Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 20, 1911, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    DAILY fcLpjfAi .OEBXAL. 1ALEM, ORggflfr TBl'ltSPAT. APRIL 26, 1911.
See Our Special Display of
Globe-Wernicke Book
Cases and Filing Devices
We have entered a National Globe-Wernicke Show-Window
Contest and this display is our "Try" for First place. This show
ing will prove an education in Book-Cases and Office Furniture.'
1 ,
Lew Dockstader and his "twentieth
century minstrels," will be the at
traction at the Grand Opera House,
Saturday. April 22, with a minstrel
show fashioned along lines different
from any ever offered here.
The rise of the curtain brings into
view the "Possum Hunt Club Revue,"
showing the terraced lawn of the
clubhouse occupied by the members
seated at tables during a reception at
the swell colored organization. The
old idea of the singers and the or
chestra assembled on the stage Jba.s
been preserved but In this instance
it forms part of the story and Dock
stader daringly claims that the plot
around which the songs, jokes, etc.,
are grouped is just as logical as the
average framework of the present
Jay musical comedy.
The book and lyrics are by Vin
cent Bryan, who has given the stage
some of its present musical comedy
successes. The story is unfolded
consistently and is said to contain
some bright witticisms.. It begins at
the entrance of Lew Dockstader who
is fooled by the president of the club
into the belief that by taking a
draught of a certain beverage all
of his dreams will come into reality.
As the curtain descends on the first
act, Dockstader Is in slumberland,
while the entire vocal strength of the
organization render some beautiful
melodies. The second half of the en
tertainment, instead of the time
worn vaudeville, showing the reali
sation of the dream, Is said to be a
series of the most gorgeous scenes
ever attempted with an entertain
ment of this character. Among the
numbers which it is believed will
create on end of comment are, the
travesty on the comic opera, "Pina
fore," showin gthe deck of the ship
Thermidor, the Island of "Chanti
clr," with Its gorgeously costumed
inhabitants, and "Louisiana," a
spectacular dancing act Introduced
by Carroll Johnson and 20 trained
terpslchorean artists. During the
course of the entertainment, Dock
stader startles the audience with his
aeroplane which it Is said, files out
directly over their heads. The com
pany includes besides Mr. Dockstad
er, Carroll Johnson, Eddie Mazier,
"Happy" Naulty, Chas. Falk, William
Brandt, Frank Farron, Thos. Hughes
Wm. Smith, Chas. Raymond and 80
Prices $1.50, $1.00, 75c and 50c.
Chicago, April 20. The Technical
World Magazine for May has the
tt09t remarkable leading article of
the month the first authentic de
scription of the amazing feats of the
speaking dog "Don," of Hamburg,
Germany. The Technical World says:
"When a few months ago faint ru
mors about a dog endowed with the
gift of speech, first reported by Ger
man papers, gradually spread to
America, most people skeptically
shook their heads, believing it an
open mystification or an effort of
seir-delusion. When, however, the
most distinguished men of science
showed their interest in that won
droits dog by a thorough Investiga
"on of his capacities, doubt was no;
longer permlssable, and the veracity
of the rerort had to be conceded.
"Don's" case is both authentic and
unique and whatever reports on oth
er "speaking" dogs may be current
should be put down to effects of im
agluation. There may be other dogs
capable of imitating one or two words
TeT much in the fashion of a parrot,
a Purely mechanical repetition of
sunds to which no meaning Is at
tached. -ivn,' however,- does speak,
8nl is the only animal so far proved
to do so.
"Speech to him is the expression
f an inward impulse to communicate
with his master arid other persons,
showing them his affection or re
questing the fulfillment of some
"At the age of six months, very
ffiuch earlier than a human baby, he
Ior the first time showed his extra
ordinary gift by pronouncing the
first articulate word. He was stand
"g near the table looking with beg.
8in8 eyes at his master, and when
jh later asked him: 'Would you'
"ke to have something?' he clearly
jepllqrt: 'Haben ('have'). After
bl8 Martllng performance, he obvl
usly became the object of unusual
"It Is told of him that on once
Lew Dockstader.
meeting an old woman fnDm the
neighboring village on her way to the
market, he quietly stepped towards
her, distinctly pronouncing the
words: 'Don hunger, kuchen haben.'
The poor woman was so frightened
that she took to a speedy flight,
leaving her basket behind her In the
firm belief that the dog was possessed
of the evil one.
"The most wonderful thing about
him Is his talking with strangers
quite as freely as with his own mas
ter. When, therefore, Dr. Pfungst,
the well-known expert in psychology
of animals, and Dr. Vosseler, director
of the Hamburg Zoological Gardens,
wished to submit 'Don to scientific
tests, they had no difficulty whatev
er In making him pronounce every
word of his repertoire. The phono
graphic records made on this occa
sion prove beyond doubt the identity
of Don's speech with that of human
beings. There are. It Is true, some
slight differences In pronunciation
due to the difference In the structure
of the larynx, but these In no way de.
tract from the distinctness of the
The Technical World has an ex
tended and exceedingly interesting
description of the tests to which Don
has been subjected by scientists, with
pictures of his dogshlp.
May St. Nicholas.
It all depends upon the taste of the
Individual reader as to which of the
many good things In the May St.
Nicholas will Beem the very best; but
every girl and boy at all Interested
in gardening will vote as timely to
the very minute Eleanor A. Sutphen's
story of how a brother and sister
made a garden which blossomed every
day from April to September. The
total expenditure for bulbs and seeds
was two dollars, and here Is the
April 15-May 10, narcissus, white.
April 17-May 9, tulips, white, yel
May 8-May 21, llly-of-the-valley,
May 27-all summer, ragged sailors,
white, blue.
June 6-July 10, sweet Williams,
pink, red.
June 13-July 5, Canterbury bells,
lavender, pink.
July 23-all summer, sweet alys-
sum, white.
June 28-July 10, hollyhocks, yel.
low, pink.
July 2-August 15, phlox, white,
July G-all summer, gillardla, yel
Call For Bids.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned will receive bids up to 5
o'clock p. m. on Monday, April 24th,
1911, for the Improvement of Liberty
street, from the North line of Court
street to the south line of North Mill
Creek, with bitulithic pavement, ac
cording to the plans and specifica
tions adopted for such Improvement.
The council reserves the right to
reject any and all bids and waive
any and all irregularities in the man
ner of submitting bids In the Interest
of the city. CHAS. F. ELGIN,
4-19-3t City Recorder.
One Conductor Helped Back to "Work
Mr. Wllford Adams is his name, and
he writes: "I was confined to my
bed with chronic rheumatism and
used two bottles of Foley's Kidney
Remedy with good effect. The third
bottle put ma on my feet and I re
sumed work as conductor on the Lex
ington, Ky., street railway. It will
do all you claim in cases of rheuma
tism." Foley's Kidney Remedy al
lays rheumatism by eliminating the
uric acid from the blood. Specially
recommended for elderly people.
Red Cross Pharmacy. H. Jerman.
A Skin of Beauty la a Joy Forever.
iR. T. F.llx Oouraud'a Oriental
Craam or Magioai oaauimar.
Removes Tan, Plmptee,
Krecklee, M"-.S Paid.es
Bub, mod bkln Dineaea,
aaa Terr Diernun
on beiutf. ud ile
fie detection. It
bu Blood (at teet
ot 64 rers. uud
tt to ti&nnleM wt
taetelt tobeiarett
1 pmperlr mid.
Accept no counter
fett of eiaitlar
name. Dr. L. A.
Sarre a!l to ft
Udr of toe baut
too (ft patient) :
uAa Tffll ladlef
will thrm.
I meummeoa
floarnaeVe) Croon' " tot left Harmnii 01 on
bl.nMnMlMSforOtll DT U dlIlU 0 fUlOf
g2oXBiftl!ir th. Utted &Z, CftSdft ftoa tw
raUHOra.S.frif, J7 Brat Jaus Jtrni, lew W
for hrftnlr fnaf. tint An! mftnA J-ll-i J
petizinff meal it U & mnnnlA
aLr fn an
or tido of
on nuns ana
At Best Dealers, Hotels and Cafe
Calo. BtMt Campany, Partlaa. Or.
nwm iHtm
The May Outing strikes a note of
all-roundness In outdoor life that is
not only suggestive but really prac
tical and helpful. "Learing How to
Fly," by Augustus Post, describes
the process step by step. It tells
what a flier must do and what he
must not do. It Is a final summing
up of all that has been learned down
to this time. Mr. Post Is not only an
expert in flying, but aUw an expert
in telling others how to do it.
Did you ever pause to think how
a ball-player regards the National
Game? Is it work or play? Several
players answer this question in the
May Outing. Among them "Christy"
Mathewson, "Hans" Wagner and
Frank Chance. The article is "Base,
ball as the Players See It."
"Some Bears", Is a cracking bear
story by Arthur McFarlane. He
describes Bruin not only as he saw
him on a recent trip Into Saskatche
wan, but also as he figures in the
Indian lore and superstition of the
Canadian Northwest.
As a bear Is the most Interesting
a magpie Is the most Irritating
and whimsical. For this reason and
also because it Is a corking story,
you should) read "The Master
Rogue," by F. St. Mars. It is the
best picture of wild life printed. The
drawings are by Charles Livingston
Hundreds of elk starve every win
ter in Jackson's Hole. The indiffer
ence rot the State and National Gov
ernments is the cause. Yet these
elk cani be1 saved. Dillon Wallace's
Tragedy of the Elk" tells the whole
story. Also the remedy.
"Making Nature Help" is a tale of
what a landscape artist has done
with his country place, by thinking
more of nature and less of art. In
addition to the approved method of
fishing, there is a brief dissertation
on the angling virtues of the Cut
Pole, and a short article on "Home
Treatment for Broken Tackle."
And besides there is sound advice
for the mtorlst; the motor boatman;
the horse an'd dog lover and all the
other followers of (he various paths
that lead to the open air.
The yearly subscription rate of
the Outing Magazine is $2.50. All
news-stands 25 cents.
Cull For Bids.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned will receive bids up to 5
o'clock p. m. on Monday, May 1st,
1911, for the improvement of 13th
street, from the North line of Ferry
street to the South line of Marion
street, with concrete pavement, ac
cording to the plans and specifica
tions adopted for such improvement.
The council reserves the right to
reject any and all- bids and waive
any and all Irregularities in the
manner of submitting bids In the in
terest of the city.
4-19-3t City Recorder.
'otice to Property Owners.
Property owners on Ferry street,
North Liberty, street, South 12th
street, North 13th street, and North
Summer street, are hereby notified
that they must make their water and
gas main connection immediately.
Done by order of the Common
Council, April 17th, 1911.
4-19-3t City Recorder.
Notice is hereby given that the City
of Salem will receive applications to
pay by Installments, on all street and
sewer improvements up to June 1st,
1911, according to the Bancroft Bond
ing Act CHAS. F. ELGIN,
4-19. lit City Recorder.
. O :
The higher the license the bigger
the bribe.
or Bacon
hnilrUp i wn u. At.
1 . J 1m
- . w VH - va vHvuiavtM
bacon it U, H. Gorerntnant Inspect.
w, paasea na ramped, xoa fttv rtry
AAMlI-JinftA th&fe flnlMwthi BmJ M.-L.
Bacon meant highest quality,
f taa 7 Mini
Baltimore, Md. Mrs. W. H. Ison at
1419 East Madison street, writes,
"For several years, I suffered, ofT
and on, from female troubles, until
Anally I was taken down and could
do nothing. The pains I experienced,
I shall never forget I lost weight
till I was only skin and bones. I believe-
I would have been In my
grave, If I had not tried Cardul. I
shall praise It as long as I live."
Many women, like Mrs. Ison, are
weak and discouraged, on account of
some painful ailment. Are you one
of these sufferers? Cardul will help
you. Try It today. Any druggist.
Do Ghosts Haunt Swamps!
No, never. It's. foolish to fear a
fancied evil, when there are real and
deadly perils to guard against in
swamps and marshes, bayous, and
lowlands. These are the malaria
germs that cause ague, chills and
fever, weakness, aches In the bones
and muscles and may induce deadly
typhoid. But Electric Bitters de
stroys and casts out these vicious
germs from the blood. "Three bot
tles drove all the malaria from my
system," wrote Wm. Fretwell, of Lu
cama, N. C, "and I've had fine health
ever since." Use this .safe, sure rem
edy only. 50 cents at J. C. Perry's,
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned will receive bids up to 5
o'clock p. m. on Monday, April 24,
1911, for the construction of a plank
sidewalk five feet In width with three
stringers, along the East side of 18th
street and abutting upon and adja
cent to Lot 5, in block 4, in Capital
Park Addition to the City of Salem,
The City reserves the right to re
ject any and all bids. Said bids will
be considered by the common coun
cil on April 24, 1911. .
4-19-3t ' City Recorder.
The Agricultural Credit Society is
a success in Europe, why not Intro,
duce It Into America?
411 patent medicines or medicines ad
vertlscd in this paper are for sale al
Drug Store
The only cash drug store In Oregon
owes no one, and no one owes It,
carries large' stock; its -shelve
counters and show cases are loaded
with drugs, medicines, notions, toi
let articles, wines and liquors of al'
kl3ds for medicinal purposes. Dr
Stone Is a regular graduate In medl
cine and has bad many years of ex
perlence In the practice Consults
tlona are free. Prescriptions arc
free, and only regular price for med
lcine. Dr. Stone can be found a'
bit drag store, Salem, Or., from '
la tha morning until at alght.
-ft s9 I
J" I a a -m jy ,w-
New stock and complete assortment, all units equipped
with the new door equalizer a positive guarantee against
- -amy-
is now
The prices are very low.
The terms are very easy.
The streets are all being graded.
The new bridge will connect it directly
with State street.
You have no sewer assessment.
You will not have to build sidewalks.
It is by far the most sightly addition yet
It is high ground, has rich soil and good
Look at it Sunday if you can't before.
You Will Like It.
The Oregon Realty Company, Agts
YaVV V. ITV" X ... -V-i . T- .rf
fifrp v& ni
'Elastic" Book
binding. This is your oppor
tunity to make a selection from
a new stock of cases that have
all the latest improvements. We
are making a special display
this month, and quote you
factory prices on any combina
tion of Units you may select.
on the
Case Units