ruin SIX 04HJT CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY-, APRIL 27, 1911. ALCOHOL 3 SIR CENT AVegelablelVcpanfionforAs similal Ing the FoodamlRfgula tuig Uie Siooodis asdBawetsi Promotes DteestionflwrRi ness and RestXontalns neto Opium.Norphine nor Mineral NOT NARCOTIC. faUltUtx- Ctmfrl Suqrr -HO. Aperfect Remedy forConsfl) Hon , Sour Stomach.Dlarrtwi; Worms JConvulsfflnsjeverisa ness and Loss or Sleep. lacSin Sijnararf of NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper, s ure to please wholesome A Iways an and delightful drink, L ends strength to wearied physique, ffects a soothing cure for the nervous ills of life, E M akes life more pleasant and cheers the heavy heart, B tings good fellowship to all who partake in moderation. E E nlivens the spirit cast and disheartened, ndows existence and aspirations R estores man strength and !! ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM I " v. !: Dry-Goods, Shoes, Millinery i; Maple Bargains t Ladies' Seeveless Vests, good Ladies' Sleeveless Vests, extra large sizes Ladies' Wing Sleeve Vests .Ladies' Knee Length Drawers Children's sleeveless vests 9 1-4 Bleached Sheeting .25c a yard Apron Check Gingham 6 1-2 a yard Dress Linen 15c a yard Imit Rajah Silks 23c a yard SHOES! Children's Shoes 75c Children's Shoes ..$1,00 Children's Shoes ..$1,25 All Good Leather Lades' $3,50 Oxfords $2 pair . Millinery Popular Prices All up-to-date good quality, nice trimmed hats, shapes, flowers, foliage, ornaments Children's straw hats, special expert trimmers, ROSTEIN & 240 and 246 Commercial Street. 1 ma For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years the lovers of a beverage, invigorating, pure the weak and of the down with hopes 'to fulness of activity. quality at 10c each, R & G Corsets, Imit J Chamois Gloves and Silk Gloves Long Silk Gloves 59c Ladies' White Waists 50c l Men's $4 Oxfords, $2 pr Men's $3,50 patent shoes $1,75 pair Odds and ends at half price GREENBAUM pflCnrii UHOlU ZAP LW ft W In TMI OIKTUH OHMRY. MW OITT. PASCO WILL PAVE WITH BITULITHIC PLAN'S ADOPTED THAT WILL XE. CESS1TATE CONSIDERABLE AC. TIVITY IX STREET IMPROVE MEXT WORK THIS YEAR. Pasco,' April 27. (Special). Pas co stands for progress. Last night fhe council awarded contracts that proTide for the Immediate paving and Improvement of the. main streets of the city. For some months the council com mittee has been busy with trips of In vestigation to various cities of the Pacific Northwest for the purpose of determining the most desirable kind of paving for use In this climate. Their report covered wide experien ces by various cities, with concrete, asphalt, Hassam, ' Westrumite, bitu Ilthic, brick and wood blocks. The QOmmittee reported unanimously in favor of bitullthic. Bids were re ceived from companies representing most of the pavements above named. Prices varied considerably, a number being offered for less per square yard than bltulithlc, but, in view of the fa vorable reports in the towns where this form of pavement has been test ed for a long period of years. It was considered that bitullthic Is unques tionably the cheapest In the long run. o UNIVERSITY LAW CLASS HAS BANQUET The members of the senior class of the law department of the Willam ette university sat down to a sumpt ous banquet at the Hotel Marion last evening. Besides the members of the class, there was present Charles L. McNary, of 'he law Arm of McNary & McNary, and, dean of the school, and after the banquet and the tables had been cleared the embryo lawyers turned their attention to speech making. Sidney Graham, clerk of the circuit court, acted as toastmaster, and in troduced the first speaker of the ev ening, Mr. McNary's talk was in the way of a bunch of wholesome advice to the young lawyers relative to the practice of law. He impressed upon j them the fact that the law business ! at the beginning was trying and slow, j and that they must not allow them j selves at the outstart to become dis i couraged. Thw other speakers of the even ing and the subjects were as fol lows: Frank Bly, "Litle Things;" John Nyss, 'Success;" L. P. Pierce, "Modesty;" W. Chamberlain, 'Fail ure;" U. L. Lloyd, "Lawyers." Mr. McMeachln, '"Ihe Ladies;" Mrs. Don ald Upjohn, "The Men; Mr. Eakln, j "The Dean." Mr. Llewellyn, "Fellow j ship;" Mr. Schaupp, "The Begln Jnlng;" and H. Chamberlain, "The Future.' -o OREfiOX COMMISSIONERS GET GOOD COMMITTEES When the National Association of Railroad Commissioners recently made Its committee awardmonts each of the railroad commissioners of this Btate! were recognized by committee appointments. Commissioner Campbell has been appointed on the committee of grades and crossings and car service and demurrage. Commissioner Mil ler on the committee on express rates and Commissioner Altchison was given the chairmanship of the committee on an amendment to an act to regulate commerce and has al so been given a place on taxes to ascertain fair valuations of railroad property and one on delays attend ant upon enforcing orders. CIIEM.1WA SCALPED THE W1LLAMETTES The Chemawa Indians succeeded in taking the scalps of the university baseball team with a vengeance yes. terday nflornoon. The game was rot ten from the first inning, when the Methodists ran in four runs on er rors. The second Inning Chemawa made five runs, and Inter piled up six more scores, Willamette only get ting one, which made the final snore 1 1 to f,.' Every man on tho 'varsity ton fa was chalked up with om? or mow errors. It was a decidedly off day for the Methodists and their su periority over the Indians will assert Itself next Tuesday, when the Wll lamettea will play them on tho Che mawa grounds. The day being cloudy aiid windy, made it bad for both teams, and such nn exhibition of errors will not be re peated by the local team this sea son. Ctilldrn Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Get It at Dr. Ktone'a Drug Store A Reliable Remerjjr FOR CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm l aukklr ttMffetd. diet Rthel it One. It cleanses, soothes, heal ami protects the diseased mem- brans resulting from Catarrh and drive away a Cold in the Head quickly. Restores the Senses of Taste and SinelL Full size 50 eta. at Druggists or by mail. Liquid Cream Balm for une in atomizers 75 cts. Ely Brothers. 66 Yarrn Street. New York. SUPREME UOl'KT DECISIONS. (Continued from Page 2.) has been the custom for said period of over 30 years." The affirmative answers were tra versed in material particulars by the reply and from a decree dismissing the suit the plaintiffs appeal. Burnett J.: The defendants avow that they are constantly making use of the premises in question as a landing place and that they will con tinue to do o. At the hearing they offered no proof of ther alleged li cense to operate a ferry at that point. The Attempt to claim under a prescriptive right existing In the public Is futile, for the public cannot so acquire a right to use private property bordering on navigable wa ter as a public landing to receive and discharge passengers and freight. Pearsall v. Post, 22 Wend. 425; Thomas v. Ford, 63 Md. 346; Talbot v. Grace, 30 Ind. 389. To prevail, on such a title the de fendants must prescribe In their own right and that of their predecessors. In other words, they must plead and prove title by adverse possession. To this there are five essential ele ments necessary: First, the posses sion must be hostile and under a claim of right; second, it must be actual; third, it must be open and notorious; fourth, it must be exclu sive; and, fifth, it must be continu ous. 1 A. & E. Enc. L. (2d Ed) 795; Jasperson v. Scharinkow, 150 Fed. 571, 80 C. C. A. 373, 15 L. R. A. (N. S.) 1178 and notes; McNearv. Guis tln, 50 Or. 377, 92 Pac. 1075; Talbot v. Cook, 112 Pac. 709. The testimony shows that these landings are made upon plaintiffs' premises during the several months of high water on the Columbia River and that they have been more or less interrupted, sometimes by fences and some times by the stage of the water. There Is no showing that this use of the bank has been other wise than by acquiescence or per mission of the land owner, constitut ing a mere revocable license. These essential elements of adverse pos session are wholly lacking in the proof. It is claimed also by the de fendants that there is a public way which has been In use for more than 20 years adjacent to the slough from which the landings in question are made and that they are exercising a right to land upon the public high way which they are entitled to enjoy without hindrance from the plaintiffs. But the testimony shows that this road is merely adjacent to the slough and at all points there Is a narrow strip of land between the ground actually occupied by travel and the bank of the slough upon which the boats land. Hence parties leaving the boats at those points in going to the road would necessarily cross the small part of plaintiffs' land and - FAIR GROUND Feed and Seed Store Valley Flour, per sack $1.00, Hard Wheat Flour, $1,25 Best Suear Cured Govern ment inspected hams, j fine goods, per pound, 1 16c, , The very best thin Break- i fast Sugar Cured Ba- X con, per pound, 20c, t 5 pounds best White Beans i25c. 6 pounds Whole Grain Japan Rice, 25c, Try a sack of our High land Flour at $1,25, 10 pounds Best Nebraska Corn Meal, 25c, Remember the Place. Free Delivery R. N. MORRIS Phone 1497 Salem Fence Works I neaaquaners ror woven wire Fencing, Hop Wire, Barb Wire, Poultry Netting. Shln- t sr'es. Malthoid Roofing, P. ft. B. and Ready Roofing. Screen Doors and Adjustable Window Screens. All at the lowest prices. CIIAS. D. MULLIGAN ISO Court itreet. Phone 114 hence be guilty of at least a techni cal trespass. The principal question In the case la whether Injunction will lie to pre vent continued trespass. Originally the rule was that Injunction would not He In the first Instance prior to a judgment at law to prevent tres pass unless the threatened Injury was such as would cause permanent and Irreparable injury to the free hold, such as removing ores from mines br cutting down choice shrub bery, or destroying dwelling houses or the like, or In the further Instance that the defendant was insolvent Smith v. Gardner, 12 Or. 221; Men denhall v. ' Harrisburg W. P. Co., 27 Or. 38; Garrett v. Bishop, 27 Or. 349;. Moore v. Holliday, 43 Or. 243. But later authorities establish the doc trine that where the trespass is con tinued, made up of successive acts, each comparatively unimportant in Itself, and the threat and intention to continue is manifest, equity wll en join the same for the reason that each separate trespass forms a sep-i arate pause of action and it would be idle to require the plaintiff to bring a distinct action for each one of the samll trespasses. It would be a waste of time and serve no good purpose for the plaintiffs to bring an action at law for every different landing made by the defendants upon their land without authority. The ac tual damage accruing from each landing would be comparatively in significant and to try out each In stance in an action at law would lead to a multitude of actions, the princi ples of which could be determined in one suit In equity. In this case the plaintiffs claim no damaegs but only seek to prevent the continuation of the trespasses of which they com plain. The authorities are numerous that equity will entertain their bill for that purpose, especially when persistent invasion of plaintiffs' premises would eventually work out the establishment of an easement in favor of the defendants. Shaffer v. Stull, 32 Neb. 94; Poirler v. Fetter 20 Kas. 47; Murphy v. Lincoln, 63 Vt. 278; Amsterdam Knitting Co. v. Dean, 1C2 N. Y. 278; Walker v. Emerson, 89 Cal. 456; McClellan v. Tayltor, 54 S. C. 430; Turney v. Stew art, 78 Mo. 480; Boston, etc., v. Sulli van, 83 Am. St. Rep. 275; Lake Shore R. R. Co. v. Felton, 43 C. C. A. 189. The decree of the circuit court is reversed and a decree entered here according to the prayer of the com plaint. o Cull for City Warrants. Notice is hereby given that there are funds on hand and applicable to the payment of all warrants, drawn on the street fund of the City of Sa lem, Oregon, and endorsed, "Not paid for want of funds." Holders of said warrants will please present them for payment, at the office of the city treasurer, as interest will cease from and after this date, April 18. 1911. R. A. CROSSAN, 4-18-10t City Treasurer. I 7 HWWmrhWH Celebrated Lear F'irnrc The Best Heater It will save you tr iey every day yoi own It. I .ell ai q natal' the best Let me give, yon figures. See Me Afccut an individual lighting plant ror your home. 'Ihe best thing li the market for -ooking and llghtlnp A. L. Frasier Phor.p 1R. .! htat Street Home Manufactured How Our X New Process Glazed CEMENT a Better Pipe Than Anything on the Market. Salem Sewer Pipe Co., Manufacturers 865 Liberty Street Phone 11. x X t Sewer Pipe ? V Made. . Joy AND SICKNESS PONT CHUM TO DE HAPPY KEEP WELL USE ONLY BR. KING'S NEW DISCO1 TO CURE COUGHS AND COLDS WHOOPING COUGH AND ALL DISEASES OF THROAT AND LUNGS mK3$i.o I """"""1" - SOLO AND GUARANTEED BY HJ.. ". Are You Looking For the Best Orchard Development Proposition in Oregon? We have it. Call and see us. The A. C. BOHRNSTEDT CO. 304 U.;s. National Bank Bldg. SALEM, OREGON Head Office, Minneapolis, Mlnu. Soon Time to Spray It will soon be time to spray your apples and pears for coddling I moth. Remember that yon cannot him fruit free from worms t without you spray. Our Arsenate of Lead Is the best on the roar t 4 ket nud sold at a reasonable price. Sprny as the blossoms fall t the first time. D. A. WHITE & SONSt t Feedmen and Seedmen, I I Poultry and l SALEM, Salem's most poular res taurant THE WHITE HOUSE We cater to the public who demand a good meal for a small price, Wm. McGilchrist & Sons. The Bosom Sets The stud button holes exactly meet, the neck band does not hind on vnnr nk! hnttnn hnlH Bxactly met buttons, DO fr bulging front, in tact ehlrfB T fa Anna nHrri do not ,-ub or burn the fibre, but MOULD the cuffs, nee band and bosom to a PERFECT SHAPE. Try the fork. Visitors -welcome. Salem Steam Laundry 136-16(1 South Liberty Street HOME IN REACH ALL brought' Millions Branch Offices: itluclcny and Creswell, Orcg. ' None Just as Good LaCorona Tops Them All for 10 Cents On Sale Everywhere Aug. Huckestein Manufacturer, Salem, Oregon. Bee Supplies OREGON Gold Dust Hour Made by the UXDHKY POM COMPANY, Bydey, Orego. Made It Family Cw- Ank jronr grocer tor It- " aad Wbort. alwayi om bai P. B. WALLACE, Agt. Flat a perfect fit if we launder your H ahP nov STtATVf PRESSES, wmca phone "