Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 20, 1911, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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A New Shipment of Suits
For Women, in Mixtures and Serges.
Values to 50c I t, );s : i
Embroideries & -.si
121c , N - !1
Wednesday P t$
and I : 4 j v J
Thursday ' :' ' y 1
Mrs. Osborne, of Turner, was In ever after remain by treat;- a free-
Salem today, en route to . Dallas, trader.
where she expects to visit for a few ' - 0
days. ; -t There are a lot of things that a
If the American farmer desires the man doesn't know, but he wouldn't
repudiation of the Canadian recipro- have hia, email son find) It out for the
city pact, let him now speak, or for- world. " ''
Arthur Amos, a young English
man, who came to Salem with let
ters tf Introduction to the Carmichael
brothers, was given a dinner by the
hop buyers of this city at the Marion
Hotel last night, which was attend
ed by about a .dozen of the profee.
siou. Amos and his father are hop
growers In Southeaster England, .In
the famous district of Kent, which,
he says, has very much the same cli
mate but a heavier clay soil than this
part of Oregon. Mr. 'Amos enjoys the
advantage of a scientific education,
and has been studying grain farming
in California the past winter, and
may spend the summer In Oregon, al
though he might have word from
England to return any day.
A union service at the Liberty
street Evangelist church, corner
Liberty and Center streets, is the
"next thing" In Evangelical circles.
The time is next Sunday evening at
7 p. m. and the churches Interested
are the Liberty street and the Che
meketa street churches of the Evan
gelical association, and the United
Evangelical church. The move is on
for a general union of these two great
churches, and the local congregations
purpose to boost this plan as far as
possible. The meeting Sunday night
is under the auspices of the Young
People's societies of the three
churches and an Interesting time is
assured. '..:
With a view of bringing about a
proper observance of Memorial Day,
State Superintendent of Public In
struction Alderman today sent out
programs to the various schools, to
gether with a personal letter to the
teachers, giving his idea of the man
ner In which the day should be ob
served. '. ' ..'
"It ,1a one of, the most sacred days
we have,' 'says the superintendent In
his letter, "and It gives a great oppor
tunity to you to drive home the real
lessons of patriotism.' He then pro.
ceeds to say that he has noticed that
too many of the schools have turned
their attention on the day to athlet
ics and picnics, and asks that it be
discontinued.' ,
He suggests that the posts of the
G. A. R. be co-operated) with in the
celebration of the. day,, and, in the
event that thk?re is no such poet
where the school Is located, he asks
that the children go in a body to the
cemetery In the forenoon and dec
orate the graves of dead soldiers.
Their attention is called to the
program enclosed, and they are
asked to follow it.
, (Continued Irom page 1.)
A Gilt Edge I nvestment
Only Ten Acre Tract of Beautiful Residence
Property right on city limits. City built right
upto it. Will double any man's money in two
years. Half cas h, balance on ZTAA
three years time at six per cent pOyJ""
Eight-room house, fine lot 79x160, on ca rline, in best residence part of city, fruit trees
and fruit, modern improvements ,$5000, :."
Best 20-acre prune orchard, in full bearing, one-half mile from Rosedale, $6000,
Well established manufacturing business, one-fourth cash; easy terms on balance,
$20,000, ' . ' f-'"'::
Brush farm, fine fruit land, in Liberty district, 22 acres, 2 1-2 acres cleared,, good',
house, $2200,
Good building lots in Miller block, South Salem one with Commercial street, close
Five acres on East State street, just beyond 24th street, suitabe. for chicken ranch,
$1000. - :
finest improved fruit farm and residence on Garden Road for -sale ,on easy terms,
$10,000,.-... ...... 7-'' " -','
Half-acre tracts on South Commercial Street, close in, on easy terms, $600, ' .'
Three first-class 50-acn tracts one fine road ,near church and school, per acre,
$100. . :,'.
'lve-ya.f-oi prjinfrVcha'rd, half-mile beyond end of car line, , sold in lots of.'tvvo'
acres or upward, to suit purchaser, all but first two acres, $500 per acre, ; :
R. R, Ryan place, 20 acres, 1 1-2 miles east of city, fine house, two large barns',
$10,000 . ,.; y,':. : i - .. . ,,,, , t
Half block, Twentieth and Trade streets, .corner lot with house, $1200;" three lots,'
$800 to $1000.
Best five acres, with orchard, house and bam, little timber, ideal little home lot, with
$1500 improvemnets, close to city, $2600,
Good house and two lots corner Liberty and Mission, price .including paving and
sewer $2000,
Four choice building lots, two facing Liberty and two on High streets, $800, Spot
cash, ; All good, new buildings on the block Lots large, 75x141, and all sewer as
sessments paid "'
Money to loan, I have $1000 to $1200 to loan at seven per cent on first mortgage,
commanding the town, and are ex
pected to prevent the federals from
Occupying their western entrench
ments. ' ' "
Indians. Are There,
Forty Tarahuamarl Indians, naked
except for their breech cloths, are
with Madero. They will be stationed
In the hills overlooking Juarez, and
will be used as sharpshooters, to si
lence, the federal machine guns when
the big attack commences.
In Juarez today the inhabitants
are frenzied with fear. During the
threatened attack of Orozco no such
fear was displayed. Now, however,
the numbers of Madero's forces and
their evldent determlnation to attack
have spread terror through all class
es' of inhabitants. Flags of every na
tion tinder the eun are flying, the
people hoping under their folds to
find protection when the battle
rages. All the wealthy Mexicans
have closed their homes, and, with
all the household goods they can
transport, are fleeing to El Paso.
To Protect Sightseers.
To prevent, so' far as Is possible,
the danger of Americans being In
jured In the forthcoming battle,
commanders of the troops here today
arranged to draw a double line of
pativils along the river, with strict
instructions to allow no one to pass
after the firing starts. All the
schools In the southwest quarter of
El Paso are being closed, and many
residents there are "leaving, their
I homes until the danger shall pass.
A iiM'rlcnns to Lend,
J. J. Hall, an American, who ar
rived today from across the line, says
there are 45 Americans In the hills
with Madere, and that they will lead
the attack. He declare the lnurg
ents have plenty or Ammunition for
both their artillery arid infantry.
This aternoon General Navarro
still Insists) that he has received no
ultimatum from Madero,' although
; American Consul Edwards holds a re
ceipt showing that IWyas delivered.
Navarro 'clareB that he will not
treat with the rebWs under' any cir
cumstances.' , '
: Additional. fortifications are being
raised this afternoim In the Salle Com
mercio, the principal business street
of Juarez. It faces south, and this
indicates that the rebels ai' expected
to attack from that, direction. The
federal outposts were stationed this
afternoon on the mesa outside mf the
. I , o
( A pretty servant girl is apt to keep
the cake box in an impoverished con
dltlon. , ; '
Room 201 U. S. Bank Bldg. Phone Main 82
Get the ., "
Original ud Genuine
The Food DrinkforAHAges
Not in any MilkTnist
Insist on "HORUCK'S"
Take a package bom
V. W. Cooper Morris, sentenced to
five years In the state penitentiary
for misappropriation of the funds of
the Oregon Trust and Savings com
pany, accompanied by Attorney Alex
ander Sweet, of Portland, appeared
before Gov. West this afternoon and
asked for a pardon.
The decision of the circuit court
of Multnomah county in the Morris
case was affirmed sometime ago.
Yesterday Morris' petition for re
hearing before the supreme court
was denied. His only avenue of es
cape from serving his sentence In
the penitentiary, is a pardon from
Governor West, which it is safe to
predict, will not be granted. In the
event that West does not grant the
pardon Morris will commence serv
ing his sentence either today or to
Tacoma, Wash., April 20. Recalled
by a vote of a majority of the citi
zens on Tuesday; A. V. Fawcett re
linquished the office of mayor of Ta.
coma today in favor of W. F. Sey
mour, a wealthy business man, who
was elected to fill the unexpired term
of three years. The ceremony was
without ostentation of any kind. This
afternoon, in the city clerk's office,
Seymour quietly took the oath of of
fice and became mayor.
Fawcett presided at his last meet
ing of the city commission this morn
ing. It cost the city about $6000 to
change mayors.
San Diego, Cal., April 20. There
is a lot of hard work ahead for the
marines on board the Pacific cruiser
fleet, now In the harbor. Landing
drills will keep them busy for about
a week, and then there will be a big
event tire landing of a marine reg
iment, consisting of 1000 men.
Additional marines for the fleet
wlil arrive from Valeljo tonight.
:, The Hirpedo boats Goldsborough
and Paul Jones arrived from San
Pedro today. The rest of the flotilla
is expected tonight or tomorro morn
Washington, April 20. After Pres
ident Taft had, conferred with Secre'
tary Knox, Congressman Sulzer and
the members 'of the house foreign
committee, a statement which' came
direct from the president was given
out ..to the effect he will keep his
bands off the Mexican situation, dc
A. ' McDanlels , la snfferlng from a
tltlon of the Douglas Incident.
He thinks that absolute neutrality
laws, the border sentiment which fa
vors the rebels, the Inability to con
trol Irresponsible persons and the
fact that the border towns are cus
toms ports will all contribute to the
disorder. He believes that the sltua
tion is controllable, but thinks that
the preparation of a neutral zone is
A Reliable
Ely's Cream Balm
U quickly abtortod.
Glial Reliel at One
It cleanses, soothes,
heals and protects
the diseased msin
brane ronulling from
Catarrh ami drives
swhv a Ci'l 1 iu i'.e
Head quickly. 3 II.V PF-TH
.tores tlie Kerw-aof n I I la V ha 1 1
Taate and S:n 11. Full iz 60 eta., atDnitf.
grists or by muil. In liquid form, 75 cents.
Ely Brothers, 5(5 Warren fctraat, Kew l'ork.
The debates being held every Sun
day at Commercial hall are getting
quite Interesting. Next Sunday af
ternoon at 2 o'clock Rev. Ezra Baure
of the Congregational church, will
deliver an address to be followed by
Prof. Philip E. Ellis, of Portland.
Everybody Is cordially Invited to hear
these discussions, they are purely for
educational purposes. There will be
a collection taken for the betterment
of the prison fund to aid the prison
ers and enable them to obtain work
when they start out to compete for
a place In life's work. There will be
some good music furnished by Mr.
and Mrs. Whitney and their son.
Don't miss these meetings, they are
very instructive. Open promptly at
2 p. m., bring your friends and enjoy
a social hour of Instruction.
Tacoma, April 20. Lief Knutson
fell seven stories to the concrete
basement of the new Tacoma build
ing, in course of construction by the
Commercial Club and the Weyerhae
user Timber company, yesterday. He
was near the material elevator shaft
with a wheelbarrow when he lost his
balance and ,feU down the shaft At
the first floor he crashed through
some one-Inch boards to the concrete
basement. Workmen rushed to his
assistance, but he rolled over, got up
and smiled as he remarket: ''Gee,
that was a lucky fall." Knutson is
25 years of age.
Diarrhoea should be cured without
loss of time and by a medicine which
like Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy not only cures
promptly but produces no unpleas
ant after effects. It never fallB and
is pleasant and safe to take. Sold by
all dealers.
Get it at Dr. Stone's Drug Store.
Considernow the express com
pany: It owns no rolling stock,
neither does it have costly house or
barns; yet Croesus In all his glory
got no such dividends as it.
There is not an ounce of ro
sin in Sunny Monday Laun
dry Soap. Rosin is used in
all other laundry soaps be
cause it is cheaper than the
fats and oils used in Sunny
Monday. Sunny Monday costs more
to manufacture than any other laundry
soap of which we know. It is kind to
clothe will not shrink flannels or
woolens, or turn clothes yellow.
Sunny Monday is just as pure at
its whiteness indicates ; it is the safest
and most economical laundry soap
you can use.
The Sound Sleep of Good HealUa,
Can not be overestimated and amy
aliment that prevents it Is a menace
to health. J. L. Southers, Kan Claire,
Wis., says: "I have been unable ta
sleep soundly nights, because of
pains across my back and soreness
of my kidneys. My appetite was rery
poor. and my general condition -was
much run down. I have been taking
Foley Kidney Pills but a short time
and now sleep as sound as a rock, my
general condition is greatly improved,
and I know that Foley Kidney Fills
have cured me." Good results always
follow the use of Foley Kidney Pills.
They are a prompt corrective of urin
ary irregularities. Try them. Red
CrossPharmacy. H. Jerman.
If you want to affront a stout wo
man beyond pardon speak of fat wo
men in her hearing.
Your tongue la coated.
Your breath is foul.
Headaches come and go.
These symptoms show that your'
stomach Is the trouble. To remove
the cause Is the first thing, and
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets will do that. Easy to take
and most effective. Sold by all deal
ers. Get It at ' Dr. Stone's Drug Store.
Chlldron Cry
Get it at Dr. Stonn's Drug Store
One Mglit, Saturday, April 22.
LEW Laugh Genius
The World's Most Famous Bunit
Cork Comedian.
Look for the big street parade at
noon on "Minstrel Day."
Seat Salo, Friday, 9 a. m. Prices,
$1.50, $1.00, 75c and 50c.
Instead of Liquid
Antiseptics or Peroxide
many people are. now using
Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic
The new toilet permlcide powder to he
dissolved In water as needed.
For all toilet and hygienic uses it Is
better and more economical.
To cleanxe and whiten the
teeth, remove tartar and j
prevent decay.
To disinfect the mouth, de
stroy disease germs, and
purify the breutn.
To keep artificial teeth and
brldirework clean, odorless
To remove nicotine from the teeth and
purify the breath" after smoking.
To eradicate perspiration and body
odors by sponge bathing.
The bust antiseptic wash known.
Relieves and strengthens tired, wealf
Inflamudeyes. Heals sore throat, wound
and cuts. 25 and 50 cts. a box, driitfirists
or by mail postpaid Sample l?ree.
To-morrow may never come.
Today is here, and so are .
Our Bargains
They are startlers even to ourselves.
Brand New Goods for Brand New Prices.
JACOB VOGT, 220 N. Commercial St
A man Is enthusiastic over ' his
daughter's sewing lessons until the
springs the proposition upon him that
now she hag saved so much by mak
ing same house dresses that a brand
new tailor made costume Is coming
to her.
Religion and demricracy the kind
you write with a small "d" are one
and the same.
Children Cry
Get it at l'r. Stone's Drag Store
Portland's Popular Fire-Proof
The House of Comfort Combined
With Elegance
Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service in
city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12
Most perfectly furnished, moderate priced,
modern hostelry in thn metropolis of the
Owners and Managers
Also Operating Seattle Hotel, Seattle.