FAGK EIGHT. DAILY CAPITAli JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGOX, TCESDAV. APRIL 18, 1911. Attend Our Great After Easter Sale Great Bargains offered in Ladies' Suits, Coats, Dresses, Costumes, Skirts, Silk Waists, etc. Bargains in Every Department. Silk Petticoat Sale THREE DAYS ' Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Taffeta Silks in all colors and black Values to $10.00, at - - - V $4.88 $12.00 to $13.50 values, at - - 6.89 Get an Early Choice. : : - v; . , , our semi-annual Shoe Clean-Up Sale Is attracting wide attention, due to" thfe 'fact that we are offering exceptional Shoe Values, Every Shoe in stock , reduceiclgrjng this sale, You can't, afford to overlook this opportunity, ' " Shop Mornings You Can Be Given More Attention. I , The Siiiiltnry Grocery- . CITY NEWS. Richmond $10 down and Realty Co. $10 month. Oregon A Choice Collection 1 Of the latest sheot music, all Yi, you will find at Charleton's, the 5c, 10c and 15o' store. Demonstration free. 4-15-lw For Sale Floe lot In Bishop's addition, at low price. Also dairy and hop ranch, close In. Apply at 255 Ferry, Inde pendent Market 3-29-lm Richmond Addition Streets graded and cement side walk' Oregon Realty Co. Hollywood Dont forget that for the best close in Ore-acre tracts you can do no bet ter than to see Hollywood. Easy terms. Bechtel & Bynon. Aa Error In Name A death notice In the. Journal yes terday read "Thomas Kllpatrlck." This should have read Thomas Gil patrlck. He died at the Salem Sana torium. Ills wife is now en route to Salem from Minneapolis and funeral arrangements will be postponed pending her arrival. Richmond Sewer assessment Realty Co. paid. Oregon Will All your order with the best to be had In the grocery, vegetable, jouiiry anu preaa line, tall or phone Main 131. The Sunset Gro cery. ... Here to Visit Brother R. B. Blodgett, of Boycevllle, Wis consln, has arrived for a visit with his brother. Rev, W. N. Blodgett of this city. He is a retired farmer and banker and may conclude to make his home on the Pacific coast If he likes It. Assembly Tonight The Cherry City Assembly holds its last regular dancing party of the season at the rink tonight. There are lavish decorations of palms and cut flowers. Chicken Kimclies In selecting a chicken or fruit ranch see the best. Hollywood fills the bill. Five-acre tracts all cleared close to Fair Grounds. Bechtel & Bynon, 347 State street, Building a Bungalow Mel Hamilton who is a pretty good all-around mechanic, Is building a pretty bungalow on EaBt State street to cost about $1500. He says he will probably sell It,, but Mrs. Hamilton likes it so well that she says she will be a iong time moving out of it. We Have Fine Types Of the Famous Singer sewing ma chine and supplies. Inspect the new models. Also the latest phonograph records. Hlllman & Peters, 247 North Commercial street. eod-tf MM 4 T . ' Add Tone to Your Home ! With These Window Hangings. "Wonderful what a pair of new cur tains will do. They add a touch of fresh,, clean beauty to a room that nothing else accomplished quite so perfectly. And like all good housewives, you're probably figuring on that very thing right now. We're splendidly ready for you, ready with a compre hensive display of curtains, chief among which are the Justly popular arts and crafts designs. If you would brighten your home and make It cosier, let this store be your goal. Trices rule that permit rare economies. 2 1-2 and 3 vard Curtains in flunv , - - - - - j -------- --- , Arabian, Renaissance, Insh roint, Nottmg ham Lace and Novelty Curtains. Range of prices 75c to $15 pair. . - .. . , ;!U. G. Shipley Company j I 145-147 North liberty Street, Salem, Ore. J ill;: Wf, f&MM Richmond Will scoon be on toe market' 'See the Oregon "Realty Co. ' , -- i- Hotel Marlon Grill '.. ' Will be open ever night- until. 12 o'clock. Table d,' hote luncheon 12 to 2 p. m. dail, 50c. Tues-Thurs-Sat-tf Prices That Stand for Economy In groceries counts some; quality, too. Is worth considering. We satis fy both. J. M. Lawrence, Commer cial and Ferry streets. The Sewing Society ' Of the W. R. C. will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Blanche Clear water, 233 South Church street Thursday afternoon,' ' Hotel Marion Dining room a la carte.. Regular lunch 12 to 2 p. m., 60c. Grill room open from 6 a. m. to 16 prim Sun day dinner, table de hote,, 6 p. m. to 8 p. m 75c. Music. Tus-Thr-SaLtf Jlarrlaere Licenses Marriage licenses, were issued yes terday at the county clerk's office, as follows: Mike Niettlng, 30, Stayton and Tlllio Shulblne; 21, Stayton: Ray Francisco, 21, Salem, and Edna Bayes, 20, Salem. -' .. .' . : Northwestern Trip'' ,; Ex-Clty Recorder W. A. Moores, who has recently returned from a trip to California and the Hawaiian Islands, has gone on a tour of the Northwest. He is-taking in Seattle, Victoria, and Vancouver, B. C, on tills trip. Mr. Moores has had sev eral good offers to go into business at Salem where he has lived for 40 years, and will probably: settle down here on his return. '' iot our win .' : ', In a news Item appearing in yes terday's journal it was stated that S. B. Stewart had commonr-prl unit n the circuit court against George C Will and that the purpose of ac tion was to secure a Judgtnent for a real estate commission amounting to $1375. The Item was correct ,in all respects save that the C. should have been eliminated as It was not George C. Will of this city, but George Will of Aurora against whom he suit was brought. ,.; , ', Purchased Walto Residence ; John H. Albert today purchased the E. M. Waite residence, located-on the site where it is proposed to eirect the Carnegie library.. He will move It soon to a point opposite to where his present residence is located, and remodel It throughout. iASEBALL . - . ' A BEGINS PORTLAND tl THREATENED RAIX, BIT THE PARADE WAS CARRIED OUT AM) GRAND 1)TAXD FILLED -MAYOR - SIMON TOSSED THE FIRST BALL. ' . Portlandt pre.Apr48. With rain threatening, the Beavers this after noon hoisted lae llf pennant at the Vaughn-street grounds while the fans ' who filled the grandstands shrieked delightedly. Thus was ushered In the 'baseball season In Portland. With Chief of Police Cox with a squad of police, leading a parade formed at 10th and Morrison, Mayor Simon, city officials, Judge W. W. McCredle and other notables fol lowed' In automobiles. The parade ended at the baseball park where the 'pennant was flung to the breeze with proper ceremony. Councilman Cellars put the first balbiover the plate and Mayor Simon Was behind the bat. Judge McCredle said Cellars' name was looked upon as11 'significant, 'v t -i : 0 : THE CORONER'S i JURY SAYS IT WASjMURDER UNITED TBESS LEASED WlnE.J San. Francisco. Aorll 18. The cor oner's' Jury investigating the death of'Guy Xandsburg, the young Ala meda real estate dealer, rendered a verdict this afternoon that Lands burg was murdered, but whether by accident or intent the evidence did not show. The testlmons, of John O'Rourke.a waiter. Bhowed,-;that Landsburg vis ited the,- Midway cafe nearly two hours after Edward Donley and Frank Torres said they had taken Landsburg's valuables. Therniodyne . A sure cure Jfor' peritonitis. Sold at all drug stores, try t. 4.1S-3t ANNIVERSARY SAN FRANCISCO EARTH QUAKE This Is the fifth anniversary of the San Francisco earthquake, which oc curred April 18, 1906. It was pre dicted for some time after the event that San Francisco would never be rebuilt, but now it is bigger and more beautiful than ever, and the quake Is only a memory. Fire folio ing the quake did the greatest damage, and burned several days, in fact, burned itself out before it quit. Sa lem responded generously to appeals lor aid, and she gave twice, by giv ing really before the call for aid was sent out. ' PERSONALS. Miss Pearl Stevens, a student of the U. of O., Is visiting Miss Esther Ferguson. J. A. Forehand, superintendent of the Puget Sound division of the Post al Telegraph Company, with head quarters In Seattle, is in Salem on business. State Treasurer Tom Kay went to Portland on the Oregon Electric yes terday afternoon. Mrs. John Steelhammer Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jos. Hennan, near Moscow, Idaho, and is expected to return this week. A daughter has come to stay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Smith at their home at the Feeble Minded Institute. IX- untam Vi A Fifteen Minute Car Service has been put in operation past Mountain View and on south to school house. This places Mountain View directly on the car line and from five to seven minutes from the business center of Salem. YOU CAN'T BEAT Mountain View for an invest ment or a home. Lots range in size from 57x145 to HOx 165 and every lot is perfectly graded and has beautiful bearing fruit trees on it. Phone us or call and see us and we will make a date to take you out and show you the property. I E. HOFER & SONS j 20 1 U. a Nat Bk. Bldg. Phope 82 Synopsis of the Annual Statement of the PEOPLE'S NATIOXAL FIRE SCRAXCE COMPAXY. Of Wilmington, in the state of Del aware, on the 31st day of Decern, ber, 1910, made to the Insurance Commissioner lof the State of Ore gon, pursuant to law: Capital. Amount of capital paid up $1,00,000.00 Income. Premiums received dur. ing .the year in cash $1,820,121.32 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year 113,439.05 Income from other sources received dur ing the year 807.75 HOTEL ARRIVALS.. Hotel MarUn: Willis J. Dean, D. W. Bfnnett, J. Prag, A L. Peter, G. E. Wilier and wife, H. Norton, T. J. Kessler, L. D. Wenteil, H. T. Payne, W. P. Bakewell, D. T, Rogers, Fred G. Kahn, M. O. Collins and wife, T. A Charette, Julius Pincus, Portland; J. A Forehand, Seattle; J. Q. Mc Donald, Orenco; Lew L. Thomas, Stayton; C. R Grelsen, Hood River; A W. McGlil, Orenco. Salem Hotel: J. C. Dunne, Eu gene; W. A. Bartholomew, Portland; M. H. Titus, Kingston; J. F. Conrad, Silverton; John Gllllland, Clinton, Okla.; C. B. Wood, Clinton, Okla.; C. C. Cates, Camas, Wash.; R R. More house, Gates. Capital Hotel: J. R. Newell, F. J. Shelp, Portland; P. D. La Fortune, Spokane; C. A. Barlett Evelyn Leltch, Portland; Elsie Finlay, Seat tle. Cottage Hotel: W. B Doxle, B. Mishell, New York; Charles E. Ed wards, San Francisco; F. E, Mangls, Jefferson; A Otterson, Orenco; Jack Summers. Portland; 3. II. 'Dunn, Portland; Calno Baker, D. A Muth, Portland. Farm For Sale 148 acres good land at $125. 121 acres close In for $150. 115 acres, 85 cleared, at $35. 104 acres with crop at $150. 75 acres close in $200. 240 acres near Mehama at $30. 120 acres, 6 miles -south, at $75. 205 acres, crop, stock, etc., $100. 283 acres, Waldo Hills, at $80. 640 acres bottom land at $100. 20 acres 3 miles out at $100. This place can be bought for $100 down; balance $20 per month. Will sell half or all. ' 5 acres at Hollywood, $250 per acre, easy terms. . BECHTEL & BYXOX 347 State street . Telephone 452 - IlnsrlMill Postponed. Postponements: Americans at St. Louis. Chicago-St. Louis game postponed, rain. Total income $1,934,388.12 Disbursements. Losse paid during the year $ 740,484.10 Dividends paid during the year on capital stock 50,000.00 Commissions and sal aries paid during the year 689, 87, ".36 Taxes, licenses and fees paid duri-jg the year 4;) 202.65 Amount of all other expenditures . . . . 78,647,6;! Total expeuditura . . $1.612, 271. SO Asm ts C'.'lnteral $ 2l7,r.25 0 nive of stocks and bonds ownd ..... 1,55,5 4.14. 2i raP5 on meninges and collateral, etc.. 666,850.00 Cash in banks and on hand Premiums In course of collection and' In trans mission Interest and rents due and accrued 156,338.11 252,651.64 32,437.40 Total assets . . Leas special deposits in any state (If any there be) $2,779,236.40 Total admitted assets In Oregon $2,779,236.40 Liabilities. Gross claims for losses unpaid $ 149,685.69 Amount of unearned premiums on all out. standing risks .... 1,217,809.61 Due for commission and brokerage 25.000.00 AH other liabilities . . 42,420.26 Total liabilities $1,424,915.56 Total Insurance in force December 31, 1910 $2,026,684.15 Business In Oreson for the Year. Total risks written dur- the year $1,199,718.00 Gross premiums re ceived' during the year 26.984.41 Premiums returned dur ing the year 7.460.60 Losses paid" during the year R.007.9B Losses Incurred during the year 5.584.74 Total amount of risks outstanding In Oregon December 31, 1910 $1,013,818.00 PEOPLE'S XATIOXAL FIRE IX. SVRAXCE COMPAXY. By W. F. BRAUR. Asst. Secretary. Statutory resident agent and attor ney for service: Frank E. Doolev S. T. Richardson, aa-en Salem. Or Prompt relief In all cases of throat and lung trouble If you use Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy. Pleasant to take, soothing and healing In efflect Sold by all, dealers. Y ' . o . Women's Union Label League will hold an International convention 'In Indianapolis next June. Cottage Undertaking Parlors. Modern In every detail. Lady assist an:. Corner Cottage and Chemekeu. hone 724. Monmouth, Oregon The home of the State Normal, Is a splendid town, surrounded by a mag nificent country. The climate can not be excelled on earth. Land Is cheaper here than any place In Ore gon considering everything. We want good people and can take care of a great many. Wa have a very large list of very fine bargains. Note, the following: A splendid 123-acre farm 4 miles out for $50 per acre. A good rolling farm of 57 acres Improved, only 2 miles out, good soil; $60. 285 acres almost In town, 200 un der cultivation, excellent soil, $75. 70 acres near town, house, barn, orchard, lots of berries for $32. 62 acres with Improvements costing $4,000, an Ideal home, $7,000. The only hotel In Monmouth doing a fine business, $1300. The only hotel in Jefferson, Ore. gon with splendid trade, only $5,000. Terms can be had on all these. Write or come and see us. 200 acres all black fine piow land, well Improved, almost In town, $100. A very fine 450 acre stock farm with R. R. running through it, only $35. Monmouth Real Estate Company I West Salem Transfer I Passenger Baggage Connects with all trains at West Salem for Dallas, Falls City and Salem. Leave Journal office for West Salem at 8:40 a. m., 12 m i:io p. m. and 4.00 p. m. every day except Sunday. Also for Independence, Mon mouth and McMlnnvilU. - Leaves Sunday at 8:00 a. m., 1:00 p. m., and 6:16 p.m. Calls at hotels on request. Telephone or lea re orders at Capita Journal office any day bnt Sunday. Phone 12. J. B. Underwood, Mgr. BE SURE and see th, new St Dayton auto. 30 St0W 1 equipped. Two door. $145oL'UU7 ' door torpedo, $1600 f h four E. N. Gillingham. ,'gent "j. $700-Two largr--p 304 U. S. N-a, Ean, Co, Phone 4?n "'c,u- "re. ; 'ex: for a choice plet, 8Creage 8e Hollywood; 5 and u attracts a.. c,We, BAY CITY PROPETY Salem 7 who have Bay City sale w 11 do well to Hat it Un undersigned. Make the price , sonable and we can sell it ,or E. Hofer& Sons, 201 v. g. Nat"J Bank, Salem. . naI WAXTED-House to rent for boarj. Ing house close in, or this gde , Twelfth street. . Send descrlptlo. i.miB id room 201 U. 8. N'g. 4-18-tf tlonal bank. FOR SALE New 8-room mod, home, furnace, electric lights two blocks from the capital. Applr 960 Center St. Phone 896. 4-i8.3t. FOR SALE Five acres close to Fair Grounds, all cleared, rich deep soil, easy terms. Bechtel & Bvbod 347 State St. FOR SALE One singe and double driving harness and rubber-tired top, buggy. Wm. Brown Co., Inc., 129 Commercial St. 4-18-3t FOR SALE a secondhand E. M. J. touring car. Price only $850 fullj equipped, as good as new. See a F. Anderson, Great Western Gar-age- 4-18-31' GOOD chicken ranch for sale cheap; good soil, Small house, close ii See Bechtel & Bynon, 347 State St. STENOGRAPHERS WANTED I want stenographers to know about Lockwoods Ribbon Service. Nest time you need a ribbon for your machine, telephone Main 968, give name of machine and color desired, I will place on your machine t Webster Star Brand ribbon. Price to you to introduce will be only 75c for the regular dollar Webster Star rlbbon and saves you bother of putting it on. C. M. Lockwood, Typewriters, ribbons, Rollers, re pairing. No. 214-216 N. Commercial street. 4-lS-3t A SPECIAL LETTER TO YOU-Thll Is in regard to 36 acres of verr choice farming land In the highest state of cultivation only three miles from Salem. Good 9-roora house, fine large barn and other Improvements, that will make you a beautiful home. Especially adapted for dairy or fruit The price has been cut square In the middle , and It must be sold on ' good terms for $7,500. No such of fer on land close-in to the Capital City is made today. For further Information inquire of J. D. War ing, room 17, Bush Bank Building, Salem, Oregon. 4-14-tf Gives Aid to Strikers. Sometimes liver, kidney and bowels seem to go on a strike and refuse to work right Then you need those pleasant little strike-breakers Dr. icing's New Life Pills to give them natural aid and gently compel prop er action. Excellent health soon fol lows. Try them, 25c at I C, Perrj. Druggist MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on personal and city property. Z. T. Keyes, 314 U. S. National Bank Bldg. 4-15-lm MONEY TO LOAN THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd and Bush Bank. Salem. Or GEORGE M. POST ARCHITECT Corner State & Liberty Sta, Solera, Oregon. Boom 1, Gray BIk. Phone 8W. Norwich Union CnnipfV. Burghardt & Meredith, Resident Ag 385 STATE STKi-ti. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES Bought OSold Rented Repaired Ribbons Rollers SnppHe , or Yon Do Anythln C M. LOCKWOOD phone 214-1 X. Com St 008 MI Safe Of.