Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 25, 1911, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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riGB rms.
Cleami-Up Sale
Hakes Esas Baling Essj
Silk Dresses
$22,00 values for $17.50
$17 and $15 val 12,00
(Continued rrom page 1.)
mayor and the council dramatically
exclaimed that he was opposed to
plunging the city In debt for the
building of bridges. He maintained
the people had voted the bond issue
down and that his policy would be
to live within the revenues of the
city; to build Just what bridges could
be built and let the communities suf
fer "stay by the budget," he yelled.
In Old Fighting Trim.
During Councilman Durbln's har
angue the mayor sat quietly in his
chair and listened. When Council
man Lowe arose to speak he mo
tioned to Councilman White to take
the chair and then he slipped down
to a chair among the councilmen
slipped Into the chair from which he
used to rise from time to time In the
past, and raise his voice in behalf of
the people and the apostles of pro
gress.. He was in his old fighting
trim again. There was in evidence
the same old sarcastic smile and the
same old fire In the eye and those
who had seen him In the past rise
and lambaste the mossback element of
the council right and left knew there
I Dry-Goods, Shoes, Millinery
j Staple Bargains
Ladies' Seeveless Vests, good quality at 10c each,
Ladies' Sleeveless Vests,
$ extra large sizes
I aHloc' Winer Qloovo octc
Ladies' Knee Length
Children's sleeveless vests
;' 91-4 Bleached Sheeting.:...'. -.- .25c ayard
Apron Check Gingham b w a yara
Dress Linen . ----- 15c ayard
Imit Rajah Silks ' 23c ayard
Children's Shoes 75c
Children's Shoes ..$1.00
Children's Shoes ..$1,25
All finnd Leather
: : Lades'-; $3,50 Oxfords
$2 pair. . ;
Millinery Popular Prices
All up-to-date good quality, nice trimmed hats, shapes,
flowers, foliage, ornamentsChildren's straw hats,
special expert trimmers,
240 and 246 Commercial Street,
Ladies' Tailored Suits
A shipment of New Suits was received yes
terday arid one since Easter. Owing to the
lateness of these arrivals, and the large
business we have already handled in the
ready-to-wear section we have decided to
offer the following big reductions:
$50.00 Suits ... $39.00
40 and 35 Suits . . 29.00
25.00 Suits .... 19.00
22.00 Suits . . . 16.75
14.00 Suits . 9.90, 7.75
was something coming, and there
Fledged to Improvements.
"This administration " continued
Mayor Lachmund, after paying his
respects to Durbin, "is pledged to
progress and it Is going to fulfill
those pledges. We are going to re
build the bridges washed out by the
floods and we are going to rebuild
them in a manner so that they will
live forever. I am a strong, red hot
advocate for progress and if I, can
help it there will be no more wooden
bridges built In Salem there will be
no more throwing away of money
into the river every time a flood
comes along. By bonding we can
have the future generations assist In
the building of the bridges of the
present and that is the plan I favor.
There is a demand by the business
men and the people for another elec-1
tlon on the bond issue questions and
I am In favor of again resubmitting
When the mayor was through, the
walls rang with cheers from the
spectators and Councilman Durbin
had to await for the cheering to sub
side before he could be heard.
Durbin Was Sheriff.
"When I sat and listened to the
R & G Corsets, Imit
Chamois Gloves and Silk f
Long Silk Gloves 59c
Ladies' White Waists 50c
, Men's $4,Oxfords, $2 pr
Men's $3,50 patent shoes
$1,75 pair
Odds and ends at half-price
mayor," began Durbin In replying,
"I wondered whether I was in a
trance or dreaming. Why, when I
was sheriff I used to take such men,"
but he got no further for the mayor
Interposed with, an objection that he
was not discussing the issue but go
ing Into personalities and when the
chair ruled against the objection,
Durbin seemingly had forgotten that
he ever was Bheriff, and launched off
on something else. t
Councilman Durbin then proceeded
to state that he favored the Issuance
of bonds for the building of bridges
and that the mayof"must have misun
derstood or misquoted him. He fa
vored bonds, he repeated, but he did
not believe in plunging the city In
debt did not believe in going be
yond its resources.
With that he sat down and with
that the mayor resumed his chair
and began putting motions again,
and the council to automatically .vote
upon them and a little later, when
an ordinance providing for an elec
tion to be held on June 19 for the
Issuance of bonds to the extent of
$60,000 for the rebuilding of the
bridges washed away by the floods,
It was enacted Into law.
People Want Bridges.
Ed. Journal: Those who are fight
ing concrete bridges are standing In
a bad light in this section of the city.
V.'e have to go around by the Turner
road and onto State street by Twenty
third street, to get Into the city, all
the way from Mornlngside to Twenty-fifth
street, and we are getting
most all-fired tired. , The way the
sewers are dug no places are al
lowed to get across. No one can get
out into this part of the city to buy
lots or rent houses. It has killed the
sale of land as far out as the Feeble
Minded Institute and it is no way to
run a city as big as Salem. If the
chairman of the sewer. committee
wants to help the town why does he
not try to have a place here and
there where we can get through. No
team or automobile .can get . through
to this , one-fourth of the city. Mis
sion street has been closed for going
on two years. All kinds of business
la Buffering and if men like. Larky
and Durbin are going to force us to
go through another winter without
bridges we might as well get ready
to movie - out , One-fourth of the city
has been tied : up six months to two
years. This Is not economy or busi
ness or anything else only blamed
foolishness and we want men in the
council who will not interfere with
th city. It will grow of its own ac
cord If It is given a chance by the
meddlers. PR INGLE ROAD.
Foley Kidney Pill contain In con.
centrated form Ingredients of estab
lished therapeutic value for the
prompt alleviation of all kidney and
bladder ailments. Foley Kidney Pills
are antiseptic, tonic and restorative.
Do not allow your kidney trouble to
progress beyond the reach of meal
cine, but start taking Foley Kidney
Pills at ones. Refuse substitute. Red
Cross Pharmacy. H. Jerman.
Los Angeles, Cal., April 25. While
James W. McNamara, his brother,
John J. McNamara and Ortle E. Mo
Manlgal, alleged dynamiters, two of
whom are accused of wrecking the
Los Angeles Times plant, are speed
ing westward In the custody of de
tectives, preparations were being
made here today for their reception
on their arrival.
Whether the men will be housed In
the city prison, at the county Jail or
in a special place of detention fitted
up for their sole accommodation has
not been definitely decided. Chief of
Police Sebastian was Scheduled to
hold a conference with District At
torney Fredericks this afternoon, at
which time this and other matters
Will be discussed. The district at
torney's office will have sole charge
of the prosecution of the suspected
trio. Fredericks' force showed con
siderable activity today and the ac
tual work of framing his case Is well
under way. The McNamaras will be
tried for murder. This was decided
after a lengthy perusal of the law and
such facts in the case as are now at
hand. According to advices received
by Chief Sebastian, the party left
Trinidad, Colo., early today and is
now rushing across New Mexico. It
should reach ' Flagstaff, Arizona,
about sunset tonight. If the train
is on time the prisoners will be on
California soil shortly after midnight
Beyond a vague plan to meet the
train somewhere outside the city and
bring the prisoners into Los Angeles
in an automobile, arrangements for
the arrival of the party are still In
complete. ,
That the state is being cheated out
of the greater portion of Its inher
itance tax by fraudulent appraisers
is the opinion of Governor West and
State Treasurer Kay, after an Inves
tigation of the subject and a meeting
of the Board of Control, of which
they and Secretary of State Olcott
are the members, will be held this af
ternoon to devise ways and means
whereby the state 'fflay get its full
share of tl:e tax.
Governor West and State Treasur
er Kay have been examining the es
tates from when the state draws an
Inheritance tax for some time." Gover
nor West said this mcnlng that' the
large estates had been, and were now
being appraised by appraisers at a
nominal value, and that the. tax be
ing secured from them by the state
was insignificant, when compared to
what It should receive. Just whet
plan will be formulated to put an end
to the fraud being practiced by the
appraisers he was unable to say, but
he stated that the board was deter
mined to put an end to It, and also to
change the present appraisement
made upon estates, so that the state
may receive from them Its Just tax.
o 1 ' 1 i 1
People Were Content to Tuke Things
i Easier Than Jiow.
If our forefathers could behold the
modern locomotives, automobiles and
electric cars, they would hold up
their hands In astonishment.
. The stage coach was fast enough
then people were more content to
take things easy. ' i ' '.
They used to be satisfied with any
sort of a hair lotion that came along
if it did not prevent baldness they,
thought It was because baldness
could not be prevented, , ' .
It's different now. People know
that germs causa Baldness and that
Newbro's Herpicide ' kills Ithe ' germ,'
thus curing Dandruff and preventing
baldness. .
Bold ,by leading druggists. Send
10c in stamps for sample to The Her
picide Co., Detroit, Mich. One dollar
bottles guaranteed. J. C. Perry,
Druggist 7 - . ...
I'd wash It away with that mild,
soothing liquid, D. D. D. Trial bot
tle, 25c. Relieves all kinds of skin
trouble, cleansing away the impuri
ties and clearing up the complexion
as nothing els, can.
Yes. If I bad any kind of skin
trouble I'D USE D. D. D. J. C. Per
ry, Druggist
Absolutely Pure
The only baking powdor
made from Royal Crape
Cream of Tartar
Joe Klocoker, an Austrian working
on the sewer construction gang, was
so badly crushed by a cave-in Satur
day afternoon that he died at the Col
lege Hill sanatorium Sunday night.
Joe," as he was commonly known
was aged about 32 years, and was at
work at the bottom of the 20-foot
ditch when a small patch of earth
fell from the side wall, the fall being
scarcely enough to cover the man.
He was quickly taken out and it was
thought that he was not hurt badly,
but examination revealed the fact
that his pelvic bone, the hips,, had
been badly crushed and the bladder
ruptured. The injury was of such
character that there was little or no
hope of recovery and the death was
fully anticipated by the attending
physicians, Drs. Pernot and Johnson,
who say that such cases seldom ever
Klocoker had a wife and two chil
dren in Austria . and bad been in
America seven months.
This is the third accident at the
sewer ditch In recent weeks. One
man. had a finger cut off and another
had a gash cut In his head by a
small stone kicked from the surface.
Albany Herald.
' Grants Pass, Or,, April 25. There
is keenest interest here In the report
ed groat gold strike at the Higglns
property on Baby creek, as reported
In The Journal Sunday morning. L.
C. Higglns, the Grants Pass assayer,
whojjs owner, is out of communica
tion at the mine, which Is at the sum
mit of the Baby creek and Rancheri
creek, 20 miles northwest of Kerby
Josephine county.
The discovery was made 30 days
ago but was kept secret. Gold Is
said to exist In stupendous quanti
ties. It is reported miners are on
their way with free ore that shows
$125 to the pan.
Gold Was discovered in a porphyry
dike 300 feet long. The dike lies
between serpentine and Blate, and
goldstone occurs at the ' contact of
the dike and the serpentine. The
man who made the strike at once re
ported It to the lessees of the mine,
who Immediately notified Mr. Hig
glns, who was then in a hospital at
Portland. - Higglns immediately left
the hospital for Grants Pass, and Is
now at the mine. It is understood
the lessees of the mine have less than
30 days before their lease expires.
Lessees are Jubilant . as the ore
said to be In sight makes them rich,
as 'well as Higglns.
Grants Pass has long been known
as the center, of a great gold mine
district, and this strike confirms, the
opinion. . ;
'Higglns .Is an old resident of
Grants Pass. -. 1
o ,
Seattle, Wash., April 25. Politics
got tf working in behalf of Fire Chief
John H. Boyle, who was discharged
at noon yesterday, because he re.
fused to resign. Boyle's attorney
proposed in Mayor Dllllng that If
Boyle was retained Hiram GUI, who
claims still to be mayor, owing to al
leged frauds in the recall election,
The Hoosier is a wonderfully complete kitchen cabinet
In a small compact space it brings together everything
you need in preparing a meal.
You must join the club this week to I
get a floosier at the club rate of I
One Dollar a Week and at a saving j
or rour Dollars.
I Call and ask
1 will be under
I whatever.
would resign and give the council a
chance to elect Dllllng.
"You gio back to your friends and
tell them that Dllllng Is mayor, and
that he can't ba fooled by any such
talk as that," replied the mayor.
Boyle Will be tried by the civil
service commission under general
charges of Incompetency preferred by
the mayor.
Mena, Ark. "I find Cardul to be
all you represent," writes Mrs. H. B.
York, of this city. "I suffered from
womanly aliments for nearly two
years, before I tried Cardul. I have
been so relieved since taking It I
cannot say enough in Its praise. It
has done me a world of good, and I
recommend Cardul to all women,"
Cardul Is over SO years old, and the
demand Is greater today than ever.
Cardul la the standard tonlo medi
cine for women of every age. Would
you like to be well and strong? Then
take Cardul. Its record shows that
it will help you. Begin today. Way
wait? ' ' ''"
o i
Washington, April 24. The census
bureau today gave out the population
of the following Oregon towns:
Grants Pass, 3,897; Pendleton
4,460; Roseburg,.'.4,738.
Every family and especially those
who reside in the country should be
provided at all tlAes with a bottle of
Chamberlain's, Liniment There Is no
telling wlfeil It may be wanted In case
of an accident or emergency. It Is
most excellent In all cases of rheu
matism, sprains and bruises. Sold
by all dealers.
Get it at Dr. Stone's Drug Store.
Gives Aid to Strikers.
Sometimes liver, kidney and bowels
seem to go on a strike and refuse to
work right ' Then you need those
pleasant little 'strike-breakers Dr.
King's New Life' Pllls-pto give them
natural aid and gently compel prop
er, action. ' Excellent health soon fol
lows. Try them, 25c at J. C. Perry's,
Druggist' '"
Marshfield News: The C. A. Smith
mill', working 10 hours per day, cut
11,500,000 feet of lumber during the
month of March.
Diarrhoea snouid ba cured without
loss of time and by a medicine which
like Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy not only cures
promptly' but produces no unpleas
ant after effects. It sever falls and
la pleasant and safe to take. Sold by
all dealers.
Get it at Dr. Stone's Drug Store.
questions, you
no obligations
buying stale vegetables, Stop pay
ing 35c per dozen for eggs. "Why
not buy one of these choice B-acre
tracts whore you can have all the
privileges of both city and country
life? The soil is the very best and
In a high state of cultivation, lays
Ideally for a suburban home; Just
outside the city limits; which will
double in value in the next year.
See ' i
To Cur a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab.
lets. Druggists refund money if It
falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signa
ture la on each box.. 250.
o ,
Farm Snap
FOR A QUICK SALE I will sacrifice
my 205 acre farm, near Lake La
bish, the richest land In Oregon;
140 under cultivation, balance fine
timber, pasture and undeveloped
beaver dam. All in crop, with all
farm machinery 6 horses, 7 cows,
chickens, hops, In fact, everything
goes with land at price $100 per
acre. Terms. The best buy In the
valley. See my agent.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets assist nature in . driving all
Impurities , out of the system, Insur
ing a free ana regular condition and
restoring the organs of the body to
health and strength. ' 8old by all
AST rout
rishing Jlime
Fishing Tackle
Rods, Line, Reels, Hooks,
Baskets, Spoons, Every
thing for the Angler,