjll nwleltr. X IS HOLDING HER WEEKLY ELECTION CXITtD riESS LK18ED WIRI.J Tacoma, Wash., May l. Twenty candidates will participate In the re call election tomorrow for four city commissioners. It is generally be lieved! today that still anoother elec tion will be necessary, because a ma jority over all is required to win on a first ballot. Not more than a third of the reg istration will be polled tomorrow, it Is thought. Chief Interest centers about the public safety commlssionership, which is at present held by L. W. Roys. Roys la said to favor the "open town' 'idea, and as Mayor Fawcett was recaleld principally by the "votes o-f the saloon interests, many persons incline to the belief that Roys will be reinstated.. It is predicted if a union man wins out at the election it will be Public Com missioner Owen Wood. The two oth er positions to be filled are finance commissioner and commissioner of light and water. 0 ' QPny V M f ' y A . y " I lllll " " I TIIMiiilillll VII AT IS DEATH! Jas. H. Cole, of Brooklyn, N. Y., who spoke Sunday afternoon, Janu ary 9 in the city hall, Is lecturing under the auspices of the Interna tional Bible Students' association and Is en route to the coast speaking in the principal cities. The text book used by this association has become so popular that its corculatlon has bee nexceeded only by the Chinese Almanac and the Bible Itself, thus making it the tird book in the world. An extract from a newspaper re port states: "A large number en Joyed that privilege of hearing the subjects 'What Is Death?' 'Why Is Death?' and 'Will Death Ever Cease?' discussed by J, H. Cole. He handled the subject in the most thor ough manner, harmonizing reason and the Bible, and explained fully the substance his subject conveys, backing up all his statements with literal scriptural quotations to prove his points, while at times he seemed at variance with some things that are called orthodox today, yet all were familiar enough with the Bible to recognize that his application of scripture texts were correct, and his deductions logical, sound and rea sonable, Just what a reasonable mind sliould expect to find In GoJ's Word. Mr. Cole is an able speaker and is a frequent user of potent epigrams, all of which makes his addresses more clear and Interesting to the audience." THE HELP COLUMNS "Help Wanted" and "Situations Wanted" are columns of great usefulness to the masses of the people. On account of the wide circulation of the "Journal" its want ads attract greater atten tion and bring more results than its contemporaries. It will pay you to remember to place your help ads in the u Journal". I HI MM MM MM MM Pierce Bicycles Dayton Bicycles Harvard Bicycles $30 to $45 We can suit your needs with one of tbe above-named Bicycles. Call and Inspect them. BICYCLE REPAIRING Let us do your ropairlng; you will be satisfied. BIC1CLE SCXDIUZS Tlrei Kims lanterni Belli .A On account of its intermediate weight is well adapted to all seasons and all uses. It washes well and requires no Icnntntf T n -I 1 - . a - m ivhUbutbGU CICIJHUOia l( S . II, as an ideal fahrlp for TTImnnaa onH li ' t ', House Dresses. The plain white ' is 1 1 t h i - lf being used extensively for Night fV lit yf- . f Robes. Mothers find the 'small print ed patterns Tery desirably for child ren's wear. It is inexpensive but ser- f . .. . . J viceame. we show a splendid line of the new Spring- i mm i -f. v he iy i i '4-' 1 S If The Pacific ' Mills label is a guarantee of reliable quality New Stock of genuine im ported PONGEE SILKS JUST RECEIVED. You'll save from 10 to 20 per cent by buying your PONGEES from us. Short Sleeves are stylish for sum mer wear this season. That means that long SILK GLOVES will be in 1 demand. See our line of DOUBLE-TIPPED 16-button length SILK GLOVES, in black white and colore, at $1.60. Our store closes at 5:30 every evening excepting Saturday. Bon Ton 5c Cigar Built up on quality, Don't en courage the trust by .consum ing its products, Smoke a Bon Ton 5c Cigar Aug. Huckestein Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon. M Make Want Advertising Your Banker Journal Jwant ads bring quick results Portland's Popular Fire-Proof n Hotel THE OREGON The House of Comfort Combined With Elegance Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service in city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12r p, m, Most perfectly furnished, moderate priced, modern hostelry in the metropolis of trie Northwest WRIGHT & DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Owners and Managers. Also Operating Seattle Hotel, Seattle.